Remote Delivery of Related Learning Experiences For Medical Technology: Cases of Teachers and Students in Three (3) Higher Education Institutions

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Volume: 12
Pages: 1013-1020
Document ID: 2023PEMJ1120
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.8290069
Manuscript Accepted: 2023-25-8
Psych Educ, 2023, 12: 1013-1020, Document ID:2023 PEMJ1120, doi:10.5281/zenodo.8290069, ISSN 2822-4353
Research Article

Remote Delivery of Related Learning Experiences for Medical Technology: Cases of

Teachers and Students in Three (3) Higher Education Institutions
Hazel Carbon-Granil*, Wilter C. Friales
For affiliations and correspondence, see the last page.
Related Learning Experience (RLE) provides opportunity for medical technology students and interns
to practice what has been learned in the classroom obtained from laboratory classes in schools,
clinical laboratories and hospitals designed to advance the diagnostic competencies of students in the
performance of clinical laboratory procedures. This study aimed to describe the remote delivery of
the Related Learning Experiences (RLE) during the COVID19 pandemic for Medical Technology as
experienced by both the teachers and students in the 3 identified Higher Education Institutions. This
study utilized Qualitative Case Study Design- Multiple case embedded approach. The participants of
the study were the medical technology teachers handling RLE subjects and medical technology
students from the three Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) who were enrolled in Bachelor of
Science in Medical Technology program. The findings revealed that both teachers and students
prepare for their remote teaching and learning in RLE, and apply various strategies to teach and learn.
Teachers’ give assessments to students through computer software-aided assessments such as quizzes
and exams, there are also online submissions required like recorded and live return demonstrations.
Challenges were identified by teachers and students and coping strategies were also employed. Based
on the findings, cases of teachers and students attending to remote delivery of RLE are affected with
schools’ sufficiency or adequacy in instructional facilities like the laboratory, learning management
system and laboratory manuals. Clarity of guidelines and timely feed backing can significantly and
positively affect the institution’s teaching process in the remote delivery. It can be also noted that
medical technology learner’s performance and attitude towards learning is relatively better compared
with in-person approach. As shared, they also exert effort and somehow are motivated to learn and
take part on their self-learning paces because they can see their teachers’ effort in teaching.

Keywords: remote delivery, related learning experience, medical technology

Introduction A great part of the medical technology program of

activity is to bring about the best learned experiences
During the pandemic, Higher Education Institutions in as practiced and demonstrated during actual Related
the Philippines have shifted to flexible online teaching
Learning Experiences (RLE) from classroom settings
and addressed issues on safety as mandated by
and actual patient interactions closely supervised by
Commission on Higher Education. This hurried move
teachers and clinical instructors. Related Learning
to online learning in a response to COVID19 created a
Experience provides opportunity for the student-
situation characterized by industry leaders as
Medtech to practice what has been learned in the
“emergency remote learning” rather than online
learning as stated by O’Keefe et al (2020). However,
there is a need to look into the areas in the Teaching
The pandemic surprised most of the teachers and also
and Learning like developing specific skills behind an
the students, who were very unfamiliar with online
online learning environment where students can
possibly perform the tasks without the physical learning platforms, by forcing them to move, in a very
presence of a teacher. In designing curricula and short time, from traditional learning to exclusively
assessment, it is essential to ensure that teaching and online learning. To be able to manage this situation in
learning process enhance teaching effectiveness an imminent future, it is necessary to learn from these
whereby eliminating barriers to education especially experiences and to define the strong and weak points
among programs that require an actual face-to-face of (RLE) in remote delivery. The objective of this
performance of the related learning experiences. The study is to discover the learning experiences and the
current state of alarm due to the COVID-19 pandemic expectations about the delivery of the RLE in response
has led to the urgent change in the education and to changes in education of 3 HEIs, when faced with
among the programs that is greatly affected is the the abrupt change from face-to-face to online learning
medical related programs wherein online digital tools education during the whole school year of confinement
may not be sufficient conditions to ensure the due to the COVID-19 pandemic.
effectiveness of online teaching and learning.

