Abx Micros Es60
Abx Micros Es60
Abx Micros Es60
A. 510(k) Number:
E. System Descriptions:
1. Device Description:
The ABX MICROS ES 60 is a quantitative, automated hematology analyzer and
leukocyte differential counter for in vitro diagnostic use in clinical laboratories. The
instrument system is comprised of the analyzer and a suite of analytical reagents that
allow for simultaneous quantitative determination of hemoglobin measurement, cell
counting, quality control, calibration, and cleaning. The system is a microprocessor
controlled hematology analyzer used for the in vitro diagnostic testing of whole blood
specimens. It operates in complete blood count (CBC) and Differential (DIFF) mode
using a combination of focused flow impedance and light transmission technologies. It is
available in Closed (CT) or Open Tube (OT) sampling versions.
2. Principles of Operation:
The ABX Micros ES 60 principle of automated cell counting and sizing is used in the
analysis of the whole blood. Each cell suspended in a conductive liquid (diluent) acts as
an insulator. As each cell goes through the aperture, it momentarily increases the
resistance of the electrical path between two submerged electrodes on either side of the
aperture. This causes a measurable electronic pulse. While the number of pulses
indicates particle count, the amplitude of the electrical pulse is proportional to the cell
volume. These pulses are sent to the Signal Conditioner for analog to digital conversion.
Pulse counts and digitized pulse measurements are sent to the System Manager for
processing by the algorithms where the reported parameter values, flags and histograms
are generated.
The lysing reagent breaks down the RBC cell membrane and releases the hemoglobin
contained by the cell. The hemoglobin, released by the lysing reagent, combines with the
potassium cyanide from the lysing reagent to form a chromogenous cyanmethemoglobin
compound. This compound is then measured through the optical part of the WBC/HGB
chamber by spectrophotometry at a wavelength of 550 nm.
3. Modes of Operation:
Does the applicant’s device contain the ability to transmit data to a computer, webserver,
or mobile device?
Does the applicant’s device transmit data to a computer, webserver, or mobile device
using wireless transmission?
4. Specimen Identification:
Specimen identification is by manual sample identification or with the use of a hand held
barcode scanner.
6. Calibration:
ABX Minocal calibrator (k955925) is used for the ABX Micros ES 60 calibration
procedure. Assigned assay values are traceable to reference methods. Calibration is
performed by a HORIBA ABX SAS representative during specific situations such as
installation, maintenance or service intervention.
7. Quality Control:
ABX Minotrol 16 Control (high, normal and low) (k850755) is used to monitor system
performance for all directly measured and calculated CBC and Diff parameters. Assigned
assay values are determined on validated instruments using the appropriate reagents.
8. Software:
FDA has reviewed applicant’s Hazard Analysis and Software Development processes for
this line of product types:
F. Regulatory Information:
1. Regulation section:
2. Classification:
Class II
3 Product code:
4. Panel:
Hematology (81)
G. Intended Use:
2. Comparison with Predicate Device:
Item Device Predicate
(ABX MICROS ES 60) (ABX MICROS 60 - k030799)
Intended Use The ABX MICROS ES 60 (OT and CT The ABX MICROS 60 Hematology
models) is a quantitative multi-parameter, Analyzer is a fully automated
automated hematology analyzer for in vitro (microprocessor controlled)
diagnostic use in clinical laboratories to hematology analyzer used for the in
identify and enumerate the following vitro diagnostic testing of whole
parameters: WBC, RBC, HGB, HCT, blood specimens or blood cell
MCV, MCH, MCHC, RDW, PLT, MPV, concentrates. It operates in complete
LYM%, LYM#, MON%, MON#, GRA%, blood count (CBC) mode.
