netLINK NL 50-MPI and netTAP NT 50-MPI UM 06 EN

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User Manual

netLINK NL 50-MPI and netTAP NT 50-MPI

Installation, Operation and Hardware Description

Hilscher Gesellschaft für Systemautomation mbH
DOC080604UM06EN | Revision 6 | English | 2012-03 | Released | Public
Introduction 2/71

Table of Contents
1 INTRODUCTION.........................................................................................................5
1.1 About the User Manual ...............................................................................................5
1.1.1 List of Revisions ...................................................................................................5
1.1.2 Reference to Hardware ........................................................................................6
1.1.3 Reference to Firmware.........................................................................................6
1.1.4 Reference to SyCon Software..............................................................................6
1.1.5 Conventions in this Manual ..................................................................................6
1.2 Contents of the Product DVD .....................................................................................7
1.2.1 Directory Structure of the DVD.............................................................................7
1.2.2 Overview of relevant Documentation ...................................................................8
1.3 Legal Notes.................................................................................................................9
1.3.1 Copyright ..............................................................................................................9
1.3.2 Important notes.....................................................................................................9
1.3.3 Exclusion of liability ............................................................................................10
1.3.4 Warranty .............................................................................................................10
1.3.5 Export Regulations .............................................................................................11
1.3.6 Registered Trademarks......................................................................................11
1.4 Licenses....................................................................................................................11

2 SAFETY ....................................................................................................................12
2.1 Safety Notes .............................................................................................................12
2.2 Intended Use ............................................................................................................12
2.3 Personnel Qualification.............................................................................................12
2.4 Labeling of Safety Instructions..................................................................................13
2.5 Safety Instructions ....................................................................................................14
2.5.1 Electrical Voltage................................................................................................14
2.5.2 Electrostatic Discharge.......................................................................................14
2.6 Safety Instructions USA............................................................................................15
2.6.1 Electrical Current ................................................................................................15
2.6.2 Electrostatic Discharge.......................................................................................15

3 DESCRIPTION AND REQUIREMENTS ...................................................................16

3.1 Description................................................................................................................16
3.1.1 Description netLINK NL 50-MPI .........................................................................16
3.1.2 Compatibility of the netLINK NL 50-MPI to the NL-MPI .....................................16
3.1.3 Description netTAP NT 50-MPI ..........................................................................17
3.1.4 Compatibility of the netTAP NT 50-MPI to the NT 40-MPI.................................17
3.2 System Requirements ..............................................................................................17
3.3 Preconditions for Operation ......................................................................................18

4 DEVICE DRAWING AND CONNECTIONS...............................................................19

4.1 Device and Dimensioned Drawing............................................................................19
4.2 Connections and LEDs .............................................................................................20
4.3 Ethernet Interface (X3) .............................................................................................21
4.3.1 Ethernet pinning at the RJ45 Socket..................................................................21
4.3.2 Ethernet Connection Data ..................................................................................21
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4.4 PROFIBUS Interface (X11, X2) ................................................................................22
4.5 External Power Supply (X1)......................................................................................23
4.6 Schematic Diagram - Galvanic Isolation ...................................................................24
4.6.1 netLINK NL 50-MPI ............................................................................................24
4.6.2 netTAP NT 50-MPI .............................................................................................25

5 MOUNTING AND DISMOUNTING THE DEVICE .....................................................26

5.1 Mounting netLINK NL 50-MPI...................................................................................26
5.2 Mounting and Dismounting netTAP NT 50-MPI........................................................26
5.2.1 Top Hat Rail Mounting of the NT 50-MPI ...........................................................26
5.2.2 Removing the NT 50 from the Top-Hat Rail.......................................................27
5.3 Power Supply............................................................................................................28
5.3.1 netLINK NL 50-MPI ............................................................................................28
5.3.2 netTAP NT 50-MPI .............................................................................................28
5.4 Ethernet Connection .................................................................................................28

6 INSTALLING SOFTWARE ........................................................................................29

6.1 Installing Software from DVD....................................................................................29
6.2 Installation under Windows Vista or Windows 7 .......................................................30
6.3 Install IP Driver .........................................................................................................30

7 CONFIGURING MPI DEVICE ...................................................................................32

7.1 Configuring MPI-Device with Hilscher IP Driver .......................................................32
7.1.1 Assign IP Address to MPI Device.......................................................................32
7.1.2 Configuring of the IP Driver ................................................................................35
7.2 Creating and downloading the Configuration to set a permanent IP Adress ............36
7.2.1 Overview.............................................................................................................36
7.2.2 Step-by-Step Description ...................................................................................38
7.3 Description of the Device Parameters ......................................................................47
7.3.1 IP Address ..........................................................................................................47
7.3.2 Ethernet Parameter ............................................................................................48
7.3.3 PROFIBUS Parameter .......................................................................................49
7.4 Firmware Update – Firmware Download ..................................................................52

8 TROUBLESHOOTING ..............................................................................................55
8.1 Hints on how to solve Problems ...............................................................................55
8.2 Ethernet Failure in 10 MBit/s Half Duplex Mode and Workaround ...........................56

9 LED ...........................................................................................................................57

10 TECHNICAL DATA ...................................................................................................59

10.1 Technical Data of the netLINK NL 50-MPI................................................................59
10.2 Technical Data of the netTAP NT 50-MPI ................................................................61

11 RFC 1006 ..................................................................................................................63

12 ERROR CODES........................................................................................................64
12.1 TCP/IP Error Codes..................................................................................................64
12.2 netIdent Error Codes ................................................................................................64
12.3 PROFIBUS-FDL Error Codes ...................................................................................65
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12.4 PROFIBUS-MPI Error Codes ...................................................................................66

13 APPENDIX ................................................................................................................67
13.1 Device Labeling ........................................................................................................67
13.1.1 NT 50-MPI ..........................................................................................................67
13.1.2 NL 50-MPI ..........................................................................................................67
13.2 Disposal of Waste Electronic Equipment ..................................................................68

14 APPENDIX ................................................................................................................69
14.1 List of Figures ...........................................................................................................69
14.2 List of Tables ............................................................................................................70
14.3 Contacts....................................................................................................................71

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DOC080604UM06EN | Revision 6 | English | 2012-03 | Released | Public © Hilscher, 2008-2012
Introduction 5/71

1 Introduction
1.1 About the User Manual
This user manual contains a description for
• the netLINK NL 50-MPI device and for
• the netTAP NT 50-MPI device
with an integrated netX 50 communication controller. The netLINK
NL 50-MPI device is a successor of the netLINK NL-MPI and netTAP
NT 50-MPI device is a successor of the netTAP NT 40-MPI device.
This user manual contains information for commissioning and use of the
both MPI devices.

1.1.1 List of Revisions

Index Date Chapter Revisions
4 2009-06-07 1.1.2 Hardware revision 4 added
1.1.3 Firmware V2.004 added
1.1.4 Reference on SyCon Software added
3.3, 5.3.1 PROFIBUS interface is isolated from hardware revision 4
4.4 Name of Pin 2 and 5 for the hardware revision
10.1 PROFIBUS interface is isolated from hardware revision 4
5 2011-09-13 1.1.3 Section Reference to Firmware updated
® ®
3.3 Section Preconditions for Operation: Windows Vista and Windows 7 added,
6.1 Section Installing Software from DVD updated
8.2 Section Ethernet Failure in 10 MBit/s Half Duplex Mode and Workaround
13.2 Section Disposal of Waste Electronic Equipment added
6 2012-03-01 all netTAP NT 50-MPI device description added
Table 1: List of Revisions

netLINK NL 50-MPI and netTAP NT 50-MPI | Installation, Operation and Hardware Description
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1.1.2 Reference to Hardware

Device Hardware Revision Part Number
NL 50-MPI Revision 2, 1701.430
Revision 3,
Revision 4
NT 50-MPI Revision 1 1758.111
Table 2: Reference to Hardware

1.1.3 Reference to Firmware

Firmware Version Note
nl50mpi.e50 V02.147 This firmware can be used for the NL 50-
MPI and for the NT 50-MPI device.
Table 3: Reference to Firmware

1.1.4 Reference to SyCon Software

Software Version
IBHnet Driver 1.48
SyConMPI 2.961 (Installation)
Table 4: Reference to SyConMPI Software

1.1.5 Conventions in this Manual

Operating Instructions, a result of an operation step or notes are marked as

Operating Instructions:
¾ <instruction>


1. <instruction>
2. <instruction>

° <result>


Note: <note>

Positions in Figures
The Positions , , ... or , , ... or , , ... refer to the
figure used in that section. If the numbers reference to a section outside the
current section then a cross reference to that section and figure is

netLINK NL 50-MPI and netTAP NT 50-MPI | Installation, Operation and Hardware Description
DOC080604UM06EN | Revision 6 | English | 2012-03 | Released | Public © Hilscher, 2008-2012
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1.2 Contents of the Product DVD

The Product DVD for the netLINK contains:
• Documentation
• STEP 7® Driver IBHnet
• System Configurator SyConMPI
• Hilscher IP driver

1.2.1 Directory Structure of the DVD

All manuals on this DVD are delivered in the Adobe Acrobat® Reader
format (PDF).
Directory Name Description
API Files for the configuration and communication interface (API) of
the netLINK NL 50-MPI device and the netTAP NT 50-MPI device.
Documentation Documentation in the Acrobat® Reader Format (PDF).
EDS Files needed from SyConMPI during installation.
Firmware Loadable Firmware.
fscommand Installation support routines used during the installation process.
IBHnet STEP 7 driver IBHnet setup program.
Sycon System Configurator SyConMPI (configuration software)
Setup program.
TcpUdpIpDriver Setup program for the Hilscher IP Driver.
Table 5: Directory Structure of the DVD

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DOC080604UM06EN | Revision 6 | English | 2012-03 | Released | Public © Hilscher, 2008-2012
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1.2.2 Overview of relevant Documentation

The following documentation overview gives information, for which items
you can find further information in which manual.
Documentation for Users
Manual Contents Document name
netLINK NL 50-MPI and Installation, Operation and Hardware netLINK NL 50-MPI and netTAP
netTAP NT 50-MPI Description NT 50-MPI UM xx EN.pdf
(this document)
IBHNet Describes the installation and configuration of IBHNet_Manual.pdf
the STEP®7 driver IBHnet for the use of the This description was created by
NL 50-MPI and the NT 50-MPI device as PG IBHsoftec Gesellschaft für
interface with Simatic® STEP® 7. The netLINK Automatisierungstechnik mbH .
NL 50-MPI device is designated as IBH Link
SyConMPI Description of the configuration software SyConMPI OI xx EN.pdf
Table 6: Documentations for Users

For the configuration of the MPI device the configuration software

SyConMPI or the IBHnet driver can be used.

