Mosaic of The Extraterrestrial Experience by (November Hanson)
Mosaic of The Extraterrestrial Experience by (November Hanson)
Mosaic of The Extraterrestrial Experience by (November Hanson)
Mosaic of the Extraterrestrial Experience (In Memory of Seas) Chapter One: First You Need a Plan
Around 400 B.C., A Greek Philosopher by the name of Democritus put forward the notion that matter is comprised of smaller units. The idea of the Atom was born. Two thousand years laterIn 1804 John Dalton brought forth the first rational atomic theory.
I have a wide variety in interests in life. I enjoy reading about anything science. It would not be unusual to find me reading about the Z machine at Sandia National Labs melting a diamond to liquid form or perusing articles about the experiments to be conducted at the Large Hadron Collider in Europe smashing atoms at near the speed of light looking for the origins of the Universe. I do not have a rhyme or reason as to what I might be reading about or researching next. On any given day it could be the study of evolution or how we can develop a green glowing pig. From Cosmology to Marine Biology there really isnt any ology I am not interested in learning a little more about. I have a great love for ancient history. I enjoy reading about the ancient Sumerians, as well as Constantine and the Council of Nicaea. I like learning about the indigenous cultures of the Americas as much as I have enjoyed art and artifacts through the ages. It does not seem to matter if it is a piece of the Vedic texts or marveling over the Egyptian glyphs during the time of the pharaohs, I just simply enjoy it all. I read about medicine and psychology. This includes the study of both fields through the ages. I am interested in how sneaky retroviruses operate in the human body. I would simply bore people to death listing all the articles I have read about DNA, RNA, bacteria and virus. I honestly could not even explain why I find all this type of literature intriguing, but I do. The extraterrestrial subject came along later in life. Experience can lead us down some unusual paths. For thirteen years I have been involved in learning about Ufology. I have listened to countless experiences by individuals, from all walks of life and from all over the world. I have even read about a few in books,
on a forum, or off a website, not to mention some who have been on my radio program. This subject is absolutely thought provoking. When I first started looking for my own answers to my own experiences thirteen years ago I discovered very distinct patterns in individuals experiences. As time went on, I gave these categories names and more clearly defined each one. Local: This would be a very specific type of experience, like a Grey experiencer. There would be consistent observations in what the person was relating as to what was happening in their experience. As individuals spoke of their experiences, specific details would be consistent in relationship to other individuals and what they had shared. This would include such events as a particular type of medical procedure, being drawn through a solid object or extreme thirst upon returning. Even though this may not be the case in all reports, these are a few details that occur repeatedly from person to person who have described a Grey experience. Global: A Global pattern would emerge from individuals who have had any type of extraterrestrial experience including a UFO sighting. These individuals have specific things in common, such as, a change in how they view their world. These groups of people have a broader range of subjects they want to research regarding their experiences. They are always asking questions, looking for answers, finding answers, only to be plagued by more questions.
Universal: This group seems to have a true affinity for mankind and where it is headed. These individuals have a respect for experience and life in general. They may have bridged a wide variety of subject areas by now like extraterrestrials, dreams, ghosts, metaphysical subjects and spirituality. They may be looking to understand our place in the universe. A Venn diagram is what first comes to mind to explain the ideas of interconnected patterns. I think it would have to be a fairly large diagram and be in a three-dimensional form using spheres to try and show how this is all related, for which I would have no clue myself how to create such a visual, but it is interesting to try and picture what it might look like.
There are many other fine people working on this type of research. I am personally envisioning a more holistic approach being used, by examining the experiences of the experiencers themselves and trying to create a bigger picture for the rest of us to see. Using this concept, I hope to break down experiences into components, allowing everyone to examine various aspects in more detail. With the use of the data I have collected, along with all the other information I have acquired over the years, I want to present ideas using our own emerging science and medicine that could make sense and/or be reasonable explanations for what is experienced. That is a huge undertaking, but I think it can be done. Of course I have to use information known to man to formulate opinions and ideas, but we may be far enough along in our own evolution and development to glean some plausible, thought provoking, and sensible ideas about the nature of contact experience. Thirteen years ago, I did not start this journey with the intention of someday writing a book about this subject, but sometimes experience comes in strange forms. About three months ago, I was reading various medical journals for reasons totally unrelated to this subject. As I was reading through an article it dawned on me that I had heard about this type of experience during a reported Grey abduction many times over the years. Suddenly, I was flooded with questions and ideas, which in turn led to more questions and ideas. A plan for a project suddenly evolved and how to go about putting it all together. Within a few days I had made a commitment to further explore, research, investigate and write down my findings. I really had to consider my intent. Why did I really want to do this? The truth of the matter is that I thought it was time to give experiencers a project and cohesive document that would treat them with respect and dignity. I wanted a project that would allow them to respond anonymously, which is why I settled on a questionnaire with a collection of questions based on reports that I had heard from the past and patterns I had suspected and observed over time. I could have asked any number of questions. After seventy-seven questions, I decided to stop and allow what I had to be a start for the research. If this project is successful, I will continue to create the questionnaires and set out exploring other aspects of contact.
It was a difficult choice on how to assimilate the data. I could simply cut and paste and leave it in the computer, but reading off a computer screen can be rather tedious at times. I enjoy the comfortable sofa, with the TV off and a blazing fire in the woodstove as a setting to really get into a good book. So, I started the project with one notebook to record the information that contained all of the collected responses. It did not take long to grow to two notebooks. Each respondent has an assigned number. I would write all the information concerning each question down on the same page, which are actually multiple pages. This process is a bit old fashioned and tedious, but even so; these old fashioned methods are still approaches that yield good results, namely a pencil, paper, and words. On occasion, I cheated just a little. Some responses were rather long so I copied them on printer paper, cut them out and taped them in. There is just something about this having old fashioned paper in hand that helps bring information alive. The next question was how was I going to present my findings when I was completed? A series of articles seemed plausible, but that would have dragged on forever. A website seemed like a good idea, however if anyone has seen my website they would realize that I am not a web designer. A friend suggested a free eBook, which at first I was not overly enthusiastic about. After thinking about it for a while, I realized it may be the perfect fit for what I am attempting to do. I really want to make one thing clear. We do not have the kind of data to state what we consider to be a fact. I do believe we have enough data to open up new dialog in discussing the nature of the abduction experience. This entire process will have a collection of ideas, thoughts and scenarios in which we can examine the experience and what might be happening. There is only one thing for this project I will assume in its totality--the experience is real. Everything else is open to judgment and critique. I like to think we are an intelligent species and have the discernment to decide what is real and what is not, for ourselves. This entire book the reader will observe as I go back and forth throughout it, looking at different aspects together and separate in an attempt to begin to make the models of potential discovery as to what might be occurring in the landscape of abduction/contact experience. This is not a chronological ordering of events. This subject is so multifaceted there does not seem to be a beginning or an end.
"The creative individual has the capacity to free himself from the web of social pressures in which the rest of us are caught. He is capable of questioning the assumptions that the rest of us accept."
So here starts the fundamental beginning of the Mosaic Project. It is now 2010. I decided this year would be the Free to Be Me year and I am going to finish one way or another. In the abduction/contact process there is a constant in which people report having undergone various types of medical procedures. Although multiple medical procedures have been reported in my questionnaire I only focused on one of these procedures in an attempt to see what the data might yield. The question was, During an abduction experience do you have recall of a device being inserted into your nose? The next eleven sub sequential questions have to do with the actual question stated. This particular question brought about several reactions. A few had felt the question was dated. It had already been asked. So what relevance could it possibly have today? The assumption made thus far is an implant was inserted into the nasal cavity. Although I could not totally rule that idea out I would like to suggest that instead that a tissue sample has been removed. I had been reading material concerning the human endocrine system, which led to reading about the endoscopes procedure used to perform surgery on the pituitary gland. Because the device described in the experiencer experience sounds suspiciously similar to endoscopes I could not help but wonder if a tissue sample had been removed from an experiencer, and if this was the case, why? Of the fifty-one respondents, forty-two percent reported having recall of this procedure being done. Individuals described the actual instrument in a number of ways; one even suggested it looked like an endoscopes. The descriptions are all so similar I personally have no doubt they are talking about the same thing.
The questions concerning symptoms all have to do with what someone might experience after having this particular procedure preformed such as nose bleeds, sinus headache, nasal congestion, unexplained fatigue, facial swelling, vision problems, excessive thirst, and unexplained rash. No one reported all of these symptoms, yet everyone reported two or more of the symptoms. In the case of any surgical procedure we are always presented with a list of symptoms that might occur after the invasion of our body has transpired. Most people do experience two or more symptoms after a particular procedure has been preformed. Of course these symptoms can also be signs of other things such as a sinus infection. The relationship between the reported medical procedure by the experiencer and symptoms occurring is however too high to disregard and not explore further. If we assume that an endoscope procedure has been performed and a sample extracted, I believe that it opens up a whole new avenue of exploration of this one small aspect concerning why abduction/contact occurs. I have established the possibility that the Grey is not implanting something into someones nasal cavity, but taking something out. An obvious conclusion would be a tissue sample of some kind. Now what can you get to through the nose that could be of significant importance. The pituitary gland in my humble opinion is the most likely candidate of profound importance. Why would the pituitary gland be important to an extraterrestrial race of beings? The little bitty three lobed gland is often referred to as the master gland because it controls other glands in the body, actually most of them. The pituitary gland controls growth hormones, which effect height, but also controls cell reproduction. It also operates the adrenal glands which control blood pressure and fluid balance, regulates the carbohydrate, protein and fat metabolism, can affect the immune system, plays a role in the development of male sex organs, controls the bodies fight or flight response, and helps the body deal with physical and mental stress. The pituitary also conducts the thyroid, which regulates growth, metabolism, and energy levels. The pituitary operates the ovaries and testes. (This could be important concerning a possible later questionnaire in an expansion of this study), the pituitary also directs skin pigmentation, absorption of water into the blood through the kidneys, milk production and it assists in the birth of a baby by telling that uterus to contract.
Now if you were an advanced species capable of advanced biological study of other life forms wouldnt you think the little bitty three lobed gland we call the pituitary might be significant! Perhaps we should dig a little deeper and not assume this is just simply the procurement of a sample for scientific study. Just maybe a sample is something needed by this other race of beings we commonly call the Greys. So, why would a sample of the pituitary gland offer the Greys anything? In recent studies of mice it has been discovered that stem cells do exist in the pituitary gland, not only that, it is a distinct type of stem cell. If I understand the research correctly these stem cells become active after the fact, meaning stem cells of a fetus begin to form and tell the other cells what they will become heart, lungs, brain, etc. The stem cells of the adult pituitary gland dont have any real purpose before birth, but starts functioning after you are born. So now lets thicken the plot a little here. The pituitary gland can be damaged and create a whole host of problems in the endocrine system. This can occur from traumatic brain injury or infection from a retro virus. There are only four known human retro virus. HIV, HTLV-1 and 2 and XMRV are the four known viruses. These viruses cannot be cured. Their (sneaky little devils) RNA is written onto the DNA, constantly mutating and evolving. Moving switches on DNA is not going to get rid of a retrovirus, but there is potential in stem cell therapy. Lets go back to the notion of Greys removing samples of the pituitary gland. Perhaps this species has experienced an endocrine system problem of some form or fashion they are trying to fix. It just might be that humans are a close enough relative to the Greys with the proper stem cell material to use in assisting their own deteriorating situation. With the idea of a retrovirus consistently mutating and evolving it is possible they would need a constant supply of new material to treat them over a prolonged period of time. Of course this is an idea that is not fully developed, but there could be a spark there for someone else to come along with more biological knowledge than myself to build on. Another intriguing possibility is perhaps one day we will find a gateway to the first sign evolutionary change is occurring. Perhaps that information lies in the pituitary gland and the Greys are looking for that first indicator that humans are going to change. Actually that might be a very good place to look. If you do some research on evolution and the pituitary gland you might be surprised what you find. I have further thoughts on why I might consider this an option. Those ideas will come later in the book.
Although nothing in this chapter presented is definitively conclusive the idea here is to take a look at a single aspect, namely the nasal cavity experience and look for reasons as to why this is being done. Perhaps someone with more knowledge could state, November, this is totally impossible or there could be something here, but you need to take a look from this angle.