GRA#, in K2EDTA and K3EDTA
anticoagulated venous whole blood
samples of adult patient population. It is
not intended to be used for pediatric
Principles of Measurement
RBC, PLT, HCT, MPV Impedance Same
HGB Spectrophotometry Same
WBC, WBC Differential Impedance Same
RDW, MCV, MCH, Calculation Same
Diluent ABX Minidil LMG Same
Lyse ABX Minilyse LMG or ABX Alphalyse Same
Cleaner ABX Miniclean Same
Reagent Pack ABX Minipack LMG Same
Concentrated cleaning ABX Minoclair Same
Quality Controls ABX Minotrol 16 (3 levels) Same
Calibrator ABX Minocal Same
System configuration Bench top Same
Handheld barcode reader (optional)
Integrated barcode reader (CT version
Sampling mechanism Single tube presentation – open and closed Same
vial sampling
Aspiration pathway Single sampling probe and common Same
aspiration pathway used for all sample
presentation modes
Minimum sample 50 µL Same
Specimen sample 10 µL
Counting aperture
diameters Same
RBC/PLT 50 µm
WBC 80 µm
Item Device Predicate
(ABX MICROS ES 60) (ABX MICROS 60 - k030799)
Dilution ratios:
RBC/PLT chamber 1/15000 Same
Item Device Predicate
(ABX MICROS ES 60) (ABX MICROS 60 - k030799)
User Interface Display Automated instrument with 8” LCD touch Automated instrument with 3” LCD
screen display display
Software application Linux-based software application Internally developed software
Analytical cycle 1. Draining sequence done by vacuum 1. Draining sequence movement
2. No air bubble. 2. Presence of air bubble at the
end of all cycles
Sample types Whole blood samples only Whole blood samples and blood cell
Dilution ratio: WBC 1/260 1/250
Throughput OT/CT models: 60/50 samples per hour OT/CT model: approx. 60/55
samples per hour
J. Performance Characteristics:
1. Analytical Performance:
a. Method Comparison
A total of 237 whole blood specimens from adult patients were analyzed at one
test site in France. Each sample was analyzed in duplicate on the ABX Micros ES
60 CT (Close Tube model) and on the ABX Micros ES 60 OT (Open Tube
model). Bias was estimated at three points for each parameter: the low end of the
distribution of observations, the mid-point, and the high end of the distribution.
Bias was estimated separately for each replicate. Acceptance criteria were met
for all measurands at all levels. These findings support the claim that both Open
Tube and Close Tube models of ABX Micros ES60 device yield comparable
performances across the analytical range for all parameters. Passing Bablok
regression analyses demonstrate comparable performance between Micros ES 60
OT and Micros ES 60 CT models across the analytical range for all the
parameters. Bias data for the first replicate of samples tested in the comparison
study are provided below.
First replicate:
Passing Bablock
%Bias confidence interval 95%
Regression Bias
r² Slope Intercept Level 1 Level 2 Level 3
WBC 0.998 1.00 0.08 9.80% [-3.4% ; 6.5%] [0.1% ; 1.7%] [0% ; 1.6%]
RBC 0.996 1.00 -0.02 3.40% [-2.8% ; 2.7%] [-1.1% ; 0.8%] [-1% ; 0.6%]
HGB 0.997 0.99 0.32 3.10% [-1.4% ; 7%] [-0.7% ; 2.3%] [-1.1% ; 1.5%]
HCT 0.996 0.98 0.59 1.70% [-1.5% ; 1.7%] [-1.4% ; 0.6%] [-1.8% ; 0.2%]
MCV 0.975 1.00 0 1.20% [-5.2% ; 0%] [-3.3% ; 0%] [-2.7% ; 0.6%]
MCH 0.948 1.07 -1.69 [-4.6% ; 5.6%] [-1.9% ; 5.4%] [-1% ; 6.4%]
MCH 0.706 1.33 -10.57 [-24.8% ; 9.8%] [-11.8% ; 13%] [-8.3% ; 17.2%]
RDW 0.896 1.00 0.20 4.00% [-8.6% ; 7.9%] [-6.1% ; 6.1%] [-4.6% ; 5.3%]
PLT 0.987 0.98 5.63 14.7% [-12.8% ; 28.3%] [-3.2% ; 3.7%] [-3.6% ; 0.8%]
MPV 0.955 1.00 -0.20 2.30% [-3.3% ; 3.0%] [-2.4% ; 1.00%] [-2.7% ; 0.7%]
LYM 0.987 1.00 0.30 12.0% [-15.5% ; 43.7%] [-0.2% ; 2.1%] [-0.6% ; 1.7%]
LYM 0.999 1.00 0.10 12.0% [0.6% ; 10%] [0.9% ; 4.6%] [0.7% ; 3.9%]
MON 0.960 1.03 0.10 26.0% [-6.7% ; 16%] [0.4% ; 6.8%] [0.2% ; 6.6%]
MON 0.979 1.00 0.00 13.2% [0% ; 0%] [0% ; 0%] [0% ; 0%]
GRA 0.989 1.00 -0.73 9.10% [-10.9% ; 3.0%] [-3.4% ; 0.8%] [-2.0% ; 0.7%]
GRA 0.999 1.00 0.00 9.10% [0% ; 0%] [0% ; 0%] [0% ; 0%]
2. ABX Micros ES (CT) and ABX Micros ES (OT) vs. Manual Microscopy
100 normal and 100 pathological samples preserved in K2EDTA covering the full
analytic range of the ABX Micros ES60 were analyzed in duplicate on the ABX
Micros ES 60 OT and ABX Micros ES 60 CT. Two slides for each sample were
prepared using May Grunwald Giemsa staining. Samples were classified into
Normal or Abnormal samples for the ABX Micros ES 60 OT, ABX Micros ES 60
CT, and the reference method (manual slide microscopy for differential count).
