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Planta (2021) 253:129



Zinc toxicity in plants: a review

Harmanjit Kaur1 · Neera Garg2

Received: 6 December 2020 / Accepted: 19 May 2021 / Published online: 27 May 2021
© The Author(s), under exclusive licence to Springer-Verlag GmbH Germany, part of Springer Nature 2021

Main conclusion This review highlights the most recent updated information available about Zn phytotoxicity at
physiological, biochemical and molecular levels, uptake mechanisms as well as excess Zn homeostasis in plants.

Abstract Zinc (Zn) is a natural component of soil in terrestrial environments and is a vital element for plant growth, as it
performs imperative functions in numerous metabolic pathways. However, potentially noxious levels of Zn in soils can result
in various alterations in plants like reduced growth, photosynthetic and respiratory rate, imbalanced mineral nutrition and
enhanced generation of reactive oxygen species. Zn enters into soils through various sources, such as weathering of rocks,
forest fires, volcanoes, mining and smelting activities, manure, sewage sludge and phosphatic fertilizers. The rising alarm in
environmental facet, as well as, the narrow gap between Zn essentiality and toxicity in plants has drawn the attention of the
scientific community to its effects on plants and crucial role in agricultural sustainability. Hence, this review focuses on the
most recent updates about various physiological and biochemical functions perturbed by high levels of Zn, its mechanisms
of uptake and transport as well as molecular aspects of surplus Zn homeostasis in plants. Moreover, this review attempts to
understand the mechanisms of Zn toxicity in plants and to present novel perspectives intended to drive future investigations
on the topic. The findings will further throw light on various mechanisms adopted by plants to cope with Zn stress which
will be of great significance to breeders for enhancing tolerance to Zn contamination.

Keywords Defence · Heavy metal · Homeostasis · Mechanisms · Phytochelatins · Zinc transporters

Introduction and heavy isotopic enrichment of Zn have been described

in shoots and roots, respectively (Caldelas et al. 2010). Zn is
Zinc (65.37Zn30) is a group IIB transition element and was chemically similar to magnesium (Mg), both having similar
given its name by an alchemist Paracelsus (Swiss Physi- size and + 2 oxidation state. ­Zn2+ ions have high binding
cian) following the German word Zinke. It ranks next to affinities for nitrogen (N), oxygen (O) or sulfur (S) of amino
the most copious transition element, i.e. iron (Mir et al. acid residues in proteins/enzymes: N of histidine being the
2015). Zn occurs in nature in five stable isotopic forms: 64Zn most common one, followed by S of cysteine, O of aspar-
(48.63%), 66Zn (27.90%), 68Zn (18.75%), 67Zn (4.90%), and tate/glutamate and carbonyl O of peptide bond, glutamine/
Zn (0.62%) (Broadley et al. 2007). In plants, both light asparagine and hydroxyl of tyrosine (Leuci et al. 2020).
The normal level of Zn required for well being of the
majority of crops varies between 30 and 200 µg Zn ­g−1 dry
Communicated by Gerhard Leubner. weight (DW) (Marschner 2012). As a vital micronutrient,
Zn takes part in structural and/or catalytic functions in sev-
* Neera Garg eral processes like cell division, cell expansion and protein
gargneera@gmail.com; garg_neera@yahoo.com
synthesis (Jain et al. 2010). It has a central role in chroma-
Harmanjit Kaur tin structure, gene expression and regulation, metabolism of
nucleic acids, carbohydrates, lipids, proteins as well as pho-
Department of Botany, Akal University, Bathinda 151302, tosynthetic carbon (Gai et al. 2017; Noulas et al. 2018). Zn
Punjab, India is also required for the synthesis of tryptophan, a precursor
Department of Botany, Panjab University, amino acid of auxin (Tsonev and Lidon 2012). Additionally,
Chandigarh 160014, India

129 Page 2 of 28 Planta (2021) 253:129

Zn is crucial for the working of more than 300 enzymes, amendments (10–450 µg Zn g­ −1) (Alloway 2008). Average
for instance, carbonic anhydrase, aldolases, carboxypepti- Zn content of about 4000 mg ­kg−1DS in Waste Electrical
dases, alkaline phosphatases, superoxide dismutase, phos- and Electronic Equipment (WEEE); 1000 mg ­kg−1DS in sew-
pholipase, alcohol dehydrogenase, etc. (Gupta et al. 2016; age sludge; 3000–4000 mg ­kg−1DS in municipal solid waste
Lin et al. 2016). Many molecules connected with the syn- (MSW) and 400–600 mg ­kg−1DS in Recovered Waste Wood
thesis of DNA as well as RNA are Zn metalloenzymes, for (RWW) has been reported (Jones et al. 2014). Zn input into
example, RNA polymerases and reverse transcriptases (Choi the soil through human activities is mobile and can easily
et al. 2018). Zn finger transcription factors participate in the build up in excess in plants (> 400 µg Zn g­ −1 DW), thus
expansion as well as functioning of flower tissues, such as causing toxic effects and metabolic disorders (Bazihizina
pistil, anthers, pollen and tapetum in many plants (Hafeez et al. 2014). Although Zn toxicity in plants is far less wide-
et al. 2013) (Fig. 1). Conversely, Zn is involved in the spread than Zn deficiency and most of the research is focused
defence mechanism of plants as well, for example, Zn finger on enhancing Zn contents in tissues of crop plants, never-
WRKY transcription factors control various plant processes theless, Zn phytotoxicity is prevalent in acidic and sludge
including systemic acquired resistance (SAR) (Rushton et al. amended soils. Hence, in the present article, researches on
2010). Moreover, Zn-binding protein HPP3 is required in Zn phytotoxicity carried out at physiological, biochemical
salicylate defence signaling pathway (Zwiesche et al. 2015). and molecular levels during the last two decades have been
In polluted agricultural fields, total soil Zn concentra- reviewed.
tions of more than 3000 mg ­kg−1 Zn dry soil (DS) have been
reported (Long et al. 2003; Audet and Charest 2006) which Impact of excess Zn on physiological and functional
cause a crucial hindrance to global agricultural productivity. aspects of plants
Human actions have extensively added Zn to soils through
smelting and mining. Additional man-made sources of Zn Enhanced levels of Zn in soils are phytotoxic, cause several
input into soils consist of burning of fossil fuels, phosphate structural as well as functional abnormalities, eventually
fertilizers (usually 50–1450 µg Zn ­g−1), manure (15–250 µg weakening the plant performance. However, these responses
Zn ­g−1), limestone (10–450 µg Zn ­g−1), fungicides, rubber vary with the type of plant species and their developmental
mulches, fragments from Zn-coated surfaces and calcareous stages (Khudsar et al. 2004; Vaillant et al. 2005). Various

Fig. 1  Effects of optimum and excess level of zinc in plants

Planta (2021) 253:129 Page 3 of 28 129

morpho-anatomical, physiological, biochemical and molecu- are not generally consumed as food or feed, consequently
lar responses of crop plants to Zn excess have been sum- reducing the risk to humans as well as animals. Black and
marized in Table 1. decayed root tips, decrease in length, surface area, diameter
The possible mechanisms responsible for high Zn- and volume of the root system in response to Zn toxicity
induced plant responses are being discussed in the follow- have been reported in different plant species (Stoláriková-
ing sub-sections: Vaculíková et al. 2015; Bernardy et al. 2016) (Fig. 1). Even
root hair morphology got disrupted under Zn stress in A.
Visible symptoms, biomass and auxin activity thaliana which could be due to reduction in the proteins, for
instance, root hair defective 3 (RHD3) and morphogenesis
The decrease in germination vigour and biomass are the of root hair 5 (MRH5/SHV3), responsible for the develop-
most apparent physiological responses of plants to Zn tox- ment of root hairs (Fukao et al. 2011). Moreover, reduction
icity which eventually results in decreased yield and prod- in root growth results in deceleration of water absorption
uct quality (Fig. 1) (Garg and Kaur 2013a; Zhang et al. and mineral elements which in turn affects shoot growth as
2017; Garg and Singh 2018). Excess Zn affects the activity well. Zn excess inhibits primary root elongation and stimu-
of amylases and transfer of sugars to embryo axis, result- lates lateral roots to grow more in the vertical direction, as
ing in the decreased proportion of germinated seeds, as reported in A. thaliana and Brassica napus, probably as a
reported in Cicer arietinum (Sharma et al. 2009). Inhibi- compensation mechanism aimed to explore deeper zones of
tion of seed germination as well as seedling root growth in soil (Zhang et al. 2018; Feigl et al. 2019). High concentra-
response to enhanced Zn concentrations (40, 80, 160, 240, tion of Zn has also been demonstrated to cause significant
320, and 640 mg L ­ −1) has been demonstrated in Cucumus deposition of callose in root apical meristem of B. juncea
sativus (Aydin et al. 2012). On the contrary, excess Zn did and B. napus which may contribute to growth inhibition
not significantly inhibit the seed germination in Coriandrum because it lowers cell wall loosening and hampers symplas-
sativum L. (0.1, 1 and 2 mM Zn) and Medicago sativa L. tic transport (Feigl et al. 2015). Moreover, increased pec-
(1.5 mM Zn) but inhibited the seedling root length remark- tin contents have also been observed under Zn stress, with
ably (Marichali et al. 2014; Yahaghi et al. 2019), indicating enhanced callose as well as pectin contents appearing to
that the response of seed germination and seedling growth to complement each other. The increased pectin binds excess
Zn stress is concentration as well as species-specific. Zn in the cell wall and the deposited callose immobilizes it
Chlorosis followed by necrosis in response to Zn stress and ensures that Zn does not enter into the cytoplasm and
(Table 1) has been attributed to the decrease in V-ATPase this may play a role in growth inhibition (Feigl et al. 2019).
levels as well as its activity, as observed in Arabidopsis thal- Increased expression of several lignin biosynthesis-related
iana (Fukao et al. 2011). Excess Zn affects leaves in terms genes in response to excess Zn has been related to lignin
of both leaf area and leaf number (Table 1 and Fig. 1) which deposition in root endodermis of A. thaliana (one endoder-
might result from either inhibition in cell division or elonga- mal layer) and Thlaspi caerulescens (two layers) (Van De
tion or even both (Glinska et al. 2016). Moreover, high Zn Mortel et al. 2006) which can further hamper root growth
damages the organization of mitochondria (Tea plant) and (Li et al. 2012). Excess Zn has been observed to inhibit the
leads to decrease in nicotinamide levels (B-group vitamins), activity of auxins and induced negative geotropism in tomato
thereby accelerating N ­ AD+ breakdown and consequently roots (Kosesakal et al. 2009). Addition of triidobenzoic acid
lowering the energy metabolism (Zhang et al. 2017), which (TIBA) (an inhibitor of indole acetic acid [IAA] transport)
may account for the decrease in overall plant growth. In induced positive tropism, suggesting that high level of Zn
some plants, such as lettuce, coriander and Arabidopsis, Zn might play a role in the concentration and/or in the asym-
stress results in reddening of leaves and/or shoots which may metric redistribution of endogenous IAA. On the contrary,
be ascribed to increased levels of anthocyanins, validating excess Zn has also been reported to increase the expres-
that the synthesis of these phenolics is a Zn-induced stress sion of auxin biosynthesis-related genes and results in auxin
response (Marichali et al. 2014; Sofo et al. 2018). Though accumulation in A. thaliana root tips (Zhang et al. 2018).
reports on the role of anthocyanins in plants under Zn stress Taken together, these multiple reports indicate that the
conditions are scanty, nonetheless, it seems that Zn-induced threshold of Zn toxicity sharply varies among the plant
increase in anthocyanins might play a role in enhancing species and Zn concentration applied (for more details,
antioxidant capacity and/or metal chelation in plants. Zn is refer Table 1). Plant growth inhibition under Zn stress
usually accumulated in roots which may be an endurance seems to be a non-specific manifestation of alterations in
strategy adopted by plants to maintain lower Zn concen- physio-biochemical traits which might result from direct
tration in the aerial organs (Garg and Kaur 2013b; Tiecher effects (toxicity due to accumulation in tissues) and/or
et al. 2017). Retention of metals (including excess Zn) in from indirect effects (limitation of minerals and water
roots is especially desirable in crop plants as these parts acquisition).

