MTH312 Notes
MTH312 Notes
MTH312 Notes
Adam Szava
Fall 2021
This is my compilation of notes from Differential Equations and Vector Calculus
(MTH 312) from Ryerson University. All information comes from my professor’s
lectures, the textbooks Elementary Differential Equations with Boundary Value
Problems, OpenStax: Calculus Volume 3, and online resources.
In this text, definitions are boxed in red, theorems are boxed in blue, and
any examples are boxed in green.
There are a few forms you can write a differential equation.
F (x, y, y 0 , y 00 , . . . , y (n) ) = 0
y 0 = f (x, y)
... which is exactly the definition of a first order ODE in normal form.
Any function that can be substituted into the DE and the resulting equation
is true, is a solution. You must define what interval the solution is defined on,
because it does matter.
You can implicitly differentiate the relation G(x, y) = 0 to find the deriva-
tives of y with respect to x, and substitute that into the DE.
A DE can have a family of solutions which come from an arbitrary parameter
in it’s explicit or implicit form. This corresponds to an infinite set of solutions.
An exact solution is a solution without a parameter. Singular solutions do
not belong to any families and are usually trivial.
Definition 1.1.2 Seperable D.E.
y 0 = f (x) g(y)
y 0 + p(x)y = q(x)
y 0 + p(x)y = q(x)
p(x) dx 0 p(x) dx p(x) dx
e y +e p(x)y = e q(x)
p(x) dx 0 p(x) dx p(x) dx
e y +e p(x)y dx = e q(x) dx
Notice the the left side will always be the result of a product rule differentiation.
So: R
e p(x) dx y = e p(x) dx q(x) dx
1 R
p(x) dx
y= R e q(x) dx
e p(x) dx
And now we have the solution to the LDE.
y 0 = f (x, y)
f (x, y) = h(x)g(y)
y 0 = h(x)g(y)
y 0 = h(x)g(y)
= h(x)g(y)
dy = h(x)dx
dy = h(x)dx
G(y) = H(x) + c
If you can rearrange the following equation for y then do so and you will have
an explicit formula for y(x). If you cannot, then leave the equation in the form:
G(y) − H(x) = c
P (x, y) = c
... which is a function which implicitly solves the DE. This means that the
function P (x, y) can be implicitly differentiated to show that it solves the DE.
P (x, y)
y0 =
Q(x, y)
dy P (x, y)
dx M (x, y)
In the case that the DE is exact, we have a method to solve for an implicit
Assuming there exists some function u(x, y) which implicitly solves the DE:
We do have to check that the function will behave properly, and actually
be the solution to the DE that we want. Notably, the partial derivatives need
to be continuous. Recall that uxy = uyx for continuous partial derivatives, or
more illustratively:
∂ ∂
(ux ) = (uy )
∂y ∂x
Which is equivalent to our condition for exactness in the definition (recall ux =
P (x, y), uy = Q(x, y)):
∂P ∂Q
∂y ∂x
Now we have a new question, when solving:
What function u(x, y) has partial derivatives of P (x, y) and Q(x, y)... meaning
we can from the following two equations to solve for the exact solution of the
= P (x, y)
= Q(x, y)
We must now use the first equation to solve for u(x, y):
= P (x, y)
u(x, y) = P (x, y)dx
u(x, y) = M (x, y) + h(y)
Note that the integration constant is not just c, but h(y). This is because we
are integrating with respect to x and so any function of y would not change the
derivative with respect to x of the anti-derivative.
Now note that we have an expression for u(x, y) with an unknown integration
constant and we also know that:
= Q(x, y)
Compute the left hand side from what we calculated for u(x, y) and set it equal
to Q(x, y). From this we can solve for h(y)
Finally, we can write the implicit function u(x, y) in the form:
u(x, y) = c
... by moving all the constant to the right. If we can solve for y(x) explicitly
then do so.
Chapter 5: Linear Second Order Equations
Theory of LDEs
Essentially this means that we limit the solutions to the differential equation
to those that have the particular ”initial” values. You are given all the derivative
values for the ”initial” time x0 .
Usually you substitute the values you know into the DE at any point and
solve for constants with that assumption. From there you can just replace the
constance with what you solved for and continue rearranging.
Theorem 5.1.1 Existence and Uniqueness of IVP
This means that if you have a DE where the ”coefficient functions” (the
an (x) functions) are equal to 0 at any point, then the IVP will not have a
unique solution.
Theorem 5.1.2 Superposition of Solutions
Recall from linear algebra that a linear combination of things is where you
scale each thing by a real number and then add them all together.
Recall that the vertical bars means determinant, which works the same as the
determinant of matrix with real entries, it’s just now the entries are functions.
Recall as well that the determinant of a 2 × 2 matrix is:
a b
det(A) = = ad − bc
c d
Recall that linearly independent means none are constant multiples of each
Theorem 5.1.4 General Solution of a HDE
y = c1 y1 + c2 y2 + · · · + cn yn
d(n) y dn−1 y dy
an (x) +an−1 (x) +...+a1 (x) +a0 (x)y = g(x), g(x 6= 0)
dx dx dx
We can find the general solution of it by finding the general
solution to the corresponding homogenous DE:
d(n) y dn−1 y dy
an (x) + an−1 (x) + ... + a1 (x) + a0 (x)y = 0
dx dx dx
Say y1 , . . . , yn is a fundamental set of the homogeneous
DE on I and yp is any particular solution to the non-
homogenous DE on I, then:
y = c1 y1 + c2 y2 + · · · + cn yn + yp
What this means is that if we have a non-homogeneous LDE, then we can find
the general solution to it by finding the general solution to the homogeneous
LDE (called the complementary solution yc ) and add on any particular solution
to the non-homogeneous LDE. Every second order LDE has two families of solu-
tions, and so the general form will have two terms at least (if it is homogeneous).
