GT1 001
GT1 001
GT1 001
the magazine
Publishing Director
Romain @gt1history
Raphaël @raphcars
2 Only one of those street
versions were ever made
Jerry Lewis-Evans
Editing Benoit Dalla Gasperina
@obscure_cars_daily Pierre @pierrec_photography
@skdc_scalecustoms Ahmed @picsbyahmed Tech corner
Christian Pittman
Tom Redington Le Mans lap time evolution
from 1994 to 1998
Car owners and Photographers
collectors The full list of cars that
Writers Race organizers raced in GT1
GT1 history 2
Little did I know that 7 months after magazine is also open to any
starting an Instagram account about contributions, from detailed articles
GT1 cars I would be sitting in one of to archive pics or more recent ones.
the most incredible of them all ! It’s
been a year now and I can’t believe The articles you’re about to read in
all the feedback, stories, the first issue of GT1 history
explanations, passionate magazine are here to answer most of
discussions, unseen pictures I got the questions I get asked over and
from all of you. There’s a lot of over so hopefully this will help. You
interest for these cars but somehow will find the history of the first years
memories are already starting to fade of the GT1 category in the BPR Global
away. Manufacturers move on, Series, Le Mans and the FIA GT
people that worked on them retire, Championship. In every issue we’ll
cars are being sold, racing teams talk about the GT1 street versions,
don’t exist anymore... My computer today it’s the Panoz GTR-1, the Lotus
is full of notes about particular cars Elise GT1 and the Nissan R390 GT1.
and people but Instagram is I’ve also detailed the Le Mans lap
somewhat limited for long content. I times evolution from 1994 to 1998.
wrote a first ebook but thought a And finally a list of all the cars that
magazine would be more appropriate raced in the GT1 category. You’ll be
for our community. Well, let me surprised to learn almost half of
know what you think at them were not purpose-built GT1 at I’m all ears. all.
GT1 history 3
1 Birth, rise and fall of the GT1 introduced with a 56-car lineup in 1992, attempt at the legendary race. For the
on the Bugatti track at Le Mans. Things first time in history, a GT car you could
1994 - 2000 were ready to scale up and from 1993, buy (at a price) in a showroom could
there were national GT championship compete for the big crown (ironically
emerging and a GT category at Le Mans. this was also the last time it would be
The BPR Global Series in 1994 gave birth possible). This caused a massive rush
to 4 GT categories sanctioned by the ACO from manufacturers to the series.
and the newly created FIA: GT1, GT2, Indeed, the newly released Porsche 993
GT3 and GT4. Top tier class was GT1 GT2 couldn’t compete against the carbon
which required at least 25 cars produced. monocoque, mid-engined McLaren F1
Race cars could produce up to 650hp for powered by a mighty 6.1L V12. So, plans
a minimum weight of 1,000kg with 14in were made to create a purpose built race
wheels. Entries consisted of Venturi 400 car and get it homologated for road use.
GTR and the more powerful 500 and 600 Although 100% legal, this was on the
LM, Ferrari F40 and F40 GT (a version edge of rules exploitation and caused
built for the Italian GT Championship) quite a stir. May 1996, Porsche entered
and a new version of the De Tomaso the 911 GT1 for the Le Mans pre-
Pantera. From the start, a lot of Porsche qualifying sessions. There was no doubt
911s were modified to enter the category. about the car’s potential on a racetrack
A fantastic array of GT machines lined up for verifications after the toughest endurance
race in the world – Benoit Dalla Gasperina 1995 According to the team’s budget, they but rather about its road abilities. The
ranged from 964 Carrera RS/RSR to 964 GT1 cars again proved fast at the 24-
The GT1 series spanned over a period endurance championship in 1993. At turbo (with either a single or twin hour race, but in the end, they were
starting from 1994 to 2011. However the other end of the racing scale, GT turbocharger). Larbre Competition pipped by another Porsche project; the
the rules changed all along the way (Gran Turismo) racing has been an
entered an ex-works 911 turbo S that TWR Joest WSC95 of Joest Racing. Still
and despite uniformisation efforts, emerging trend from the end of the
quickly became the star of the show. aiming for an overall win at Le Mans,
they were different between race 80’s. After the Asian crisis, sportscar
Indeed that year no points were awarded Porsche nonetheless deployed the 911
authorities. It all started with the manufacturers were keen to provide
(due to fear for FIA’s reaction), but the GT1 in the last rounds of the BPR
implosion of the World Sportscar gentlemen drivers races with
Championship, where every slightly modified production car would have been crowned overall Championship that was on its third
manufacturer deserted to the point vehicles. Porsche 944 Turbo Cup winner. In 1995, a McLaren F1 GTR took season. What was about to unfold next
of gathering less than 10 cars. For evolved into the Carrera Cup, Ferrari a surprise win at Le Mans. The reliable can be considered as one of the biggest
the first time in the motorsport had Challenge days and a small GT closed-top cars made their way in motorsport crisis (outside the F1 world
history, there was no worldwide French manufacturer named Venturi rainy conditions to score a historical 1- of course).
