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Finley Sheppard

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did not wake for two days. That was the
Introduction moment the child became more than just
“Vorn… once served as a wizard’s any, amorphous child; they became
bodyguard…” Chituandu.

Tomb of Annihilation gives very little Over the course of many months,
information on the history of the mysterious Chituandu learned that they possessed more
frozen shield guardian found just a few miles within them than merely the ability to make
southwest of Port Nyanzaru. Who was the notes shine. They could turn any plant-based
wizard that kept such a guardian? What is matter into any other material, permanently.
Vorn capable of? Why do a bunch of goblins, They found out that this was no normal
grungs and vegepygmies care about what’s wizardly power, and were immediately sent
effectively a statue? This part-guide, part- into the jungle to hide from all who opposed
story will give a brief history to Vorn and its such “unnatural” powers. She – for the boy
owner, the transmutation wizard Chituandu, and had now realised her womanhood – was
with minor adventure options and encounters suddenly flung into a life of hiding, solitude
to liven up the little-touched-upon area of and what was possibly the place most
Chult. This PDF is intended as a supplement untouched by human hands in Chult. She
to any campaign into Chult, providing learned to survive on the plants of the jungle
interesting items, NPCs and a possible thanks to her upbringing and her thirst for
storyline from Port Nyanzaru towards the knowledge.
Aldani Basin and Valindra.
Chituandu’s discoveries of the ancient
peninsula led her far and wide, though she
Once upon a time… never left the cover of the jungle. She
ventured deep into the Aldani Basin in search
Eighty or so years ago, another Chultan
of a venomous algae rumoured to convert
child was born to another Chultan family in
any poison to a solid stone. She spent nearly
the Old Town of Port Nyanzaru. They grew up
half a decade in the pseudo seascape at Ataaz
in a family of plant traders where they
Kahakla studying both dead and living bodies
learned how to recognise, harvest and
of the surrounding wildlife to one day
prepare many plants for sale to the many
transform her own form. After many years of
bazaars of the city. They went to school, had
working, surrounded by the rainbow corals of
friends, a girlfriend even, and their life was
the gorge, Chituandu learned to polymorph
only as remarkable as the next Chultan’s.
with ease.
Just as their parents had expected, the child
The now-powerful wizard, having been
grew a passion for the plants of Chult, and
alone with her plants and books for over
began to have a bigger part in the family
thirty years in the dangers of the Chultan
business as a procurer of new products. They
jungle, had grown lonely. She decided it was
were allowed to experiment in any way they
time to go home. Following a storm that
wished to bring in the profits, which often
washed her the wrong way down the River
involved days-long outings to the jungle and
Tath, she stumbled upon an old mine near
meticulous note-taking to create new
Jahaka Anchorage. The storm did not ease up
species. One day, as if the fates had already
for more than a week, forcing her to explore
decided upon it, instead of using their usual
deeper into the underground unknown.
inks to write their notes the child mistakenly
dipped their quill into the diluted juice of The mine was full of many new creatures,
sinda berry and ryath root residue nearby. It plants and unclassifiable things that
glowed so vividly that the child fainted and Chituandu was not prepared for, most
notably the Red Wizards of Thay. While she creeping journey in the shadows of the
was able to resist the various venoms the Mistcliff Mountains. They battled various
monsters threw at her, her lack of soldier undead creatures that marked Valindra’s
training was nearly to her demise. A young continued pursuit of their deaths. They
Valindra Shadowmantle and her companions tricked grungs and vegepygmies into
overpowered Chituandu, and she was believing Vorn was a soon-to-be god to be
enslaved there for many weeks. The two protected at all costs. Unfortunately, in their
spellcasters developed a seething hatred for hurry between battling unusual foes and
each other. Fortunately for the wizard, just navigating unknown territory, the wizard and
when she thought her luck had run out, her the guardian withdrew from their regular
personal transmutation amulet was shattered upkeep of resistance potions and ailments
by Valindra after decades of regularly against the jungle’s chemical onslaught. At
absorbing some of Chituandu’s growing one point Chituandu even forgot to eat,
magic. A colossal stone creation grew before fearing an attack from goblins, grungs or
their eyes, shielding Chituandu as she was even Valindra herself. She grew obsessive
able to make her escape. She named it Vorn with fear, not helped by the thin blue mist
after her father, who had always been on her that had settled just northwest of the Aldani
side, through anything and everything. Basin. In her much weakened, frail state,
Valindra has sought vengeance on Chituandu Chituandu rolled out of a tree one night
ever since, sending all sorts of creatures her straight into a puddle of water, where she
way. drowned. A tragic and sudden death, very
much ill-fitting of the powerful wizard that
Chituandu and Vorn thus made a rushed
had mastered the jungle for most of her life.
trip back towards Port Nyanzaru. She sought
Vorn has stood by Chituandu’s side ever
sanctuary at Orolunga before making a
since, waiting for its next order.
Vorn Bound. The shield guardian is magically bound
Large construct, unaligned to an amulet. As long as Vorn and Chituandu’s
Armor Class 17 (Natural Armor) amulet are on the same plane of existence, the
Hit Points 167 amulet's wearer can telepathically call Vorn to
Speed 30 ft. travel to it, and Vorn knows the distance and
direction to the amulet. If Vorn is within 60 feet
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA of the amulet's wearer, half of any damage the
18(+4) 8(-1) 18(+4) 7(-2) 10(+0) 3(-4) wearer takes (rounded up) is transferred to the
Damage Immunities Poison, acid
Condition Immunities Charmed, Exhaustion, Regeneration. Vorn regains 10 hit points at the
Frightened, Paralyzed, Poisoned start of its turn if it has at least 1 hit point.
Senses Blindsight 10 Ft., Darkvision 60 Ft.,
passive Perception 10 Spell Storing. A spellcaster who wears the
Languages Understands commands given in Chituandu’s amulet can cause Vorn to store
any language but can't speak one spell of 4th level or lower. To do so, the
Challenge 7 wearer must cast the spell on the guardian. The
spell has no effect but is stored within the
Actions guardian. When commanded to do so by the
Multiattack. Vorn makes two fist attacks. wearer or when a situation arises that was
Fist. Melee Weapon Attack: +7 to hit, reach 5 ft., predefined by the spellcaster, the guardian
one target. Hit: (2d6 + 4) bludgeoning damage. casts the stored spell with any parameters set
by the original caster, requiring no
Reactions components. When the spell is cast or a new
Shield. When a creature makes an attack spell is stored, any previously stored spell is
against the wearer of Chituandu’s amulet, Vorn lost.
grants a +2 bonus to the wearer's AC if Vorn is
within 5 feet of the wearer.