Table 1  Effects of zinc toxicity on different morpho-anatomical, physiological, biochemical and molecular traits in crop plants (reports cited 2010 onwards)

Plant Zn concentration Plant Zn content Type of experiment Effects References

Brassica chinensis L 2000–1000 mg ­kg−1 Pot Chlorosis; small sized fronds; Yang et al. (2012)
defoliation; decrease in
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photosynthetic pigments
and increase in membrane
Brassica pekinensis 5–10 µM 5.49–7.93 µmol ­g−1 DW (Sh) Hydroponic Shoot biomass affected Stuiver et al. (2014)
more than roots; chlorosis;
organ dependent effect on
concentrations of nutrients;
increased activity of S­ O42−
transporters and non- protein
thiols content
5–10 µM 21.7–61.8 µmol ­g−1 DW (R) Hydroponic Decrease in biomass; increase Aghajanzadeh et al. (2020)
in cysteine, thiols, glucosi-
nolates and transcript levels
of CYP79B3, CYP83B1,
ATPS and APR (genes
catalyzing synthesis of
glucosinolates) in roots than
shoots; enhanced S ­ O42− con-
centration in shoots
Citrus reticulata Blanco 20 µM Pot Growth retardation; defolia- Subba et al. (2014)
tion; reduction in photosyn-
thesis, transpiration; reduced
stomatal size; disorgani-
zation of mitochondrial
membranes and random
distribution of cristae; phe-
nols, AsA, sugars and starch
contents decreased; oxida-
tive stress; enhanced antioxi-
dant enzyme activities
Cajanus cajan (L) Millsp. 500 and 1000 mg ­kg−1 Pot Decreased nodulation, nitro- Garg and Kaur (2012, 2013a,b)
gen fixation, chlorophyll, Kaur and Garg (2017); Garg
yield; oxidative stress, and Singh (2018)
disturbed mineral nutrition,
boost in antoxidant enzy-
matic and non-enzymatic
defence system
Hibiscus esculentus cv. Has- 20–40 mM Pot Induced lipid peroxidation, Youssef and Azooz (2013)
sawi CAT, APOX, DHAR and
GR activities; reduced non-
enzymatic antioxidants
Planta (2021) 253:129
Table 1  (continued)
Plant Zn concentration Plant Zn content Type of experiment Effects References

Hordeum vulgare 500–4000 mg ­kg−1 800–2800 mg ­kg−1 (R) Pot Negatively affected length of Kherbani et al. (2015)
200–300 mg ­kg−1 (Sh) roots and leaves, dry weight
of roots, leaves as well as
Planta (2021) 253:129

total biomass
Lactuca sativa L.var. longi- 100 mM 674.5 mg ­kg−1 (R) Pot with peat based substrate Decrease in biomass; nutrient Rouphael et al. (2016)
folia imbalance; polyamines and
polyamine conjugates were
100 mM 468 mg ­kg−1 (L) Pot Increased glycolytic supply of Lucini and Bernardo (2015)
energy substrates; proline,
hydroxycinnamic acids,
ascorbate, sesquiterpene
lactones and terpenoids bio-
synthesis; HSP70, HSP90
were up-accumulated;
down-regulation of MatK
(protein engaged in chlo-
roplast development) and
MYC2 (transcription factor
associated with ABA);
up-accumulation of PAE
and down- accumulation of
CesA (enzymes of lignin
biosynthesis); hormonal
Lactuca sativa cv. Philipus 0.5 mM 34.95 ± 0.376 mg ­g−1 DW (Sh) Hydroponic Reduced biomass; increase in Paradisone et al. (2015)
218.4 ± 35.7 mg g­ −1 DW (R) proline and glycine betaine
Brassica oleracea cv. Bronco 0.5 mM 42.54 ± 0.234 mg Hydroponic Decrease in proline and gly-
g−1 DW (Sh) cine betaine levels; increase
382.4 ± 60.6 mg g­ −1 DW (R) in GABA
Lactuca sativa cv. Philipus 0.5 mM 34,949 ± 376 μg g­ −1 DW) (R) Hydroponic Decreased biomass; enhanced Barrameda-Medina et al.
218.4 ± 35.7 μg g­ −1 DW) (Sh) anion superoxide, H ­ 2O2 (2014)
and MDA levels; increment
in LOX activity; boost in
SAT, γECS, total GSH,
APX, MDHR, GR whereas
decrease in DHAR

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Table 1  (continued)

Plant Zn concentration Plant Zn content Type of experiment Effects References

Brassica oleracea cv. Bronco 0.5 mM 42,540 ± 234 μg g­ −1 DW) (R) Hydroponic Decreased biomass; enhanced
382.4 ± 60.6 μg g­ −1 DW) (Sh) anion superoxide and H ­ 2O2
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levels, reduced LOX, MDA

and SAT; increase in γECS,
total GSH, APX and GR
whereas MDHR and DHAR
activities declined
Oryza sativa L. cv. TY-167 2 µM TY-167: Hydroponic Differential responses in Song et al. (2011)
(Zn-resistant) 2500 μg ­g−1 DW (R) genotypes in terms of total
and cv. FYY-326 (Zn-sensi- 7000 μg ­g−1 DW (L) root surface area and root
tive) FYY-326: length; chlorosis; growth;
2600 μg ­g−1 DW (R) MDA and ­H2O2 levels; root
6000 μg ­g−1 DW (L) plasma membrane integ-
rity; enzymatic antioxidant
Phaseolus vulgaris L 50 ppm var. Sel 9: 440 μg ­g−1 DW (L) Hydroponic Decreased biomass; chlorosis; Michael and Krishnaswamy
increase in electrolyte leak- (2011)
age, MDA, ­H2O2, proline,
AsA levels, enhanced SOD,
POX, PPO activities
150–500 μM Hydroponic Decrease dry matter, fresh Nejad et al. (2014)
weights, leaf area, RWC
and increase in total protein
Planta (2021) 253:129
Table 1  (continued)
Plant Zn concentration Plant Zn content Type of experiment Effects References

Solanum lycopersicum cv. PKM – 1: 150– Pot Reduced root length, shoot Vijayarengan and Mahalakshmi
250 mg ­kg−1 length, leaf area, root and (2013)
shoot dry weights
Planta (2021) 253:129

50 μM var. Arka Alok: 100 μg ­g−1 Hydroponic Reduction in shoot dry Pavithra et al. (2016)
DW (R) weight, total plant biomass
140 μg ­g−1 DW (L) and total chlorophyll content
Var. Arka Vikas: 110 μg ­g−1
DW (R)
120 μg ­g−1 DW (L)
50–150 μM 251–495 μg ­g−1 DW (R) Hydroponic Shoot growth more affected Cherif et al. (2010)
65.43-92.36 μg ­g−1 DW (Sh) than root; low total chloro-
phyll content; decrease in
photosynthetic ­CO2 fixation
rate; increase of MDA levels
250–500 μM 23,000–44,000 μg ­g−1 DW (R) Hydroponic Reduction in chlorophyll a; Sbartai et al. (2011)
5000–10,000 μg ­g−1 DW (L) increase in CAT and APOX
activities; decline in GST
activity; higher accumula-
tion of metal in roots than
Triticum aestivum L 900 mg ­kg−1 160 mg ­kg−1 (Sh) Pot Decline in biomass; altered Kanwal et al. (2016)
180 mg ­kg−1 (R) macro-nutrients and micro-
nutrients; inhibition in
chlorophyll and total sugar
contents; boost in antioxida-
tive enzyme activities (SOD,
CAT, POX, APX) and
0.5–3 mM 465.65-1129 μg ­g−1DW (R) Hydroponic Decreased chlorophyll; Li et al. (2013a)
292.03–1124.45 μg ­g−1 DW oxidative stress; differential
(Sh) response of antioxidant
enzymes; enhanced soluble
sugars, OAT but reduced
GK activity; elevated proline
300 mg ­L−1 5,553.1±576.8 mg ­kg−1 (Sh) Hydroponic Reduced biomass, water con- Glinska et al. (2016)
32,205.2±8928.4 mg ­kg−1 (R) tent, mitotic index; nutrient
imbalance; ultrastructural
alterations in organelles of
roots and mesophyll cells

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Table 1  (continued)

Plant Zn concentration Plant Zn content Type of experiment Effects References

Triticum durum 600 μM Hydroponic Leaf necrosis; decrease in Paunov et al. (2018)
relative growth rate, net
Page 8 of 28

photosynthetic rate, pho-

tosynthetic pigments and
electron transport processes;
inactivation of photosystem
II reaction centres
Vigna unguiculata 6-20 mg ­L−1 112.51–142.70 mg ­plant−1 Hydroponic Decline in growth parameters El-Kafafi and Rizk (2013)
(dry weight, number of
roots, root length) and nutri-
ent uptake
Vitis vinifera 60–180 mg ­kg−1 320–490 mg ­kg−1 (Sh) Pot Reduced plant growth; Tiecher et al. (2017)
1500–1700 mg ­kg−1 (R) decreased pigments and
photosynthetic efficiency;
diminished SOD and POD
activities in leaves
14–35 mM 3225.75–7553.35 μg ­g−1 DW Pot Chlorosis; necrosis; suppres- Yang et al. (2011)
(R) sion in daily height growth,
6880.56–7224.84 μg ­g−1 DW daily stem diameter varia-
(St) tion; alterations in nutrient
1007.54–2982.97 μg ­g−1 DW contents; decrease in POD,
(L) CAT and PPO activities;
enhanced ABA and MDA
Planta (2021) 253:129
Table 1  (continued)
Plant Zn concentration Plant Zn content Type of experiment Effects References

Zea mays 400 and 600 μM Hydroponic Increased EC, MDA, H ­ 2O2 Hosseini and Poorakbar (2013)
contents and non-protein thi-
ols; activities of antioxidant
Planta (2021) 253:129

enzymes also increased

50 μM 150 mg ­g−1 DW (R) Pot Inhibition in plant length, Islam et al. (2014)
180 mg ­g−1 DW (Sh) leaf area, dry weight; roots
became yellow brown;
modified root distribu-
tion; decreased chlorophyll
and total soluble protein;
enhanced antoxidative
enzyme activities and anti-
oxidant metabolites
50–750 mg ­kg−1 Light soils: 94.97– Pot (light and heavy soils) Higher metal content in roots Baran (2012)
1300.75 mg ­kg−1 DW (Sh) than aerial parts; bioaccu-
288.31–2493.33 mg ­kg−1 (R) mulation coefficient higher
Heavy soils: 64.10– in roots than above ground
624.40 mg ­kg−1 (Sh) parts; greater phytotoxicity
155.75–1743.94 mg ­kg−1 (R) and phytoavailability in light
than heavy soils

