Banking Management System

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Submitted by




in partial fulfillment for the award of the degree of

Bachelor of Engineering





Chandigarh University

MAY 2022


Certified that this project report “Banking Management System” is the

Bonafede work of “Aniket Kumar and Hardik Singh” who carried out the project

work under my/our supervision.

<<Signature of the Head of the Department>> <<Signature of the






<<Academic Designation>>

<<Department>> <<Department>>

Submitted for the project viva-voce examination held on



May 9, 2022
In the accomplishment of completion of my project on BANKING
I would like to convey my special gratitude to ER. Priyanka,
Institute of Engineering Department of Computer Science & Engineering and as
well as Mr. / Mrs. Debarati Nath of Chandigarh University.

Your valuable guidance and suggestions helped me in various phases of the

completion of this project.
We will always be thankful to you in this regard.
we am ensuring that this project was finished by us and not copied
Aniket Kumar
Hardik Singh



▪ List of figures 5

▪ List of Tables 6

▪ Abstract 7

▪ Graphical Abstract 8

▪ Abbreviations 9

▪ Symbols 10

▪ Chapter – 1 Introduction 11-16

▪ Chapter – 2 Literature Survey 16- 23

▪ Chapter – 3 Design flow/ Process 24-44

▪ Chapter – 4 Result analysis and validation 45-56

▪ Chapter – 5 Conclusion and future work 56-60


Figure no. Figure name Page no

A Graphical abstract 8
0 System flow diagram 20
1 Development of life cycle 25
2 Dataflow diagram 35
3 Dataflow diagram 36
4 Home page 45
5 Net banking page 46
6 Service page 46
7 Testimonial section 47
8 Contact page 47
9 Frequently asked question page 48
10 Contact page 48
11 Login page 49
12 New registration page 49
13 Dashboard page 50
14 Money transaction page 50
15 Money transaction page >>- saving section 51
16 Email verification screenshot 51
17 Debugging diagram 56


Table no Table name Page no

1 Table of person 30

2 Account info table 36

3 Branch info table 41

4 Deposit info table 42

5 Login info table 42

6 Withdrawal page 43


The aim of this project is to fulfill part of the requirements for a customer who uses an
online bank to pay. This banking management system provides a more secure and
24*7 available banking experience for the users as well as it improves the safety pf the
users by providing an appropriate multi-level security solution to improve customer
satisfaction. The programming language used to develop this project is HTML, CSS
and JavaScript and database used is mySQL.

The “Banking System” domain maintains a daily mathematical report as a complete

bank. It can store details of your account type opening account withdrawal form and
active search, activity report, group account opening individual account. The exciting
part of this project is showing a summary of the activity report for account type and
interest information.




Abbreviation Full form









Used in the website for providing link

of social media handles.

Used in the website for providing link

of social media handles.

Used in the website for providing link

of social media handles.

10 | P a g e
Chapter 1: Introduction
Over the past few decades, the work of staff has shifted from secret record keepers to
high-quality administrative work. There are many factors that have contributed to this
change such as technological advancement, professionalism, and general recognition
of the people as the most important resources.

The computer-based management system is designed to manage all the basic

information needed to calculate the monthly customer account statements including
the monthly statement for each month. A separate website is maintained to handle all
the information needed to calculate the appropriate statement and performance.

This project aims to introduce more user interaction in various tasks such as record
keeping, editing, and searching. Searching the record has been made much easier as all
customer details can be accessed by entering the ID number or account number of that
customer. Similarly, the keeping and updating of the record can also be done using the
account number and all the details automatically. This information is also
automatically updated automatically in the main file thus keeping the record up to

All information is stored on a website or Files and anyone who wants to retrieve it
cannot retrieve it, only authorized user can find the required information that can be
easily accessed on file.


11 | P a g e
Over the past few decades, the work of staff has shifted from secret record
keepers to high-quality administrative work. There are many factors that have
contributed to this change such as technological advancement, professionalism,
and general recognition of the people as the most important resources.

The computer-based management system is designed to manage all the basic

information needed to calculate the monthly customer account statements
including the monthly statement for each month. A separate website is
maintained to handle all the information needed to calculate the appropriate
statement and performance.

