Basic fabrication operations viz., flaring, swaging, bending,
brazing etc.
2 Determination of C O P of Vapour Compression cycle test rig
(1) Pipe Cutter
This instrument resembles wrench. It has a cutting wheel and two sliding wheels. The distance
between the cutting wheel and sliding wheel can be altered by means of mechanism on the handle
itself. The pipe is fixed in between the wheels and the instrument is given one rotation around the
pipe. Then the distance between the wheels is decreased by rotation. Thus repeating the procedure,
the pipe can be cut into two pieces.
This instrument is a simple instrument of two pieces joined by means of two bolts operated by two
wing nuts. When joined together, they form holes of different sizes in which different sizes of pipes are
held tightly for flaring. The pipes do not slip because grips are provided in the inner side of the holes.
The yokes are the complete part of the flaring instruments. It has got a movable in operated thread
mechanism. The yoke is gripped with the flare and the pipe is moved to make flaring of the pipe.
Fig 4.7- Yoke
(8) Vacuum Pump
This pump is used to make vacuum into the system. The pipe is connected to suction line. Then start
motor so all refrigerant will be sucked from the system. We can see the reading dial.
1 Explain flaring operation.
2 Explain swaging operation.
OBJECTIVE: To determine the coefficient of performance (COP) of a Vapor Compression Cycle test rig.
APPARATUS: 1.Compressor, 2. Condenser, 3. Condenser fan motor, 4. Drier / filter,
5.Expansion device, 6.Refrigerant flow measurement, 7.HP/LP cutout, 8. Pressure indication,
9. Energy meter, 10. Temperature control of the calorimeter, 11. Evaporator for refrigeration test
rig, 12.Temperature indication.
1) Compressor
2) Condenser
3) Expansion valve
4) Evaporator
5) Condenser fan motor
6) Drier / filter
7) Refrigerant flow measurement
8) HP/LP cutout
9) Actual Compressor work 10). Actual Refrigeration Effect
11) Actual COP, 12) Theoretical COP.
Test rig enables to study and understand vapor compression cycle, its components,
principle and working. All the components are mounted on rigid steel frame. The trainer
consists of a hermetically sealed compressor; forced convection air-cooled condenser,
/ drier, flow meter, expansion device and immersed tube type evaporator. Separate
pressure gauges are provided to record suction and discharge pressure and digital
temperature indicators for various temperatures. The calorimeter consists of an insulated
stainless steel tank in which evaporator tubes are fixed. The tubes are made of
refrigerated grade annealed copper tubes. This is a direct expansion type evaporator. The
heat absorbed by the refrigerant is balanced by heater input. The heater is immersion
type resistive water heater. The calorimeter temperature can be set by a digital
thermostat. Adequate safety devices such as HP/LP cut-out, heating thermostat, and
overload protection for compressor are incorporated to prevent any malfunctioning of
the system.
1. Put the machine in the proper position where its level is horizontal and it is well ventilated.
The machine must have at least 1.5 meters clearances from all sides.
2. Give 230 volts, 50 Hz, and 1 phase supply to the unit.
3. Incoming cable should be adequate size (at least 4 sq.mm) to prevent overheating of it.
4. The electrical point should have a MCB of 16 amp rating.
5. Ensure proper earthling.
6. Now on the main switch so that power is supplied to the compressor.
7. Also switch on the heater; it will start automatically at set point.
8. Control the water flow to heat exchanger around 3 LPM.
9. Keep the known quantity of clean water (25 liters) in the evaporator chamber.
10. Note down the initial temperature of water.
11. Start the stop watch and check for obtaining steady conditions. After achieving steady
conditions start the stop watch again.
12. The initial reading of energy meter noted.
13. Now note down the readings of pressure gauges, stop watch, thermometers and final
readings of energy meter for a period of one hour in the intervals of ten minutes.
14. The final reading of energy meter is noted.
15. Now the unit is switched off. Note down the final temperature of water in the evaporator
From p – h chart of R – 134a
Enthalpy of refrigerant at the suction of the compressor h1 = 280 kJ\Kg
Enthalpy of refrigerant at the discharge of the compressor h2 = 300 kJ\Kg
Enthalpy of refrigerant before throttling h3 = 90 kJ\Kg
Refrigerant effect(N) = h1 – h3 = 280 – 90 = 190 kJ\Kg
5. Work input (W) = h2 – h1 = 300 – 280 = 20 kJ\Kg
6. Theoretical COP = N/w = 190 / 20 = 9.5
B) Calculation of actual COP :
Energy consumed by the compressor (W) =( X x 3600) / (t x C x ŋm x ŋc ) kW
= (1009 x 3600) / (3600 x 3200 x 0.9 x 0.85) =0.41217 kW
Total heat removed from the water (N) = m x Cp (tw1 - tw2) / time kW
= {12 x 4.2 x (27.0 – 24.3)} / 3600
= 0.378 kW
𝐴𝑐𝑡𝑢𝑎𝑙 𝑅𝑒𝑓𝑟𝑖𝑔𝑎𝑟𝑡𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝐸𝑓𝑓𝑒𝑐𝑡
3. 𝐴𝑐𝑡𝑢𝑎𝑙 𝐶𝑂𝑃 = 𝐴𝑐𝑡𝑢𝑎𝑙 𝐶𝑜𝑚𝑝𝑟𝑒𝑠𝑠𝑜𝑟 𝑊𝑜𝑟𝑘
● The study is mainly focused on the fundamental of working principle of vapor compression
refrigeration cycle.