The Zn concentrations are only those in which the phytotoxic symptoms were observed and not all the concentrations assayed in the experiments. Furthermore, only single excess Zn treatments
have been reported in case of multi-metal combinations or Zn- amendments
ABA abscisic acid, APX/APOX ascorbate peroxidase, AsA ascorbic acid, ATPS ATP-sulfurylase, APR adenosine 5′-phosphosulfate reductase, CAT​catalase, CesA cellulose synthase, CO2 carbon
dioxide, DHAR dehydroascorbate reductase, DW dry weight, EC electrical conductivity, γECS γ-glutamylcysteine synthetase, GABA γ-amino butyric acid, GK glutamate kinase, GR glutathione
reductase, GSH reduced glutathione, GST glutathione-S-transferases, H2O2 hydrogen peroxide, HSP heat-shock proteins, L leaves, LOX lipooxygenase, MatK maturase K, MDA malondialde-
hyde, MDHR monodehydroascorbate reductase, OAT ornithine δ-aminotransferase, PAE pectin acetylesterase, POD/POX peroxidase, PPO polyphenol oxidase, R roots, RWC​relative water con-
tent, SAT serine acetyltransferase, Sh shoots, SOD superoxide dismutase, SO42− sulphate, St stem
In addition to the above-mentioned crop plants, similar effects of Zn toxicity have also been reported in other plant species, such as Arabidopsis halleri and A. arenosa (Szopinski et al. 2019),
Camellia sinensis (Zhang et al. 2017), Handroanthus impetiginosus and Tabebuia roseoalba (Gai et al. 2017), Mesembryanthemum crystallinum (Kholodova et al. 2011), Miscanthus × gigan-
teus (Andrejic et al. 2018), Populus × euramericana (Di Baccio et al. 2009, 2011), etc.

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Nitrogen metabolism and legume–rhizobia symbiotic believed that Zn toxicity not only reduces the Rhizobium
association population but also their genetic diversity (Lakzian et al.
2002). In this context, the strains of rhizobia that survive in
It has been reported that excess Zn decreases nitrate (­ NO3_) heavy metal contaminated soils (including excess Zn) have
uptake and translocation as well as total nitrogen content, been reported to have the least number of plasmid types
thereby disturbing nitrogen metabolism in Brassica species and increased number of plasmid bands per isolate (Lakzian
(Stuiver et al. 2014; Blasco et al. 2019). Additionally, Zn et al. 2002). Perhaps Zn stress results in loss of symbiotic
stress results in chloroplast disorganisation and/or limited plasmids, thereby affecting the bacterial ability to nodulate
supply of ­NO3_ at the site of nitrate reductase (NR) synthe- legumes, since the genes essential for nodulation and nitro-
sis, thereby impeding its activity (Sidhu 2016). Decreased gen fixation are present on this plasmid (Wang et al. 2018).
activity of NR reduces the level of free amino acids (for Hence, it appears that plasmids are involved in metal toler-
instance, Glutamate and Asparagine which are required for ance of rhizobia, nevertheless, the function of these plasmids
ATP and chlorophyll biosynthesis), which in turn hampers is still unclear, suggesting that complex relationship between
photosynthesis in plants (Sidhu 2016). Moreover, NR activ- the diversity of rhizobia and Zn stress should be revisited.
ity relies on photosynthesis or synthesis of photosynthates as
it requires photosynthetic carbon (Solanki et al. 2011). Inhi- Plant water status and mineral nutrition
bition of chlorophyll biosynthesis and carbon dioxide ­(CO2)
fixation under Zn stress (more details under “photosynthesis Zn toxicity decreases relative water content (RWC) in plant
and respiration section”) may also lead to inefficient nitro- tissues or disturbs water relations (Fig. 1) (Garg and Singh
gen assimilation, consequently reducing NR activity. Low 2018) through a reduction in the water transporters, transpi-
NR activity could also be due to the direct effect of high Zn ration rates and induces strong dehydration (Ghnaya et al.
on enzyme/protein synthesis or activity as ­Zn2+ ions have a 2010) which may be due to Zn accumulation in aerial tis-
high affinity for –SH groups at the active site of the enzyme, sues. Reduction in RWC as a result of excess Zn exposure
as reported by Khudsar et al. (2008) and Ramakrishna and might also be probably due to reduction in the absorbing
Rao (2014) in Zn-stressed Cajanus cajan (Linn.) Huth and surface of roots or the vascular system mediated by a block-
TILLING mutants of B. rapa, respectively. On the contrary, age in the xylem elements, thereby disturbing the process
Zn stress induced the expression of NRT1.1 (nitrate trans- of ascent of sap (Koleva et al. 2010). Reduction in water
porter) in the meristematic as well as elongation zones of content implies the loss of turgor/turgidity which in turn
the roots of wild-type (Col-0) Arabidopsis plants, leading to decreases the cell expansion process, ultimately leading to
increased ­NO3_ uptake and subsequently Zn accumulation inhibited growth and biomass production. The decrease in
(Pan et al. 2020). The potential function of other NRTs in leaf water potential under high Zn exposure is primarily
­NO3_-mediated Zn accumulation in plants (both hyperac- because of elevated osmotic potential in the neighbouring
cumulators and non-hyperaccumulators) remains unknown medium and reduction in water absorption (Mir et al. 2015).
and future research need to focus on this aspect. Surplus Zn causes physiological drought by altering plant
Zn contamination also affects nodulation, i.e. nodule water balance either by blocking its transport within the
number and weight as well as nitrogen fixation activity plant body or by restricting the water transport activity of the
(nitrogenase activity, leghemoglobin content) in several leg- tonoplast (Kholodova et al. 2011). In recent times, few work-
umes (Garg and Kaur 2012; Souza et al. 2020) which can be ers have tried to explore the molecular basis of Zn-mediated
ascribed to the harmful consequences of Zn on root func- reduction in root water transport properties. In this context,
tioning or associative rhizobia. Excess Zn decreases the free- Kholodova et al. (2011) demonstrated severe suppression of
living population of rhizobia to less than a critical thresh- aquaporin (AQP) genes whose products were present in the
old (Broos et al. 2005), and thus, indirectly affects nitrogen plasma membrane (McPIP1;1, McPIP2;1, and McPIP2;3)
­(N2) fixation. Reduction in acetylene reduction assay (ARA) or tonoplast (McTIP1;2 and McTIP2;2) in Cu/Zn-stressed
by surplus Zn can be attributed to nitrogenase dysfunction Mesembryanthemum crystallinum. Similarly, PIP2 (plasma
or outcome of its toxic effects on bacteroid oxygen uptake membrane intrinsic proteins) AQP was found to be reduced
(Younis 2007). Furthermore, high Zn-induced reduction in in lettuce under Zn stress (Lucini and Bernardo 2015). The
nodulation could be due to the elimination of Rhizobium or decrease in barley root-intrinsic water transport property in
non-formation of effective ­N2 fixing nodules. Damage to the response to high Zn was ascribed to the reduction in root and
root system and inhibition of infection process as a result shoot hydraulic conductivity which in turn was facilitated
of Zn toxicity might be the other reasons for lack of proper through down-regulation of AQPs (HvPIP1;2 HvPIP2;4 and
nodule formation. Harmful effects of Zn on the symbiotic HvPIP2;5) activity and gene expression as well as increased
performance might also be linked to a decreased supply of suberization in endodermis (Gitto and Fricke 2018). These
photosynthates to the nodules by Zn-stressed plants. It is workers further suggested that surplus Zn reduced the water

Planta (2021) 253:129 Page 11 of 28 129

flow rate in barley plants through a co-ordinated reduction interference of excess Zn with Fe translocation are distinct
in the root (AQPs) and shoot (stomata) hydraulic properties, in xylem and phloem. It is worth mentioning here that Zn-
rather than decreased water-absorbing (root) and -loosing induced Fe deficiency may also be due (at least partly) to the
(shoot) surface (Gitto and Fricke 2018). Recently, Fatemi non-specificity of iron-regulated transporter (IRT-1) which
et al. (2020) reported a reduction in root hydraulic conduct- can transport divalent metals such as Zn, in addition to Fe,
ance and involvement of all PIP1 isoforms as well as PIP2;6 as demonstrated in Arabidopsis (Connolly et al. 2002). On
along with PIP2;7 in sensing the long-term response to Zn the contrary, Leskova et al. (2017) argued that Fe-associated
treatments in Brassica rapa plants. These reports suggest morphological, physiological and molecular responses in A.
that surplus Zn causes both morphological and physiologi- thaliana exposed to Zn excess were not caused by Zn-inhib-
cal alterations which influence the plant’s ability to absorb ited Fe uptake through IRT-1. Instead, high Zn stimulated
and transport water. the transcriptional response of Fe-regulated genes: BTS (a
Excess Zn levels hamper specific plant physiological gene encoding Fe sensor) and FRO2 (Ferric reduction oxi-
balances by competing with other ions (Mg, Mn, Cu, Fe dase2; gene accountable for ferric-chelate reductase (FCR)
etc.) for binding at numerous sites, for example, principal activity), suggesting that Zn disturbs Fe homeostasis at the
absorption region or loading region of roots (Tewari et al. level of Fe sensing. As an extension of this work on crop
2008). Furthermore, Zn stress inhibits root growth (already plants, recently Erenoglu (2019) provided the first evidence
discussed), injures root elongation regions (Zn-induced for the presence of IRT-like proteins in wheat. However, this
cracking) with reduced capacity to absorb nutrients or even IRT-1-based Fe deficiency caused by Zn excess is yet to be
causes cell death (Vassilev et al. 2007; Simon et al. 2021). established and hence cannot be generalized for all plants.
Modifications in nutrient contents under Zn stress could Excess Zn intervention with the uptake or translocation
also be due to alteration in the functioning of membrane of N and Mn results in chlorosis and reduced photosynthetic
transporters and ion channels as well as membrane depo- rates, clearly evidencing obstruction caused by high Zn in
larization in root cells, thereby increasing membrane perme- chlorophyll synthetic pathway (more details under “photo-
ability (Bazihizina et al. 2014). High Zn levels hinder not synthesis and respiration section”). Similarly, decrease in
only nutrient uptake (N, P, K, Mg, Ca, Fe etc.) but also their K content under Zn stress could probably be a consequence
allocation to different plant parts (Sagardoy et al. 2009; Garg of disturbed water balance. However, K transport to above-
and Singh 2018). Moreover, differential alterations in nutri- ground components in Zn-stressed plants (Zygophyllum
ent uptake and distribution, causing an increase in contents fabago) might help in improved photosynthesis and establish
of some nutrients while a decrease in others depending upon the transmembrane pH gradient essential for ATP synthesis
the plant species/organs have been reported by researchers (Lefèvre et al. 2014). Moreover, Zn-induced deficiency of
(Jain et al. 2010; Di Baccio et al. 2011; Souza et al. 2020). Fe and Cu may affect oxidative as well as photophosphoryla-
For instance, in some plants, such as Vitis vinifera, leaves tion in different plant tissues. The availability of nutrients
retained high level of Fe under Zn stress partly due to its in the rhizospheric region may get reduced due to their sub-
enhanced translocation from the root and shoot to leaves stitution by excess Zn at binding sites leading to deficiency
via xylem, which is crucial for maintaining a high rate of of essential nutrients, further enhancing Zn toxicity. For
photosynthesis and carbon assimilation (Yang et al. 2011). example, owing to the similar ionic radius, Zn can replace
On the contrary, Zn-induced reduction in shoot Fe has also Fe and Mg, thus inducing decreased accumulation of pho-
been reported (e.g. wheat) owing to the interference of Zn in tosynthetic pigments since Fe is required for heme synthesis
Fe translocation to shoots (Glinska et al. 2016). This inter- while Mg participates in chlorophyll formation (Tripathy
vention may be partly due to competition in the chelation and Pattanayak 2012). Induction of genes, such as FER-
processes associated with the translocation of Fe from roots RIC REDUCTASE DEFECTIVE3 (FRD3, AT3G08040)
to aerial parts. For example, Fe in the symplast is chelated belonging to MATE (multidrug and toxic compound extru-
with nicotianamine (NA), and translocation of NA–Fe2+ sion) efflux family, the metal-associated domain-containing
complexes via phloem determines Fe homeostasis (Kim and protein, NRAMP4 (AT3G13100), many Zn finger proteins
Guerinot 2007). NA takes part in Zn homeostasis also and (e.g. At5g54040, At3g52800, At3g19580, At5g18550,
hence, competition between Zn and Fe for NA chelation in At1g76410, At5g04340, At2g19810, and At5g59820), and
phloem may result in Zn-induced decrease in shoot Fe, as C2H2-type Zn finger proteins (ZFPs), may reflect the molec-
reported in soybean (Ibiang et al. 2017). On the other hand, ular response to excess Zn-induced P deficiency in A. thali-
in xylem, both Fe and Zn are bound by citrate (Cornu et al. ana (Pineau et al. 2012; Bouain et al. 2014). Additionally,
2015) and therefore competition between both the metals for PHR1, PHO1 (phosphate transporter-exporter) and PHO1;
citrate chelation in xylem might be another reason for the H3 are the genes that link up Zn and P nutrition and homeo-
decreased shoot Fe content observed in Zn-stressed plants. stasis in A. thaliana (Khan et al. 2014). Although, cross-
These reports indicate that mechanisms responsible for the talk between Zn and other nutrients has been established, a