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Psych Educ, 2023, 12: 1013-1020, Document ID:2023 PEMJ1120, doi:10.5281/zenodo.8290069, ISSN 2822-4353
Research Article

Theoretical Lens 1. How may the remote delivery of related learning

Constructivist theory of learning states that learners experiences for the teachers be described in terms of
construct knowledge rather than just passively take in the following:
information. According to Barjesteh et al. (2022) in 1.1 Teachers’ preparation for the delivery;
digital approach, technologies which are based on 1.2 Teachers’ strategies in the delivery;
constructivism are those which allow learners 1.3 Teachers’ assessment strategies; and
maximum opportunity to interact within meaning-rich 1.4 Challenges and coping?
contexts through which they construct and acquire 2. How may the remote delivery of related learning
competence. Classroom activities such as pre-tests, experiences for the students be described in terms of
informal interviews and small group warm-up the following:
activities require recall of prior knowledge. Assign 2.1 Students’ preparation for learning;
problems like case studies and laboratory activities 2.2 Students’ strategies in learning;
that will challenge students is essential to come up 2.3 Students’ experiences on being assessed; and
with conclusions and accurate 2.4 Challenges and coping?
interpretations. Psychological theory of learning is 3. How may the remote delivery of Related Learning
centered on the analysis of observable responses in Experiences (RLE) for the teachers and students be
their related environmental conditions. The cognitive described?
ability enables learners to discover and document the
meanings that they develop from their daily
encounters. Behaviorism as defined by Klein (2012) is
Literature Review
a school of thought that emphasizes the role of
experience in governing behavior. Students will learn Related Learning Experience provides opportunity for
through the laboratory procedures taught and that the student-Medtech to practice what has been learned
initiates students to practice because they know that it in the classroom. Clinical experience is "the means,
is through constant practice that they can establish. through which a nurse learns to identify relationships
in a situation, recognize the context of the actual
Experiential learning is the process whereby situation, anticipate, potential problems, and perceive
knowledge is created through the transformation of the situation as a whole. Progressivism states that
experience. Knowledge results from the combination practice alone is not enough. The process must be
of grasping and transforming experience. As stated by accompanied by understanding and interest. This
Meriam (2014) Kolb's Experiential Learning Theory is justifies the adoption in the curriculum of the
a cycle of learning process where learners become competency-based program, where in before the
effective when they are able to engage and manifest student is placed in the clinical area; he/she should
four different kind of abilities; concrete experience possess a thorough theoretical knowledge of
abilities, reflective observation abilities, abstract procedures and methods of practice (Colindres et al.,
conceptualization abilities and active experimentation 2019). This part of learning process has been much
abilities.Albert Bandura's Social learning theory as affected as well due in class suspensions especially so
described by Main 2022 is based on the philosophy with online web-based approach. In the context of
that individuals can learn through observing and MT/MLS graduates, these core competencies
imitating the observable behaviour of others. Social are gained through educational programs and learning
learning theory explains human behaviour through experiences especially in clinical internship programs
observation and imitation. Social learning theory articulated by Limjuco (2016).
explains human behaviour through observation and
imitation. The theory states that humans learn socially, Teaching as described by Fatani (2020) had an overall
not just intellectually. This means that learning comes positive outcome on student satisfaction, and teaching
from peers, parents, teachers, coaches, etc., rather than quality relied on teaching, cognitive, and social
solely from books. presence rather than technology. In the rise of digital
learning, Veletsianos (2016) pointed out that web
Research Questions evolved into a tool for self-directed personal
development and has become a vast resource that
This study described the remote delivery of the enables one to learn and grow outside the parameters
Related Learning Experiences (RLE) for Medical of what is considered formal learning within the four
Technology as experienced by both the teachers and walls of a laboratory classrooms. To add, Dhawan
students in the 3 identified Higher Education (2020) stated that online mode of learning is easily
Institutions. Specifically, the study answered the accessible and can even reach to rural and remote
following questions:

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Psych Educ, 2023, 12: 1013-1020, Document ID:2023 PEMJ1120, doi:10.5281/zenodo.8290069, ISSN 2822-4353
Research Article

areas which also leads to self-directed personal Results and Discussion

development among learners. With the flexibility
aspect of online learning; a learner can schedule or
Teachers and students in HEI 1, 2 and 3 have
plan their time for completion of courses available
similarities and differences of teaching and learning
online. The objective of this study is to discover the
preparations in their RLE classes. The formulated
learning experiences and the expectations about the
conceptual framework (Appendix A) describes the
delivery of the RLE in response to changes in remote learning of Related Learning Experiences
education of 3 HEIs, when faced with the abrupt (RLE) from the experiences of both the teachers and
change from face-to-face to online learning education students of the three identified higher education
during the whole school year of confinement due to institutions. In describing teaching and learning
the COVID-19 pandemic. Related Learning Experiences (RLE) remotely,
categories emerged in the preparation, strategies for
teaching and learning practical skills and their
Methodology experiences on assessments. Challenges/difficulties
encountered by teachers and students were looked into,
so with their coping strategies to address challenges
This study utilized Qualitative Case Study Design-
which play significant roles for effective delivery of
Multiple case embedded Approach. This study is the RLE remotely.
particularly suitable for a case study design because it
is a bounded system, it is contextual, and it is a study Teachers’ preparation and strategies for the
of process. The teacher’s and student’s experiences as delivery
cases and on the contexts of three Higher Education
Institutions, on the remote delivery of related learning As teachers prepare for their remote teaching in RLE,
experiences in the new normal as a process and, more they capacitate themselves by attending seminars on
specifically on the preparation, strategies and the use of online platforms, reading ahead, using
assessments. This was defined by how each three (3) reagents and materials from school, making video
Higher Education Institutions through which teachers presentations and looking for teaching resources from
and students as individual cases experienced the the internet. Teachers plan for the instructional
delivery of the subject by meeting with colleagues and
delivery of RLE through online modality. This had
design how the RLE should be taught online plus the
drawn attention to the remote delivery of RLE in terms
assessments to be employed, they also look for
of preparation, strategies and assessments as well as
alternative laboratory activities that can be possibly
the challenges and difficulties and how coping perform by students at home. Teachers apply strategies
strategies were applied to address the challenges in teaching RLE through demonstration by exerting
experienced. This study also developed a framework effort to do video recording or live online of the
that can be formulated in the remote delivery of related laboratory procedure. They also engage learners into
learning experiences of higher educational collaborative learning strategies through online
institutions. presentations as well as virtual discussions. There were
identified teaching preparations and strategies to each
The researcher used the transcript during the interview HEIs, however, unique to HEI 2 teacher’s preparation
through focused group discussion and data analyzed is ensuring the quality of instructional materials being
using Thematic analysis. Furthermore, concepts were prepared that will keep students motivated about the
drawn and extracted from the text segments. Then, lessons presented through videos such as the
these concepts were categorized into emergent themes agglutination reactions and reactivity of tests, this way
by clustering the concepts according to commonalities learners can visualize the procedures on how to
of ideas to give an overall understanding of the perform the tests. In HEI 3, teachers check and revise
laboratory manuals for virtual laboratory classes. Part
experiences of teachers and students of three higher
of HEI 3 teachers’ preparation is by asking help from
education institutions on the remote delivery of RLE.
program coordinator on the instructional delivery
Finally, cross case analysis was done where themes
policies in handling online classes and guidance for the
and concepts of each case were compared and important laboratory procedures to be done. In the 3
contrasted, select categories or dimensions, and then to HEIs, teachers apply different strategies applicable to
look for within-group similarities coupled with their institution’s context. On the other hand, teachers
intergroup differences. in HEI 2 use the learning management system and