Vorn is a symbol of religious patronage to

any grung or vegepygmy in the area. Thanks
to a deal made by Chituandu, both tribes
protect the sacred statue at all costs,
sometimes causing outright war between
them. For the Batiri tribe, Vorn is merely a
useful distraction for wayward travellers
before the goblins can pounce on them.
statue of Ubtao with an uneasy stare
We’re going on a treasure outwards – roll on the appropriate table in
hunt! Tomb of Annihilation.
Chituandu’s story gives us plenty of scope After turning right and walking for about
for a treasure hunt for players to follow in the 10mins, players can notice a corpse of a dead
footsteps of such a dedicated explorer. explorer high in the trees on a successful
Players can start the hunt at Yellyark, where
DC15 WIS (Perception) check. If they do a
not only do they find Chituandu’s amulet but thorough search no check is required. The
also her first diary of all her experiments. Feel corpse is lying on a thick branch with its arms
free to place the diary anywhere in the region outstretched, as if pointing. The person died
if the players don’t go to Yellyark. Unless trying to reach for monkey fruit and was
otherwise stated, all of Chituandu’s notes are
killed by a flying snake bite in the process.
in Chultan. Roll a few times on the Hopefully the players get the message that
“Chituandu’s Discoveries” table to work out they follow the direction the corpse is
which experiments players manage to pointing in.
decipher from the book. These can act as mini
side quests along the journey to the first After about an hour or two players will
stage of the hunt: Chituandu’s hideout. reach the hideout. Chituandu has built a
treehouse that is only noticeable from the
Hideout ground by the notches of a ladder in a
Chituandu has written her own personal particularly wide tree. There is only room for
directions to her hideout in the form of a set one person on a small platform about 20ft
of riddles and poems. She’d never be a Poet above ground. 3 locks appear on the door,
Laureate, but it does the job. The players clearly hooked up to a string of poisonous
should be able to figure it out – if they can’t, plants. Each has an engraving on it in
as they wander give them the next clue as if different languages, with a message above
they stumbled upon it. that reads in Chultan: “Pick a lock or not at all.
I lie on six days of the week, but on the seventh
Go through the place
I always tell the truth. On three successive days
that hosts the bear,
I say:”
and turn right at the crossroads
of the scary stare. Lock 1, in Dwarvish: Day 1: "I lie on Monday
Say hi to Royo and Tuesday."
leading the way, Lock 2, in Elven: Day 2: "Today, it"s Thursday,
follow that for the rest of the day. Saturday, or Sunday."
Switch three and two, and off you go! Lock 3, in Chultan: Day 3: "I lie on Wednesday
and Friday."
Just outside Yellyark lives a bright red
parrot-bear (use owlbear stats) in a small
“On which day do I tell the truth?”
cave. Players can either stumble upon the
cave or encounter the bear roaming in the While the solution to the riddle is 3,
jungle, who, when injured, retreats to their Tuesday, the directions in the diary say that
den. In the den there’s a silver flute worth locks two and three should switch, meaning
25gp, a potion of barkskin (+2 to AC without that the only safe lock to pick is 2. An
armour, lasts 10mins; stolen from Chituandu), incorrect lockpicking results in a cloud of dark
152sp and a variety of fruits and woods. There purple, sulphurous gas that gives 4d6 poison
is another exit to the cave on the opposite damage to anyone within a 20ft radius –
side to which the players enter. Once outside, anyone standing right below the platform is
players won’t have to walk far until they find a also affected.
Chituandu’s Discoveries
Inside the hideout is a treasure trove for any
d10 Diary Entry scientist or scholar in the group. There are
1 “What a fantastic discovery! Mixing countless drawings of strange creatures that
ryath root residue with the juices of Chituandu has found as well as maps of the
the sinda berry gives an almost
area to the northwest of the River Tath and
identical mixture to squid ink.”
River Soshentar, giving the players advantage
2 “The goblin village to the north has a
on navigation checks in the area and on
large contraption that ties the whole
village-net to a tree. What that’s for I intelligence checks to recognise a selection of
have no idea!” non-undead creatures and races of Chult.
3 “I was fortunate enough to have a Yuan-ti, however, have very little information
stegosaurus hurl a huge chunk of spit on them in the diary.
at me this morning. I took a large
There are also a lot of empty vials in the
sample from my hair and it turns out
it is a perfect insect repellent for an den, with a chest of 4 potions of healing, 2
hour or so.” stale potions of animal friendship and 5 stale
4 “There are very few bones on the potions of resistance to poison. Another
floor. I know all organic matter cabinet reveals bowls of stale blinkroot juice,
eventually decomposes, but the fact giving only a light effect of alcohol upon
that there are very few bones drinking. All stale potions give 1d4 poison
everywhere suggests that someone damage and the effect Poisoned for 2 hours
has a better use for them.” on a failed DC13 CON saving throw.
5 “Most aarakocra seem to originate
from the eastern side of the Vines and plants have creeped into the hut
peninsula.” over time, and the bed has a large number of
6 “I spotted some eblis yesterday. bugs crawling over it – add an insect swarm if
They wouldn’t tell me where the you’re feeling hardcore. Another diary lies on
Aldani Basin was without any coin. I a makeshift bookshelf in one corner – this
wonder what they have in their huts, leads the players to the Aldani Basin as well
and where exactly they are!” as a second bout of discoveries. A successful
7 “Note to self: beware of mantrap
DC13 INT (Investigation) check of the hut
plants! They hurt like the Hells.”
reveals a bone charm embedded with
8 “I had a little too much blinkroot
yesterday and began dancing with malachite (worth 20gp) and a couple of extra
myself, and good Ubtao some pages from the diary detailing grung activity
dancing monkey fruit appeared! I’m close to the Aldani Basin: “grungs are fighting
going to try again this afternoon to close to the water, and the only way to get
prove this theory.” past is to show your loyalty to them by
9 “I spotted a patch that looked like it participating in an element of warfare”.
used to have a shrine on it, with
massive track marks heading due d4 Chituandu’s Lost Trinket
south from Yellyark. Someone’s got 1 Natural gloves: contains 1d4
a treasure trove over there.” unreplenishable charges of Locate
10 “I dreamed last night that I saw a Animals or Plants
large sphere of snowfall across the 2 Wizard’s belt (RA): the wearer gains +1
treetops. It was beautiful, but to INT (Arcana) checks
strange and very unlike me. I tried to 3 Verdant cap (RA): the wearer may cast
wake myself but I couldn’t – I think it druidcraft once per day
was one of those almost-awake 4 Nourishing necktie (RA): the wearer
dreams.” only needs to eat every other day
Over her time in the jungle Chituandu found
and lost a number of magic items, as shown
in the above table. (RA) = requires Players with a Passive Wisdom (Perception)
attunement. of 13 or higher can find an old diary on the
ground about 20 metres away from Vorn.
Grung/Vegepygmy encounter Chituandu’s second diary will show more
The grungs near Vorn are vicious confusing experiments that lead towards the
tribespeople who have sworn against Aldani Basin – roll 3 times on the Aldani
Dungrunglung and Groak’s chaotic ways. All Secrets table to see what the players
are purple, blue and green grung that have discover.
been kicked out of the village for one reason d8 Aldani Secrets
or another. The leader, T’huu’krak, is trying to 1 “A red dragon landed on a pterafolk
take over the area around Vorn that is nest by the basin yesterday! What a
currently occupied by many vegepygmies. sight!”
The vegepygmy tribe, on the other hand, 2 “I found a small cave for perfect for
wishes to move into the grung territory to the my next camp 10 miles north of Camp
east of Vorn for its moister grounds and Vengeance.”
raiding opportunities from nearby camps. 3 “Yahcha are super tasty!”
4 “Zabou make fantastic grenades.”
