Zaluzhnyi Full Version
Zaluzhnyi Full Version
Zaluzhnyi Full Version
Having launched the large-scale armed aggression against Ukraine on February 24,
2022, the russian federation provoked the beginning of an unprecedented global security
crisis, the largest since the end of the Second World War. russian great-power chauvinism
multiplied by sick imperial ambitions gradually turns the military conflict it began in the
centre of Europe into an armed confrontation between democratic and authoritarian political
regimes with the prospect of its spread to other regions of the planet with similar geopolitical
models (Israel and the Gaza Strip, South and North Koreas, Taiwan and China, etc.). The
insufficient effectiveness of the existing global political regulatory mechanisms, primarily the
UN and the OSCE, leaves Ukraine no choice but to restore its territorial integrity after the
large-scale armed aggression within the internationally recognized borders of 1991,
exclusively by military force, in which its Armed Forces (AF) play a decisive role.
Having entered the war with a stronger enemy, which has a lot of weapons and a much
greater mobilization capabilities, Ukraine was not only able to stop it, but also to conduct a
successful counteroffensive in 2022 and stave the enemy off along many axes. The people of
Ukraine have demonstrated their willingness not in words, but in deeds to lay down their soul
and body for their freedom. However, due to many subjective and objective reasons, the war
at the present stage is gradually moving to a positional form, a way out of which in the
historical retrospect has always been difficult for both the Armed Forces and the state as a
whole. At the same time, the prolongation of a war, as a rule, in most cases, is beneficial to
one of the parties to the conflict. In our particular case, it is the russian federation, as it gives
it the opportunity to reconstitute and build up its military power. Therefore, the issues of
understanding the causes of such a situation, finding possible ways out of it and changing the
nature and course of this war in favour of Ukraine are of particular relevance in modern
An analysis of the current situation in which the Armed Forces of Ukraine and other
components of the state Defence Forces are placed shows that in order to find a way out of
the positional form of warfare, it is necessary to: gain air superiority; breach mine barriers in
depth; increase the effectiveness of counter-battery; create and train the necessary reserves;
build up electronic warfare (EW) capabilities. Therefore, the determination of the reasons for
the transition of hostilities to the positional form and the search for possible ways out of this
situation should obviously be carried out according to these main components. It should be
noted that the above-mentioned components in no way level the role and place of missiles
and ammunition, artillery systems, missile systems, electronic warfare, other types of
weapons and equipment provided by partners. They only complement them in the context of
increasing the capabilities of the Defence Forces through new technological solutions and
innovative approaches on a way out of the positional crisis on the line of contact. Let's
consider these reasons in more detail.
As for counter-battery.
In the russian-Ukrainian war, as in the wars of the past, the role of missile forces and
artillery in fires remains quite significant, and depending on the conditions, axes and areas of
operations varies from 60 to 80% of the total volume of tasks executed. The success of the
troops' operations directly depends on the effectiveness of strikes and fire, so the "hunt" for
the enemy's fire is a priority for both parties. Counter-battery is becoming an important
component of the armed confrontation. And despite the statements of some so-called
"military analysts", various publications, including in the russian media, regarding the
gradual weakening of russia, we have no right to belittle the importance and capabilities of
russian weapons, its ISR (intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance) and
countermeasures, the ability of the military-industrial complex of the aggressor state to
supply the troops with a significant number of both outdated and modern weapons and
equipment. We must realistically assess threats, analyse experience, and draw conclusions.
Immediately after receiving Western missile and artillery weapons, the Armed Forces of
Ukraine gained a significant superiority and significant success in counter-battery. Thus,
precision guided munition e.g. Excalibur (155 mm shell) proved to be quite effective in the
fight against self-propelled artillery and counter-battery radars. However, over time, their
capabilities have significantly decreased, since the targeting system (using GPS) is very
sensitive to the influence of enemy electronic warfare, which leads to a loss of precision of
The enemy quickly learned to apply new tactics: dispersal (by guns); fire from the
maximum range; use of new electronic warfare assets (the“Pole 21” electronic
countermeasure system), etc. Also, the enemy quite widely and effectively began to use the
Lancet loitering munition with target “illumination”, the Orlan, Zala UAVs and others for
counter-battery, countering which is quite difficult.
