8 - Unit-7

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Vocabulary Project
• To name special days and the ways we • To make an ‘Unusual Festival’ poster
celebrate them
• To use ordinal numbers from first Culture Connection
to thirty-first • Around the World: To read and talk
about leap years and superstitions
• To identify important ideas in a story Writing
(‘The Anniversary Party’) • To write emails
• To use reading strategies to comprehend
and appreciate a story Phonics
• To identify and say the letters
Grammar and sounds for ue, u_e and ure
• To talk about future activities individually and as part of words
• To use ordinal numbers to talk
about dates Think Big
• To develop 21st century skills and
Content Connection ‘bigger picture’ thinking
• Geography: To learn about unusual
festivals around the world

Key Vocabulary
Special Days Ways We Celebrate Ordinal Content Words
Earth Day give/get presents or a card first calendar million
Father’s Day have a party second celebrate monkeys
Midsummer’s Day watch a parade third divided Nepal
my parents’ anniversary watch fireworks fourth extra Spain
School Sports Day wear different clothes fifth festival superstitions
New Year’s Eve/Day sixth . . . [up to] India Thailand
thirty-first leap

190 Unit
T7A Unit 77

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Materials Unit Opener Activities
Pupil’s Book, Unit 7
Main unit, pages 84–95 Family Connection
Class Audio CD, Tracks 3:01–18 Have pupils make a yearly planner
showing important occasions their family
Activity Book, Unit 7 celebrates. Have them begin by writing
Main unit, pages 66–75 the name of each month and listing
Extra grammar practice, page 104 the days underneath the month. Have
Class Audio CD, Tracks 3:06–19 pupils identify the events with family
members and write them on the planner.
Assessment Package Throughout the unit, allow pupils to
Unit 7 Practice test revisit their planners and report what
events they have celebrated with their
Unit 7 Unit test families.
Unit 7 Oral assessment

Additional Materials
Flashcards 54–59
Video (eText), Unit 7
Interactive Activities, Unit 7
Let’s Celebrate! Bulletin Board
Digital activities (MyEnglishLab),
Unit 7 Ask pupils which special day is their favourite.
List each special day they mention and have
them take a vote to see which is the class’s
favourite. Divide the bulletin board into four
sections. Label each section with one of
the class’s top four favourite special days.
Encourage pupils to add words and drawings
as they work through the unit to show things
they do to celebrate those special days.

Unit 7 T7B

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Unit Special

Listen, look and say.

1 Father’s Day

2 my parents’
anniversary 3 New Year’s

4 School
Sports Day 5 Midsummer’s 6 Earth Day

2 Listen, find and say. 3 Play a game.

84 Unit 7 vocabulary (special days)

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st To talk about special
• 21 Global Awareness Write the months of the year on the board, say them days people celebrate
aloud and have pupils repeat after you. Then ask them when their birthday is.
Next to each month, write the names of the pupils who have birthdays.
• Show pupils the calendar and as you go through each month one by one, ask Key Vocabulary
pupils what other celebrations they know of that are celebrated in that month. Nouns: anniversary,
Earth Day, Father’s Day,
Encourage pupils to talk about traditional holidays from their ethnic Midsummer’s Day, New
backgrounds. Year’s Eve/Day, School
Sports Day
Adjective: special
Using Page 84
21st Century Skills
1 Listen, look and say.
3:01 Global Awareness
Explain the lesson objective – pupils will talk about special days people
celebrate. Materials
• Point to the pictures on page 84 and say: These pictures show different types of
Flashcards 54–59
celebrations. A4 paper
• Read the directions aloud. Play audio track 3:01. Have pupils listen, look at the Audio tracks 3:01–02
picture for each corresponding celebration and then repeat the sentences. Interactive activities
Replay the audio and pause after each celebration while pupils repeat it several
Digital activities:
MONITOR times. Listen for proper pronunciation and appropriate intonation. Ask pupils MyEnglishLab
to repeat each item aloud after you, if necessary.
ASSIST Replay the audio as needed.
Page 66
Ask pupils if they know when each of these special days are celebrated and Answers on page T151
write the answers on the board.
2 3:02 Listen, find and say.
• Point to the celebrations in Activity 1 and say each one aloud. Have pupils
repeat after you. Randomly describe a picture and have pupils point to the
picture you have described.
• Read the directions aloud. Play audio track 3:02. Have pupils listen and point
to each picture in Activity 1.
Check to make sure pupils are pointing to the correct picture. Pupils can also
MONITOR repeat the activity in pairs, showing or saying the correct number for each
celebration to each other.
ASSIST Replay the audio as needed. For additional support, use the flashcards.
3 Play a game.
• Tell pupils that you are going to describe a special day and they have to tell
you which one it is. Model: It’s a special day for sports. Elicit: School Sports Day.
Continue until all special days have been guessed and then turn the game over
to the pupils to play in groups.
Listen for proper pronunciation, appropriate intonation and correct use of
• Assign Activity Book page 66 and direct pupils to digital activities.

Application and Practice Activity

• Give each pupil a sheet of A4 paper. Have them write a few sentences about
their favourite special days and when they are celebrated. Write on the board:
My favourite special day is my birthday. It’s in June. Explain that they can
illustrate their work. Have them present their work to the class.
Encourage pupils to choose and present celebrations not covered in this
lesson, e.g.: local or ethnic celebrations.
ASSIST Write key vocabulary on the board for pupils to use in their sentences.

