PDLM Syllabus Jacob
PDLM Syllabus Jacob
PDLM Syllabus Jacob
Workshop Description: Within this 30 minute workshop, students will discover and
understand the importance of Digital Health and Wellness. Through discussions,
activities, and reflection, we will examine the impact of technology on mental
and physical health, explore strategies for mindful tech usage, and develop a
plan to work towards digital well-being.
Workshop Objectives:
● Students will be able to understand the effects technology has on your
physical and mental health.
● Students will be able to explore strategies that help practice responsible
use of technology
● Students will collaborate with their peers during activities to demonstrate
GaPSC Instructional Technology Standards:
● 1.1/1a Goals & Reflection: Candidates set professional learning goals to
explore and apply pedagogical approaches made possible by
technology and reflect on their effectiveness. (PSC-IT 1.1, ISTE-E 1a)
● 2.3/2c Curating, Evaluating & Adopting Digital Resources Candidates
model for colleagues the identification, exploration, evaluation, curation
and adoption of new digital resources and tools for learning. (PSC-IT
2.3,ISTE-E 2c)
● 5.2/5b Authentic & Active Learning Candidates design authentic learning
activities that align with content area standards and use digital tools
and resources to maximize active, deep learning. (PSCIT 5.2, ISTE-E 5b)
● 4.1/4a Collaborate w/ Colleagues Candidates dedicate planning time to
collaborate with colleagues to create authentic learning experiences that
leverage technology. (PSC-IT 4.1, ISTE-E 4a)
Grading Policy:
A 90-100%
B 80-89%
C 70-79%
D 60-69%
F 0-59%