This project aims to introduce more user interaction in various tasks such as
record keeping, editing, and searching. Searching the record has been made much
easier as all customer details can be accessed by entering the ID number or
account number of that customer. Similarly, the keeping and updating of the
record can also be done using the account number and all the details
automatically. This information is also automatically updated automatically in
the main file thus keeping the record up to date.

All information is stored on a website or Files an

Depending on the results of the initial investigation, the survey is expanded to
become a more detailed study of feasibility. A feasibility study is a system
proposal test. In terms of its functionality, impact on the organization, the ability
to meet the needs of users and the effective use of resources its main function
performed during the feasibility study: -

12 | P a g e
1. System evaluation and procedures in place. Our team went to various Bank
experts to gather information about the software system. They use and evaluate
those programs and processes used in it during the feasibility study.

2. Analysis of different candidate systems after studying different systems we

found different ways in which we developed our project and explored alternative.
The most suitable has been selected.

Feasibility Study

The only tangible benefit offered by the proposed system is that paper work is
reduced to a minimum and thus a reduction in the costs incurred by the Stationary
and its maintenance. The system offers many benefits that can be measured in
terms of Money eg, user friendliness, additional user feedback works very well.

✔ Technical Feasibility: -

The proposed system is technically feasible as it can be easily developed with the
help of existing technology. The proposed system requires MS - VISUAL Studio
2019 uses JavaScript as the Editing Interface & and back-end as the MS-SQL
Server 2020 storage / storage site. The website can be easily connected using MS-
SQL Server 2020.

✔ Operational feasibility: -

13 | P a g e
Automation makes our lives easier. The proposed system is easy to use and can
easily communicate with the system. Therefore, users will easily accept the
system as data entry and queries can be done easily.

✔ Economical feasibility: -

This banking software is economically viable. Since the hardware was installed
from the beginning, the cost of the hardware project is low. Similarly, the
software downloaded for this project was used even after this project was created
for many other applications. Software costs were less than budgeted. In addition,
technical requirements were already in place so there was no additional cost to
purchase software packages.


Hardware specifications

Hardware is a component of body parts, which performs functions that apply the
precise instructions, described earlier. In other words, one could say that the
computer and electronic components of the computer make the hardware.
This package is built with strong JavaScript editing language. It is a simple,
translated language for editing. Designed to create network-focused applications.
Compatible with and integrated with Java. JavaScript is very easy to use because
it is integrated with HTML.

14 | P a g e
JavaScript helps us to create really good and crazy websites. We can enhance our
website with console-like look and feel and provide our users with better User
Image Information.
The good thing about JavaScript is that we will get tons of frameworks and
advanced libraries that can be used directly in our software development to
reduce our sales time.
It is also open and cross-platform. The following are the basic hardware
specifications to use this package: -
Personal computer: - Processor with 128 MB RAM

Software requirements:

Software is a set of coded information systems or programs that, when installed

on computer hardware, make the computer perform a variety of functions.
Software is like a current within a cable, invisible but its effect can be felt.
1. Operating System: - Windows 2000 / XP / 7/8/10
2. Application Software: - Application software uses pre-JS and website access
Editor: - Visual Studio -JavaScript.

Motivation behind this project:

Creating a system that does not take into account the activities of a particular bank
without first processing it. Everything that is done will be automatically updated
using the information stored in the record. The main purpose of this project is to create

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a system that will be able to handle all the activities that take place within the
institutions without much effort.


The Banking Management System is a banking site that we have named SKY BANK
to raise awareness about keeping our environment clean and green. When a bank
customer logs in to the bank's website and sees information about its availability, see
various news and offers about loans from the bank and users send money from one
person to another, no matter what users want.

Chapter 2: Literature survey

First, information and communication technology (ICT) has helped to advance

global competition. In the history of the world many countries have made great
strides because of financial clarity on how much money is spent on developing
programs in their country. We also use SOA architecture to provide secure and
reliable service so we learned about SOA architecture to know how to use
process implementation in our project using Service Oriented Architectures
(SOA). we also look at a paper that provides research case information about
HDFC bank and Swiss bank. Both banks operate on the basis of service-focused
structures to provide customer service. SOA provides the potential for greater

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organizational speed (and thus competition).