Documentation for Developers

Manual Contents Document name
IP Driver Description of the Hilscher IP driver Drv_Ip.pdf
netIdent Description of the Hilscher netIdent protocol netIdent_Protocol_API_en.pdf
MPI Protocol Interface Description of the netLINK MPI protocol netLINK_MPI_Protocol_API_en.pdf
Manual interface (for both devices)
FDL Protocol Interface Description of the netLINK FDL protocol netLINK_FDL_Protocol_API_en.pdf
Manual interface (for both devices)
Table 7: Documentations for Developers

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1.3 Legal Notes

1.3.1 Copyright
© Hilscher, 2008-2012, Hilscher Gesellschaft für Systemautomation mbH
All rights reserved.
The images, photographs and texts in the accompanying material (user
manual, accompanying texts, documentation, etc.) are protected by
German and international copyright law as well as international trade and
protection provisions. You are not authorized to duplicate these in whole or
in part using technical or mechanical methods (printing, photocopying or
other methods), to manipulate or transfer using electronic systems without
prior written consent. You are not permitted to make changes to copyright
notices, markings, trademarks or ownership declarations. The included
diagrams do not take the patent situation into account. The company
names and product descriptions included in this document may be
trademarks or brands of the respective owners and may be trademarked or
patented. Any form of further use requires the explicit consent of the
respective rights owner.

1.3.2 Important notes

The user manual, accompanying texts and the documentation were created
for the use of the products by qualified experts, however, errors cannot be
ruled out. For this reason, no guarantee can be made and neither juristic
responsibility for erroneous information nor any liability can be assumed.
Descriptions, accompanying texts and documentation included in the user
manual do not present a guarantee nor any information about proper use
as stipulated in the contract or a warranted feature. It cannot be ruled out
that the user manual, the accompanying texts and the documentation do
not correspond exactly to the described features, standards or other data of
the delivered product. No warranty or guarantee regarding the correctness
or accuracy of the information is assumed.
We reserve the right to change our products and their specification as well
as related user manuals, accompanying texts and documentation at all
times and without advance notice, without obligation to report the change.
Changes will be included in future manuals and do not constitute any
obligations. There is no entitlement to revisions of delivered documents.
The manual delivered with the product applies.
Hilscher Gesellschaft für Systemautomation mbH is not liable under any
circumstances for direct, indirect, incidental or follow-on damage or loss of
earnings resulting from the use of the information contained in this

netLINK NL 50-MPI and netTAP NT 50-MPI | Installation, Operation and Hardware Description
DOC080604UM06EN | Revision 6 | English | 2012-03 | Released | Public © Hilscher, 2008-2012
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1.3.3 Exclusion of liability

The delivered product (including the technical data) is subject to export or
import laws as well as the associated regulations of different counters, in
particular those of Germany and the USA. The software may not be
exported to countries where this is prohibited by the United States Export
Administration Act and its additional provisions. You are obligated to
comply with the regulations at your personal responsibility. We wish to
inform you that you may require permission from state authorities to export,
re-export or import the product.

1.3.4 Warranty
Although the hardware and software was developed with utmost care and
tested intensively, Hilscher Gesellschaft für Systemautomation mbH does
not guarantee its suitability for any purpose not confirmed in writing. It
cannot be guaranteed that the hardware and software will meet your
requirements, that the use of the software operates without interruption and
that the software is free of errors. No guarantee is made regarding
infringements, violations of patents, rights of ownership or the freedom from
interference by third parties. No additional guarantees or assurances are
made regarding marketability, freedom of defect of title, integration or
usability for certain purposes unless they are required in accordance with
the law and cannot be limited. Warranty claims are limited to the right to
claim rectification.

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DOC080604UM06EN | Revision 6 | English | 2012-03 | Released | Public © Hilscher, 2008-2012
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1.3.5 Export Regulations

The delivered product (including the technical data) is subject to export or
import laws as well as the associated regulations of different counters, in
particular those of Germany and the USA. The software may not be
exported to countries where this is prohibited by the United States Export
Administration Act and its additional provisions. You are obligated to
comply with the regulations at your personal responsibility. We wish to
inform you that you may require permission from state authorities to export,
re-export or import the product.

1.3.6 Registered Trademarks

Windows® XP/Windows® Vista/Windows® 7 are registered trademarks of
Microsoft Corporation.
Acrobat® is a registered trademark of Adobe Systems, Inc in the USA and
further countries.
Pentium® is a registered trademark of Intel Corporation in the USA and
further countries.
S7, S7-300, S7-400 and MPI are registered trademarks of Siemens AG,
Berlin and Munich.

1.4 Licenses
The netLINK NL 50-MPI device and the netTAP NT 50-MPI device contain
a license for the use with the IBHnet driver.

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DOC080604UM06EN | Revision 6 | English | 2012-03 | Released | Public © Hilscher, 2008-2012
Safety 12/71

2 Safety
2.1 Safety Notes
The user manual, accompanying texts and the documentation were created
for the use of the products by qualified experts. When using the products,
all safety notes and applicable regulations must be observed. Technical
knowledge is required. The user must comply with legal provisions.

2.2 Intended Use

The netLINK NL 50-MPI and the NT 50-MPI may only be used as a part of
a communication system as described in this manual. The device has been
designed exclusively for use in connection with the S7-300 und S7-400
PLCs manufactured by Siemens AG.
The device may not be opened or be used when the housing has been

2.3 Personnel Qualification

The NL 50-MPI and the NT 50-MPI devices are used as a part of a system
which must fulfill safety and accident precaution regulations depending on
the respective conditions of use. The user of the system is exclusively
responsible for the fulfillment of those regulations.
Therefore the system to which the netLINK NL 50-MPI device respectively
netTAP NT 50-MPI device belongs may only be used by personnel who
has been informed and educated about all relevant regulations.

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2.4 Labeling of Safety Instructions

The safety instructions are pinpointed particularly. The instructions are
highlighted with a specific safety symbol, a warning triangle and a signal
word according to the degree of endangerment. Inside the note the danger
is exactly named. Instructions to a property damage message do not
contain a warning triangle.
Symbol Sort of Warning or Principle
Safety symbol for the warning to personal injury

Warning of damages by electrostatic discharge

Table 8: Safety Symbols and Sort of Warning or Principle Signal Words

Signal Meaning
DANGER indicates a direct hazard with high risk, which will have as consequence
death or grievous bodily harm if it isn't avoided.
The use of this signal word shall be restricted to extremely hazard.
WARNING indicates a possible hazard with medium risk, which will have as
consequence death or (grievous) bodily harm if it isn't avoided.
CAUTION indicates a minor hazard with medium risk, which could have as
consequence simple battery if it isn't avoided.
Note Indicates an important note in the manual.
Table 9: Signal Words Signal Words USA

Signal Meaning
DANGER Indicates a Hazardous Situation Which, if not Avoided, will Result in
Death or Serious Injury.
WARNING Indicates a Hazardous Situation Which, if not Avoided, could Result in
Death or Serious Injury.
CAUTION Indicates a Hazardous Situation Which, if not Avoided, may Result in
Minor or Moderate Injury.
NOTICE Indicates a Property Damage Message.
Note Indicates an Important Note in the Manual.
Table 10: Signal Words according to ANSI

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DOC080604UM06EN | Revision 6 | English | 2012-03 | Released | Public © Hilscher, 2008-2012
Safety 14/71

2.5 Safety Instructions

This manual contains instructions which must be observed to ensure your
own personal safety and to avoid damage to devices of your system.
2.5.1 Electrical Voltage
Device Destruction!
ƒ Use only 18 ... 30 V supply voltage to operate the devices.
Operation with more than 30 V supply voltage will lead to destruction of
CAUTION! the device.

2.5.2 Electrostatic Discharge

Adhere to the necessary safety precautions for components that are
vulnerable with electrostatic discharge (EN 61340-5-1 und EN 61340-5-2
as well as IEC 61340-5-1 und IEC 61340-5-2).