Run the system for quite some time before taking readings.
● The system should not switch OFF immediately after once switched ON.
● Do not twist any pipe line and handle all switches valves very carefully only as
and when required.
● Before use, the electrical equipment, extension cords, power tools etc. must be
inspected for any damage.
● The main plug of equipment must only be inserted in a socket outlet provided
with a protective earth contact.
● Note down the readings carefully.
● Keep the instrument clean and away from dust.
● Do not touch the compressor or the pipe lines, which may be hot or cold.
● Move the equipment carefully.
● Take the readings carefully under steady state conditions.
● Observe the experiment at a safe distance.
● Wear shoe and apron.
● Don’t wear loose cloths.
1. Define Refrigeration.
2. What is the difference between cooling and refrigeration?
3. Classify the refrigerants?
4. What are the main components of VCRS?
5. Define COP.
6. What is the function of compressor, evaporator, condenser, expansion device?
7. Draw the actual refrigeration cycle on P-H chart.
8. Draw the block Diagram of Vapor Compression Cycle
9. Write a formula for actual COP
10. Write a formula for theoretical COP
i. Domestic Refrigerator Test Rig
ii. Measuring Flask
iii. Stop Watch
A domestic refrigerator is a common household appliance. It is generally called as fridge. It
consists of a thermally insulated compartment and reversed heat pump that transfers heat from
the compartment to the external environment so that inside of the compartment cooled below
room temperature.
Domestic refrigerator comprises of evaporator, compressor, condenser, capillary tube,
Thermostat, Voltmeter, Ammeter, Energy meter. The refrigerant vapour drawn from the
evaporator is compressed in compressor and deliver to the compressor. It is then expanded in the
capillary tube and passed on to the evaporator. Capillary tube is used as throttling device to
reduce the pressure of the refrigerant. The low pressure liquid refrigerant evaporates by absorbing
its latent heat and thus producing refrigerating effect in the evaporator. Domestic refrigerator has
a hermetically sealed compressor and is located at the base of the cabinet. Condenser is
essentially an air cooled. The evaporator coil is placed at top of inside cabinet. The evaporator
produces low temperature upto -150C, temperature around 7 to 100C can be maintained in
refrigerating section due to convection current of air inside the cabinet. Heavy cooled air from
freezer moves downwards and becomes warm after cooling the products. This warm air being light
moves upwards. Thus the air movement is maintained continuously in the refrigerated space.
The pressure gauges that are fitted in the test rig are used to record evaporator pressure (P1) and
compressor pressure (P2). The thermometer is used to record temperatures at various locations in
the test rig.
1. Keep the known quantity of water in the evaporator chamber.
2. Note down the initial temperature of water.
3. Now on the main switch so that power is supplied to the compressor.
4. Start the stop watch and check for obtaining steady conditions. After achieving steady
conditions start the stop watch again.
5. Note down the number of blinks per minute in energy meter. Based on that no.
of blinks in test time can be calculated.
6. Now note down the readings of pressure gauges, stop watch, thermometers for
a period of one hour in the intervals of ten minutes.
7. The final reading of energy meter is noted.
8. Now the unit is switched off. Note down the final temperature of water in the
evaporator chamber.
9. Locate the pressure and temperature points on p-h chart and note down the values
of enthalpies i.e., h1, h2, h3 and h4.
10. Using formulae find out actual COP and theoretical COP.
a. No. of revolutions of energy meter, X=234 blinks.
Observ Energy Sucti Deliver Refrigerant Refrigerant Refrigera Refrigerant Wate
ation meter on y temp at temp at nt temp temp at r
time in readings press pressur inlet to out let at outlet inlet of temp
second time for ure e P2 in compressor from from evaporator in
s 10 P1 in psi T1 compresso condense T4 chille
blinks in psi r r r
secs T2 T3 tw2
Sample Calculations of Theoretical COP:
From p-h chart of R-134a
1. Enthalpy of refrigerant at the suction of the compressor, h1=245kJ/Kg
2. Enthalpy of refrigerant at the discharge of the compressor, h2=265kJ/Kg
3. Enthalpy of refrigerant before throttling ,h3=120kJ/Kg
4. Refrigerating effect (N) = h1 –h3=245-120=125kJ/Kg.
5. Work input (W) = h2 –h1= 265-245= 20kJ/Kg.
6. Theoretical COP=N/W= 125/20=6.25
A. Procedural precautions
1. Before starting the test rig check all the systems such as power supply and accessories
2. Observe and note down the readings without any errors
B. Safety precautions
1. Wear Apron and shoes
2. Beware of loose clothing and hair while operating apparatus.
Assessment Questions
1. Prepare the domestic refrigerator test rig to conduct the experiment.
2. Check the function and using of stopwatch.
3. Record the Pressure gauge readings.
4. Record the thermometer reading.
5. Calculate theoretical coefficient of performance and actual coefficient of performance.
6. Locate pressure and temperature points on P-H diagram.
7. Noting enthalpies from P-H diagram
Viva Questions
● Water cooler test rig
● Pressure Gauge
● Energy meter
● Thermo meter
● Stop watch
● Measuring jar
● P-H Chart
The water cooler works on vapour compression refrigeration system with R-134 a as refrigerant. The
evaporative coil of the system is wrapped around the water storage tank as shown in figure, after wrapping
the drum is insulated with insulating material like glass wool or poly-Urethane foam. Generally the water
coolers are specified by capacity of storage tank in liters and ton of refrigeration system.
The vapour refrigerant coming from the evaporator enters to the compressor and compressed to high
pressure and temperature and flows in to the condenser where it is condensed to the liquid state, then
enters to the capillary tube through strainer. In the capillary tube the refrigerant is expanded to evaporator
pressure. While flowing through the evaporative coil, it absorbs heat from water and refrigerant gets
The inlet of water cooler storage tank is connected to main water tank. The water flows to storage tank
through float valve, which always maintains a constant level of water in tank. The cooled water is collected
from the storage tank through a cock. The spilled water collected in water basin flows out side through
waste water drain.
The purpose of thermostat is to maintain the required temperature of the water by controlling running
time of compressor.
The purpose of relay is to disconnect starting winding after compressor motor attains rated speed. The over
load protector fitted in the relay box is to protect the motor from over loads.
NEED AND SCOPE OF THE EXEPERIMENT: The water cooler is used to cool the water, for drinking
purpose. The test is conducted to estimate the efficiency of a water cooler. Hence knowledge of
vapor compression cycle and C.O.P of a vapor compression refrigeration system is required.
1. Check the pressure gauges properly fixed at the entry and exit of the compressor.
2. Check the thermometers/thermal sensors properly fixed at the following locations;
a) Suction side of the compressor,
b) Delivery side of the compressor,
c) Exit side of the condenser,
d) Exit side of the expansion valve.
3. Fill the measured quantity of water (say 1 litre) in the evaporator chamber/ water tank.
4. Note down the initial temperature of water in the water tank.
5. Now switch on power supply to run the compressor.
6. Note down the initial reading of the energy meter.
7. Start the stop watch and keep it on till the desired temperature is achieved in the water tank.
8. Now switch off the power supply to the compressor.
9. Note down the total running time along with the final temperature of the water in the water tank.
(Desired temperature).
10. Mark/identify the pressure points on pressure-enthalpy chart and note down the values of enthalpy
of i.e.H1, H2, H3 and H4.
1. Pressure at the inlet of the compressor (suction pressure) P1=............kg/cm2.
2. Pressure at the outlet of the compressor (Discharge pressure) P2=............kg/cm2.
3. Compressor inlet temperature T1 =...........0C.
4. Compressor outlet temperature T2 =............0C.
5. Condenser outlet temperature T3 =............0C.
6. Evaporator inlet temperature T4 =............0C.
7. Number of revolutions of energy meter, X=......................revolutions.
8. Time duration of Experiment t =...........sec
9. Energy meter constant = 1500 Revolutions/Kwh.( may vary)
10. Initial temperature of water, t1 =...................0C. ( in water tank),
11. Final temperature of water, t2 =...................0C. ( in water tank),
12. Mass of water, m=...........kgs.
a) Actual cop:
1. Energy consumed by compressor (W) = (X x36000)/ (t x 1500) in KW.
2. Total heat removed from the water = mass of water x Cp x (t1 - t2).
3. Heat removed per second (N) = m x Cp x (t1 - t2) / t in KW.
Theoretical cop = N /W
c) Relative cop:
Sample calculations:
1. Pressure at the inlet of the compressor (suction pressure) P1=37 psi
2. Pressure at the outlet of the compressor (Discharge pressure) P2=205 psi
3. Compressor inlet temperature T1 = 13.80C.
4. Compressor outlet temperature T2 = 84.60C.
5. Condenser outlet temperature T3 = 24.60C.
6. Evaporator inlet temperature T4 = 80C.
7. Number of revolutions of energy meter, X = 90 revolutions.
8. Time duration of Experiment t = 900 sec
9. Energy meter constant = 1500 Revolutions/Kwh.
10. Initial temperature of water, t1 = 27 0C. ( in water tank),
11. Final temperature of water, t2 = 18 0C. ( in water tank),
12. Mass of water, m= 10kg.
a) Actual cop:
1. Energy consumed by compressor (W) = (X x 3600)/ (t x 1500) in kW.
= (90 x 3600)/ (900 x 1500)
= 0.24 kW.
2. Total heat removed from the water = mass of water x Cp x (t1 - t2).
= 10 x 4.2 x (27-18)
= 378 KJ.
