AECC EV Syllabus 2022 23

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Title : Ethics and Values

(Consisting of six modules of 1 credit : 15 lectures each)


A-11, 2nd Floor, PUSTAK BHAVAN

• Development of a positive character, empathetic human being,

responsible citizen, a compassionate and empathetic being.
• Understanding virtues of volunteerism.
• Promoting a sustainable life style for the individual, community
and man kind
• Developing a sense of right and wrong leading to practical ethical
• Inculcating a positive work culture respecting professional ethics
• Inculcating Leadership
Title: - Gender Issues and Ethical Dimensions
Total no. of Periods-15 Full mark-25 Credit point -1
1.0 Aims of the Unit:
• The module aims to generate a sensitivity among the students towards women,
• Enable them to value the contributions of women, from family to the larger society,
• To generate among them a distinct urge to respect women,
• To recognize their unique identity and understand their equal status and entitlements as
members of the society.
Learning Objectives:
After going through the contents of the module and the class room transactions on the contents, the
students are expected to
• Have changes in their perceptions, predicaments and practices towards women.
• Develop proper attitude towards women and value their work and contribution.
• Come forward to challenge the unethical, unfounded treatments against women as a gender group.
• Pioneer in creating a gender equal society where the well being, happiness and security of the
women will be well protected contributing towards better HDI and inclusive development.
• End gender based hierarchy and hegemony, remove the feeling that women are counter to men and
bring about a complementarily among the hitherto existing gender binary.
• Allow women to realize their self worth, contribute their best for the betterment of the society .
Teaching Hours

1.1 Introduction:
General introduction on Ethics and Values, Gender equality as an essential
precursor to social progress, the present scenario, Desirable gender related 1-2-3
1.2 Women and Family
Pre-natal sex selection, Gendered practices in the family, Gender based
division of labour in the family, Marriage and women, Marriage and
women’s consent, Child marriage, the practice of dowry, Women and family 4-5-6-7
1.3 Women and Work
Women’s work: The Invisible hands, Exploitation of women at work, Gender
Stereotyping at work, Glass ceiling, Women and pay gap, Sexual Harassment
of women at work, Working women and role conflict.

1.4 Women, Community and Society

Violence against women in public spaces, Gender sensitive language and
communication, Gendered language, Sexist Language, Gender neutral
language, Women and property Rights ,What does property right mean?,
Women’s property Rights in Indian Laws, The functionality of Women’s 12-13-14-15
Property Rights
Title: - Nature and Scope of Ethics and Values
Total no. of Periods-15 Full mark-25 Credit point -1
2.0 Aims of the Unit:

• Familiarize the student with the concept of Ethics vis a vis patriotism and nation building.
• Introducing the Indian Constitution, concepts of patriotism.

Learning Objectives:
• To built the sense of Right and Wrong. Both ethically and constitutionally
• To develop power of Judgment amongst students.
• Evolving sense of patriotism among students
• To facilitate growth of an empathetic and compassionate personality.

Teaching Hours

2.1 Indian Constitution

Salient Values of Preamble and its importance in national life.:
Concepts of a Sovereign, Socialist, Secular, Democratic,
Republic, Justice, Liberty, Equality and Fraternity.

2.2 Patriotism
Patriotic Values and ingredients of nation building. Concepts of
good citizenship., emotional connection with the nation and state,
Duties of citizens and Qualities of good citizenship

2.3 Volunteerism 8-9-10-11

Concepts and facets of Volunteerism and Leadership.Their role role
in building a sustainable, local-regional-national –international
Volunteering organization and Volunteerism of Youth (blood
donation, social work, helping the aged and green practices etc
2.4 Work Ethics
Punctuality, Cleanliness Law abidingness and work place behavior 12-13-14-15
and professional ethics.

Title: - Issues of Drug, Tobacco Addiction and Alcoholism

Total no. of Periods-15 Full mark-25 Credit point -1

3.0 Aims of the Unit:

• Understanding the concepts of social evils.

• Creating awareness about health hazard of tobacco consumption, alcoholism and
drug addiction.
• Sensitizing student about professional support system for treatment and

Learning Objectives:
• The student becomes aware of the grave danger of consuming alcohol, tobacco and
• The students become more empathetic for the alcoholic and the drug addict.
• The student would encourage this group to seek professional help for treatment
and rehabilitations.
Teaching Hours

3.1Extent of Drug and Tobacco addiction and alcoholism in India

Myths associated with the them, Health hazards associated with
Them and how they have become silent killers. 1-2-3-4

3.2Socio- economic impact of Drug and Tobacco addiction and

Loss of physical and mental strength, Loss of character, Loss of family ties
and relationship, Loss of earning and lively hood potentials, Loss of
societal respect and dignity etc.