7 grungs will first attack any players that 5 “I was followed by some aldani this
cross their path until they appeal to afternoon and was bribed to leave
T’huu’krak for peace. T’huu’krak will let them their lands.”
go if only they agree to capture the chief 6 “A tsifira bird has made a home in my
vegepygmy (with spores), Tsiss. They take an hideout. I’ve fed it with iun berry for
important item off the characters until they the last few months and it’s begun to
fulfil their mission. follow my command. I’ve called it Iugu
for now.”
15 vegepygmies surround Vorn, with Tsiss 7 “I have found Mbala! About 50 miles
sprawled between its feet, in the shade. Tsiss south I will find all the historical relics
is hissing commands at its troops in what of the glorious kingdom!”
looks to be a hunting formation – 3 exit into 8 “I have made a climbing contraption
the jungle as the players approach. The out of vines and wood – see below.”
remaining 12 vegepygmies assemble into a
A key entry to read to the players is: “I met
formation around the chief as it appears to
someone called Artus who was heading to the
release a bout of spores in a ritualistic
Basin to camp this morning. He spoke of a
fashion. They are praying to their new statue.
powerful wand that could ward off undead
Players can persuade the vegepygmy chief hidden in a parcel of clothes. Just as he said
without violence to leave Vorn on a successful goodbye he was captured by a pterafolk and
DC18 CHA (Persuasion/Intimidation) check. hauled off to the Basin. I won’t be going that
The same check can also be used to recruit way any time soon!”
the tribe into ambushing the grungs. A group
of 3 vegepygmies are also easily distracted by The wand is actually a rod of controlling
movement among the bushes. water elementals (RA) that summons a
swamp-like water elemental as if cast by the
Upon the successful capture and return of conjure elemental spell after the grung
Tsiss, the grungs will give back the stolen command word “Fki’ik” is said. It can only be
item and point them in the direction of the used once per long rest. Most grung will know
Aldani Basin and mention a “pointy stick near the command word for the rod.
the water, Fki’ik”.
After excessive reading of the second diary Conclusion
(approx. 8-10 hours’ worth), players can find This supplement can add flavour to any trek
out the rest of Chituandu’s story, including through the jungle, and is specifically
hints about Valindra’s most recent designed to be easily adapted to any area of
whereabouts in Chult (Heart of Ubtao). The Chult. The first diary could be a treasure
diary also gives vague directions to Orolunga drop/cache result or taken in by one of the
and Ataaz Kahakla, and contains information many tribes or settlements of the jungle. A
about the transmutation amulet for Vorn. character could even have researched
The writing becomes more illegible towards Chituandu beforehand in the hopes of finding
the end as Chituandu grows sick. her discoveries.

Thanks for reading! Don’t forget to review

Aldani Basin this product on DMs Guild and check out my
If the players make it to the Basin they will YouTube channel for more D&D content –
find a large pterafolk nest high up near the http://www.youtube.com/rolerunner.
Mbala plateau. Several shrines to Ubtao,
some broken, lay around the edges of the
water. One has a working glyph of warding
around it, while only one other results in a
Treasure Drop roll (Tomb of Annihilation).

Encounters with pterafolk, dinosaurs,

ghouls and grung are all very likely. A giant
snapping turtle will easily notice a party in
such an open space and will attack them if
they get too close.

Behind the waterfall of the River Olung

(south of Mbala) lies a small cave with two
dead dwarven explorers and a cache of a two-
person tent, two explorer’s packs and a small
two-person canoe with broken paddles. (I’m a
sucker for the trope, I’m sorry).

The rod can be found at the bottom of a

shallow lake in the Basin by either making a
successful DC10 INT (Investigation) check or
casting the detect magic spell nearby. If you
want to make it more obvious, have a grung
digging around by the pools.

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