Lecture 2&3
Lecture 2&3
Lecture 2&3
Example (2)
• What do you see?
– A circle!
• Brightness
– Each pixel value is
increased/decreased by a constant Input
amount Pixel
– Pnew = Pold + B
• B > 0 = brighter + Contrast
• B < 0 = less bright
• Contrast
– Each pixel value is multiplied by a
constant amount
- Brightness Original + Brightness
– Pnew = C*Pold + k
• C > 1 = more contrast
• 0 < C < 1 = less contrast
• Same operations performed on
all pixels - Contrast
"Enough" is NOT enough
• As we program we must be explicit
– Example: drawing the circle on the screen
• Being general is not sufficient; we must be explicit!
– Imagine a recipe for cinnamon rolls that simply read:
• Mix and bake the following: butter, that white powdery baking
substance, eggs, just enough sugar, and cinnamon. Enjoy!
– How much of each, how much is "enough", how long, in
what order?
• We will try to work on some of discrete math skills
that help us explicitly define and analyze our
Information Representation
• All information is represented as sequences of
1's and 0's
• Kinds of information
– Numbers
– Text
– Instructions
– Sound
– Image/Video
Main Point: All of these forms of information are represented
as numbers in a computer and manipulated as such.
Why 1’s and 0’s
• Modern computer chips are
made from millions of tiny
transistors built on a chip of
silicon (usually)
• A transistor is an electronic
device that acts like a switch
– It can be on or off
– This leads to only 2 values (high or
low voltage) in computer hardware Transistor Acts as a Switch
– 1’s and 0’s are arbitrary symbols
representing high or low voltage High Voltage
+5V 1
• A single 1 or 0 is known as a bit on +12V
off or
Low Voltage
This Photo by Unknown Author is licensed under CC BY-SA
Starting With Numbers
0 or 1
• A single bit can only represent 1 and 0 A bit
4 2 1
23 = 8 values
Interpreting Binary Strings
• Given a string of 1’s and 0’s, you need to know the
representation system being used, before you can
understand the value of those 1’s and 0’s.
• Information (value) = Bits + Context (System)
01000001 = ?
Binary system ASCII
Instructions system
6510 ‘A’ASCII
"add 1"
Unsigned Binary Number System
• Humans use the decimal number system
– Based on number 10
– 10 digits: [0-9]
• Because computer hardware uses digital
signals with 2 values, computers use the
binary number system
– Based on number 2
– 2 binary digits (a.k.a bits): [0,1]
Number System Theory
• The written digits have implied place values
• Place values are powers of the base (decimal = 10)
• Place value of digit to left of decimal point is 100 and ascend
from there, negative powers of 10 to the right of the decimal
• The value of the number is the sum of each digit times its
implied place value
Most Least
Significant Significant
Digit (MSD) Digit (LSD)
place values
Binary Number System
• Place values are powers of 2
• The value of the number is the sum of each bit times
its implied place value (power of 2)
(110.1)2 =
Binary Number System
• Place values are powers of 2
• The value of the number is the sum of each bit times
its implied place value (power of 2)
Most Least
Significant Significant Bit
Bit (MSB) (LSB)
(110.1)2 = 1 * 22 + 1 * 21 + 0 * 20 + 1 * 2-1
place values
01000001 = ?
Unsigned ASCII
Binary system Instructions system
6510 ‘A’ASCII
"add 1"
• Is there any limitation if we only use the powers of
some base as our weights?
– Can't make negative numbers
• What if we change things
– How do humans represent negative numbers?
– Can we do something similar?
64 32 16 8 4 2 1
128 64 32 16 8 4 2 1
C Integer Data Types
– Integer Types (signed by default… unsigned with optional
leading keyword)
• Processor
Mix in 3 eggs
memory starting
the app)
• Set of cells that each store a group of bits
(usually, 1 byte = 8 bits)
• Unique address assigned to each cell Address Data
0 11010010
– Used to reference the value in that location
1 01001011
• Analogy: Safe-deposit or mail boxes 2 10010000
– Each has an identifying number and a value 3 11110100
stored inside 4 01101000
– The value can be an instruction, a number, a 5 11010001
character, etc. (You the programmer must …
know what to expect and how to interpret it!)
1023 00001011
Memory Operations
• Memories perform 2 operations
0 11010010
1 01001011
2 Addr.
– Read: retrieves data value in a 10010000 Data
2 10010000
1023 00001011
A Write Operation
One At a Time
• Recall that while we see the image of a man, the computer
"sees" a collection of numbers (aka pixels)?
• Now we can understand why
– Every number is stored as bits in memory
– Memory can only be accessed one data value at a time
• This limitation of accessing one value at a time leads to a
fundamental issue of programming: How do we break abstract
tasks into a sequence of "1 at a time" operations? 0
0000 0000
0 0 0 0 1 0000 0000
Image taken f rom the photo "Robin Jeffers at Ton 8 1000 0000
House" (1927) by Edward Weston
• Show how "cs 102" would be
stored in the memory below
– Use decimal to represent each byte
• How do we indicate the string is
done ("terminated")
– With special NULL character (i.e. 0)
6 …
Additional Resources