1. The document is a biology project on pollination submitted by Ankit Sagar, a class 12 student.
2. The project covers various topics related to pollination including the structure of flowers, different types of pollination, advantages and disadvantages of self-pollination and cross-pollination, agents of pollination and methods to ensure cross-pollination.
3. The project received approval from the principal and teacher and can be considered as fulfillment for the upcoming AISSCE exams conducted by the CBSE board.
1. The document is a biology project on pollination submitted by Ankit Sagar, a class 12 student.
2. The project covers various topics related to pollination including the structure of flowers, different types of pollination, advantages and disadvantages of self-pollination and cross-pollination, agents of pollination and methods to ensure cross-pollination.
3. The project received approval from the principal and teacher and can be considered as fulfillment for the upcoming AISSCE exams conducted by the CBSE board.
1. The document is a biology project on pollination submitted by Ankit Sagar, a class 12 student.
2. The project covers various topics related to pollination including the structure of flowers, different types of pollination, advantages and disadvantages of self-pollination and cross-pollination, agents of pollination and methods to ensure cross-pollination.
3. The project received approval from the principal and teacher and can be considered as fulfillment for the upcoming AISSCE exams conducted by the CBSE board.
1. The document is a biology project on pollination submitted by Ankit Sagar, a class 12 student.
2. The project covers various topics related to pollination including the structure of flowers, different types of pollination, advantages and disadvantages of self-pollination and cross-pollination, agents of pollination and methods to ensure cross-pollination.
3. The project received approval from the principal and teacher and can be considered as fulfillment for the upcoming AISSCE exams conducted by the CBSE board.
Acknowledgement I Ankit sagar of class XII Science,session 2023-24 would like to express my deepest gratitude to my teacher Miss. Pratima Singh PGT ( BIOLOGY), for enlightening me with this valuable guidance, motivation and enthusiasm. Besides my teacher, I am grateful to my Principal honorable Shrichand Singh for bestowing upon me this golden opportunity and providing me with all the facilities required for the successful accomplishment of this project. Last but not least I am really thankful to all those who have directly or indirectly extended every possible support for the completion of this project. Sign -
Name - Ankit sagar
Certificate This is to certify that Ma. Ankit sagar Roll no. ............ of class XII Science, session 2023-24 has completed the project titled - "POLLINATION" with sincerity and obedience. He is obedient an hard working. I hereby declare he is well behaved to the best of my knowledge. This project may be considered as ful llment for AISSCE conducted by CBSE board INTERNAL EXAMINER PRINCIPAL Content 8. Advantages & Disadvantages of cross- 1. Introduction pollination 2. Structure of ower and its types 9. Agents of Pollination 3. Pollination 10. Abiotic Agents 4. Kinds of Pollination 11. Biotic Agents 5. Self Pollination 12. Methods to ensure Cross pollination 13. Pollen-Pisti Intraction 6. Advantages & Disadvantages of self-pollination 14. Arti cial Hybridization 7 Cross Pollination 15. Bibliography Introduction All living organisms have one major goal in common, which is to pass along their genetic information to the next generation by creating o spring. Flowering plants create seeds, which carry the genetic information of the parents and develop into a new plant. There are two critical stages in the life cycle of a owering plant: 1) The transfer of pollen from anther to stigma. 2) The dispersal of seeds away from the parent plant. The vast majority of owering plant species are pollinated by insects; in fact, it seems that owering plants and many major groups of insects co-evolved together. Animals other than insects can also be important pollinators: bats, birds (especially hummingbirds), and even a few mammals. STRUCTURE OF FLOWER AND ITS TYPES FLOWER- It is the reproductive part of the plants (angiosperms) There are four-whorls of ower which are follow Whorl 1 THE CALYX It is the outermost whorl of a ower, • protects the inner parts, especially when the ower is its bud state... or individual appendages of calyx is called sepals. These are essentially green in color Whorl 2 THE COROLLA The second whorl of the ower is the corolla which is composed of ower's Petals. The petals serve two purpose- • To protect the reproductive