Macroevolution 1

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Microevolution Macroevolution
- Pertainsto the minor -Focuses on the major
differences in the genetic differences that have
level between occurred over long
populations of the same periods, which led to a
species providing genetic change that
evidence for diversity allowed a new kind of
within individuals. species to emerge.
Patterns of Evolution Within the Species Level

Immigration Emigration
- Refers to individuals -Happens when
moving into an existing certain members
group of population. leave their group
Gene flow

- Refers to movement of
alleles( traits) out of
population, such as during
emigration, which could lead
to reduction in genetic
variation or bringing in of
new alleles with them, such
as immigration increasing
the diversity of the gene
- Refer to a group of
organisms that have
characteristics, and
can be interbreed and
produce fertile
There are reproductive isolation mechanisms
occur before fertilization, preventing
fertilization and Zygote formation( Pre-zygotic
isolation mechanisms), while others takes
effect fertilization, where fertilization may
proceed but produce weak, nonviable, or sterile
hybrids( post-zygotic isolation mechanism).
1. Physical Separation and Genetic Isolation

a. Geographic isolation
- Geographic factors, such
as the presence of
mountains, desert, rivers,
or zones of vegetation,
can lead species to evolve
as food availability or
resources may be limited
at different locations.
1. Physical Separation and Genetic Isolation

b. Reproductive isolation

There are instances when

species evolved even without
any geographical barrier, a
condition known as
sympatric speciation.
1. Physical Separation and Genetic Isolation
b. Reproductive isolation

Individuals are not separated and live

together in one place. In a rare
occurrence, paripatric speciation
makes a population evolve at the edge
of the range where members of the
population do not mate randomly, and
instead mate with their neighbors
more than those found in different
parts of the population range.
3. Behavioral Isolation Due to Different Mating

Another factor that could

lead to reproductive isolation
is the mating behavior or
breeding requirements as a
selective force that can act
on populations.
Mechanical Isolation
Some species exhibit
differences in the
morphological characteristics
of their reproductive organs,
which can lead to
incompatibility in terms of
size and shape of the
genetalia mating.
Gametec Isolation
The sperm and ovum and certain
species cannot fuse together
because they are chemically
incompatible. Some species
cannot fertilize another species’
egg because of a chemical
surrounding the egg, which can
only be fertilized by binding with
chemicals from the same species.
Patterns of Evolution
Divergent evolution
- Occurs when closely
related species divert to
new habitats, often as a
result of diverging
lifestyles, ultimately
producing distinct species.
Patterns of Evolution

Convergent evolution
In convergent evolution,
groups of distantly related
lineages tend to evolve similar
structures as adaptations to a
similar habitat or way of life.
The total disappearance of all the members of a
certain species from the planet.

Background extinction
The gradual process of species become
Local extinction
This occurs when certain population of
organisms that are endemic to a place dies.

Mass extinctions
The rate of extinction dramatically increases as
large populations of organisms die in a relatively
short period.
The Impact Theory of Evidence
- This suggested that meteorites or comets have crashed to the
planet, causing huge debris clouds that blocked our sunlight and
resulting in a chain reaction.

Endangered species
Species who are in danger of becoming extinct in the
near future.
Threatened species
Species that could become endangered due
to the threats in their environment.
Adaptive Radiation

-A phenomenon where
ancestral species invades a
new territory with no known
competitors, allowing them
to exploit the resources of
the said environment and
occupy a specific niche.
-Is another type of evolution
usually observed in predatory-
prey relationships as well as
those species with very close
interspecific interactions such
as the mutualism and

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