Theorem 5.1.6 Abel’s Theorem
y 00 + P (x)y 0 + Q(x)y = 0
1. m1 6= m2 , and m1 , m2 ∈ R
In this case our general solution is just a linear combination of the two
solutions since they are linearly independent:
y = c1 em1 x + c2 em2 x
2. m1 = m2 = m = 2a
In this case, the two solutions are not linearly independent and so you
have only found one of the two solution families, namely: y1 = emx . You
can find the other through reduction of order : Applied to the equivalent
b c
y 00 + y 0 + y = 0
a a
Z −R bax
e d
y2 = y1 2 dx
Using the fact that:
−b −b
m= =⇒ 2m =
2a a
Z 2mx
y2 = emx dx
y2 = e dx
y2 = xemx
Now we have two linearly independent families of solutions and so the
general solution is:
y = c1 emx + c2 xemx
3. m1 , m2 ∈ C
In this case:
m1,2 = α ± βi
These are distinct and so you could write the general solution as:
y = c1 e(α+βi)x + c2 e(α−βi)x
Solving Non-Homogeneous LDEs with Constant Coefficients
Now that we know how to find the solution to the homogeneous DE, we know
that we can find the general solution to the non-homogeneous DE by:
y = yc + yp
If g(x) can be factored into some of the forms above, then your guess would be
the product of each corresponding guess for each factor.
Make the substitution y = ”your guess” and then solve for the constants.
The only complication comes if the general solution to the homogeneous
DE has some multiple of the particular solution in it. In this case you need
to multiply the particular solution by x as many times as needed to make it
linearly independent from yc .
Additionally, if your function g(x) cannot be written in the forms mentioned
above, then you must use the following method,
Variation of Parameters
This section defines a new method to solve higher order non-homogenous LDE.
This method does not require constant coefficients, however since it does require
us to find the homogenous solution for our examples at the time we will still
have constant coefficients.
This method is particularly convenient when To find the general solution to:
y 00 + Ay 0 + By = f (x)
Where yc is the general solution to the related homogenous DE written as:
yc = c1 y1 + c2 y2
... then by the method of variation of parameters the particular solution
would be:
yp = u1 y1 + u2 y2
... where:
0 y2
f (x) y20
u01 =
W (y1 , y2 )
y1 0
y 1 f (x)
u02 =
W (y1 , y2 )
This is Cramer’s rule applied to solve the following system:
y1 u01 + y2 u02 = 0
y10 u01 + y20 u02 = 0
As you can see this fits our definition of a transform as you can put f (t) into
the transform and you get another function out of it. The Laplace Transform is
useful in solving IVPs, simplifying the process to solving an algebraic equation.
Often when you compute the Laplace Transform of a function, you need
to put a restriction on s to make the limit converge, since this is an improper
integral. Also note that the output function is a function of s since the function
gets evaluated at specific values of t.
One of the most important properties of the Laplace transform is that it is
linear, meaning:
Definition 8.1.2 Piecewise Continuous
|f (t)| ≤ M ect
Notice that the previous theorem does not state that these are the only condi-
tions for the existence of the transform, only that they are sufficient to guarantee
it. If a function does not contain these properties it’s transform may or may
not exist, but this theorem tells us that if a function does have these properties,
then its transform definitely exists.
8.2 The Inverse Laplace Transform
Definition 8.2.1 The Inverse Laplace Transform
L {f (t)} = F (s)
... then:
f (t) = L −1 {F (s)}
... where L −1 {F (s)} is the inverse Laplace transform of
F (s).
To find the inverse Laplace of a function you want to match it to the forms
of the regular Laplace transform on page 17. This can be done by algebraic
techniques like partial fraction decomposition. It is also useful to know:
... for α, β ∈ R
Laplace of Derivatives
The Laplace transform is useful in solving initial value problems, in this section
we will see exactly how and why.
Let’s say we want to evaluate the Laplace of the first derivative of f instead
of the function itself: Z ∞
L {f 0 (t)} = e−st f 0 (t)dt
... by integration by parts:
Z ∞
= [e−st f (t)]t=∞
t=0 + s e−st f (t)dt
= −f (0) + sL {f (t)}
L {f 0 (t)} = sL {f (t)} − f (0)
As you can see, we have related the Laplace of the derivative of a function to
the function itself, and its Laplace. Similarly we can see:
This is useful because we can turn all the derivatives of a function into the
Laplace transform minus some initial values. This, along with the linearity of
the Laplace transform make it a very effective technique to solve IVPs. The
following is a fully worked example demonstrating this method:
Substitute the values we know:
s2 Y (s) − s − 5 − 3(sY (s) − 1) + 2Y (s) =
Solve for Y (s) and apply PFD:
Theorem 8.4.1 First Translation Theorem
L {eat f (t)} = F (s − a)
In a sense, multiplying the input of the transform by eat horizontally shifts the
Laplace transform right by a units. The proof of this is by definition:
Z ∞ Z ∞
L {e f (t)} =
at −st at
e e f (t)dt = e−(s−a)t f (t)dt = F (s − a)
0 0
L {e5t t3 }
3! 6
L {e5t t3 } = L {t3 } |s→s−5 = 4
|s→s−5 =
s (s − 5)4
Often functions are either on or off. To turn a function on you can multiply
it by 1, and to turn it off you can multiply it by 0. If we want to turn the
function f (t) on at time t = 4, then we want a function U (t) that implements
the concept: ”Output 0 until t = 4, and then output 1”... which we could
multiply by f (t), as in f (t)U (t). The function which implements this is called
the unit step function or the heaviside function, and would be written in this
example as U (t − 4).