3-4-5-13 for McLaren at their first
GT1 history 4
BPR was on a roll with dates all they were so dominant that
around the world and huge crowds everyone left and the series
watching mostly gentlemen drivers collapsed. Some things never
battling at the wheel of well known change, don’t they? Gordon Murray
supercars : F1, F40, XJ220, Esprit V8, was very upset about the situation
911 turbo. This of course caught the but couldn’t leave his customers
attention of manufacturers, but also with the ’96 F1 GTR that got beaten
the FIA, who saw a huge market for by the 911 GT1 in BPR. McLaren
TV rights and royalties. They simply developed a new racecar out of the
annexed the BPR Series that became same monocoque, a car much lighter
the FIA GT Championship. Porsche with added downforce, without
not only now sold their 911 GT1 to inducing more drag : the famous
privateers, but they also developed long tail design. Lotus also jumped
an evolution for 1997. They weren’t aboard, surfing on the release of the
the only entry from Stuttgart, as nimble Elise sports car. The ex-
Lister Cars concentrated its efforts on Le The R390 GT1 was born out of a
Mercedes decided to join after a very Lotus F1 team was now in charge of
Mans for now after entries in 1995 and modified XJR-15 carbon monocoque
successful season in ITC. In fact, developing a GT1 contender.
1996. But it wasn’t only Europe that was (which itself was derived from the XJR-
joining the GT1 crowd. After a privateer 9 Jaguar Group C car). Powertrain ? A
entered two Viper RT/10 (with a roof) at modernized twin-turbo V8 with a
Le Mans, Chrysler decided to join and sequential gearbox. Toyota was
produced the GTS Coupé to homologate watching all this with great interest. In
the GTS-R in GT1. It seems Americans less than a year, the GT1 class turned
were still bound to front-engined cars from wealthy gentlemen drivers battling
as a new manufacturer emerged. Panoz on racing versions of supercars to
commissioned Reynard to build a V8 factory teams entering purpose built
powered front mid-engined GT (engine racers. The fact they were street legal
is sitting between the driver and the was fooling no one. Indeed the price
front axle). The resulting GTR-1 was asked for the street version was all but
born, a car no one had ever seen before. disuasive. Early on, the ACO asked for
After a streak of deceptive attempts at only one street car. The FIA
Le Mans, Nissan went all-in and asked requirement was still for 25 exemplars,
TWR to develop a Le Mans contender. but small manufacturers were allowed
GT1 history 5
end to the GT1 class. The fact that category. During all those years,
Yannick Dalmas performed a open top prototypes (also referred as
backflip at the wheel of the 911 GT1 sports cars) quickly evolved and
during Petit Le Mans in October became as quick as the closed top GT
certainly also raised awareness on cars. From chopped-off 962
the rules exploitation by the (Courage and Kremer entries at Le
manufacturers. Clearly this had gone Mans) to the wonderful 333 SP and
too far. Despite surviving one more the incredible WSC95, a new
year in national championships, we generation was getting ready. After
wouldn’t see the GT1 back again working on GT1 and GT2 projects,
before 2005. FIA and ACO ruled them Audi decided to go to Le Mans with
out for the next season. GT2 cars two different cars; the R8R (for
were promoted to the « GT » class Roadster) and the closed-top R8C
while Le Mans saw the ultimate (Coupé). The R8R proved far
evolution of the GT1 into the LM GTP superior and the BMW’s V12 LMR
the presentation of only one. Big track weapons. The 911 GT1-98
names (Porsche and Mercedes) had a (which only shared front and rear
full year to present the road version headlights appearance with a
counterpart. This caused a lot of production 996) finally got the Le
agitated discussions. Small Mans crown while the CLK LM won
manufacturers like Venturi who every round of the FIA GT
fielded most of the races were Championship it was entered into.