Unit 7 T84

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To talk about special

days people celebrate • On the board, write the words Easter and Mother’s Day. Ask pupils what they do
on these days, what items are associated with each one, e.g. eggs, cards, presents
To sing a song
and write their ideas on the board under the suitable heading.
• Give each pupil a sheet of A4 paper and have them choose one of these
occasions to draw about. Have them talk about their work with a partner.
Key Vocabulary
Nouns: card, clothes,
fireworks, parade, party, Using Page 85
Adjectives: different, 4 3:03 Listen and sing. What special day is this Friday?
special 3:04
Verbs: get/give, watch, INVOLVE
Explain the lesson objective – pupils will sing a song and talk about how
wear people celebrate special days.
• Read the directions aloud. Play audio track 3:03. Have pupils read along
21st Century Skills
Critical Thinking
• Replay the audio and have pupils sing along. Do this several times. Then ask
Materials pupils to read the song silently and to make a note of what special day is this
A4 paper, stapler, Friday.
Audio tracks 3:03–06
• Once pupils are familiar with the song, have them practise it using the karaoke
Audioscript, page T143 version (audio track 3:04). Or, if you wish, save the karaoke version for use at
Interactive activities another time as a fun way to review the song.
(eText) Check pupils’ comprehension. Ask: What are people going to do this Friday?
Digital activities: (stay up late, cheer at midnight) What are they going to do on the first of
MyEnglishLab MONITOR
January? (say ‘Happy New Year’ to everyone) What special day is this Friday?
(It’s the last day of the year.)
Page 67 Replay the audio as needed. Use gestures and simple language to explain
Audioscript on page unfamiliar words.
Answers on page T151 5 3:05 Listen and match the special days to the actions.
• Read the directions aloud. Point to each photo and read the sentences. Have
pupils point and repeat after you. Ask pupils what special day each item is
associated with.
• Play audio track 3:05. Have pupils listen and match the special days to the
actions independently. Then have pupils check their answers in pairs.
MONITOR Review answers as a class. (Answers: 1 e, 2 a, 3 d, 4 b, 5 c)
21 Critical Thinking
• Ask pupils what other special days they can name and what other things they
do on them. Write their answers on the board.
Listen for proper pronunciation, appropriate intonation and correct use of
Put pupils in pairs and have them write a few sentences together about a
special celebration and what they do on that day to present to the class.
• Assign Activity Book page 67 and direct pupils to digital activities

TEACHING TIP Application and Practice Activity

Kinaesthetic Learners • Explain to pupils that people keep special dates in their diaries to remember
For pupils who prefer them. Give pupils two sheets of A4 paper. Have fold both in half, cut where
to be physically active the crease is and then fold and cut again where the crease is. Staple the pieces
while learning, invite
them to stand up and of paper together to form a book. Inside, on each side, write a month of the
swing their arms back year. Then have them ask their fellow pupils when their birthdays are and to
and forth to the rhythm note it in the matching box.
of the verses and
march in place during • Then have them write down any other birthdays that they know of. Ask pupils
the chorus. The to tell you when these birthdays are.
movements will help If pupils happen to have their birthday on that day or in that week, have the
enhance their focus CHALLENGE

during the song.

pupils make them a card.

T85 Unit 7

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03 3:04

4 Listen and sing. What special day is this Friday?

What Do We Do on Special Days?

This Friday is a special day –
The last day of the year.
We’re going to stay up very late.
At midnight we’re going to cheer!
Special days are cool. Special days are fun.
Special days bring special treats for everyone!
On the first of January,
We are going to say,
“Happy New Year!” to everyone
Because it’s New Year’s Day.
There are lots of special days
And this one is a treat.
We’re going to have parades and fireworks
And delicious food to eat!

5 Listen and match the special days to the actions.

a b c

wear different give/get presents

clothes or a card have a party

d e

watch a parade watch fireworks

What other special days can you name?

What other things do you do on special days?

song/vocabulary Unit 7 85

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6 Listen and read. Why is Sam making a cake?

y Party
The Anniversar Oh! That’s nice!
That’s very kind of you! But... but what?

What are you doing, Sam? Yes, very nice, but...

Well, tomorrow is 10th June. I’m

making a cake for your anniversary!

Our anniversary is on
Don’t worry. I’m going to take 10th July, not 10th June!
care of everything.

1 Sam’s parents’ anniversary is on 2 Sam wants to help his parents 5 Sam’s parents like the plans but 6 Sam got the date right but the
the 10th. celebrate their wedding anniversary. there’s a little problem. month wrong!

We’re going to have dinner at Sam, when are we going to 7 Read and say True or False.
Antonio’s, your favourite restaurant. have dinner at Antonio’s?
1 In the story, the next day is 10th June.
2 Sam is making a cake for his parents’ birthday.
Tomorrow night! And then 3 They are all going to have dinner at a restaurant.
we’re all going to come 4 Sam is right about the day but wrong about the month.
back here to have cake.
5 Sam’s parents’ anniversary is on 10th June.

How do you think Sam feels at the end of the story?

Have you ever made a mistake about the date?
Oh... yes, right! When? What happened?
What other special occasions do people celebrate?
4 Sam is planning a little party after
3 Sam and his family are going to the dinner. He’s going to give them
eat out. a card!

86 Unit 7 reading Unit 7 87

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• Write Special Days on the board. Draw a circle around it. This will be the centre of a word map
you will create with the class. Have pupils call out special days (birthdays, anniversaries, New
Year’s Day, etc) and write them around the edges of the map. Pupils can refer to page 84 or
offer their own ideas. Draw a circle around each idea and draw a line connecting it to Special
Days. Be sure that anniversary is part of the word web.
• Point to anniversary. Have pupils call out words associated with celebrating an anniversary and
add them to the word web (get presents, have a party, etc) in bubbles around that special day.
Leave the partly completed word map on the board for later use.