Definition 8.4.1 The Unit Step Function
Note that at t = a, U = 1.
The unit step function is also useful in turning piecewise functions into direct
equation form. Using the following theorems relations:
1. Two case piecewise:
g(t) 0 ≤ t < a
f2 (t) =
h(t) t ≥ a
This brings us to our second transition theorem. While the first one was
concerned with horizontally shifting the output of the transform a units to the
right, this theorem is concerned with moving the input function to the right
by a units with the additional condition that the function should be turned off
until t = a, meaning the input would be transformed to:
f (t − a)U (t − a)
Theorem 8.4.2 Second Translation Theorem
Additionally these is a way to write this theorem in the a more useful form for
when f is not in the correct shifted form:
= −L {tf (t)}
This can be generalized to:
Theorem 8.4.3 Derivative of Transforms
L {tn f (t)} = (−1)n F (s)
L {t sin(kt)}
d d k 2ks
L {t sin(kt)} = − L {sin(kt)} = − =
ds ds s2 + k 2 (s2 + k 2 )2
8.6 Convolution
This section is motivated by a question like the following:
1 1
Evaluate: L −1 { · 2 } = L −1 {L {et }L {sin(t)}}
s−1 s +1
This is not achieved by taking the product of the arguments, but rather we need
a new operation.
In this section we define a new operation called convolution which can be
applied to two functions. Convolution is not multiplication however we do use
a ∗ to denote it.
Theorem 8.5.1 Convolution Theorem
f ∗ g = L −1 {F (s)G(s)}
... to answer a question like the one stated at the beginning of this section:
Definition 11.1.1 Inner Product of Functions
The following list of properties is true regarding the inner product of functions
f, g, h and a constant k:
< f, g >=< g, f >
< kf, g >= k < f, g >
< f, f >= 0
... only if f = 0, otherwise the result is positive.
< f + g, w >=< f, w > + < g, w >
A set is orthonormal if all the elements of the set also have a length of 1,
length (also called norm) is defined next:
Definition 11.1.4 Norm of a Vector
This above definition also applies to functions. A norm is like the length of a
vector, but we want to generalize this concept to things that done have a length
like functions.
More on Vectors
Remember given some vector ~v in Rn we can write ~v as a linear combination of
orthonormal basis vectors. Given the basis:
... all we have to do is figure out k, an , and bn . The equation above can be
rewritten as:
∞ X ∞
X nπx nπx
f (x) = k(1) + an cos + bn sin
p n=1
Definition 11.1.5 Fourier Series
... where:
1 p
a0 = f (x)dx
p −p
1 p
an = f (x) cos( x)dx
p −p p
Z p
1 nπ
bn = f (x) sin( x)dx
p −p p
Now the most important thing is that this series actually converges to the
function wherever possible. Our function f doesn’t have to be fully continu-
ous, just piecewise continuous. At the discontinuities the FS converges to the
If the function happens to be even or odd, then the formulas simplify. Recall
that a function can be:
Even: f (x) = f (−x)
Odd: f (−x) = −f (x)
Additionally there are some useful properties of even and odd functions:
even · even = even
odd · odd = even
even · odd = odd
even − even = even
odd − odd = odd
6. If f is even: Z a Z a
f (x)dx = 2 f (x)dx
−a 0
7. If f is odd : Z a
f (x)dx = 0
... where:
2 p
a0 = f (x)dx
p 0
2 p
an = f (x) cos x dx
p 0 p
The FS of an odd function (f ) on (−p, p) is called the sine
X nπ
f (x) = bn sin x
... where: Z p
2 nπ
bn = f (x) sin x dx
p 0 p
Half-Range Extensions
The FS is defined on (−p, p) but in practice a lot of the time you only want
the FS of the function on (0, L). All you have to do in this case is adjust your
choice of p to use the regular FS:
Function Choice of p
Cosine Series on (0, L) p=L
Sine Series on (0, L) p=L
Fourier Series on (0, L) p = L2
There is a lot more to FS than what was discussed here, I recommend reading
12.1 − 12.3 from the textbook Advanced Engineering Mathematics and watching
Dr. Trefor Bazett on youtube to get more depth to this topic.
Notice that we had to limit the range of t, this made it so that the graph has a
start and end point. Also notice that the graph is not a function even through
x and y are both functions of t. Finally also notice that the graph has an
orientation, as t increases the curve is drawn bottom to top.
Now we discuss converting between parametric and rectangular form.
Parametric to Rectangular
This process is called eliminating the parameter.
1. Isolate t in one or both equations.
2. Substitute one into the other.
Rectangular to Parametric
This process is called parametrization of the curve. There is an infinite number
of ways to parametrize a rectangular curve. In general the process is:
1. Choose some function f (t) and set x(t) = f (t).
Definition 1.1.2 Cycloids
This will return a function of t, which will output the slope of the tangent at
any point (x(t), y(t)).