In the second paper we read what kind of problems are created in the banking
system during different types of transactions. Here discuss what any action
district may fail then how to avoid it and fix it. We also learned about Italian
firms making mistakes compared to banks with high rates of past losses. This
default `optional 'increases when legal enforcement is weak. The misuse of the
law can therefore pose a risk by inciting bank users to have large numbers of
people who do not pay when the value of their continued banking relationship is
in doubt. In the banking sector, security should also be in the case of money or
property which is more exciting than the fact that we have found security to be a
major factor in the banking system.

Problem Definition:
Although the basic type of services provided by the bank depends on the type of
bank and country, the services offered generally include: Withdrawals from their
customers and withdrawing current accounts or checks and savings accounts for
individuals and businesses. Debt Extension for People and Business, Cashing
Check. To simplify transactions such as cash transfers and checks for investors,
consumer financial services and transactional services, transactions can be done
through many different channels.

Objective -
The computer-based management system is designed to manage all the basic
information needed to calculate the monthly customer account statements
including the monthly statement for each month. A separate website is
maintained to handle all the information needed to calculate the appropriate
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statement and performance.

This project aims to introduce more user interaction in various tasks such as
record keeping, editing, and searching. Searching the record has been made much
easier as all customer details can be accessed by entering the ID number or
account number of that customer. Similarly, the keeping and updating of the
record can also be done using the account number and all the details
automatically. This information is also automatically updated automatically in
the main file thus keeping the record up to date.

The main purpose of our project is to provide a different type of customer center,
the main purpose of this program is to get real customer service. etc.

1. It must meet almost all the procedural requirements of any Bank.

2. It should increase the productivity of the bank through more and more
working hours, with fewer employees.

This project covers all the advanced features needed for an online banking
system. This program is very easy to use, so that any user can use it without
getting any previous information about this. It is easy to use and meets almost
every requirement of the daily operating process. This program is fully based on
GUI and can be used by mouse and keyboard. This program is compiled in such
a way that all the features are developed without making major changes to
existing features.
Proposed system

The proposed program is based on Web Development. Where we use a variety of

front-end technology, backend and website. Previously we used HTML, CSS,
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JavaScript and Bootstrap. Going back to using php language and using php using the
xampp tool and the site using MySql. Using the above technology, we create a
Dynamic Banking customer management system for customers where customers are
able to perform their various functions easily and this website is easy to use and easy
to use.


The proposed program is based on Web Development. Where we use a variety of

front-end technology, backend and website. Previously we used HTML, CSS,
JavaScript and Bootstrap. Back then we used PHP language and in PHP we used
xampp tool and on the website we used MySql. Using the above technology, we create
a Dynamic Banking customer management system for customers where customers are
able to perform their various functions easily and this website is easy to use and easy
to use.

Our system is highly computerized where the data associated with user accounts will
be highly protected with high accuracy which has even reduced mechanical damage
and man-made errors and this existing system works very well to provide superior
customer and banking services because it has easy access which makes customers less
time compared to the system of ordinary banks. Once the data is entered it will check
its validity. Appropriate massage is provided as needed so that the user is not in
immediate trouble. The data entry screen is designed in such a way that all portable
data can be processed, and provides record viewing services.

Our project is progressing according to the figures below.

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Fig - 0
ER-modeling is a data processing method used in software engineering to generate a
conceptual data model of an information system. Drawings created using this ER
modeling method are called Entity-Relationship Diagrams, or ER drawings or ERD
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So you can say that Business Relationship Drawings show a logical structure of

Drs. Peter Chen is the founder of the Entity-Relationship Model. Her real paper about
ER-modeling is one of the most quoted papers in the field of computer software.

Currently the ER model serves as the basis for many system analysis and design
methods, computer-assisted software engineering tools (CASE), and storage systems.

The original ER-Diagrams notation uses rectangles to represent businesses, and

diamonds to represent relationships.

There are three basic features in ER-Diagrams:

● Business "things" we want to keep information. A business is a person, place, object

or event.

● Adjectives are the data we want to collect for business.

● Relationships define relationships between businesses.

ERDs represent businesses on the website and the relationships between the tables
within that website. It is important to have ER-Diagrams if you want to build a good
website design. The diagrams help to focus on how the website really works.

Business (Example)

An example of something visible in the real world. Business Class

: A group of objects of the same type.

