Strategic Alliances or What Alternative The Bia Kud Chum and Community Culture in Thailand
Strategic Alliances or What Alternative The Bia Kud Chum and Community Culture in Thailand
Strategic Alliances or What Alternative The Bia Kud Chum and Community Culture in Thailand
Alexandra Heis
To cite this article: Alexandra Heis (2018) Strategic Alliances or What Alternative? The Bia Kud
Chum and Community Culture in Thailand, Forum for Development Studies, 45:3, 415-435, DOI:
Abstract The article gives a basic insight into the different currents that are part
of an alternative development paradigm in Thailand. While a global trend of
alternatives as reflected in the post-development critique gained momentum in
the 1990s, its agents in Thailand have a much longer history. Taking up the critique
of post-development approaches as remaining at a discursive level, rather than actu-
ally effecting progressive material social change, this article traces the strategic alli-
ances, junctures and disjunctures among alternative development proponents in the
north-eastern province of Yasothon. Only a couple of months after the historic
financial crisis hit Thailand, and just after the ‘Sufficiency Economy Philosophy’
– an alternative development paradigm framed by the King – was roughly outlined
in December 1997, a small rural community of five villages in the north-eastern dis-
trict of Kud Chum, with a history of political dissent, started to implement a com-
munity currency network. This article suggests that the reactions and dynamics,
which the implementation triggered, as well as preceding and subsequent processes
of co-optation and collaboration, are very telling in terms of the overall workings of
Sufficiency Economy as a political programme. The events tell a story of top-down
co-optation, bottom-up strategic alliances, as well as a plethora of other interests
and aims on the ground.
Keywords: alternative development paradigm; post-development studies;
community currency systems; Northeast Thailand; rural development;
community culture discourse; alternative agriculture
Against neoliberal hegemony of economic exploitation, political marginalisation and
dismantling of social rights, new social movements have fundamentally challenged a
reckless accumulation regime of dispossession, destruction of livelihoods, stripping
humans and nature of their rights. Although movements from the North and the
South, of peasants and of slum-dwellers, of citizens and refugees, of the subaltern
and the academic have joined forces at several occasions in recent past (cf. Cox and
Nilsen, 2007, p. 425), their impact today seems questionable. Hopeful and optimistic
years of alternative development visions and projects, of transnationalisation of
social struggles for empowerment, of crossing habitual boundaries, and formulating
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416 Alexandra Heis
a joint claims for global justice in Thailand have come to an end not only through the
harsh violence of a number of military coups, but also through more refined strategies
of co-optation, appropriation and finally dilution of rather radical critiques of capitalist
economic relations.
Such critiques are not a new phenomenon, and these claims have been part of
modern historiography (Fraser, 1988; Hobsbawm, 1996; Wolf, 1999) and the so-
called double-movement of society and market (Polanyi, 2001). But while the
former socialist and anarchist counter-movements remained firmly grounded in
notions of modernity (Polanyi, 2001, p. 113), conscious and explicit departures from
modern and/or Western ontologies are on the rise in the new millennium. Alternatives
to development which challenge Western ontologies (cf. Gudynas, 2011) have entered
the mainstream political arena in several regions of the world. At the same time, the
mainstreaming process of grass-roots alternative concepts led to an implicit exclusion
of the most progressive achievement of modernity (Acosta, 2009; Pieterse, 1998).
Amidst fierce claims for preservation of the commons, social equality and global
justice, catchwords such as community, localism and culture are often used by propo-
nents of anti-globalisation to identify reactionary, discriminating right-wing ideologies
(cf. Klapeer, 2016; Ziai, 2015). In Thailand, the Sufficiency Economy (SE) develop-
ment programme combines a rejection of Western modernity by promoting a Buddhist
perspective on economics with perverted claims of rural social movements in the
region. Currently, the SE programme is upheld by the new military government as
means of legitimation of their attempt to obtain and maintain acceptance from the inter-
national community, the UN and the World Bank (The Sunday Nation, 2016). This
dynamic relation between bottom-up and top-down development aspirations, along
the lines of a critique of the western modernity, can be studied in the concrete experi-
ence of a community currency system in Kud Chum, in Northeast Thailand.
