This document provides a price list for tent rentals and camping equipment from an outdoor gear rental company. It lists 11 types of tents that can be rented, ranging from 2000-100,000 rupiah per night depending on size and features. It also lists various communal equipment rentals like lanterns, tables, and cooking gear priced between 2000-50,000 rupiah. Finally, it provides prices for personal camping gear rentals like sleeping bags, backpacks, cooking stoves, and clothing. Additional details are provided on rental policies, hours of operation, and contact information.
This document provides a price list for tent rentals and camping equipment from an outdoor gear rental company. It lists 11 types of tents that can be rented, ranging from 2000-100,000 rupiah per night depending on size and features. It also lists various communal equipment rentals like lanterns, tables, and cooking gear priced between 2000-50,000 rupiah. Finally, it provides prices for personal camping gear rentals like sleeping bags, backpacks, cooking stoves, and clothing. Additional details are provided on rental policies, hours of operation, and contact information.
This document provides a price list for tent rentals and camping equipment from an outdoor gear rental company. It lists 11 types of tents that can be rented, ranging from 2000-100,000 rupiah per night depending on size and features. It also lists various communal equipment rentals like lanterns, tables, and cooking gear priced between 2000-50,000 rupiah. Finally, it provides prices for personal camping gear rentals like sleeping bags, backpacks, cooking stoves, and clothing. Additional details are provided on rental policies, hours of operation, and contact information.
This document provides a price list for tent rentals and camping equipment from an outdoor gear rental company. It lists 11 types of tents that can be rented, ranging from 2000-100,000 rupiah per night depending on size and features. It also lists various communal equipment rentals like lanterns, tables, and cooking gear priced between 2000-50,000 rupiah. Finally, it provides prices for personal camping gear rentals like sleeping bags, backpacks, cooking stoves, and clothing. Additional details are provided on rental policies, hours of operation, and contact information.
1 Tenda Dome Kaps 2 Single Layer 20,000 30,000 2 Tenda Dome Kaps 2 Double layer 35,000 45,000 3 Tenda Dome Kaps 3-4 org NSM 4 35,000 50,000 4 Tenda Dome Kaps 3 org Borneo 3 50,000 60,000 5 Tenda Dome Kaps 4-5 org Borneo 4 50,000 65,000 6 Tenda Dome Kaps 4-5 org Java 4 Pro 45,000 65,000 7 Tenda Dome Kap 6 org NSM 6 70,000 90,000 8 Tenda Dome Kap 6 org Borneo 6 75,000 100,000 9 Tenda Dome Kap 6 org Moluccas 6 Pro 75,000 100,000 10 Tenda Dome Kap 6 -8 org Big Dome 6 Pro 75,000 100,000 11 Tenda Pramuka (TANPA TALI, PASAK, & TONGKAT) 35,000 35,000
1 Lampu Tenda Mini (termasuk baterai) 10,000 2 Lampu Tenda Medium (termasuk baterai) 20,000 3 Lampu hias cherry balls (termasuk baterai) 20,000 4 Flysheet 2x3 (termasuk tali 6 set + pasak 6) 15,000 5 Flysheet 3x4 (termasuk tali 6 set + pasak 6) 18,000 6 Tiang Flysheet 2 meter 5,000 7 Paket Flysheet 3x4 + 2 Tiang 25,000 8 Kursi Lipat Kotak 20,000 9 Kursi Lipat Alloy sedang 30,000 10 Meja Lipat Stainless (M) 20,000 11 Hammock 7,000 12 Extra Pasakb per 11 unit 4,000
1 Trekking Pole 15,000 2 Matras Spon 60cm x (180-200cm) 4,000 3 Sleeping Bag Polar Tipis 8,000 4 Sleeping Bag Polar Tebal 10,000 5 Lampu Headlamp (termasuk baterai) 10,000 6 Senter Tangan (termasuk baterai) 10,000 7 Tas 50L + Cover Bag 20,000 8 Tas 60L + Cover Bag 25,000 9 Tas 60+10L + Cover Bag 20,000 10 Cover Bag 60-70L 5,000 11 Jaket 15,000 12 Sepatu Gunung 30,000 13 Sarung Tangan Polar 5,000 14 Topi Rimba 3,000 15 Gaiter (Pelindung Kaki) 7,000
1 Cooking Set DS301 (isi 4 panci) 10,000 2 Cooking Set DS200 (isi 2 panci) 7,000 3 Nesting TNI (isi 3 panci) 10,000 4 Kompor Kotak Kovar (tanpa gas) 7,000 5 Kompor Windproof (tanpa gas) 10,000 6 Kompor GRILL + 1 gas kaleng 30,000 7 Bulgogi Pan Grill 25,000 8 Paket Alat Grill 50,000 9 Tempat telor isi 6 3,000 10 Gelas Enamel 2,000 11 Piring Stainless 3,000 12 Isi ulang gas kaleng 7,000 13 Sewa gas kaleng (kaleng kembali) 8,000 Keterangan : a. Durasi 1x sewa dihitung maksimal 2 hari 1 malam (sabtu pagi - minggu maksimal pukul 21.00) b. Jadwal operasional outlet Senin - Sabtu 08.00 - 21.00 Minggu 09.00 - 21.00 c. Pelayanan pengambilan diluar jam operasional dapat konfirmasi terlebih dahulu (24 Jam) d. Meninggalkan jaminan berupa kartu identitas (KTP/SIM/KTM/Kartu Pelajar) e. Tambahan sewa bisa per setengah hari (50%) atau 1 hari penuh (100%) f. Disarankan cek stok peralatan lewat whatsapp terlebih dahulu sebelum ke outlet g. Katalog gambar ada di nomor whatsapp admin 1 dan instagram H37 CP: ADMIN 1 FOLLOW IG : 0819-0403-5075 H37 ADVENTURE