Existing Vessel Take Over Checklist
Existing Vessel Take Over Checklist
Existing Vessel Take Over Checklist
Instruksi / instructions :
1. Isi (Yes/No/NA) jika item tersebut telah diverifikasi
Fill (Yes/No/NA) if the item verified
2. Simpan checklist yang telah diisi
File this file after completion
3. Deck piping free of any leak and outfitting free of over corrosion
B. Ship Certificates
1. Certificate of Class and Class Certificates
8. HRU Certificate
D. Ship’s Drawing
1. General Arrangement
2. Midship Section
3. Shell Expansion
4. Construction Profile
9. VOC Plan
F. Others Document
1. Last Port clearance
2. Ship Particular
Verify cargo and ballast tank condition (based on last cargo and
ballast tank inspection)
Verify emergency cargo pump (for framo system) and wilden pump
H. Mooring Equipment
16. Number of Computers and location (i.e Bridge, CCR, ECR, Cabin)
L. Machinery
Verify main engine operational and satisfactory (ask last performance
Verify each auxiliary engine operational and satisfactory (ask last
performance test)
18. Verify engineer call alarm and UMS alarms (if applicable)
Owner’s Superintendent