9.1 What Do We Know About Plants 9.2 Photosynthesis

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Plant Biology

9.1 Why do we need plants ?

9.2 Photosynthesis
p.164-165 / p. 166-171

Grade 8 BP

Describe the structure of plants from the roots to
the leaves
Describe trends and patterns in results

Make conclusion by interpreting results

Think – pair – Share
Why are plants important ?

Q2: P.165
Draw the diagram of a plant and label
the roots ,stem, leaves and flowers .
Describe the function of each structure
you label.
What Do the Different
Parts of a Plant Do?
Flowers are reproductive Stems support the leaves ,
? holding them out to capture
structures of plants , and
they form the seeds and the sunlight they need for
fruit. They only appear at photosynthesis. It also
certain times in the life support the flowers and fruit
cycle of the plant
? .Water and food are taken up
(Reproduction) from the roots and
transported through the
stem. (supports plant)

Roots anchor the plant in Leaves capture energy from

the ground and supply it
? the sun using the green
with water and mineral colour chlorophyll. They use
nutrients from the soil. this for photosynthesis to
(anchor the plant and make carbohydrates.
supply water and nutrients) (capture energy from the
? sun in photosynthesis )
Crop yields over time (P.156/Q3 )
✔ The following graph allow you to see trends
in a series of results.
✔ Interpreting results from a graph makes it
possible to draw evidence – based

Yield A measure
of the amount pf a
particular product
produced ,particularly
applied to crops.
Home learning
Project title : Exploring famous plants in UAE and
Assess your understanding their utilization.
research and present information about famous
plants found in the United Arab Emirates and
their various uses.
Plant selection: choose plants from the list or
a. State 3 reasons why plants are important suggest your own. Date Palm (Phoenix
to people ? dactylifera)
Ghaf Tree (Prosopis
1. 2. 3. cineraria)
Sodom Apple (Calotropis
Halophytes (Salt-Tolerant
b. The main structures in plants are : Sidr Tree (Ziziphus

__________ , __________ , ________ , spina-christi)

Wild Desert Cucumber
________________ . (Citrullus colocynthis)
Presentation Format: poster or short written report
Presentation Components:
• Introduction to the plant and its name
• Botanical information and appearance
• Historical and cultural significance
• Traditional and modern uses
• Challenges the plant might face and conservation efforts
• Conclusion summarizing the importance of the plan
Know that photosynthesis is the
Photosynthesis , Biomass
process by which plants make
carbohydrates ,using the energy
from light
Know that photosynthesis occurs in
the chloroplasts
Know and use the summary word
equation for photosynthesis
• Photosynthesis is the process by which plants Simplified Photosynthesis
Enlarge this video to have a
produce their own food simple guide for
• Plants are called Autotroph organisms because
they are able to produce their own food . v=pFaBpVoQD4E

• Animals are depending on other organisms to

provide them food so they are called Heterotroph

• To be able to photosynthesize plants need
• carbon dioxide (plants get it from the air and also make during
aerobic respiration)
• water (plants get it from the soil )
• Plants produce Oxygen and Glucose by the process of photosynthesis
Important notes:

If a plant cell does not have

any chloroplasts ,it cannot
carry out photosynthesis .

The number of chloroplasts in

a plant cell tells you about the
amount of photosynthesis it
carries out

Answer Q2 on p.167
Plants use the glucose they made during photosynthesis in several ways:

Aerobic respiration is when the plant breaks down the glucose

• Half of the glucose is used in cellular respiration , making energy for
all other reactions going on in the cells.
When you eat plants, you are eating it’s stored energy
As a starch store when photosynthesis stop
• glucose molecules join together to form big molecules of starch which
are stored in the leaves to help plant respire in the dark.
To make other molecules glucose molecules made during
photosynthesis are the building blocks for all other compounds such as
proteins , lipids ,carbohydrates and molecules like chlorophyll

Answer Q3 on p.167
• Biomass is the amount of living materials.

• Plants photosynthesize to increase their biomass.

• Tall thin palisade cells near the top of the leaf have chloroplasts to absorb light.

