FL Project

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Liyundira Grendis Gunawan



The digital period in this modern era is developing rapidly and quickly. One of them
comes from information and communication technology, whose development has
always increased significantly every year. Mobile media or other network media that
use the internet are intended as human tools to communicate or find the latest
information. For example, the use of social media such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram
or Tiktok is a means for people or community to express themselves to others as a place
to show characteristics of self-identity. Not only that, the use of social media is often
used as a place to provide criticism and hate speech to people seen through social media
because their behavior or uploaded photos invite controversy. Often people in the world
of social media throw scathing words or bad sentences directed at the person being
blasphemed, without thinking about the feelings of the person being blasphemed.

Currently, one of the most frequent social media used by people in expressing opinions
and suggests that are popular and famous is Twitter. Through Twitter, people or
netizens in the slang language, can create space to write comments anything to the
status or upload of tweets uploaded by the user. The rise of the use of Twitter as a social
media besides can provide entertainment and convenience for its users, Twitter as well
can cause problems. The problem that is often trending and rising is that tweets from
someone's users about their tweets contain elements of dislike for people or netijens. In
terms of language and the form of typing, people often question the account users,
giving rise to hate speech towards account users who make controversial tweets, and the
people or netizens who read them become more angry and hateful. Because of this, the
name hate speech became the main trigger for social media activities everywhere.

Hate speech is defined as an act of communication carried out by an individual or group
in the form of insults, defamation, blasphemy, unpleasant acts, provocation, incitement,
spreading fake news (HOAX) and all of the actions above have the purpose or can have
an impact on acts of discrimination, violence , loss of life, and social conflict. This
speech is addressed to individuals or other groups in various aspects such as race, skin
color, ethnicity, gender, disability, sexual orientation, nationality, religion, and others.
Someone who utters hate speech due to various factors and something that encourages,
one for example because the person has a different opinion and is not being be on the
side of the person being attacked with the hate speech. In addition, someone who utters
hate speech also feels that what is said is an act of trauma and resentment because of
hatred towards the person who was insulted. Evil and dirty sentences are not reluctant to
be spoken to people who are insulted with heart and shamelessness, not forgetting to
usually include animal language harshly as an expression of hatred and disappointment.
Judging from the many tweets on Twitter, there will be many hate speechs by netijens
or people directed at user accounts that provide a post containing the factor of dislike as
a target for insult. Therefore, this study will discuss the hate speechs found on a social
media named Twitter, to be studied in terms of the utterances or sentences made.

Based on this background, this study uses a forensic linguistic study by Olsson (2008)
as an analysis of hate speech on one of the social media, namely Twitter. Olsson's
forensic linguistics approach focuses on cases or problems that violate social values and
norms in society such as cases of spreading fake news, warnings, insults, and etc. Even
though it has not yet been brought to court. That crime formed through language is a
crime that can be learned using a linguistic point of view. This study also uses a
pragmatics approach from Yule (1996), as an analysis of speech act language and
lexical semantics in terms of the meaning of words on utterances or sentences contained
in hate speechs. As for the purpose of this study is to find out the types of hate speech
found on social media Twitter and to identify and analyze the intended meaning
contained in the utterances or sentences in Twitter, that can be categorized as hate
speech. It can be seen through pragmatics approach which refer to the analysis of
illocutionary speech acts and lexical semantics approach from the meaning of words.


This study is a type of study using qualitative methods with forensic linguistic approach
for hate speech analysis, as well as pragmatics and semantics approaches for analysis in
terms of language structure. Data collection for this study was obtained from results of
observing and analyzing evidence of crime language in the form of hate speech by
Indonesian netizens who are found in tweets or in the reply column on Twitter. The
writer analyzed the data with several stages, there are collection of data found in tweets
or reply columns on Twitter, reducing data, presenting data, and analyzing data.

In this study there are two sources of data, namely primary source of data and secondary
source of data. Primary sources of data in this study are social media of Twitter in the
form of screenshot evidence from taken via smartphone or laptop that can be accessed
by all parties, in the form of words and sentences containing hate speech found in tweets
or reply columns on Twitter. While the secondary sources of data in this study are
books, articles of journal, and internet according to the theme of this study.


