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Despite the interests on destination branding in general, there has been scarce investigations on
destination personality which is described as the set of human characteristics associated with a
destination. The purpose of this study was to investigate the perceived destination personality of
Bodrum (a famous destination in Turkey) and the relationship among destination personality, self-
congruity and loyalty. In 8 to 14 August, 2011 time period, 252 respondents who were domestic tourists
that visited Bodrum destination and stayed at the hotels in the destination were surveyed with the
questionnaire form privately developed for the destination. 226 usable questionnaires were analyzed. 38
personality traits were tested and destination personality of Bodrum was measured. The findings of the
study indicate that tourists ascribe personality characteristics to destinations and the perceived
destination personality dimensions of Bodrum are dynamism, sincerity, competence and
sophistication. The results also show that the most distinct dimension which has a positive impact on
loyalty to destination is sincerity. In addition, ideal self-congruity has resulted as the most effective
self-congruity measure on loyalty.
In today‟s competitive world, understanding the effective destination personality and the tourist‟s characteristics
factors on destination choice is important to both acade- reflect loyalty for the destination? Considering this basic
micians and professionals who are playing a part in question, the relationship among destination personality,
tourism sector (Beerli et al., 2007). Although, the efforts self-congruity and loyalty was investigated in Bodrum
on branding tourism destinations are effective marketing destination. Bodrum is one of the famous destinations in
tools (Uşaklı and Baloglu, 2011); only beautiful beaches, Turkey. The destination which is famous for white houses
seas, hospitable local people etc. are not enough to be and night life is located in the province of Muğla. Apart
survived in today‟s competitive environment (Hosany et from its 31 beautiful bays, long beaches and 9 diving
al., 2007; Murphy et al., 2007a). Within this scope, spots, there are 9 walking tracks, 13 ancient cities and
adapting Aaker‟s (1997) brand personality terminology to lots of night clubs or bars (
tourism destinations is important in terms of specifying This makes Bodrum available for not only sea-sand-sun
the own characteristics of destinations and creating a tourism (
different image on tourists‟ perceptions. 95819/bodrum.html (10.05.2012), but also cultural and
Based on the destination which reflects the tourist‟s sports tourism. Furthermore, the night life of Bodrum is
own idea, characteristic and/or feeling, the tourist com- well known by foreign and domestic tourists. Due to this
pares the characteristics of the destination with his own variety seen in the destination, tourists from different
personality and this defines self-congruity (Opoku, 2009). countries who have different personality characteristics
In that case, does this congruence between the from each other would like to visit the destination. So as
to survey the perceived brand personality characteristics
of this destination, the congruence between destination
personality characteristics and visitors‟ self-concept and
*Corresponding author. E-mail: [email protected]. intention to revisit or intention to recommend the
96 J. Hospitality Manage. Tourism
destination to others, this study was carried out in of brand personality scale can be applied to tourism
Bodrum. The literature review indicates that directly no destination personality. As seen in the literature, Uşaklı
researches have been implemented in this destination and Baloglu (2011) inves-tigated Las Vegas destination
related to the subject. and determined the perceived destination personality
The study is guided by the following questions deve- dimensions: vibrancy, sophistication, competence,
loped from the study that was carried out by Murphy et al. contemporary, and sincerity. Santos (2004) identified
(2007a) about Whitsundays destination. The questions of Portugal‟s personality charac-teristics as modern,
the study were implemented on the domestic tourists sophisticated and traditional, whereas Wales was defined
visiting the destination. as honest, welcoming, romantic and down to earth; Spain
as friendly and family oriented; Paris as romantic; and
(1) What are the brand personality dimensions of Bodrum London destinations. Nevertheless, the authors
on domestic visitors‟ perceptions? concluded that destination personality consists of three
(2 Is there a relationship between destination personality distinct dimen-sions rather than the original five. Two of
perceptions and self-congruity? these dimensions were sincerity and excitement, same
(3) Is there a relationship between destination personality as in Aaker‟s (1997) brand personality dimensions, but
perceptions and domestic tourists‟ loyalty on the conviviality was new and specific to tourism destinations
destination? (Ekinci and Hosany, 2006).