completely outgunned. In fact, only Toyota presented a full-on
big automotive names could prototype (that they somehow got
compete, even McLaren threw in the road legal) that lapped Le Mans 21
towel after the ’97 season despite seconds faster than the 1995 winner.
winning 5 races and finishing The huge development costs
second behind Mercedes. It involved, the irony of road legal
eventually culminated in 1998. prototypes but also the dismay of
Porsche and Mercedes were able to privateers and the fact no one stood
produce another evolution of their a chance against Mercedes put an
GT1 history 6
win in ’99 was a clear sign the days Italtecnica were disappointing;
of top-tier GT cars were over. Panoz heavy, slow, unreliable. This got to
also felt the wind change and took the point where investor Frédéric
the roof off its GTR-1 to create the Dor (a French rally driver) took his
Roadster LMP-1. These cars were at car to Prodrive in order to enhance
the start of the modern LMP that it. There was so much to do that they
would dominate for the next decade. declared it would be easier to start
Back to the GT cars, Stéphane Ratel from scratch. Care Racing
was still in charge of the FIA GT Development was born and 10 cars
Championship and couldn’t help but (called the 550 GTS) would be
whimper at the view of ageing Vipers produced by Prodrive. Meanwhile in
and 993 GT2 on the grids. Knowing the US, Pratt & Miller was working
it’s the passion that draws people to on a GT racer based on the Corvette
watch racing on the tracks, he C5. It didn’t escape to some folks at
approached Ferrari to enter the Chevrolet that Dodge/Chrysler sales
beautiful 550 Maranello GT car. were up thanks to the all-
Montezemolo wasn’t interested to conquering Viper GTS-R. Indeed, as
enter. After the abortion of the F50 an advised Hughes de Chamberlain
GT and the end of 333SP project, the suggested, the car would be far more
Scuderia would continue its main competitive in the GT2 class than in
effort in Formula One and would GT1 where it battled against much
only provide GT2 cars (now called more exotic hardware. In just a few
N-GT) like the 360 Modena. Ratel years time, the Viper won absolutely
then came with a brilliant idea : everything on its way : Drivers and
what if a private team turns the top Team FIA GT Championship, Le
GT car into a race car ? Ferrari would Mans, Daytona, Sebring, Spa… They
just have to give it its approval and had a « if they did it we can do it »
the car would be sold and entered by mindset but it took some time to
privateers. The man had more convince the board for the need of a
connections than Shiva and founded racing program. They were given a
a consortium to produce such a car. small budget and started turning the
Unfortunately, the first attempts by C5 into a potent racecar.
GT1 history 7
2 They only made one
The craziest homologation specials are a
unicorn freak show
It didn’t really work out and they still own the car. It’s now wearing
a beautiful green paintjob, a 600hp 6.0L engine and a lovely leather,
handcrafted interior. As a matter of fact Panoz will still build you a
brand-new one for around a million dollars. Before jumping to
conclusions on price, remember the car weighs just over a ton
thanks to its carbon monocoque chassis . Any Lamborghini owner
could do the maths..