Using Page 86
6 3:07 Listen and read. Why is Sam making a cake?
INVOLVE Explain the lesson objective – pupils will listen and answer questions about a story.
• Read the story title aloud. Have pupils repeat it. Ask: Where’s Sam? (in the kitchen) What’s he
doing? (He’s making a cake.)
• Read the directions aloud. Draw attention to the question: Why is Sam making a cake? Play
audio track 3:07. Have pupils listen and read along silently.
Ask comprehension questions about the story. Say: Look at Frame 1. Who’s Sam talking to? (his
parents) Look at Frame 2. What does Sam want to do? (He wants to help his parents celebrate
MONITOR their anniversary.) Look at Frame 4. What’s Sam planning? (a little party after dinner) Look at
Frame 6. What’s the little problem? (Sam got the date wrong.) Why is Sam making a cake? (He’s
making a cake for his parents’ anniversary.)
Replay the audio as necessary. Pause after each frame and explain the meaning of unfamiliar
• Have pupils work in pairs to read the speech bubbles aloud to each other and role play the
dialogue in the story.
CHALLENGE Invite volunteers to come to the front and role play and mime the story for the class.

T86 Unit 7

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Using Page 87 OBJECTIVES
To read unit language
7 Read and say True or False. in context
• Read the directions aloud. Then read the first item. Have pupils look back at To read for
understanding and
the story and decide if the statement is true or not. enjoyment
• Have pupils complete the activity independently in their notebooks. To read and draw
MONITOR Review answers as a class. (Answers: 1 True, 2 False, 3 True, 4 True, 5 False)
CHALLENGE Have pupils correct the false statements.
21 Communication Key Vocabulary
• Read the questions aloud. Have pupils work in pairs to ask and answer the Adjective: tenth
questions. Remind them to make eye contact and to speak clearly as they talk Verb: celebrate
to their partners.
21st Century Skills
While pupils are working, listen for proper pronunciation, appropriate Global Awareness
MONITOR intonation and correct use of target language and vocabulary. Have volunteers Communication
to say their answers aloud for the class and discuss.
ASSIST Provide sentence frames for pupils who need help. Materials
Audio track 3:07
• Assign Activity Book page 68 and direct pupils to digital activities. Digital activities:
Application and Practice Activity
• Return to the word map you created in the Warm-Up activity and complete it. Page 68
Have pupils work in pairs to think of words associated with each special day Answers on page T151
listed there.
• Have pairs share their ideas with the whole class. As pupils call out their words,
Sam has planned a big
add them to the word web on the board. celebration for his
parents’ anniversary on
the tenth. They’re going
out for a special meal
and he’s making a cake.
There’s just one little
problem. Their
anniversary is on
10thJuly, not 10thJune.

21 Global Awareness
Point out that many
countries around the
world celebrate the
anniversary of their
independence. Have
pupils use the internet
to look up the dates of
Independence Days in
countries they have
learnt about in class.
Encourage them to
mark those dates on
the class calendar.

Unit 7 T87

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6 Listen and read. Why is Sam making a cake?

ive rs a r y Par ty
Th e A n n
Oh! That’s nice!

What are you doing, Sam?

Well, tomorrow is 10th June. I’m

making a cake for your anniversary!

Don’t worry. I’m going to take

care of everything.

1 Sam’s parents’ anniversary is on 2 Sam wants to help his parents

the 10th. celebrate their wedding anniversary.

We’re going to have dinner at Sam, when are we going to

Antonio’s, your favourite restaurant. have dinner at Antonio’s?

Tomorrow night! And then

we’re all going to come
back here to have cake.

Oh... yes, right!

4 Sam is planning a little party after

3 Sam and his family are going to the dinner. He’s going to give them
eat out. a card!

86 Unit 7

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That’s very kind of you! But... but what?

Yes, very nice, but...

Our anniversary is on
10th July, not 10th June!

5 Sam’s parents like the plans but 6 Sam got the date right but the
there’s a little problem. month wrong!

7 Read and say True or False.

1 In the story, the next day is 10th June.
2 Sam is making a cake for his parents’ birthday.
3 They are all going to have dinner at a restaurant.
4 Sam is right about the day but wrong about the month.
5 Sam’s parents’ anniversary is on 10th June.

How do you think Sam feels at the end of the story?

Have you ever made a mistake about the date?
When? What happened?
What other special occasions do people celebrate?

reading Unit 7 87

14:05 M07_BE_SB_L04GLB_0776_U07.indd 199

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Language in Action

8 Listen and look at the sentences. Help Sam and Christina make more.

watch fireworks wear special clothes

New Year’s Eve/Day Father’s Day Sports’ Day

When are you going to watch a parade ?

We ’re going to watch a parade

on New Year’s Day. .

Is he going to give presents ?

Yes, he is .

9 Read and complete. Change the words in blue.

Then role play with a partner.
Calvin: When are we go/going to go to
Grandma’s house for their anniversary?
Mum: 10th May.
Calvin: This Saturday? Are/Is we going to
have/having a party?
Mum: Yes. Dad’s going to/going make some
special food and I’m going to bake
a cake.
Calvin: Cool. I’m going/I go to make a card
Mum: Good idea!

10 Work with a partner. Act out some of the things you do on special days.
Ask your partner to guess.

88 Unit 7 language practice (When are you going to have the party?)

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To use be going to
• On the board, write going to and underneath write Monday – play tennis, + verb to talk about
Wednesday – go to the cinema, Saturday – visit Grandma. Explain that we use future events
going to to express what we will do in the near future.
• Point to Monday and ask What am I going to do on Monday? Say the answer and
have pupils repeat after you (I’m going to play tennis). Continue in this way for Key Vocabulary
the next two days written on the board. Then have pupils make sentences using Nouns: anniversary,
going to and a day of the week. Father’s Day, Sports
Day, New Year’s Eve/Day
Verb phrases: give
Using Page 88 presents, have a party,
make a card, make some
special food, watch
8 3:08 Listen and look at the sentences. Help Sam and Christina make fireworks, watch a
more. parade, wear special
Explain the lesson objective – pupils will make questions and answers using
going to. 21st Century Skills
• Point to the board in the Pupil’s Book and read the phrases. Ask pupils to Collaboration
repeat after you.
• Read the directions aloud. Play audio track 3:08. Have pupils listen and follow
Audio tracks 3:08–09
along in their books. Pause after each completed sentence so that pupils can Digital activities:
repeat what they hear. MyEnglishLab
• Read the sentences aloud again. Point out how questions and answers with
going to are formed.
Page 69
• Have pupils practise the target language in pairs using the alternative language Audioscript on page
on blocks at the top of the board. For example: When are you going to wear T143
special clothes? Are you going to watch a parade? Answers on page T151