This article contributes to a post-development debate on the potentials of alternative
visions and practices. How are material improvements related to the discursive and
ideological articulation of these alternatives (Ziai, 2015). The basic idea behind the
implementation of the community currency system Bia Kud Chum1 was the improve-
ment of income and of self-sufficiency. Its story tells a narrative of contestations over
meanings, ideals and claims to power. A story of empowerment, of subordination, co-
optation and of strategic alliances. The community currency project has been only one
of many attempts to increase the autonomy of the Kud Chum farmers district since the
1980s – they have a history of rural activism (Heis, 2015; Parnwell, 2005a). It is sim-
ultaneously the least successful and, due to the press coverage, the most well-known
1 Bia is a vernacular expression for ‘seedling’, but also the pre-monetary means of payment,
which consisted of little shells, resembling the designation of a currency for some. The
meaning of bia as seedling was felt to be the most appropriate metaphor by those actually
involved in the implementation process as it signalled something new coming to life, such
as a newly awakening economy (Interview Somchai, Ubon, October 2011).
Forum for Development Studies 417
2 Due to the dynamics of political structures and aims of a given project, activity or a group the
distinction between alternatives to development and an alternative development is not easy to
draw. Here, an alternative in either sense means the opposition of proposed ideas to dominant
or mainstream practice in development. As will become clear in the following sections, this
can mean quite different things in Thailand.
418 Alexandra Heis
remains a reactionary ruling ideology. The implementation process of the Bia Kud
Chum by a group of international NGOs, and its later incorporation into the royal
alternative development programme of the Thai state (see below), shows how volatile
the content and substance of an embodiment of an alternative to development endea-
vour can get (cf. Connors, 2005; Hewison, 2000; Phongpaichit, 2004).
3 The Internal Security Operation Command of the Thai Army, which was a leading agency in
the counter-insurgency activities, is still an active unit. It was the same division, which has
turned the Bia Kud Chum down in 1997 on suspicion of separatist activities.
420 Alexandra Heis
naturally given but the result of strategic actions by the state (e.g. Handley, 2006;
Hirsch, 1989; McCargo and Hongladarom, 2004, p. 221). By defining morals and
ethics it thus set the arena for acts of resistance and opposition, which often draw
on the language and symbols of Buddhism (Heis, 2015; Parnwell, 2006). But,
rural resistance has also been outlined in critical political economy terms, which
have a historical legacy in Thailand, and especially in Northern and Northeast pro-
vinces. The main conflict lines along which social rural movements in Isan counter
state development interventions and market forces thus revolve around access to and
use of natural resources – land, water and forests. These movements often combine
the perspectives of environmentalism and social inequality with a Buddhist subtext
(Baker, 2003, p. 230; cf. Hirsch, 1989; Pye, 2003).
The King’s controversial role in rural development has lately become clear in his
SE philosophy and the New Theory (Chanyapate and Bamford, 2007; Parnwell,
2007). SE became widely known in December 1997 when the King officially pre-
sented it as his redeeming alternative development vision for Thailand. The
speech was presented as an overview of the causes and effects of the severe
fiscal crisis of that year. The crisis caused enormous social stress, with a currency
slide of 20 per cent, rapid increase in unemployment, without access to any kind
of social security net for most. While the urban economy absorbed some of the
crisis’ effects, agricultural incomes dropped by 15 per cent per annum in the next
two years. Rural areas, especially the Northeast, were also faced with high
numbers of returning unemployed labour migrants (Phongpaichit and Baker, 2002,
pp. 434, 435). The King stressed individual greed, overconsumption and living
beyond one’s means as the main reasons for the crisis, thus largely omitting the
structural reasons for the crash. The King thus concluded that ‘each village must
attain relative sufficiency’ in order to be able to resist economic crises (The Chaipat-
tana Foundationation, n.d.). His exhortation to the poor was based on the Buddhist
principles of the middle path, being hardworking, modest and choosing one’s deeds
with wisdom (Puntasen, 2006; Sivaraksa, 2011). It ignored the fact that the crisis
was triggered by currency speculation, cheap foreign loans and ongoing investments
in an imminent financial and property bubble (Phongpaichit and Baker, 2002,
pp. 174, 175). Although the King’s analysis of the crisis echoes neoliberal analyses
and their austerity programmes: namely to privatise the social cost of the crisis by
inverting systemic causes and individual responsibilities, his own wealth increased
considerably after 1997 (Ouyyanont, 2008, pp. 177, 182). Nevertheless, SE made
headway into the ever-rewritten constitution and a number of national development
plans, in particular after the military coup of 2006 as a gesture of reconciliation by
the interim military government (Chanyapate and Bamford, 2007). After the ousting
of the highly divisive and polarising Thaksin4 government, many of its popular
4 Thaksin Shinawatra, a communication tycoon, won a landslide victory in the 2001 election,
promising a mix of social welfare and a programme of national liberalism. He introduced a
Forum for Development Studies 421
social and economic policies were renamed and re-framed into the SE paradigm (cf.