organs of ower To a ract pollinators. Because of this second purpose, they are usually brightly coloured and scented so that animals and insects will come close to them and move around the ower's pollen. Note - The rst two whorls of the ower- the calyx and corolla are collectibaly -called the Perianth Whorl 3 THE STAMEN The third whorl of a ower is the stamen the male productive part. The stamen is made of thin vertical thread like structure called a lament and circular or ablong structure called an anther. The anther produces pollen, which is the male contribution to the production process in plants. It consists of microsporangium which may be monothecus for dithecous." Whorl 4 THE CARPELS at the centre of ower is the fourth whorl the carpels, which contain the pirtil of the ower. The pistil is the plant's female reproductive organ, which is compared of the three parts: the Ovary , the Style and the Stigma The Stigma contains the eggs or ovules, of the plant, and when the ovules are fertilized, the ovary sometimes twin into a fruit to have the seed." The top of the ovary leads to a vertical structure called a style which supports the Stigma. The stigma catches grains of pollen that the wind or pollinators dispose, and the pollen grains travel down the style. to the ovary POLLINATION Pollination is the act of transferring pollen grains from the male anther of a ower to the female stigma. The goal of every living organisms, including plants, is to create o spring for the next. generation. One of the ways that plants can produce o spring is making seeds. KIND OF POLLINATION 1. Self Pollination 2. Cross Pollination Self Pollination The pollination of a ower by pollen from the same ower (autogamy) ar from another ower on the same plant (Geitonogamy) | Ex-Pea Plant, groundnet, barley. Cross Pollination Transfer of pollen quains from anther to the stigma of a di erent plant. Ex-Papaya, maize. Self Po ination Depending upon the source of pollen grains, pollination of following there types- is Autogamy - it is a type of self- pollination (in which an intersexual or perfect ower is pollinated by its own pollen Autogamy occurs by two methods - 1. Cleistogamous avors 2. Chasmogamous owers. Cleistogamous owers - In cleistogamous owers, the anther dehisence inside closed a owers. Growth of style beings the Pollen "grains in contact with stigma Pollination "and seed are assured. Pollinators are not required. Ex-Viola, Mirabilis alis & commelina Chasmogamous ower - The anthers and stigma of Chasmogamous or open ower. are brought together by growth", bending ar folding. Ex-Catharanthus and Mirabilis. Geitonogamy - It is a type of pollination in which pollen grains of one ower. are transferred to the stigma of anther ower belonging to either the same plant or genetically similar plant. In Antonogamy owers after shows modi cation Ex- Cucurbita Disadvantages of Self-Pollination Advantages of self Pollination New useful characters are seldom • It maintains the parental characters or purity of the race inde nitely. introduced Vigor and vitality of the race • Self-pollination is used to maintain рurе lines for hybridization experiment decreases with prolonged self-pollination. Immunity to dehiscence decreases. • The plant does not need to produce large no. of pollen grains. Variability and hence adaptability to changid environmental are reduced." • Flowers do not develop devices for a racting insects. It insures seed production. • Rather it is used as fail safe device for crosspollinated owers. • Self pollination eliminates some bad recessive characters. Cross po ination XENOGAMY - Cross pollination is the transfer of pollengrains from the anther of one ower to the stigma of genetically di erent ower. It is also called Xenogamy. (G.k-xenos strange gamos - marriage ).The term autogamy (GK: alios-ather, gamos marriage). Cross Pollination is perform with the help of of an external agency. Advantages of cross pollination- Cross pollination introduces genetic re-combination and hence variations in the progeny.. Cross pollination increases the adaptability of the o spring towards changes in the environment. It makes the organisms be er ed in the struggle for existence. The plants produced through cross pollination are more resistant to diseases." The seeds produced are usually larger and the o spring have characters be er than the parents due to the phenomenon of hybrid vigour. New and more useful varietis can be produced through class pollination. The defective character's of the race are eliminated and replaced by be er. Disadvantages of Cross-pollination It is highly wasteful because plants have to produce a longer number of pollen quains and other accessory structures in order to suit the various pollinating agencies. I factor of chance is always involved in cross pollination. It has less economical. Some undesirable characters may creep in the rau. The are very good charioters of the rare likely to be sprined Agent of po ination In angiosperm, pollen are immotile and thus have to be carried to the stigma by external pollination agents. "Depending up on their nature the agents may be- 1. Biotic agents- Insects, birds, snails. 