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comprehensive evaluation of the exact pathways/mechanism 2013). This displacement of M ­ g2+ from Rubisco may result
of mineral nutrition that excess Zn interferes with is still in under-utilization of ATP and NADPH in C ­ O2 fixation,
lacking which needs to be the focus of future research. followed by an overflow of electrons from oversaturated
electron transport systems to ­O2. Moreover, toxic concen-
Photosynthesis and respiration trations of Zn cause disorganization of chloroplast, reduc-
tion in thylakoid and grana, augmentation in number of
Zn toxicity diminishes net photosynthesis, however, it is plastoglobuli and starch grains as well as the disintegration
unclear whether the decrease is restricted by mesophyll of chloroplast membrane in plants like Sedum alfredii and
conductance, stomatal conductance, enhanced respiration, Populus deltoides (Jin et al. 2008; Stoláriková-Vaculíková
reduced photochemistry, weakened biochemistry or amal- et al. 2015). Chlorophyll a: chlorophyll b ratio has also been
gamation of all these aspects (Di Baccio et al. 2009; Vas- found to decrease under Zn toxicity, implying higher sensi-
silev et al. 2011). Generally, there is enhanced resistance of tivity of chlorophyll a towards Zn stress than chlorophyll
mesophyll to ­CO2 diffusion which could be due to the effect b (Garg and Singh 2018). It could be due to an increase in
of drought induced by Zn excess. Augmented Zn levels in PSII light harvesting complexes (LHC II) comparative to
soil resulted in decreased leaf area and stomatal limitations reaction centres, since LHC II has more chlorophyll b than
in Pelargonium graveolens which further reduced the flow PSII chlorophyll-binding proteins. The negative correlation
of ­CO2 within the leaves resulting in hindered C­ O2 diffusion between surplus Zn and photosynthetic pigments might be
to the chloroplasts, thereby affecting the photosynthetic car- attributable to either inhibition of activities of the enzymes
bon fixation (Misra et al. 2005). At high Zn concentrations, involved in chlorophyll biosynthesis like δ-aminolevulinic
a reduced stomatal conductance was associated with root acid dehydratase (ALA-D) and protochlorophyllide reduc-
hydraulic reductions and photosynthetic rate decrease in B. tase by Zn interference with the functional sulphydryl site,
rapa (Fatemi et al. 2020). It seems that excess Zn results in leading to lower production of 5-aminolevulinic acid (ALA)
reduced water uptake and induces stomatal closure, which or through an increased activity of chlorophyll-degrading
together with a decrease in the photosynthesis rate leads to enzyme chlorophyllase or both, as reported by Ouni et al.
decline in plant biomass (Fig. 1). Excess Zn declined PSII (2016) in P. monspeliensis. ERF VII proteins (group VII
(photosystem) efficiency and non-cyclic photophospho- Ethylene Response Factors) synthesized under Zn excess
rylation by disturbing the structure of PSII core complex in poplar could also be engaged in suppressing chlorophyll
and interacting with donor side of PSII or dislocating non- biosynthetic genes (Carbonare et al. 2019). Furthermore,
heme Fe in PSII of Beta vulgaris (Sagardoy et al. 2009). interaction of Zn with -SH groups of chlorophyll synthesis/
Similarly, Zn toxicity caused a reduction in the quantum degrading enzymes affects the integration of chlorophyll
yield of electron flow through PSII (∆F/F′m) in Z. fabago, molecules into pigment protein complexes of photosynthe-
thereby lowering the efficiency of photosynthetic energy sis. Thus, excess Zn-induced inhibition of the photosynthetic
conversion (Fv/Fm) (Lefèvre et al. 2014), which could be apparatus seems to be coupled with changes in chlorophyll
due to Zn-induced perturbation in the structure of reaction contents. At the molecular level, pioneering work of Di Bac-
centre complexes (Paunov et al. 2018). Moreover, due to cio et al. (2011) revealed down-regulation of genes encod-
charge shielding action of Zn ions, thylakoid membranes ing products engaged in the light reaction, such as LHC II
swell up and complexes are pulled apart, thereby decreasing proteins as well as polypeptides connected to PSI, PSII, ATP
the energy transfer efficiency. According to Paunov et al. synthases and cytochrome b6/f complex linked with redox
(2018), toxic effects of Zn on photosynthesis in Triticum series, and electron carriers linked with ferredoxin along
durum could be due to decreased rate of electron transfer with down-regulation of bigger subunit of Rubisco and up-
from ­QA to ­QB at the acceptor side of PSII, thereby lowering regulation of smaller subunit under Zn exposure in Popu-
the electron flow from PSII to PSI. Similarly, Szopinski et al. lus × euramericana clone I-214. The decrease in ­Rfd values
(2019) observed a reduction in electron transport flux and (variable chlorophyll fluorescence ratio, an indicator of pho-
percentage of active reaction centers in A. halleri as well as tosynthetic capacity) whereas an increase in fluorescence
A. arenosa under Cd and Zn stress. Precise effects on PSII intensity ratios (FIR) at two maxima (­ F690/F735) in tomato
photochemistry associated with competitive dislocation of plants under excess Zn was associated with the decline in
Mn by Zn at the region of photolysis of water, hampering total chlorophyll levels (Cherif et al. 2010).
the transport of electrons along with evolution of O ­ 2 have Respiration and photosynthesis are interrelated and
been described in perennial grass, Polypogon monspeliensis mutants of A. thaliana and Nicotina tabacum having altered
(Ouni et al. 2016). Zn overload hampered C ­ O2 assimila- alternative oxidase (AOX) activity exhibited diminished
tion in Limoniastrum monopetalum by replacing ­Mg2+ in photosynthesis (Yoshida et al. 2011; Dahal et al. 2017).
Rubisco, thereby causing loss of its carboxylation activity Citrate, fumarase, isocitrate dehydrogenase and citrate syn-
without affecting its oxygenation function (Cambrollé et al. thase activities enhanced under Zn stress in sugar beet plants

Planta (2021) 253:129 Page 13 of 28 129

(Sagardoy et al. 2011), suggesting an increase in the break- Redox balance

down of respiratory substrates probably due to the higher
energy requirement of plants to cope with Zn toxicity. There Zn is a non-redox heavy metal which is unable to produce
is a great controversy regarding the consequences of excess reactive oxygen species (ROS) viz. singlet oxygen (1O2),
Zn on plant respiration. On one side, in vitro investigations superoxide radicals ­(O2•−), hydroxyl radical ­(OH•) and
have indicated that Zn hampers cytochrome bc1 complex hydrogen peroxide (­ H2O2) directly via Haber–Weiss reac-
activity in mitochondria, possibly by hindering reaction with tions. However, over-generation of ROS and manifestation
ubiquinol at ­VQH2-binding site which oxidizes ­UQH2, qui- of oxidative stress in plants as a consequence of Zn toxicity
nol oxidase ­(Q0) site and activity of AOX in Arum macula- might be possible due to disturbance in various metabolic
tum (Affourtit and Moore 2004); on the other side, in vivo pathways and/or electron transport mechanisms. It has been
experiments suggest that mitochondrial respiration increases reported that phytotoxic Zn concentrations enhance lipoxy-
gradually with increase in Zn levels in safflower and sun- genase (LOX) activity, stimulate peroxidation of lipids
flower plants (Ismail and Azooz 2005). In general, the (malondialdehyde-MDA) and influence membrane integrity
cytochrome pathway is connected with an increase in res- and permeability (Goodarzi et al. 2020) (for more details,
piration rate leading to the elevated synthesis of ATP while refer Table 1). Excess Zn triggers senescence in plants
AOX activity is responsible for maintaining respiration through enhanced degradation of proteins which can be
and decreased ATP synthesis (Florez-Sarasa et al. 2007). attributed to binding of Zn to sulfhydryl cluster of proteins,
Thus, the presence of excess Zn alters mitochondrial activity resulting in abnormal protein structure (Singh et al. 2018).
resulting in abnormal respiration in plants. We propose that It is believed that excess ROS directly affects the functional-
plant respiration enhances under high Zn levels to increase ity of proteins either by oxidation of amino acid side chains
the production of various organic acids (oxalic acid, citric (histidine, lysine and cysteine) or by secondary reactions
acid, malic acid, fumaric acid) via TCA (Tri-Carboxylic with aldehydic products of lipid peroxidation or glyco-
Acid) cycle since most of them are required for sequestrat- sylation giving rise to the production of carbonyl groups
ing excess Zn into the vacuoles. Recently, Carbonare et al. in the protein molecule (Madian and Regnier 2010), which
(2019) reported that ­Zn2+ competes with Fe (II) for the could be the mechanisms behind Zn-induced oxidative
active site of plant cysteine oxidase (PCO) and diminishes its damage to the proteins. Such oxidatively modified proteins
activity, resulting in the stabilization of ERF VII transcrip- can undergo chemical fragmentation or form aggregates
tion factors with subsequent stimulation of anaerobic genes because of covalent cross-linking reactions and increase
[Alcohol Dehydrogenase (Pop_ADH), PCO (Pop_PCO), and surface hydrophobicity, leading to loss of function (Madian
Hypoxia Responsive Attenuator1 (Pop_HRA1)] in the roots and Regnier 2010). Moreover, such proteins are selectively
of poplar clones as a generic response to Zn excess. The used as target substrates for proteases or additional cata-
authors argued that hypoxia-like response triggered under bolic enzymatic activities stimulated by Zn excess. In plants,
Zn stress seemed to be a part of the plant adaptive response, cystatin/cysteine protease balance plays a critical function
rather than being stimulated by an actual decrease in oxygen in the turnover of proteins under abiotic or biotic stresses
availability in the roots in response to Zn excess. (Benchabane et al. 2010). Cysteine protease as well as cys-
Thus, it can be inferred from the above that plants tatin accumulated to high levels after Zn exposure in lettuce
exposed to excess Zn exhibit a plethora of photosynthetic plants (Lucini and Bernardo 2015). On the contrary, Sid-
responses depending upon the species, Zn concentration or diqui and Bano (2019) reported a decrease in the inhibitory
genetic variance (Table 1). Multiple evidence suggests that activity of phytocystatin upon Zn-binding and ascribed it to
there is no single specific target of Zn toxicity on photo- the functional loss of the protein coupled with the structural
synthesis, rather a cascade of events might be triggered by and conformational changes, thereby affecting growth and
Zn excess. Nevertheless, analyzing the available literature development of garlic plants. Zn excess induced increased
from a broader perspective, the main basis of Zn toxicity on protein tyrosine nitration (a post-translational mechanism)
photosynthesis seems to be disturbed mineral nutrition (Fe, in the roots of B. napus, which was due to an imbalance in
Mn, Mg) and thereafter the resultant responses. Moreover, ROS and reactive nitrogen species (RNS) homeostasis (Feigl
all the above-described excess Zn-induced effects on photo- et al. 2019). Moreover, the number of cells with active DNA
synthesis and respiration are not consistent between the plant replication decreased which correlated with the viability of
species as most of the effects have been reported in either root meristematic cells (Feigl et al. 2019). Recently, prot-
shrubs, grasses or hyperaccumulator plants with very few eomic experiments conducted by Simon et al. (2021) in Zn-
reports on agriculturally important crops (for more details, stressed rice roots revealed induction of proteins responsi-
refer Table 1). In addition to this, molecular/genetic studies ble for defence mechanisms, redox and ion homeostasis and
focusing on Zn-induced negative effects on these two physi- proteolysis whereas reduction in those involved in energy
ological processes are scanty. generation and cell wall formation.