Mosaic of the Extraterrestrial Experience Chapter Three: Why Do We Study Animal Behavior?
If the future comes to haunt will the past be vilified or vindicated? -unknown author
On Earth we study all the species of the planet. We poke them, prod them, insert chips in them for tracking, cut them open, and infect them with diseases for a variety of reasons. Now lets be totally real, through mans history these types of invasions have been performed on unsuspecting human patients by humans as well. We had the Nazi doctors, the 1930s Eugenics minds, men infected with syphilis, radiated cereal and most recently experimental drug tests on babies infected with Aids. If you really want to puke, look up the experiments preformed on mentally ill patients while placed in sanitariums. I think I made my point. If the Greys behavior is considered unconscionable I cant help but ask is human behavior really that much different? We extend extra effort to study behavior. We will go through incredible lengths just to be able to witness social behavior in a species. You might even find one of these types of research analysts dangling from a tree, perched on the side of a cliff, camouflaged to the appropriate environment, or sleeping in a jeep days on end. If I wanted to study the behavior of a Grey it would be a challenge to assess how I would get in their environment to do so. So, to attempt to view behavior within the structural context of their environment the next best thing was to collect information from the people who have actually been there. In question number thirteen I asked for the first thirty seconds. When the respondent realized that they were not alone and aware of the Greys presence I wanted to know if the individual detected any emotion in the Greys. In a great deal of research the focus is the experiencers reaction to the Greys. I wanted to know how the visitors are reacting to us. I believe it will give us an insight, even if slight, into whom they are.
We have had a fairly accurate account over the years on how people feel about the stranger that comes to visit, namely the Grey. How does a Grey feel as it approaches its target? About a third of the respondents reported they did not sense any emotion at all. What of the other sixty-six percent? People described emotions in a host of ways, but in the remaining sixty-six percent half would have described a positive emotion from the Greys and half would have described a negative emotion from the Greys. In my opinion this shows we are dealing with a species that like us can elicit a variety of emotional responses based on their introduction to a particular environment. I think a popular assumption is they are without emotion. I am not sure where that idea sprouted from but really does not seem to be a constant here. I might also point out the endocrine system is important to what constitutes our life, which in a great part adds to our emotional responses. Perhaps it is fundamental in most life forms. Now, if I were to take this same group of respondents and introduce them to any number of environments here on earth my guess is I might get the same response as to how they felt during the first thirty seconds. If I were to put the respondents on a tour bus and take them to a few locations how might they react. Let us make the first stop a tour of a hospital where they get to view first hand a heart transplant. Some will be positively elated to see such a procedure and downright fascinated with modern medicine. Others might find it just plain gross and be revolted. The second stop is a tour of one of the US mints. Some would find the process interesting others probably bored to death. The last stop is the local museum in a small town with a population of two hundred. Upon being introduced to these environments what would be your emotional reaction in the first thirty seconds? My guess is I would receive a variety of responses. Some would be thrilled, some indifferent and some simply angry I took them there to begin with. If I wanted to know the context in which any species moves about in its environment I would probably study their mobility as to how they get from one point to the next point. We know kangaroos hop, mice scurry, and elephants lumber along. We as humans of course walk, run, skip, shuffle, etc. This all really depends on what we are doing.
So how are the Greys maneuvering about their environment? The top observation by respondents was a quick/swift movement, but there was not an overwhelming majority, only about a third of the responses indicate this. The rest were equally split between fluid, floating, normal, lethargic, robotic, cautious and gliding. We could go back to our tour group and take them to a few destinations and possibly get similar reactions. If everyone got off the bus to spend the day at the zoo you might get a variance of movements to get to the gate. Some would be enthusiastic in their race for the gate. Some might lumber along irritated they have to wait in line and others just drifting towards the line. If I took everyone to McDonalds for lunch, getting off the bus people would be moving about in different ways. Even just going to the movies and dropping you all off on the curb you may all approach the ticket counter in different ways. Of course I do not expect this to be a fair comparison but perhaps the Greys themselves are individually unique and do not all react the same way. Perhaps they even have personality. There is a big difference to take into consideration. The way in which the Greys move is described in such away their environment allows their quick, fluid, lethargic, robotic, gliding movements to look quite different than how we move in our environment. I will have more on the Grey environment a little bit later in the book. When I asked the question about behavior during medical procedures I did make the assumption a medical procedure may have been preformed. I already knew this was a consistent report among experiencers. A third of the respondents did indicate there was either no medical procedure or they had no memory of one. When doing a comprehensive study of any species there are many different types of considerations as to what is needed to collect data for analysis. After all we do study the anatomy of a bird, its social structure, its habits and its language to name a few areas we go about studying. We certainly do not draw blood samples to determine the meaning of birds vocalizations. Of the remaining two-thirds, the overwhelming majority indicated during these types of procedures the Greys were focused during a routine examination. I would hope so! I would hate to think they were eating lunch or texting their girlfriend while poking that long needle up my nose.
There is one note that I would like to point out. A large percentage of abductees do report both a small Grey and a tall Grey. The smaller ones are performing the routine task while the taller ones appear focused on what they are doing. I would not consider that unusual at all to have an authority figure in charge. Why we have the difference in height could be a variety of ideas which I present later on in my endeavors here. When asked how many Greys are present during an abduction/contact experience nearly three-fourths profess there are three or more in attendance. I do not know of many medical teams where only one or two are in the operating room. Could you imagine being stuck alone in one of those rooms with one of the little buggers totally pissed off? About fifty-percent believe that there is a leader. The term leader is used, perhaps supervisor is more likely. I dont know, you decide. The majority of those indicate the taller of the species is the one in charge. All medical teams would have an individual who was in charge of whatever medical procedure was being performed in the operating room of any hospital. The idea of a taller supervisor appears time and again. At this point in time I would like to offer the possibility that the Greys have a vast project of study going on and I will call it the Conservatory of Homo-Sapiens Study. Of course this is not exactly an original thought but if we break pieces down from the abduction/contact experience and protrude how this could be possible perhaps someday we would see some serious research into the matter getting beyond notions like mass hysteria and sleep paralysis. I can think of many reasons why another species either from a distant planet, a fourth dimensional reality or even our own future would desire to study humans. In future chapters I will discuss more the prospect of studying humans and real reasons why something like this would be done. Sometimes to solve a complex problem all we really have to do is look in the mirror. Perhaps we humans have a little more going on for ourselves than we are willing to give credit.
Mosaic of the Extraterrestrial Experience Chapter Four: Lets Contemplate the ExaminerPhysical and Emotional MakeUp of a Grey
For the same reasons that we study the universe and subatomic particles there is intrinsic interest in the study of animals. -Dr. Charles Snowdon
Everyone knows Greys are cloned look alike little skinny big head bug eyed, sickly looking, gray beings, right? It is amazing how we are influenced by what we see on TV or read in a newspaper. I believe the newsmakers version and the Hollywood version are a collection of a few reported experiences that define the whole some of what society would perceive a Grey to be. But, is it accurate? Just for the individuals who filled out the questionnaire sixty percent report the Greys look different, while the other forty percent believe they all look the same. It would probably boil down to who was exposed to what. In the Conservatory of Homo-Sapiens Study you would no doubt have compartmentalization of examination. I seriously doubt we would have five or six representatives of a species taking on the whole sum of studying humans. Therefore we will have some variation as to what is reported to be happening by whom. What might account for some of them looking identical, which by the way the ones who look the same are also reported to be lacking in any kind of emotion, could be advanced robotics. If humans had the ability to refine a robot to perform human tasks say in an operation room at your local hospital it might be reasonable to make these advance robotics in their image. This may explain why the small look alike Greys, with no emotional attributes are also described as being mechanical in their movements. A cloned worker species may also be a possibility, but I think we would get a different report as to how they moved and behaved. In reports of what a Grey looks like there has always been a major focus on the eyes there was no surprised when ninety percent described them as almond shape. There were some slight variations as to slant or more of a wrap around type eye. This could be based on the angle of view the experiencer had. There were three individuals who reported round eyes, but they also reported a slightly different
version of a Grey. This variant would be a small, almost childlike white being that has a little bit closer to human appearance. Besides being larger than life eyes I could not help to wonder if there was more about those eyes than just the enormous proportion to their face. In our own culture we reference the eyes frequently to describe demeanor and emotion. Do the Greys have more to their eyes than just superior large visual vestiges? Perhaps they are the windows to their souls. I think I just heard someone shout, They have no souls! I will let someone else debate that prospect. Of course I knew the popular color description was black in nature. Just the color black has wide variations as to shade and appearance. Forty-seven percent described the eyes as being a shiny or glossy black. Twenty-four percent went with just black. Thirteen percent thought the eyes were more of an ink or oil black and the rest described something different in color or defining a pupil. Perhaps these eyes are what identify the terror people sometimes report. Imagine how people felt on a dark street in the wake of night when they gazed upon Joseph Merrick. He was unreal, not natural and it spooked people. History however paints Joseph as a kind individual. Of course, I am not suggesting that a Grey is a kind soul nor I am I suggesting they are some monster. When asked if the black was reflective it was about 50/50 that they either were or were not. Of course this could have to do with lighting and perception as to what one was seeing. I wondered if someone was looking into the Greys eyes if they felt they were looking into the eyes or past the eyes. Twenty-nine percent felt they were looking into the eyes, twenty-seven percent implied past the eyes, thirteen percent said they did not look into the eyes at all because they were too scared, some were unsure, a few felt they were looking at some kind of protective shield, and one felt transfixed by the eyes. Just wait until I postulate what the Greys can see through those beautiful onyx eyes. It could actually explain all those answers. Often times we are accurate in what we perceive so I wanted to know if people thought the eyes were natural and fifty three percent felt they were. A few felt it was some kind of protective covering and twenty two percent just were not sure. I asked if they looked real or synthetic. I had a similar split in information with fifty-eight percent believing they were real. Many of these questions are based on
perception. After all, I do not have a Grey specimen I can send to the optometrist for an eye check up. Could you imagine the look on the doctors face if one showed up because it thought it might need glasses? The purpose of such in depth questions about eyes was to get a sense on how authentic people felt they were. Because they are such a predominate feature on the beings, looking into the eyes might give further validation that what people are seeing (no pun intended) is real. I asked about the ears and the nose as far as appearance. What I was looking for was any indication of cartilage and I do not see in responses that the beings have cartilage like we do, if at all. This piece here is more significant later on when I discuss who they might be and what they could have evolved from. Because we can often look at an individual and tell if they can hear us I wondered if anyone could tell if the Greys respond to sound. Thirty-four percent felt they experienced something that would indicate they could hear just fine. Most really were not sure. The not sure responders are very important. I have many questions where people were unsure. It made me feel they were being honest about what they experienced and perceived, of course I cannot prove anyones experience or tell them what happened, but it is nice when we have indicators of honesty. When asking if the nose served any functional purpose thirty- one percent believed it did, most were just not sure. I also asked if anyone had noticed a reaction to a smell in the environment from the Greys. Twenty percent had witnessed such a thing, but the majority reported they did not seem to have a reaction to odor in their environment. We know that species here on Earth have different sensory perceptions so, no reaction to scent in the environment would not be so unusual. I think by and far to me the most interesting attribute of the Greys is their skin. And if you think they are just gray think again. The description of skin tone was all over the reader board. The highest percentage was thirty one percent describing shades of gray. We also had gray with blue hues, gray with brown hues, white or ashen in color, an illuminated look almost transparent, some Greys with a green hue and even a plum color in description.