3. Heat removed per second (N) = m x Cp x (t1 - t2) / t in kW.
= (378) / 900
= 0.42 kW.
Actual cop = N/W
= 0.42/0.24
= 1.75
c) Relative cop:
= 1.75/5.6
= 0.312
C. Procedural precautions
1. Check any error in the pressure gauges
2. Check the position of the temperature knob
3. Check the condenser fan is working or not
4. Measure the mass of water accurately
5. Note down the time duration
6. Operate the thermostat carefully
7. Operate the valves and knobs carefully
8. Note down the readings carefully
D. Safety precautions
3. Note down the readings at a safer distance
4. Beware of loose clothing and hair while operating apparatus.
5. Keep away from the condenser and compressor fan during working
6. Wear shoe and apron
● To carry out actual ice formation test
● To calculate the actual C.O.P of the system.
● To calculate the theoretical C.O.P of the cycle.
Refrigeration is the process of removing heat from where it is not wanted. Heat is
removed from food to preserve its quantity and flavor. It is removed from room air to establish
human comfort. Therefore, as heat is removed, a space or material becomes colder. The more heat
is removed, the colder it becomes.
The Ice Plant Test Rig designed by us works on simple vapour compression
refrigeration cycle and uses R134a or R 404 A as a refrigerant. The system is designed such that
students can observe and study ice formation process without any confusion. It is also useful to
understand working of vapour compression system, due to its sophisticated yet simple performance
and controls. (http://www.testrig.in/ice-plant-test-rig.htm)
The first procedure of ice making is Pull down test. This process would enable to lessen
the time of actual ice formation. The pull down test is done with the cooling of the secondary
refrigerant in the tank, brine, lowering its temperature to at least -4 to -5 degrees Celsius. There are
still different factors considered in the Pull down test and this procedure has its independent cooling
load calculation.
1. Put the machine in the proper position where its level is horizontal and it is well ventilated.
The machine must have at least 1.5 meters clearances from all sides.
2. Give 230 volts, 50Hz, and 1 phase supply to the unit.
3. Fill tank with brine solution of propylene glycol with approx. 20% and mix it thoroughly
with water in tank (supplied).
4. Start the compressor by putting the switch ON.
5. Check suction and discharge pressures, check the energy-meter reading.
6. Allow the unit to run until the temperature of the brine reaches -4 to -5 C.
7. Record all data time for every change in value as appropriate and the corresponding
pressure reading.
8. Using the available table for R134a, take the corresponding enthalpy for every increase in
pressure. Interpolate as possible.
9. Calculate the coefficient of performance (COP).
10. Make a graph between the time and COP.
11. Compute the data needed by the tables.
- A working scale model for the study on analysis and fabrication of an Ice Plant.
2. Beaker
- A simple container for stirring, mixing and heating liquids commonly used in many
laboratories. Beakers are generally cylindrical in shape, with a flat bottom. Most also have
a small spout (or "beak") to aid pouring as shown in the picture. Beakers are available in a
wide range of sizes, from one milliliter up to several liters.
3. Digital Thermometer
4. KW-Hour meter
- is the electric meter that measures the amount of electrical energy in kWh that was
consumed in the house. The kWh meter has a counter display that counts units of kilowatt-
hour (kWh). The energy consumption is calculated by calculating the difference of the
counter's reading in the specified period.
- A gauge which measures the pressure in the cooling side of the ice plant.
- The gauge which measure the compressing side of the ice plant.
Theory: –
The ratio of useful heat to work input is called the co-efficient of performance of a refrigerating machine
Table shows the preliminary data gathered from the experiment.
Lap Pressure
Time Suction Discharge
pressure Refrigerant Temperature (C)
After After After After KWHR
(min) (psi) (psi) compression Condensation Expansion Evaporation
Brine is a solution of salt usually sodium chloride in water. In different contexts, brine may refer to
salt solutions ranging from about 3.5%. A typical concentration of seawater, or the lower end of
solutions used for brining foods up to about 26%. A typical saturated solution is depending on
Viva Question:
Different leak testing methods one employed for different types of refrigerants.
Burning sulphur stick shows a dense white smoke if ammonia is present. The burning sulphur stick is
passed around all the joints and suspected leaky points for the appearance of smoke. This test is
applicable for tracing minute leaks only.
B. Soap Bubble Test:
This test may not be very effective to trace very minute ammonia leak as it is soluble in water.
Fortunately, ammonia is having plungent odor, a heavy leak can be easily detectable.
C. Litmus Test:
Wet litmus paper (Phenolpthalene paper) which turns red in contact with ammonia can also be used
to detect leaks.
2. Halogenated Refrigerants:
Soap solution, Halogen leak detector, Halide torch and Electronic leak detectors are the methods
used to trace leaks in halogenated refrigerants
A. Halogen Torch:
A halogen torch can detect minute leaks, which are not possible to trace with soap solution. The
presence of trace of refrigerant can change the light blue colour of the detector flame to green or
deep blue. The end of the explorer tube of the detector is carefully passed over the joints and
suspected leakage points. If there is a leak, the refrigerant can be drained in with the suction effect at
the end of the explorer tube to the hot copper or brass portion of the burning torch. The refrigerant
reacts with the metal to form copper chloride, which produces the color change in the flame. A well
maintained halogen torch is claimed to detect leaks of the order of about 15 gram per year.