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The mitoreductive effects of Zn are attributed to hinder- et al. 2010; Michael and Krishnaswamy 2011). However,
ance in the synthesis of nuclear proteins required for cell decrease in enzymatic antioxidant activities has also been
cycle or may be as a result of an obstruction in nucleic witnessed in Zn exposed plants, indicating excessive oxida-
acid synthesis, as studied in Nigella sativa and T. aestivum tive load (Song et al. 2011). The primary isozyme among the
(El-Ghamery et al. 2002). The stickiness of chromosomes superoxide scavenging enzymes, i.e. copper–zinc superoxide
(characterized by amorphous sticky clumps of chromatin dismutase (CuZnSOD) is directly related to stress resistance
resulting in sterility) as a result of Zn toxicity has been in plants (Song et al. 2006). As a co-factor of CuZnSOD,
ascribed to either physico-chemical attributes of DNA or increased Zn levels may lead to augmented activity of this
proteins or combination of both on the establishment of Zn enzyme (Gomes et al. 2013). Genetic adaptation to high
complexes with phosphate groups of DNA, or DNA abridg- Zn tolerance through stimulation as well as deactivation of
ment or development of cross-links between intra- and genes belonging to SOD and POX family has been observed
inter-chromatids in N. sativa and T. aestivum (El-Ghamery in Zn-treated A.thaliana and Thlaspi caerulescens plants
et al. 2003). The exact pathway(s) of Zn-induced genotoxic- (Van de Mortel et al. 2006). Although an active antioxida-
ity in plants is still unknown, though probable mechanisms tive metabolism does not represent Zn tolerance mechanism
through which Zn induces chromosomal anomalies involve in a strict sense, it is beneficial for plant performance under
(i) irregular spreading of chromosomes leading to their scat- heavy metal stress.
tering, (ii) formation of anaphasic bridges due to unequal Glutathione (GSH) and phytochelatins (PCs) assist in the
exchange or dicentric chromosomes, (iii) inability of bro- exclusion of excess cytosolic Zn via formation of complexes
ken chromosomes to recombine, (iv) failure of the arrival with Zn, resulting in reduced toxicity. Binding of Zn to -SH
of chromatids at the poles, and (v) laggard chromosomes groups of cysteine and thiol-peptide compounds weakens the
leading to micronucleus formation (Oladele et al. 2013). generation of ROS and this may be considered as a critical
Furthermore, Random Amplification of Polymorphic DNA method for decreasing oxidative injury to plant cells. A posi-
(RAPD) profiles indicated loss of normal bands due to DNA tive correlation of non-enzymatic antioxidants viz. ascorbic
damage (e.g. single- and double-strand breaks, modified and acid (AsA), carotenoids, non-protein mercaptans, and phe-
oxidized bases, abasic sites, DNA–protein cross-links, etc.), nols with high Zn has been reported (Mishra and Prakash
point mutations and/or complex chromosomal rearrange- 2010). Genetic evidence for enhanced tolerance to Zn stress
ments and appearance of new bands because of changes in through the expression of A. thaliana AtPCS1 in B. juncea
some oligonucleotide priming sites, large deletions and/or resulting in PCs synthesis has been provided by Gasic and
homologous recombinations following high Zn exposure in Korban (2007). GSH production, utilization and redox level
Phaseolus vulgaris and Zea mays, respectively (Cenkci et al. played an important role in response to Zn excess as expres-
2009; Erturk et al. 2013). Thus, experimental evidence indi- sion of GSH reductase and γ-ECS genes augmented in Zn-
cates that Zn toxicity damages the membranes, proteins and treated poplar plants (Di Baccio et al. 2005). Furthermore,
genetic material of plants which lead to irreparable meta- up-regulation of 8 out of 17 genes engaged in AsA/GSH
bolic dysfunction and severely affect the cell viability. metabolism (γ-ECS, GR, GSTs, GPXs and their isoforms)
and nine being down-regulated explained the genetic basis
Defence responses for Zn tolerance in Populus x euramericana I-214 clone (Di
Baccio et al. 2011). In addition to PCs and GSH, metal-
In spite of the noxious effects of excess Zn, absolute elimi- lothioniens (MTs) have been implicated in Zn homeostasis,
nation of Zn is not feasible because of its dual function, defence, Zn transport and translocation in plants (Pramanick
an indispensable microelement on one hand and a poten- et al. 2017). The cysteine-loaded amino (N-), as well as, car-
tial toxic environmental contaminant on the other. To cope boxyl (C-) terminal sites of MTs are engaged in the differen-
with the destruction triggered by ROS, plant cells possess a tial binding of metals. The N-terminal plays a role in estab-
broad and combined internal antioxidant defence machinery lishing stable equilibria with vital elements like Cu and Zn,
comprising of enzymatic and non-enzymatic constituents while C-terminal has an affinity for noxious metals and assist
in conjunction with certain compounds called osmoprotect- in their sequestration (Barbosa et al. 2016). In some plants,
ants which function as free radical scavengers (Miller et al. for instance, Populus alba L. cv. Villafranca, differential
2008). High activities of ROS scavenging enzymes (for more response of MT expression profiles in response to excess Zn
details, refer Table 1), for instance, superoxide dismutase has been observed, with ­MT1 and ­MT3 mRNA levels being
(SOD), catalase (CAT), guaicol peroxidase (GPOX), ascor- enhanced in leaves while ­MT2 transcripts being unaffected
bate peroxidase (APOX) and glutathione reductase (GR) (Castiglione et al. 2007). Furthermore, a unique set of pro-
in plants under Zn stress suggest positive adaptive defence teins ‘plant defensins type I (PDF1s)’ have been identified
response not only against Zn toxicity and maintaining ROS and described owing to their contribution in imparting Zn
balance but also preventing further oxidative damage (Jain tolerance to plants (Mirouze et al. 2006). PDF1s are minute

Planta (2021) 253:129 Page 15 of 28 129

cysteine-rich peptides whose up-regulation in Zn hyperac- 2012). Increase in free amino acids in response to metal
cumulators; T. caerulescens, as well as, A. halleri provides stress can be considered as a defence mechanism as they
direct molecular evidence of their role in increasing plant Zn function in maintaining the cellular osmotic equilibrium or
tolerance (Van de Mortel et al. 2006; Shahzad et al. 2013). as metal chelators. Leaves of Mimosa caesalpiniaefolia and
The precise means through which PDF1s are involved in Zn Erythrina speciosa (Brazilian native legume trees) accumu-
tolerance are not much known. Recently, Zhang et al. (2019) lated enhanced soluble free amino acid contents, implying a
characterized a heat-shock transcription factor A4a (PuHS- tolerance response to Zn stress in these species (Souza et al.
FA4a) that functions as a positive regulator of excess Zn 2020). Overall, these reports suggest that accumulation of
tolerance in transgenic Populus ussuriensis. The authors evi- osmoprotectants as a Zn tolerance mechanism might be con-
denced that PuHSFA4a activates ROS scavenging and root sidered as a mere correlation or coincidence with no direct
development-related genes by directly targeting PuGSTU17 genetic evidence in favour of it reported so far, though they
(glutathione-S-transferase U17) and ­PuPLA2 (phospholipase play an important role in adaptation and ultimate survival of
A), respectively, under excess Zn. In total, these studies con- plants during Zn stress.
firm that increased contents of non-enzymatic antioxidant
compounds are genetically correlated with the ability of
plants to tolerate Zn-induced oxidative stress. Plants adapt Zn uptake, root‑to‑shoot translocation
to a new metabolic equilibrium of these compounds through and allocation within plants
their co-ordinated synthesis and complexation to combat Zn
toxicity. Information acquired from studies on hyperaccu- Plant roots take up Zn primarily in the form of hydrated Zn
mulator species to combat the effects of Zn toxicity can be as well as ­Zn2+ free ions and then it is allocated within the
used for breeding programs aimed at developing tolerant plant in an intricate manner (Kisko et al. 2015). Zn transpor-
genotypes of crop species. tation commencing from root epidermal to cortical cells and
Apart from the enzymatic and non-enzymatic defence then to xylem can take place through the symplast pathway
machinery, Zn stress initiates accumulation of a set of from where Zn is pumped into the stellar apoplast (Caldelas
“stress metabolites” (proline, glycine betaine (GB), solu- and Weiss 2017). Zn can be transported extracellularly to
ble sugars and free amino acids) which have an essential stellar apoplast in areas where endodermal casparian band is
function in osmotic adjustment and continued existence not completely developed, i.e. close to root apex and lateral
as well as the survival of plants under heavy metal stress, root initiation regions (White et al. 2002). Both symplastic
including Zn (Kaur and Garg 2017). Literature indicated and apoplastic pathways function together in Zn fluxes to
differential response of plant organs (B. napus) towards the the aerial parts (Noulas et al. 2018). Zn movement through
accumulation of osmolytes under Zn toxicity (Ghnaya et al. plasma membrane occurs in the direction of higher negative
2010). Kholodova et al. (2011) proposed that proline did electrical potential via cation channel in dicots and mono-
not function as a compatible solute for osmotic adjustment cots except for Poaceae. In Poaceae, “phytometallophores”
in M. crystallinum; in fact, it behaved as a low-molecular or non-protein amino acids called “phytosiderophores (PS/
weight chaperone. Besides being a metal chelator along- MAs)” form complexes with Zn and transport them to the
with osmolyte, proline scavenges ­OH. radicals and singlet external surface of the root (Suzuki et al. 2006). Increased
oxygen, thereby imparting protection to plants against oxi- uptake of Fe (III) through secretion of PS is well established
dative stress. Accretion of proline under Zn stress may be for Fe acquisition by Poaceae, but till date this has not been
due to a decline in the activity of enzyme causing proline conclusively proved for Zn acquisition. There is conflicting
degradation, resulting in enhanced proline accumulation or evidence for use of Zn–PS complexes as the main uptake
augmented activity of some enzymes responsible for the bio- system in members of Poaceae. For example, Suzuki et al.
synthesis of proline. In Lactuca sativa, an increase in proline (2006) reported that Zn-deficient barley absorbed more Zn
and GB did not signify a resistance mechanism, rather it was (II)-DMA (deoxymugineic acid) than Z ­ n2+ ions from the
possibly a symptom of Zn stress (Paradisone et al. 2015). soil. In another study, Suzuki et al. (2008) revealed that
Many more osmotic stress-associated metabolites enhance ­Zn2+ was favoured for root uptake while Zn-DMA com-
under Zn stress (e.g. lettuce), for example, sesquiterpene plexes were preferred over ­Zn2+ for internal transport and
lactones, hydroxycinnamic acids and terpenoids (Lucini and seed loading in rice. On the contrary, results of Arnold et al.
Bernardo 2015). Accumulation of soluble sugars in response (2010), Widodo et al. (2010) and Ptashnyk et al. (2011) pro-
to Zn toxicity facilitates regulation of osmotic stress in vided strong evidence in support of bulk uptake of Zn as
plants which results in stabilization of membranes as well Zn–DMA complexes in rice. These inconsistencies in the lit-
as biomolecules. In addition to this, accumulated sugars erature suggest that Zn might share the same uptake pathway
act as a scavenger of ROS, and also induce antioxidative as Fe in graminaceous plants under Zn deficiency. Addition-
gene expression in plants, for instance, cucumber (Sun et al. ally, ZIP transporters have been identified in Poaceae species