Some of these could be due to lighting effects such as the plum description. It could actually be a bluish gray depending on the perception in lighting this could be the same with the transparent or illuminated description. My own skin could be described differently from pale to tan depending on the lighting I was standing in. If I was standing in black light I would look different still. Most of the respondents felt their description was accurate even while considering lightening, but a few were not sure. At this point in time I would conjecture that this species has a variation in skin color not unlike humans it just happens to be a little bit different. Our color scale may start with a light tan moving different directions on the scale from pasty white to a very dark brown. In their case the color scale may start with gray. I played with color scales a little to see what I could make. Using blue, brown, and green I could get an almost gray hue. I could not with the red, yellows and oranges. How about skin type? In humans we have variations such as dry and oily, wrinkled and smooth, generally depending on age. The Greys too having this type of variation although the description is somewhat different. I have leathery and smooth with other interesting descriptions such as mushroom like, similar to an orange peel and tweed in nature. Of course I would have no way of knowing if this has to do with age, races, or some other trait. It is interesting and lends credence to they are not all the same. I am wondering by now if anyone has pondered why I have so many questions contained in this book. I ask questions, actually a lot of them. For me the ability to ask a question and go on a hunt to find an answer is like looking for buried treasure. The pursuit is actually more exciting than the answer, unless of course I am asking my husband where the square or level is that I am looking for is located and he does not know. That type of question is frustrating. Pursuit of the missing tool is anything but exciting. When asked what their skin felt like fifty percent had neither felt it or just were not sure, but I got a variety of responses from the rest. Some felt the skin was rough, spongy, smooth, fuzzy, delicate, froglike, or rubbery in texture. The point is the data is still suggestive of a variation within the species we call Greys. Has anyone come up with a better name yet for these beings? Someone needs to start a grassroots effort to change the identifying notation used currently.
Perhaps we have some creative individuals that could come up with a more suitable identification other then the Greys. There were other attributes reported that I did not specifically ask about. I do feel they are just as important such as muscle tone under their skin, suction cups on the fingertips, no reproduction organs visible (some were a little more graphic in this area, but I did not feel you really wanted to know what was said), three protrusions on the forehead, greater flexibility in joints than humans have, they did not smell too good, and many references to the frailty of their bodies. I think environment could explain the body structure but I will get to that later. I did it again. Totally forgot the alien mouth. Perhaps it is completely pointless. Not really later on you will find why I believe all of the facial features are very important. So what about that mouth? Fifty-two percent of the participants felt it served no real purpose. It was simply a fixture on the face. Twenty-five percent of the respondents witnessed the mouth move during abduction. It had some auditory sound that escaped or flashed its pearly white teeth and they were little bitsy razor sharp ones at that. It really does not seem to hold a significant purpose, at least to us. Perhaps in the species evolution, it began as a beak. Sure, just keep laughing. At this point in time I would like to state we are dealing with a species of unknown origin (alright we knew that part all ready) that appear to have physical attributes and emotional behavior that are not grossly unlike humans. They appear to be on a mission of study and we do not understand the project in its entirety, at least not at this point in time. It is highly possible that this project does concern studying human anatomy at least to the point of procuring samples and possibly some manipulation. I would suggest that there is also study at work on social and emotional behavior as well. I believe there is a long way to the bottom of the rabbit hole to even begin to ask why.
Mosaic of the Extraterrestrial: Abduction/Contact Phenomena First Look Chapter Five: Open the Window and Look Outside
Many a doctrine is like a window pane. We see truth through it but it divides us from truth. -Kahlil Gibran
A staggering seventy-four percent of the people who completed the Grey questionnaire experience reported being drawn through a solid object. They reported being drawn through a window, a wall, or a roof of a house. Equally as impressive is although often times similar not one person described the feeling associated with this experience the same. The descriptions are almost poetic, that leads me to believe it is a very moving experience. Perhaps the language we are looking for to describe experience that seems so elusive is this fluid, almost poetic description of what has happened that seems to invoke an understanding to the individual readying it. We did actually have more mercurial type statements. The wall melts around you but you dont get wet. Its as simple as going through water. It was like being spun in a whirl pull of water. These were more fluid type descriptions. It was a shift in matter. The door or wall isnt there, like it isnt really real. It was like passing through a hologram. The hole in the ceiling was rotating clockwise. There was an electrical barrier and a cold infusion of some kind. There was no barrier I was very surprised. I was vibrating very fast. There was no friction or resistance. I felt a mild stinging sensation. These reminded me more of a change in atomic structure descriptions. It was like moving through silk. I felt like I was floating with the summer breeze. It was like running my fingers through freshly washed hair and dried light an easy, but noticeable. Like my soul being pulled through my body. There was a very bright doorway. This reminded me more of an etheric description.
There was a blue white light, static pop, and then a light feeling. I heard whooshing sounds. There was a buzzing, vacuum like tunnel, weightlessness-then fast. The blue white light and the liquid vapor crackle. These descriptions had sound associated with them as a focus. For many years I often thought whoever was responsible for this must have some pretty amazing technology. My most reasonable thought in the past was some type of technology that can halt the vibration of atoms in a solid. I have changed my mind. In my humble opinion this sounds more like a transitory changed from a three-dimensional environment to a four-dimensional place. I will address this in more detail later. Are there witnesses to these encounters? Only three have reported ever having a witness to collaborate moving through a solid object. If a tree falls in the forest and there is no one there to hear it does it still make a sound? I think of this statement when there is a lack of witness. If no one seen it experienced does that mean it did not happen? Oddly enough when asked how the Greys appeared to move through the solid object everyone responded in one of four ways such as, effortless, like a ghost, like a hologram or levitated. There was no poetic response and perhaps that has to do with experience. It is one thing to feel it yourself but different when being the witness. In life, we often are transitioning between environments, the most obvious being from inside to outside. We do have a different sense or feeling even though we might not always notice it. I pondered if people felt an identifiable feeling of transition being moved from their environment to the Grey environment. I was not disappointed. The majority of the respondents most certainly noticed some type of transition in environments. The description of the transition in environments was as differential and poetic, as the depiction of being drawn through a solid object. The point of view described was quite individual. For instance, being released was like dropping out of a tree. It was like moving from inside to outside. It was like an operating room, hard, cold and professional. The environment was distinctly different. In these responses people tended to use a real world analogy to describe what they were feeling or witnessing.
Others had a more sublime type of description like it changed my three dimensional reality. The abduction environment seems translucent even lacking solidity. Their environment feels like my consciousness is in another location. The Grey environment is ethereal, super clean and serene. It does not seem as real. This place is surreal, like my mind cant handle the strangeness. My surroundings feel vibrational. Then there were those who had a more physical description of the transition. I felt much lighter, nauseated and static. There was a temperature change to a cooler environment or felt extremely cold. It was a place of horrific fear. I felt numb to it all. There is a lack of sound. I have found it interesting as a go through data asking for observational questions the responses seem to be broken down into thirds. One-third uses real world analogies, another third uses sense or physical responses and the final third use the more sublime descriptions. I think this is a good representation of our learning/teaching styles. It shows our uniqueness to response and how we can have an experience that is definitively the same but described in different manners depending on the individual focus. What about other environmental influences we notice, such as sound? I already knew that the majority of experiencers report being communicated with through telepathy. I wanted to know if they actually heard the Greys make sounds. Half of the respondents did report some kind of sound either coming from the Grey or in the environment. Most of them were described as a hum, clicking, hissing, whirs, whines or some kind of mechanical sound. Some of the other responses were like a dolphin, being under water, or one reported hearing their mothers voice. I took the sound issue a step further and asked about hearing anything associated with a craft, assuming there was a craft, yet thirty three percent were adamant there is no craft. From the other two thirds half of them said there was no sound associated with a craft. This data is important for what I intend to present just a little further down the road. I even went a little deeper with the sound issue asking people if they had witnessed anything being dropped in the Grey environment and if they heard a sound associated with it. Seventy-five percent did not recall ever witnessing such
a thing, which did not really surprise me, however twenty-five percent did recall a sound associated with something being dropped. This particular question was important for another reason. When we experience something and are relating an experience of any kind we tell what was important to us. This detail would probably have been missed because no one thought to ask, yet it would further support auditory conditions within the Grey environment. In the end it would appear being in the Grey arena does not negate the hearing of sounds or noise. The human auditory receiver is still functioning just fine. Whatever the environment is there is no cancellation of sound. Looking at the human senses of touch, sight, sound, and smell the Grey environment does not seem to expunge these human senses.
Mosaic of the Extraterrestrial Experience Chapter Six: Let There be Light and Dirty Socks
Just as our eyes need light in order to see, our minds need ideas in order to conceive. Napoleon Hill
With the questions pertaining to light I believe I have caused some confusion. For that I apologize. I asked in the Grey environment what does the light look like. Is it something you can relate to in our environment? Three questions later I asked, How would you describe the lighting in the Grey environment? Please be as detailed as possible using analogies if need be. The intent here was to get a description of lighting and see if there was a comparison one could make to it in our environment. I apologize for not catching the fact I had asked the same question twice. The answers did not really affect what I was looking for. I believe our first sense of awareness is actually what we see. To take that one step further it is the lighting or lack of it our brains pick up on when we first open our eyes in the morning. One individual actually responded when asked to describe the lighting in the Grey environment as the first blink in the morning. Obviously I felt lighting in a Grey setting was very important. So how did individuals respond? This is another question with responses that were quite exquisite in nature. I really felt people gave a great deal of thought in how to describe something I was asking about, if it applied to them. In describing light everyone was pretty well split off into thirds. The divided into thirds phenomenon did not stop here. This pattern occurs throughout all of the responses to most of the questions. Some respondents describe a very white bright light, for others it was a soft dull light, and the remaining said it was a half-lit, shadowy type environment. If someone was trying to define a relationship to something in our environment I had several descriptions such as halogen, fluorescent, something akin to being in a theater and the lights begin to dim about half way through that is what it looks
like, and even, there is no earthly comparison to their lighting. Perhaps there really is no comparison but usually we can find something that will at least get us exploring in the right direction. If there is light what about shadows? We have shadows in our environment do they? Of course eighty percent said there was no shadows in the Grey environment so where would that leave the other twenty percent. Perhaps shadows are just not something we really pay a lot of attention to even in our own environment. Everyone could not identify a source of light. Many felt it came from everywhere, even every object in the environment. If I was to walk outside at high noon and did not know the sun was there but could see its light I might give a similar description depending on my location. I have done a great deal of looking into light and its appearance in a forth dimensional environment. I really cannot come up with and research speculating what it would look like. I was left with questions like: Would the sun light still be visible in that environment? What would a light source look like? Best I could come up with and this may be incorrect was considering the moving diagram of a hypercube with light present. It would seem to come from all directions. I do think it is important to note a few individuals witness some color variation to the lighting during medical procedures, such as blue or green florescent type lighting. I think in our world, color is important. It is what gives life to what we are looking at. I could not help to wonder if there was color in the Grey environment. Aside from mundane colors like black, gray, white and silver, others were reported. It was across the board on what people saw in color but blue was the predominate one followed closely by green. After that there was a variety of responses such as seeing all colors, pinks, gold, neutral colors, pastels, and even absence of color. If blue was such a predominant color and could not help but wonder if the light spectrum would change in a forth dimensional environment. In case you have not guessed I am looking at the forth dimensional on two different angles, as a viable possibility on in essence how the Greys operate the way they do. The idea of a forth dimensional reality may open up a gateway into looking at this subject in realistic terms.
Now if anyone would like to hazard a guess as to why I grouped light and smell into the same chapter good luck I am still pondering that sequence myself. Looking for answers to the idea of odor apparent in the Grey environment I asked this questionAre there any antiseptic type smells in the Grey environment? Because I knew many people report medical procedures and knowing what our own hospitals smell like I wondered if there was anything like that in the Grey environment. This questions was awesome everyone exercised their individual rights to strike out on their own. Although not many reported any type of smell or even a lack of smell there were pungent odors, sulfur, ozone, Clorox, even dirty socks and many unidentifiable smells. Most were not even sure how to describe the smell. Now what I really want to know is did anyone smell anything that resembled the inside of a birdcage or being in the confines of a chicken coup with wet hens? I will just leave you in suspense here for a little while.
Mosaic of the Extraterrestrial Experience Chapter Seven: Scrolls, Wigs and Fido
One must watch how interpretation is considered. If I was only to go by the chapter title of a book I might consider a Chihuahua sporting a blond Marilyn Monroe wig reading an autobiography of L. Ron Hubbard.