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Eg. Business Class “Student”, Business “John”, “Trish” etc. Features

Business properties that define their characteristics.


It's easy

: An inseparable attribute, e.g. age.


: An attribute made up of a few simple features,

e.g. address (house number, street, region)

A lot

: An attribute with a set of possible values for the same business, e.g. Phone (home,
cell phone, etc.) or email

The key

: Uniquely Ids Business e.g. PPSN, Chassis No.

Each simple VS associated attribute that can be assigned to that feature for each

e.g. years = number

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If the user login successfully he will perform tasks such as withdrawal, transfer,
deposit, Aadhaar link via his account, transfer account from one place to another etc.
The administrator has full control over all user accounts and transactions in a manner
that avoids unauthorized users.

The buyer can update his data such as address, contact number etc. and link Aadhaar
number to his account number using an online banking system. The user can transfer
money, deposit, withdraw and check the account balance through an online banking
system. In the Bank's management system we use the n-tier architecture which helps
to handle the various functions smoothly and consistently. We use the following
architecture of the project are:

[1] MVC structures for presentation layer

[2] SOA structure for Service layer

[3] Design a data access layer pattern

[4] Data framework for Access to Data

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Chapter 3: Design flow/Process

In our Sky Bank project management project, called Sky bank we use HTML, CSS, JS
but we also use the latest high-tech framework that is, that is, Bootstrap that improves
the quality of user interaction on our website. Apart from technology we also make
ATM Simulator on our website. The purpose of this program is to emulate an
Automated Accounting Machine (ATM). ATMs are used by bank customers. Each
customer has two accounts: a test account and a savings account. Our each customer
has a account number to open their account as PIN for their account to access all the
transactions from the bank and make service easier. Both must be typed in the
simulation to access the accounts. Once they have access, the customer can select an
account (check or save). Firstly, the account balance will be displayed to the customer
or we can say that user that will be 0 at the starting. The customer can then deposit and
withdraw money and the balance will be updated accordingly. The application is
terminated when the user chooses to opt out of the account. Our project is at starting
phase so we have used simulator to show the process it does not actually connect atm
to the bank for the services. It simply uploads a list of customer numbers and PINs
from the data file and this data file is stored outside of this application


System life cycle is a logical process in which system analysts, software

engineers, programmers, and end users build information systems and computer
applications to solve business problems and needs.

The major phases involved in the MIS development process are called the life
cycle of system development. Each phase of the development process should
have well-defined objectives, and at the end of each phase, progress in meeting
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the objectives should be monitored.

The development process should not continue until the objectives of all the
previous phases have been met.

The life cycle of a system development is a phased process of analysis and design
to ensure that the systems are optimally developed.

The life cycle of a system development can be divided into five stages as shown
in Figure 1 i.e.

1. Use and save the program

25 | P a g e
2. Analyze user needs.
3. Create a plan
4. Pay for the plan
5. Write and review the program


JavaScript is a dynamic computer programming language. It does not survive

and widely used as part of web pages after the use of HTML, CSS AND PHP and
it helps the user to create dynamic web pages and work on them efficiently. It is
the language of edible translation that has the power to focus on an object.
JavaScript was first launched in 1995 at the Netscape 2.0 and its name was
LiveScript and the main purpose of the language is embedded in Netscape,
Internet Explorer, and other web browsers. But the Netscape changed the initial
name of LiveScript to JavaScript because according to them JavaScript creates
more fun and makes language interesting.

⮚ JavaScript is a simple, easy-to-use programming language ∙ Designed to create

web-based applications ∙ Compatible and integrated with Java. ∙ Compatible and
integrated with HTML.

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HTML, CSS and JavaScript these three elements forms the backbone and pillar of
web development.

HTML is the structure of our page—the headers, the body text, any images
we want to include
controls how that page looks (it’s what we’ll use to customize fonts,
background colors, etc.)
JavaScript is the magic third element. Once we’ve created our structure
(HTML) and your aesthetic vibe (CSS), JavaScript makes our site or project

⮚ For Example: -

➢ JavaScript learning curve is excellent as it has many online and offline

resources, online forums, communities where we can find information and
clarify our doubts. We can see the result of activity in live web browsers.