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(rice, maize, etc.) and their role in Zn uptake cannot be ruled as an external barrier restricting entry of Zn into protoplasm
out either (more details under “ZIP section”). (Liu et al. 2014). It has been established that Zn binds to
Concentration-dependent uptake of free Zn ions is con- hydroxyl groups of cellulose, hemi-cellulose, carboxyl and
sidered to be saturable which takes place via a carrier-medi- hydroxyl groups of pectin as well as to proteins in cell walls
ated system. Uptake experiments carried out by Hacisali- of plants (Sarret et al. 2009). ­Zn2+ toxicity altered the meris-
hoglu et al. (2001) showed the occurrence of two distinct tematic cells of T. aestivum roots through an increase in the
low- and high-affinity transport systems for Zn uptake in number of vacuoles, accumulation of granular substances
wheat plants. Zn can be loaded into the vasculature (xylem) within the vacuoles and thickening of cell walls (Glinska
of Zn hyperaccumulator plants (N. caerulescens and A. et al. 2016). These modifications indicate that the process of
halleri) where it forms complexes with several molecules formation of cell wall components accelerates under excess
comprising organic acids, for example, citrate and malate, Zn to increase the ability of apoplast to sequester the over-
amino acids like histidine in addition to NA (Cornu et al. loaded metal in the regions where they are less harmful.
2015). MTs and phytate also assist in chelating bulk of the Moreover, an increase in the number of vacuoles filled with
toxic Zn in vacuoles, for instance, in N. caerulescens (Mon- granular deposits suggests that excess Zn is trapped inside
sant et al. 2011). Seclusion of Zn in the vacuoles of root the vacuoles as a strategy to prevent metal toxicity by plants.
cells of hyperaccumulator plants restricts its root-to-shoot Zn transport through phloem has also been proved
transfer, while its unloading in the shoots and sequestration through research findings. Page et al. (2006) demonstrated
in the vacuoles of leaf cells may be responsible for this pro- the xylem-mediated transfer of 65Zn to the aerial parts of
cess (Verbruggen et al. 2009). Zn-rhamnolipid complexes white lupin and its subsequent allocation through the phloem
have been identified in B. napus roots (Stacey et al. 2008). from mature to young leaves. Crop plants show variations to
Zn–malate and Zn–citrate complexes dominate in the leaf a large extent in the symplastic allocation of Zn. Erenoglu
epidermis whereas Zn–NA is the major complex found in et al. (2002) demonstrated that variations in the manifesta-
the mesophyll of N. caerulescens (Schneider et al. 2013). tion of Zn competency were not associated with realloca-
In rice, Zn was present in the xylem in the form of free tion of Zn in wheat plants. Ozturk et al. (2006) however,
ions and to some extent in bound form whereas in phloem reported increased Zn concentrations in grains of wheat sub-
sap Zn was principally bound to chelator NA (Yoneyama sequent to foliar Zn applications, implying high Zn mobility
et al. 2015). The major form of Zn accumulated in spongy in plants. Interaction between xylem and phloem transport
mesophyll and vascular bundle of Z. fabago was Zn bound to systems plays a significant role in regulating Zn transport
O/N-ligands/chelators (Lefèvre et al. 2014). In the xylem of to maturing grains. In this context, Zn transfer from stem to
strategy I plants (non-graminaceous), Zn is primarily loaded the vascular bundle of rice grains via xylem was believed
as ­Zn2+ ions and the remaining proportion is associated with to be uninterrupted throughout grain filling (Krishnan and
organic acids (Lu et al. 2014). In plants belonging to strategy Dayanandan 2003). Nevertheless, control of Zn packaging
II (Poaceae family), Zn–DMA complexes have been traced into rice grains differs from its loading to other plant parts
in wheat root extracts (Xuan et al. 2006) and in japonica rice (Jiang et al. 2008). Furthermore, Zn contents in grains are
shoots under Fe-deficient conditions (Tsednee et al. 2016), directly correlated with concentrations of Zn supplemented
indicating that Zn is transported in xylem as Zn–MA com- to plants. Most importantly, knowledge of Zn mobility in
plexes. Studies have revealed differential localization of Zn phloem is crucial not only for the management of Zn nutri-
in non-accumulators as well as hyperaccumulators. In cow- tion but also for assessing manifestation of potential Zn tox-
pea, Zn was confined mainly in the root meristematic region icity symptoms in different plant species.
(Kopittke et al. 2011; Wang et al. 2013). Zn accumulates at
the base of trichomes in non-accumulators, such as Arabi- Molecular insights into Zn homeostasis in plants
dopsis lyrata (Sarret et al. 2009) and tobacco (Nicotiana
tabacum L.) (Sarret et al. 2006; Straczek et al. 2008). How- Plants normalize Zn levels to deal with indispensable
ever, Weremczuk et al. (2017) found high Zn concentrations Zn requirements and at the same time shield themselves
in clusters of “Zn-accumulating mesophyll cells” of tobacco against its toxicity via synchronization of particular trans-
that experienced programmed cell death, ultimately resulting porters connected with Zn import, export and intracellular
in formation of necrotic lesions. In hyperaccumulators like compartmentalization (Stephens et al. 2011). Plants have
A. halleri, Mishra et al. (2017) reported restriction of Zn at various types of membrane Zn transporters: ZRT-1/IRT-1
the base of trichomes and also in mesophyll cells whereas like protein (ZIP) (recognized as zinc-ion permease), metal
N. caerulescens stored it in the leaves’ epidermis. Similarly, tolerance protein (MTP), zinc-induced facilitator (ZIF)
in Sedum alfredii, Zn accumulated in the epidermis of stems genes [belonging to Major Facilitator Superfamily (MFS)
and leaves (Tian et al. 2009). Widening of cell wall along- transporters], heavy metal ATP-ase (HMA) (belonging to
with augmented cation exchange capacity (CEC), functions ­P1B subgroup of P-type ATPase family), yellow stripe like

Planta (2021) 253:129 Page 17 of 28 129

(YSL) [Oligopeptide Transporter (OPT) superfamily] and Zn-deficit conditions. We are not aware of any transcrip-
vacuolar iron transporters (VIT) (Fig. 2a) (Kramer et al. tion factor regulating ZIPs in crop plants under high Zn lev-
2007; Neeraja et al. 2018). els. Moreover, although ZIP family transporter genes have
been identified in many plants, few reports concerning their
ZIP (zinc‑ion permease) transporters functional characterization under Zn excess are available in
the literature compared to those under Zn deficiency. Stud-
ZIP associates take up Zn via pH gradient caused by ies on metal hyperaccumulating dicot species, for instance,
­H+ATPase of the cell membrane. The expression of a num- Noccaea caerulescens (formerly known as Thlaspi caerule-
ber of ZIP family members is regulated by transcription scens) and A. halleri, showed high expression of NcZNT1,
factors of the basic-region leucine zipper (bZIP) family AtZIP4 and AtIRT3, thus playing a vital role in increased
(Lira-Morales et al. 2019), mostly bZIP19 and bZIP23 from accumulation of Zn (Hanikenne et al. 2008; Lin et al. 2009;
Arabidopsis thaliana under Zn deficiency (Assunção et al. Milner et al. 2012). Van de Mortel et al. (2006) isolated
2010). Only a very little research is done on the characteriza- NcZNT1, a Zn transporter across the endodermal cell in
tion of Zn-responsive and ZIP-related TFs in crops and most N. caerulescens. Overexpression of NcZNT1 in A. thali-
of the reports available are confined to Arabidopsis under ana enhanced the plant metal tolerance with a simultaneous

Fig. 2  a Various transporters are involved in Zn uptake, transport and characterized. Zn influx to the chloroplast is unknown, but its efflux is
sequestration in plants exposed to high Zn. Zn is actively taken up mediated by HMA1. HMA3, HMA4, MTP1, MTP8, MTP11, MHX,
by root cell membrane transporters as a free cation by ZIP19, ZIP23, VIT1, VIT2, NRAMP3 and NRAMP4 transporters mediate the influx
IRT1, IRT3 and/or by means of ZNT2 and ZNT5. Transport of free of Zn across the tonoplast into the vacuole. Furthermore, MTs have
Zn into the xylem is believed to occur via HMA2, HMA4, YSL and been implicated in Zn homeostasis, transport and sequestration in
FRD3. Xylem–phloem Zn allocation occurs with the assistance of plants. (FRD ferric reductase defective 3; HMA heavy metal ATP-
YSL transporters. The YSLs also translocate Zn to the leaf and seed ase; IRT Fe-regulated transporter; MHX metal/proton exchanger; MT
tissues (YSL 6, 9, 12) with the assistance of NA-Zn complexes. Zn metallothioniens; MTP metal tolerance protein; NA nicotianamine;
can also enter inside leaf cells as Zn-free form via ZIP4 and ZIP6. b NRAMP natural resistance-associated macrophage protein; VIT Vacu-
After transport inside the leaf symplast, Zn may be stored in certain olar Iron Transporters; YSL yellow strip like; ZIP zinc-ion permease;
organelles and vacuoles. Zn transport into mitochondria has not been ZNT zinc transporter)