Rossi, 2012). Between 2006 and 2008, Thailand spent 8 billion baht for SE projects
alone (Farrelly, 2007). The distribution of this money certainly helped the integration
of grass-roots projects into the SE scheme, although non-monetary, conceptual and
ideological constraints in joining SE cannot be denied. Some long-established organ-
isations were then presented as best-practice examples of the theory, supposedly
further highlighting the concept’s validity (Hewison, 2008).
universal coverage scheme in health insurance and a number of programmes fostering local
economies. The ‘one village one product’ scheme was later adopted into the SE policies
(Curry and Sura, 2007). At the same time, strict neoliberal economic policies and free trade
associations served mainly his own interests, or those of his allies’ and family businesses
(McCargo and Pathmanand, 2005; Pye and Schaffar, 2008). His political and economic
success massively threatened the old elite’s positions, causing a number of successive military
coups d’état and the heavy curtailment of democratic constitutions.
422 Alexandra Heis
policies and strategic papers reconstructing notions of community along the lines of
a ‘community culture thought’5 (Shigetomi, 2013).
The notion of community was first linked to culture in the early 1980s, when NGO
workers and the villagers they worked with tried to conceptualise and make sense of the
differences in meanings and rationalities encountered during fieldwork in the early
1980s (Rigg, 1994, p. 124; Shigetomi, 2013, p. 10). The dominant academic reading
of community culture goes back to Chattip Natsupha, formerly an influential Marxist
historian (Winichakul, 2008). Countering critical political economy, community
culture shifted the focus from political issues onto the relationship between culture
and development (Bowie, 2003, p. 332; Dayley and Sattayanurak, 2016, pp. 57, 58;
Rigg, 1994). Again, Prawet Wasi, the founder of the rural doctor’s club and actively
involved in promotion of primary health centres, used the community culture debate
for his agenda on local autonomy and decentralisation in Thailand. As a politically
and socially well-connected individual, he had a significant impact on how ‘commu-
nity’ was understood in Thai politics and society (Connors, 2005; Harris, 2015;
McCargo, 1998). The ambiguity of community can be seen also in the frequency in
which chumchon was used in public speeches. The references were strongest in the
2001 and the 2005 General Policy Speech of PM Thaksin (Shigetomi, 2013, pp. 5–
7) a politician not particularly renowned for his commitment to alternative development
matters. The term can be found most often in the 1997 constitution, where democratic
opening of society was biggest, and far less in development plans after 2006 when SE
became constitutionalised.
Although proponents of community culture often criticise capitalist relations of
exploitation, but their solutions remain apolitical. Although this position takes up
many aspects of rural resistance and is rooted in rural experiences, it also excludes
very integral parts of the rural critique: opposed to it are views which explicitly
stress that the realities of rural population are deeply embedded in macro-structural
relations, such as the national economy and the world market, the marginalisation of
the rural as a political strategy – including trade, migration and flows of information.
Due to their marginal position in Thai politics, and despite rejecting the utopia of a
self-sufficient peasant economy, the supporters of a political economic critique of
development depend on cooperation and political alliance with NGOs and community
culture school projects for access to resources and participation in decision-making pro-
cesses on the local scale (Dechalert, 1999, p. 9; Pye, 2003, p. 94; Phatharathananunt,
2002, p. 24).
5 Community Culture thought specifies an academic tradition (Winichakul, 2008) but also a dis-
cursive political field (Hewison, 1989) which sees the village as the cradle of the ‘real’ Thai
lifestyle, where negative effects of capitalism and neoliberal globalisation can be solved qua
social and economic isolation. As a hard-core localism discourse, Community Culture School
is often equating a locality with a homogenous community and a static cultural identity, but in
many instances, it has fostered strategies of village solidarity against market economy (cf.
Phatharathananunt, 2002, pp. 25–28).
Forum for Development Studies 423
6 The precarious economic position of most contract farmers, especially those involved in
animal husbandry, under unequal and subjugating contracts, makes them vulnerable to debt
and self-exploiting working conditions (Pye and Schaffar, 2008, p. 48).