Check for understanding. Review possible sentences as a class. Ask pairs to
say a sentence that they have made aloud.
9 Read and complete. Change the words in blue. Then role play with a
• Read the directions aloud. Read Item 1 and ask which verb is correct (going).
• Have pupils work in pairs to complete the activity.
MONITOR Review answers as a class. (Answers: going, Are, have, going to, I’m going)
• Have pupils role play their dialogues with a partner, replacing the words in
blue with their own.
Place pupil in pairs and have them write a new dialogue in their notebooks
using the key vocabulary from Activity 8 to present to the class.
10 Work with a partner. Act out some of the things you do on special
days. Ask your partner to guess.
• Have pairs of pupils take turns miming things they do on special days.
Listen for proper pronunciation, appropriate intonation, correct use of target
language and vocabulary.
• Assign Activity Book page 69 and direct pupils to digital activities.

Application and Practice Activity

• Put pupils in small groups. Tell them that they are very busy with homework,
school, sports and other activities on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday but have
to agree to go somewhere together on Thursday afternoon. Write on the board:
A: Let’s go to the cinema on Monday afternoon.
B: Sorry. I’m going to my grandma’s on Monday. How about Tuesday?
C: No, I can’t. I’m going to play tennis on Tuesday.
B: Then how about ...
• Read the model dialogue to the pupils and have them write a similar dialogue in
their groups. Ask groups to role play their dialogues for the class.

Unit 7 T88

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To use ordinal numbers
to describe dates • On the board, write My birthday is on 7th June. My parents’ anniversary is on 1st
September. Then say the sentences and explain that when we say the dates, we
use the and of.
21st Century Skills • Ask pupils to write two important dates and to say them to the class.
Using Page 89
Calendar 11 Read and say. Now look at the calendar and test your partner.
A4 paper Explain the lesson objective – pupils will use ordinal numbers to describe
Audio tracks 3:10–11 dates.
Audioscript, page T144
Interactive activities
• Read the directions aloud. Have pupils read the small box in Activity 11 aloud
(eText) and then look at the calendar.
Digital activities: • Tell them that you will say a number and they have to say the date. Model: 11.
It’s the eleventh of January. Then quiz each pupil to check for understanding.
• Have pupils do the activity in pairs.
Page 70
As pupils work, check for proper pronunciation and correct use of language
Audioscript on page MONITOR
T144 and vocabulary.
Answers on page T151
Say: It’s the oneth of January. Have pupils correct you. Continue in this way for
a few more dates.
ASSIST Model how to find the correct date and ordinal number on the calendar.
12 Complete the sentences with true answers.
• Read the directions aloud. Show pupils the calendar which is open to the
current month. Have pupils complete the activity independently.
MONITOR Review answers as a class. (Answers: Pupil’s own answers)
Put pupils in pairs. Have one pupil say today’s date. His partner is to tell him
CHALLENGE yesterday’s and tomorrow’s date. Have pupils continue by allocating a different
date as today’s.
13 3:10 Listen and choose.

• Have pupils look at each item and tell you the ordinals, e.g., fourth, fourteenth.
• Play audio track 3:10 and have pupils listen and complete the activity.
MONITOR Review answers as a class. (Answers: 1 4th, 2 20th, 3 30th, 4 2nd, 5 1st, 5 3rd)
ASSIST Replay the audio as needed.
14 Work with a partner and talk about people you are going to visit.
• Read the directions aloud. Ask: Who’s someone you might visit soon? When are
you going to see that person? If pupils haven’t got plans to visit anyone, suggest
they make up an answer using the name of a celebrity or someone else they
wish they could meet.
• Have two volunteers read the speech bubbles and then ask pupils to work
in pairs.
As pairs work, listen for proper pronunciation, appropriate intonation and
correct use of language.
• Assign Activity Book page 70 and direct pupils to digital activities.

Application and Practice Activity

• Have pupils make a monthly plan that shows at least one thing they will do on
each week of the upcoming month. Use the real calendar. Have pupils make a
chart of four columns and six rows on a sheet of A4 paper and label each box
with the date. Pupils should write at least one activity for each week, using the
sentence frame: I’m going to… on (Monday 16th January).

T89 Unit 7

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Language in Action

11 Read and say. Now look at the calendar and test your partner.

We write: 1st April

We say: On the first of April

1st 2nd 3rd 4th
first second thi rd fou rth
5th 6th 7th 8th
fifth sixth seventh eighth
9th 10th 11th 12th
ninth tenth eleventh twel fth
13th 14th 15th 16th
thirteenth fourteenth fifteen th sixteenth
17th 18th 19th 20th
seventeenth eighteenth nineteenth twentieth
21st 30th 31st
twenty-first thi rtieth thirty-first

12 Complete the sentences with true answers.

1 Today is the ? .
2 Tomorrow is the ? .
3 Yesterday was the ? .
4 Next Monday is the ? .

13 Listen and choose.

1 4th/14th 2 12th/20th
3 31st/30th 4 2nd/20th
5 1st/21st 6 3rd/4th

14 Work with a partner and talk about people you are going to visit.

Are you going to visit your

No, I’m going to visit my
grandma on the ninth?
grandma on the tenth.

language practice (Are you going to visit Grandma on the ninth?) Unit 7 89

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Content Connection Geography

15 Look, listen and repeat. 17 Read and say the name of the festival.

celebrate feast fight glacier guests messy powder Festival of the Snow Star Holi Monkey Buffet Tomatina

16 Listen and read. Which festival is the coldest? 1 The guests at this festival are monkeys.
2 During this festival, people throw coloured powder at each other.
Unusual Festivals The world is full of strange and
interesting festivals. Here are just a few
of the most unusual festivals in the world.
3 This festival is a messy food fight.
4 This festival celebrates the end of winter.
Holi – The Festival of Colours 5 It takes place on the last weekend in November.
This festival takes place every year in India, Nepal and many other 6 For three days and nights, people celebrate on top of a glacier.
parts of the world in the spring. Holi lasts for many days. During Holi,
people throw coloured powder and water at each other. Holi is a festival
to celebrate the end of winter and the arrival of spring. It’s one of the 18 Talk about the festivals with a partner.
most colourful festivals in the world.