129 Page 18 of 28 Planta (2021) 253:129

increase in accumulation of Zn relative to wild-type plants further confirmed relation between the dynamics and the
(Lin et al. 2016). Moreover, NcZNT 2 and 5 (orthologs of lateral polarity of IRT-1 and transport of its substrates.
A. thaliana IRT3 and ZIP5, respectively) are engaged in the ZIP transporters show extremely regulated expres-
transportation of Zn in the roots (Van de Mortel et al. 2006; sion pattern as established in the model plant A. thaliana
Plaza et al. 2007; Fasani 2012). Furthermore, IRT3 was dis- whose data on genome sequences and knockout mutants
covered in the root plasma membrane of A. halleri exposed facilitated characterization and classification of ZIPs in
to excess Zn (Talke et al. 2006; Lin et al. 2016; Caldelas and other species. For instance, nine ZmZIPs (ZmZIP 1–8
Weiss 2017). High expression of IRT3 was detected in the and ZmIRT1) confined to the endoplasmic reticulum and
roots of A. halleri and N. caerulescens (Talke et al. 2006; plasma membrane in maize (Li et al. 2013b), 14 TaZIP
Moreira et al. 2018). The study conducted by Shanmugan genes in bread wheat (Triticum aestivum) (Evens et al.
et al. (2013) revealed the localization of IRT-1 in the plasma 2017), 13 members of ZIP gene family PtIRT1, PtZIP1-
membrane of A. halleri and its involvement in Zn transport. PtZIP3 and PtZIP5-PtZIP14 in Poncirus trifoliata (Fu
Lin et al. (2016) also detected the location of this transporter et al. 2017) and seven SiZIPs from Setaria italic (Ala-
in the plasma membrane, which validated its function in the garasan et al. 2017) have been identified and character-
passage of Zn ions into the cytoplasm. In the presence of ized, majority of them being induced under Zn deficiency.
Zn, ZIP19 and ZIP23 expression was considerably induced ZmZIP7 encodes a Zn and Fe transporter and ectopic over-
in roots of A. halleri and N. caerulescens (Lin et al. 2016). expression of ZmZIP7 in Arabidopsis stimulated Fe and
ZIP6 elevates Zn uptake as its expression was predominant Zn uptake (Li et al. 2016). The expression of ZmZIP4,
in the shoots of A. halleri (Becher et al. 2004; Gupta et al. ZmZIP5, ZmZIP7, and ZmZIP8 reduced in shoots whereas
2016), suggesting its contribution in increasing noxious Zn ZmZIP3 was down-regulated in maize roots under high
concentrations. Recently, Spielmann et al. (2020) concluded Zn supply (Li et al. 2013b). Moreover, in response to
that ZIP6 is a duplicated gene (encoding a Zn and Cd trans- Zn excess, accumulation of ZmIRT1 increased in shoots
porter) expressed primarily in the vascular tissues of A. hal- while it was suppressed in maize roots (Li et al. 2013b).
leri shoots (AhZIP6-1) and roots (AhZIP6-2). Yang et al. Majority of the available evidence for Zn transport by ZIPs
(2018) discovered SaZIP4 gene as an essential Zn uptake has been acquired from the overexpression studies, e.g.
transporter involved in Zn hyperaccumulation in roots and OsZIP7 (Ricachenevsky et al. 2018) and HvZIP7 (Tiong
shoots of Sedum alfredii. NtZIP11 has been recognized as et al. 2014). 16 members of the ZIP family have been iden-
the first tobacco gene playing an important role in Zn accu- tified in rice (Tiong et al. 2015) but only a few have been
mulation in mature leaves of tobacco plants under surplus examined to determine their biological roles, particularly
Zn concentrations (Kozak et al. 2019). Recently, Weremczuk under surplus Zn conditions. Earlier OsZIP1 was believed
et al (2020) provided evidence highlighting NtZIP11 and to be responsible for Zn uptake in rice, but recent evidence
NtZIP1-like as Zn uptake transporters responsible for Zn suggests that OsZIP1 is a metal-detoxifying transporter
loading into “Zn-accumulating mesophyll cells” of tobacco located in both endoplasmic reticulum and plasma mem-
leaves. brane that checks excessive accumulation of Zn in roots,
In lower and/or above ground portions of A. thaliana, rather than Zn uptake (Liu et al. 2019). Tan et al. (2020)
the ZIP lineage includes 15 associates, ZIP1 to ZIP12 and described two duplicated genes, OsZIP5 and OsZIP9,
IRT-1 to IRT3 (Lin and Aarts 2012), which are mostly which function redundantly in Zn uptake but have diverged
augmented in Zn-deficient conditions, with three being in terms of expression regulation. HvZIP7 is a close
recently described: IAA-alanine resistance protein 1- homolog of NcZNT1, AtZIP4 and AtIRT3 from dicot spe-
IAR1, Zinc transporter 29-ZTP29 and PutZnT. Amongst cies whose overexpression in barley enhanced the root Zn
these, ZIP4 and IRT3 are believed to be involved in trans- uptake and/or root-to-shoot translocation at more or less
location of Zn from root-to-shoot. A subcellular localiza- high concentrations of Zn (Tiong et al. 2014), signifying
tion analysis revealed ZIP4 to be located in the plasma it to be a low-affinity Zn transporter. Zn toxicity resulted
membrane and involved in Zn uptake in the shoots as well in enhanced MsZIP2 expression which is believed to be a
as in the roots. Previously, it has been shown that overex- detoxification mechanism involving storage of excess Zn
pression of AtIRT3 enhanced the accumulation of Zn in A. in xylem parenchyma cells (Cardini et al. 2021). Down-
thaliana shoots, indicating its possible involvement in the regulation of MsZIP3 under high foliar Zn supplementa-
loading of Zn for long-distance transport (Lin et al. 2009). tion was a detoxification mechanism to reduce Zn uptake
Barberon et al. (2014) explained that non-Fe substrates by Medicago sativa shoot cells (Cardini et al. 2021) which
of IRT-1 (i.e., Zn, Mn, and Co) control its localization is in accordance with the findings of Sasaki et al. (2015)
between the outer polar domain of the plasma membrane regarding involvement of OsZIP3 in unloading Zn from
and early endosomes/trans-Golgi network compartments the vascular tissues under excess Zn supply in rice. These
(EE/TGN) in root epidermal cells of A. thaliana and reports suggest that although, there is confirmation for the

Planta (2021) 253:129 Page 19 of 28 129

contribution of ZIPs towards Zn homeostasis under high controlling Zn homeostasis (Haydon and Cobbett 2007).
Zn levels, lack of functional data makes it complicated to ZIF1 is believed to be engaged in transferring NA from
designate precise physiological roles. root cytoplasm into the vacuole, thereby assisting in the
formation of NA–Zn complexes inside vacuoles (Haydon
MTP (metal tolerance protein) transporters et al. 2012). The ZIF1 gene in A. thaliana was up-regulated
under excess Zn and plants had a tendency to store Zn in
Overloaded Zn is transported from cytoplasm to vacuoles by root vacuoles (Haydon and Cobbett 2007). Similarly, ZIF2
transporters belonging to metal protein (MTP1 and MTP3) also mediates root vacuolar sequestration of Zn and prevents
family which are involved in Zn sequestration and detoxifica- its translocation to the shoot, thereby contributing towards
tion (Martinoia 2018). MTPs confined to vacoular membrane Zn tolerance in A. thaliana (Remy et al. 2014). In Arabi-
operate as ­Zn2+/H+ exchanger and are related to CDF (cation dopsis, ZIFL1 displays H ­ +-coupled ­K+ transport activity
diffusion facilitator) family. ZAT1 was the foremost MTP gene whereas ZIFL2 functions in ­Cs+ and ­K+ homeostasis (Remy
categorized in A. thaliana which was later renamed as MTP1. et al 2013; 2015). It is worth mentioning that AtZIF2 is
A. thaliana plants altered with AtMTP1 showed improved Zn not similar to AtZIFL2 as AtZIF2 is considered to be more
tolerance with increasing Zn levels in roots, whereas plants distantly related to the other Arabidopsis ZIFs. ZIFL genes
without AtMTP1 exhibited hypersensitivity to Zn in response are considered to be involved in carrying out the task of Zn
to decreased Zn content in stems and leaves (Desbrosses-Fonu- allocation to the seeds. Moreover, a higher number of ZIFL
rage et al. 2005). N. goesingense has three allelic variations family paralogs have been reported in monocot species than
of TgMTP1 which accumulate at elevated levels in vacuolar dicots (Ricachenevsky et al. 2011). Through quantitative
membranes of shoots and is believed to take part in both Zn trait loci (QTLs) studies in A. thaliana, ZIF1 and ZIFL1 are
tolerance and enhanced uptake (Gustin et al. 2009). A. halleri considered to be responsible for high Zn concentrations in
has five gene replicas of MTP1 whose transcript amounts of seeds (Waters and Grusak 2008). Likewise, ZIF1-like gene
MTP1-A1, MTP1-A2 along with MTP1-B are tremendously was found to express in the seed aleurone of barley whose
high at normal and toxic Zn levels (Shahzad et al. 2010). Up- expression was stimulated after foliar Zn supply (Tauris
regulation of MTP8 and MTP11 by excess Zn has also been et al. 2009). Amongst eight ZIFL genes described in wheat
proved in the shoots of N. caerulescens and A. halleri (Hani- by Pearce et al. (2014), TaZIFL1 was down-regulated dur-
kenne and Nouet 2011). Expression of AtMTP1 is found to be ing senescence, whereas TaZIFL2-like1 and TaZIFL7 were
high in root vascular tissue and leaves of juvenile A. thaliana significantly up-regulated. Recently, Sharma et al. (2019)
seedlings, while AtMTP3 activity is unnoticeable in aerial identified fifteen TaZIFL-like genes in wheat and proposed
parts (Desbrosses-Fonrouge et al. 2005; Arrivault et al. 2006). their tissue specific expression under excess Zn. In rice,
On the other hand, expression of MTP3 was extremely low in several of the thirteen ZIFL genes are expressed in the flag
a natural state but its transcripts mount to elevated amounts leaves during senescence (Ricachenevsky et al. 2011). This
in epidermal as well as cortical cells of root hair region of indicates that in monocots, some ZIFL genes are involved
A. thaliana seedlings exposed to surplus Zn (Arrivault et al. in nutrient remobilization during senescence. Moreover, rice
2006). Moreover, both AtMTP1 and AtMTP3 exhibit con- ZIFL genes also encode for the transporter of mugineic acid
trasting results on Zn accumulation. AtMTP3 decreases shoot (TOM) proteins which release PS, thereby increasing Fe/
Zn contents, whereas AtMTP1 enhances Zn levels in roots Zn uptake (Nozoye et al. 2015). Characterization of ZIFL
(Desbrosses-Fonrouge et al. 2005; Arrivault et al. 2006). The genes in rice led to the identification of three TOM proteins-
major function of AtMTP3 seems to be the exclusion of Zn OsTOM1, OsTOM2 and OsTOM3 (Nozoye et al. 2015).
from root-to-shoot transport conduit under elevated Zn levels Similarly, wheat TOM transporters have also been identi-
in roots (Arrivault et al. 2006). On the contrary, TgMTP1 may fied through qRT-PCR analysis: TaZIFL4.1, TaZIFL4.2,
operate to sequester Zn in dividing and enlarging tissues or TaZIFL5, TaZIFL7.1 and TaZIFL7.2 (Sharma et al. 2019).
it can accumulate Zn in specific aerial plant tissues (Gustin However, further studies are required to better characterize
et al. 2009). This reflects the differential expression pattern of the function of ZIFL transporters in plants.
MTP1 in roots and shoots of non-hyperaccumulator (A. thali-
ana) and hyperaccumulator (T. goesingense) plants. HMA (heavy metal ATP‑ase) transporters