GT1 history 8
Anyway, this put-any-engine-you-
could be used in both ways : fit a
bigger engine in your racecar (DB7
GT1 received the AMR1 Group C V8)
or put a cheaper engine in your
homologation car (Helem V6 had the
Safrane Turbo drivetrain, MC8
received a naturally aspirated Lexus
V8). From 1997 the homologation
specials started to bulgeon and small
manufacturers received an exception
from the FIA, requiring only one car.
The GT1 that only participated to Le
Mans didn’t have this problem,
that’s why only one street-legal Another Toyota GT-One legendary
It was then sold in the UK and at some point the engine got tuned
to a cool 575hp instead of the standard 350hp. The car was We’ll talk in more details about all
occasionnally seen in public events but sadly hasn’t been MOT the GT1 street versions in future
registered since 2006. issues of GT1 history magazine
GT1 history 9
1997 Nissan R390 GT1
Presented at Le Mans in 1997, the car was originally painted red,
with a red leather interior. It was built out of the same carbon tub
as than the racecar but received a different, less powerful engine.
Although the 6-speed sequential gearbox was retained. Announced
at a cool one million dollars, it was in fact not available for sale.
The car was modified in 1998 to homologate the long tail design.
TWR didn’t feel like building another one and they just changed the
exterior color, interior was still red. During a trip to the Nissan
Heritage Collection, Ahmed obtained Nissan confession and shared
it on Youtube, a must watch !
GT1 history 10
3 Evolution of lap times at Le Mans
1994 - 1998
Fastest Racing Laps of the Decade belong to Toyota
Toyota TS010
Eddie Irvine
1993 Cat. 1 (FIA Sportscars)
1990-1996 (13.600km track)
Between 1994 and 1998, the race in GT1 even with a small budget. comparison, in 1990, the fastest 18th and the McLaren taking an
development of GT cars was crazy This led to a fantastic display of cars 962C was second on the grid with a historical win under rainy
with more performant models every and many racing tales. No win was time of 3:33.060. So long for the conditions. 1996 saw the apparition
year. All big names were present and better than Mclaren's in 1995, with a « 962 in disguise » myth : the of Porsche’s purpose built 911 GT1
regulations had changed and the car but number 25 (that would finish 1st
the ’98 lineup is considered to be true GT car « in the spirit of the
had a flat bottom, tyres were smaller in GT1 and 2nd overall) was 5th on
one the best ever (’99 a close rules » as the saying goes. For each
and the engine less powerful. In the grid at 3:47.139. Sister car 26 was
contender). Mercedes, Toyota, winner in the GT1 category, let’s
1995, Dalmas / Sekiya / Lehto the fastest GT1 by a very small
Porsche, Nissan, Panoz (and compare their qualification lap
qualified the semi-works F1 GTR in margin, posting a 3:47.132. The 911
Chrysler in GT2) were directly times, position on the grid and 3.57.180 which put it 9th on the grid. was 6.5s faster than the Dauer 962
deploying works cars and drivers. overall score at the end of the 24 It wasn’t the fastest GT1 as the F40 LM, a good improvement.
Privateers were also legions hours race. In 1994, the Dauer GTE from Ennea was 6th with a Nevertheless, the WCS-95 open-top
(including Joest Racing that scored Porsche 962 LM was by far the 3.55.150 time. History showed prototype of Joest Racing proved
twice with the same chassis !) and at fastest GT1 (by 11 seconds) but it was outright speed isn’t all you need at that bit faster, taking the pole
that time it was possible to enter the 5th on the grid with a 3:53.710. By Le Mans with the F40 GTE finishing position and winning by a lap.