Electrostatic Discharge
This equipment is sensitive to electrostatic discharge, which cause
internal damage and affect normal operation. Follow guidelines when you
handle this equipment:
ƒ Touch a grounded object to discharge potential static.
ƒ Do not touch connectors or pins.
ƒ Do not touch circuit components inside the equipment.
ƒ When not in use, store the equipment in appropriate static-safe

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DOC080604UM06EN | Revision 6 | English | 2012-03 | Released | Public © Hilscher, 2008-2012
Safety 15/71

2.6 Safety Instructions USA

This manual contains instructions which must be observed to ensure your
own personal safety and to avoid damage to devices.
2.6.1 Electrical Current

Device Destruction!
ƒ Use only 18..30 V supply voltage to operate the devices.
Operation with more than 30 V supply voltage will lead to destruction of
the device.

2.6.2 Electrostatic Discharge

Adhere to the necessary safety precautions for components that are
vulnerable with electrostatic discharge (EN 61340-5-1 und EN 61340-5-2
as well as IEC 61340-5-1 und IEC 61340-5-2).

Electrostatic Discharge
This equipment is sensitive to electrostatic discharge, which cause
internal damage and affect normal operation. Follow guidelines when you
handle this equipment:
ƒ Touch a grounded object to discharge potential static.
ƒ Do not touch connectors or pins.
ƒ Do not touch circuit components inside the equipment.
ƒ When not in use, store the equipment in appropriate static-safe

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Description and Requirements 16/71

3 Description and Requirements

3.1 Description
The MPI devices netLINK NL 50-MPI and netTAP NT 50-MPI make it
possible to communicate via Ethernet to a PROFIBUS MPI automation
1. The gateway devices can be used together with the IBHnet driver as a
programming adapter with PROFIBUS MPI for a Simatic S7 or a S7
compatible PLC.
2. The gateway devices make it also possible to communicate via Ethernet
The Configuration (set IP-Address, PROFIBUS parameter etc.) is carried
out via the Ethernet. For this purpose either
• the configuration software SyConMPI or alternatively
• the IBHnet driver
can be used.
The configuration is saved in the device in a FLASH memory.
Both gateway devices have the same compatible interface regarding
communication and configuration. The devices support the PROFIBUS MPI
protocol (as a client) at the D-Sub connector and are a complete gateway
together with the 10/100 MBit/s Ethernet interface, which detects by auto
detection the Ethernet transmission rate of 10 or 100 MBit/s.
3.1.1 Description netLINK NL 50-MPI
The netLINK NL 50-MPI device described in this user manual is an
Ethernet Gateway based on netX technology. This device is a successor of
the netLINK NL-MPI device.
Because of its structure in the D-Sub housing, it can be plugged directly on
to the fieldbus connection of a PROFIBUS MPI capable device and
connects this, using an external Ethernet cable to the next Ethernet switch.
The netLINK NL 50-MPI device has a standard RJ45 ethernet socket to
connect an Ethernet cable.
The power supply is provided directly by the MPI Interface or externally.
3.1.2 Compatibility of the netLINK NL 50-MPI to the NL-MPI
The netLINK NL 50-MPI device is compatible to the netLINK NL-MPI with
respect to the following details:
• The communication functionality for user data exchange is compatible,
• the configurations of both device are compatible.
With respect to the diagnostic functions there is only a partial compatibility.

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3.1.3 Description netTAP NT 50-MPI

The netTAP NT 50-MPI device described in this user manual is an Ethernet
Gateway based on netX technology. This device is a successor of the
netTAP NT 40-MPI device.
The device is for top-hat rail mounting and thus suitable for permanent
installation within a PROFIBUS automation system.
The power supply is provided via a mini Combicon connector. The energy
supply is galvanically separated from the data lines of the PROFIBUS and
the Ethernet.

3.1.4 Compatibility of the netTAP NT 50-MPI to the NT 40-MPI

The netTAP NT 50-MPI device is compatible to the netTAP NT 40-MPI with
respect to the following details:
• The communication functionality for user data exchange is compatible,
• the configurations of both device are compatible.
With respect to the diagnostic functions there is only a partial compatibility.
The netTAP NT 50-MPI device contains functionality (plus additional) of the
netTAP NT 40-MPI. Hence, the netTAP NT 50-MPI can be used as a
replacement for the netTAP NT 40-MPI device.

3.2 System Requirements

For a reasonable application of the devices, a suitable supply voltage is
required. The supply voltage to be applied must be in the range between
18 V and 30 V.

The supply voltage for the netLINK NL 50-MPI device can be done either
via the PROFIBUS interface X11 (from the S7 PLC) or externally via the
mini Combicon connector X1.

The supply voltage for the netTAP NT 50-MPI device is only possible via
the mini Combicon connector X1.

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3.3 Preconditions for Operation

The following preconditions must be met in order to operate the MPI device
1. A suitable power supply as described above is required.
For Device Destruction!
netLINK ƒ The reference potential of the
NL 50-MPI supply voltage is galvanically
CAUTION! connected with the reference
potential of the PROFIBUS for
hardware revision 2 and 3 of the
device. From this it follows that
the power supply must be
potential free!

Device Destruction!
ƒ The reference potential of the
supply voltage is galvanically
connected with the reference
potential of the PROFIBUS for
hardware revision 2 and 3 of the
device. From this it follows that
the power supply must be
potential free!
With hardware revision 4 of the NL 50-MPI
device the supply voltage of the device and the
PROFIBUS interface is connected via
optocoupler and hence galvanically separated.
For Via mini Combicon connector X1. The supply
netTAP voltage is galvanically separated to the data
NT 50-MPI lines.

2. The device must have been configured correctly.

The configuration is possible with the IBHNet driver within STEP7® or
with the included system configurator SyConMPI.

The necessary system requirements for the application of the system

configurator SyConMPI are:
• PC with Pentium® processor or higher
• Windows® XP SP3, Windows® Vista (32-Bit) SP2, Windows® 7 (32-Bit)
SP1 or Windows® 7 (64-Bit) SP1
• Free space on hard disk: 30-80 MByte
• DVD ROM drive
• RAM: min. 256 MByte
• Graphic resolution: min. 800 x 600 pixel, recommended 1024 x 768
• Keyboard and mouse

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Device Drawing and Connections 19/71

4 Device Drawing and Connections

4.1 Device and Dimensioned Drawing
netLINK NL 50-MPI netTAP NT 50-MPI

Figure 1: Dimensioned Drawing NL 50-MPI and NT 50-MPI (Size in mm)

netLINK NL 50-MPI and netTAP NT 50-MPI | Installation, Operation and Hardware Description
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4.2 Connections and LEDs

netLINK NL 50-MPI netTAP NT 50-MPI

Figure 2: Connections and LEDs NL 50-MPI and NT 50-MPI

Item Meaning
X1 Connector for the supply voltage.
X2 PROFIBUS interface, 9 pin D-Sub female connector.
X3 Ethernet interface, RJ45 socket.
X11 PROFIBUS interface, 9 pin male connector (only for NL 50-MPI, 1:1 connection with X2).
APL-LED at netTAP NT 50-MPI.
LED, yellow, ACT (activity) at X3.

LED, green LINK at X3.

PROFIBUS station address *1 Station address 00 … 98:
(only at NT 50-MPI). The station address set at the rotary switch is used.
PROFIBUS station address *10 Station address 99: The station address as configured by the
(only at NT 50-MPI) configuration software is used.

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4.3 Ethernet Interface (X3)

For the Ethernet interface use RJ45 plugs and twisted pair cable of
category 5 (CAT5) or higher, which consists of 4 twisted cores and has a
maximum transmission rate of 100 MBit/s (CAT5).
4.3.1 Ethernet pinning at the RJ45 Socket
Note: The device supports the Auto Crossover function. Due to this fact
RX and TX can be switched. The following figure shows the RJ45
standard pinning.

Ethernet on RJ45 Pin Assignment

Ethernet Pin Signal Description
1 TX+ Transmit data positive
2 TX– Transmit data negative
3 RX+ Receive data positive
4 Term 1 Connected and terminated to PE via RC
5 Term 1
6 RX– Receive data negative
7 Term 2 Connected and terminated to PE via RC
RJ45 socket, combination*
female 8 Term 2
* Bob Smith Termination
Table 11: Ethernet RJ45 Pin Assignment

4.3.2 Ethernet Connection Data

Medium 2 x 2 Twisted-Pair copper cable, CAT5 (100 MBit/s)
Length of cable max. 100 m
Transmission rate 10 MBit/s / 100 MBit/s
Table 12: Ethernet Connection Data

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4.4 PROFIBUS Interface (X11, X2)

netLINK NL 50-MPI netTAP NT 50-MPI

D-Sub plug X11 (male connector) to D-Sub connector X2 to connect a
connect to the S7 PLC (or another MPI PROFIBUS network cable.
capable device). Use a cable with terminating resistors at
D-Sub socket X2 (female connector) to the beginning and the end of the cable.
connect a programming device.
X11 and X2 have internally a 1 to 1

5 9 9 5
4 8 8 4
3 3
2 7 7 2
1 6 6 1

Figure 3: PROFIBUS Interface X11 (D-Sub Figure 4: PROFIBUS Interface X2 (D-Sub

male connector, 9 pin) female connector, 9 pin)

Pin D-Sub Signal Meaning

NL 50-

NT 50-

male / female


X 1 - unused, is only connected through
X 2 DGND Reference potential
(for hardware revision 2 and 3)
GND Ground (for VS)
(for hardware revision 4)
X X 3 RxD/TxD-P Receive/send data positive respectively
connection B
X X 4 - unused, is only connected through
X X 5 DGND Reference potential
(for hardware revision 2 and 3)
ISOGND Reference potential (PROFIBUS)
(for hardware revision 4)
X X 6 - unused, is only connected through
X 7 VS Positive power supply (24 V)
X X 8 RxD/TxD-N Receive/send data negative respectively
connection A
X 9 - unused, is only connected through
Housing shield shield
Table 13: PROFIBUS Interface (D-Sub female and male connector, 9 pin)

netTAP NT 50-MPI: Only D-Sub female connector X2 is available and pins

1, 2, 7 and 9 are not used.

