Table 3 SPT Timetable
Table 3 SPT Timetable
Table 3 SPT Timetable
“Only those who dare to fail greatly can ever achieve greatly.”
– Robert F. Kennedy
The courage that Gov. Feliciano Leviste Memorial National High School
has must have been an upshot of the institution’s long and meaningful journey
through various phases that were inevitable to trudge. The education field has
been confronted with a number of tests to its competence, firmness and
perseverance and because GFLMNHS is one that allows itself to take risks, it
definitely makes failures as motivation for it to pull off goals no matter how
complex they seem.
School Year 2022- 2023 is a year of recovery and continuity after
confronted with pandemic.The huge impact that the pandemic left definitely
taught GFLMNHS a valuable lesson, that is, genuine concern to the clientele will
entail an educator to an admirable transformation. The chaos , without any
doubt, has turned it into the most humbling, stimulating and GOD - focused
state, the best place, at this point, one could ever be.
After an initial set of top management meetings to initiate the crafting of
the SIP for 2022 to 2025, the school principal, Aprilito C. de Guzman,
convened members of the school community, including both internal and
external stakeholders – in adherence to the GFLMNHS Quality Policy of
upholding transparent, ethical and accountable governance – to brainstorm
on the current concerns of the school. In the light of the nationwide thrust of
scholastic recovery after two years of strict implementation distance learning
protocols, the school community renewed its commitment “to protect and
promote the right of every Filipino to quality, equitable, culture-based, and
complete basic education”.
The product of this series of meetings is a comprehensive SWOT analysis
and initial planning of strategies done with the different department heads.
Next, the School Planning Team was established with their respective tasks
Table 1 Roles and Responsibilities
School Planning Team
Planning Team Members Role Responsibilities
Manages and leads the
Team group.
Dr. Aprilito C. De Guzman
Leader He renders support to all
In- charge in the collection
Mrs. Mildred O. De Villa Secretary
and recording of data.
In- charge with the
Mrs. Christine T. Ocampo
Member participation of parents,
Ms. Asuncion C. Deomampo
alumni, NGO’s and LGU
In-charge with the
concerns about OSY,
Mrs. Aida A. Bagon Member
enrolment, retention,
dropouts and promotion
In- charge with the
Mrs. Mary Jane D. Baral
concerns about students’
Ms. Jocelyn Umali Members
literacy and learning
materials and tools.
In- charge with teachers’
Mrs. Elizabeth B. Panaligan Member
affairs &In- charge welfare.
In- charge with students’
Mr.Jeremy Ondo
Member welfare/ school events/
Mrs. Clarinda G Villanueva
clubs/ organizations
In- charge with concerns
Mr. Mario A. Tan Member about risk management and school
In-charge on allocation of
Mrs. Irene V. Malapitan Member
funds & internal processes
In-charge with concerns
about physical facilities,
Mr. Felix U. Mendoza Member
learning environment and
In-charge with learning
Me. Peter C. Deomampo Member
materials and equipment
Hon. Lailanie I . Lucero In- charge with local and
Hon. Ronilo Palino community affairs
The 1st SPT meeting with the principal, department heads, select
teachers and invited stakes for SY 2022 happened last April 2022 at 1:00 PM
with a prayer led by Mr. Rodel Gutierrez, ESP Department. Dr. Aprilito C. de
Guzman, principal IV, thanked everyone who joined the invitation of the
administration especially the representatives from the barangay councils within
the school area.
As a road map and guide for accomplishing the goals, the primary
objectives of ESIP is to help the Department of Education solved issues and
concerns especially after undergoing several challenges and now in the recovery
period which can be resolved locally with the help of all stakeholders . The
principal presented slide decks of the Vision, Mission and Core values of DepEd
where he reiterated that in the adjustment of ESIP, DepEd must consider the
plight of all stakeholders like students, teachers, employees, parents, community
especially that we are now in the recovery period and at the same time continue
providing quality education.
According to Dr. De Guzman, “As a Filipino it is a must that the right of
each stakeholder are protected and secured so that the learners will benefit from
this plan. That’s why the school will make it sure that it will have a child-friendly
school., gender sensitive and safe learning environment.”
“Building a learner- centered environment is the main objective of the
school- GFLMNHS and to be able to have it, all the learning outcomes must
adhere to the mission and vision of the DepEd and of course, in order for it to be
viable it should have worked around the core values- Maka-Diyos, Makatao at
Makabansa”. he reiterated.
The discussion went on with the commitment of the chosen members of
School Planning Team to work considering the Mission, Vision and Core Values
of DepEd. After that, they worked on the different roles and responsibilities
each member will carry out.
Table 2
Preparatory Activities
School Head with Team April- May 2022
Meet to plan and set schedule of actions about the
Gather data and information from different sources
(LGU. Guidance, LESF, etc.)
Organize collected information and fill- up the
School- Community Data template and other needed
Inform members of the School Planning Team May- June 2022
about the coming opening of classes and the
preparation to be made.
Phase 1: Assess
School Planning Team (SPT)
Set virtual meetings and give duties and 2nd week June 2022
responsibilities to each members
Meet the School Project Team to assign
responsibilities concerning new normal education.
School Project Team
Work on the assigned roles with corresponding 3rd & 4th week of June 2022
duties and responsibilities
Analyze problems to meet the needs and
demands of the stakeholders through maps and flow 1st week of July 2022
Phase 2: Plan
School Project Team
Formulate solutions to PIAs. 2nd week of July 2022
Develop project designs and budget matrix.
Present findings to SPT
Adjust the SIP
Prepare the Annual Implementation Plan 3rd week of July 2022
August 2022
Phase 3: Act
School Project Team
Test the solutions 3rd week of September 2022
Roll out solutions 4th week of September 2022
School Planning / Project Team
Check progress of AIP
Midyear Assess 1st week of February 2023
Follow-up Assessment May 2023
Year- end Assessment June 2023
Submit progress report
Communicate to all stakeholders January 2023 onwards
Project Team
Roles Responsibilities
Leads the team in
Mildred O. De Villa Team Leader
accomplishing the tasks
Assists in the updating of
reports on the different
Dennis N. Mendoza Asst. Team Leader
programs and projects of the
Mary Ann C. Belleza
Kenneth D. Camson
Bibian P. Casilisilihan Planning/ Technical Working
Ren- Ren B. Martinez Group
Alexander S. Padilla
Norman M. Quejada
Regina A. Amen
Khristmas C. Torres
Monitoring and Evaluation
Rose D. Malabanan Members
Julita C. Arboleda
Josephine D. Mendoza