(4) Is there a relationship between self-congruity and Uncovering a brand‟s or destination‟s personality is a
domestic tourists‟ loyalty on the destination? difficult process which needs effort and time
0497.pdf (24.08.2011). Nonetheless, the lack of studies
LITERATURE REVIEW in the context of destination personality leads the resear-
chers to be interested in the subject. The literature review
Destination personality proves that the destination personality researchers
develop their own scales or use Aaker‟s (1997) brand
Destination personality term is approached within brand personality scale to examine a destination (Azoulay and
personality context. Brand is defined as “a term, sign, Kapferer, 2003; Ekinci and Hosany, 2006; Hosany et al.,
symbol either design or combination of all” and 2007; Uşaklı and Baloglu, 2011).
developed to differentiate the product from the com- Brand personality scales are composed of the listed
petitors‟ (Kotler, 1991). As emphasized in consumer traits which emphasize the personality characteristics. 5-
behavior literature, brand personality is defined as the point Likert type scale is used to measure each trait‟s
“set of human characteristics associated with a brand” descriptiveness. Then, factor analysis is performed to
(Aaker, 1997) which means any humanistic values that determine the personality dimensions (Azoulay and
are seen in brands (Vaidya et al., 2009). Although, brand Kapferer, 2003).
is an inanimate term, consumers attribute human charac- Although, there have been sparse empirical investiga-
teristics such as youthful, energetic, masculine, rugged tions, the tourism academics are getting enthusiastic to
etc. to a brand. For example, one may use the words research on as open-minded, unorthodox, vibrant and
cool, hip and contemporary to describe Absolute vodka creative (Ekinci and Hosany, 2006).
(Aaker, 1997), masculine to Marlboro cigarettes, feminine
to Chanel perfumes and intelligent to IBM computers
(Ekinci and Hosany, 2006). Self-congruity
Brand personality literature indicates that adapting
brand characteristics to tourism destinations is important When consumer behavior literature is reviewed, it is
in terms of understanding the perceived destination understood that brand personality enables consumers to
image and tourists‟ destination choices (Hosany et al., express themselves. In other words, people prefer
2007).With this point of view, destination personality, products or brands whose psychological characteristics
defined as “the set of human characteristics associated are congruent with their own characteristics (Opoku,
with a destination” (Ekinci and Hosany, 2006), is 2009; Beerli et al., 2007). In that case, the congruity of
developed from Aaker‟s (1997) brand personality scale self-concept (or self-image) which has been defined as
(BPS) which consists of five generic dimensions: “the totality of individual‟s thoughts and feelings having
excitement, sincerity, competence, sophistication and reference to himself as an object” with product or brand
ruggedness and 42 descriptive traits. The applicability refers to self-congruity (Sirgy, 1985; Uşaklı and Baloglu,
and validity of Aaker‟s (1997) brand personality 2011). Self-congruity consists of four dimensions. These
framework in the context of tourism destinations were first dimensions are actual self-congruity, ideal self-congruity,
examined by Ekinci and Hosany (2006). The results of social self-congruity and ideal social self-congruity. Actual
the study proved that tourists ascribed personality self-congruity is the fit between how people actually see
characteristics to destinations which means the concept themselves in relation to the image of that the kind of
KILIÇ and SOP 97
Table 1. Profile of respondents (N= 226). personality by the people around me.
(4) I would like to be perceived as similar to the personality of
Feature n % Bodrum.
Gender As understood from the expressions above, 4 dimensions of self-
Male 111 49.1 congruity were measured clearly. “The personality of Bodrum is
Female 115 50.9 consistent with my personality characteristics” refers to actual self-
congruity; “Bodrum has some of the personality characteristics that
I would like to see on me” refers to ideal self-congruity; “As I see,
Age Bodrum and I are perceived as similar in terms of personality by the
19-29 81 35.8 people around me” refers to social self-congruity and “I would like to
30-39 71 31.4 be perceived as similar to the personality of Bodrum” refers to ideal
social self-congruity.
40-49 45 19.9
In order to analyze destination loyalty, the visitors were asked if
50-59 19 8.4 they would recommend Bodrum destination to their friends or the
60+ 10 4.4 people around them, by using 10-point scale: 1- not recommend at
all, 10- definitely recommend. Revisit intention within two years was
also measured with 10-point scale: 1- do not intend to visit, 10- very
Marital Status likely to visit. Additionally, an open-ended question was used to
Married 113 50.0 examine the visitors‟ perceived destination image by using 3
Single 99 43.8 descriptive words or phrases.
Other 14 6.2
Table 2. Respondents‟ images of Bodrum (N=484). peace seeker (mean 3.53) type of visitor were not
associated with the destination as much. On the other
Image n % hand, the sophisticated, confident and business traveler
Night life 91 18.9 (mean 1.67) type of visitor was not associated with the
Peace 56 11.5 destination at all. Wealthy, classy and shopper type of
Dynamism 55 11.4 visitor was also commonly seen in the destination
Natural Beauty 55 11,4 according to the responses.
