Ieee 90
Ieee 90
Ieee 90
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3 authors, including:
All content following this page was uploaded by Hector Kelly on 08 May 2014.
Abstract-A numerical model for the equivalent electrical circuit of viously considered [4], [5],although without considering
a capacitive discharge that includes the effects of Rnite closure time of a realistic switch behavior.
switches and finite transit time in the transmission line is presented.
An approximate analytical method to predict the oscillations that can The core of an appropriate modeling of the transient
be excited in the circuit is developed. The numerical solutions of the behavior of fast electrical circuits is a good description of
model are compared with experimental signals measured in a plasma the switching action. The switches currently used in high-
focus device. power pulsed devices are of the gaseous type (thyratrons,
spark gaps, etc.), which operate by means of the break-
I. INTRODUCTION down of a gas. They can be conceived as a time variable
resistance r s ( r ) , changing its value from very high to a
T HE PREDICTION of the temporal behavior of volt-
ages and currents in high-power fast-pulsed electrical
discharges is important for a wide range of problems,
very low in a given time. The physical processes account-
ing for the time evolution of this resistance during the
breakdown in a given gap filled with a gas are complex,
among them plasma production. The models developed
and will not be addressed in the present work. However,
for calculating those magnitudes usually use equivalent
measurements of r, ( t ) performed by Sorensen and Ristic
circuits with lumped parameters and ideal switches which,
[6] working with an overvolted nitrogen pressurized gap,
while yielding satisfactory results for the overall behavior
yielded rs( t ) 3 t - 3 . It could seem then natural enough
of voltages and currents, are not sufficient to predict all
to model the switching action by a time variable resis-
of the experimentally observed details.
tance. However, this procedure goes through numerical
Particularly, in plasma-producing fast electrical dis-
difficulties when one tries to implement them. A better
charges (pinches, plasma focus (PF) [l], etc.), it is a
way of modeling the switching action is to represent it as
common feature to observe nonpredicted high-frequency
an element with a time-dependent voltage drop Y ( t ),
oscillations at the beginning of the discharge and also at
changing from the applied voltage uo to zero. This type
other time intervals during which some magnitudes suffer
of switch modeling was described in a previous work [7]
a strong temporal vanation (Le., pinch formation). This
and will be briefly outlined here. The voltage drop U ( ? )
last type of oscillation is sometimes associated with
was represented by means of a Fermi-Dirac-like function
plasma behavior (bouncing of the pinch [ 2 ] ; instabilities
as follows:
[3], etc.).
In this work we present a model for the equivalent cir- uO[1 + ~ X P( --t0/7)]
V(t) =
cuit of a fairly common electrical discharge, consisting of I + exp [ ( t - t0)/7]’
a capacitor bank connected to a load through a transmis-
sion line, which takes into account the effects of finite Note that v(0) = vo and that for t - to >> 7,u ( r ) =
closure times of switches and finite transit time in the line. 0. The parameter 7 is then related to the closure speed,
The model can be extended easily to other types of cir- while the parameter to defines the instant of time at which
cuits (Marx generators, Blumlein lines, etc.). Note that the switch closes. Also note that to must be chosen larger
the idea of representing some components of the electrical than 7 to have a “smooth” switching action ( t o > 37
suffices); otherwise, the initial fall of ~ ( twould ) be un-
circuit of a PF device as a transmission line has been pre-
physically sharp.
In [7] it was shown that the measured behavior of the
Manuscript received June 26, 1989; revised March 21, 1990. This work discharge current of a capacitor on series inductance and
was partially supported by a research grant from the Consejo Nacional de
Investigaciones Cientificas y Tecnicas, and a research grant from the Uni- resistance was adequately predicted by an equivalent cir-
versity of Buenos Aires. cuit using this model of switches, so we will use them
The authors are with the Laboratorio de Fisica del Plasma, Facultad de with confidence in what follows. Also, we have checked
Ciencias Exactas y Naturales, Universidad de Buenos Aires. Pabellon I ,
Ciudad Universitaria, 1428 Buenos Aires. Argentina. in simple cases to see that the equivalent impedance of
IEEE Log Number 9036728. the switch v ( r ) / i ( r ) ,where i ( r ) is the current circulating
12 =
= A(1; -
z; + 1;
1 at the extreme b (6)
-1 --
0 2
4 6
V dl /dT
-1 I !
0 0.5 1
Fig. 2 . Curves of Vh( T ) obtained in open circuit case for R , = 0 and 10. -1 4 I
, o 2 4 6
(a) r I = 0.1. (b) r l = 0.02. T
imaginary parts (
damping constants.
e, (e,
oscillation of the system W:, * ), whereas the
Wu = R , / 2 ( 1 + AT/).
Using the values of the parameters corresponding to the
calculations shown in Fig. 3, we obtain: W: G 0.93,
0.82, and 0.34 for the cases RI = 0, 1 , and 2. respec-
tively. The first two values are in good agreement with
the corresponding ones obtained from the numerical
Fig. 6. Oscillographic traces of voltage (upper) and current time deriva-
curves, whereas the third value cannot be matched into tive (lower) measured in plasma focus device operating with filling pres-
that graph because the circuit is very near to its critical sure o f O . 3 mbar. HoriLonlal division is equivalent to g 0 . 2 . in dimen-
damping for RI = 2. sionless units.
as a charged particle accelerator,” Ph.D. dissertation, Univ. of Mary- Hector Kelly was born in Medoza, Argentina, on
land, College Park, 1985. February 14, 1948 He received the M.S. and
[6] T. P. Sorensen and V. M. Ristic, J . Appl. Phys., vol. 48, p. 114, Ph D. degrees in physics from Buenos Aires Uni-
1977. versity in 1972 and 1979, respectively.
[7] H. Bruzzone, H. Kelly, and C. Moreno, Amer. J . Phys., vol. 57, p. Since 1973 he has been a Researcher at the
63, 1989. Plasma Physics Laboratory of the Science Faculty
[8] B. Carnahan, H. A. Luther, and J. 0. Wilkes, in Applied Numerical of Buenos Aires University. In 1980 he joined the
Merhods. New York: Wiley, 1969, ch. 6. National Research Council of Sciences of Argen-
[9] P. G. Eltgroth, Phys. Fluids, vol. 25, p. 2408, 1982. tine. His current interests are in powerful electri-
cal discharges, MHD structure of current sheaths,
* and strong collisional shocks.