Higher order derivatives are a little harder to define, so we just need to
additionally know that the section derivative is defined as:
d2 y (d/dt)(dy/dx)
dx dx/dt
Definition 1.2.2 Parametric Integration
x = x(t), y = y(t), a ≤ t ≤ b
We can also apply integration to find the arc length of a curve over some
range of t:
x = x(t), y = y(t), t1 ≤ t ≤ t2
... and assuming that x(t) and y(t) are both differentiable,
the arc length is given by:
Z t2 2 2
dx dy
s= + dt
t1 dt dt
x = r cos(θ)
y = r sin(θ)
r2 = x2 + y 2
tan(θ) =
It is good to imagine a ray coming from the origin of length r and making
an angle θ with the positive x − axis and drawing the point at it’s tip. This
should remind you of a vector, and for good reason.
To make our lives easier, we sometimes choose to label the grid as:
The origin is called the pole in this context, and the horizontal axis is the polar
axis. The innermost circle denotes a radial distance of 1. We can see a few
points plotted on the following graph:
We should note that the polar plane is exactly the same geometrically as the
Cartesian plane, but we are labelling things in the polar context.
Polar curves are created when we define a function in the form r = f (θ).
Meaning the length of a ray is a function of the angle it makes with the positive
x−axis. Graphing polar functions may seem confusing at first, because we have
little experience with these types of functions. As you practice you will begin
to see patterns. Imagine being asked to sketch f (x) = ex x2 without learning
what the graphs of ex or x2 are.
The following is a list of graphs and their plots.
In rectangular coordinates we considered the symmetry of a function by
calling it even and odd. We have similar definitions in polar coordinates:
Definition 1.3.1 Symmetry in Polar Curves
f (θ) = f (−θ)
f (θ) = −f (π − θ)
f (θ) = f (θ + π)
f (θ) = −f (θ)
3. Symmetry Across the line θ = 2:
f (θ) = f (π − θ)
We integrate all the lengths of the rays which produce the polar plot into an
area using the following definition:
Definition 1.4.1 Polar Integration
For the area between two curves r1 = f (θ) and r2 = g(θ) (where informally
r1 > r2 ) we use:
1 β 2
A= (r − r22 )dθ
2 α 1
... and α, β represent the angles of their points of intersection.
Finally we define a formula for the arc length of a polar function:
In general this can be written as:
~x = P~0 + td~
... where:
1. ~x are the coordinates to any point on the line.
~n · P~Q = 0
[a, b, c]T · [x − x0 , y − y0 , z − z0 ]T = 0
a(x − x0 ) + b(y − y0 ) + c(z − z0 ) = 0
This is called the scalar equation of the plane. Sometimes we collect constants
are rewrite it as:
ax + by + cz = ax0 + by0 + cz0
This just makes the equation a little easier to use since the coefficients on the
left are just the normal vector, and the values on the right can just be calculates
by being given a point on the plane.
If you are given three points on the plane and no normal, you can find the normal
by taking the cross product of any two of the vectors between two points, and
then using that as the normal for the above process (picking a random point
that was given to be P0 ).
2. θ is the angle that radial line makes with the positive x−axis.
3. z is the standard coordinate off the xy−plane.
It is called cylindrical coordinates because given some radial distance, you con-
struct a cylinder until you know what θ and z are:
Given some rectangular coordinate (x, y, z), and the cylindrical coordinates of
the same point (r, θ, z), then they are related in the following equations:
Cylindrical to Rectangular
x = r cos(θ)
y = r sin(θ)
Rectangular to Cylindrical
r 2 = x2 + y 2
tan(θ) =
ρ is the distance between the point and the origin.
θ is the angle the radial line makes with the positive x−axis.
φ is the angle formed by the positive z−axis and the line segment OP
¯ .
Spherical to Rectangular
x = ρ sin(φ) cos(θ)
y = ρ sin(φ) sin(θ)
z = ρ cos(φ)
Rectangular to Spherical
ρ2 = x2 + y 2 + z 2
tan(θ) =
φ = arccos p
x2 + y 2 + z 2
Spherical to Cylindrical
r = ρ sin(φ)
z = ρ cos(φ)
Cylindrical to Spherical
ρ= r2 + z 2
φ = arccos √
r2 + z 2
Definition 3.1.2 Vector-Valued Limits
~ as t
A vector valued function ~r(t) approaches the limit L
approaches a,
lim ~r(t) = L
Definition 3.1.3 Vector-Valued Continuity
lim ~r(t) exists.
lim ~r(t) = ~r(a)
We however never actually compute the derivative using this method, instead
we use the following theorem:
In general, the derivative operator works the same as with regular non-vector
valued functions. The following is an explicit list of rules:
d d
[c~r(t)] = c [~r(t)]
dt dt
d d~r(t) d~u(t)
[~r(t) ± ~u(t)] = ±
dt dt dt
d d~u(t)
[f (t)~u(t)] = f 0 (t)~u(t) + f (t)
dt dt
d d~r(t) d~u(t)
[~r(t) · ~u(t)] = · ~u(t) + ~r(t) ·
dt dt dt
d d~r(t) d~u(t)
[~r(t) × ~u(t)] = × ~u(t) + ~r(t) ×
dt dt dt
d d~r(f (t)) 0
[~r(f (t))] = · f (t)
dt dt
Finally a very important rule about VVF derivatives is that the derivative
VVF is orthogonal to the original VVF at every point (if the VVF is of constant
magnitude), since:
~r(t) · ~r(t) = ~r(t)
d d 2
[~r(t) · ~r(t)] = [ ~r(t) ]
dt dt
d~r(t) d~r(t)
· ~r(t) + ~r(t) · =0
dt dt
2~r(t) · =0
~r(t) · =0
Remember that if two vector have a dot product of 0 they are orthogonal.