This festival takes place on

Tomatina – The Tomato Festival the last weekend in November. It’s the Monkey
Every year, on the last Wednesday of August, there is an interesting The guests are monkeys. Buffet.
festival in Buñol, Spain. People come from all over the world for a big
food fight. Tomatina is the festival of throwing tomatoes! All over the city,
people run through the streets throwing red tomatoes at each other. It’s a
really messy festival but everyone has a good time.

The Monkey Buffet

19 Make an Unusual
Festival poster. Then
On the last weekend in November, the people of Lopburi, Thailand, present it to the class.
invite some unusual guests to dinner. Hundreds of monkeys live near
the town. Once every year, the monkeys are invited to a feast. The
monkeys feast on fruit, nuts and vegetables. People from all over the
world come to watch the monkeys eat. Another unusual
festival is the
cheese rolling
Qoyllurit’i – The Festival of the Snow Star festival.
One of the strangest and coldest festivals on Earth takes place
every May or June on a glacier in Peru. Each year many people
go to the festival known as Qoyllurit’i. For three days and nights
people celebrate with music and dancing on top of the glacier.
At the end of the festival, everyone walks out together carrying
torches of fire.
The cheese rolling festiva
place in England every June. l takes
During the
festival, people roll round cheese
a hill and run after them. s down
Which of these festivals would you
like to see? Why?

90 Unit 7 content connection (world festivals) Unit 7 91

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• 21 Global Awareness Divide the class into five groups. Give each group an index card
labelled with a country’s name. Tell them not to show their cards to the other groups.
• Ask each group to write four facts about the country on the card. Model: Greece is in Southern
Europe. They may also use other units in their Pupil’s Book or the internet to find more facts.
• When pupils have finished, play the game. Each group should read their facts to the class and
have the class guess which country is on their card. If they still have not guessed after hearing
all the facts, they can play a game of Hot and Cold with the globe or world map to help their
classmates locate their country.

Using Page 90
15 3:12 Look, listen and repeat.

INVOLVE Explain the lesson objective – pupils will read about unusual festivals around the world.
• Read the directions aloud. Play audio track 3:12 and have pupils follow in their books. Play
the audio again while pupils listen and repeat.
• Tell pupils that they will learn the meaning of these words in the context of the article. Or, if
you wish, have pairs of pupils look up the words in a dictionary before reading the text.
Write words on the board, point to them and say them aloud. Have pupils listen and repeat.
MONITOR (Pupils can also do this in pairs, pointing randomly at words in their books and practising
saying them.)
ASSIST Replay the audio as needed.
16 3:13 Listen and read. Which festival is the coldest?

• Read the directions aloud and have pupils read the headings in the text. Ask what type of
festivals they think are represented here. Have pupils look at the photos and tell you what
they see. Elicit possible answers to the question before pupils listen and read the text.
• Play audio track 3:13 and have pupils listen and read along silently.
Ask questions to check for understanding. Ask: Where’s the festival of colours? (India) When
does the Tomatino festival take place? (the last Wednesday of August) Which festival takes place
in Thailand? (the Monkey Buffet) Which is the strangest festival? (the Festival of the Snow Star)
Which festival is the coldest? (the Festival of the Snow Star)

T90 Unit 7

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Replay the audio as needed. Have pupils note down any words they do not To read and talk about
unusual festivals
understand and help them work out their meanings from context.
st To make a poster
• 21 Information Literacy Point out that many articles have subheadings.
Show pupils the four subheadings on this page. Ask: What do the subheadings
tell you? (the name of a festival and the name of that section of the article) Tell
Content Words
pupils they can also use subheadings to review articles they have already read.
celebrate, feast, fight,
st glacier, guests, messy,
21 Communication powder
• Read the questions aloud. Ask each pupil to tell you which of the festivals in
Activity 16 they would like to see and record the results on board. Have pupils 21st Century Skills
work in pairs to talk about why they would like to see this festival. Encourage Global Awareness
pupils to face their partners as they talk to one another. Information Literacy
Critical Thinking

Using Page 91 Materials

Index cards
17 Read and say the name of the festival. Globe or world map
• Read the directions aloud. Have volunteers read the words in the box and the Audio tracks 3:12–13
statements aloud. Do Item 1 as a class. Interactive activities
• Have pupils work independently to complete the activity in their notebooks. Digital activities:
Review answers as a class. (Answers: 1 The Monkey Buffet, 2 Holi, 3 Tomatina, MyEnglishLab
4 Holi, 5 The Monkey Buffet, 6 The Festival of the Snow Star)
18 Talk about the festivals with a partner. Page 71
Answers on page T151
• Read the directions aloud. Have volunteers read the speech bubbles. Have
the class repeat. Then put them in pairs and have them take turns making
sentences and guessing the festival, using the speech bubbles as a guide.
While pupils are working, listen for proper pronunciation, appropriate
intonation and correct use of language and vocabulary.
19 Make an Unusual Festival poster. Then present it to the class.
• Read the directions aloud. Have pupils look at the example of an ‘Unusual
Festival’ poster in their book and read the caption aloud. Have a volunteer
read the speech bubble.
• Have pupils work alone, in pairs or in small groups to make their posters.
They may draw or cut out pictures from old magazines, newspapers or the
internet. They should write captions for their posters as well, following the
Have pupils present their posters to the rest of the class. Listen for proper
pronunciation, appropriate intonation and correct use of language.
While pupils are making their posters, help them make sentences about their
festivals and to practise talking about their poster.
• Assign Activity Book page 71 and direct pupils to digital activities.