Sea-sand-sun 51 10.5
Modern structures 28 5.8
Destination personality perceptions
Holiday 22 4,5
Excitement 20 4,1
Respondents rated the degree to which they associated
White houses 19 3.9
38 brand personality traits with Bodrum destination on a
Sex - Love 19 3,9 5-point scale (1 = strongly disagree, 5 = strongly agree).
Expensive shopping 17 3.5 The 38 personality traits were factor analyzed to reduce
Traffic 15 3,1 data and to clarify the dimensions. It was seen that
Hot weather 14 2.9 Aaker‟s (1997) original five personality dimensions could
Historical monuments 13 2.7 not be duplicated in this study.
Hospitable local people 9 1.9 Four factors were obtained by using alpha factoring
analysis with Varimax rotation method (Kaiser-Mayer-
Olkin = 0.864) and 21 personality traits were eliminated.
Before the analysis, some of the personality traits had
On this basis, Table 2 explains that the first thing been thought as the special personality traits that were
coming to their mind was night life when the respondents consistent with Bodrum destination like young, unique,
thought of Bodrum. This was an expected result because outdoorsy and hospitable. The 17 traits left (Cronbach‟s
in Turkey, media and people who visit Bodrum describe Alpha = 0.897) and they included new ones that were
the destination with its bar streets, clubs and pubs. special to the destination like energetic, reckless and
Although, Bodrum is famous for its white houses, the modern exhibited factor loadings greater than 0.50. The
responses showed that the respondents were mostly factors have been labeled as dynamism, sincerity,
aware of other factors like natural beauty (11.4%), sea- competence and sophistication. It is necessary to clarify
sand-sun (10.5%) and modern structures (5.8%). As a that dynamism factor was labeled as different from the
surprising finding of image perception, expensive original factors of Aaker‟s (1997) owing to the fact that all
shopping (3.5%) was a common response among some the personality characteristic items were not loaded
of the respondents. under the original five factors. For example, cheerful and
In order to specify the typical visitor of Bodrum, friendly were loaded on dynamism rather than sincerity;
respondents were asked 6 questions with pictures for independent was also loaded on competence rather than
each that how strongly they associated the pictures to excitement because it had greater impact on competence
typical visitors of Bodrum destination (Table 3). After the named factor. Murphy et al. (2007), Hosany and Ekinci
pilot study implemented among 36 respondents, each (2006) were also unable to duplicate the original five
picture was defined with 3 descriptive words or phrases. dimensions of Aaker‟s (1997) and relabeled the factors
On this basis, respondents described picture 1 as as special to the destinations (Table 4).
“sophisticated, confident and business traveler”, picture 2
as “young, fun loving and partier”, picture 3 as
“adventurous, brave and solo traveler”, picture 4 as Destination personality and self-congruity
“wealthy, classy and shopper”, picture 5 as “old, family
oriented and peace seeker” and finally picture 6 as In this step of the study, multiple regression analyses
“recumbent, sea-sand-sun loving and classical were conducted to explore the relationship between the
holidaymaker”. destination personality dimensions and four measures of
According to Table 3, the typical visitor of Bodrum was self-congruity. First, actual and ideal self-congruity
intensively associated with picture 6 and 2. Responses measures were regressed on the dimensions of des-
showed that the typical visitors of Bodrum were tination personality and seen that no auto correlation
recumbent, sea-sand-sun loving and classical holiday- problems were appeared in the models (Durbin-Watson
maker (mean 4.72); young, fun loving and partier (mean =2.004 and 1.872). The results can be seen in Table 5. In
4.39). This means the destination is available for sea- the models, the F values seemed high (F1 = 7.132 and F2
sand-sun tourism with night life especially for young = 9.676) and the multiple R coefficients (R1 = 0.338 and
holidaymakers. Besides; adventurous, brave and solo R2 = 0.386) showed that the correlation between
traveler (mean 3.05) type and old, family-oriented and destination personality dimensions and two measures of
100 J. Hospitality Manage. Tourism
Description n %
Picture 1 – Sophisticated, confident, business traveler
Table 5. Regression analysis results - relationship between destination personality and self-congruence.
self-congruity were moderate (0.3 < R < 0.5) (Cohen, amount of variance explained by the regression model for
1988; in Uşaklı and Baloglu, 2011). actual and ideal self-congruity were low, the F values
As seen in Table 5, the four dimensions of destination were highly significant which meant the models were
personality explained 11.4 and 14.9% of the total statistically significant (p1 = 0.000 and p2 = 0.000). There
variation in actual and ideal self-congruity. Although the was statistically significant relationship between sincerity
102 J. Hospitality Manage. Tourism
Table 6. Regression analysis results - relationship between destination personality and social congruence.
personality and actual self-congruity; dynamism (p = were not significantly related to social self and ideal
0.131), competence (p = 0.569) and sophistication (p = social self-congruity.