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Psych Educ, 2023, 12: 1013-1020, Document ID:2023 PEMJ1120, doi:10.5281/zenodo.8290069, ISSN 2822-4353
Research Article

explore on whiteboard applications in Google meet Teachers also address challenges differently. Teachers
where students can write their answers online and look in HEI 1 give modules to students with difficult-to-
for videos of machine suppliers like calibrating a reach locations. Some HEI 2 teachers develop patience
machine. HEI 3 teachers do enhancement programs by and consider on learner’s missed activities and give
allowing students to tell the teacher of the topics that learners time to cope with missed activities due to
need enhancement based on students’ assessments. Internet connectivity problems. Teachers know the
exact conditions of learners and allow them to take
Teachers’ assessment strategies. Teachers commonly examinations at their own convenience. To enhance
give assessments such as computer software-aided their teaching skills, teachers in HEI 2 spend a lot of
assessments like the use of computer applications in time in learning new skills and strategies and become
identifying parts of the microscope, administering more skilful in editing video presentations. On
online quizzes and answering essay questions. Graded technical issues, teachers ask help from other
oral recitation is also common as it involves recalling departments especially MIS staff on the use of LMS
the step by step procedure, asking direct practical and and borrow or buy available online sources to deal
objective questions. Case analyses are also given and with lacking technical or software knowledge. HEI 3
answered verbally. HEI 2 teachers make use of case teachers, on the other hand, have unique ways in
studies based on the laboratory reports while HEI 3 dealing with challenges especially in the assessments
teachers require learners to submit projects and return they give to learners, such as making a lot of
demonstrations online using laboratory manuals as assessments to fully gauge the performance of learner.
guides. Likewise, teachers require learners to submit excuse
letter with contact numbers of parents or guardians
Challenges and coping. There are different challenges when they are not able to submit assessments due to
in teaching RLE through remote modality. On delivery acceptable reasons. To address the challenges
and monitoring, student’s participation and attendance regarding the parents, teachers spend time with parents
were challenging to teachers. As mostly online and explain to them the policies especially on grading
delivery was employed, in events when intermittent system.
internet connection happens, this affects the
sufficiency of gathering teaching materials, make Students’ preparation and strategies in their
interactions limited and class interruptions consume learning through remote delivery of RLE
the class hours. Thereafter, there is difficulty in going
back to missed items in classes thus causing delay in On students’ preparation in learning RLE remotely,
the delivery and topics cannot be fully covered. During common themes within HEI 1, 2 and 3 are self-effort
pure online classes, teachers find it challenging to on learning the skills and acquiring concepts from
check assessments. For HEI 1, classes are cancelled online discussions, seeking help from the professionals
during power outages and this leads to problems on they know (close to them) who have knowledge on
affordability of the internet among students. Some performing the skill, communicating with the teachers
teachers in HEI 2 find it challenging attending to and ask the laboratory class teachers on the things to
student’s concerns and issues through chat and prepare and preparing the learning resources and buy
learners simply see the teacher’s responses to their materials needed for laboratory class. Meanwhile, with
concerns thus, communication is not well reciprocated. HEI 3 students’ preparation in learning RLE,
This is also a challenge for HEI 3 but their issue is laboratory manuals are mostly used for teaching and
more on lost su b m issi o n s due to intern et learning. The Laboratory procedures in the manual are
connectivity Parent’s involvement that interfere with discussed in the lecture classes and students are asked
the transactions poses challenge to HEI 3. Students tell to answer the worksheets provided in laboratory
different stories to their parents, and these parents will manuals. On Students’ strategies in learning RLE
come, question the grades and do not accept the remotely, the themes common within HEIs 1, 2 and 3
performance of students. are: self-effort on recalling the procedures provided by
the teachers during online discussion, self-studying
Teachers are able to cope with the challenges in their t h r o u g h v i s u a l p r o c e s s i n g of l e a r n i n g
delivery and monitoring by way of adopting some materials/contextualization, keen observation of the
strategies from co-teachers and acquiring another teacher’s demonstration and practicing laboratory
gadget. They also use the free data to announce to activities and using materials available at home as
students like resorting to synchronous activities. To alternative reagents. There is one theme unique to HEI
cover missed topics, teachers simplify the lesson to fit 2, documenting the online lecture of the professors on
in class hours. demonstrating laboratory activities, and no actual