Application and Practice Activity

• Write these words on the board: calendar, celebrate, feast, festival, glacier, India,
monkeys, Nepal, Spain, Thailand. Have pupils create word puzzles with them. TEACHING TIP
• Write the list on the board and have each pupil write one sentence that includes Pronunciation
each word. Then have pupils write their sentences again on index cards, Pupils may need extra
replacing each word with a blank. Partners can then exchange cards and guess practice with the
what words complete the blank. Model: Many people think that chimpanzees pronunciation of the
foreign festival names
are … , but chimps are apes. (monkeys) in this article. Use this
guide to help them
practise. Holi [ho-LEE],
Tomatina [toe-mah-
TEE-nuh], Qoyllurit’i

Unit 7 T91

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Content Connection Geography

15 Look, listen and repeat.

celebrate feast fight glacier guests messy powder


16 Listen and read. Which festival is the coldest?

Unusual Festivals The world is full of strange and

interesting festivals. Here are just a few
of the most unusual festivals in the world.

Holi – The Festival of Colours

This festival takes place every year in India, Nepal and many other
parts of the world in the spring. Holi lasts for many days. During Holi,
people throw coloured powder and water at each other. Holi is a festival
to celebrate the end of winter and the arrival of spring. It’s one of the
most colourful festivals in the world.

Tomatina – The Tomato Festival

Every year, on the last Wednesday of August, there is an interesting
festival in Buñol, Spain. People come from all over the world for a big
food fight. Tomatina is the festival of throwing tomatoes! All over the city,
people run through the streets throwing red tomatoes at each other. It’s a
really messy festival but everyone has a good time.

The Monkey Buffet

On the last weekend in November, the people of Lopburi, Thailand,
invite some unusual guests to dinner. Hundreds of monkeys live near
the town. Once every year, the monkeys are invited to a feast. The
monkeys feast on fruit, nuts and vegetables. People from all over the
world come to watch the monkeys eat.

Qoyllurit’i – The Festival of the Snow Star

One of the strangest and coldest festivals on Earth takes place
every May or June on a glacier in Peru. Each year many people
go to the festival known as Qoyllurit’i. For three days and nights
people celebrate with music and dancing on top of the glacier.
At the end of the festival, everyone walks out together carrying
torches of fire.

Which of these festivals would you

like to see? Why?

90 Unit 7

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17 Read and say the name of the festival.

Festival of the Snow Star Holi Monkey Buffet Tomatina

1 The guests at this festival are monkeys.

2 During this festival, people throw coloured powder at each other.
3 This festival is a messy food fight.
4 This festival celebrates the end of winter.
5 It takes place on the last weekend in November.
6 For three days and nights, people celebrate on top of a glacier.

18 Talk about the festivals with a partner.

This festival takes place on

the last weekend in November. It’s the Monkey
The guests are monkeys. Buffet.

19 Make an Unusual
Festival poster. Then
present it to the class.

Another unusual
festival is the
cheese rolling

The cheese rolling festiv

place in England every Juneal takes
festival, people roll round ch. During the
a hill and run after them. eeses down

content connection (world festivals) Unit 7 91

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Culture Connection Around the World

20 Listen and read. What are some of the superstitions about leap years?

Leap Year
How Long Is a Year? Most people say a year is 365 days. It takes about
365 days for Earth to travel around the sun. However, it takes 365 days, 5 hours, 49
minutes and 12 seconds. If a calendar has only got 365 days, what happens to the
extra 5 hours, 49 minutes and 12 seconds? The answer is this: Every four years, we
add a day to the calendar. It’s 29th February and it’s called a leap day. This kind of
year is called a leap year. There are 366 days in a leap year.

Leap-Day Superstitions Julius Caesar created leap years in the first century
BC. Greeks and Romans were very superstitious about this year. They believed it was
unlucky to start a new job, start a journey, marry or buy or sell something. Some
people in Greece would still consider it very unlucky to marry on a leap day.

Which Years Are Leap Years? Years that can be divided evenly by four are
leap years. The year 2000 was a leap year. Then 2004, 2008 and 2012 were the next
leap years. If you know a leaper, make sure you say, “Happy birthday!” Your chance
to do that comes only once every four years!

21 Find the leap years.

2018 2029
2002 2012
2020 2015

What other lucky and unlucky superstitions do

you know?

92 Unit 7

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To read and talk about
• Review numbers and ordinals by playing Go Fish (see Game Bank, page T135, superstitions and leap
for details). Create cards with numbers written as digits (13th) and words years
(thirteenth). Give each pupil a card and have pupils find their matching pair by
saying their number aloud.
Content Words
Using Page 92 Nouns: calendar,
celebrate, divided, extra,
20 leap, million
3:14 Listen and read. What are some of the superstitions about leap
21st Century Skills
Explain the lesson objective – pupils will read and talk about leap years and Communication
superstitions. Collaboration
• Ask pupils what they know about leap years. Invite volunteers to share their
ideas with the class. Tell pupils that the article they are about to read is about Materials
special days that happen every four years. Teacher-made matching
number cards
• Write these vocabulary items on the board: calendar, celebrate, divided, extra, Large pieces of card
leap, million. Have pupils listen for and locate these words in the article. Audio track 3:14
• Read the directions aloud. Play audio track 3:14 and have pupils listen, read Video (eText)
and follow in their books. Digital activities:
Check for comprehension. Ask: How long does it take Earth to go around the
sun? (365 days, 5 hours, 49 minutes and 12 seconds) How many days does a
leap year have? (366) What do some people in Greece still believe about leap years? Page 72
(It’s unlucky to marry on a leap day) What are some of the superstitions about Answers on page T151
leap years? (The Greeks and Romans thought it was unlucky to start a new job,
start a journey, marry or buy or sell something.)
ASSIST Replay the audio as needed.
21 Find the leap years.
• Read the directions aloud. Have pupils read the years aloud.
• Model how to find a leap year. Then have pupils complete the activity
MONITOR Review answers as a class. (Answers: 1996, 2012, 2020)
CHALLENGE Ask pupils to work out all of the leap years for the next century.
21 Communication
• Read the questions aloud as pupils follow in their books. Ask pupils what other
lucky or unlucky superstitions they know. Write their responses on the board
and discuss as a class.
• Assign Activity Book page 72 and direct pupils to digital activities.