2. Abiotic agents- wind, water. ABIOTIC AGENTS I. Amemophily It is amade ofcross pollination or transfer of pollen grains through the agency of wind. Ex- Coconut palm, Date palm, Maize, many quasses et.. Characteristics:- The owers are colourless odorless and nectarless. - Pollen grains are light, small and winged or durty, dry, smooth, non-sticky & non wet table Stigma is hairy, feathery, or branched to catch the wind-borne pollen quains. Pollen grains are produce in very large number. I. Hydrophily It is the made of pollination or transfer of pollen grains through the agency of water. Ex-Zostera Vallisneria. Characters:- - Flowers are small & inconspicuous. - Nectar and odor are absent - Pollen grains are light and non-we able due to presence of nucilage cover - Stigma is long, sticky but we able. It is further divided into two parts:- • Epihydrophily-Pollination occuring the water surface. Ex-Elodes, Hydrilla, Vallisneria • Hypohydrophily. Pollination occuring beneath the water surface. Ex-Najas. Ceratophylum. Biotic Agents 1 Entomophily - It refers to the transfer of pollen grains through the agency of insects like moth, be er ies, waspes, bee's eth. Ex-Salvia, Yucca, Ficus Characters- •They are showy or brightly colored. • Most insect pollinated owers have landing plation • The pollen grains are spiny, heavy and surround by a yellow oily sticky substances called pollen kit • Stigma are after substance inserted & sticky. • Some owers provide safe place to insects for laying egg. e.g-Yucca! Ornithophily It refers to the pollination brought about by birds. Psychophily- Pollination by bu er y, example the Indian paintbrush (astilija sp) by swallowtail bu er y. Methods to Ensure Cross Pollination- 1. Dichogamy - The maturation of the stamens and pistils of a bisexual ower at di erent times, so that self pollination is prevented. 2. Heterostyly-In some other species, the anther and stigma are placed at di erent positions, so that the pollen cannot come in contact with the stigma of same ower is called Heterostyl 3 Self-in compatibility. It is the third device to prevent inbreeding It is a genetic phenomenon of preventing of the pollen from fertilizing ovales of the same owers by inhibiting pollentube growth in the pistil. 4. Dicling or unisexuality. It is the presence of unisexual owers in plants that prevents autogamy but not geitonogamy, eg 1. cartor, maize, etc. 5 Herkogamy - It is seen in orchids where male or female sex organs themselves prove as a barrier to prevent self. pollination by some structural abnormalities. 6. Dioecy- In this both autogamy and geitonogamy are prevented in several species. like papaya, where male and female ow are present on di erent plants, ie. each plant is either male or female (dioecy). Pollen Pistil Interaction all pollinations do not lead to successful fertilization because for successful fertilization, the pistil of a ower has to recognize the pollen of the same species. Therefore, the interaction blw pollen grains and Stigma needs to be understood "properly. Once compatible pollen is accepted by pistil , events for fertilization proceed, whereas incompatible pollens are rejected. This interaction • where a pistil is capable of recognizing its pollen is the result of Long term pollen- pistil interaction and chemicals released by pollen. Events of po en-pistil interaction proc d as fo ows- • The landing of true pollen on compatible pirtil • Germination of poller and formation of pollen tube where pollen grains released its contents. • The entry of male gametes into the ovule and then to synergid. • Pollen tube growth through the style of pistil towards the ovary. Artificial Hy idization Arti cial hybridization- refers to instances in which there crossing occur under controlled. conditions, after under the direction of plant or animal breeders. Procedure- 1. Emasculation :- The removal of the anthers during the bud condition of a ower in order to prevent self-pollinate or the undesirable pollination of neighboring plan 2. Bagging The emasculated owers are immediately covered by paper, plastic an polythene bags. The process is calt bagging Bibliography Following books and websites were a sowice for my project. #NCERT Textbook #WWW.google.co.in # www.wikipedia.org # BYJU'S BIOLOGY # www.slideshare.net # www.biology reference. com THANK YOU