In the analysis of this study, several forms of hate speech were found and the use of
linguistic features in the language structure found on users account of social media
Twitter. In this analysis refers to the theory Olsson (2008) as an aprroach to forensic
linguistics and Yule (1996) for pragmatics approach in terms of illocutionary speech

1. Humiliation

Data Humiliation 1:

Picture 1. Humiliation

The hate speech on Twitter above includes the type of hate speech in the form of
humiliation. The ejection on the Twitter user account named @iamgreat26 makes
utterances with negative and harsh words directed at Gitasav. Here it can be seen that
the account user does not like the opinion of Gitasav, who mentions other people she
comments with the word “stunting”. The hate speech made by the Twitter user account
is included in the type of illocutionary speech act in the form of expressive speech act.
According to Yule (1996), expressive are those kinds of speech acts that speech act that
state what the speakers feels. This statement was uttered by a user account because she
felt angry and annoyed with Gitasav for her words that called other people stunting. It
can be seen that the user account is expressing anger. On the other hand, there is
linguistic features in the hate speech above, namely the use of lexical semantics. It was
found that there are a clause in the sentences that contains lexical semantics, such as the
word “sampah” which means a waste material that is thrown away from production, or
the remains of human daily activities and smells bad also dirty. Furthermore, the word
“sakit” means the function of the body is in trouble and there is disease in the body.
These words are included in the type of humiliation because the meaning of these words
is negative.

Data Humiliation 2:

Picture 2. Humiliation

The hate speech above includes the type of hate speech in the form of humiliation with
harsh and bad words towards a person named Gitasav. Hate speech on the Twitter user
account named @panggilankusi made utterances with unkind and harsh sentences, by
throwing bad words at Gitasav. Here it can be seen that the user of the account made

remarks with harsh and bad words to try to vent her anger at Gitasav, because Gitasav
called other people “stunting” which means malnutrition in the body. It can be seen that
the user account is trying to get people who read her tweets to agree with the opinion
she made about Gitasav which was considered bad, because she typed her comments to
other people on Instagram. The hate speech made by the Twitter user account is
included in the type of illocutionary speech act in the form of expressive speech act.
Where expressive speech act is a speech act to reveal or express something from within
the action or utterances of others. The utterances in the sentences made by the speaker
are a form of annoyance with Gitasav typing which provokes other people's emotions
when reading. On the other hand, there is linguistic features in the hate speech above,
namely the use of lexical semantics. It was found that there is a clause in the sentence
that contains lexical semantics, such as the word "setan" which has the meaning to refer
to every creature that is evil, rebellious, likes to defect, etc. These word is included in
the type of humiliation to others, because contain harsh and bad words.

2. Racial Blasphemy (SARA)

Picture 3. Racial Blasphemy (SARA)

The hate speech above includes the type of hate speech in the form of blasphemy in one
of the provinces in Indonesia. Hate speech on the Twitter user account named
@pendakimagelang makes utterances with words that are blasphemy and not true, also
are supported by sentences in the form of prayers to one of the provinces in Indonesia.
Here it can be seen that the user of the account made an inappropriate remark to one of
the provinces in Indonesia because there was a feeling of annoyance with the people
there or the government there, by making sentences that were so insulting and

demeaning. The hate speech made by the Twitter user account is included in the type of
illocutionary speech act in the form of commissive speech act. Commissive speech
acts, according to Yule (1996: 94), are types of speech acts that are understood by the
speaker to commit himself to actions in the future. That saying delivered involve the
speaker on some upcoming action. The utterances in these sentences mean to pray that
bad things will happen to the province again. Here the speaker intends to pray for one of
the provinces in Indonesia so that another tsunami disaster occurs. On the other hand,
there are linguistic features in the hate speech above, namely the use of lexical
semantics. It was found that a clause in the sentence contains lexical semantics, such as
the word “kejam” which means ruthless and barbaric, then the word “bringas” which
means an act that is wild and unmanageable. Furthermore, the word “brutal” has the
meaning of an act or character that is rude, impudent, or impolite. These words are
included in the type of blasphemy because these words refer to people in the province
there and the meaning of these words is harsh and blasphemy.

3. Defamation

Picture 4. Defamation

The hate speech above includes the type of hate speech in the form of defamation the
Former Governor of DKI Jakarta. Hate speech on the Twitter user account named
@DoankWarto makes utterances with words of defamation by using unkind and
negative words, which aims to bring down that person’s image and influencing public

