01 Introduction
01 Introduction
01 Introduction
Hadis Mohseni
Computer Engineering Department
Shahid Bahonar University of Kerman
. Roadmap
. Roadmap
. Roadmap
What is Pattern?
. Examples of pattern
A face
A handwritten character
A spoken word
A DNA sequence
A fingerprint
An internet attack
What is Pattern?
What is Pattern?
What is Pattern?
What is Pattern?
What is Pattern?
What is Pattern?
. Sensory input
. Audio
Speech recognition
Speaker identification
. Image and Video
Character, fingerprint, face, object recognition
Activity recognition, sports analysis
Human-Computer Interaction (HCI)
Medical image processing
. Other data
Information Retrieval, Document Categorization
Weather forecasting (prediction)
Data mining: Banking and insurance application
Genome Sequence Matching
Hadis Mohseni Statistical Pattern Recognition Course 9 / 33
Pattern Recognition: Definition and Applications Shahid Bahonar university of Kerman
. Roadmap
. Statistical
Describing an object in terms of a feature vector
Neural networks can also be considered as a closely related
approach to statistical pattern recognition
. Structural (Syntactic)
Describing an object by its structure (in terms of simple primitives
and their relationship)
Patterns are constructed from simpler sub-patterns in hierarchical
. Roadmap
. Given training patterns from each class, the goal is to find the
category of a new pattern (supervised learning)
Learning a pattern
. Unsupervised
No labels is available
. Supervised
We have training data consisting of a set of pixels and their labels
We need to classify other pixels
Transductive learning: only labels the available unlabeled pixels
Inductive learning: can specify the label of new pixels
. Problem
Sorting fishes according to
species: sea bass or salmon
. Representation: fish
length feature
Histograms obtained
from training
samples of the two
. Representation: fish
lightness feature
Histograms obtained
from training
samples of the two
Feature Selection
Important issues
. Generalization ability
Central aim of designing a classifier is to correctly classify new (test)
inputs and not to find the optimal performance on the training data
Occam’s Razor:
. Data collection
. Feature Choice
. Model Choice
. Training
. Evaluation
. Data collection
How do we know when we have
collected a sufficient set of training
. Feature Choice
. Model Choice
. Training
. Evaluation
. Data collection
. Feature Choice
What features are better to extract
and select!
. Model Choice
. Training
. Evaluation
. Data collection
. Feature Choice
. Model Choice
How are we to know to reject a class
of models and try another one!
. Training
. Evaluation
. Data collection
. Feature Choice
. Model Choice
. Training
Use a training procedure to
determine the classifier based on the
chosen model and available training
. Evaluation
. Data collection
. Feature Choice
. Model Choice
. Training
. Evaluation
Error rate (or performance)
After evaluation, we may decide to
get back to one of the previous steps
and change our decision (e.g., chosen
System Performance
. Robustness
. Speed
Computational Complexity
. Roadmap
Road map
. Classification
Classifiers based on Bayesian decision theory
PDF estimation
ML, MAP Bayesian estimation
Non-parametric methods
Discriminant functions
SVM & kernels
Neural Networks
Evaluation of classifiers
. Dimensionality reduction
Feature selection
Feature extraction (linear and non-linear dimensionality reduction)
. Clustering
Partitional & hierarchical clustering
Spectral clustering
. Classification of sequential data (HMM)
. Semi-supervised learning
. Some
Hadis Mohseniadvanced topics and Pattern
Statistical applications
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