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4.5 External Power Supply (X1)

The netLINK NL 50-MPI device can be supplied with DC external power
supply of 24 V (18 V – 30 V).

Device Destruction at netLINK NL 50-MPI!

ƒ When using an external supply voltage, the potential of this supply
CAUTION! voltage is DC coupled to that of the PROFIBUS. Consequently, the
power supply must be potential free!

Device Destruction at netLINK NL 50-MPI!

ƒ When using an external supply voltage, the potential of this supply
voltage is DC coupled to that of the PROFIBUS. Consequently, the
power supply must be potential free!

Plug the supply voltage DC into the power jack located at the top side of
the device.

netTAP NT 50-MPI
The netTAP NT 50-MPI device has to be supplied with DC external power
supply of 24 V (18 V – 30 V) at connector X1.

netLINK NL 50-MPI and netTAP NT 50-MPI

Supply Voltage Pin Assignment

Supply Pin Signal Description
1 0V/ Ground of supply voltage

Mini Combicon 2 24 V +24 V supply voltage

Table 14: Supply Voltage Pin Assignment

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4.6 Schematic Diagram - Galvanic Isolation

4.6.1 netLINK NL 50-MPI

Figure 5: netLINK NL 50-MPI, Coupling (Hardware Revision 4)

For the netLINK NL 50-MPI device the connection to PE takes place via the
metal connection (shielding of the cable).
Area galv. Coupling against PE Functional earthing to
Connection Interface Isolation Coupling PE
X1 no Lf = 47 μH -

1 * 1 nF / 1000 V
1 * 22 pF / 63 V
directly via the metal
PROFIBUS inductive 1 MΩ // 2,2 nF/ 500 V connection of the D-Sub
male connector
directly via the metal
Ethernet inductive 4 * 75 Ω, 1 nF / 2000 V housing of the RJ 45
Table 15: Coupling NL 50-MPI, Hardware Revision 4

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4.6.2 netTAP NT 50-MPI

Figure 6: netTAP NT 50-MPI, Coupling

The connection to PE takes place for the netTAP NT 50-MPI via the top-hat

Area galv. Coupling against PE Functional earthing to

Connection Interface Isolation Coupling PE
X1 no Cf = 10 nF / 500 V, -
Lf = 47 μH

4 * 10 nF / 500 V
directly via the metal
PROFIBUS inductive 1 MΩ // 2,2 nF/ 1000 V connection of the D-Sub
male connector
directly via the metal
Ethernet inductive 6 * 75 Ω, 1 nF / 2000 V housing of the RJ 45
Table 16: Coupling NT 50-MPI

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Mounting and dismounting the Device 26/71

5 Mounting and dismounting the Device

5.1 Mounting netLINK NL 50-MPI
The NL 50-MPI is slipped and
screwed on a S7 MPI /
PROFIBUS interface or another
compatible device with the MPI /
PROFIBUS interface of the
NL 50-MPI.

Figure 7: Mounting the netLINK

5.2 Mounting and Dismounting netTAP NT 50-MPI

The devices can be mounted side-by-side without any gap. On the top side,
the devices should have a minimum distance of 20 mm to the next device.
The air ventilation slots of the device must not be covered by any objects.
5.2.1 Top Hat Rail Mounting of the NT 50-MPI
Mount the top hat rail according to DIN EN 60715 for the netTAP device
horizontally at the intended location. The DIN top hat rail has to be
connected with the potential equalization conductor (PE).

Push the device onto the top hat rail

from above .
Then press the device against the
mounting surface, according to
arrow .

Figure 8: Mounting the netTAP NT 50 device onto the top-hat rail

Afterwards connect the 24 V supply voltage to the device. Grounding is

done via a grounding contact located at the backside of the device
connecting it electrically to the top-hat rail.

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5.2.2 Removing the NT 50 from the Top-Hat Rail
In order to remove the netTAP from the top-hat rail, first remove the power
supply cable and all data cables from the device.

To release the device from the top-

hat rail, use a screw driver, which
you put at the clip in the center of
the device. By pressing slightly the
screw driver in direction of arrow
the lock at the top-hat rail is
released. You can then easily pull
the device off the top-hat rail in
direction of arrow .

Figure 9: Removing the NT 50 device from the Top-Hat Rail

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5.3 Power Supply

5.3.1 netLINK NL 50-MPI
The power supply of the NL 50-MPI device can be done directly by
plugging the device onto a PLC, if pin 7 of the D-Sub connector of the PLC
provides 24 V DC. Alternatively it is possible to connect the supply voltage
of 24 V DC externally using the Mini-Combicon connector.

Device Destruction!
ƒ The reference potential of the supply voltage is galvanically connected
with the reference potential of the PROFIBUS interface for hardware
CAUTION! revision 2 and 3 of the device. From this it follows that the power supply
must be potential free!

Device Destruction!
ƒ The reference potential of the supply voltage is galvanically connected
with the reference potential of the PROFIBUS interface for hardware
revision 2 and 3 of the device. From this it follows that the power supply
must be potential free!

With hardware revision 4 of the NL 50-MPI device the supply voltage and
the PROFIBUS interface is galvanically separated by opto coupler.
5.3.2 netTAP NT 50-MPI
The supply voltage for the netTAP NT 50-MPI of 24 V DC is only possible
via the mini Combicon connector X1. The supply voltage is galvanically
separated from the data lines of the PROFIBUS and the Ethernet interface.

5.4 Ethernet Connection

The Ethernet connector of the NL 50-MPI is connected by an Ethernet
cable to a switch, hub or Ethernet end device.
The NL 50-MPI operates its Ethernet interface in the Auto-crossover mode.
Thus for the connection with Ethernet devices both crossover cables and
patch cables are applicable.

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Installing Software 29/71

6 Installing Software
6.1 Installing Software from DVD
To install the software:
¾ Close all application programs on the system!
¾ Insert the DVD in the local DVD ROM drive.
¾ The installation routine will start automatically (Auto start feature
enabled). Otherwise change to the root directory of the DVD and start
the EXE file (Auto start feature disabled).

Note: Administrator privileges are required on Windows® 2000/

Windows® XP/Windows® Vista/Windows® 7 systems for installation!

Figure 10: Menu of the DVD Autostart

The menu offers the following for installation:

• Install STEP 7® Driver IBHNet
This allows to use the STEP7® software or „STEP7 for Windows“
software to program or to configure a S7 or S7 compatible PLC via a
NL 50-MPI device or a NT 50-MPI device.
• Install SyCon configuration software (the Hilscher IP Driver can be
installed during the installation of SyCon).
This allows to configure the NL 50-MPI device or the NT 50-MPI device
independent of the STEP® software. Read and write commands via
Ethernet can be performed via PROFIBUS MPI to the automation
• Open Ducumentations Directory

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Installing Software 30/71
To configure the MPI device you can use either the IBHnet driver or
For the system configurator SyConMPI no license is required as the basic
version already contains all functions necessary for the configuration of the

6.2 Installation under Windows Vista or Windows 7

The program WinHlp32.exe is not included in the operating system
Windows Vista and Windows 7. It is necessary to display the online help
files (*.HLP format). For download and installation information follow this

6.3 Install IP Driver

Some application programs use the Hilscher IP Driver to communicate with
the MPI device.
The installation program for the Hilscher IP driver is on the DVD in the
TcpUdpIpDriver folder.
¾ Start on the DVD in the folder TcpUdpIpDriver the setup.exe.

Figure 11: Install IP Driver (1)

¾ At the first screen, you simply have to click Next in order to proceed.
¾ Then some information about the IP driver is displayed on the screen.
You should read this text carefully.

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¾ At the next screen, you are asked to specify the storage location for the
Hilscher IP Driver.

Figure 12: Install IP Driver (2)

You may choose the proposed standard location or choose another one
after clicking Browse . Then click Next again in order to proceed.
° After that, you will reach the final screen indicating that the installation
process has been completed.

Figure 13: Install IP Driver (3)

¾ Click Finish .
After the installation the driver has to be configured correctly, i.e. the IP
address and the port number of the MPI device need to be specified as
described in the next section of this document.

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Configuring MPI Device 32/71

7 Configuring MPI Device

7.1 Configuring MPI-Device with Hilscher IP Driver
7.1.1 Assign IP Address to MPI Device
Assign an IP address to the device. Proceed as follows:
Start the Program NetIdentDemo
¾ Select Start > Programs > Hilscher IP Driver > NetIdentDemo

Figure 14: NetIdent Demo

¾ Click Start .
° The window for IP address assignment opens.

Figure 15: netIdent – Scan for Devices (1)

¾ After you have provided supply voltage to the MPI device and
connected via an Ethernet cable to the PC, click Start Poll to start
the scan.
° The scan for devices is done at all Ethernet interfaces on the PC.
Found devices are displayed.

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Figure 16: netIdent – Scan for Devices (2)

¾ Select the MPI device that should be configured . Afterwards, click

Set IP .