0.955) dimensions were not statistically significant in
predicting ideal self-congruity.
Social self and ideal social self-congruity measures Destination personality and loyalty
were regressed on the dimensions of destination
personality and the results are represented in Table 6. In this part of the study, both intention to recommend
The four dimensions of destination personality explained Bodrum destination to friends, relatives etc. and intention
17.0 and 24.2% of the total variation in social and ideal to revisit the destination within two years were regressed
social self-congruity. It was clear that there were no auto- on four dimensions of the destination personality. Multiple
correlation problems in the models (Durbin-Watson regression analyses were conducted taking four
=1.990 and 1.892). The multiple R coefficients (R1 = dimensions of the destination personality as independent
0.412 and R2 = 0.491) showed that destination variables. The results are presented in Table 7.
personality dimensions and two measures of social con- The multiple R coefficients (R1 = 0.526 and R2 = 0.355)
gruence were positively correlated and the F values (F1 = showed that the correlations between destination
11.286 and F2 = 17.596) were high which described the personality dimensions and two measures of loyalty were
models as statistically significant (p1 = 0.000 and p2 = strong to moderate (R values > 0.3) (Cohen, 1988; in
0.000). As seen in Table 6, there was statistically Uşaklı and Baloglu, 2011). In model 1, the four
significant relationship between sincerity dimension and dimensions of destination personality explained 22.7% of
social self-congruity (p=0.000). Otherwise, dynamism (p the total variation in intention to recommend the
= 0.312), competence (p = 0.838) and sophistication (p= destination to others. Beside, in model 2, 12.6% of
0.056) dimensions were not statistically significant in variance was explained by destination personality di-
predicting social self-congruity. Ideal social self-congruity mensions in estimation of intention to revisit the
was examined in the same table and it was seen that destination. Table 7 also showed the statistically
only sincerity dimension was significant (p = 0.000) in significant relationship among dynamism (p = 0.004) and
predicting ideal social self-congruity when dynamism (p = sincerity (p = 0.000) dimensions and intention to
0.776), competence (p = 0.548) and sophistication (p = recommend. However, competence dimension and
0.285) dimensions were not statistically significant. intention to recommend relationship was negatively
Both Tables 5 and 6 proved that only sincerity directed (β = -0.014) and the dimension was not
dimension was statistically significant in predicting four significant in defining intention to recommend the
self-congruity dimensions for Bodrum destination. In destination to others (p = 0.938). Although sophistication
predicting actual self-congruity, competence dimension dimension seemed positively directed in the model (β =
had negative impact (β = -0.123).When considering the 0.137), the relationship was not statistically significant (p
relationship between personality dimensions and ideal = 0.357) which meant the dimension had no impact on
self-congruity, this time sophistication dimension (β = - intention to recommend. Eventually, the table proved that
0.005) was seen as negatively directed in predicting ideal sincerity dimension had the highest impact level on
self-congruity. The regression analyses seen in table 6 intention to recommend the destination to others (β =
also showed that dynamism (p1 = 0.312 and p2 = 0.776), 0.798).
competence (p1 = 0.838 and p2 = 0.548), and When the relationship between destination personality
sophistication (p1 = 0.056 and p2 = 0.285) dimensions dimensions and intention to revisit was analyzed as
KILIÇ and SOP 103
Table 7. Regression analysis results - relationship between destination personality and loyalty.
model 2 in the same table, sincerity (β = 0.464, p = intention to revisit. These multiple regression analyses
0.009) dimension was seen as significant and had also showed that social self-congruity (β = 0.066, p =
positive impact on intention to revisit the destination. 0.685) and social ideal self-congruity (β = 0.225, p =
Nonetheless, dynamism (p = 0.061), competence (p = 0.101) were not significant predictors on intention to
0.367) and sophistication (p = 0.446) dimensions were revisit the destination.