424 Alexandra Heis
for sale in the villages was also fruitful, with soymilk for example, as one of the inter-
view partners described. The rice mill agreed to accept the Bia as payment for the husks
and bran needed by the farmers to produce organic fertilisers. The chef in the mill’s
canteen agreed to use the Bia generated through the retail of milling by-products to
buy vegetables at the Bia market (Appropriate Economics, n.d.; Powell and Salverda,
1999a). After participants in sufficient numbers were on board, the group decided to
print the notes and establish a Bia Kud Chum bank.
Schoolchildren designed the banknotes by painting pictures and selecting little
poems praising the farmers’ lives. The Japan Foundation sponsored the printing of
the total amount of 300,000 Bia, in denominations of 5, 10 and 20 Bia. While the
Bia would have an exchange rate of one to one with the Baht, this value was only to
support calculation of prices. It was not possible to exchange Bia for Baht, but pro-
vision free loans of 500 Bia were provided to members of the Bia group, which
anyone could joint at any time. A total of 7000 Bia was distributed prior to the
opening of the Bia market in March 2000. A local monk, PK Supajarawat was
chosen a honorary patron and president of the Bia bank. The bank was a little shack
next to the community hall7 in Sokhumpoon village. Although national and inter-
national NGOs funded the project and provided know-how and training, the villagers
confirmed in interviews that they made an effort to make it a bottom-up initiative.
They took control of the organisation and administration of the Bia project through
the representative committee, which was predominantly female (Walker, 2009, Inter-
view Pranee, October 2011)
The opening ceremony was publicly announced and many prominent guests
appeared. Alongside representatives of the involved NGOs, district officials and
some media, the villagers were surprised by the attendance of representatives of
police and the personnel of the National Security Council and the Internal Security
Operations Command (ISOC), formerly involved in counter-insurgency and currently
executive power of the emergency law (Interview Supajarawat, Pranee, October 2011).
According to the interview partners, the media coverage pictured the event as a daring
step, even anticipated separatist ambitions (Interview Somchai, October 2011). In the
interview, Somchai remembers how fast the mood shifted, with villagers becoming
scared and not wanting to be associated with the Bia anymore. He openly blames the
media for painting an overly alarming picture and looks back disillusioned. Only 20
days after the opening event, which was a market at the rice mill, the Bank of Thailand
started an investigation against violation of the Commercial Banking Act of 1962 and
of the Monetary Act of 1958. According to these two acts, the use of a currency and the
foundation of a bank are prohibited by law. Despite the prominent and international
backing of the project by the Human Rights Committee, protest from the Thai Attorney
Association and a letter of solicitation by the villagers, the use of Bia was officially
7 In 2011, the hall was generously decorated with King’s pictures and advises under the SE
426 Alexandra Heis
terminated in June 2000, only three months after starting. In concrete legal terms, the
Bank of Thailand asserted that the Bia breached three conditions: the prohibited use of
the name ‘bank’ for the small shack in the village where the administration of the Bia
was located; Bia not only meant currency, it also looked like banknotes of real money
(Puntasen et al., 2002, pp. 8,9). The LDI launched a new workshop to which the Bank
of Thailand and the Ministry of Finance were invited to help to reformulate the con-
ditions under which the community currency could be re-launched. Two years later,
in 2002, the Bia was re-introduced as a research project under the direction of
Apichai Puntasen (Puntasen et al., 2002). It is worth noting that the villagers were
not involved in this round of negotiation, it was carried out by and among the elites,
without local representation. If representatives of the locals were present, they certainly
had not much to say in such a markedly hierarchical context. The formerly, at least to
some extent locally borne, activity had been turned into an inter-elite struggle, a
struggle which ultimately boiled down to conservative versus neoliberal elites. Their
positionality to capitalism, their instrumentalisation of the rural people, and the
diverse ways in which they themselves are embedded in global relations of production
remain in place.
The relaunch was a farce. Several different local and community development
NGOs, and the now converted media, as well as the new project team of Thai academics
and researchers of the SE, now framed the Bia as an SE research project, supported by
regional politicians and members of the national development board. SE was made the
guiding principle in the 10th national development plan 2002–2006, and a community
currency project under this heading had good chances to meet official acceptance.
Apichai Puntasen, who took the lead, was a renowned professor of Buddhist Econ-
omics and then dean of the Management Science School at the University of Ubon
Ratchathani, where he had tried to establish a BA programme in SE (Puntasen et al.,
2002, p. 13). With some necessary submissions to the demands of the Bank of Thai-
land, the relaunch was in fact a compromise intending to please all parties. The Bia
had to be renamed and from now on referred to as boon (voucher). As it was not
required to reprint the banknotes, however, they still carry the name bia. To rename
the bank a ‘centre’ was not a big constraint either, but these requirements took some
of the spirit away.