opinion to tell people that the person is unrighteous and evil. Here it can be seen that the
user account made remarks that denigrated Anis Baswedan's name and spread incorrect
information about Anis Baswedan with impolite words, with the aim that Indonesian
people believe in the sentences he said about Anis Baswedan. Aside from that, the
account user expressed his disappointment with Anis Baswedan for some reason, thus
making the hate speech. The hate speech made by the Twitter user account is included
in the type of illocutionary speech act in the form of assertive speech act. The
utterances in the sentences made by the speaker aim to instruct the Indonesian people to
trust the information made about Anis Baswedan. By uttering words that are
disrespectful and demeaning to the person who is blasphemed. On the other hand, there
are linguistic features in the hate speech above, namely the use of lexical semantics.
There is a clause found in the sentence that contains lexical semantics, that is, the word
“jahat” which means a bad character or action, then the word “pendendam” which
means an action that wants to repay evil or unpleasant activities. Furthermore, the word
“jelek” which means something that is not pleasing to the eye. These words are
included in the type of defamation of a person because they refer to the name Anis
Baswedan which was uttered with disrespect and condescension. In addition, linguistic
features were also found in the hate speech above, namely morphology. There are
words that contain morphology, including the word “proyek2” which means an activity
to produce something with a limited time. The word “proyek2” should be made with
the correct language structure to be “proyek-proyek” in Indonesian. And the word
“spy”, which means “supaya” in Indonesian. The morphology words above are made
with an incorrect and inappropriate language arrangements.

4. Spread of Fake News (HOAX)

Picture 5. Spread of Fake News (HOAX)

The hate speech above includes the type of hate speech in the form of spread of fake
news (HOAX) to one of the well-known parties in Indonesia. The hate speech on the
Twitter user account named @OnFucker makes utterances with false and untrue
sentences, with accusations that are not based on truth. Here it can be seen that the
account user made remarks with impolite words and tried to bring down the image of
the party in Indonesia with sentences that did not match reality. It can be seen that the
user account is trying to make the Indonesian people believe in what is being informed.
The hate speech made by the Twitter user account is included in the type of
illocutionary speech act in the form of assertive speech act. The utterances in the
sentences made by the speakers aim to instruct and incite the Indonesian people to
believe the information made about the PDIP party, so that one day elections will come
not to vote for that party. Utterances that was made up by using words that were
impolite, incorrect, and degrading the dignity of the PDIP party. On the other hand,
there are linguistic features in the hate speech above, namely the use of lexical
semantics. It was found that there is a clause in the sentence that contains lexical
semantics, such as the word “pengadu domba” which means the act of spreading false
news to an individual, so that individuals do not like each other. Then the word
“teroris” which means an action or deed that uses the threat of violence to create an
atmosphere of terror and fear. Furthermore, the word “anti Pancasila” which means a
form of hatred and dislike for Pancasila. These words are included in the type of
defamation as well as a form of spreading fake news to the PDIP party which is speech

in a disrespectful and demeaning manner. In addition, linguistic features were also
found in the hate speech above, namely morphology. There are words that contain
morphology, including the word “dgn” which has the meaning of a conjunction for the
next sentence. The word “dgn” should be made with the correct language arrangement
to be “dengan” in Indonesian. And the word “utk” which has a meaning as a
conjunction to express something. The word “utk” that is correct in the language
structure is “untuk” in Indonesian. The morphology words above are made with
inappropriate and incorrect language arrangements.


Based on the results of the study analysis above, it can be concluded that there are types
of hate speech found on social media namely Twitter. The types of hate speech found on
Twitter include humiliation, racial blasphemy, defamation, and spread of fake news
(HOAX). Of the four findings regarding the types of hate speech, it was found that
many Twitter users account uttered utterances of hate speech at people who were
insulted using words that were harsh, bad, unkind, impolite, and demeaning. Besides
that, it was also found the use of linguistics features in the language structure in each
tweet post on Twitter. The findings from the use of linguistic features are as follows:

1. Illocutionary speech acts, which include expressive speech act, commissive

speech act, and assertive speech act.
2. Lexical semantics in the utterances or sentences in each tweet post by using
words that are so impolite and rude, such as sampah, sakit, setan, kejam,
bringas, brutal, jahat, pendendam, jelek, pengadu domba, teroris, and anti
pancasila. Where every word has its real meaning.
3. Morphology found in tweets post on Twitter with abbreviated forms, such as
proyek2, spy, dgn, and utk.


Irawan. (2018). Hate Speech di Indonesia: Bahaya dan Solusi. Jurnal Dakwah dan
Pengetahuan Sosial Kemanusiaan, 9(1), 1-7.

Olsson, J. (2008). Forensic linguistics: second edition. London: Cobtinum International
Publishing Group.

Ramadani, F. S. (2021). Ujaran Kebencian Netizen Indonesia dalam Kolom Komentar

Instagram Selebgram Indonesia: Sebuah Kajian Linguistik Forensik. AKSARA:
Jurnal Bahasa dan Sastra, 22(1), 1-19.

Tarigan, S. N., & Mulyadi. (2019). Forensic Linguistics: Ratna Sarumpaet’s Persecution
Case on Hate Speech. International Journal of Linguistics, Literature and
Translation (IJLLT), 2(1), 169-177.

Yule, George. (1996). Pragmatics. Oxford: Oxford University Press.


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