CIMAC Paper 008
CIMAC Paper 008
CIMAC Paper 008
This paper has been presented and published at the 30th CIMAC World Congress 2023 in Busan,
Korea. The CIMAC Congress is held every three years, each time in a different member country. The
Congress program centres around the presentation of Technical Papers on engine research and
development, application engineering on the original equipment side and engine operation and
maintenance on the end-user side. The themes of the 2023 event included Digitalization &
Connectivity for different applications, System Integration & Hybridization, Electrification & Fuel Cells
Development, Emission Reduction Technologies, Conventional and New Fuels, Dual Fuel Engines,
Lubricants, Product Development of Gas and Diesel Engines, Components & Tribology,
Turbochargers, Controls & Automation, Engine Thermondynamis, Simulation Technologies as well as
Basic Research & Advanced Engineering. The copyright of this paper is with CIMAC. For further
information please visit
Historically, the benefits achieved when employing marine fuel combustion improver additives have
been disputed. Given this scepticism relating to the claims made regarding substantial improvements
in fuel consumption and emissions made in connection to the use of such additives, Infineum have
designed a rigorous test program, to provide statistically significant data, in order to fully evaluate the
impact of combustion improver additives.
The performance of various fuel additive components, targeting combustion improvement, have been
explored in HSFO and VLSFO fuels using a Caterpillar MaK 6M20 four stroke, six cylinder test engine
at a range of operating points. Over the course of the program, to determine the impact on
combustion, each test followed an A-B-A cycle of base fuel, additised fuel, base fuel. This approach
enabled the statistical analysis of the data and thus ensured that any additive effect was genuine.
During the test day, both fuel consumption and emissions measurements were continuously recorded
(CO, CO2, NOx, SO2, filter smoke number, particulates). In addition, in order to gain a greater
understanding of the impact of the fuel additive, the chamber pressure and heat release were
monitored, as key combustion parameters.
Using this test program we were able to identify a successful marine fuel additive which has proven
capability in both HSFO and VLSFO to bring statistically significant fuel consumption savings.
Emissions savings have also been achieved; in HSFO the additive delivered impressive emissions
reductions for NOx, total hydrocarbons and filter smoke number. In VLSFO, reductions in filter smoke
number and carbon monoxide were achieved.
This paper details the scientific approach that Infineum have undertaken to establish the impact of
combustion improver additives in current marine fuels and the benefits that such additives can provide.
An A-B-A protocol (see Table 2) was designed in Engine cool down 0.5
cooperation with the Infineum Data Science Team
to provide statistically significant results for the 2.4 Fuel Selection
fuel additive testing. Initially, the engine was
HSFO with a high Calculated Carbon Aromaticity
operated on the desired non-additised fuel (either
Index (CCAI) was sourced from a distributor under
HSFO or VLSFO, after starting up on marine gas
the assumption that the higher the CCAI, the
oil), and the engine reached steady state,
poorer the ignition quality of the fuel.[8] This gave
measurements were taken for the first ‘A’ phase.
the greatest scope for performance differentiation
Following this the additive dosing was initiated at
with additive chemistry, with the fuel
the desired treat rate, and the line was flushed to
characteristics detailed in Table 3. Once
ensure engine inlet fuel contained the additive
confidence in the test protocol was attained and
prior to the initiation of the ‘B’ phase. Once stable
VLSFO became widely available on the market in
performance was obtained, measurements were
2020, Infineum moved on to investigate
recorded. After the ‘B’ phase, additive dosing was
performance in VLSFO (fuel characteristics also
stopped, fuel was flushed, and the second ‘A’
detailed in Table 3). This <0.50% sulphur fuel has
phase could commence. Occasionally an A-B-B’-A
increased significantly in use since the
pattern was adopted to enable more than one
introduction of the IMO 2020 sulphur cap and has
additive or additive treat rate to be explored. A
become a widely used fuel-type in today’s marine
minimum 30-minute measurement period was
targeted throughout all test days with most data
collected over an hour for each phase. The mean
Table 3. Fuel characteristics for fuel used in the
values over this period were calculated and
Caterpillar MaK 6M20 test engine.