In order to maintain and increase the duel superiority, the russians, through the use of
outdated artillery systems (D-1, D-20, etc.), significantly increased the artillery density and
its ability to massively use conventional ammunition. The enemy has also increased the
production and intensity of the use of 122 mm Krasnopol precision guided munition, which is
aimed at targets by target illumination with a rangefinder from ground-based observation
As a countermeasure to the enemy, we were forced to utilize rocket artillery systems
e.g. "HIMARS" to defeat his artillery. However, a significant part of the existing set of
missiles was utilized for hitting these targets (artillery, MLRS, etc.). Currently, we have
managed to achieve a notional parity with the numerically prevailing enemy artillery due to a
smaller number of higher-quality (accurate) fires.
The need to avoid the transition to a positional form of hostilities, such as the "trench
war" of 1914-1918, necessitates the search for new and non-trivial approaches to breaking the
military parity with the enemy. The main idea of the way out of the current situation can be
presented illustratively in the picture.
The main ways to overcome the positional nature of hostilities, which began to manifest
itself on the contact line in the summer of 2023, should be considered as follows.
As for counter-battery:
building up local GPS fields to improve the operation of precision guided munition
navigation tools;
increasing the share of tasks on counter-battery, which are solved by reconnaissance and
fire complexes based on kamikaze drones;
use of counter-battery assets in combination with measures to mislead the enemy;
increasing the capabilities of artillery reconnaissance equipment provided within the
framework of international materiel and logistical assistance, through the use of non-standard
Logistics Support.
One of the determining factors that significantly impacts the success of the
implementation of the proposed ways to change the nature of the war and achieve goals is the
rational organization of logistics support for the state Defence Forces.
Repelling the full-scale armed aggression of the enemy, conducting defensive and
counteroffensive operations require a huge number of resources: human, mobilization,
financial, materiel, etc. At the same time, the experience of the russian-Ukrainian war
testifies to the actualization of almost forgotten concepts, for example, such as the
accumulation of stocks of missiles and ammunition, and other logistics assets. After the end
of the Cold War, the collapse of the Soviet Union and the Warsaw Pact states, this concept
lost its relevance, but today it has become important both for the enemy and for our state.
The russian armed forces spend a large number of missiles and ammunition, but it
should be recognized that some preparations for the war were done, so russia at this time
retains and is able to maintain a superiority in weapons and equipment, missiles and
ammunition for a considerable time, while the capabilities of the military industry are
increasing, despite the introduction by the world's leading countries of unprecedented
sanctions against the aggressor state.
The Armed Forces of Ukraine are provided with extensive materiel and logistical
assistance by Partner Nations, however, given the increased intensity of average daily
missiles and ammunition consumption, it is not possible to accumulate these funds in the
required volumes since large armed forces are deployed, so all logistics assets provided
within the framework of material and logistical assistance are distributed among forces
according to the priority principle. Partner Nations and NATO member countries are
currently dramatically increasing the production capacity of weapons and ammunition, but
this process is quite long. According to various assessments, it takes at least a year to deploy
large-scale production of weapons and equipment, missiles and ammunition, and other
logistics assets, and in some types – two years.
To continue the effective destruction of enemy warehouses, disruption of supply chains
and an increasing trucking distance for ammunition and other logistics assets, the Armed
Forces of Ukraine need to adopt missiles with an increased range, preferably of their own
The main ways to improve the efficiency of logistics support are: development and
capacity building of the Ukrainian defence industry; creation and development of an
asymmetric arsenal of weapons and equipment in Ukraine; creation, production and
deployment of new weapons. At the same time, when planning and organizing logistics
support, it is necessary to take into account the enemy's ability of fire effects on the mobile
and stationary components of logistics support assets of troops (forces).
Key takeaways.
The transition of the war to a positional form leads to its prolongation and carries
significant risks for both the Armed Forces of Ukraine and the state as a whole. In addition, it
is beneficial to the enemy, who is trying in every possible way to reconstitute and increase its
military power.
To get out of the positional form at the current stage of warfare, first of all, it is
necessary to: gain air superiority; breach mine barriers in depth; increase the effectiveness of
counter-battery and electronic warfare; create and prepare the necessary reserves. It should be
taken into account that the widespread use of information technology in military affairs and
the rational organization of logistics support play a significant role in finding a way out of the
positional form of warfare. The need to avoid transitioning from a positional form to a
manoeuvrable one necessitates searching for new and non-trivial approaches to break military
parity with the enemy.