➢ JavaScript is the default language for most web browsers and supports almost
all web browsers as it supports various platforms. It can read and convert
HTML elements from an IE browser, it can make itself the ActiveX
component in the browser.

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➢ JavaScript is used to perform various functions in web browsers such as
displaying ads on various websites, setting and reading cookies in browsers,
shopping websites and managing the login page of almost all different
browsers' websites. JavaScript is used as the client's side scripting language.


⮚ Although JavaScript is a client-side language, some of its most powerful

features include compatible remote server interaction. Asynchronous
means that JavaScript is able to communicate with the server in the
background without interrupting previous user interactions.

⮚ Take a search engine as an example. Today, search engines almost all have
the task of auto-completion. The user starts typing a word in the search
box and a list of possible search terms or phrases appears below. The
experience is not easy you can see many suggested search terms that we
don't event want appear without reloading the page.


⮚ Speed: JavaScript on the client side is faster because it can run faster
within the client-side browser. Unless external resources are required,
JavaScript is not blocked by network calls to the background server. ⮚
Simplicity: JavaScript is easy to read and use.
28 | P a g e
⮚ Interaction: JavaScript plays well with other languages and can be used in
a variety of applications.
⮚ Server Load: Being on the client side reduces the need for a website
⮚ Thunder: JavaScript is used everywhere on the web.


➢ HTML stands for Hyper Text Markup Language and its the basic language
in web development.
➢ HTML is a common language in web development that is mainly being
used in creating the design of web pages.
➢ HTML defines the structure of a Web page that helps the user to work
easily as well as manage the page very well.
➢ HTML contains a series of elements that full all the needs of the users and
easy to understand also.
➢ HTML elements takes the needs of the users and command the browser to
display the text according to the user needs.
➢ HTML elements also help in categorizing the content into various aspects
according to the needs of the user such as this link, this header, this file and
so on.


➢ CSS stands for Cascading Style Sheets and the second language used after
HTML for designing web pages
29 | P a g e
➢ CSS defines how HTML elements should be displayed on screen, paper, or
other media
➢ CSS saves a lot of work as it can control the functioning and working of
multiple web pages at once
➢ Many background colors and multiple spreadsheets are stored in CSS which
makes the task easier.


Introduction to SQL: -

SQL is the standard computer language for accessing and deciphering websites.

● SQL stands for Structured Query Language.

● SQL allows you to access the website.
● SQL is a standard ANSI computer language.
● SQL can use queries against a website.
● SQL can retrieve data from a website.
● SQL can add new records to a website.
● SQL can delete records from a website.
● SQL can update records on a website.
● SQL is easy to learn as well as easy to work with.

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⮚ SQL is the standard computer language for ANSI (American National Standards
Institute) for accessing and decrypting web applications. SQL statements are used to
retrieve and update data on a website. SQL works with database systems such as MS
Access, DB2, Informix, MS SQL Server, Oracle, Sybase, etc.

⮚ Unfortunately, there are many different versions of the SQL language, but
compliance with the ANSI standard; should support the same keywords in the same
way (such as SELECT, UPDATE, Delete, INSTALL, WHERE, etc.).

⮚ SQL Database Tables: -

A website usually contains one or more tables and every table is considered by its
name i.e. of customers etc and tables containing records (rows) with data.

Below is an example of a table labeled "People": -

Last Name First Name Address City

Hansen Ola Timoteivn 10 Sandnes
Svendson Tove Borgvn 23 Sandnes
Pettersen Kari Storgt 20 Stavanger

This above table displays the list of various persons their name , address as well as
31 | P a g e
their surname and all the information about them is displayed.

⮚ SQL Queries: -

With SQL, we can query the website and restore the result set.

❖ A Similar question: -

CHOOSE a Surname from


It gives the result set as follows: -


SQL Data Manipulation Language (DML)

⮚ SQL (Structured Query Language) is a query syntax. But SQL language also
32 | P a g e
includes syntax for updating, inserting, and deleting records.
⮚ These query and review instructions together form part of the SQL Duplication
(DML) SQL: -

✓ SELECT - removes data from the website table

✓ NEWS - updates the data in the website table
✓ Delete - deletes data from table of this site
✓ AKA INSTALL - insert new data into the table of this site

SQL Data Definition Language (DDL)

⮚ The Data Definition Language (DDL) section of SQL allows web tables to be
created or deleted. We can also define references (keys), specify links between
tables, and set boundaries between table tables.