GT1 history 11
The track was slightly modified in WSC95-001 was able to take the its intention clear just by the name. monocoque chassis, engine as
1997, being 5 meters longer but overall crown for the second time in a row. It was the first race of the season for stressed member and pushrods
faster. As a consequence, the first GT1 (that the new V8 Silver Arrow and it didn’t suspensions, carbon brakes,
also finished second overall) was the disappoint in qualifications : sequential gearbox and advanced
Porsche developed an Evo version of one that lasted enough to see the Schneider signed a 3:35.544. It was aerodynamics. However this didn’t
the 911 GT1, gaining nearly 4 finish line. The Gulf Team Davidoff short lived though as both cars go unnoticed at the ACO, with cars
seconds with a time of 3:43.363. The McLaren F1 GTR of Raphanel / would retire after one hour with looking like Group C prototypes and
pole position was again snatched by Gounon / Olofsson was only 25th on engine failure. This year, like in 1994 not really like a GT car you could buy
one of the Joest Racing WSC95 the grid with a time of 3:48.369 but and 1995, a GT1 would take the in a showroom. The mandatory
(3:41.581) on new Dunlop tyres. This overall win (Porsche even scored a 1- suitcase space was completely
made its way through this eventul
edition of the Le Mans 24h was very race for a suprise class win. 1998 was 2 finish, for their 50th anniversary). ignored by Toyota ; they argued that
hot and a lot of cars suffered fires. the pinnacle of GT1 development. The GT1-98 of McNish / Ortelli / when the fuel tank was empty there
Other race events resulted in the GT1 Mercedes came back with a serious Aiello started from the 5th place on was enough space to fit a suitcase.
class being absolutely decimated and contender; indeed the CLK LM made the grid (3:38.407). To sum it up, in They got away with it but the GT1
only 5 editions the fastest GT1s class didn’t. By the end of the year a
gained 18.2 seconds at Le Mans (3.6 rule change would put the closed-
seconds a year). The 911 GT1-98 was top cars in the LM GTP category : GT
9.3 seconds faster but it shared cars had finally become Prototypes.
absolutely nothing with the 1996
version except the Porsche
badge.That year was also the year
where the open top prototypes were
completely out of breath against the
GT1s. The first entry was the BMW
V12 LM behind 2 CLK LM, the Toyota
GT-One of Brundle / Collard / Hélary
and both 911 GT1-98. The closed-top
cars clearly received much more
development as the previous cars
(WSC95, 333 SP, Courage C36 and
C51) were becoming long in the
tooth. GT1 cars adopted carbon
GT1 history 12
4 The full GT1 list
Le Mans / BPR / FIA GT / ALMS / FIA GT1
Here is the full list of cars that It should be noted that a lot of GT1
actually raced in GT1 including cars raced in other series but the
some entries that were only class names were different. For
present at the pre-qualifying example IMSA used GTS-1 from
sessions but didn’t participated at 1994 to 1997 or the McLaren F1
the race. Some projects never went GTR that won the JGTC in 1996
further than the test track but were raced in GT500.
developed to race in the GT1
category : Ferrari F50 GT, Also 1998 IMSA GT1 cars were
Koenigsegg CCGT, Lexus LFA GT1. mostly tubular frame chassis with
V8 (Mustang, Camaro, Oldsmobile
The Lamborghini Diablo GT1 was
dully FIA homologated but it only Cutlass and Aurora) so they were
GT1 history 13
Next issue
It wouldn’t have been possible without the help of:
Picture credits
Le Mans 1990-1999 – Quentin Spurring
25 Years of GT Racing – Andrew Cotton Disclaimer
Page 1, 2 Raphaël Dauvergne Porsche Sieg ’94 - Upietz Ulrich
Page 3 GT1 history Automobile Sport #23 Pictures have been reproduced with the authorization of
Page 4 Benoit Dalla Gasperina Racing Sports Cars
their respective author. They should not be shared
Page 5 Jerry Lewis-Evans, Benoit Dalla Gasperina without their consent.
Page 6 Pierre C
Page 7 Jerry Lewis-Evans Any part of the text is the intellectual property of
Page 8 Benoit Dalla Gasperina, Christian Pittman gt1history and should not be reproduced or used in any
Page 9 Tom Redington way without the written authorization of its author.
Page 10 Benoit Dalla Gasperina, Ahmed
Page 11 Benoit Dalla Gasperina
© Copyright 2021
Page 12 Jerry Lewis-Evans, Raphaël Dauvergne