B. Electronic Leak
This is an electrical instrument. In this also an explorer tube is used to suck the refrigerant from the
leaky points to an instrument. A vibrator is provided to suck the refrigerant through the explorer tube.
A filter is also provided at the tip of the tube to prevent atmospheric dert entering the instrument. A
heating element in the tube heats the refrigerant drawn in and the refrigerant creates a variation in
the current flow of the instrument. The extent of variation of the current is an indication of the
amount of leak. The current variation is read on the dial of the instrument. The change of current
actuates a relay which operates an indicating light. These detectors are capable of detecting
refrigerant leaks of the order of about 0.3 gm. per year. The electronic leak detector is a very sensitive
instrument and should be handled and stored carefully.
AIM: To perform a test on Air-Conditioning Test Rig to find its coefficient of performance
Air conditioning is the simultaneous control of the temperature, humidity, motion and
purity of the atmosphere in a confined space. Air conditioning applies in the heating season as
well as in the cooling season. The Air conditioning has wide applications in submarine ships,
aircrafts and rockets. Air conditioning is associated with the human comfort and controlling the
humidity ratio.
Air conditioning means "preparing the air as per required conditions of temperature, humidity
and velocity. The conditions required are different for different applications, e.g. a small room
requires air at about 24 - 26 °C where humidity control is not so important, or a building may be
air conditioned for supplying air of 24 - 26°C temperature & 50-60 % relative humidity.
Measurement rooms in factories are to be maintained at the temperature of -20 °C. So
depending upon the requirement, the air conditioning system is designed. A complete air
conditioning system has the following jobs.
1. Filtration of air, where it contains dirt or dust particles.
2. Deodorization of air.
4. Dehumidification of air by cooling coil itself and again heating it, as may be required
in humid areas in summer.
5. Heating of air in winter.
An air conditioning system may be provided with some or all the units required to perform the
above jobs, which is determined by conditioning requirements and cost aspects. A window type
air conditioner provides some filtration and cooling of air. In large buildings, cooling, heating and
humidification systems may be used, along with partial recirculation of exhaust air. This is done
as it will require a huge capacity plant to condition the whole fresh air entering the space to be
Conditioned. Thus some air from the exhausted air which is at a temperature lower than the
ambient temperature is mixed with the entering fresh air. Total recirculation is generally avoided
in large installations as the exhausted air contains odors.
The main function of compressor is to raise the pressure and temperature of the refrigerant by the
compression of the refrigerant vapour and then pump it into the condenser.
Condense the high pressure vapour refrigerant into the high pressure liquid by condenser fan and
passes it into the receiver tank for recirculation
Expands the liquid refrigerant at high pressure to the sub cooled liquid refrigerant at low pressure so
that a measured quantity of liquid refrigerant is passed into the evaporator.
Evaporates the sub cooled liquid refrigerant by absorbing the sensible heat into vapour refrigerant and
sends back into the compressor.
The Standard Vapour Compressor Cycle (SVCC) consists of the following processes:
● Reversible heat rejection at constant pressure (sub cooling liquid and condensation of
the refrigerant)
● Irreversible enthalpy expansion from saturated liquid to a low pressure sub cool liquid.
▪ Control Panel :
a) Main Switch
b) Digital Voltmeter
c) Digital Amp. Meter
d) Energy Meter
e) Blower ON/OFF Switch
f) Compressor ON/OFF Switch
g) Heater ON/OFF Switch
h) Boiler (Humidity) ON/OFF Switch
▪ Electricity Supply: Single Phase, 220 VAC, 50Hz, 5-15Amp socket with earth connection.
T1 = Temperature of Compressor Inlet
T2 = Temperature of Compressor Outlet (Condenser Inlet)
T3 = Temperature of Condenser Outlet
T4 = Temperature of Evaporator Inlet
T5 = Temperature of Air Duct
▪ = Enthalpy of refrigerant at Compressor Inlet, kJ/kg.
▪ = Enthalpy of refrigerant at Compressor outlet, kJ/kg.
▪ = Enthalpy of refrigerant at inlet of Condenser, kJ/kg.
▪ = Enthalpy of refrigerant Inlet of Evaporator, kJ/kg.
1. Clean the apparatus and make it free from dust.
2. Ensure that all ON/OFF switches given on the panel are at OFF position.
3. Switch on the main supply.
4. Start the condenser fan motor.
5. Start the blower fan motor of the cooling coil (Evaporator).
6. Start the compressor.
7. Note down the readings of the various pressure gauges.
8. Take down the readings of Anemometer.
9. Take down the readings of various temperatures.
10.Note down the readings of Mass Flow rate of refrigerant through the Rotameter.
11.Switch on the boiler to provide steam for humidification as required.