Application and Practice Activity

• 21 Collaboration Put pupils in small groups of four or five. Hand each
group a large piece of card. Tell them that they are going to talk about different
superstitions from around the world and write about them. Tell them that they
can use the internet and resource books to research the topic. Explain that they
can illustrate their work as well. Have them present their posters to the class.
• Have pupils view the Unit 7 video segment. Use the Video Guide.

Unit 7 T92

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To identify the parts of st
an email • 21 Problem Solving Create email puzzles for pupils by writing a few simple
To learn how to write an emails but leaving out the name of the receiver. Give clues in the body of the
email email that would help pupils work out the identity of the receiver. For example,
you might write an email to a pupil that contains information that other pupils
know: Dear ..., You left your red backpack at school. You know, the one with the
21st Century Skills keyring on the side. I will keep it here until your dad brings you to school tomorrow.
Problem Solving You could also write to a well-known celebrity or other adult in the community.
• Divide pupils into groups and provide an email puzzle to each group. Pupils
Materials work together to work out who is the receiver of the email. Then have them
Examples of letters and share the emails and their answers with the class.
Teacher-created email
puzzles Using Page 93
A4 paper
Digital activities: 22 Read. Then match the parts of the email.
Explain the lesson objective – pupils will learn about the parts of an email.
Then they will use the Writing Steps to write an email reply.
Page 73 • Read the words in the box aloud with pupils. Help them identify each part of
Answers on page T151
the email as a class. Have a volunteer read the content of the email.
• Do Item 1 as a class. Have pupils complete the activity independently.
Check for understanding. Ask: Who’s the email from? (Elena) What’s it about?
(her new computer) Who’s the email to? (Diego) How does Elena finish the
MONITOR email? (Your friend) (Answers: 1 your email address, 2 friend’s email address,
3 what your email is about, 4 greeting, 5 main body of the email, 6 closing and
23 Write an email.
• Read the Writing Steps aloud. Ask pupils what types of emails they write or
would like to write. Ask who they would write to. Review the parts of an email
and have pupils complete the activity independently by writing the email in
their notebooks.
MONITOR Check to see that pupils are applying the Writing Steps correctly.
To help pupils stay focused, suggest that they note down and tick each Writing
Step as they complete it.
• Assign Activity Book page 73 and direct pupils to digital activities.

Application and Practice Activity

• On the board, write Reasons for Writing an Email. Explain to pupils that people
write emails for many reasons, such as applying for a job. Have pupils give you
more reasons and write them on the board.
• Give each pupil a sheet of A4 paper. Explain to them that they have to write a
TEACHING TIP short email to their partners using one of the reasons from the board. Once they
Commands have written it, have them give the email to their partners. Explain that their
(Imperatives) partner has to write a reply.
Call pupils’ attention to
this sentence in the
email: Send me a
message soon! Ask:
Who is the subject of
the sentence? (Diego)
Offer hints, as needed.
Explain that when you
give a command, you
don’t have to include
the subject because it
is implied. Encourage
pupils to include a
command in their email

T93 Unit 7

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Emails Writing

22 Read. Then match the parts of the email.

closing and signature friend’s email address greeting

main body of the email your email address
what your email is about

FROM [email protected] 1

TO [email protected] 2
SUBJECT Our new computer 3

Dear Diego, 4
Guess what! We’ve got a new computer in my house.
I’m so happy! Now I can play computer games at home. 5
I can use the computer for homework, too.
This is my first email on the new computer. Send me a
message soon! I’m going to write some more emails now.
Your friend,
Elena 6

Writing Steps

23 Write an email.
1 Think who you are going to write to.
2 Write the two email addresses.
3 Think about what you are going to write about.
4 Write a subject for your email and your greeting.
5 Think of what you want to write in the email.
6 Write two paragraphs for the body of the email.
7 Write the closing and signature.
8 Read your email and check for mistakes.
Now send!

Unit 7 93

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Phonics ue, u_e, ure

24 Listen, read and repeat.

1 ue 2 u_e 3 ure

25 Listen and find. Then say.

blue cube treasure


26 Listen and blend the sounds.

1 g-l-ue glue 2 t-r-ue true
3 c-u-te cute 4 p-i-c-t-ure picture
5 n-a-t-ure nature 6 d-u-ke duke
7 h-u-ge huge 8 S-ue Sue

27 Read aloud. Then listen and chant.

Hi, Sue
Is it true?
It’s so cute, it’s so blue,
It’s really huge!
Is that a monster
In the picture?

94 Unit 7 phonics (ue, u_e, ure)

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To identify and say
• Make flashcards (words only) using index cards for the words in this lesson the letters and sounds
(blue, cube, treasure) and a few other words with the same sounds that pupils ue, u_e and ure
know (clue, value, cure, sure, etc). individually and as
part of words
• Write the letters ue, u_e and ure on the board. Show the cards one by one and
read the words aloud. Invite volunteers to the board to point to the sounds on
the board that are in the word on the card.
Index cards
Using Page 94 A4 papers
Audio tracks 3:15–19
24 3:15 Listen, read and repeat. Game (eText)
Explain the lesson objective – pupils will identify and name the letters and Digital activities:
sounds ue, u_e and ure individually and as part of words. MyEnglishLab

• Read the directions aloud. Play audio track 3:15 and have pupils listen and
point to each sound as it is said. Have pupils repeat. Page 74
As pupils repeat, check they are pointing to the correct sound and listen for Audioscript on page
correct pronunciation. Answers on page T151
25 3:16 Listen and find. Then say.