Method comparison studies were designed using the CLSI H20-A2 procedure
by the construction of the "envelope" (or Confidence Interval CI) that takes into
account the imprecision of both the test and the manual method (95% and 99%
confidence interval, respectively).
Based on a Gaussian distribution, 5% of the individual results may fall outside
the 95% envelope. No result should exceed the 99% limits without biological
explanation and a flag. Samples exceeding the 99% limits with a biological
explanation and a flag are considered as outliers.
Positive 97 3 9 4 99 1
Reference (Abnormal)
Method 6
Negative 43 57 5 49 66 34
(Normal) 1
A total of 179 whole blood specimens from adult patients were analyzed at four
test sites in the US. Each of the samples was analyzed in duplicate on the ABX
Micros ES 60 (CT model) and on the predicate ABX Micros 60. Bias was
estimated at three points for each parameter: the low end of the distribution of
observations, the mid-point, and the high end of the distribution. Bias was
estimated separately for each replicate. Acceptance criteria were met for all
measurands at all levels. These findings support the claim that the ABX Micros
ES60 candidate device and the ABX Micros 60 predicate device are substantially
equivalent, and demonstrate acceptable levels of bias.
Method Comparison (ABX Micros 60 vs. ABX Micros ES 60 CT), Estimated bias for combined sites.
To establish that the candidate device (ABX Micros ES 60 CT) is comparable with the
predicate device (ABX Micros 60) following bias and r² acceptance criteria was
established for Rep 1 and Rep 2.
b. Precision/Reproducibility:
Repeatability Study
Repeatability was performed in-house using 12 normal and 10 abnormal
fresh whole blood samples collected into tubes containing K2EDTA
anticoagulant. Each sample was run 10 consecutive times on two models of the
Micros ES 60 (ES 60 OT and ES 60 CT), in a single day and all runs were
completed within 8 hours of sample collection. The standard deviation was
compared with the mean value of each parameter and the CV% was calculated.
Results were within the specifications shown below.
Reproducibility was assessed on three Micros ES 60 instruments at three sites, one
operator per site. At each site; High, Normal, and Low levels of one single lot of
Minotrol control material were run in duplicate, twice each day, for a total of 82 days
among the three sites. Total standard deviation and CV% were calculated for each
measurand and results obtained were within specifications shown below. The Micros
ES 60 met the acceptance criteria.
All Sites Combined Within-Run Between-Day Between-Run Total
c. Linearity:
Linearity was assessed s using R&D Systems CBC-LINE high and low range
linearity kits according to the manufacturer’s instructions. The expected values of the
kit samples were considered the “true values”. Each level was run in replicates of
four (n=4) as recommended by the kit supplier. For each level, the 4 replicate results
were plotted versus the theoretical value. The findings of the polynomial regression
analysis indicate that the ABX Micros ES 60 exhibits linearity across the claimed
range. The Micros ES 60 met the acceptance criteria.
d. Carryover:
The potential for sample carryover was tested in duplicate on the ABX Micros ES 60
OT and CT instruments using alternating high and low sample concentrations.