Characteristic HSFO VLSFO
Data analysis was carried out after each test day,
and therefore each result was able to inform the S (%) 1.20 0.44
subsequent day’s test plan. Firstly, the data was CCAI 873 812
organised so that ‘non-additised fuel’ and Density @ 15 °C (kg/m )3
992 949
‘additised fuel’ could be assessed. Key
parameters of interest were the Specific Fuel Oil Viscosity @ 50 °C (mm2/s) 72.2 294.0
Consumption (SFOC ISO 3046-1)[7], and Total Sediment Potential, TSP (%) 0.05 0.01
emissions (CO2, CO, NO, THC and FSN were all Pour point (°C) -12 27
assessed). Using the A-B-A test approach
Table 4. Example of SFOC ISO 3046-1 and emissions reduction via Infineum Combustion Improver
Additive in HSFO.
3046-1 (g/kWh) (g/kWh) (g/kWh) (g/kWh)
Non-additised fuel 1 mean 243.5 386 70230 940 242 3.97
Non-additised fuel 2 mean 241.5 392 69167 1012 269 4.34
Non-additised fuel average 242.5 389 69698 976 255 4.15
Additised fuel average 239.5 379 69188 940 246 3.82
Additised vs non-additised (% difference) -1.22 -2.64 -0.73 -3.72 -3.81 -7.91
In needing to meet ever more stringent fuel
savings and emissions reductions targets, the
marine industry has numerous operational options
at its disposal. In this paper, Infineum have shared
the development of test methodology to
statistically prove an additive solution that can
help ensure compliance with existing regulations,
Figure 12. Specific Fuel Oil Consumption (SFOC)
and may be built into a vessel’s SEEMP to help
recorded during the additised and non-additised
maximise efficiency and obtain better CII ratings.
portion of the trial. The mean result with additive
was greater than one standard deviation away
Infineum have shown how the test methodology
from the mean of the non-additised portion. The
was used in the initial screening of chemistries,
probability of the variation observed would occur
with their performance rigorously verified in four-
due to chance is less than 1.00%.
stroke static engine testing. This testing showed
an improvement of ~1% SFOC ISO 3046-1 in both
The additive also had positive impacts on the NOx
HSFO and VLSFO, and a NO emission reduction
and SOx emissions of the vessel over the trial
of 4% in HSFO. The performance of the most
period, accomplishing a NOx reduction of 4% and
promising candidate was then verified in a field
SOx reduction of 12%, which are shown in Figures
trial with a major shipping company, where the
A2 and A3. Figure 13 and Figure 14 show the
operational vessel saw improvements of 0.8% in
piston surface and injector condition, respectively.
SFOC despite adverse sea/weather conditions.
This shows not only no harms from additive use,
Further, the additive was able to reduce NO x
but also potential credit from the additive on
emissions by 4% and SOx emissions by 12%,
resisting the build-up of hard deposits on the
which was in alignment with earlier four-stroke
injector nozzle openings which could hinder the
engine testing.
proper atomisation of fuel into the combustion
1. Marine Environment Protection Committee
(MEPC), MARPOL Annex VI Revision,
MEPC.328(76), 2021 Amendments to the
annex of the protocol of 1997 to amend the
international convention for the prevention of
pollution from ships, International Maritime
Organization (IMO), 2012.
2. DNV,
Figure 13. Images of piston surface condition of
cylinder 5 after a) additive portion of the trial, and CII-carbon-intensity-indicator/, (accessed
b) non-additised portion of the trial. January 2023).
3. Marine Environment Protection Committee
(MEPC), Annex 9 Resolution, MEPC.213(63),
Guidelines for the development of a ship
energy efficiency management plan (SEEMP),
International Maritime Organization (IMO),
4. Lloyd’s List, Shipowners focus on 2030
carbon cut target, Maritime Insights &
Intelligence Limited, 2023.
5. IP 541: Determination of ignition and
combustion characteristics of residual fuels;
Constant volume combustion chamber
Figure 14. Injector nozzle condition after a) method, Energy Institute Publications, 2006.
additised portion of the trial and b) non-additised 6. Standard Test Method for Multielement
portion of the trial. Hard deposit build-up can be Determination of Used and Unused
seen on the injector following operation with non- Lubricating Oils and Base Oils by Inductively
Coupled Plasma Atomic Emission