It is a rather peculiar title for a chapter. I would have to site the Comic Strips section in a major newspaper. Newspapers do have writing, cartoons depicting politicians in an often-bizarre fashion and often times the characters are animals. The responses for writing in the Grey environment were 50/50. Some had just simply never noticed any type of writing. The other fifty percent describe a variety of styles that one might use to communicate. I would imagine even if you have a telepathic form of communication there would still be some visual form of direction. One person described seeing multidimensional symbols. There are a few websites out there that do have depictions of multidimensional symbols generally related to mathematics and they are fascinating. Someone else described a physics equation. This would not seem unlikely to travel around either dimensionally or through space I would imagine one would need to know physics. Perhaps the Greys have some understanding on how we learn writing could be a visual to attempt to generate some kind of understanding. If I were to travel back in time and have a chat with a sailor say in 1194 with the notion I was going to explain what a submarine was to him I am certain I would be drawing some kind of diagram (Perhaps a stick submarine. I can do stick people pretty good.) I would also depict the ocean and I might even use numbers to indicate how far beneath the water it can travel. Even with all of that, the poor sailor still may have a hard time comprehending what I am trying to make him understand. Another person identified seeing a map of a star system, although no one else had reported that I have talked with individuals over the years that have mentioned star maps. In antiquity, the captain of a vessel used the stars to guide them across the vastness of the oceans. Perhaps that is a good strategy, even if one is travelling in space.
Other than that I had a variety of reports. There were just simply strange symbols, hieroglyphic type writing, esoteric writing, or pictograms. I did include all of this as writing because if something is presented to convey meaning such as a road sign, a traffic light or a big sign that says DO NOT ENTER, I consider these all forms of communication. When asked about the family pets reaction to the Grey presence I had thirty five people respond that their pets do have some kind of reaction. It was an either or reaction. They were moved to sleep or outright terrified. Animals have enough trouble trying to comprehend us, I am sure Mr. Grey is no exception. Or perhaps it is no different than a stranger being in the house. Some animals are scared and others are indifferent. In our own little world of curiosity we have sometimes wanted to try on clothes of a friend or moved to put on a costume at Halloween, we have been fascinated with an object in a store or even at someone elses house. We even go as far as picking something up to examine even ask what it is. I wondered, Are the Greys ever curious? I had several responses in this category, which I did expect because I have heard of it before from others. One found herself in the presence of a Grey in an old English 1930s nurses outfit. Someone had told me in the past they witnessed one dressed in the same time period but it was described, as an Aces leather flying jacket, hat and scarf, like the red baron. Two individuals reported a Grey wearing a ridiculous blond wig. Although I am laughing I had heard this before along with other types of hats and scarves. Oddly enough most reports I had been apprised of do seem to deal with the 1930s garment era. Was that era significant for some reason? Perhaps, Man first split the atom in 1932. I have heard people suggest that our nuclear ambitions as being the onset of extraterrestrial activity. Perhaps that was about the time we began to become aware that we are part of a greater wholethe Cosmos. It would be interesting if someone else could come up with a connection to 1930s era clothing and why that might be significant. Perhaps there is something else about that time period classified in some long forgotten vault, stamped National Security
Several had seen them in skintight silver suits and one with a blue color suit that was adorned with a patch of an eagle on the shoulder. I have also heard of the idea that Greys do wear some type of garment sometimes. Perhaps they have some kind of military and wearing such garment would denote who they are to their own kind. Perhaps some of them are AI (Artificial Intelligence) and do not need clothing. Another had reported a fascination with a human artifact or an unusual mark on their body. I had to assume here they were referring to a birthmark, mole or scar. I cannot imagine why that would be out of the ordinary to have a Grey interested in something like that. Growing up myself I had a small scar on the right side of my face from a dog attack. I cannot begin to tell you how many times people asked What happened? As for the artifact, give me one person who has seen a cell phone, blackberry or laptop for the first time and they were not fascinated with it. They want to play with it and examine it. Imagine being from the future and going back into the past and getting to examine a gladiators sword. In this category there was a lot of talk about cover memories. I have heard so much about cover memories over the years. I actually find this aspect confusing. If we have all of these cover memories how would one know if it is even actually a Grey type being abducting them in the first place? If our memories were altered, how could we even discuss the subject to begin with, never knowing what is or what is not? I will not pretend that there are no cover memories, but I take this with a grain of salt. How will we ever hope to progress the subject and not let it die in antiquity if we can never get past the first step? I cannot help but wonder how one would know what is a cover memory and what is not. Our eyes record accurately what we see. The minds interpretation is a whole other matter.
Mosaic of the Extraterrestrial Experience Chapter Eight: Dont Get Hooked On a Single Thought for You Might Be Fooled
Any fool can make things bigger, more complex, and more violent. It takes a touch of genius-and a lot of courage-to move in the opposite direction. Albert Einstein
We still do not have a clear indication where these beings come from. Are they intelligent life in a forth-dimensional world? Perhaps they are travelers who can use, work and travel through the hyper dimensional environment, even if they were from another planet? Are they us from the future? Is it even possible they evolved here on earth and have always been with us? After researching, looking into and reading about a fourth-dimensional reality I feel this seems the most plausible location to start. I have read material from various professionals in physics, watched videos on how to describe a four dimensional reality and the transitions between the two environments. I have even went and looked at geometric models that try to give a visual on what the fourth dimension looks like. This will probably be the hardest chapter for me to write. I can visualize the workings of a four dimensional reality just fine, but can I make it look as good to someone else. I do not know and I do not even know if all my ideas are correct. But I am sure wherever I am wrong someone will be certain to let me knowthat is impossible November! The next part that makes this tough is where to start. I see so many different relationships to these beings, experiences being reported and aspects of a 4 th dimensional reality going on here. Perhaps the best way to do it is use direction in the 4th dimension it does go every which way, so I have read. Perhaps first we need to be drawn into the fourth dimension. The Greys can walk right through a wall, a door (without opening it) or my favorite through a plate glass window without receiving a single scratch. I think I said before I thought in the past the most logical explanation would be a technology we do not have that halts atomic movement allowing one to seemingly step through a solid object. If they are coming out of the fourth dimension, shoot all they have to do is
walk right in. It is not a problem, apparently it is not a problem for them to take you back with them either. Basically Mr. Grey is just taking you next door. So why do some people report a UFO associated with abduction? We might be able to just look at our own environment. If I were going to the neighbors to borrow a shovel I would just walk. If I were going to my brothers in another town to visit I would drive my car. Perhaps it has to do with location. Another intriguing thought is a craft being a conduit between the two dimensions. It is actually in both places at the same time. The interior is the hyperspace to move from point A to point B. The environment one sees appears to mostly be a research facility. People have reported a variety of medical type procedures. Often times there are instruments used. I do not recall anything that resembles an X-ray or MRI being reported. That is kind of scary, someone sticking a long needle up your nose. How do they know exactly where it is going? If they are 4th dimensional do not be too concerned. Those lovely big eyes they have can see all of you inside and out. Now imagine being a 4th dimensional being yourself and being in Time Square on New Years Eve. You would see the party hats, the partygoers wrapped in warm clothes, their hearts beating, dinner digesting, and even if they had ever broke a bone before. Oh Yuck! Arent we glad we are not a 4th dimensional entity? And God said, Let there be light. I guess in the 4th dimension one could take that statement literally. It seems to emanate from everywhere with no known source. Because there are light variations I would think they would have some control over the type and how much. If one were to do some research they might find a site that has animals here on earth that can see in the 4th dimension. Their concept of light is different than ours. It would be interesting if this were what an experiencer sees peeking into the Greys world through peacock eyes. The Greys seem to move fast, be sluggish, and float in some cases. In the fourth dimension you can move in any direction, time relative to our own probably does not exist. This might explain why they can appear to move very rapidly or incredibly slow and when people are gone they seem to misplace a few hours here and there.
What about communication? In the fourth dimension it has been suggested if you were communicating with someone it would not be a verbal sense of one person speaks and sound waves reaches anothers auditory function. You would actually hear the communication from inside yourself. That would give a whole new meaning to freedom of speech. It would also explain why people describe this type of communication across the board. We use the term telepathy. I do not care for that term, but I have not come up with a better one. Language is often a barrier when trying to convey meaning in this subject area. We are not talking about someone thinking a sentence, saying it out loud in their head and the words transmitted into someone elses mind. You would actually feel the communication. I would think there would have to be some kind of imagery associated with the communication to evoke feeling. Actually if imagery was used to imply meaning through telepathy that would make sense as you would not actually have to speak the same language. I did not specifically ask about time perception concerning abduction/contact in the Grey experience. I have heard so much about this over the years and quite a variation on it. The concept of missing time is often associated with abduction. People have also reported other variations in time such as time speeding up, standing still, feeling out of time, and suddenly sensing being someplace else and time slowing down. Why would the time concept be a part of anything? If I understand the whole space time thing correctly, time in the 4th dimensions is happening on a variety if axes and we have been briefly removed from our own linear time and exposed to a different time environment. In my way of thinking this would explain the variations of time experienced. So why cant we just see this dimension if it is there? That would solve everything. My guess is we are not programmed to or simply have not evolved enough to see past our own material world. I cannot help but wonder about exposure. What would happen if we were exposed to a 4th dimensional environment even if we did not have a clear understanding of what we were experiencing? Is it possible over time that exposure might allow peeking into the 4th dimensional space-time on occasions leaving one with a momentary sense that time stopped, sped up or for a brief eclipse never felt like it existed at all? I am pretty sure I read someplace that experiments have been conducted on individuals using virtual realities of 4th dimensions and the studies have produced some interesting results. So perhaps in time, the 4th dimension will just be a part of our everyday world. Now wouldnt that make the Greys angry? We may be abducting them. For heavens sake none of you better tell them I said that.
Now that I have established a few things that would lend me to a 4th dimensional connection, so lets talk about where they come from. Of course this is all hypothetical but I have come up with ideas that do make a type of sense to me, so I will share them. You never know, perhaps we do not have the standard of measurements currently to prove a thing. Perhaps someone will run across this twenty five-years from now and says now there is an idea I can work with. It does not hurt to present something. You never know what brilliant mind out there will understand that there may be some substance here. I have no doubt I will get a chorus telling me how none of this could be possible. I would have to go back to the doctor who wanted to give me a blood transfusion. I did not care what all his expertise told me as far as it being safe. I did not trust it and was thankful I made the choice I did. Otherwise I may not be sitting here typing this today. Moving on, so where does the Grey hail from? I am fairly certain it is not some obscure community in Georgia, but I am not certain they are not from here. Over the last eleven years it has been shared with me on three occasions from three different people that I am fairly certain did not know each other, a quote from the Grey that was imparted to the individual. It goes something like this, We are us, and you are them, the future and the history. To me this almost implied some kind of connection between them and us. Did they come from our future and have they always been with us in the past? I realize this idea has been bridged before. Aside from a vague statement with pronoun misuse and less than scholastic use of grammar what else is there that might suggest us traveling back in time? I can find a few intriguing points that might lend this concept to the notation of being credible. Looking at the syntax of the alleged Grey statement obviously they are a product of a society texting on their cell phones for centuries. Have you ever read a text message? Sometimes I am perplexed at what the person is trying to convey. It is misspelled and an entire sentence of random thoughts in an attempt to convey a coherent message. All right I was just sort of kidding here, but I could not help sticking the thought in here. I promise to be more serious. If the Greys were implying the future and the history I would take this as them having always been a part of us. The simple statement would be they are we. I have been studying evolution how it works and is of course confused at some points. I know it has been presented that we are
evolving right now, here, today and the rate of evolution is speeding up and occurring exponentially. It has also been suggested the human race is not becoming a single whole species but splitting off into several different developments. There are many different aspects of society that are speeding up actually accelerating at a pace we have not seen before in our brief little history on planet earth. In order to compensate the deluge of new information we will have to begin to adapt or lose our minds, both concepts are probably happening. Our brains are being required to take in more information at a more rapid rate. There is also a speed factor at how fast all this information is coming in. We have to sort, analyze, toss out, save in a file in just a few seconds. The old adage A penny for your thoughts is probably grossly outdated and worth at least $1. 75. Perhaps over time the brain is simply going to have to grow and change with the additional information. Due to advancing technology, we do not need to be as mobile. I think we do but the reality is we are becoming less active. In the summer when I drive through town the backyards are not full of children playing outside. I see very few riding their bikes down the street and people wonder why we have become such an overweight society. Can you guess where they are? I think sometimes we are so material and so intent on satisfying the pleasure centers of the brain when cool, groovy new things like video games and 500 channels for TV come out no one has ever stopped to consider future impact on society. Could the Grey be a product of an information seeking society that has become decreasingly mobile? Their reported body structure might support that idea. Are there other things in society today that would present we are evolving? I cannot help but wonder about a few things. Buzz word ADHD often described as hyper, cant sit still, unable to stay focus quick get out the medication, make new medications we have got to get these kids to calm down so they can learn and quit driving us crazy! Perhaps all they really need is a more active educational environment. Inherently they are not stupid, they can learn, their style is simply different. We are still using the same educational model we developed about 200 years ago. Sure we have technology and larger schools and people dressed in a wide assortment of garments but the structure is still the same. Perhaps instead of making young people fit our mold with drugs we need to create the mold that fits them.