Figure 17: netIdent - Set IP Address

° The pop-up windows above opens.
¾ Enter the IP address for the MPI device. Afterwards, click SetIP
° If the IP address was set successfully, then the following window

Figure 18: netIdent - Set IP Address (2)

¾ Click OK .

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Figure 19: netIdent - Set IP Address (3)

¾ Click Exit .

Figure 20: netIdent - Set IP Address (4)

¾ Click Exit .

Note: The IP address set is only valid (temporarily) as long as the device
is not disconnected from power supply.
To set a permanent IP address see section Creating and downloading the
Configuration to set a permanent IP Adress on page 36.

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7.1.2 Configuring of the IP Driver

¾ Start the configuration program of the Hilscher IP Driver with Start >
Programs > Hilscher IP Driver > IP Driver Setup.
° The GUI of the Hilscher IP Driver Setup program will appear then:

Figure 21: GUI of the Hilscher IP Driver Setup

¾ Enter the configured IP address of the MPI device in the field IP

Address and the Port number in the field Port .
¾ The following settings are necessary:
Field Required action
Set the port to 1099.
Set the protocol to TCP.
Set the mode to Client.
Table 17: Configuring IP Driver

¾ Connect Timeout (ms) : In client mode this field holds the time
period the driver tries to establish a connection with the selected MPI

Note: A time out value that is too small can prevent correct connection
establishment to the MPI device.

Note: If this setting shall be changed later again, the program

IpDrvSetup.exe and also the programs which use the driver need to be

Note: If the PC is behind a Firewall, then port 1099 has to be unblocked.

For this, contact your network administrator.

¾ Click OK to close the dialog.

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7.2 Creating and downloading the Configuration to set a

permanent IP Adress
7.2.1 Overview
Note: The configuration of the MPI device is done via TCP/IP.

To create and to download the configuration of the MPI device, proceed as

1. Start the system configurator SyCon:
¾ Select Start > Programs > SyCon System Configurator > SyCon.

2. Create a new project:

¾ Select menu File > New or File > New > MPI.

3. Insert the MPI device to the project:

¾ Select menu Insert > Device.
¾ In the window Insert Device under Available devices select the MPI
device NL 50-MPI or NT 50-MPI.
¾ Click Add.
¾ Click OK.

4. Setting the IP address and the PROFIBUS parameters:

¾ Select menu Settings > MPI Parameter or double click the MPI device
° The parameter window is displayed.
¾ Set the IP address, if necessary also the Net Mask and the gateway
A description of these parameters is included in the section IP Address on
page 47.

¾ Set the PROFIBUS parameters, especially the station address and the
bus parameters.
A description of the PROFIBUS parameters are in the section PROFIBUS
Parameter on page 49.

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5. Connecting the System configurator SyCon with the MPI device:

¾ Select menu Settings > Device Assignment.
¾ Select in the window Driver Select the driver CIF TCP/IP Driver.
¾ Click OK.
° The window Device Assignment ODM TCP/IP Drive is displayed.
¾ Click netIdent Rescan.
° The local Ethernet network is scanned for MPI devices. Found devices
are displayed under Board Selection.
¾ In the list Board Selection mark the check box for the MPI device.
° A connection from the System configurator SyCon to the MPI device
has been established.
¾ Click OK.
° The window Device Assignment ODM TCP/IP Drive is closed.

6. Downloading the configuration to the device:

¾ Select menu Online > Download.
° The safety question is displayed, if the download should be executed.
¾ Click Yes.
° The configuration is downloaded to the device.

7. Reset the device to activate the new configuration:

¾ Select menu Online > Firmware/Reset.
° The window Firmware/Reset is displayed.
¾ Click Reset.
° The safety question is displayed, if the reset shall be executed.
¾ Select the button Yes.
° The reset is executed. By this the configuration is activated.

8. Saving the SyCon project:

¾ Select menu File > Save under.
° The window Save under is displayed.
¾ Enter the file name for the project.
¾ Click OK.
° The project is saved.

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7.2.2 Step-by-Step Description

Step 1: Start the system configurator SyConMPI
¾ Select Start > Programs > SyCon System Configurator > SyCon.

Step 2: Create a new project

¾ Select File > New or File > New > MPI.
° An empty project file (configuration file) is created and is displayed.

Figure 22: System Configurator SyConMPI – Create a new Project

Step 3: Insert the MPI device to the project

¾ Select menu Insert > Device .
° The window Insert Device is displayed.

Figure 23: Insert Device

¾ Under Available devices select the device NL 50-MPI .

¾ Click Add .
¾ Click OK .
° The MPI device is displayed in the SyCon project or the configuration

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Figure 24: System Configurator SyConMPI – The MPI Device is displayed in the Project

Step 4: Set IP address and PROFIBUS parameters

¾ Select menu Settings > MPI Device Parameter or double click to the
MPI device symbol.
° The parameter window is displayed.

Figure 25: Set IP Address

Step 4A:
¾ Set the IP address, if necessary also the Net Mask and the gateway
A description of these parameters is included in the section IP Address on
page 47.

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Step 4B:
° The Ethernet parameters are detected automatically by the device.
A description of the Ethernet parameters is in the section Ethernet
Parameter on page 48.

Figure 26: Ethernet Parameters are detected automatically by the MPI Device

Step 4C:
¾ Set the PROFIBUS parameters.

Figure 27: Set the PROFIBUS Parameters

¾ Set the PROFIBUS parameters (especially the station address , the

bus profile and the bus parameters).
A description of the PROFIBUS parameters is in the section PROFIBUS
Parameter on page 49.
¾ Click OK .
° The parameter window is closed.

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Step 5: Connecting the system configurator SyConMPI to the MPI device
A.) Select the driver CIF TCP/IP Driver.
B.) Scan for MPI devices.
C.) If necessary, change and assign the IP address manually.
D.) Connect the system configurator SyConMPI with the MPI device.

Proceed as follows:
Step 5A: Select the driver CIF TCP/IP Driver
¾ Select menu Settings > Device Assignment.

Figure 28: Window Driver Select

° The Driver Select window is displayed.

Figure 29: Window Driver Select

¾ Select in the window Driver Select the driver CIF TCP/IP Driver .
¾ Click OK .
° The window Device Assignment ODM TCP/IP Drive is displayed.

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Figure 30: Window Device Assignment ODM TCP/IP Driver

Step 5B: Scan for MPI devices

¾ In the window Device Assignment ODM TCP/IP Drive click netIdent
Rescan .
° The local Ethernet network is scanned for devices. The detected
devices are displayed under Board Selection.

Figure 31: Window Device Assignment ODM TCP/IP Drive – Found devices are displayed

° If one or more devices were found, they are displayed in the list Board
Selection with their MAC-ID. If the device already has an IP address
this is shown in the column IP Address.
Step 5C: If necessary, change and assign the IP address manually.
If the shown IP address is or the IP address shall be changed, an IP
address has to be assigned to the device.
¾ In the window Device Assignment ODM TCP/IP Drive in the list
Board Selection mark the check box for MPI device.

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¾ Select the button Set IP Address .
° The window Configure IP Address is displayed.

Figure 32: Window Configure IP Address

¾ Enter a valid IP address.

Figure 33: Window Configure IP Address – Set the IP address

¾ Click Set IP .

Note: With Set IP only a temporarily IP address is set in the MPI device.
To set a permanent IP address a configuration download has to be done.

Note: When the IP address set in this step 5C and the IP address entered
in step 4A are different, then the IP address of step 4A is used from the
device after a download of the configuration and a reset.

° The IP address is assigned to the device.

° The hint window Setting IP address successful! is displayed.

Figure 34: Hint – Setting IP Address successful

¾ Click OK .
¾ In the window Configure IP Address click Exit.
° The window Configure IP Address is closed.

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Step 5D: Connect the system configurator SyConMPI with the MPI device:

Figure 35: Window Device Assignment ODM TCP/IP Drive – A Connection has been

° In the window Device Assignment ODM TCP/IP Drive in the list

Board Selection mark the check box for MPI device.
° A connection from the System configurator SyCon to the MPI device
has been established.
¾ Click OK .
° The window Device Assignment ODM TCP/IP Drive is closed.

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Configuring MPI Device 45/71
Step 6: Download the configuration to the device
¾ Select in the system configurator SyCon the menu Online >

Figure 36: Online Configuration Download

° The safety question is displayed, if the download should be executed.

Figure 37: Question – Do you really want to download?

If the download must not be executed:

¾ Click No.
° The download is not executed.
If the download must be executed:
¾ Click Yes.
° The download is executed. During the download the progress bar Data
Base Download is displayed.

Figure 38: Progress Bar Data Base Download

° The configuration is downloaded to the MPI device.

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Step 7: Reset the device to activate the new configuration
¾ Select in the system configurator SyConMPI menu Online >
° The window Firmware/Reset is displayed.

Figure 39: Window Firmware/Reset

¾ Click Reset .
° The safety question is displayed, if the reset shall be executed.

Figure 40: Question – Do you really want to reset the firmware?

If the reset must not be executed:

¾ Click No.
° The reset is not executed.
If the reset must be executed:
¾ Click Yes.
° The reset is executed and the new configuration is activated.

Step 8: Saving the project

¾ Select menu File > Save under.
° The window Save under is displayed.
¾ Enter the file name for the project.
¾ Select OK.
° The project is saved.