12.Note down the observations and calculate the COP.
13.While switching off the machine, first switch off the heaters off in services, switch off the compressor,
condenser fan motor, blower fan motor, then switch off the main and then switch off the main board.
1. Check the voltage. It should not be less than 180 volts and more than 230 volts, single phase 50Hz
Ac supply.
2. Do not run the compressor without switching on the fan motor.
3. Whenever the compressor is switched off, do not switch on the compressor before five minute of
4. Mount Rota meter vertically and maintain upwards flow run.
5. Avoid sudden opening/closing of the Hand shut off valve in the line to Prevent float hunting and
possible glass tube breakage.
1. Air velocity = 7.5 m/s
2. Inlet air duct area = 300mm x 250mm = 0.075
3. Density of air = 1.162 kg/ m3
4. 1 Bar = 1 psi / 14.5
5. Energy meter constant = 3200 Pulses/kWh
No of revolutions x 3600
2. Compressor Input = -------------------------------------
Time x Energy meter constant
Refrigeration effect
3. Actual C.O.P. = --------------------------
Compressor Input
H1 - H3
4. Theoretical C.O.P. = -----------
H2 - H1
Mark points 1, 2, 3 using (P1, T2), (P2, T3), (P2, T4) respectively on P-h diagram from refrigeration chart
and read H1, H2 and H3 (where H3 = H4) to calculate COP.
Actual C.O.P
6. Relative C.O.P = ----------------------
Theoretical C.O.P
Refrigeration effect = ma Cp (Tai - Tao)
= 7.5 x 0.075 x 1.162 x 1.005 x (29-21)
= 5.255
No of revolutions x 3600
6. Compressor Input = -------------------------------------
Time x Energy meter constant
= 418 x 3600 / 300 x 3200 x 0.85 x 0.9
= 2.049
Refrigeration effect
7. Actual C.O.P. = --------------------------
Compressor Input
H1 - H3
8. Theoretical C.O.P. = -----------
H2 - H1
Mark points 1, 2, 3 using (P1, T2), (P2, T3), (P2, T4) respectively on P-h diagram from refrigeration chart
and read H1, H2 and H3 (where H3 = H4) to calculate COP.
Actual C.O.P
7. Relative C.O.P = ---------------------- =2.56/6.6 = 0.3878
Theoretical C.O.P
Note that the COP of a heat pump depends on its duty the heat rejected to the hot sink is greater than
the heat absorbed from the cold source, so the heating COP is 1 greater than the cooling COP. The maximum
achievable COP would be 8.8. Test results of the best systems are around 4.5. When measuring installed units
over a whole season and accounting for the energy needed to pump water through the piping systems,
seasonal COP's are around 3.5 or less. This indicates room for improvement.
A. Procedural precautions
1. Take care while switching on and off the compressor
2. Whenever the compressor is switched off, do not switch on the compressor before five minute
of interval.
3. Mount Rotameter vertically and maintain upwards flow run.
4. Avoid sudden opening/closing of the Hand shut off valve in the line to Prevent float hunting and
possible glass tube breakage.
5. Duct should be free from dust particles
6. Check the quantity of refrigerant
7. Take all the measurements without any error
B. Safety precautions
1. Never run the apparatus if power supply is less than 180 volts and above 230 volts.
AIM: To apply the method of vacuumization and refrigerant charging for a given Vapour Compression System.
● Vapour Compression Refrigeration System
● Vacuum Pump
● Allen Key
● Adjustable spanner set
● Gauge Manifold
● Charging Lines
● Refrigerant Cylinder
● Weighing scale
VACUUMIZATION: In a refrigerant system, only the refrigerant and oil should be circulating. During
servicing or after many years of operation, the air may enter the system. The air from the atmosphere
that enters the system include oxygen, nitrogen and moisture. These unwanted components will
▪ Rise in head pressure causing higher discharge temperatures and compression ratios. Efficiency
of the system is reduced and thus reducing the overall cooling effect.
▪ Acids are produced in the refrigerant causing chemical reaction resulting in electroplating and
damage to the motor insulation. Once the insulation in the compressor motor breaks down,
short circuit will happen hence damaging the compressor. The compressor is one of the
highest equipment cost in the system. Acids also cause corrosion to the metal parts over time.
▪ Sludge is formed by a combination of oil, acid and moisture in the system. It will cause
improper operation to the filter drier, strainers and expansion device over a period of time.
In order to remove all the unwanted moisture and gases from the refrigerant system, a state
of near vacuum has to be achieved in which the pressure in the system is forced to go below the
atmospheric pressure i.e., at 30 in. Hg or 760 mm Hg. This process of removing air and non-
condensable present in VCR and reducing the leakages is called as VACUMIZATION. Vacuum pump
is used to perform Vacuumization.
While in operation, the refrigerant used in the VCR system gets consumed or is reduced in
quantity because of leakage in the system. Reduction in quantity of refrigerant may lead to troubles in
the plant such as-
● Short Cycling of Compressor
● Too low suction pressure
● Difficult to maintain temperature of rooms and holds
● Reduction in the efficiency of the plant
When the above mentioned problems occur, it indicates that the plant has to be charged with the
refrigerant. There are two methods for charging VCR system: Liquid charging and Gas charging.