In evolution I do not believe there is a standard that says a race will become more supreme, beautiful and highly intelligent. Is it possible the elusive cause of Autism is an evolutionary trait? I have no idea how one would go about studying this disorder from that point of view, but it would be cool if someone tried. It is a condition that is growing in frequency across the board and becoming much more common. I was attending presentation years ago with Autism specialists talking about what we do and do not know about this disorder. I asked that very question. The lady looked at me with a curious expression and simply stated, That is interesting I do not think anyone has ever considered that before? I have noticed some correlation in what people report as Grey behavior and some autistic characteristics. There may be no connection at all but the idea is intriguing nonetheless. People often think the whole notion of Grey abduction is some new modern day phenomenonnot. There are reports in antiquity of such occurrences and a few pictograms and a few Sumerian artifacts that look just like the reported Greys. If they were us from the future whatever they were doing here they would have to be very careful not to affect the Grandfather paradox. If they needed something from this time period to assist them in the future using hyperspace to pull individuals into the 4th dimensional realm might just negate that paradox as long as they did not accidentally kill someone and if they did they would just fix them up and drop them back into our environment. If they needed something from this time period it would surely have to be something that could not be manufactured in a more advanced stage of technology. Perhaps DNA, this one does not seem overly likely to me. What about RNA or stem cells? For some reason the stem cells is what seems to make the most sense to me. I am still working on the why part of the stem cells. I also feel that retroviruses will become a significant problem in our future. I really have nothing to substantiate that it just makes sense for some reason. Another thought of intrigue is Ms. Grey may also be on a mission of observation. Perhaps they need to find a point at which something occurs in this time period, spontaneous evolution comes to mind. Perhaps something occurs along a family line they need information about but they do not know exactly when it happens. That might explain these experiences occurring frequently in family lines. An example I might give for this is our own study of history.
Sometime around 1347 AD someone got sick and died. More people got sick, and more yet and it spread quickly and soon decimated the population of Europe. It was the Black Death or Bubonic plague. I doubt with the first person it had been called anything in particular. As it spread, I doubt they realized how it was spreading except coming in contact with some who had the plague might make you susceptible to get it. I seriously doubt they knew where it originated or what it came from. I have no doubt they had some pretty wild concepts as to what was causing it and how to treat it. Sometimes it takes a while to study something that has occurred and back track it through history to find the origin, where it started and what caused it. I seriously doubt in that time period they would have thought of fleas on rats from the Gobi desert. That realization would have come many years later when the technology and advancement in the study of disease came to fruition. Actually, it would have been the late nineteenth century before it was discovered where the disease originated. My point is sometimes things are happening right now and we do not know why until years or even centuries into the future when the dynamics exist to back track through history and identify a source. So just maybe the Greys have actually been tracking a source of something that is relevant to their time. Is it possible they have just simply always been with us? Is there a time in Earths history for another bipedal life form to have evolved into an intelligent conscious being? Historically I would say there was enough time. Is it possible a consciousness in an Avian and or Reptiles evolved long before the primates came along? Could be a stretch, but lets look at the anatomy of a Grey anyhow. There does not seem to be any visible cartilage, at least for a nose and ears. Avian ears and nose are suspiciously similar to the Greys along with the mouth. If we were to create a evolutionary chart showing Avian moving to a more humanoid intelligent conscious being they are resembling what individuals report as a Grey being. They do seem to have these big heads though and large eyes how could that fit? The Avian has a large optic lobe in comparison to other animals. If evolved perhaps the optic lobe would remain large, thus a larger cranium with large eyes. Out of all the creatures out there why would I pick avian as a possibility? Our closest ancestor is a primate. Avian are the next most intelligent species some even being able to express problem solving skills. A crow has been known to create a crude tool with its beak in order to retrieve something it wants, they are bipedal, are social, can play games, as well as a host of new observations being made in the avian kingdom.
So if it was possible that birds were the closet ancestor to Greys, where did the Grey go? Perhaps given consciousness and intelligence long enough it could evolve into a 4th dimension being. In that case they could be from earth, have always been here and we just cannot see them, yet. What contact there is may be quite limited and only in the context they would allow. Perhaps on other planets evolution occurred in a different manner than here on Earth. It would be a possibility. A slightly different gravity environment could lend credence to the frail looking body structure. Even though there is no way to prove any of this I still think we could at least open new dialogs concerning contact experience looking at different aspects and see where it takes us. I also know I could be looking for a letter from an old friend I had saved ten years ago and actually find the emerald earrings I lost five years ago. Sometimes we go looking for one thing and end up finding something else in the process. We have so relegated this subject to the problematic workings of the human brain as explanation. Perhaps the human brain is working just fine and it is time to look in an alternative direction. It might sound a bit crazy, but perhaps what people are seeing is quite real. Lets tackle the quite real idea here for a moment. The most obvious argument here would be, If this is real why doesnt everyone see and experience these phenomena. I think the answers could be quite simplistic as in because we do not want to or maybe because we are not a part of it. I have seen many models over the years presented using a simplistic event that people are focused on and having some odd thing enter into the event and no one witnesses it until the anomaly is pointed out. In this case the model would be the course of everyday life and what we are accustomed to. If you were to toss in interaction with an extraterrestrial it would create a host of problems in acceptance of what we think we know. Oh my God, we may have to change our whole dynamics of thinking just in order to accept it. For the Grey this may serve a great purpose. They can observe the Homo sapiens in its environment and no one is the wiser. They would already know the acceptance issue, so would not have to be overly concerned about being exposed. There would even be room to make a mistake or two because no one
would believe it anyhow. They can just carry on business as usual and have no real concerned about altering behavior. Considering the knowledge of the human order of operations, namely the brain function, it is conceivable they would eventually not be in objection to being exposed. They would probably understand a fundamental change would have to take place across the board for this to happen. It is also possible if that change took place and they could no longer operate in a confidential type arena they would simply end their project and we still would not know. I am doubtful the above is the case. I tend to think there is more of an evolving going on here for which we do not know the end results. There does seem to be a preponderance of knowing in individuals but what one person believes they know and what another person believes is not necessarily the same. So we have to even challenge what we think we know about the course of abduction/contact experience is. I realize hunches is not the best method of operation, but I cannot help but feel if experience is broken down into components and we embark on some fundamentals and begin to study those who study us, we will eventually will begin on some realities, and perhaps change the nature of contact ourselves. This also sounds really noble, but perhaps we are a bit more capable than what we give ignorant primates credit for and do possess the skills to ratchet ourselves up a few notches in investigation.
Believe nothing, no matter where you read it, or who said it, no matter if I have said it, unless it agrees with your own reason and your own common sense. -Buddha
What about the people? Does their abduction/contact experience actually change them, how they view life, their world, even their own existence? I was pretty sure I knew the answer to this already. I did, but to actually read the words of the individual people there was some kind of confirmation even in how I felt myself. I do need to point out there were four people who did not feel any kind of change in how they viewed their world. Another one did not feel a change in view because they were all ready a firm believer in the paranormal and extraterrestrial life. As is with anything else in life there will always be exceptions. That includes abduction/contact experiences. I wanted to do this chapter just a little differently. As I have been reading through all the responses I definitely feel individuals emotions. The best way I can think to describe it is reading a diary from antiquity. There is just this feeling I cannot describe in respect to reading someone elses thoughts they have put to paper. Often times in life I have felt when dealing with abstract subjects our language does little to convey the meaning we really want to present. I believe this is one of those subjects. I thought for this chapter, I would share some of that with you. Of course, I am not real sure what the person was feeling, if anything. Everyone could have just simply been eliciting a response, but for me personally I got more out of it than just words on paper. I had six responses that were just simply, yes that was all I asked that was all I needed to know. There was another YES followed by incredibly so!!!!! This one made me smile like they were excited someone had actually asked.
The person who responded certainly has, I wondered if they were from the south. My grandmother always had a certainly something when asked a question and she lived in Texas. There were two most definitely and two absolutely. No room for error. They know what they know and that is all there is to it. There was no need for an explanation and as far as impact on lives, often times I have found it is very individual, none the less the impact was there. Exposure to extraterrestrial ideology changed their world forever. I read comments such as: I changed drastically. I have experienced a new awakening and I am changing yet again. I cant seem to identify with most other people. They seem so asleep to what is going on in the world, so in denial. Im beginning to feel like Im the alien. I never once thought this an odd statement there have been many times over the years I can identify with these sentiments. These types of statements are across the board in experience. It did not seem to matter whether it is an abduction, contact, the ah ha moment that many have experienced which throws them into a new world and a new way of thinking. I do not recall where I read this but the statement goes something like this, Old worlds die and new worlds are born. When I look at todays society that is what I see. We are experiencing a shift so profound it would be interesting to see what history was written about this time period five hundred years from now. When looking at the old worlds die and focus on the word die and what it means exactly I had to look up words that defined die. I think the term expire fits it best. When you go to get some milk out of the refrigerator there is an expiration date, sometimes there is still milk in the container and you just pour it out. The milk did not cease to exist; you just need to go get a new gallon of it. So when I say the world I do not mean the planet itself, I am talking about how we think, what is important, how we live, and ultimately how do we, as individuals, fit into the grand scheme of things. I do not think that is something someone is going to tell you. I believe that is what people will come into on their own, with a few tools they pick up along the way of course. So what about new worlds born? I think that is simple. Born can be defined as brought into existence. New ways of thinking, new ways of identifying what is important, new ways to live, and a new view that goes beyond a global perspective. Could we be part of an emerging consciousness that is taking place in the whole
some of the universe? Perhaps the universe has been conscious all long and we are just now getting it. A quote from a respondent, Yes, my view on politics has changed. It is like the whole world is one and the same instead of very different separate things. In actuality this is true. Humans are responsible for the divisions. I do not see that changing anytime soon. On the other hand there are many things going on globally I did not think would happen anytime soon at some point in my life and it did. Respondent X, The experience just seems normal but it has made me very curious. There are many people that consider these experiences a normal course of life. It does not seem out of the ordinary at all and they have no trouble in accepting this. We should be curious and ask questions those questions in life are what makes us feel alive. Respondent C, I feel is if I have a purpose to educate the world about abductions and how very real they are. I was thinking good for him/her to keep tearing down those barriers. I wonder if I felt a sense to educate the world. I was after all writing this book. I have to be honest I really do not know. I really liked this response from Respondent Q, I have seen the educator and cheerleader for humanity. Hell yeahOh my God yeahI see the world as just a place for now and that there is so much more to explore and that if you are willing and able, you can go that distance and move to the next stage of intelligence. Now this is a clear example of what some experience in the subject of extraterrestrials that really creates a synergetic energy. Respondent T, Even though I love it here I do not feel this is where I am from originally. I do not either and when I pass on I am not re-enlisting for Earth duty. So perhaps someday I can meet you at the Caf Crab Nebula and reminiscent about life on Earth. Another person gave very specific details in all of the changes they have made. I think this one could be a little too personal to share, but I absolutely understand their sentiments whole-heartedly. Respondent J, I no longer feel it necessary to even discuss issues with nonabductees or at least people knowledgeable in the field. I do understand this statement. It is frustrating to have someone ask a question about the subject with
the idea they are not going to believe anything you say anyhow and then you attempt to explain to them what you have experienced or how they feel about it, knowing full well that it is literally a waste of time and you wonder why they even asked to begin with. Sometimes I think of them as predators absolutely hanging on every word to find a provocation for ridicule. Someone mentioned lots of things seem pointless in the big picture. I believe what the individual meant is there are a lot of life issues that really do not require to have a lot of attention given to them, such as celebrities personal affairs. I feel that too that holistically in society we pay way to much attention or devote too much time that has no real impact on our future. Respondent R, I have a feeling of how trivial human society really is. This one made me wonder what they thought personally human society should look like. Respondent E, I feel very different. My world is upside down now. We have all had experiences that make us feel this way. In my humble opinion in the end we are all responsible for making our world right for us. Respondent G, Absolutely, I feel its multidimensional, with our complicated world just a drop in the ocean. I do not see us as insignificant little creatures either. If the universe started from the point at the end of the pencil and exploded into our reality we all come from that spot and continue to grow and expand with it. This person brought in the multidimensional aspect I have touched on and plan on going into later. Respondent Y, Its made me afraid of whats ahead for our world. It makes me want to puke when people start making excuses for these monsters. If I could I would rid our world of the Greys fast as possible, but I am afraid it is way too late for that. If you dont want to hear that do not send me any more questionnaires. I wanted all opinions and perceptions. I did not want anyone shut out from voicing what they felt. I would also like to share my experience with abduction. I was four years old and very ill. I was ripped from the comforting embrace of my fathers warm shoulder. I was taken away to a sterile room, with its cold polished floors, bare white walls and placed in a steel cage. I was pricked with needles, hooked up to some funky looking bag of liquid and in the dark of night left all alone. I cried for them to let me out. I pleaded for someone to hear my words in the cloak of
darkness. I was humiliated when I wet my bed because I could not break the confines of my cage to find a bathroom. When a stranger found me I was cold and wet and curled up next to the bars of my prison. I was offered no comfort only an obvious statement that my bed was wet and needed changing. I had been abandoned and my parents could not protect me. My sense of safety had been breached. I would never trust anyone in a white coat in a sterile environment again if I ever got out. This is exactly how I felt! I was only four but I remember. The reality is I was sick and could have died from pneumonia. My chances of survival were pretty slim and even if I did survive I was expected to live in a vegetative state in some institution for the rest of my life. The doctors and nurses, the evil beings in the white coats were trying to save my life. Obviously it worked I am sitting here typing this. Even though I know that experience was in my best interest I still have trust issues with doctors, because I cannot let go of the terror of the experience of the four year old. My point is back to perception depending on how it is being viewed by whom as to what is really happening. I would also add this, given the likelihood of being abducted by a human is a pretty slim chance, at least I hope. But considering the monsters we have roaming this planet I would rather be abducted by a Grey. If possible does anyone want to change the experience they have had with the Greys? Oddly enough sixty-three percent said no. Or was it that odd? One person may have summed it up best stating there is value in any experience, even negative ones. I have learned that first hand myself, but I am not taking abductions. Just negative experiences in general I have learned a lot, of course not in the midst of it. It is the after the fact when events can be clearly looked at and examined. For some of the others there Grey experiences have created a virtual hell for them. I hope they find some solace at some point. Do not get me wrong I do not view the Greys as some kind of savior for humanity or love, light and peace space brothers. Honestly at this point they really are not looking that much different than humans. I asked if anyone had anything unusual happen to them in the last ten days. At the time I wrote the question a few people around me who were involved with getting me started in the process of working this project, along with myself, had some strange things occur. It stopped after a week and no one has made any
mention of anything weird since. I just wondered if anyone had an odd event associated with filling this whole thing out. Many people reported a variety of unusual experiences but nothing I could view that was due to participation in this project. It is possible someone might tell me otherwise at a later date.