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7.3 Description of the Device Parameters

7.3.1 IP Address

Figure 41: Settings > MPI Device Parameter > IP Address

Description :
The description of the device is shown in SyConMPI as the name of the
device. The description is changeable in this field.
The handing over of the IP parameters which are the IP address, Net mask,
and Gateway can result in three ways.
1. DHCP :
The device gets the IP parameters from a DHCP server.
2. BOOTP :
The device gets the IP parameters from a BOOTP server.
3. IP address, Net mask and Gateway :
The IP parameters can be entered in this fields. If more than one
configuration way is activated (for example DHCP and manually entered IP
parameters), the MPI device tries to process the different configuration
ways one after the other. As soon as it got the IP parameters by one of
these ways, the MPI device starts with these parameters.

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7.3.2 Ethernet Parameter

Figure 42: Settings > NetLink Parameter > Ethernet

Description :
The description of the device is shown in SyCon as the name of the device.
The description is changeable in this field.
Auto detect :
This option is set. An automatic detection of the Ethernet interface is done
by the MPI device.
Interface :
Is detected automatically.
Auto negotiation :
Auto negotation means, that in case of two connected devices the devices
detect the hardware and the features (for example Half- or Full Duplex, 10
or 100 Mbits and so on) of the other device. This option is preselected.
Duplex mode :
Duplex mode of the Ethernet interface. Is detected automatically.
Speed :
Transmission speed of the data in MBits/s: 10 MBits/s and 100 MBits/s. Is
detected automatically.

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Configuring MPI Device 49/71

7.3.3 PROFIBUS Parameter

Figure 43: Settings > MPI Parameters > PROFIBUS

Note: Wrong configured PROFIBUS Parameters can lead to

communication failures.

The busparameters and their meaning:

• Station Address
The Station Address of the MPI device.
The bus address set at the rotary switch is valid for netTAP
NT 50-MPI device as long as the bus address set at the rotary switch
is unequal to 99. For the position of the rotary switches see section
Connections and LEDs on page 20.
• Bus profile
Allows the selection of MPI or PROFIBUS
• Baudrate
Transmission speed: Number of bits per second.
Baudrate Bit Time (tBit)
9,6 kBaud 104,2 µs
19,2 kBaud 52,1 µs
93,75 kBaud 10,7 µs
187,5 kBaud 5,3 µs
500 kBaud 2 µs
1,5 Mbaud 666,7 ns
3 Mbaud 333,3 ns
6 Mbaud 166,7 ns
12 Mbaud 83,3 ns
Table 18: Baud rates and Bit times

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• Slot Time (TSL)
'Wait for receipt' – monitoring time of the Senders (Requestor) of
telegram for the acknowledgement of the recipient (Responder). After
expiration, a retry occurs in accordance with the value of 'Max.
telegram retries'.
Value range: 52 ... 65535
• Minimum Station Delay of Responders (min TSDR)
This is the shortest time period that must elapse before a remote
recipient (Responder) may send an acknowledgement of a received
query telegram. The shortest time period between receipt of the last
Bit of a telegram to the sending of the first Bit of a following telegram.
Value range: 1 ... 65535
• Maximum Station Delay of Responders (max TSDR)
This is the longest time period that must elapse before a Sender
(Requestor) may send a further query telegram. Greatest time period
between receipt of the last Bit of a telegram to the sending of the first
Bit of a following telegram.
The Sender (Requestor, Master) must wait at least for this time period
after the sending of an unacknowledged telegram (e.g. Broadcast
only) before a new telegram is sent.
Value range: 1 ... 65535
• Quiet Time (TQUI)
This is the time delay that occurs for modulators (Modulator-trip time)
and Repeaters (Repeater-switch time) for the change over from
sending to receiving.
Value range: 0 ... 255
• Setup Time (TSET)
Minimum period “reaction time” between the receipt of an
acknowledgement to the sending of a new query telegram (Reaction)
by the Sender (Requestor).
Value range: 1 ... 255
• Target Rotation Time (TTR)
Pre-set nominal Token cycling time within the Sender authorization
(Token) will cycle around the ring. How much time the Master still has
available for sending data telegrams to the Slaves is dependent on
the difference between the nominal and the actual token cycling time.
Value range: 1 ... 16.777.215
• GAP Update Factor (G)
Factor for determining after how many Token cycles an added
participant is accepted into the Token ring. After expiry of the time
period G*TTR, the Station searches to see whether a further
participant wishes to be accepted into the logical ring.
Value range: 1 ... 100
• Max number of telegram retries (Max_Retry_Limit)
Maximum number of repeats in order to reach a Station.
Value range: 1 ... 8

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Configuring MPI Device 51/71
• Highest Station Address (HSA)
Station address of the highest active (Master) Station.
Value range: 2 ... 126
The device MPI devices support the automatic baudrate detection.

Figure 44: Settings > MPI Parameters > PROFIBUS > Autobaud

To set the automatic baudrate detection, select in the list of Bus profile the
setting PROFIBUS and then select in the list Baud rate the setting

Note: The automatic detection of the PROFIBUS baudrate can only be

used, when additionally to the netLINK NL 50-MPI respectively netTAP
NT 50-MPI another PROFIBUS Master is available on the PROFIBUS

Note: The automatic detection of the PROFIBUS baudrate can only be

used, when the control unit sends the PROFIBUS parameters via a
broadcast telegram on the PROFIBUS network.

Note: A download of the configuration has to be done to activate these

setting in the MPI device.

Note: In order that the new settings become active after the download
reset is required for the MPI device.

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Configuring MPI Device 52/71

7.4 Firmware Update – Firmware Download

The section describes how to do a firmware update.

Step A:
¾ Start the System Configurator SyCon with Start > Programs > SyCon
System Configurator > SyCon

Step B:
¾ Open an existing project/configuration file with menu File > Open. The
extension is *.nd.
¾ Create a configuration as it is described in steps 2, 3 and 4 in section
Creating and downloading the Configuration to set a permanent IP
Adress on page 36.

Step C:
¾ With menu Settings > Device Assignment create a connection to the
MPI device. This is described in detail in step 5 in section Creating and
downloading the Configuration to set a permanent IP Adress on page

Step D:
¾ Select menu Online > Firmware Download.
° A safety question is displayed.

Figure 45: Question – Do you really want to download?

If the download must not be executed:

¾ Click No.
° The download is not executed.
If the download must be executed:
¾ Click Yes.
° The window Firmware Copy/Download is displayed.

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Figure 46: Window Firmware Copy/Download

Select in Available Firmware Files section the directory that contains the
firmware file, e. g. on the DVD. The firmware filename is nl50mpi.e50 .
The file can be used for the netLINK NL 50-MPI and netTAP NT 50-MPI
¾ Press the button Download in Available Firmware Files section.
° A safety question is displayed.

Figure 47: Question – Do you really want to download the firmware?

If the download must not be executed:

¾ Click No.
° The download is not executed.

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If the download must be executed:
¾ Click Yes.
° The download is executed. During the download the progress bar Data
Base Download is displayed.

Figure 48: Progress Bar Data Base Download

¾ After the firmware download was finished, in the window Firmware

Copy/Download click Close.

Step E:
¾ Load with menu Online > Download the configuration into the MPI
device. This is describes in step 6 in section Creating and downloading
the Configuration to set a permanent IP Adress from page 36.

Step F:
¾ The device uses the new firmware or the new configuration/new
parameters after a reset. This is describes in Step 7 in section Creating
and downloading the Configuration to set a permanent IP Adress from
page 36.

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Troubleshooting 55/71

8 Troubleshooting
8.1 Hints on how to solve Problems
¾ Check, if the following preconditions for the MPI device operation are
1. A suitable supply voltage must be available.
2. The configuration must have been performed correctly using the system
configurator SyConMPI.
Further information to this is in section Preconditions for Operation on page

¾ With the Ethernet link status LED (LNK) of the MPI device can be
examined whether a connection to the Ethernet exists. If the LED is off,
no connection exists. If the LED is on, the device has a connection to
the Ethernet.

¾ With the status LED ACT of the MPI device can be examined whether
communication takes place.

¾ Make sure that the cable is connected to the switch on the Ethernet
side and that the serial interface is connected to the S7.

¾ Check, whether the MPI device is configured according to the
description given in section Creating and downloading the Configuration
to set a permanent IP Adress on page 36.

Diagnostic using the System Configurator SyCon

¾ Read out the data with menu Online > Message Monitor.
You can find more information about the Message Monitor and its functions
you find in the operating manual SyConMPI
Ethernet-TCP/IP Interface
¾ Check the network settings of your PC.
With the ping command in MS-DOS Prompt you can easily check if a
connection via TCP/IP to the MPI device is possible. Open the MS-DOS
Prompt and enter ping (the IP address has to be the same
as set in the MPI device) and press the Return key. Could a connection be
established then the answer is displayed by the following text Reply from
Otherwise a connection timeout is displayed.

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Troubleshooting 56/71

8.2 Ethernet Failure in 10 MBit/s Half Duplex Mode and

Not affected are netTAP NT 50-MPI devices and netLINK NL 50-MPI with
serial number greater than 27927, which means: devices manufactured
after december 2010 are not affected.

Affected Hardware
Hardware with the communication controller netX 50, netX 100 or
netX 500; netX/Internal PHYs.

When can this Failure occur?