3.3Silent features of social legislation such as NDPS Act, 1985 and COTPA
Act ,2003 , Mechanism and Govt. Scheme for prevention , de-addiction
and rehabilitation . 9-10-11-12

3.4Provision of Tobacco free campus and role of students, Roles of

students in their family and immediate surroundings, Role of NGOs and 13-14-15
their agencies.
Title: - Ethical Values for Students

Total no. of Periods-15 Full mark-25 Credit point -1

4.0 Aims of the Unit:

• To familiarize the students with core values of Academics and Goals of Education.
• To create an awareness about Unethical practices in the academics.
• To sensitize the students on issues relating to interpersonal Relations and community
life in institutes of Higher Education.
• The objectives of the present unit is to create an awareness among the students about
the concept of leadership and ethical leadership which will ultimately help them to
become a good human being and develop an attitude to work in group.

Learning Objectives:
• The student with awareness would behave ethically in the campus and modify his
• The learning ambience of the educational Institution shall improve and fulfill the
objectives of Higher Education.
• Articulate the different values which will contribute towards ethical leadership.
• Exhibit respectful treatment of others in an organizational context.
• Contribute to a develop appositive social environment through active participation and
cooperation with others.
Teaching Hours

4.1 Meaning and Objective of Education:

Knowledge is power and quest for knowledge is the real meaning of
education, not quest for Degree and qualifications; Real education
builds characters: Difference between Academic Qualification and
Ability, Academic failure could be failure with in the class room, but not
outside (that is failed in exam, past in the life!) 1-2-3

4.2 Challenges for Ethical Practices in Institution of Higher Education:

Ragging, Suicide and Need for Educational Counseling,
Violence vs. Peaceful Protest, Conflict resolution, Plagiarism
and Violation of Intellectual property Rights, Cheating in
Examination and other Fraudulent Practices.

4.3Inter personal Relation and Community Life in HEI:

Green Preacher and conservation of Energy,Community Life in
Campus including Hostels, Local Common area, Inter personal
relations (Students-Teacher, Students-Student and Man-
Woman, Positive Friendship). 8-9-10-11
4.4Ethical Leadership in Academic Institution:
Concept and Traits of Leadership to provide solution, everyone has
LeadershipRole (not limited to position), Concept of
Ethical leadership Scope of Leadership in college and
Universities for- Students, Teachers and Administrators. Importance of 12-13-14-15
co-curricular and extra – curricular activities.


Title: -Vulnerable section of society: Human Dignity and Ethical Issues

Total no. of Periods-15 Full mark-25 Credit point -1

5.0 Aims of the Unit:
To create an awareness amongst students about the need for ensuring dignity and
equality for the vulnerable sections of the society.

Learning Objectives:
• Students would be able to appreciate values and ethics relating to vulnerable
sections of the society.
• Students would learn to practice equality diversity and social justice.
• Students would become more empathetic and compassionate towards vulnerable
sections of the society.
Teaching Hours
5.1Values relating to Children:
Nutrition and health, Child Exploitation: Child labour, trafficking, Sexual 1-2-3-4

5.2Person with disability:

Rights of PWD, affirmative action, Prevention of discrimination, providing
equal opportunity,various scheme for empowering PWD and social justice for
PWD 5-6-7-8

5.3Challenges for the elderly:

Elder abuses, elder sexual abuse, elder verbal abuse, senior citizen and their
privileges, right of the aged over their children and duties of the children 9-10-11-12
for the elders.

5.4The Third Gender:

Understanding the third gender, Social justice for them, Removal of 13-14-15
discrimination, Affirmative action and acceptance of diversity of gender.
Title: - Environmental &Techno Ethics
Total no. of Periods-15 Full mark-25 Credit point -1
Aims of the Unit:

• To develop awareness and sensitize students about the importance of environment for a
sustainable earth and to bring Green Technology into action
• To focus their attention towards cleanliness, preservation of biodiversity and practice of
conservation of natural resources
• To make them understand the judicious use of modern technology strictly on need basis
• To use science and technology for preservation of environment and its sustainable development
but not fordestruction.

Learning Objectives:
• Develop an understanding of environmental ethics and work towards sustainable development
• Commitment to Green Technology for sustainable future
• Understand ethical issues relating to use of digital medium
Teaching Hours

6.1 Environmental Ethics:

Types of Ecological Values, Environmental Values vis a vis conserving
Nature,Equitable use of Resources, Role of Individual in the conservation of
resources for future generation, Bio-Ethics-Genetic manipulation in plants 1-2-3
and animals for benefit of society and cruelty against animal.

6.2 Promotion of Green Technology:

Goal of Green Technology: Reduce recycling,Renew (removal of chemicals),
Refuseand Responsibility.
Green Technology in relation to: -Energy and Construction. 4-5-6-7

6.3 Ethics in relation to technology development

Environmental conservation and carbon footprintwith reference to Science, gadget,
machine etc. and interaction with each other; 8-9-10-11
Agricultural, Industrial, Digital, Globalized Age etc

6.4 Judicious Use of Technology:

Judicious use of Mobile Phones, Electrical machines, Plastics, Television,
Computers and their harmful effects
Ethics and Use of Digital Technology: Cyber ethics-, Ethics of social media: 12-13-14-15
WhatsApp, Facebook, Twitter and others.

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