I do not want my house to be walled in on all sides and my windows to be stifled. I want all the cultures of all lands to be blown about my house as freely as possible. But I refuse to be blown off my feet by any. -Mohandas K. Gandhi (I am going to include any existing extraterrestrial life in this.)
Many of the questions I used were also based on accounts I had heard before. I do not have an exact number of people I have talked to about their experiences over the years. I am fairly certain it would be in the hundreds. I never wrote things down. I just remembered and would ask others if they had similar experiences, most the time, there was no need to ask. After you have spoken to quite a few people with these types of experiences the patterns of encounter begin to emerge. Of course with this project my main focus was aspects of the Grey experience. Even then I feel I have barely scathed the surface of Grey contact. I did want to know if other beings were present in abductions by the Greys. I picked the most frequent I had heard about in the past and then left an open question for something if someone wanted to present something I did not ask about. A reptilian humanoid type being was reported by twenty percent of the participating individuals. A couple gave a brief description of the reptilian appearance; they walked upright with two long arms and had fingerprints on their ears. Another reported only seeing one in a dream state that had dark green skin with black hues. If this project goes well I would like to take on the Reptilian experience next. I would do the same thing in creating a questionnaire to elicit information and then go digging in the internet for information to create a presentation. You see I feel there is a much larger scheme of things here then just those with a Grey experience.
Only sixteen percent reported a praying mantis type being present. That is actually consistent with the frequency that I have heard about this type of being in the past. It is not often, but what is described is quite consistent. I can say I have yet to hear that this particular being is involved with any kind of human experimentation. I have not heard it described as a hostile presence either. Perhaps it is more or less just an observer. A human looking being is reported in thirty eight percent of the respondents. I was not surprised. This is consistent with what I have heard in the past. I would also like to point out about 60 percent made the reference to a human looking as a hybrid Grey. That in itself is a completely a whole other project. I do not hear about light beings too often, and I am not talking heavenly angels here. I had heard of this particular entity in the past and eighteen percent did report their presence also. Often times these are reported as a master race, an observer of all if you will. This is the entity I would take on as a third project if I decide to continue on in this line of research. When I asked if there was a military presence during abduction twenty-nine percent indicated there was. I am talking about Earth human military here. The percentage is high enough it would lend one to want to inquire more about this aspect. I feel that is an entire piece in itself. I have heard a lot about what is commonly called as milab abductions. Although I can find some documentation to suggest this could be possible, I am still uncertain how much time I would want to spend on this aspect and may well be best left to other researchers. Only three had mentioned a Native American representative. I asked about this because I knew for many Native American culture played a role in what they were researching for themselves. The other reason was I do know that Native Americans view the subject differently than the population at large. Did anyone report seeing any other type of being in the Grey setting I did not specifically ask about? You bet, and actually it was forty-six percent. So what else are people seeing? I do not know I have no elaboration on this, except there was a reference to silhouettes. If I understood correctly it would be a Grey in this type of form and they float. I only have one report of this but the person was adamant about this aspect of experience. The only thing I can come up with that might make sense is some type of hologram.
Mosaic of the Extraterrestrial Experience Chapter Eleven: A Veil Cloaks Existence As Well As the Future
A dream itself is but a shadow -William Shakespeare (I guess this goes to show we can find something we like in what we believe we do not like. It is no secret I am NOT a William Shakespeare fan, but I really like this quote.)
Often times people who have had an extraterrestrial type experience have other types of experiences not necessarily related to being extraterrestrial in nature. I think we sort of lump all these experiences together and called them paranormal. Over the years I have heard people describe other types of events not necessarily related to the focus of this project. One I had heard of in the past was the sighting of shadow beings. These dark vestiges seem to be something that is noticed in the peripheral vision at first creating an initial startled reaction that something has momentarily invaded their environment. There has been some research in the field of shadow people but like the subject of this book nothing absolute definitive in nature has been developed to explain the nature of the phenomena. About a quarter of the respondents had this experience although it was not always reported as a human type shadow. There was a report of an insect and a couple of animals too. Is it possible being exposed to an extraterrestrial environment leaves us susceptible to experience other anomalous activities? I have often wondered if that were the case. There seems to be reference to a Black Thing as most people refer to it because they certainly cannot come up with a better name for it. This spooky encounter has always been described the same to me. Although not widely reported, luckily for the public at large, for those who have it definitely leaves a lasting impression on the individual.
This Black Thing is generally pretty big in size and chases those who come across it. I have heard it described as having form and without form. Its most notable side effect is the extreme fear as it is pursuing its prey. I do not know of anyone who has actually been overtaken by it. This thing has been sighted in mainly in the presence of groups of people. I have heard on a couple individual reports and the appearance of the thing in dreams. It does not make any difference it is still described the same. Only five people in the survey had reported an incident with this thing. For the rest, I hope you never do. Startling shadow figures, black things of fear. This seemed like a good place to add cataclysmic disaster dreams. I asked about this because I have heard so many people talk about it. It was no surprise when sixty-two percent had reported this experience. All of them reported an occurrence of a disaster dream on a few occasions in life. No matter what age the dream occurred it is never forgotten. Many of them have to do with natural events. Tidal waves or mass flooding seem to top the list. Earthquakes and Volcanoes take a close second, but often times these explosive events are unclear to people because they may also indicate some kind of atomic explosion. There were description of world war with nuclear weapons and some type of brilliant light destroying cities, with which uncontrollable fires broke out. Considering the term brilliant light and destroyed cities Sodom and Gomorrah of antiquity come to mind. Perhaps we have an internal warning about the degradation of society. A few reported seeing dead bodies about or a virus outbreak. Of course it is completely plausible to assume that these are a result of popular culture, the types of movies and media we are exposed to and the seemingly endless threats coming from media about such things. One person reported killer machines. Of course the Terminator series comes to mind. However we do have this thing called the Internet and there is serious discussion at work in academia if it could ever become self aware. If that should happen, I doubt it would have any trouble hacking into any of the worlds military bases, arming nuclear weapons and creating this fun loving voice stating in a audio email, Would you like to play a game? There was another individual whole reported a giant asteroid. This would not be out of the realms of possibility. Apophis is the next known asteroid threat in
2029 or 2036 AD. In the past, some of the most significant near earth asteroid threats were not detected until the safely passed by. There is no guarantee we would have any kind of warning for an event like this. Someone else stated they did not have these types of dreams because they knew they were cover dreams and the Greys could not fool them anymore and they knew it.
Mosaic of the Extraterrestrial Experience Chapter Twelve: Does the Stamp on my Train Ticket Indicate I will arrive at My Destination?
Ones destination is never a place but rather a new way of looking at things `Henry Miller
Synchronicity has been a word constant with me for thirteen years. I have noticed distinct patterns in life. Perhaps they were always there and I just did not have the insight to see them. Whatever happened I did begin to realize what appeared to be random events was actually connected. I do not really care what people think on this issue. I have noticed. I have followed its path and it has led me to some really interesting thoughts to ponder, much more interesting than any class I took in high school or college. I wondered if perhaps it was something that happened to people in life, some kind of experience, something so disconnected from their material world which precipitated the noticing of random events that seemed to pull together a broader landscape to create a larger picture of whom we were and where we were going. So I asked. Nearly half responded that they had indeed noticed synchronistic events in their life. Only a few said no and twenty-five percent did not initiate a response to this question. Not only did people respond they explained what the synchronicities were in their own lives. There were five people that indicated numeric patterns associated with synchronicities that occur in their lives. Of those two identified it was witnessing the number 11 that led to observation they made about something they were supposed to pay attention to and indeed turned out to be significant. If one were to stop and think about the significant of numbers they would realize we couldnt do anything in life without them. They are also symbols of higher meaning in the form of complex mathematical equations that in turn give meaning to our environment including the cosmos. For two individuals they felt those synchronistic events led them to meeting their partners in life. Quite a few expressed there were so many of these events they were just too numerous to list. I wonder if after a while it is not just some
strange phenomenon that has filtered into our lives but more so a way of life and it no longer appears as a mystery. I know. I feel that too. Another individual had these types of events associated with premonitions of an event to occur, and a few more reported having dreams about people they have never met and sub sequentially do. I think this would be a good place to slip in a piece of food for thought. It is only indirectly related to this project, but significant enough it would be worth mentioning. Considering premonitions and earlier comments about experience leading to experience there is a type of premonition that I have witnessed and have wondered what it is. Let me explain. I only know of this occurring three times. This pertains to the events of 911 and the world trade center. About two weeks before that happened I recall talking to people who had this unidentifiable unsettled feeling of an upcoming event. In that time period I had on odd dream, in the sense it did not feel like a dream. I was suspended in midair between two really tall buildings. I was looking inside a window and seen wires dangling from a ceiling, sparks of electricity in the darkness and a balding man lying across a desk unmoving. There was a sudden jolt and I began to fall, but I did not feel like I was falling, I was descending down the landscape of the high rise buildings. That was it. I woke up and did not think about it again until two weeks later on September 11th, 2001. I was watching the morning news and seen two planes crash into the world trade center, shortly after the buildings pancake down on themselves. I realized at that moment in the dream I was not falling the buildings were collapsing just like what I was seeing on TV. What really got me was in the coming weeks when people had told me they had this dream too, except they seen different segments. I wondered if these were some kind of time markers. Events in our history that change the current path we are on. This same thing occurred with the last space shuttle disaster and with the tsunami in Indonesia. This was too far beyond coincidence yet nothing particularly meaningful, but it did happen. I slipped this in to be just something to think about. I wonder how many others who have had an extraterrestrial experience have had these types of premonitions. It is only seen in frames. One person sees a part and so on until the individuals
start talking among themselves no one is certain they glimpsed anything, which tells me they are not premonitions of events that could have ever been stopped. There were some comments I felt really summed up synchronicity. It is random things coming together to evoke major revelations and important information. The synchronistic events are a teaching tool. If we pay attention I think we can all find the universe is willing to teach if we are willing to pay attention to the lesson and do our homework. I like this one I have been reading a little about the notion that we could live in a conscious universe. Imagine what it could teach us if we knew how to sign up for the classes.