When using standard Ethernet communication with 10 MBit/s half duplex
mode, the PHY gets stuck in case of network collisions. Then no further
network communication is possible. Only device power cycling allows
Ethernet communication again.
This problem can only occur with Ethernet TCP/UDP IP, EtherNet/IP or
Modbus TCP protocols when using hubs at 10 MBit/s. The issue described
above is not applicable for protocols which use 100 MBit/s or full duplex

Solution / Workaround:
Do not use 10 MBit/s-only hubs. Use either switches or 10/100 MBit/s Dual
Speed hubs, to make sure the netX Ethernet ports are connected with 100
MBit/s or in full duplex mode.
This erratum is fixed with all components of the ‘Y’ charge (9 digit charge
number shows ‘Y’ at position 5 (nnnnYnnnn).

“Summary of 10BT problemon EthernetPHY”,
RenesasElectronics Europe, April 27, 2010

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LED 57/71

LED Name Meaning
System Status SYS System status
Communication Status COM Communication status
RJ45 LNK Link (Ethernet link status)
ACT Activity (Ethernet activity status)
Table 19: Names and Meaning of LED

LED Display Display state Meaning

SYS Duo LED yellow/green
On Firmware started.
On This state is allowed for a short time only.
(yellow) Stays this LED with permanent yellow on, the a hardware defect is
Blinking Bootloader active. This state is allowed for a short time only.
(yellow/ yellow/green
Off Missing power supply or a hardware error occurred.
COM Duo LED red/green
at Status
NL 50-MPI The device currently holds the PROFIBUS token and is able to transfer
telegrams of data.
Blinking Status
(green) (regularly) The device is configured to be a part of the PROFIBUS ring, but it must
5 Hz share the PROFIBUS token with other PROFIBUS-Master devices
present on the PROFIBUS ring.
Blinking Status
(green) (regularly) Automatic baudrate detection is running
0.5 Hz
On Error
(red) Communication error at the PROFIBUS.
Off Status/Error
(off) The device has not been integrated into the PROFIBUS ring, i.e. it has
not been configured correctly or has a wrong configuration or has not
received the PROFIBUS token.
LNK LED green beside Ethernet socket
On The device is currently connected to the Ethernet.
Off The device is currently not connected to the Ethernet.
ACT LED yellow beside Ethernet socket
On The device currently sends or receives Ethernet-Frames.
Off The device does currently not send and receive any Ethernet-Frames.
Table 20: Meaning of LED-Signals

Numbers … refer to Figure 2 on page 20.

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LED 58/71

LED-Display Status
Display Status Description
On The display is lighted permanently.
Off The display is not lighted at all.
Blinking The display is switched on and off in phases,
At regular blinking with a frequency of 5 Hz: On for a duration of
100 ms followed by Off for a duration of 100 ms.

Table 21: Display Status

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Technical Data 59/71

10 Technical Data
10.1 Technical Data of the netLINK NL 50-MPI
NL 50-MPI Parameter Value
Communication Type netX 50
FLASH 4 MB serial Flash, contains boot
loader, firmware and
Data transport PROFIBUS FDL telegrams
Number of connections max. 32 MPI connections at a
Access to Data block,
Bit memory,
Peripheral data,
State of OP-Mode
Ethernet communication Data transport TCP/IP
Number of connections max. 16 TCP connections at a
RFC 1006 Supported
PROFIBUS interface Transmission rate 9,6 kBit/s to 12 MBit/s
Interface type RS-485,
(for revision 2 und 3 of the
(for revision 4 of the device)
Connector D-Sub plug (9-pin male
Automatic Baud rate supported
Ethernet interface Transmission rate 10/100 MBit/s
Interface type 10 BASE-T/100 BASE-TX,
Connector RJ45 socket
Auto-Negotiation supported
Auto-Crossover supported
Interface for Connector D-Sub-socket (9-pin female
programming tool connector)
Note: There is a 1:1-connection
to the corresponding pins of
Display LED Display SYS System Status
COM Communication status
ACT Ethernet activity status
LINK Ethernet link status
Table 22: Technical Data netLINK NL 50-MPI (Part 1)

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NL 50-MPI Parameter Value

Power supply Voltage 18 – 30 V DC
Typical current at 18 V 72 mA
Typical current at 24 V 57 mA
Typical current at 30 V 48 mA
Connector for power via D-Sub-plug (9-pin male
supply from PLC connector)
Connector for external Mini-Combicon socket 3,81 mm
power supply 2 pin
Electrical immunity to Electrostatic discharge 10 kV Air discharge method,
interference (ESD) according to Criterion A
IEC/EN 61000-4-2:1995 4 kV Contact discharge method,
Criterion B
Fast transient 2 kV Power supply connectors
interferences (Burst), DC, Criterion B
zone B, according to 1 kV Communication and data
IEC/EN 61000-4-4:1995 lines, Criterion A
Surge voltage, zone B, 1 kV CM, 0,5 kV DM Power
according to IEC/EN supply connectors DC, Criterion
61000-4-5:1995 B
1 kV CM Communication and
data lines, Criterion B
Environmental conditions Temperature range 0 … + 55 °C
Humidity range 0 … 85 % relative humidity (not
Device Dimensions (L x W x H) 74,3 x 40,6 x 16,7 mm
Weight appr. 40 g
Mounting / Installation directly at MPI interface
Protection Class IP 20
RoHS Yes
UL in preparation
CE Sign CE Sign Yes
Emission CISPR 11 Class A
Immunity EN 61131-2:2003
Configuration Software or IBHnet driver
Table 23: Technical Data NL 50-MPI (Part 2)

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10.2 Technical Data of the netTAP NT 50-MPI

NL 50-MPI Parameter Value
Communication Type netX 50
FLASH 4 MB serial Flash, contains boot
loader, firmware and
Data transport PROFIBUS FDL telegrams
Number of connections max. 32 MPI connections at a
Access to Data block,
Bit memory,
Peripheral data,
State of OP-Mode
Ethernet communication Data transport TCP/IP
Number of connections Max. 16 TCP connections at a
RFC 1006 Supported
PROFIBUS interface Transmission rate 9,6 kBit/s to 12 MBit/s
Interface type RS-485, non-isolated
Connector D-Sub plug (9-pin male
Automatic Baud rate supported
Ethernet interface Transmission rate 10/100 MBit/s
Interface type 10 BASE-T/100 BASE-TX,
Connector RJ45 socket
Auto-Negotiation supported
Auto-Crossover supported
Anzeige LED-Anzeige SYS Systemstatus
APL Applikationsstatus
ACT Activity
Table 24: Technical Data NT 50-MPI (Part 1)

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NT 50 Parameter Value
Power supply Voltage 24 V ± 6 V DC
Current at 24 V (typically) 72 mA
150 mA with short circuit at the
output of PROFIBUS
Continuous short
circuit may cause
device damage
Power Consumption 1,8 W
Connector Mini-COMBICON, 2 pin
Environmental conditions Temperature rang 0 … + 60 °C
Humidity no condensation allowed
Device Dimensions (L x W x H) 100 x 26 x 66 mm (without
Weight appr. 80 g
Mounting on DIN rail EN 60715
Protection Class IP 20
RoHS Yes
CE Sign CE Sign Yes
Emission CISPR 11 Class A
Immunity EN 61131-2:2003
Configuration Software SyCon oder IBHnet Treiber
Table 25: Technical Data NT 50-MPI (Part 2)

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RFC 1006 63/71

11 RFC 1006
RFC 1006 is a standard for communication over TCP/IP that is supported
by the MPI device. Via RFC 1006 the S7 communication protocol is
transferred. The S7 communication protocols transparently for the MPI

PC-based visualization systems can be coupled by the netLINK to an S7 in
order to read and write data.
RFC 1006 provides a point-to-point connection from the PC to the
automation device.
The RFC 1006 uses a rack and a slot number for addressing. These are
directly converted to the MPI address.
In order to access MPI address 2 you need to use the value 0 for the rack
number and 2 for the slot number on the side of RFC 1006, for precise
assignment see the table below. Some visualization software needs the
TSAP. The assignment is listed in the following table.

MPI Rack Slot TSAP

0 0 0 0200
1 0 1 0201
2 0 2 0202
… … … …
31 0 31 021F
32 1 0 0220
33 1 1 0221
… … … …
63 1 31 023F
64 2 0 0240
65 2 1 0241
… … … …
95 2 31 025F
96 3 0 0260
97 3 1 0261
… … … …
126 3 30 027E
Table 26: Relation of MPI Address to Rack and Slot Number and TSAP

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Error Codes 64/71

12 Error Codes
12.1 TCP/IP Error Codes
Error Code Description
10013 Permission denied
10024 Too many open sockets.
10048 Address already in use
10049 Cannot assign requested address.
10050 Network is down
10051 Network is unreachable
10052 Network dropped connection on reset
10053 Software caused connection abort. An established connection was aborted by the software in your
host machine, possibly due to a data transmission time-out or protocol error.
10054 Connection reset by peer
10055 No buffer space available
10056 Socket is already connected
10057 Socket is not connected.
10058 Cannot send after socket shutdown
10060 Connection timed out
10061 Connection refused
10065 No route to host
10092 Winsock.dll version out of range
Table 27: TCP/IP Error Code – Standard Win32 Socket API Error Codes

12.2 netIdent Error Codes

Error Code Description
0x8004c701 Unknown Device Error
0x8004c702 Request Pending
0x8004c703 Set IP time exceeded
0x8004c704 IP address invalid
0x8004c705 Returned IP address invalid
0x8004c706 Answer from wrong device
0x8004c707 Wrong OP code received
0x8004c708 NetIdent Timeout
Table 28: netIdent Error Codes