Tangent Vectors
Given that we know the vector ~r(t0 ) and ~r 0 (t0 ) are perpandicular, the derivative
vector is tangent to the curve traced out by ~r(t) at t = t0 . We define the
normalized version of this derivative vector as the tangent vector (T~ (t)):
~r 0 (t)
T~ (t) =
~r 0 (t)
Finally, we finish this section with integration of VVFs, which works how
you would expect:
We can then consider what happens if we make the upper limit of this value
a function of t: Z t
s(t) = ~r 0 (u) du
This would result in s being a function of t. This is a useful function to have,
as it returns the arc length of the curve from some starting value t = a to the t
value given as input to the function.
We can take this a step further and rearrange the function s(t) for t = t(s),
and then replacing t with t(s) in our function definition:
f (t) f (s)
~r(t) = g(t) =⇒ ~r(s) = g(s)
h(t) h(s)
If you look at the following graph, you can see the tangent vectors change as
you move along the curve. The tangent vectors change a lot when the curvature
is high, and the tangent vectors don’t change much when the curvature is low.
This is how we define curvature, as how fast the tangent vectors change:
T~ 0 (t)
~r 0 (t)
For a 3D curve:
~r 0 (t) × ~r 00 (t)
κ= 3
~r 0 (t)
For a function y = f (x)
y 00
κ= 3
(1 + (y 0 )2 ) 2
We now define the normal and binormal vectors of the VVF, similar to how
we defined the tangent vector:
Definition 3.3.3 Normal and Binormal Vectors
At every point ~r(t0 ) on the curve C, the tangent, normal, and binormal
vectors form a right handed system centred at ~r(t0 ).
Definition 4.4.1 Tangent Planes
Definition 4.6.1 Gradient
∇f (x1 , x2 , . . . , xn ) = grad f
The gradient vector at any point on the surface is always normal to the tangent
plane at that point.
Directional Derivatives
The partial derivative with respect to x can be interpreted as the rate of change
of the function after taking one step in the î direction. Similarly, the partial
derivative with respect to y can be interpreted as the rate of change of the
function after taking one step in the ĵ direction.
But what if we want to know the rate of change of the function after taking a
step in the direction of an arbitrary unit vector û? This is called the directional
Definition 4.6.2 Directional Derivative
The following is a list of some notable properties of the gradient and the direc-
tional derivative:
If ∇f (x0 , y0 ) = 0, then Dû f (x0 , y0 ) = 0 for any û.
Chapter 5: Multiple Integration
In this section we study what integration means for a multi variable function.
You can think of this as integrating on the line y = 0. We will study how
to integrate on other lines, but first we will talk about integrating over areas
In single variable functions, we divided the interval a to b into n subregions,
evaluated the function at an arbitrary point in the subregion, and then added
all those values together. We do a similar thing with integration of 2 variable
functions but this time it is into regions Rk , as in:
The area of each of those squares is ∆x · ∆y = ∆A. The double Riemann
sum definition of the double integral is as follows:
Notice that we do not put the definite bounds on the integral even though
we are defining a definite integral, this is because we are not evaluating this
function over an interval, we are evaluating this function for every point in a
2D space called R on the input plane.
The following is a list of important properties of the double integral. Assume
that f (x, y) and g(x, y) are integrable over the rectangular region R, S and T
are subregions of R, and that m and M are real numbers:
The sum f (x, y) + g(x, y) is integrable as:
f (x, y) + g(x, y)dA = f (x, y)dA + g(x, y)dA
If R = S ∪ T and S ∩ T = ∅ except an overlap on the boundaries, then:
= f (x, y)dA = f (x, y)dA + f (x, y)dA
If f (x, y) can be factored into a product g(x)h(y), then the definite double
integral over the rectangular region R = [a, b] × [c, d] is:
! Z !
ZZ Z b d
f (x, y)dA = g(x)dx h(y)dy
R a c
So far we only know to evaluate double integrals over rectangular regions in the
input space. In the next section we will learn how to evaluate them over more
complex regions.
If we are integrating over either Type I or II regions then we have a direct
formula we can use:
The idea of this theorem is to call the inner integral a slice of the volume
called A(x) and integrate that between the two constant bounds. The geometric
interpretation for a Type I region is:
... additionally, it is effective to imagine the first integral integrating the
function across a line in the x or y direction (depending on type I or type II)
and then integrating that line between the constant bounds, as in:
From here, if you have a particularly complex region to integrate over, you
just need to decompose it into regions you know how to integrate over and use
the following theorem to add them back together:
Theorem 5.2.2 Decomposing Regions
Finally, you can reverse the order of integration by changing the way you think
about the region. A Type I region is Type II if you switch the independent and
dependent variables around, for example:
R = {(r, θ) | a ≤ r ≤ b, α ≤ θ ≤ β}
We then subdivide, find the area of each smaller region, evaluate the function
at an arbitrary point in the region:
Definition 5.3.1 Polar Double Integral
x = r cos(θ)
y = r sin(θ)
dA = r dr dθ
Other Types of Polar Regions
Now we want to be able to integrate over a more complex polar region. Similar
to Type I and Type II in rectangular coordinates, in polar we have one type of
region which is simple to evaluate over, in the form of:
Through the same process as before, of making sub-regions, taking an arbitrary
point in each subregion to evaluate the function at, adding all those function
values together and then taking the limit as the size of those subregions goes to
zero, we get the formal definition of the triple integral:
All the properties of the double integral also apply to the triple integral, so
they can be assumed.