Mosaic of the Extraterrestrial Experience Chapter Thirteen: Weather Balloons, Swamp Gas, Space Station, Venus, Atmospheric AnomalyNah it was a UFO
"We must insist upon full access to discs recovered. In the LA case the Army grabbed it and would not let us have it for cursory examination." -J Edgar Hoover, Former Director of the FBI
A UFO is the acronym for unidentified flying objects remember it does not mean anyone is planning on landing upon the White House lawn. I am not sure why they would want to anyway. Many have had UFO experiences. I am not talking airplanes here or a solar eclipse. It is that thing in the sky that leaves them awestruck. These experiences have followed man I think since it came into existence and could say, What was that! Do people who have been abducted see UFOs? They do but not on a nightly bases or even on a regular bases except for a few. People report a variety of shapes, sizes, and colors associated with them. I tend to believe we could limit some of what is being seen by angle. For instance depending on your location or angle of an object it could appear to be different forms. A cigar shape could look saucer shape. A saucer shape could represent something round or even an oval shape. The point is with such a plethora of different types of Ariel phenomenon reported we could be talking about just a few things. Some have purported that people who have been abducted seem to have more sightings. It could simply be exposure. Having been exposed to a different type of existence might lend someone to being more inclined to see in a field vision they have been exposed to before. This turned out to be a rather short chapter. UFOs are quite interesting, but we really have no absolute answers as to what is being seen. I think that is intentional and something we have no control over. If they, whoever they are decide on full disclosure I do hope it is someplace cool like an Armanda over the Rockies or a fleet resting upon Lake Pontchartrain and not someone pulling one behind a tank down Pennsylvania Avenue.
A mind once stretched by a new idea never regains its original dimensions. - Anonymous (Now isnt this the truth. I cannot tell you how many people have said once experienced there will be no going back.)
All right everyone I think this could have been the most shocking response of all. So get out your bottle of Champaign and be ready to celebrate. Seventy-Five percent of the people asked if they felt the Greys were providing them with and information that was useful said yes. Put the cork back onThe Grey is not bringing you love, light and peace. I think we should just celebrate anyhow because I think people have learned some important things. I sense a great deal of discernment. People are cautious and asking questions. What precipitates learning? We learn using our ability to ask a question of course. If one has no question to ask how will we ever learn anything? So what does everyone perceive they are learning? The following are some quotes I received from people willing to fill out the long grueling questionnaire. I have never wanted to admit this, but I think they have been highly influential in how I view the world and how I have developed as a person. (You can be influenced by a parent, a coach, even your first grade teacher, why not an alien or guide or angel, whatever term one chooses to use?) Yes, but it has always been abstract concepts. (I like abstract it causes us to exercise our brains.) Always, but you must always challenge the information that is the name of the game, you just dont take things at face value, you must always challenge, research, etc. (My idea of a great teacher is one who challenges their students to foster their own ideas.)
Nothing overtly so, more like fortune cookie tidbits that only make sense after the event happens. (This is like the segmented premonitions I was talking about earlier.) Yes, some of it is personal and some so beyond my understanding that I have no idea why they tell me. (My mother is infamous for her future teaching, especially as teenagers. She would impart some profound wisdom that made no sense at all until several years later, even decades when we reached an age of understanding so we could use what she gave us. This type of teaching is brilliant thought frustrating at the time. She learned this style of teaching from my grandmother.) Not in everyday life, it seems to be stored for another time (I wonder if this is downloads of information people sometimes speak about. It goes something like this. I have only heard people report this experience once, maybe twice in their lives. There is an intense feeling to lie down and then bam, streams of information seem to flood in from who knows where like you were downloading information from multiple websites on a high speed Internet connection. It can last a few hours or a few days, then stops without being able to capture anything useful. Perhaps this is akin to storing food for a flood, tornado, wind storm, etc. It is there when you need it.) Errtake care of our environmentbe at peace with all living creatures. (I have several similar responses. What comes to mind is teach and reteach this should already be a given, but reminders are not going to hurt.) There were others but I think this covers the common themes. There were some too, that felt nothing had been imparted upon them. If someone indicated they wanted what they wrote kept confidential I did. I kept all names out if I had any. Currently, there are only two individuals that have access to any of this. I did share some of the actual quotes so people could have a feel for some of what I was reading.
The development of science and of the creative activities of the spirit in general requires still another kind of freedom, which may be characterized as inward freedom. It is this freedom of spirit which consists in the independence of thought from the restrictions of authoritarian and social prejudices as well as from unphilosophical routinizing and habit in general. This inward freedom is an infrequent gift of nature and a worthy objective for the individual. I have listened to people for many years impart on me their experiences. Of course it is not all a Grey abduction or Contact. It could be something else or even a different type of experience. One thing was certain all these people seemed to have very similar outlooks, inclinations, and just that intangible thing I can never pinpoint. `Albert Einstein
In my conversations over the years with individuals who have had experiences in life others may consider out of the norm one thing I notice immediately were peoples subjects of interest. In the answers to the questionnaire the line of interest was consistent with what I already knew. Slightly over half of the respondents had always had an interest in Science, History and Archaeology with Archaeology the big winner in this category. A few of them also had an interest in ghosts, or just paranormal subjects in general. For some individuals the interest in these subjects came later. After experiences it was like the floodgates to the pursuit of knowledge were open and no one was damming it up. People began reading and researching science, history, and archaeology if they had not already been interested in these subjects. The advent of the Internet made that pursuit so much easier. Other subjects of academia became interesting such as psychology, medicine, biology, anthropology, and space technology along.
People wanted to see what the future may hold in many different ways through studying quantum physics, time travel, and Earths global changes. So lets break some of these subjects down and consider the why in all of it. For those interested in their experiences and learning more about it science would be a logical place to start. The sciences give meaning and understanding to the world around us. This particular subject also gives us insights into what may be some day. The extraterrestrial experience is complicated and hard to understand as to how it can all be possible. When we look at science it opens gateways to provide information that could make sense. Basically you take experience that to the ordinary would seem somewhat magical or delusional and the study of science brings it into a more normal course of life. Science itself is a fairly broad term. What types of science have these people studied. I might also add there are several individuals who have actually went back to school to obtain degrees in some of these fields. The most obvious would be the advancing sciences such as cosmology, quantum physics, and astronomy. These subjects assist individuals into understanding we are constantly learning and evolving, even at a much faster rate than our modern society have ever seen. One might be surprised just how interested people are in Biology. If we can study life on our planet, someday we would apply those same principles to other worlds and perhaps they are already being applied to our own. When I say study biology I do not mean read a paper about evolution. I mean they go into depth, things like how the eye works, new life discovered here on earth in the depths of the oceans, and why we have different blood types. The study of sciences even goes further. Many individuals study weather patterns, solar cycles, and plate tectonics just to name a few. The planet itself is just as important as what makes us tick. The reality is those exposed to an extraterrestrial experience are looking at what we already know about all facets of life, including psychology, cellular biology, and geometry. I have found an interest in the ETs or UFOs drives people to want to learn and they do not shy away from subjects that are difficult to understand. Even if none of the experience had any truth what so ever look at what people are exploring and learning all the time, Wow!
I will put history and archaeology together. The two do seem to complement each other. Our ancient past holds many mysteries. It holds writings, cave art, Ooparts found that do not seem to fit with what is expected to be found. It lends credence that the idea of extraterrestrials is not a modern day phenomenon. It holds in essence it has always been a part of our society in some form or fashion. It also provides what if cultures advanced similar to us once existed someplace back in time. Another thing I have noticed that I did not include in the questionnaire that I feel is important is this sense of creativity in individuals. I suppose one could call it a side effect. It manifests itself in things like art, humanities, landscaping, and computer graphics. This is just everyday life brought alive through experience. Some wanted to learn more about spirituality, religion, Buddhism or shamanism. If I were to try to locate the binding force that unites all the subjects together the only thing I can come up with is the Universe. The spirituality factor seems to play a big role. It also seems to precipitate expectance in what others want to believe in, more so individual rights. This aspect is interesting and one I continue to explore. I believe in a sense education leads to acceptance. If I were to take a first grade student and stick them in a high school algebra class and inform them this is it. They have to learn. Imagine what that would do to the little six year old. If I take the same child and give them a chance to learn and grow through the different steps of learning mathematics by the time the reach an age of understanding it is accepted as what comes next and easier to learn. If an extraterrestrial race were to appear suddenly without the knowledge of how it is possible there would be a lot of frustration and unwillingness to accept. If I taught the race a head of time and gave them the tools to understand by the time they reached the age of maturity they would be more accepting. There were a few notations made about individuals wanting to learn more about milab accounts. Although I am familiar with these reports I did not specifically ask questions to further explore these encounters. There is a sense of wanting to know everything, even the more mysterious as to what might be suppresses, secret or hidden. Some report becoming more socially aware, as in being a citizen of one planet. I would take that one step further and suggest people are becoming more aware they are a part of the whole universe. Perhaps the sum of the universe wants us to be aware of it.
Mosaic of the Extraterrestrial Experience First Piece Chapter Sixteen: This and That and What Was Not Asked
Greys go. A+, B+, O+, A-, B-, or O- it did not seem to matter most were fairly equally represented. I think it would be safe to ax the idea of blood types having anything to do with the Grey experience. I also think abduction/contact experience has nothing to do with where you live on Earth, what your occupation is, how old you are, what race you are, if youre a high school dropout or a Phd. This subject runs across the whole spectrum of society. Near the end of the survey I left open a place for individuals that were kind enough to take the time to fill out the lengthy questionnaire to ask their own question. I do not have any definitive answers to anything, but I have been a part of this subject long enough to research and develop ideas. For the rest of this section I will share questions asked by others and share my thoughts. Question: Have you ever seen any special rooms on a spaceship and what do they look like? Response: I have had some amazing experiences in life. I cannot say I am and abductee, what I can say is I have heard people describe a room like a living star map similar to your own. The one other thing I have heard on multiple occasions is the description of a classroom environment where multiple abductees/contactees are in the process of learning. What they are leaning is not generally specifically identified. Question: Were you ever asked to operate any foreign technology? Response: I have heard about this on several occasions, again there is not always a specific detailed description. This could be due to the individual not knowing what the Grey technology is or how to even explain it. Question: How do you think we are connected to the Greys, Reptilians etc? Response: In my mind that is an easy answerthe Universe. The accepted theory is there was a Big Bang. Everything that was produced is everywhere and a part of the greater whole or the original dot if you will. My favorite mathematical equation for the Universe is the sum of all equals one. Consider the human body all parts of it external and internal make up the whole person. If you were a microscopic traveler inside you would see all kinds of unbelievable things, yet they are all connected.
