WF Rock Phosphate
WF Rock Phosphate
WF Rock Phosphate
Health Hazard 0
Fire Hazard 0 0
Reactivity 0
Personal Protection A
Emergency Overview: This product is, generally, non-hazardous to health when used in accord with
manufacturer's directions. Wash hands and exposed skin with soap and water after using this product.
Inhalation: Move to an area free from risk of further exposure. Treat symptomatically if required. No adverse
effects anticipated by this route of exposure incidental to proper handling.
Eye Contact: Flush with clean, lukewarm water at low pressure. Seek medical attention if irritation persists.
Skin Contact: Wash affected areas thoroughly with soap and warm water immediately after use of this product.
Ingestion: Ingestion of large quantities may be irritating to the G.I. tract, requiring symptomatic treatment.
Clean-up Procedures: Pick up or shovel material into waste container taking care to minimize dust. Wet down if
necessary to control dust. Vacuum clean dust.
Personal Precautions: If dusty conditions exist, wear a face mask approved for use with dusts such as 3M 8511 N-
95 or equivalent.
Environmental Precautions: Neutral to the environment.
Respiratory Protection: If dusty conditions exist, wear a face mask approved for use with dusts such as 3M 8511
N-95 or equivalent.
Eye Protection: Use safety glasses if there is potential for exposure to particles which could cause mechanical
injury to the eyes.
Skin Protection: None needed under normal conditions of use.
Engineering Controls: None normally required.
Ecological Concerns: Whitney Farms granular rock phosphate is slow release inorganic fertilizer. No ecological
concerns are anticipated.
Waste Disposal Method: This material is a naturally occurring mineral. It may be disposed of by applying to soil
in accordance with manufacturer's recommendations.
OSHA Status: This product is regulated under OSHA criteria as a nuisance dust.
TSCA Status: All applicable chemicals are registered under TSCA.
CERCLA Reportable Quantity: Not regulated under CERCLA.
SARA Title III: Not regulated under SARA Title III.
RCRA Status: Not regulated under RCRA
Reason for issue: New MSDS Approval Date: April 19, 2002
Prepared by: Compliance Consulting Group, Inc. Supersedes Date None
As of the date of this document, the foregoing information is believed to be accurate and is provided in good faith to
comply with applicable federal and state laws. However, no warranty or representation of law or fact, with respect
to such information, is intended or given.