When I arrived in Sohkumpoon in 2011, at the end of the rainy season, the villagers
were busy with their daily routines, the cooperative rice mill was working well, soymilk
production still going on and many new practices around self-organised production and
distribution of goods were underway. However, the boon did not seem to play a key
role anymore. Although information on the villagers’ use of the Bia ranged from
‘yes’ through ‘maybe’ to ‘no’, the knowledge acquired through the workshops, the
experiences gained with the officials and the international NGO industry were reflected
upon critically.
Forum for Development Studies 427
Ubon, Supa, October 2011). Similarly, integrated farming is part of the resilience prac-
tices in the region with initiatives going back to the early 1980s. The farmers’ activities
often focus on material practices and how these can be used to improve their situation,
rather than referring to Buddhist principles of living in moderation. While alternatives
to development have been practiced by determination and conviction in Yasothon, and
Kud Chum, and many parts of Isan, one must bear in mind the actual dimensions of
such initiatives in Thailand. Although organic agriculture is gaining acceptance and
appreciation among farmers, in 2011 only 0.15 per cent of the total farmland was
under certified organic agriculture (Thai Organic Trade Association, 2011). Despite
the attention and commitment of village leaders in promoting and elaborating the com-
munity currency, only 120 villagers out of roughly 68,000 inhabitants could be
recruited as Bia members (Parnwell, 2005b, p. 16; Puntasen et al., 2002, p. 9). Thus,
it requires specific resources, a certain knowledge and mind-set, to practice alternatives,
which are not prevailing among the poorest and not even among the relatively better off
villagers. Retrospectively, one of the interviewees voices his scepticism as to the will-
ingness of the people to give up the monetary system in the first place. The community
currency did not work in Kud Chum district, he concludes, because it became game of
politics dismissive of the lived experiences of the villagers.
For the ‘middle peasant’ the choice to opt out of capitalist relations does not arise natu-
rally, and even less so in harsh conditions, without sufficient financial reserves (Li,
2015). In other words, one must be able to afford to opt out, and support often
comes directly or indirectly through state-subventions. Insofar, the radicalism of
opting out has to be questioned as well. In recent decades, international donors regarded
NGOs as more trustworthy and effective in distributing development aid than state
agencies, particularly the state agencies of the Global South. In addition, NGOs were
usually closer to the beneficiaries, and beneficiaries founded NGOs in order to be
able to receive monies directly. Thus NGOs would link statist regulation efforts to
the grass-roots and cushion uncontrollable forms of protest and activism (Phatharatha-
nanunth, 2002, p. 23; 2006, p. 61; Shigetomi, 2013). The NGOs simultaneously met
two needs: first the neoliberal demand for a ‘lean’ state, and, second, social movements’
claims for participation and decision-making. The latter, however, had to follow the
rules of the game to access funding (e.g. Choudry and Kapoor, 2013; for Thailand,
see Phongpaichit and Baker, 2002, p. 385). In Thailand, this opening up of the devel-
opment field to NGOs and grass roots organisations strongly advanced a discourse of
localism.8 Its particular Thai variant, the above-mentioned community culture school,
became mainstream development thinking in recent decades (Connors, 2005, pp. 267,
8 Localism is understood here as a set of strategies and structures addressing the ‘maldevelop-
ment’ resulting from decades of growth-oriented politics in Thailand (Connors, 2005, p. 261).
Forum for Development Studies 429
275, 276). In his analysis of the Thai localism approach, Connors has stressed the role
of NGOs under royal patronage in fostering moderate versions of localism in order to
undermine attempts of progressive social change. NGOs mushroomed during the
1990s, especially in Northeast Thailand. In 1987, there were 49 rural development
NGOs in Isan responsible for providing organisational support and channelling govern-
ment or ODA9 funding (Phatharathananunth, 2006, p. 62; Shigetomi, 2006, p. 4). There
were an even higher number of self-organised action groups and networks, which
obviously had no or limited access to finance – thus their critique was much more out-
spoken. While the former have fostered issues of ‘community empowerment’, ‘commu-
nity business and alternative markets’ and later the transformation from ‘community to
civil society’ in a society ingrained with Buddhist morality and ethics, the latter were
addressing issues of social and political inequality, struggle over resources and the
lack of participation (Connors, 2005, pp. 276, 277).