Carry-over effects were evaluated by assaying a diluted sample 3 times, low (L1-3)
then a sample with high cell concentrations 3 times (H1-3), followed immediately by
testing a diluted sample consecutively 3 times (L4-6). Clinical samples were either
concentrated or diluted to obtain the following target high and low sample values:
All carry-over results were within specifications, <1% for the ABX Micros ES OT
and CT Systems for the following parameters: WBC, RBC, HGB, and PLT.
e. Interfering Substances:
Eleven (11) whole venous blood specimens (collected in K2EDTA and K3EDTA)
were analyzed on the ABX Micros ES 60 (OT model) at one site in France in order to
cover the AMR for the majority of measurands. Following the collection (T0), each
specimen was divided in half, with one sample stored at ambient temperature (20-
24oC) and the other stored under refrigerated conditions (2-8oC). Testing for stability
was performed at 2, 6, 8, 10, 24, 36, 48, 60 and 72 hours after T0. The first aliquot of
each specimen was run sequentially in any order. The second aliquot was run in
reverse order to minimize the effects of carryover and drift. The acceptance criteria
for sample stability is given as an acceptable maximum bias of the value at T with the
value at T0. All data met specifications.
A total of 52 normal and pathological blood specimens were analyzed on the ABX
Micros ES 60 (CT model) at three sites in the US. Testing was performed using a
different instrument and operator at each site. The specimens used in this study were
venous blood specimens that were prospectively specifically collected for this study.
Each subject provided blood collected in both K2EDTA and K3EDTA. Each of the
samples was analyzed in duplicate on the ABX Micros ES 60 CT. Bias was
estimated at three points for each parameter: the low end of the distribution of
observations, the mid-point, and the high end of the distribution. Bias was estimated
separately for each replicate. Acceptance criteria were met for all measurands at all
levels. These findings support the claim that K2EDTA and K3EDTA specimens give
comparable results as measured on the ABX Micros ES 60 hematology analyzer.
Measurand LoB
WBC 0.1x103/mm3
RBC 0.01x106/mm3
HCT 0.1 %
PLT 1x103/mm3
Verification of Limit of Detection (LoD)
A set of six samples with very low parameter concentration (i.e. in the range of LoB
and 4 x LoB) were run 10 times over several days. LoD was estimated from the
calculation of the pooled standard deviation of 60 results. Testing was performed on
two (2) instruments with two reagents lots. Results on Micros ES 60 OT and Micros
ES 60 CT were similar and met specifications. Testing from 10 runs of 6 low
samples on each instrument resulted in the following results for LoD:
Measurand LoD
WBC 0.2x103/mm3
RBC 0.01x106/mm3
HGB 0.5 g/dL
HCT 0.2 %
PLT 4x103/mm3
Measurand LoQ
WBC 0.8x103/mm3
RBC 0.7x106/mm3
HGB 0.6 g/dL
HCT 8%
PLT 42x103/mm3
4. Reference Intervals:
Defined reference values are not significantly different between the ABX Micros ES
60 OT and CT models. For each gender, a single reference interval applicable
(Shared Interval) on both versions of the analyzers has been defined as described in
the following table.
MICROS ES60 (N=135) (N=140)
Reference Interval
WBC (103/mm3) 4.3 9.6 4.2 10.3
RBC (106/mm3) 4.1 5.7 4.0 5.1
HGB (g/dl) 12.6 16.7 11.6 15.1
HCT (%) 38.3 50.8 35.8 46.4
MCV (µm3) 83 97 83 98
MCH (pg) 26.7 32.3 26.8 32.5
MCHC (g/dl) 31.7 34 31.8 34.0
RDW (%) 11.1 14.4 11.3 13.9
PLT (103/mm3) 156 370 181 393
MPV (µm3) 6.3 9.1 6.5 9.0
LYM (103/mm3) 1.1 3.1 1.2 3.4
MON (103/mm3) 0.1 0.6 0.1 0.6
GRA (103/mm3) 2.6 7.0 2.7 7.4
LYM (%) 16.5 44.7 17.7 45.2
MON (%) 3.1 8.3 3.3 8.1
GRA (%) 49.1 76.9 49.2 77.7
K. Proposed Labeling:
The labeling is sufficient and it satisfies the requirements of 21 CFR Part 809.10.
L. Conclusion: