7 Grade
7 Grade
7 Grade
Part of the Teacher’s activity Student’s activity Assessment Resources
Beginning of Organization moment: Good afternoon teacher! At the Power
the lesson Greeting. organization point
Warming-up • With books closed, write the • Elicit some words from moment T tries presentatio
3 min. words Furniture and Rooms on the class and write them to award active n
the board and check that students on the board under the Ss. «The
understand them correct heading. praise»
. • Ask students to work in pairs method is used
and write down as many English to evaluate Ss
words as they can under the two with phrases
headings. like:
“Good job!
Well done!”
Pre-learning Exercise 1 Descriptor:
«Brainstormi • Students check the meanings in - can find extra
ng» method their dictionaries. • Students can work in pairs word Whiteboard
Team work to decide which things are - can make
• Check answers with the class. In
5 min. a weaker class, if students have not in the photo. Allow sentence
missed any of the items in the them a few minutes to - know
picture, help them by pointing study the photo carefully, vocabulary of Student’s
out where the items are. as it is designed to test the previous book
• In a stronger class, encourage students’ observational lesson.
students to correct any wrong skills
answers given by their Total: 1point
classmates, by explaining in
English where the items are in
the photo.
• Model and drill pronunciation of
all the words in the box if
Middle of the «Describing» method is used to Students make the exercise Descriptor:
lesson open up the theme of the lesson. 2. And find odd word out -can find extra Whiteboard
Presentation Exercise 2 1 wardrobe 2 microwave word Student’s
part. • Focus students on the groups of 3 desk, bed 4 lamp -can answer book
words, and explain that in each the general Smart
. group there is one item that does questions board with
8 min. not belong in the room. Total: 1point PPT
Before students complete the
activity, check understanding of the
rooms by asking for translations
. • To extend the activity, encourage
students to say the room where this
item would be found
End of the “Think, pair and share” method is One student have to write Descriptor: Whiteboard
lesson. used in this task the new word in anagrams - Speak on the
Aim: enlarge vocabulary Other students have to find theme Red list Student’s
Reflection knowledge the correct word. -can use new book .
Efficiency: TABH – BATH words and
Ss use new vocabulary and practice phrases
it with groupmates. -can share idea
work: • Refer fast finishers to the - 2points.
Finished? activity.
5 min.
Students can write their anagrams, Ss evaluate
then give them to another fast each other and
finisher to solve encourage
classmate with
phrases like:
Well done!
Good job! I
like it!