Common Breeds of Goats

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ZOOT 3135 - Small Ruminant Production and Herd Health Management

NAME: Nona Mae G. Dela Cruz



3 Common Breeds of Goat

Production performance in small ruminants depends on the main purpose of the

breed. Some are being bred specifically for their milk, some for their meat and some for
both, thus being classified as dual purpose. For dairy farmers, milk production record
serves as an important information especially in the selection of breeds. Carcass yield or
the dressing percentage is the proportion of ending live weight yielded after the removal
of blood, skin and visceral organs.

I. Objectives
 Identify the different breeds of goats and their production performance.

II. Methodology
 Look for and read reference books or any reputable sources/materials for the topic
at hand.
 Place your answers in the spaces provided below.
 Cite your references properly in the ‘References’ section.
 Convert this Word document file into PDF, and submit the laboratory exercise
through Google Classroom on the prescribed deadline.

1. Identify the common breeds of goat in the Philippines. Describe each breed in
terms of country of origin, color and markings and other physical attributes, and
insert a photo for each breed.

Color and
Origin Markings/Distinct Photo
physical attributes

Boer South It has a distinct color,

Africa reddish brown head
and neck with white
body and legs. Their
horns are prominent.
They also have short to
medium hair.

9 | Department of Animal Management

College of Veterinary Science and Medicine
Central Luzon State University
ZOOT 3135 - Small Ruminant Production and Herd Health Management

Saanen Switzerland It is a well-built, milky

head and neck. Saanen
has straight nose and
erect ears. Its body
color is cream to white
with black spots on
nose and udder.

Anglo England It appeared to have

Nubian proud and graceful
appearance and has
long, wide and
pendulous ears and
roman nose. Its color is
black, gray, cream,
white shade of tan,
reddish brown, and has
facial stripes.

Toggenburg Switzerland Its appearance is

sturdy with semi-erect
ears. It appeared to
have light fawn to dark
chocolate with distinct
white markings in face
and muzzle; fairly
white from knees
downward and hind

Alpine France It has straight face and

upright ears, alertly
graceful. Alpine is
medium to large size.
Its color varies through
shades of fawn.

10 | Department of Animal Management

College of Veterinary Science and Medicine
Central Luzon State University
ZOOT 3135 - Small Ruminant Production and Herd Health Management

2. Describe the production values of the common breeds of goat in the Philippines in
terms of breed type, milk production per day and/or lactation period and
approximate mature weight.

Goat Type (meat, Milk Production Approximate

Breed dairy, or dual Per Day (L) Mature Weight
purpose) (kg)

Boer Meat 1.25-1.75 liters/day 80 kilograms

Saanen Dairy 1.75-2.50 liters/day 70 kilograms

Anglo Dual purpose 1.75-2.5 liters/day 60 kilograms


Toggenburg Dairy 1.5-2.25 liters/day 60 kilograms

Alpine Dairy 1.25-1.75 liters/day 70 kilograms

3. Describe the following 5 OTHER goat breeds. Describe each breed in terms of
country of origin, type, color and markings and other physical attributes, and insert
a photo for each breed.

Color and
Goat Country dairy, or
Distinct Photo
Breed of origin dual

La United Dairy They have

Mancha States medium sized,
very tiny ears,
straight face,
and short, fine
and glossy hair.
They appeared
to have brown,
white, black or

11 | Department of Animal Management

College of Veterinary Science and Medicine
Central Luzon State University
ZOOT 3135 - Small Ruminant Production and Herd Health Management

combination of
these colors.

Nigerian West Africa Dairy They appeared

dwarf to have in
variety of colors
and patterns.
Also, they can
give up to 3-4
pounds of milk.

Angora Asia Minor Fleece/Fiber They are

5.3 pounds of
mohair per
shearing. They
could also
produce fiber
with a staple
length of
between 12 and
15 cm. They are
white in color
and has
prominent horn.

Pygmy West Africa Fancy or They have a

Meat small body
structure and
coloration which
is a grizzled
(agouti) pattern
produced by the
intermingling of
light and dark

12 | Department of Animal Management

College of Veterinary Science and Medicine
Central Luzon State University
ZOOT 3135 - Small Ruminant Production and Herd Health Management

Fainting/ Tennessee, Meat Their face

myotonic USA appear to have
goat concave to
straight and the
eyes and
forehead my
bulge. Their ears
may have a
wave or ripple
about half-way
down the length
of the ear.

4. If you are to venture in goat production, what type of production would you like
to engage into (meat, dairy/milk or both)? What breeds then would you prefer to
raise as your foundation stocks? Choose two breeds and explain why.

I prefer to have a goat milk production because it has many products to offer, not just milk.
In terms choosing breed, I prefer to have breeds like Alpine and La Mancha. Alpine can thrive in
nearly any climate which could help in the tropical farm. Alpines also serve as the highest producing
milkers which produce up to two gallons per day. They also describe that this breed is quiet and
curious and tolerates humans well. While, La Mancha is also good milkers, producing milk with high
protein and butterfat content. The advantage of La Mancha is that they can be milked for two years
without freshening.

III. References
 and, A. (2019). External Anatomy and Breeds.pdf. Google Docs.

 Angelique. (2023, March 28). Myotonic or Tennessee Fainting Goat - The Livestock

Conservancy. The Livestock Conservancy.


 (2022). 12 popular goat breeds.

Successful Farming.

13 | Department of Animal Management

College of Veterinary Science and Medicine
Central Luzon State University

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