Now a day’s gas charging is preferred over liquid charging because it is more safe and simple.
The presence of air and non-condensable in the VCR system increases the pressure head of
the system. This will reduce the refrigeration capacity of the unit and further compressor draws
more current. Hence to increase the efficiency of refrigeration unit, the air is trapped by means of
vacuumization and correct amount of required refrigerant is charged into the system.
1) Firstly we need to ensure that the unit is already switched off before we start vacuumization
2) Both suction and delivery valves of outdoor unit (compressor unit)
are opened.
3) Initially close the valve on high pressure side of Manifold gauge.
4) Connect manifold gauge to the system. The low pressure hose (blue hose) is connected to
service port 3 way valve and service hose (yellow hose) is connected to vacuum pump.
5) Before starting the vacuum pump, ensure that low pressure valve is open and high pressure valve
is closed.
6) Switch on the vacuum pump and open the valve for low side of manifold gauge. Check the low
pressure readings for any changes.
7) When a gauge indicator shows near to zero point, this is a sign of leakage. Check pipe connector
points, repair them and make sure there is no leakage by air bleeding.
8) When the pressure reaches just below the atmospheric pressure i.e., 30 in Hg, it denotes no air in
the unit.
9) After that, Close the low side valve of manifold gauge first, and then switch off the vacuum pump.
Now the system is in the vacuum pressure.
10) Make sure the needle of low pressure gauge not move after
approximately for 10 minutes. This procedure is to check refrigerant system from leaking.
11) After completing the leak test, disconnect the center manifold gauge
hose from vacuum pump and connect it to the refrigerant cylinder.
12) Open the refrigerant valve, loosen the center hose connection on the
manifold gauge set, for few seconds to allow the air in the center hose to
escape by the refrigerant.
13) Charge the required amount of refrigerant by measuring its weight on the
measuring scale placed beneath refrigerant cylinder.
14) Start the compressor, to charge the refrigerant fully. When the pressure
reaches 65 to 70 psi, stop charging the refrigerant. This ensures the
charging of the refrigerant is attained after vaccumization.
15) Close the valve on the refrigerant source. Disconnect the hoses and close the delivery and
suction valves.
16) Hence vaccumization and refrigerant charging of refrigeration system is done
Procedural precautions
1. Ensure correct charging lines are connected to Gauge manifold and vacuum pump.
2. Before charging the refrigerant, evacuate the system to remove small amounts of moisture
remaining in the system.
3. The moisture in the system can be completely evacuated only under the minimum vacuum level.
4. Avoid parallax error while measuring gauge readings.
5. Take care of filling correct refrigerant at required amount.
Safety precautions
1. Wear Gloves and shoes
2. Beware of handling apparatus.
3. Ensure correct operation of valves.
4. Be sure to wear safety goggles during operation.
1. Identify the suction and delivery valves of compressor.
2. Remove the valves of Compressor.
3. Connect the Gauge Manifold to the outdoor unit.
4. Connect the Refrigerant cylinder to both Gauge Manifold and Outdoor Unit.
5. Perform vacuumization of air.
6. Perform Recharging the Refrigerant.
1. Name the various parts of given Vapour Compression System.
2. Why Vaccumization is performed for VCR system.
3. What is a Refrigerant? Name different refrigerants commonly used.
4. What are the desired properties of a refrigerant?
5. How to improve the efficiency of an Air Conditioner.
R&AC To study about window EXP NO: 09
and split type
air- conditioner.
Front Panel
The front panel is the one that is seen by the user from inside the room where it is installed and has
a user interfaced control be it electronically or mechanically. Older unit usually are of mechanical
control type with rotary knobs to control the temperature and fan speed of the air conditioner. The
newer units come with electronic control system where the functions are controlled using remote
control and touch panel with digital display. The front panel has adjustable horizontal and
vertical(some models) louvers where the direction of air flow are adjustable to suit the comfort of
the users. The fresh intake of air called VENT (ventilation) is provided at the panel in the event that
user would like to have a certain amount of fresh air from the outside. Figure: Components of air
conditioning system Indoor Side Components.
·Cooling Coil with a air filter mounted on it. The cooling coil is where the heat exchange happen
between the refrigerant in the system and the air in the room.
· Fan Blower is a centrifugal evaporator blower to discharge the cool air to the room.
· Capillary Tube is used as an expansion device. It can be noisy during operation if installed too
near the evaporator.
· Operation Panel is used to control the temperature and speed of the blower fan. A thermostat
is used to sense the return air temperature and another one to monitor the temperature of the
Type of control can be mechanical or electronic type.
· Filter Drier is used to remove the moisture from the refrigerant.
· Drain Pan is used to contain the water that condensate from the cooling coil and is discharged out
to the outdoor by gravity.
Outdoor Side Components
The outdoor side parts include:
· Compressor is used to compress the refrigerant.