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Psych Educ, 2023, 12: 1013-1020, Document ID:2023 PEMJ1120, doi:10.5281/zenodo.8290069, ISSN 2822-4353
Research Article

demonstration nor visual presentations in the relatively better compared with in-person approach. As
laboratory classes were made. shared, they also exert effort and somehow are
motivated to learn and take part on their self-learning
Students’ experiences on being assessed. The three paces because they can see their teachers’ effort in
HEIs have different ways of assessing students’ teaching. On the contrary, a school with limited
learning in their RLE during the remote delivery, facilities, laboratory materials and manuals has also
similarities are found between HEI 1, 2 and 3 and this somehow affected the efficiency of their delivery of
includes: taking assessments through online platform, RLE during the remote modality and the learners’
creating recorded videos from home and submitting performance as well.
online for grading and demonstrating the procedure
practical live online. There are also unique assessment During remote teaching and learning, the home played
strategies experienced by students like having an essential role in the process. Evidently as
laboratory manuals as part of the evaluation in experienced by the participants, particularly on the part
laboratory classes identified in HEI 3. However, in of the learners, the following were deemed necessary:
HEI2, most professors do not give assessments in the Support of the family especially on the procurement of
laboratory classes. the learning equipment such as laboratory materials,
printers, apparatuses and other essential gadgets. It
Challenges and coping. There are various challenges also came out that, the home structure and setting is
experienced by students on their remote RLE learning. also contributory to effective learning. Home structure
Three categories similar to all HEIs, and these are: and setting includes the roles and responsibilities of
challenges on slow internet connectivity and power the learners at home in doing some errands, spaces for
outage, inadequate technological resources, challenges learning activities and the family structures. The
at home as a learning environment and feeling of geographical locations of the home have also
incompetence in learning through online. In HEI 3, implications to the efficiency of the internet facility
there is a peculiar challenge identified, having which considerably impact learners’ participation and
difficulty communicating with teachers where students performance in demonstrating the skill required for
do not able to keep track of all the different ways of them to exhibit.
concept the teacher delivers. It can be noted that there
is no unusual challenges from HEI 1 and 2. The The study revealed the role of the school in facilitating
following are various coping strategies commonly and guiding the learning process. This begins with
applied by three HEIs learners: using proactive and management of the virtual classrooms considering the
creative ways by planning and reframing activities to class schedule, class size, class structure, guidelines
be done, self-regulation by instilling self-discipline to and policies on remote learning. The school’s
be able to cope with the increased work load, positive obligation on providing the necessary facilities such as
attitude towards the tasks given, studying the laboratories for reagents and supplies, and other
independently/self-teaching, reviewing of recorded learning materials like the laboratory manuals are
videos, improving internet connectivity to boost signal n ecessary part of p lann in g of the schoo l
and communicating with teachers. There are unique administration. Since some teachers were doing virtual
coping strategies in HEI 3 and this is by studying class in schools, the internet infrastructure had to be
independently, self-teaching and communicating with considered.
The framework shows the essential role of teachers in
Based on the findings, as shown in the Conceptual the remote delivery of RLE. Teacher’s competence,
Framework (Figure1), teaching and learning RLE skills and knowledge on the content influence
remotely provides an opportunity for students and students’ learning. Pedagogical competence of
teachers to remain connected and engaged utilizing teachers involves virtual classroom management- how
electronic technologies to access educational they provide guidelines and directions for the learners
curriculum outside of the traditional classroom and to cope with the demands of the remote learning. The
exerting efforts to work from their homes. Schools framework also shows that teacher’s innovativeness,
with sufficient or adequate instructional facilities like creativity and willingness to embrace technology in
the laboratory, learning management system and teaching are significant factors in the delivery of
laboratory manuals have significantly and positively remote teaching of the RLE.
affect the institution’s teaching process in the remote
delivery. It can be also noted that medical technology Learners themselves were the core components of the
learner’s performance and attitude towards learning is process. Their own attitude towards learning