• Read the directions aloud. Play audio track 3:16 and have pupils listen, find and
point to each word and its corresponding picture as it is said. Have pupils repeat
each word.
Replay the audio as needed. Pupils can also check that they are pointing to the
correct word and saying it properly with a partner.
26 3:17 Listen and blend the sounds.

• Read the directions aloud. Play audio track 3:17 and have pupils listen and point
to each item as it is sounded out and blended on the audio. Have them repeat
after each item.
• Replay the audio and have pupils repeat the activity.
As pupils repeat, check they are pointing to the correct word and listen for
correct pronunciation and appropriate intonation.
27 3:18 Read aloud. Then listen and chant.

• Read the directions aloud. Read the chant while pupils follow in their books.
Have them choral read the chant as a class.
• Play audio track 3:18 and have pupils listen. Replay several times and encourage
them to join in.
As pupils repeat the chant, listen for proper pronunciation, appropriate
intonation and correct use of language.
• Assign Activity Book page 74 and direct pupils to digital activities.

Application and Practice Activity

• Write on the board: Sue ate true blue glue and a huge cute cube. Explain that this
is a silly sentence and a tongue twister. Have pupils read it slowly at first and
then pick up speed as they say it. The person who says it the fastest with no
mistakes wins.
• Have pupils make their own silly tongue twisters to share with the class. Tell
them that they can use sounds from previous lessons.
• Have pupils play Unit 7, Game 1 on the eText.

Unit 7 T94

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Pupils can use the unit
vocabulary. • Review special days by pointing a few of them out on the class calendar.
Pupils can use going to. • Point out the difference between national holidays and other special days:
National holidays are days that many people celebrate. Most people in the United
Kingdom celebrate New Year. Your birthday is a very special day but it is not a
national holiday. Only you and the people who know you celebrate your birthday.
21st Century Skills
Social Skills • Go through the dates on the class calendar and have pupils say whether each is a
national holiday or a special day.
Game (eText) Using Page 95
Digital activities:
MyEnglishLab 28 Complete the dialogue.
Explain the lesson objective – pupils review the language they learnt in this
Page 75 unit and assess their progress so far.
Answers on page T151 • Read the directions aloud and have pupils read the words in the box aloud.
Have pupils complete the activity independently.
Review answers as a class by asking volunteers to read it aloud. (Answers: 1 on,
2 the, 3 are, 4 going, 5 Are, 6 to, 7 is, 8 am)
CHALLENGE Put pupils in pairs and have them write a similar dialogue to role play in class.
29 Research and answer the questions about a festival in another
• Read the directions aloud. Tell pupils that they can use the internet or
resource books to find information. Explain that both questions must be
answered. Have them present their completed work to the class.
MONITOR Check for correct use of language and vocabulary.
30 Play the Holiday Plans game.
• Read the directions aloud. Have pupils sit in a circle. As a class, choose one
of the special days you have learnt about. Ask them to think about what they
normally do on that day. A volunteer starts the game by making a statement,
e.g., On Earth Day, I’m going to clean the park. Ask the next pupil to repeat the
statement and use and to add his/her own sentence.
• Continue going around the circle, having pupils repeat what was said
before and add to it. The last pupil will have to remember the whole group’s
Listen for proper pronunciation, appropriate intonation and correct use of
As they play, suggest that pupils repeat what others will do to celebrate in a
whisper to help them remember.

I Can
• 21 Self-Direction This section asks pupils to assess their own learning and
think about their progress. Read the statements aloud. Explain that the pupils
TEACHING TIP should write the skills they feel they can do in their notebooks. Help pupils
Syntax appreciate their progress. Say: The I Can statements point out what you have
Help pupils recognise learnt in this unit.
that they can put • Assign Activity Book page 75 and direct pupils to digital activities.
prepositional phrases at
the beginning or end of
sentences. Write two Application and Practice Activity
examples on the board, • Have pupils design greetings cards that can be given to others on the special
one underneath the
other: On New Year’s days they have learnt about. They can use drawing and/or collage materials to
Day, I’m going to watch decorate the card. Suggest that they write a message that uses some of the key
a parade. I’m going to vocabulary words. Model: Happy New Year’s Day! Enjoy your day off school!
watch a parade on New
Year’s Day. • Have pupils play Unit 7, Game 2 on the eText.

T95 Unit 7

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28 Complete the dialogue.

am are (x2)
Mum: It’s Father’s Day this month. going is on
Mike: Is it 1 ? the twenty-seventh? the to
Mum: No, it’s on 2 ? twenty-second.
Mike: What 3 ? we going to do for him?
Mum: We’re 4 ? to have a little party.
Mike: 5
? we going to go out?
Mum: No, we’re going 6 ? have the party at home. Aunt Heather 7 ? going
to come over and I 8 ? going to make a special dinner for all of us.
Mike: That sounds like fun.

29 Research and answer the questions about a festival in another country.

1 When do people celebrate this day?
2 What do people do on this day?

30 Play the Holiday Plans game.

On New Year’s Day, I’m

going to watch a parade.

On New Year’s Day, Alicia is

going to watch a parade and
I’m going to sleep until noon.

On New Year’s Day, Alicia

is going to watch a parade,
Robert is going to sleep
late and I’m going to visit
my grandparents.

I Can
• talk about • talk about • talk about • write an email.
special days dates. world festivals.
and traditions.

review/self-assessment Unit 7 95

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