One of the more powerful players in business, and the main NGO which stood
behind the community currency, is the already mentioned LDI. It operated from
1984 on under the patronage of Princess Sirindhorn and is one of the most influential
institutions in fostering community culture with a strong focus on community forests,
occupational training for members of farmers’ associations, traditional weaving, live-
stock development and strengthening of peoples’ organisations (Surintaraseree,
2001, pp. 9, 18). It channelled half a million US dollars into rural development projects
in Isan in 1995 alone (Surintaraseree, 2001, p. 20). At the same time, the World Bank
and USAID were promoting development and dissemination of participatory rural
appraisal and rapid rural appraisal in the region, too. After 1997 the LDI was actively
involved in the distribution of social investment funds of the World Bank and also of
the Thai Health Promotion Foundation, implemented through the Ministry of Health in
2001 (Shigetomi, 2006, p. 18).
The balance between coercion and consent, between technologies of government and
technologies of self are blurred, as choices, interpretations and scopes of action are con-
strained not only by economic but also by political and societal compulsion. The rural
activist groups in Isan, and specifically in the Kud Chum district, are not a homo-
geneous group but their aspirations are open to multiple dynamics and different stra-
tegic alliances to achieve their goals. Reform-oriented, radical and conservative
forces all work alongside, and streams of community culture and SE, of village resist-
ance and political dissent and subversion are partially overlapping. This article has
sought to illustrate how closely all these are interrelated in practice. It is also critical
to note the open-ended character of all such undertakings.
9 ODA stands for Official Development Assistance and the activities and spending of a nation-
state, channelled through its national development agency.
430 Alexandra Heis
While in many countries the ‘struggle for another world’ is still a minority position,
Thailand’s authorities pride themselves on having an alternative development paradigm
enshrined in the constitution. The impact of SE on progressive social change at the grass-
roots level can be disputed however, and it can even foster oppressive social relations
when this ideology is used to keep subjects in place. A progressive concept of local
knowledge and community has experienced some metamorphosis during its translation
through and by different institutions. Among grass roots movements and people’s organ-
isations, community and locality are becoming less associated with opposition to globa-
lisation, democratisation and empowerment. By its very nature, community may be
linked with a reactionary imagination of the village and rural life, reinforcing the hierarch-
ical social order in Thailand and making culture a depoliticised essence of the status-quo.
Some of the more radical movements thus do not so much engage in transnational
global justice activities as in seclusion and practices of Buddhist enlightenment. Many
protests and struggles have processes of democratisation at their heart, but they must
comply with openings and opportunities in the face of the Thai political structure.
While they criticise the military, as well as the civic government, they remain conspicu-
ously silent with regard to the King’s position within them, thus implicitly complying
with ‘network monarchy’ (McCargo, 2005).
Bia Kud Chum is only one exemplary moment in a long account of co-optation, com-
petition and strategic alliances between different development imaginations, where eman-
cipatory themes have been co-opted and occupied by traditional culturalists to promote a
local cultural essentialism, increasing and strengthening extant relations of domination.
As an economic instrument, community currency systems claim a correction to the mech-
anisms of the crisis-prone commodification of money intrinsic to capitalism. The central
objective of Bia was to bring purchasing power back to the community after a horrific
devaluation of the national currency and following austerity measures imposed by
national and international financial institutions. With its inherent critique of the economic
system of capitalism, this community currency fitted well into localism discourse, the
community hype as well as into the resistance ideology of political economy activism.
The scheme was discussed and prepared after the economic crisis and the introduction
of the King’s SE. It was only in 2002 that this community currency was explicitly
defined as a research project of and under the SE banner. However, at that point it has
met with little interest of the former Bia members (Parnwell, 2005a, pp. 16, 17) who
were already busy with developing other methods of economic empowerment and
self-sufficiency. While the elites got self-absorbed over the power issue, the Kud
Chum farmers were getting on with their struggle for another world.
The author would also like to thank Professor Wolfram Schaffar and Eija Ranta as well as the
anonymous reviewers for inspiration, valuable insights and comments on early and previous
drafts of this article.
Forum for Development Studies 431
Notes on contributor
Alexandra Heis has earned a degree in Development Studies at the University of Vienna in 2013.
The article is based on data from her thesis on Solidarity Economy in Northeast Thailand. She is
currently employed as research assistant at the research platform Mobile Cultures and Societies
at the University of Vienna, and working on issues of transdisciplinary development research
and in the field of migration studies. Her general interest is in global studies, post-development,
social change and class formation.
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