Question: Was the event pre-empted with an upscale of seemingly unexplainable (paranormal) events? Response: I have heard and witnessed an onset of unusual events both before and after a primary event. Some more common things before is an unexplained restless, almost an inner feeling something is going to happen. I have heard of knocking sounds a very distinct set of three knocks where everyone in the house may hear them but no one can identify where they are coming from. Events that occur after are time discrepancies. I am not talking about missing time, but also feelings of out of place in time or an experience of time stopping for a brief second to a perception of it speeding up momentarily. Only long enough to be aware time did not seem right. Uh oh, did I just make a confession? Question: Are you being abducted by Angels or Demons? Response: I do not feel like I have been abducted by anything. I would not even use the terms personally Angels and Demons for this subject. I believe there is other life in the Universe. Not unlike us there would be representations of both dispositions. There lies in the human race individuals I would call angelic and ones demons usually denoted by their actions. Question: This was more of a statement than a question. I get the feeling they are us, but either way in the future or way in the past, which might be the same. Response: I see no reason to believe this would be impossible, and may very well be the case. You are not alone in the statement. Question: I think a questionnaire on Reptoids/Military would have been more appropriate for me. Response: If people like this form of research which is actually more of a presentation to open new dialog in discussion, I may be willing to create more questionnaires in other areas and create a similar project. Question: Has anyone else had experienced that are not abductions and do not include medical experimentation? Or am I the only one? Response: You are not the only one and absolutely others have experiences that would not be classifying them as an abductee. I tend to be drawn to the idea that we have multiple activities going on by more than one race, but somehow there is
an inner relationship to it all. In the last chapter I will share a few experiences I have had. Question: Why do they want DNA from an inferior race from what they definitely feel is an inferior race? Response: I would not assume they want our DNA. If that were the case why not just sneak in while everyone is sleeping and clip a piece of hair. I think an advance race would have the technology to manufacture DNA, I think if they needed a sample of something it would have to be something that would be difficult if not impossible to manufacture. I have no real basis, but think RNA, Amino Acids, Proteins or Stem Cells would be more likely. Are we actually considered an inferior race? If they were us from the future we might actually be considered family. I am not sure we could make that assumption based on current information. Question: Do you feel our ancient religions on Earth are kind of related to extraterrestrials or UFO? Response: Personally based on what I have learned, listened to or experienced I would say no. I tend to think they are more based on a system of controlling the masses and quite human in origin. That does not mean I would not change my opinion given new information but currently that is where I stand. Question: Does the person live on or near a military base? Response: I have not seen where this would have a specific delineation to abduction experiences. People who have reported them live all over the place. Question: Why are the abductees so fearful, even after being an abductee since they were a child? Response: Please keep in mind this is my opinion and I do accept others are entitled to theirs. I do not find the majority of people fearful. I would say curious and questioning is more the norm. I have only come across a few individuals that are terrified by their experiences in thirteen years. Even in the questionnaire there was only a couple. Question: Were there physical health issues concerning the reproductive system and unusual bruising?
Response: This is a good question and part of a whole other project. I know people wondered why I did not include this aspect in the questionnaire. I would only suggest keeping in mind I was focusing on specifics. This area was broad ranged and deserved its own individual attention. Question: Do you feel the Greys are benevolent or malevolent? Response: I think they are a race of beings subject to all capacities we would find in any society. I guess the short answer is neither. Question: The 11:11 thing, Is it related to this subject? Response: I think there are a lot of paranormal events related to this subject. It is possible. I do not know of any specifics. Question: This was more of a comment about experiencing extreme empathy. It concerned the feeling of not wanting to be around others because they did not want to feel their emotions. Response: In people with these type of experience strong empathy emotions is always reported. Instead of separating myself from society, I would learn how to separate my emotions from others. I did years ago and it worked. It does not mean you do not care. You just recognize the individual rights of others to keep their own emotions and you have the right to yours. I made that sound easy, but it is not, you have to get out there and practice. Question: My question is not related to the Greys but it is relevant to these questionnaires. Who spell checked these questionnaires because there are some really bad spelling and grammar errors. Response: Stupid computers! I warned them about making too many mistakes. I am kidding. I accept responsibility. I did spell check and it does not catch all errors. In my haste and world of multitasking I missed the grammar check. I did see the errors on the site but do not have access to clean them up. Like me, the site owner trying to cram a thirty hour day into twenty-four our rotation. It should not happen the next time. Question: Why would your own government being using borrowed technology to break into your bedroom to abduct you?
Response: I think we would have to prove this first, but being around military people all my life I would say it could be as simple as because they can. In this section I just shared my opinions to the various questions asked. I am sure others would have their own thoughts on the subject. Through the sharing of thoughts and ideas we create have new venues to explore. I do not have this need to prove someone wrong or outright tell them I disagree with a statement. If I do or think they are wrong I just move on. I have better things in life to do battle with than arguing with someone who disagrees with me, like the pesky weeds in the flower beds; now that is something I can really tear into.
A little reflection will show us that every belief, even the simplest and most fundamental, goes beyond experience when regarded as a guide to our actions. -William Kingdon Clifford
I have been a part of this discussion area for thirteen years now. I have always enjoyed the discussions in large groups of people who have had the unusual experiences come into their lives. There is a tangible synergistic energy that has permeated many of the discussions. After a fair amount of time had passed and for me the subject of UFOs and experience became redundant. I was looking for new ways to discuss the abduction/contact experience. I felt to create the whole sum of what is happening we had somehow missed the thoughtful breakdown of all the aspects. I wanted o see if I could find anything that could lend more additional detailed examination of various details in these experiences. In the matter of two days I was flooded with all kinds of different avenues to explore even I had not thought about it. I cant offer a comprehensive thought of where the wellspring of ideas erupted from but I was certainly intrigued. This type of approach reminds me of my landscape at home. I have lived on the same piece of property for nearly twenty-four years. In the first thirteen years I dreamed of having a beautiful landscape as there really was nothing but woods and soil. We had an acre suitable for this purpose so I set out to do the whole thing in one fell swoop year after year. Guess what? I was never satisfied with any of it and I did not even care to work on it after a while. Eleven years ago something happened. Actually many things happened, but from my own unusual experiences I gained some new insights, one being that darn yard. It had occurred to me that I was so focused on the bigger picture and the final outcome that I had not given the detailed care each area needed. I completely changed my approach. I sectioned areas off into about eight parcels. For one summer I focused on one parcel, the next year another, and so on.
Now I have something I am very happy with and cannot wait until the spring rains have ended to see what I might do this year. The point was I learned that the bigger picture could not present itself if I did not take the time to focus on the detail of each area. Two months ago my husband and I were walking up from the 12,000 gallon pond we are still working on. I was telling him the landscaping ideas I had and he stopped on the path. He looked at me and said, November, Where do all these ideas come from? I explained I really do not know they just seem to be there when I need them. Using that concept I wanted to tackle the idea of Extraterrestrials and people experience more so the aspect of an element contained in the experience. Could we actually break it down in those kinds of parcels and develop some meaningful discussions around the subject? I guess I will find out! I did use data from the questionnaire and other conversations. Did that mean I have never had an experience myself? No, and I was careful not to impart my own experience into the arena as if I had the answers. Like everyone else I am still checking everything out. Because people were fair enough to impart on me what had happened to them I thought it only fair for me to share a few things that have happened to me. This might be a good place to indicate when I am talking experience I am not talking about some daily event that occurs on any regular timed schedule. Most have strong profound memories of between five and fifteen episodes of experience, sometimes not even that many and only a few have reported more. The experiences are profound enough they stay with us for a lifetime. About twelve years ago on one night perhaps around 1:00 am my two children and I were sleeping and my husband was at work. Of course every parents horror is to have one of your children screaming in the middle of the night in terror. This night it was my daughter screaming; Mom! and I lit out of my bed, and then calmly walked to the door way. I just stood there. That does not even make sense! My daughter called out in terror she was twelve at the time and I just stood there in the doorway. Suddenly her bedroom door across the hall slammed shut as if a hurricane force wind blew it shut. I just stood there. I looked down the hall to my sons room; he was standing in his doorway two doors down. We just stood there and did nothing. After a brief spell and no words we both went back to bed.
I woke up the next morning plagued by the bizarre dream. My fourteen year old son and twelve year old daughter fixed our breakfast and sat at the bar to eat. I made a comment about the strange dream I had. My son informed me it was not a dream and he recalled hearing his sister scream and standing in his doorway and seeing me in my doorway. My daughter informed us she did scream for me but had no clue as to why. Of course that spooked me a little that everyone seemed to recall what happened. My son added one other piece of information. He had heard knocking first. I knew what he was talking about because I had heard it a few days earlier and my daughter said she had heard it too. It was a distinct series of three knocks with a nice pause between each one. We had never spoken about the incident again. That day, however, my daughter drew her first piece of artwork. She had always wanted to be an artist and tried so hard but never really seemed to have that talent. That day, she did two drawings. Both were of a small white house on a grassy prairie in the distance. Both had a white picket fence in the foreground and both had a comet careening down through the sky. I asked her about the comet and she did not know why she drew it and never drew anything like it again. She has done many pieces of art work: historic, owls, landscapes, and people. She went on to become an AP artist in high school. In the winter time I like to sleep on the sofa in the front room. I have a nice fireplace in there and I enjoy the ambiance of the flames. Perhaps eight years ago, I had lain down to sleep and was a bit restless. I suddenly felt a presence and turned over to look at one of those little grey beings. It was startled and so was I. I closed my eyes, opened them and it was gone. I got up saying to no one in particular screw this grabbed my pillow and went to sleep in my own bed. I thought I should be scared, but really annoyed was closer to what I felt. Was it real? I realize it could have been a dream. There have been some other events, but that is good enough for now. I know, perhaps it was sleep paralysis. I think that is a popular theory to account for abduction experiences. I do not agree at all. I have four family members who have experienced sleep paralysis. The three males were in there early twenties. The one female was in her teens at the time of the events. I am happy to report the incidents were short lived and never occurred for them again.
I asked them about their experience in the throes of sleep paralysis. All of them reported the feeling of being paralyzed. They all reported shadow figures in their room. The female reported the figure coming at her like it was going to attack. The males reported voices associated with the shadowy figures. None of them reported leaving their rooms. All reported that they were sleeping alone. All of them said the experience was frightening but did not last for more than a few minutes. All of them said they had a handful of episodes before it just went away. When asked if they ever saw an alien in the experience all of them laughed and answered no. The point is this is consistent with sleep paralysis research. It is not consistent with abduction/contact research. So why does the advent of sleep paralysis get linked with the abduction experience? It is true, many do feel paralyzed by their experience, but that is where the similarity ends. People rarely report voices being spoken and certainly not in plain English. Nearly all report leaving their rooms, only half were sleeping alone. Only half report the experience frightening and they all see a Grey Extraterrestrials at least in this survey. The experiences are very detailed and certainly last longer than a few minutes. Almost all report experiences starting from early childhood and moving into their adult life. It does not go away. I believe there is significant difference between abduction/contact experiences and sleep paralysis. I cannot even begin to find a pattern between the two. For me it is about as lame as all UFOs being an atmospheric anomaly. I really think we devote too much time and research in trying to found out what is wrong with these people. Why not just assume the experience is real and see what happens? The overwhelming majorities are highly intelligent, functioning members of society and have a lot to offer with various different talents. In the past a great deal of people kept their experience to themselves. They were smart enough to understand society and its ridicules of what is not understood. I have noticed that is changing too. Individuals are coming up with the notions of who cares, what is wrong with being free to be me, absolutely nothing in my opinion. I have devoted hundreds of hours to put this together. It has been done because I wanted it to be done. I have received no financial support to do this, but have had a lot of help along the way. For all those individuals I would like to thank them they know who they are.
I would like to continue this type of research. The creation of questionnaires, exploring the possibilities and hopefully evolve the subject over time. It is a huge commitment one I am more than willing to undertake if individuals out there would like to see more of it. I will leave on these pages the email associated with this project. Comments are welcomed; yes all of them I realize I will get some negative feedback. I am prepared for that. For now I am going to take a break from it all and escape into the great outdoors. The weeds are waiting for me. It is a peaceful place unfettered by modern technology where I can accomplish a task and let my mind tiptoe through the Universe. The email for this project is [email protected]. Credits and Special Thanks I want to thank the people who assisted me, both friends and acquaintances. Gia Scott devoted her personal time with editing. I am grateful for her suggestions and assistance. Joe Montaldo arrange for the questionnaire to be put on the ICAR site. All the individuals I have been acquainted with over the years for sharing their own personal experiences and insights as well as those who filled out the rather lengthy questionnaire on the ICAR site. The two talented artists who provided some art work for the project, Christian and Tiarre. There was also Bill, Jason, Lily, Sam and I have no doubt others. How do you credit the astronomical amount of information you have explored through countless books and endless Internet sites? I think the best way is to simply credit the human race, its intelligence (well maybe not all of it), and individual pursuits for their fields of study that allow for the expansion of other individuals fields of interest and so on and so on.