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Psych Educ, 2023, 12: 1013-1020, Document ID:2023 PEMJ1120, doi:10.5281/zenodo.8290069, ISSN 2822-4353
Research Article

contributes to their own success in the acquisition of modalities. Both teachers and students need to be fully
the skills. Based from the framework, learning supported with effective remote education resources
necessitates self-effort, resilience to adversities, and address the focus on delivering alternative
collaboration with peers and other experts. It also learning methods for those students who do not have
requires resourcefulness, innovativeness, openness and similar opportunities in skill enhancements. The
inquisitiveness. These are the emerging traits that competency level should be aligned to assessment and
described learners on their coping with remote knowledge contents which student should acquire as
learning of the related learning experiences required part of the learning process. Feed backing in remote
for them to demonstrate. delivery of instruction has to be strengthened likewise.
Although, education institutions today have already
Conclusion transitioned back to face-to-face learning or blended,
remote teaching and learning modalities remain as
viable options for institutions in delivering of teaching
In this study, it can be noted that schools as Higher and learning.
Education Institutions have influence on the teachers’
experience of teaching related learning experiences The remote modality scenario may not only be
during remote learning which is described through applicable as a response to pandemic. It can also
their preparation for teaching, pedagogical approaches become an acceptable practice on the teaching delivery
or strategies employed, assessment for learning, of related learning experience in laboratory classes
challenges and coping. Based on the findings, cases of handled by teachers. For the students, it was shown
schools with sufficient or adequate instructional based from the narrative and experiences of the
facilities like the laboratory, learning management students how the set-up had also provided them with
system and laboratory manuals significantly and the opportunity to enhance self-learning approaches,
positively affect their own teaching process in the becoming more critical and creative and resourceful in
remote delivery. It can be also noted that the medical their learning. Thus, every academic institution needs
technology learners’ performance and attitude towards to capture this teaching-learning approaches and
learning is relatively better. As shared by learners, they nurture these laboratory skills developed among
also exert effort and somehow were motivated to learn medical technology learners through constant
and took part on their self-learning paces because they guidance, provision of supportive environment for
can see that their teachers’ effort in teaching remotely. remote learning modality.
On the contrary, a school with limited facilities,
laboratory materials and manuals has also somehow Insights
affect the efficiency of their delivery of RLE during
the remote modality so as learners’ performance is Remote learning is a form of distance education which
affected as well. Higher Education Institutions considered to be the
only means to continuously deliver teaching and
In essence, this study provided a picture of how
learning during this Covid-19 pandemic period. It is
teaching and learning takes on in the remote
necessary to take measures to prevent problems in
environment particularly on the delivery of skill-based
delivering instruction that may arise in such pandemics
subjects in medical technology courses in response to
or in emergency situations. The primary value of
the intention to push through education despite the
distance education is not a permanent replacement for
pandemic. As mentioned, preparedness and efforts
local, face-to-face teaching and learning. Rather, it is a
exerted by schools have influenced the teaching
set of possible strategies, which can be used by
delivery and the learning of students. Clearly, with
what these schools had done and continue to do, educational organizations to overcome a temporary or
remote delivery of skill related laboratory subjects are long-term separation between teachers and learners. At
still viable and successful with some provisions on the its core, the goal of distance education is to increase
preparedness of the institutions and the sufficiency of access, not to compete with the traditional mode of
various instructional support. teaching and learning. It is an immediate solution to
continually deliver educational instruction amidst this
In terms of managing degree programs such as medical COVID19 pandemic. According to Picciano (2022),
technology, the study revisited and reconsidered the pandemic online instruction is pedogically weak, but
curriculum content in laboratory classes wherein this is expected when teachers are learning new skills
Related Learning Experience (RLE) happens, to fit that are different from the traditional in-person
into the needs of students who are into remote teaching.

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Research Article

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learning: Reasearch perspective, Volume 3, Notre Dame of Marbel University - Philippines
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Price, K., Nelson, K. (2019), Planning effective instruction, diversity Notre Dame of Marbel University - Philippines
responsive methods and management, 6th ed., Cengage learning,
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Vaughan, N., Cleveland-Innes, M., Garrison, R. (2013), Teaching in

blended learning environments; creating and sustaining community
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