You can imagine a triple integral begin what you get when you evaluate a
function at every point inside a region of R3 .
We begin the study by learning how to evaluate triple integrals over a rect-
angular box B given by:
Now we want evaluate a triple integral over more complex volumes, we begin
by looking at a volume which is between two curves, over some region D on the
xy−plane, as in:
We can think of D as the projection of the volume onto the xy−plane. We then
use the following theorem to evaluate a triple integral over this kind of space.
Theorem 5.4.2 Triple Integrals
... is:
ZZZ ZZ Z u2 (x,y)
f (x, y, z)dV = f (x, y, z)dxdA
E D u1 (x,y)
E = {(x, y, z) | c ≤ y ≤ d, h1 (y) ≤ x ≤ h2 (y), u1 (x, y) ≤ z ≤ u2 (x, y)}
Then the integral becomes:
ZZZ Z d Z h2 (y) Z u2 (x,y)
f (x, y, z)dV = f (x, y, z)dz dx dy
E c h1 (y) u1 (x,y)
Recall that there is always two ways to write the double integral, and so we
can change the variables as well in a triple integral in the same way.
B = {(r, θ, z) | a ≤ r ≤ b, α ≤ θ ≤ β, c ≤ z ≤ d}
Then we want to divide this box into sub-boxes, evaluate the function in each
box, sum them all together and then take the limit as the size of the boxes goes
to zero.
Definition 5.5.1 Cylindrical Triple Integral
It is worth noting:
g(x, y, z)dV = g(r cos(θ), r sin(θ), z)r dr dθ dz
Theorem 5.5.1 Cylindrical Triple Integrals
B = {(r, θ, z) | a ≤ r ≤ b, α ≤ θ ≤ β, c ≤ z ≤ d}
... then:
ZZZ Z d Z β Z b
g(x, y, z)dV = g(r cos(θ), r sin(θ), z)r dr dθ dz
B c α a
B = {(ρ, θ, φ) | a ≤ ρ ≤ b, α ≤ θ ≤ β, γ ≤ φ ≤ λ}
Then we want to divide this box into sub-boxes, evaluate the function in each
box, sum them all together and then take the limit as the size of the boxes goes
to zero.
Definition 5.5.2 Spherical Triple Integral
l X
X m X
lim f (ρ∗ijk , θijk
, φ∗ijk )(ρ∗ijk )2 sin(φ)∆ρ∆θ∆φ
i=1 j=1 k=1
dV = ρ2 sin(φ)dρ dθ dφ
B = {(ρ, θ, φ) | a ≤ ρ ≤ b, α ≤ θ ≤ β, γ ≤ φ ≤ λ}
... then:
ZZZ Z λ Z β Z b
g(ρ, θ, φ)dV = g(ρ, θ, φ)ρ2 sin(φ)dρ dφ dθ
B γ α a
Definition 6.1.1 Vector Fields
F~ R2 → R2
F~ R3 → R3
Typically, we write them as vectors:
P (x, y, z)
F~ (x, y, z) = Q(x, y, z)
R(x, y, z)
... additionally given some vector field, we can normalize all its components to
get a unit vector field, as in:
F~ = Q → U ~ = 1 Q
R F~ R
We now discuss gradient fields, which are a special type of vector field, also
called conservative fields. Recall the gradient of a function is a vector assigned
to every point in it’s domain, the gradient is a vector field. If a vector field is
the gradient field of some function f , then it is a gradient field.
∇f = F~
∇g = F~
... then there is a constant C such that:
f =g+C
Given some arbitrary vector field, it is more likely not conservative. This is
because a conservative vector field must pass the following test. It should be
noted that the following test can only be used to prove that a vector field is not
conservative, and not that it is.
Theorem 6.1.2 Cross-Partial Property
∂P ∂Q
∂y ∂x
P (x, y, z)
If F~ = Q(x, y, z) is conservative then:
R(x, y, z)
∂P ∂Q ∂Q ∂R ∂R ∂P
= , = , and =
∂y ∂x ∂z ∂y ∂x ∂z
... and we denote this: Z
f (x, y) ds
We construct the line integral by breaking up the curve into a bunch of
straight line segments which have constant ∆t.
Note that in the picture Pi = ~r(ti ) You can then approximate the line integral
by adding up rectangles with height f (~r(t0 )) and width ∆s.
We can simplify this process by changing the integration variable to t, by
recalling (for a 3-variable function):
ds p
= ~r 0 (t) = (x0 (t))2 + y 0 (t))2 + z 0 (t))2
... meaning: p
ds = (x0 (t))2 + y 0 (t))2 + z 0 (t))2 dt
... which brings us to the next theorem:
... a ≤ t ≤ b. Then:
Z Z b p
f (x, y, z)ds = f (~r(t)) (x0 (t))2 + y 0 (t))2 + z 0 (t))2 dt
c a
Note that parameterization of the curve C has no effect on the line integral as
long as the curve is traversed once as a ≤ t ≤ b.