• Plant cells need to store glucose so their cells can respire at night. Glucose
(soluble small molecules) can not be stored in cells. Instead they are joined
together to make giant molecules of starch to prevent it from being lost.
• Plants use glucose to build new cells.

• In plants : light absorption photosynthesis biomass

• Biomass keeps animals and human alive. It supplies the energy and
building materials to herbivores and passes along food chains to

Answer Q4 on P.167
Energy flows in food chains from producers
to consumers

Light energy

Energy in plant
Energy in animal
Energy in animal
The leaf is the organ
where photosynthesis
takes place. It is made
of different tissues
that perform different
Around the room is information about the tissues in a leaf. Use it to fill
in the table with the correct information. (class activity)
• Upper epidermis and lower epidermis are found on the surface of the leaf

Function: to protect the leaf from microbes and dust

Characteristics: small cells , rectangular shaped , one row of cells , transparent

• Cuticle is a waxy substance at the top surface of the leaf

Function: prevent evaporation of water.

• Mesophyll the tissue in the middle of the leaf

a- Palisade mesophyll: long , thin , closely-packed , contain plenty of chloroplast

Function: most photosynthesis occurs inside them.

b- Spongy mesophyll: Irregular shape , contain less chloroplast , have spaces between them
Function: some photosynthesis occurs inside them. Allow gas exchange
• Veins (vascular bundle) has two tubes:

1- Xylem: tube that carries water and minerals up to the leaves.

2- Phloem: tube that carries sugar to other parts of the plant.

• Stomata: are openings found in the lower epidermis that allow gases
to diffuse in and out the leaf (carbon dioxide and oxygen)

• Guard cells are bean-shaped cells surround the stomata to control the
opening and closing of stomata
• Photosynthesis takes place in chloroplasts found in leaf cells.

• Chloroplasts are organelles that contain chlorophyll involved in trapping

sunlight and giving the leaf its green color

• These cells take carbon dioxide from the air. Leaves are very thin so gases
diffuse in and out quickly.

• The water needed for photosynthesis is brought up from the roots in xylem
Home learning
Describe how plants are adapted to live in UAE
Extra practices

Draw the graph

Write a conclusion
Experiment 1
Two seedling plants
from the same Compare plant
species are kept in 1 and 2
the same conditions
to grow.
Both seed lings are
supplied by all the
requirements to be
able to grow
Seedling 1 is kept in
Seedling 2 is kept in 1: in light 2: in dark
a dark room
• Seedlings need light.

Dark Light
Produce tall, weak shoots Short sturdy stems
and tiny yellow leaves.

This growth uses up their Use their first leave to

energy supply, so the plants photosynthesize and
die after a few days produce the glucose they
need to keep growing
• Some of the sugars made by leaf cells are moved to cells that have no

• The sugars travel through the plant in phloem tubes. Other sugars are
converted to starch and stored in leaves.
Experiment 2
• To be able to photosynthesize plants need carbon dioxide water and

• Chlorophyll ( green color) is also necessary for photosynthesis

• Exercise 2: set up an experiment that investigates the importance of

light in the process of photosynthesis . ( 2 mins)
Iodine Test
• Iodine can show where photosynthesis has taken place. It turns
stored starch dark blue

• Iodine + starch Dark blue

Experiment 3
• Describe an experiment that can be held to investigate the
importance of carbon dioxide in photosynthesis

• Draw your own conclusion

Experiment 3
1. Take two identical plants ( same age /species /size…)
2. Place both plants inside two jars
3. Add carbon dioxide absorbent to one of the jars ( remove all the
carbon dioxide available )
4. Provide the same conditions for both plants
5. Wait for 24 hours
6. Remove two leaves from both plants
7. Add some drops of iodine solution to both leaves
• The leaf taken from the plant that has carbon dioxide turns dark blue color
with iodine solution ( starch is present = photosynthesis happened )

• The leaf taken from the plant that was deprived from carbon dioxide after
adding iodine solution the color remains orange /yellow that means that no
starch is present so no photosynthesis )

• Conclusion: Carbon dioxide is an important factor for photosynthesis to


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