Common Breeds of Goats
Common Breeds of Goats
Common Breeds of Goats
I. Objectives
Identify the different breeds of goats and their production performance.
II. Methodology
Look for and read reference books or any reputable sources/materials for the topic
at hand.
Place your answers in the spaces provided below.
Cite your references properly in the ‘References’ section.
Convert this Word document file into PDF, and submit the laboratory exercise
through Google Classroom on the prescribed deadline.
1. Identify the common breeds of goat in the Philippines. Describe each breed in
terms of country of origin, color and markings and other physical attributes, and
insert a photo for each breed.
Color and
Origin Markings/Distinct Photo
physical attributes
2. Describe the production values of the common breeds of goat in the Philippines in
terms of breed type, milk production per day and/or lactation period and
approximate mature weight.
3. Describe the following 5 OTHER goat breeds. Describe each breed in terms of
country of origin, type, color and markings and other physical attributes, and insert
a photo for each breed.
Color and
Goat Country dairy, or
Distinct Photo
Breed of origin dual
combination of
these colors.
4. If you are to venture in goat production, what type of production would you like
to engage into (meat, dairy/milk or both)? What breeds then would you prefer to
raise as your foundation stocks? Choose two breeds and explain why.
I prefer to have a goat milk production because it has many products to offer, not just milk.
In terms choosing breed, I prefer to have breeds like Alpine and La Mancha. Alpine can thrive in
nearly any climate which could help in the tropical farm. Alpines also serve as the highest producing
milkers which produce up to two gallons per day. They also describe that this breed is quiet and
curious and tolerates humans well. While, La Mancha is also good milkers, producing milk with high
protein and butterfat content. The advantage of La Mancha is that they can be milked for two years
without freshening.
III. References
and, A. (2019). External Anatomy and Breeds.pdf. Google Docs.
Angelique. (2023, March 28). Myotonic or Tennessee Fainting Goat - The Livestock