Additionally, we can apply this idea to define arc length of a curve C to be
just the integral of 1 as t varies, as in:
Arc Length of C = ds
If we take the dot product of those two vectors, we get some kind of measure
of how aligned those two vectors are. If we do this for ever point along the
arclength of the curve, we get the following definition of the vector line integral:
~r 0 (t)
T~ =
~r 0 (t)
ds = ~r 0 (t) dt
We can combine these facts into:
~r 0 (t)
F~ · T~ ds = F~ · ~r 0 (t) dt = F~ (~r(t)) · ~r 0 (t)dt
~r 0 (t)
Another standard notation for line integrals, given that the vector field is in the
P (x, y, z)
F~ = Q(x, y, z)
R(x, y, z)
... is:
Z Z Z b
~ dx dy dz
F ·d~r = P dx+Qdy+Rdz = P (~r(t)) + Q(~r(t)) + R(~r(t)) dt
C C a dt dt dt
With scalar line integrals, neither the parameterization nor direction of curve
matters. With vector line integrals the orientation of the curve matters, as in
if you go from left to right on a curve, you would get a different vector line
integral compared to if you integrated the other way. This make sense, as the
work done by gravity by moving up a fill is exactly negative the work done by
gravity moving down a hill.
Theorem 6.2.2 Evaluating a Scalar Line Integral
Let F~ and G
~ be continuous vector fields with domains that
include the oriented smooth curve C. Then:
1. Z Z Z
~ ~
(F + G) · d~r = ~
F · d~r + ~ · d~r
2. Z Z
k F~ · d~r = k F~ · d~r, where k ∈ R.
3. Z Z
F~ · d~r = − F~ · r~r
−C C
Note that for a curve parameterized by:
~r(t) =
y 0 (t)
~n(t) =
−x0 (t)
Definition 6.3.1 Curve Definitions
If ∇f = F~ is a gradient field, and we think of ∇ as a derivative, then f can be
thought of as an anti-derivative of F~ , also called the potential function. So just
like in single variable integrals where we can evaluate the whole thing using only
the value of the anti-derivative at the end points, if the anti-derivative exists,
we can do the exact same thing with line integrals in conservative fields.
... we can determine that:
Z Z b
∇f · d~r = f (~r(t))dt
C a dt
... then by the fundamental theorem of calculus:
∇f · d~r = f (~r(t)) |ba
∇f · d~r = f (~r(b)) − f (~r(a))
This lets us solve line integrals just like we solve single variable, by deter-
mining an anti derivative and then evaluating at the end points. One important
note is that any continuous function has an antiderivative, not every contin-
uous vector field has a potential function, only (by definition) gradient fields
do. We will spend some time learning about how to test if a vector field is a
gradient field. If a vector field is not a gradient field, you can evaluate the line
integral how we did in the previous section.
There are two important consequences of the fundamental theorem for line
1. Circulation in a conservative field is 0.
This is because in a circulation C is a closed curve (meaning ~r(a) = ~r(b))
and so f (~r(a)) = f (~r(b)), or in other words
∇f · d~r = f (~r(b)) − f (~r(a)) = 0
Finding a Potential Function
When using the fundamental theorem for line integrals, we want to know a
potential function for the vector field. The following is a general strategy:
Strategy 6.3.2 Finding Potential Functions in R3
Theorem 6.3.2 Test for Conservative Vector Fields
There are many notes to make about this theorem:
1. Since: Z Z
P dx + Qdy = F~ · T~ dt
... this is also called tangential form of Green’s theorem.
2. Green’s theorem only applies to vector fields in R2 .
3. The first two expression are just different notations for the line integral,
but the magic is that it is equal to the double integral on the right.
4. The theorem can be quickly proven for conservative vector fields since the
circulation integral is equal to 0 because of the fundamental theorem of
line integrals, and if F~ is conservative then Qx = Py =⇒ Qx − Py = 0.
5. The theorem can be used to turn a tricky line integral into a simpler
double integral, or a tricky double integral into a simpler line integral.
= F~ · dR
= −ydx + +xdy
2 C
7. The previous theorem was labelled circulation form because there is an-
other form of Green’s theorem which will be discussed later. This other
form is a direct result of the main Green’s theorem (circulation form) and
so really if you want to think of the Green’s theorem, it would be this one.
We now discuss the flux form of Green’s theorem:
This extension of Green’s theorem relates the flux through a closed curve C to
the double integral of the bounded region.
This form of the theorem is useful in calculating the flux across a curve by
turning it into a double integral.
Source-Free Vector Fields
A source free-vector field F~ is one where the flux of F~ around any closed curve
is 0. Equivalently:
1. The flux F~ · N~ ds across any closed curve C is zero.
P = gy
Q = −gx
... geometrically this means that the vector field is always tangential to
the curve since:
F~ (a, b) · ∇g(a, b) = 0
... for any point (a, b) in the domain of g.
Px + Qy = 0
Divergence is an operation which can be applied to a vector field and returns a
scalar value. Divergence at a point measures the tendency of the vector field to
flow out of the point. A positive divergence means more flow is coming out of
the point than coming in. Effectively it is the flux per unit volume at the point.