ZIF (zinc‑induced facilitator) genes (Major Facilitator Root-to-shoot translocation of Zn requires proteins belong-
Superfamily) ing to the heavy metal ATPase “HMA” family. Two mem-
bers of HMA family, HMA2 as well as HMA4 are expressed
ZIF1 and two additional Zn-induced facilitator-like genes, in vascular tissues of A. halleri and play a key role in con-
namely AtZIFL1 and AtZIFL2, constitute a different fam- tributing to Zn hyperaccumulation and hypertolerance
ily (MFS) of Arabidopsis membrane proteins engaged in (Hanikenne et al. 2008; Frérot et al. 2018). Both of them are

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located in the plasma membrane of the root pericycle cells of rice accessions with higher expression of HMA3. Pita-
and facilitate ­Zn2+ efflux from these cells and subsequent Barbosa et al. (2019) also dealt with the same hypothesis
loading into the root xylem (Moreira et al. 2018). HMA2 is implicating HMA3 in Zn transport but in different species,
considered to be a Z­ n2+-ATPase which may also be triggered A. thaliana and investigated the influence of AtHMA3 on
by other metals like ­Cd2+ and to a lesser degree by other the Zn homeostasis transcriptional network. They employed
divalent cations whereas HMA4 transports Zn, Cd and Pb. Col-0 accession (having a natural non-functional AtHMA3
In hyperaccumulator plants, the transcriptional level analy- allele), altered it with a functional allele from the CSHL-5
sis revealed a high expression of these genes. For instance, A. thaliana accession, produced several independent Col-
expression of HMA4 was 4–10 fold higher in roots and 0::HMA3CSHL-5 lines and compared them with wild-type
30-fold higher in shoots of A. halleri compared to A. thali- Col-0 plants. The authors observed significant positive
ana (Talke et al. 2006). The enhanced expression of HMA4 correlations between HMA3 and ZIP3, ZIP4, MTP1 and
was due to tandem triplication and cis-regulatory altera- bZIP19 expression and suggested that functional modifica-
tions that stimulated the promoters of all three HMA4 cop- tions in AtHMA3 alter the expression of other genes of Zn
ies (Hanikenne et al. 2008). These three HMA4 homologs, homeostasis intricate system in A. thaliana. They further
i.e. HMA4-1, HMA4-2 alongwith HMA4-3 are accountable concluded that A. thaliana plants transcriptionally protect
for elevated transfer of Zn from roots to shoots in A. hal- alterations in the compartmentalization of Zn in root vacu-
leri and are vital features for Zn tolerance (Hanikenne et al. oles due to changes in AtHMA3 function, to regulate con-
2008). Furthermore, by means of overexpressing HMA4, stant Zn concentration in leaves. Thus, based on these two
Hanikenne et al. (2008) suggested the function of this gene reports, we strongly support the inference that enhanced Zn
in the allocation of Zn to different organs of A. thaliana. compartmentalization into vacuoles by HMA3 stimulates the
Similarly, Medicago sativa plants subjected to Zn toxicity expression of certain Zn-deficiency-related genes to main-
exhibited enhanced HMA4 expression in roots and shoots, tain cytosolic Zn homeostasis.
clearly indicating augmentation in the transport of Zn in the
xylem (Cardini et al. 2021). AtHMA1 has been categorized YSL (yellow stripe like), VIT (vacuolar iron
in the chloroplast membrane of A. thaliana where it mobi- transporter) and other transporters
lizes Zn from the stroma of chloroplast into the cytosol (Kim
et al. 2009) under conditions of high levels of Zn, thereby YSL transporters are involved in xylem loading and unload-
participating in detoxification of Zn by decreasing its content ing of Zn (Fig. 2a). In endospermic aleurone layer as well
in the plastid (Fig. 2b). Nevertheless, the role of HMA1 in as embryo of barley grains, uptake of Z ­ n2+ takes place by
the transportation of Zn in hyperaccumulator species has members of YSL family transporters, viz. YSL 6, 9, and 12
not been confirmed yet. Thus, we put forward the potential with the assistance of Zn complexes (NA-Zn) (Tauris et al.
involvement of HMA1 in restricting the accumulation of Zn 2009; Caldelas and Weiss 2017). It is pertinent to mention
in the chloroplasts of hyperaccumulator species. here that, even when Zn-dependent transcriptional regula-
Noteworthy, HMA3 present in vacuolar membrane, tion is absent, Zn transport via YSL transporters rely on
transports excess Zn from the cytoplasm into vacuoles the concentration of Zn-NA complexes that might enhance
(Fig. 2b) which seems to be a mechanism for avoiding tox- when NA levels increase under Zn excess, Zn deficiency or
icity (Jain et al. 2013). Recently, HMA3 and HMA4 were Fe deficiency (Haydon et al. 2012). In A. thaliana, YSL1
examined at the tissue and cellular level concerning their and YSL3 are involved in the remobilization of Zn from age-
role in Zn/Cd sequestration in shoots of A. halleri and N. ing leaves as well as in the development of pollen (Waters
caerulescens (Mishra et al. 2017). Considerable up-regula- et al., 2006). Analogous to YSL, FRD3 (ferric reductase
tion of HMA3 and HMA4 was observed in the mesophyll of defective 3), a MATE (multidrug and toxin efflux) trans-
A. halleri, whereas in N. caerulescens their highest expres- porter, is a crucial regulator of excess Zn and is necessary
sion was in the bundle sheath of the vein which could be for Fe/Zn translocation by xylem (Pineau et al. 2012). This
described by the ultimate storage sites; the mesophyll for protein can be of key significance in the allocation of met-
A. halleri and epidermis for N. caerulescens (Mishra et al. als between the cells. The VIT family mediates transport
2017). Limited reports indicate the role of OsHMA3 and of heavy metals (­ Fe2+, ­Mn2+ and Z ­ n2+) across tonoplast
AtHMA3 in Zn homeostasis. In a recently published study, and hence assists in their vacuolar sequestration (Fig. 2b).
Cai et al. (2019) compared rice natural accessions having Two VIT1 transporters [The Arabidopsis orthologue of the
functional OsHMA3 with those containing loss-of-func- CCC1 ­(Ca2+-sensitive Cross-Complementer1) gene] have
tional alleles, and witnessed that former were more toler- been identified in barley. VIT1_1 is strongly expressed in
ant to surplus Zn and accumulated more Zn in roots, while leaf transfer cells of barley, where it helps in mobilization
maintaining similar Zn concentrations in shoots. This was of ­Zn2+ into vacuoles whereas VIT1_2 is highly expressed in
because of up-regulation of Zn uptake genes (ZIPs) in roots the aleurone cells (Tauris et al. 2009). Two members of VITs

Planta (2021) 253:129 Page 21 of 28 129

family found in rice, i.e. OsVIT1 and OsVIT2 play a role in be due to the difference in the nature of experiments or
decreasing Zn and Fe in flag leaves through storage inside bioaccumulation factors or uptake rates. Nevertheless, it
vacuoles, thereby regulating the allocation of metals from is essential to ascertain a detailed picture of the pathway
flag leaves to emerging grains (Zhang et al. 2012). AtMHX of Zn all the way through different organs of the plant.
(metal/proton exchanger) is an additional transporter situated Moreover, detailed histological analyses are necessary
in the vacuolar membrane of A. thaliana and engaged in Zn to determine the link between various Zn transporters/
homeostasis (David-Assael et al. 2006). A novel transporter, proteins to establish their redundancy (if any) in a par-
plant cadmium resistance 2 (PCR2) operates as a Zn efflux ticular tissue while expression in other tissues. Therefore,
transporter at the root plasma membrane and contributes complete understanding of the molecular aspects of Zn
to Zn translocation and detoxification in A. thaliana (Song homeostatsis in plants can pave the way to several promis-
et al. 2010). Nevertheless, its role in Zn hyperaccumulation ing molecular applications with a holistic view to improve
is not known. Recently, Wang et al. (2021) identified and crop management and food quality.
characterized a Golgi-localized transporter, ZINC NUTRI-
ENT ESSENTIAL1 (AtZNE1, At3g08650) in A. thaliana
and suggested its role in mediating sequestration of excess
­Zn2+ into the Golgi and in plant adaptation to Zn toxicity Conclusion and future prospects
or Fe deficiency. Transporters, such as NRAMP1 (natu-
ral resistance-associated macrophage protein) NRAMP3, Zn is a critical nutrient required by plants for carrying out
NRAMP4, and NRAMP5, are believed to facilitate Zn com- numerous metabolic functions. However, high Zn levels in
partmentalization in the vacuole of leaf cells (Fig. 2b). High plants affect various physiological and biochemical param-
expressions of NRAMP1 and NRAMP5 were found in the eters. Information regarding bioavailable forms of Zn and
shoots of N. caerulescens whereas NRAMP3 was expressed soil–Zn-binding capability is crucial in considering the
in the leaves of A. halleri (Weber et al. 2004; Krämer et al. potential risk of its transfer in soil–plant–human chain.
2007). NcNRAMP4 played a key role in Zn hypertolerance Various transporters take part in Zn homeostasis and trans-
(Oomen et al. 2009), however, the exact function of NcN- location in plants. No doubt, in this omic era, proteomic
RAMP3 is yet to be determined. Distinctively expressed and genomic approaches have facilitated our understand-
transporters, namely NRAMP, VIT, POT (proton-coupled ing of the functions of Zn transporters, however, despite
peptide transporter), PHO and MATE, have been established this, significant knowledge gaps still exist. Expression of
for elevating Zn levels in rice (Neeraja et al. 2018). Passive membrane proteins may contribute to understand the inter-
uptake of ­Zn2+ can take place by means of a depolarization- face between transporter proteins and other components
activated non-selective cation channel (DA-NSCC) found engaged in cellular Zn trafficking which may further assist
in T. caerulescens (Piñeros and Kochian 2003) as well as in understanding the plant mechanisms of Zn transport in
voltage-independent NSCCs (VI-NSCCs) (Demidchik and a better manner. Furthermore, the revelation of secondary
Maathuis 2007). genes and messengers in regulating Zn uptake, accumula-
In general, these studies underline the co-ordinated role tion and translocation might represent a promising way
of diverse transporter families involved in controlling Zn to acquire additional deep insights into various processes
homeostasis in plants. Strict maintenance of intracellu- involved in the absorption of Zn by plants. Lastly, com-
lar Zn concentrations is necessary for a functional cel- plete knowledge of Zn signalling would be of immense
lular metabolism, which requires finely tuned regulation scientific relevance and important for accomplishing sus-
of these Zn transporters. While maintaining Zn homeo- tainable agricultural growth on a global basis.
stasis, some plant transporters transport Z ­ n2+ ions, while
others transport a Zn-ligand complex. It seems that those Author contribution statement Both the authors have con-
membrane transporters which transport only ligands, tributed equally to the preparation of this review article.
could make an additional contribution to Zn homeostasis,
whereby ligands may function following their transport by
binding to ­Zn2+ ions on the other side of membrane. Most Acknowledgements This work was supported by Department of Bio-
technology, Government of India, New Delhi, India [Grant Number
of the studies on molecular aspects of Zn homeostasis have 42-945/2013(SR)].
been carried out in either hyperaccumulator or model plant
species, which are still in early stages and therefore can- Declarations
not be generalized for all crop plants. Moreover, at times,
the concept of hyperaccumulation is overly-stated, mixing Conflict of interest The authors declare that they have no conflict of
high tolerant species with hyperaccumulators, which could interest.

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