Bangalore Centre
Program:-MS (Quality Management systems)
Course:-Project Management
Instructions to the Candidates:
The question paper Consists of Three Parts. Part –A is objective type questions meant to test your conceptual
understanding of the subject taught to you. Part B Consists of questions to test your ability to get into the
subject in detail. Part C Consists of questions on the basis of analytical reasoning and application skills. This
tests your ability to apply the knowledge to real world problem situations and scenario’s. Part A has a
weightage of 10 marks and is compulsory. Part B consists of 7 questions with equal weightage and you need
to answer any four it will be evaluated for a total of 20 Marks. Part C consists of 5 analytical questions out of
which you will have to attempt three questions. Each of the question will be evaluated for 10 Marks.
Draw the network diagram. Determine the project duration. Compute the Earliest start and
Finish times. Identify the critical path.
11. Following is the information regarding a project. The parameters are the optimistic time, (10)
pessimistic time, most likely time. Analyze based on the information provided using the
PERT model.
Description Index Predecessors Parameters
Foundation A Not applicable. 1.5, 3.5, 8.5
Frame B A 3,4,5
Order windows C Not applicable. 7,10,19
Walls D B 2,2.5.6
Wiring E D 3,3.5,7
Plumbing F D 2,2.5,6
Ducting G D 2,4,6
Dry wall H E,F,G 2.5,3,3.5
Install windows I B.C 0.5,1,1.5
Paint & Clean J H 1.5,2,2.5
12. Consider that you are involved in the activity of creating a document containing the project (10)
scope statement. Take the Example of either a Campus Cleaning drive on the Indian
Statistical Institute (Bangalore) premises or Conducting an Inter collegiate sports festival to
show case the sports talent of students on ISI Bangalore campus. You are asked to submit
a document of scope statement to seek approval from the authorities of the institute. Based
on the following heads prepare a scope statement for the project that you may wish to
Executive Summary – Brief summary of the project
Business Objectives – Should be stated in business terms
Product Scope Description – Describes what the project will accomplish
Project Deliverables – A detailed list of deliverables the project will produce
Product Acceptance Criteria – Describes what requirements must be met for the
project to be accepted as complete
Project Exclusions – Description of work that is not included in the project and
therefore outside the scope
13. Consider the task of developing the project charter. You are now the project manager (10)
vested with responsibility of providing internet service to the students of a residential
campus which has clearly identified academic zones and residential zones. You have to
prepare a project management plan document to start with the idea of providing internet
connectivity all across the campus. Prepare a project charter document using the following
items as the basic structure of the project charter.
Executive Summary, Problem/Opportunity, Enter one or more statements of the problem(s)
that the project will resolve, Measureable Business Objectives / Success Criteria, In Scope,
Out of Scope, Business Case, Assumptions Major Risks involved.