The following is its formal definition:
Definition 6.5.1 Divergence
F~ = Q
div F~ = Px + Qy + Rz
This can be interpreted as the dot product between the gradient vector:
∇ = ∂y
Divergence and Green’s Theorem
Recall the flux form of Green’s theorem:
F~ · N
~ ds = Px + Qy dA
If you think of the divergence as a type of derivative, then this continues the
trend of being able to evaluate an integral (in this case a double integral) by
using information about the anti-derivative at the boundary. Using divergence
we can see that Green’s theorem is directly a higher dimensional analogue to
the fundamental theorem of Calculus.
The second operation we can apply to vector fields is curl. The curl of F~ at
a point P is a vector that measures the tendency of particles near P to rotate
about the axis that points in the direction of this vector.
To visualize this, imagine putting a paddlewheel in the vector field, every
point in the vector field can be assigned a vector with magnitude related to
how much the fluid is swirling, and direction related to the axis around which
it tends to swirl.
Definition 6.5.2 Curl
F~ = Q
... if F~ is in R2 then:
curl F~ = 0
Qx − Py
In general, computation of curl can be interpreted as the cross product of the
gradient vector with the vector field:
curl F~ = ∇ × F~
The following is a useful theorem for conservative vector fields:
Curl and Green’s Theorem
Recall the circulation form of Green’s Theorem:
F~ · d~r = Qx − Py dA
This implies:
curl F~ · k̂ = Qx − Py
... and so Green’s theorem can once again be rewritten as:
F~ · d~r = curl F~ · k̂dA
If we interpret the curl of a vector field as a type of derivative, then once again
this shows that you can evaluate an integral by knowing information about its
anti-derivative around the boundary of integration.
A regular integral is what you get when you evaluate a function at every
x value along the x − axis and add them all together.
A scalar line integral is what you get when you evaluate a function at
every point on any curve (regular integral is a special case of this) and
add them all together.
A double integral is what you get when you evaluate a function at every
point inside a region of the xy − plane, and then add them all together.
A scalar surface integral is what you get when you evaluate a function
at every point on any surface (double integral is a special case of this) and
add them all together.
Note that just like there is a scalar, and vector line integral, there is also a scalar
and vector surface integral.
Before we define the scalar surface integral, we need to get better at describ-
ing surfaces in 3D space. Just like in line integrals, we want to parametrize a
curve, here we want to parametrize a surface.
Definition 6.6.1 Parametric Surfaces
You can interpret this as taking the uv−plane and mapping each point into
some surface in xyz−space. The uv−plane is called the parameter space or
parameter domain and is the set of points which can be plugged into ~r.
Common parametrizations include:
Cylinder of Radius R:
R cos(u)
~r(u, v) = R sin(u)
Sphere of Radius R:
R cos(θ) sin(φ)
~r(φ, θ) = R sin(θ) sin(φ)
R cos(φ)
0 ≤ θ ≤ 2π, 0 ≤ φ ≤ π
Explicit Surface
y = f (x, y)
~r(u, v) = v
f (u, v)
Just like in line integrals, where we used:
ds = ~r 0 (t) dt
... here we use an analogous equation:
dS = ~tu × ~tv dA
~tu =< ∂x , ∂y , ∂z >
∂u ∂u ∂u
~tv =< ∂x , ∂y , ∂z >
∂v ∂v ∂v
... to create the following functional equation for the scalar surface integral:
f (x, y, z)ds = f (~r(u, v)) ~tu × ~tv dA
... where D is the region of the parameter space which defines the surface.
Orientations of Surfaces
Just like curves can be oriented with line integrals, so can surfaces. At every
point on a surface you can define two normal vectors N ~ and −N ~ which point
in opposite directions. Choosing one gives an orientation to your curve. Given
some orientable surface, we can define it’s normal:
~ ~
~ = tu × tv
~tu × ~tv
This type of integral is also called a flux integral.
A more functional form of this integral is:
~ ~
F · dS = ~ ~
F · N dS = F~ (~r(u, v)) · (~tu × ~tv )dA
As in the tendency of the field to curl around the point on the plane has
an axis of rotation normal to the surface itself, and the double integral of this
curling tendency across the region D is equal to the circulation integral around
the boundary.
We now generalize this to curves which are not just on the xy−plane. Here,
the normal is not always k̂, as in:
If we want this to extend as expected, then the same logic should apply like
the surface above. The tendency of the field to curl around a point within the
surface has an axis of rotation N ~ which is normal to the plane, and the double
integral of this curling tendency across the surface S is equal to the circulation
integral around the boundary.
It turns out, its true.
This tells us that given some region in the plane, we can determine the flux
through its boundary by knowing the integral of the divergence inside. Imagine
then taking the region and stretching it out into xyz−space. The same reasoning
holds in one higher dimension, we can know about the flux through the surface
which was created by the boundary, by knowing information about the integral
of the divergence in the volume.
Concluding Remarks
In summary, the following is a list of all the important theorems in Calculus we
have learned so far:
The Fundamental Theorem for Line Integrals:
∇f · d~r = f (P1 ) − f (P0 )
Stokes’ Theorem:
curl F~ · dS
~= F~ · d~r
All applied in their particular domains, they are extensions of the Fundamen-
tal Theorem of Calculus into higher dimensions. The derivative, the gradient,
the divergence, and the curl of their respective types of functions are all differ-
ential operators, as in they reason about the rate of change of the function in
different ways. The unifying principle is:
Integrating a differential operator acting on a field over a domain
is equivalent to integrating the field components along the boundary.
This concludes all the content in this course. I really hope these notes helped,
I really enjoyed making them.
Good luck on the exam!
- Adam Szava