⮚ The most important DDL statements in SQL are: -

▪ CREATE TABLE - create a new website table

33 | P a g e
▪ CHANGE TABLE - changes (changes) website table
▪ DROP TABLE - removes the website table
▪ CREATE HEAD - create index (search key)
▪ DROP INDEX - removes the index of MS SQL SERVER 2000

DATA flow diagram

DATA COLLECTION DIAGRAM: A data flow diagram also known as the

"bubble chart" aims to clarify system requirements and identify major changes that
will be systematic in building the system and therefore the first point of clarity is
reduced to a minimum level of detail. DFDs consist of series when the bubbles are
connected by rows. The bubbles represent the conversion of data and the lines
represent the flow of data in the system.


1. The system defines the source or location of the data.

2. The arrow indicates the flow of data, the moving data.
3. Circle represents the process of converting incoming data flow into outbound
data flow.
4. An open rectangle is a data store data when resting or a temporary data

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Fig 2 : Dataflow diagram

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“ACCOUNT_INFO” Table 2: -

Field Name Type Constrai

Account_No Int Primary
Branch_No Varc Referenc
har(7 es
) Branch_
Branch_Name VAR Not Null
Account_H_Typ Varc Not Null
e har(1
No_Account_H Varc Not Null
Saluation_F Varc Not Null

37 | P a g e
Name_P_O_F Varc Not Null
Fa_Name_F Varc Not Null
Gender_F Varc Not Null
DOB_F Date Not Null
Age_F Varc Check(A
har(3 ge_F>=0
) and
Occupation_F Varc Not Null
Photo_F Imag Not Null
Sign_F Imag Not Null
Address_F Varc Not Null

38 | P a g e
Ph_No_F Varc Not Null
Mob_No_F Varc Not Null
Saluation_S Varc
Name_P_O_S Varc
Fa_Name_S Varc
Gender_S Varc
DOB_S Date
Age_S Varc Check(A
har(3 ge_S>=0
) and
Occupation_S Varc
39 | P a g e
Photo_S Imag
Sign_S Imag
Address_S Varc
Ph_No_S Varc
Mob_No_S Varc
Saluation_T Varc
Name_P_O_T Varc
Fa_Name_T Varc
Gender_T Varc

40 | P a g e
DOB_T Date
Age_T Varc Check(A
har(3 ge_T>=0
) and
Occupation_T Varc
Photo_T Imag
Sign_T Imag
Address_T Varc
Ph_No_T Varc
Mob_No_T Varc
Account_Type Varc Not Null

41 | P a g e
Witness_Name Varc Not Null
Witness_Sign Imag Not Null
Nominee_Rel Varc Not Null
Nominee_Name Varc Not Null
Nominee_Sign Imag Not Null
Opening_Bal Varc
T_Date Date Not Null

“Branch_Info” Table 3: -

Field Name Typ Constrain

e ts
Branch_No Varchar(7) Primary Key
Branch_Name Varchar(50)

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“Deposit_Info” Table 4: -

Field Name Typ Constrain

e ts
Account_No Int References

Branch_No Varchar(7)
Depositor_Name Varchar(150)
Account_H_Type Varchar(15)
Deposit_Amt Varchar(10)

Deposit_Date DateTime

“Login Info” Table 5: -

Field Name Data type Descripti

UserName Varchar(20) Primary Key
UserPassWord Varchar(15)

Field Name Data type Descripti

43 | P a g e
Time_Span Varchar(5) Primary Key
ROI Varchar(5)

“Withdrawl_Info” Table 6: -

Field Name Typ Constrain

e ts

Account_No Int References

Branch_No Varchar(7)
Withdrawee_Name Varchar(150)
Account_H_Type Varchar(15)
Withdrawl_Amt Varchar(10)

Withdrawl_Date DateTime

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Chapter 4 - Results analysis and validation

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The initial phase of software development is concerned with translating project

specifications into source code. The first goal is to use source code and internal
documentation so that code compatibility and its specifications can be easily
verified, and for error correction, proofreading and editing. Simplicity, clarity and
elegance are the hallmarks of good planning, dimness, ingenuity, and
sophistication are indicators of inadequate design and indirect thinking.