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Error Codes 65/71

12.3 PROFIBUS-FDL Error Codes

Error Code Description
0 (00H) CON_OK
Positive acknowledgement: Transmission of data from the sending (local) station completed.
1 (01H) CON_UE
Negative acknowledgement: Remote-User/FDL interface error.
2 (02H) CON_RR
Negative acknowledgement: No remote resources available.
3 (03H) CON_RS
Negative acknowledgement: No Service or no remote address at remote SAP activated.
4 (04H) CON_RA
Negative acknowledgement: Access-point blocked.
8 (08H) CON_DL
Positive acknowledgement for sent data (L_SDU), reply data with low priority available.
9 (09H) CON_NR
Positive acknowledgement for sent data, negative acknowledgement for reply data, as not
available to the remote FDL controller.
10 (0AH) CON_DH
Positive acknowledgement for sent data (L_SDU), reply data with high priority available.
12 (0CH) CON_RDL
Negative acknowledgement for sent data (L_SDU), resource of the remote FDL controller not
available or not sufficient, reply data with low priority available.
13 (0DH) CON_RDH
Negative acknowledgement for sent data (L_SDU), resource of the remote FDL controller not
available or not sufficient, reply data with high priority available.
16 (10H) CON_LS
Service at local SAP or local SAP not activated.
17 (11H) CON_NA
No reaction (acknowledgement/response) from remote station.
18 (12H) CON_DS
Local FDL/PHY not in token ring.
19 (13H) CON_NO
Negative acknowledgement: Not ok (different meanings dependent on service).
No reply data transmitted.
20 (14H) CON_LR
Resource of the local FDL controller not available or not sufficient.
21 (15H) CON_IV Invalid parameter in request
- illegal parameters in the request header or
- local station is passive or
- destination station is own station address
23 (17H) CON_NM
24 (18H) CON_NC
Reaction from only one station.
25 (19H) CON_NP
No plausible reaction from remote station.
26 (1AH) CON_NL
Local configurator variable is set.
27 (1BH) CON_RD
Reply data available.
32 (20H) CON_LO
Low prior response data are sent at this SRD.
33 (21H) CON_HI
High prior response data are sent at this SRD.
34 (22H) CON_NO_DATA
No data are sent at this SRD.
Table 29: PROFIBUS-FDL Error Codes
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Error Codes 66/71

12.4 PROFIBUS-MPI Error Codes

Error Code Description
48 (30H) CON_TO
Timeout, the request message was accepted but no indication is sent back by the remote station.
MPI protocol error, or station not present.
57 (39H) CON_SE
Sequence fault, internal state machine error. Remote station does not react like awaited or a
reconnection was retried while connection is already open or device has no SAPs left to open
connection channel
133 (85H) REJ_IV
Specified offset address out of limits or not known in the remote station. Check msg.data_adr if
present or offset parameter in request message
134 (86H) REJ_PDU
Wrong PDU coding in the MPI response of the remote station.
135 (87H) REJ_OP
Specified length to write or to read results in an access outside the limits. Check msg.data_cnt
length in request message.
136 (88H) REJ_HW
Specified address not defined in the remote station. Check msg.data_request message
137 (89H) REJ_MODE
MPI remote station not in the right operational mode. Bring S7 into RUN-P Mode.
Table 30: PROFIBUS-MPI Error Codes

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Appendix 67/71

13 Appendix
13.1 Device Labeling
13.1.1 NT 50-MPI
MAC address of the Ethernet interface
Identification Label

Manufacturer logo
Typical supply voltage
Maximum ambient temperature
Serial number
Hardware revision number
Part number
Internet address of manufacturer
Device name

13.1.2 NL 50-MPI
MAC address of the Ethernet interface
Matrix label with manufacturing information

Serial number
Hardware Revision
Part number of the NL 50-MPI

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Appendix 68/71

13.2 Disposal of Waste Electronic Equipment

Important note from the European Directive 2002/96/EG Waste Electrical
and Electronic Equipment (WEEE):

Waste Electronic Equipment

ƒ This product must not be treated as household waste.
ƒ You must dispose the device at a designated waste electronic
equipment collecting point.

Waste electronic equipment may not be disposed of with household waste.

As a consumer you are legally obliged to dispose all Waste electronic
equipment professionally, as to the public collection.

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Appendix 69/71

14 Appendix
14.1 List of Figures
Figure 1: Dimensioned Drawing NL 50-MPI and NT 50-MPI (Size in mm) 19
Figure 2: Connections and LEDs NL 50-MPI and NT 50-MPI 20
Figure 3: PROFIBUS Interface X11 (D-Sub male connector, 9 pin) 22
Figure 4: PROFIBUS Interface X2 (D-Sub female connector, 9 pin) 22
Figure 5: netLINK NL 50-MPI, Coupling (Hardware Revision 4) 24
Figure 6: netTAP NT 50-MPI, Coupling 25
Figure 7: Mounting the netLINK 26
Figure 8: Mounting the netTAP NT 50 device onto the top-hat rail 26
Figure 9: Removing the NT 50 device from the Top-Hat Rail 27
Figure 10: Menu of the DVD Autostart 29
Figure 11: Install IP Driver (1) 30
Figure 12: Install IP Driver (2) 31
Figure 13: Install IP Driver (3) 31
Figure 14: NetIdent Demo 32
Figure 15: netIdent – Scan for Devices (1) 32
Figure 16: netIdent – Scan for Devices (2) 33
Figure 17: netIdent - Set IP Address 33
Figure 18: netIdent - Set IP Address (2) 33
Figure 19: netIdent - Set IP Address (3) 34
Figure 20: netIdent - Set IP Address (4) 34
Figure 21: GUI of the Hilscher IP Driver Setup 35
Figure 22: System Configurator SyConMPI – Create a new Project 38
Figure 23: Insert Device 38
Figure 24: System Configurator SyConMPI – The MPI Device is displayed in the Project 39
Figure 25: Set IP Address 39
Figure 26: Ethernet Parameters are detected automatically by the MPI Device 40
Figure 27: Set the PROFIBUS Parameters 40
Figure 28: Window Driver Select 41
Figure 29: Window Driver Select 41
Figure 30: Window Device Assignment ODM TCP/IP Driver 42
Figure 31: Window Device Assignment ODM TCP/IP Drive – Found devices are displayed 42
Figure 32: Window Configure IP Address 43
Figure 33: Window Configure IP Address – Set the IP address 43
Figure 34: Hint – Setting IP Address successful 43
Figure 35: Window Device Assignment ODM TCP/IP Drive – A Connection has been established 44
Figure 36: Online Configuration Download 45
Figure 37: Question – Do you really want to download? 45
Figure 38: Progress Bar Data Base Download 45
Figure 39: Window Firmware/Reset 46
Figure 40: Question – Do you really want to reset the firmware? 46
Figure 41: Settings > MPI Device Parameter > IP Address 47
Figure 42: Settings > NetLink Parameter > Ethernet 48
Figure 43: Settings > MPI Parameters > PROFIBUS 49
Figure 44: Settings > MPI Parameters > PROFIBUS > Autobaud 51
Figure 45: Question – Do you really want to download? 52
Figure 46: Window Firmware Copy/Download 53
Figure 47: Question – Do you really want to download the firmware? 53
Figure 48: Progress Bar Data Base Download 54

netLINK NL 50-MPI and netTAP NT 50-MPI | Installation, Operation and Hardware Description
DOC080604UM06EN | Revision 6 | English | 2012-03 | Released | Public © Hilscher, 2008-2012
Appendix 70/71

14.2 List of Tables

Table 1: List of Revisions 5
Table 2: Reference to Hardware 6
Table 3: Reference to Firmware 6
Table 4: Reference to SyConMPI Software 6
Table 5: Directory Structure of the DVD 7
Table 6: Documentations for Users 8
Table 7: Documentations for Developers 8
Table 8: Safety Symbols and Sort of Warning or Principle 13
Table 9: Signal Words 13
Table 10: Signal Words according to ANSI 13
Table 11: Ethernet RJ45 Pin Assignment 21
Table 12: Ethernet Connection Data 21
Table 13: PROFIBUS Interface (D-Sub female and male connector, 9 pin) 22
Table 14: Supply Voltage Pin Assignment 23
Table 15: Coupling NL 50-MPI, Hardware Revision 4 24
Table 16: Coupling NT 50-MPI 25
Table 17: Configuring IP Driver 35
Table 18: Baud rates and Bit times 49
Table 19: Names and Meaning of LED 57
Table 20: Meaning of LED-Signals 57
Table 21: Display Status 58
Table 22: Technical Data netLINK NL 50-MPI (Part 1) 59
Table 23: Technical Data NL 50-MPI (Part 2) 60
Table 24: Technical Data NT 50-MPI (Part 1) 61
Table 25: Technical Data NT 50-MPI (Part 2) 62
Table 26: Relation of MPI Address to Rack and Slot Number and TSAP 63
Table 27: TCP/IP Error Code – Standard Win32 Socket API Error Codes 64
Table 28: netIdent Error Codes 64
Table 29: PROFIBUS-FDL Error Codes 65
Table 30: PROFIBUS-MPI Error Codes 66

netLINK NL 50-MPI and netTAP NT 50-MPI | Installation, Operation and Hardware Description
DOC080604UM06EN | Revision 6 | English | 2012-03 | Released | Public © Hilscher, 2008-2012
Appendix 71/71

14.3 Contacts


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netLINK NL 50-MPI and netTAP NT 50-MPI | Installation, Operation and Hardware Description
DOC080604UM06EN | Revision 6 | English | 2012-03 | Released | Public © Hilscher, 2008-2012

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