7 Grade

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Unit:3 Hollidays and travel

Teacher’s name: Nogaibekova Meruert Erbolsynovna

Grade:7 g Number present: absent:
Theme of the lesson: At home
Learning objectives(s) that this 7. 3.1 understand the main points in a growing range of short, simple texts on
lesson is contributing to: general and curricular topics
7.3.1 understand independently specific information and detail in short, simple
texts on a limited range of general and curricular topics
Lesson objectives: All learners will be able to:
 Use vocabulary for furniture.
 Use prepositions of place.
Most learners will be able to:
 Play a memory game about furniture.
Some learners will be able to:
 Use key phrases for finding things.
Value link: Be friendly, respect each other.

Қазақстан Республикасы Оқу ағарту министірлігі

Short term plan

Part of the Teacher’s activity Student’s activity Assessment Resources
Beginning of Organization moment: Good afternoon teacher! At the Power
the lesson Greeting. organization point
Warming-up • With books closed, write the • Elicit some words from moment T tries presentatio
3 min. words Furniture and Rooms on the class and write them to award active n
the board and check that students on the board under the Ss. «The
understand them correct heading. praise»
. • Ask students to work in pairs method is used
and write down as many English to evaluate Ss
words as they can under the two with phrases
headings. like:
“Good job!
Well done!”
Pre-learning Exercise 1 Descriptor:
«Brainstormi • Students check the meanings in - can find extra
ng» method their dictionaries. • Students can work in pairs word Whiteboard
Team work to decide which things are - can make
• Check answers with the class. In
5 min. a weaker class, if students have not in the photo. Allow sentence
missed any of the items in the them a few minutes to - know
picture, help them by pointing study the photo carefully, vocabulary of Student’s
out where the items are. as it is designed to test the previous book
• In a stronger class, encourage students’ observational lesson.
students to correct any wrong skills
answers given by their Total: 1point
classmates, by explaining in
English where the items are in
the photo.
• Model and drill pronunciation of
all the words in the box if
Middle of the «Describing» method is used to Students make the exercise Descriptor:
lesson open up the theme of the lesson. 2. And find odd word out -can find extra Whiteboard
Presentation Exercise 2 1 wardrobe 2 microwave word Student’s
part. • Focus students on the groups of 3 desk, bed 4 lamp -can answer book
words, and explain that in each the general Smart
. group there is one item that does questions board with
8 min. not belong in the room. Total: 1point PPT
Before students complete the
activity, check understanding of the
rooms by asking for translations
. • To extend the activity, encourage
students to say the room where this
item would be found

Team work Exercise 3 $ 1.16 • Students Descriptor: Whiteboard

6 min. complete the sentences with the • . Check themselves that -cooperate as a Student’s
prepositions. They will need to understand the team book
study the photo carefully again. prepositions by asking -work with
In a weaker class, allow them to some more questions new words
work in pairs. about objects in the -can complete
Play the CD for students to listen picture, for example, the answers
and check. What is on the table?
next to What is next to the
sofa? Total: 1point
in front of
behind Other teams check and
evaluate them.

Individual Exercise 4 Descriptor: Whiteboard

work • Allow students time to read the -can use active Student’s
8 min. sentences carefully. Explain that Carefully read the vocabulary book
they should amend the bold sentences and produce the -can use in PPT
words in order to produce the correct versions. sentence.
correct versions. - can use new
• In a stronger class, you could ask words
students to write more false Total: 2 point
sentences about the picture and
give these to their partner to
in front of
next to

Work in pairs. • Students write Descriptor: Whiteboard

10 min • Demonstrate the key phrases by their questions -know new
asking a confident student one or individually, then ask words-1point. Student’s
Speaking task two questions and eliciting the and answer with a -can ask and book
answers. • Read the instructions partner. Go round and answer the
for the memory game with the monitor for accuracy. • questions
class, and check the class Once they have finished,
-can make a
understands these. Explain that find out how many
students were able to dialogue -
they should study the photo
carefully in order to write their answer all their partner’s 1point.
own questions, and also to help questions correctly.
them remember as much as they
can when they come to answer
their partner’s questions.

End of the “Think, pair and share” method is One student have to write Descriptor: Whiteboard
lesson. used in this task the new word in anagrams - Speak on the
Aim: enlarge vocabulary Other students have to find theme Red list Student’s
Reflection knowledge the correct word. -can use new book .
Efficiency: TABH – BATH words and
Ss use new vocabulary and practice phrases
it with groupmates. -can share idea
work: • Refer fast finishers to the - 2points.
Finished? activity.
5 min.
Students can write their anagrams, Ss evaluate
then give them to another fast each other and
finisher to solve encourage
classmate with
phrases like:
Well done!
Good job! I
like it!

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