Source code specification is enhanced by structured coding techniques, with good

writing style, with appropriate supporting documents, with good internal
comments, and with a feature provided in modern editing languages.

The implementation team should be provided with a well-defined set of software

requirements, architectural design details, and a detailed design description. Each
team member must understand the purpose of the implementation.


1. Error

The word error is used in two ways. Specify the difference between the actual
output of the software and the actual output, in this translation, the error is

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significant measure of the difference between the real and the positive. Error is
also used to refer to human action that results in software containing a feature or

2. Issue

An Issue is a condition that causes a failure to perform the required function.

Error is the main cause of software malfunction and is similar to the commonly
used name Bug.

3. Failure

Failure of system or component failure to perform the required function

depending on its characteristics. Software failure occurs when software behavior
differs from specified behavior. Failure may be due to operational or
performance reasons.

a. Unit Test

The term unit test incorporates sets of tests performed by each organizer prior to
unit integration into a larger system.

The program unit is usually small enough that the developer who developed it
can explore it in detail, and certainly with more detail than would be possible if
the unit was integrated with a developing software product. In unit testing the
systems are tested separately, not independently. As a check is made at a
program level, it is also called a program joke.

b. Test Module
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Module also includes related component. It can therefore be tested without a
system module.

c. Lower system test

Sub-system tests may be designed independently and use common problems is a

sub-system interaction error in which we focus.

There are four stages the editor will perform in the program unit.

1) Functional testing

2) Performance testing

3) Depression testing

4) Building inspection

1) Functional Testing

Functional test cases involve the use of a code with the input values that are
known to be expected results; and limit values (minimum values, maximum
values and prices outside and outside operating limits) and special values.

2) Performance testing

Performance test determines the amount of time spent on various components of

a unit, program output, response time, and device usage by the system unit. A
certain amount of avoidance consumes a lot of effort to properly configure a
system unit that contributes less to the performance of the entire system.
Performance testing is highly productive for sub-system and system levels.

3) Pressure Test
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Stress tests are those designed to intentionally break a unit. There is much to be
learned about the power and limitations of a system by examining how a system
unit breaks down.

4) Building Inspection

Structural evaluation is about using the internal sense of the system as well as
going through certain processes. Some authors refer to a combination of
functional performance and pressure testing as a "black box" test.

While the building test is called a "white box" or "glass box". The main tasks of
a structural test are to determine which form of exercise you should perform, to
determine the test date for using those methods, to determine the condition of the
test cover to be used, to perform the test, and to measure the inclusion of
attainable test when test cases are used.


Debug testing is intended to identify areas where the system does not verify its
specificity. The test is designed to detect the presence of a feature in the system,
when an error is detected in the system. It should be found and removed and this
is called "Debugging".

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Chapter 5: Conclusion and future work


“Banking Management System " keeps the record of all day-to- day transactions
and provide complete banking services to the user that are more secure and easy
to use as well as it can keep the information of Account type, account opening
form, Deposit, Withdrawal, and Searching the transaction, Transaction report,
Individual account opening form, Group Account.


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In future we will be doing several modifications in our project to provide services
efficiently: -

⮚ We can go online banking.

⮚ We can establish and start various Branches and Available Account

Manager query help centers.

⮚ We can also work online by creating web pages and an online

banking website.

⮚ To attract Account Managers, we can offer a variety of offers during

the festive months.

⮚ We can also work with different types of Banking Services.

⮚ In order to have more customer satisfaction we will place more

emphasis on our cooperation.


1. For running our project user first need to visit our website.

2. Then in the website home page user can see our services,
information about us and a forum to contact us.

3. Then there will be login and register section at the home page.

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4. First you need to create a account for that Aadhar card and pan card
is required.

5. Enter all your details at the register forum and then you need to
upload you image of Aadhar card and pan card in that.

6. After that you have to verify your email address that you have
provided while registration to open your account.

7. An OTP will come to your email address that you have provided you
need to enter that.

8. After doing that your task is done, we will verify all your documents
within 24 hours and you account will be opened successfully.

9. Once your account is opened, we will send you a mail at your email

10. After that you can use your login credentials to login into the bank.

11. Then it will lead you to the dashboard where you can see and do all
your transactions it will look like this.

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