· Condenser Coil is used to reject heat from the refrigeratn to the outside air.
· Propeller Fan is used in air-cooled condenser to help move the air molecules over the
surface of the condensing coil.
· Fan Motor is located here. It has a double shaft where the indoor blower and
outdoor propeller fan are connected together.
During operation, a thermostat is mounted on the return air of the unit. This temperature is used to
control the on or off of the compressor. Once the room temperature has been achieved, the compressor cuts
off. Usually, it has to be off for at least 3 minutes before turning on again to prevent it from being damaged.
For mechanical control type, there is usually a caution to turn on the unit after the unit has turned off for at
least 3 minutes. For electronic control, there is usually a timer to automatically control the cut-in and cut-
out of compressor. The evaporator blower fan will suck the air from the room to be conditioned through the
air filter and the cooling coil. Air that has been conditioned is then discharge to deliver the cool and
dehumidified air back to the room. This air mixes with the room air to bring down the temperature and
humidity level of the room. The introduction of fresh air from outside the room is done through the damper
which is then mixed with the return air from the room before passing it over the air filter and the cooling
coil. The air filter which is mounted in front of the evaporator acts as a filter to keep the cooling coil clean to
obtain good heat-transfer from the coil. Hence, regular washing and cleaning of the air filter is a good
practice to ensure efficient operation of the air conditioner.
Specifications of window type room air-conditioner:
Compressor: - Hermetically sealed compressor having cooling capacity of (as per water cooler)
Condenser: Air cooled condenser made up of copper pipe & Aluminum fins
Evaporator: - cooling coil. Capillary
Diameter: suitable Material: copper Heater: 300 watts
Thermometer: Wet / Dry Type
Thermostat: 5 degree C to 15 degree C
Pressure &Vacuum Compound gauge: any available brand
Temperature Measurement: Digital Temperature indicator is provided to measure temperature of
refrigerant and water
Temperature sensor: RTD PT-100 Type
Voltmeter: 0-300 V
Ammeter: 0-5 A
Energy Meter: Single Phase
A split air conditioner is made up of two primary parts that a very familiar: the evaporator and the
compressor. Both of these elements exist is more common central air units and wall air conditioners.
The difference with a mini-split system is that they are separated into two different, distant
components, one being outdoors and one being indoors. The outdoor section is a Compressor that
initiates the cooling process, while the indoor component consists of an evaporator and fan.
The two sections are connected with a set of electrical wires and tubing, also called lines, used to
transport air between the two sections. It's these lines that allow the split AC to be considered
ductless, and the fact that the wires and tubing are so small and discreet compared to large ducts is
where the "mini" split name comes from.
The compressor is controlled by an internal thermostat. As the thermostat detects warm air, it
activates the outdoor compressor. The compressor circulates a refrigerant gas, increasing the
pressure and temperature of the refrigerant as it compresses it through a series of pipes. The
refrigerant then moves to the condenser for further processing.
In the condenser, a cooling system removes heat from the high-pressure gas and the gas changes
phase and becomes a liquid. This chilled liquid is pushed through tubing indoors until it reaches the
evaporator system.
Inside the home, the evaporator fan collects warm air and passes it through a chamber containing
the chilled liquid refrigerant. The fan system blows this air, which has now been cooled, back into
the room, lowering the overall temperature of the space. If the thermostat still detects air that is
warmer than desirable, the process continues, and the refrigerant and any excess heat that remains
in the system are passed back outdoors to the compressr in order to begin the ccle again.
A Split air conditioner is compact and isolated between two localized component sections, so there is very
little opportunity for heat and other energy to escape the system. Centralized air conditioning systems waste
enormous amounts of energy due to heat exchange in the air conditioner duct system. However, this
is virtually eliminated in a split air conditioner system.
Less Heat Loss
Split air conditioner systems are preferable to window and wall air conditioning units as well. Although the
latter are small and easy to install, they do not provide reliable cooling to a large space or to multiple rooms.
Even with thoroughly sealed windows and walls, these air conditioner units allow for heat to enter the
space, partially negating the effects of the system.
Targeted Heating and Cooling
Additionally, it's possible to have more than one indoor evaporator and fan. You could have one in each
room or area of your home and run them each independently with only one outdoor compressor. This
combines the efficiency and customization of a space heater or fan with the convenience of central air.
● Brand
Type of Air Conditioner
⮚ Category Type
● Model Number Superia
⮚ Capacity
● Nominal Capacity 1 Ton
⮚ Power
● Power input (watts) 950
⮚ Automatic Features
⮚ Accessories Included
Remote Control LCD
⮚ AC Accessories Dimensions
Dimensions (Outdoor unit)
250 x 780 x 540 mm
Dimensions (Indoor unit)
198 x 905 x 275 mm
⮚ Cooling Feature
Cooling capacity (w) 3575
Star Rating 5
⮚ Frequency Range
Voltage / Frequency / Phase
⮚ Available Modes
Sleep Mode
⮚ Functional Features
⮚ Convenience Features
Night glow buttons on remote