not significant in predicting intention to revisit the In order to find out which measure of the self-congruity
destination. Seen that the dimension which had the had relative importance on loyalty, beta coefficients
significant highest impact level on intention to revisit the should be reviewed in Table 8. According to the table,
destination within two years was sincerity dimension (β = ideal self-congruity was found as the most effective
0.464). measure on loyalty: both on intention to recommend (β 1 =
0.350, p1 = 0.003) and intention to revisit (β2 = 0.670, p2 =
Self-congruity and loyalty
responses clarified the typical visitors of Bodrum as sincerity and the degree to which Bodrum destination
recumbent, sea-sand-sun loving and classical was consistent with „how respondents see themselves‟
holidaymaker (mean 4.72); young, fun-loving and partier was statistically significant. The same result was
(mean 4.39). Based on this result, Bodrum destination represented in terms of the relationship between sincerity
can be described as the destination where young dimension and ideal self-congruity which meant the
holidaymakers enjoy sea-sand-sun and night life at the relationship between sincerity dimension and the degree
same time. to which Bodrum destination was consistent with „how
Apart from the demographics of the respondents and respondents like to see themselves‟ was also significant.
the image perceptions of the destination, four research When considered the relationship between social self-
questions were examined to measure the relationship congruity and the personality dimensions, sophistication
between destination personality, self-congruity and and sincerity dimensions were seen as significant in this
loyalty. The results are listed below: relationship. It meant that the relationship between
sincerity dimension and the degree to which Bodrum des-
tination was consistent with „how respondents believed
What are the brand personality dimensions of others to see them‟ was statistically significant. The final
Bodrum on domestic visitors’ perceptions? examination showed that social self-congruity and
The personality traits were factor analyzed and finally the sincerity dimension‟s relationship which meant the
dimensions of the destination personality (consisted of 17 relationship between sincerity dimension and the degree
traits) specified as: dynamism, sincerity, competence and to which Bodrum destination was consistent with „how
sophistication. Dynamism dimension was labeled as respondents would like others to see them‟ was
different from the original brand personality factors of J. statistically significant again.
Aaker (1997) and this dimension seemed as a unique With respect to these results, only sincerity dimension,
characteristic of the destination. This result supports the as a unique characteristic for the destination, was
studies of Ekinci and Hosany (2006) and Murphy et al. described as significant in predicting four self-congruity
(2007a) which have been concluded as the tourists dimensions for Bodrum destination. Another important
ascribe personality characteristics to destinations and result of the study which supports Uşaklı and Baloglu‟s
Aaker‟s (1997) brand personality scale can be applied to (2011) study is self-congruity theory can be applied in the
tourism destinations with some shifting and unique context of tourism researches.
dimensions that are specific to destinations.
Is there a relationship between destination
Is there a relationship between destination personality perceptions and domestic tourists’
personality perceptions and self-congruity? loyalty on the destination?
Multiple regression analyses were conducted to measure In this study, loyalty has been measured within two
if there was a relationship between destination per- aspects: intention to recommend and intention to revisit.
sonality and four measures of self-congruity. According to According to the results of multiple regression analyses,
the results of the regression analyses, the relationship the correlation between destination personality and two
between sincerity dimension and actual self-congruity measures of loyalty seemed significant. The relationship
was significant. More specifically, the relationship between among dynamism and sincerity dimensions and intention
KILIÇ and SOP 105
to recommend resulted positively and significantly. On understand the behaviors of the tourists. Furthermore,
the other hand, the relationship between sincerity dimen- they should create the greater match between the
sions and intention to revisit concluded as significant personality dimensions of Bodrum and the tourists‟ self-
again. These results make it clear that sincerity dimen- congruity perceptions which can lead more loyal tourists
sion has the highest impact level on loyalty, both intention for the destination that means maintaining the
to recommend the destination to others and intention to competitiveness in the future.
revisit the destination within two years. Conversely, to
the Murphy et al. (2007a) study, these results show the
link between destination personality and intention to
revisit the destination. Otherwise, the positive relationship Aaker JL (1997). Dimensions of brand personality. J. Market. Res.
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congruity) were significant in estimation of intention to (13.05.2012)
recommend except actual self-congruity. Besides, only
two measures of the self-congruity (actual self-congruity 95819/bodrum.html(10.05.2012)
and ideal self-congruity) were significant in estimation of
intention to revisit. These multiple regression analyses
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(dynamism, sincerity, competence and sophistication) to