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(Without Books)
Maximum Time : 1.30 hours Maximum Marks : 60


›ÁõÚ Âøh¯ÎUS® ÁøP ÂÚõzuõÒ

Read the following instructions carefully before beginning to answer the questions.
ÂÚõUPÐUS Âøh¯ÎUP öuõh[S® •ß¦ RÌUPsh AÔÄøμPøÍ PÁÚ©õP £iUPÄ®.

1. Answers in excess of the prescribed number of questions appearing at the end of the answer
book will not be valued.
ÂøhPøÍ SÔ¨¤mkÒÍ GsoUøPUS AvP©õP GÊv°¸¨¤ß, ÂøhzuõÎß CÖv°À EÒÍ
AvP GsoUøP°»õÚ ÂøhPÒ ©v¨¥k ö\´¯¨£hõx.

2. In case of doubt, English version is the final.

ÂÚõUPÎÀ \¢÷uPª¸¨¤ß B[Q» ÁiÂÀ öPõkUP¨£mkÒÍ ÂÚõUP÷Í CÖv¯õÚx.

I. Answer any THREE questions : (3  7 = 21)

GøÁ÷¯Ý® ‰ßÖ ÂÚõUPÐUS Âøh¯ÎUPÄ® :

1. Calculate median and mode of the data given below using them find arithmetic mean.

Cøh{ø» AÍøÁ ©ØÖ® •Pk ©v¨¤øÚ RÌPsh ÂÁμzvøÚ öPõsk PnUQkP. ÷©¾®,
CÁØÔß ©v¨ø£ öPõsk \μõ\›ø¯ PnUQhÄ®.
Marks / ©v¨ö£sPÒ : 10 20 30 40 50 60
No. of students / ©õnÁºPÎß GsoUøP : 8 23 45 65 75 80

1 [Turn over
2. Calculate the standard deviation for the following data :

¤ßÁ¸® ÂÁμ[PÐUS vmh »UPzvøÚ PnURk ö\´²Ä®.

Age under / Á¯vØSÒ : 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80
No. of persons dying / CÓ¨¦PÎß GsoUøP : 15 30 53 75 100 110 115 125

3. Find the interquartile range and co-efficient of quartile deviation from the following data :

¤ßÁ¸® ÂÁμ[PÐUS CøhPõÀ©õÚ Ãa_ ©ØÖ® PõÀ©õÚ öPÊÂøÚ Psk¤iUPÄ®.

Marks in statistics / ¦Òΰ¯À ©v¨ö£s : above 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80
No. of students / ©õnÁºPÎß GsoUøP : 150 140 100 80 80 70 30 14 0

4. Find the co-efficient of the correlation for the following :


Cost / ö\»Ä : 39 65 62 90 82 75 25 98 36 78
Sales / ÂØ£øÚ: 47 53 58 86 62 68 60 91 51 84

5. A problem in statistics is given to 5 students, A, B, C, D and E. Their chances of solving it

1 1 1 1 1
are , , , and . What is the probability that the problem will be solved?
2 3 4 5 6

¦ÒίÀ öuõhº£õÚ J¸ PnUQøÚ 5 ©õnÁºPÒ A, B, C, D ©ØÖ® EUS ÁÇ[P¨£kQÓx.

1 1 1 1 1
Aøu wº¨£uØPõÚ Áõ´¨¦PÒ , , , ©ØÖ® . BP C¸¨¤ß, AUPnUøP wº¨£uØPõÚ
2 3 4 5 6

II. Answer any THREE questions only : (3  5 = 15)

GøÁ÷¯Ý® ‰ßÖ ÂÚõUPÐUS Âøh¯ÎUPÄ® :

6. A salesman has a 60 percent chance of making a sale to each customer. The behaviour of
successive customers is independent. If two customers A and B enter what probability that
the salesman will make a sale to A or B?
J¸ ÂØ£øÚ¯õͺ JÆöÁõ¸ ÁõiUøP¯õÍ›h•® ÂØ£øÚ ö\´ÁuØPõÚ Áõ´¨¦ 60
\uÂQu©õP C¸¨¤ß, JÆöÁõ¸ ÁõiUøP¯õÍ›ß |hÁiUøP²® \õº£ØÓuõP C¸US® ÷£õx, A
©ØÖ® B °h® A¢u ÂØ£øÚ¯õͺ ÂØ£øÚ ö\´ÁuØPõÚ {PÌuPÄ GßÚ?

7. Write a short note on stratified random sampling

£Sv•øÓ ©õv› Po¨¦ •øÓø¯ £ØÔ ]ÖSÔ¨¦ GÊxP.

117/DM/18 2
8. What are the types of correlation? Explain briefly.
JmkÓÂß ÁøPPÒ ¯õøÁ? _¸UP©õP ÂÁ›UPÄ®.

9. What are the properties of a good estimator?

|À» Po¨£ÝUS›¯ £s¦PÒ ¯õøÁ?

10. What is skewness? Explain the main types of skewed curves.

÷Põmh® GßÓõÀ GßÚ? Auß •UQ¯ ÁøPPøÍ ÂÍUPÄ®.

III. Answer any EIGHT questions : (8  3 = 24)

GøÁ÷¯Ý® Gmk ÂÚõUPÐUS Âøh¯ÎUPÄ® :

11. Find the value of mode from the data given below :
RÌPsh ÂÁμ[PÎß Ai¨£øh°À •Pk ©v¨¤øÚ PshԯĮ.
Weight in kg / No. of students /
Gøh (Q÷»õ) ©õnÁºPÎß GsoUøP
93-97 2
98-102 5
103-107 12
108-112 17
113-117 14
118-122 6
123-127 3
128-132 1

12. State any three properties of normal distribution.

C¯À{ø» £μÁ¼ß HuõÁx 3 £s¦PøÍ ÂÁ›UPÄ®.

13. Distinguish between independent and dependent events.

\õº£ØÓ ©ØÖ® \õº¦øh¯ {PÌa]PøÍ ÷ÁÖ£kzvU PõmkP.

14. One card is drawn from a standard pack of 52. What is the probability that it is either a king
or a queen?
52 ^mkPÒ öPõsh J¸ ^mk Pmi¼¸¢x J¸ ^møh ÷uº¢öukUS® ö£õÊx Ax Cμõáõ AÀ»x
Cμõo¯õP C¸¨£uØPõÚ {PÌuPÄ GßÚ?

3 117/DM/18
[Turn over
15. What are the two types of errors in testing of hypothesis?
Gk÷PõÒ ÷\õuøÚ°À EÒÍ Cμsk ÁøP¯õÚ ¤øÇPÒ ¯õøÁ?

16. Define the following :

(a) Positive correlation
(b) Negative correlation
(c) Multiple correlation
(A) ÷|›øh JmkÓÄ
(B) Gv›øh JmkÓÄ
(C) ö£¸UP JmkÓÄ

17. State any two merits and demerits of sampling techniques.

©õv› ~m£zvß Cμsk {øÓ ©ØÖ® SøÓPøÍ GÊxP.

18. From the following data of the wages of 7 workers compute the median wage.
¤ßÁ¸® 7 öuõÈ»õͺPÎß vÚT¼ ÂÁμ[PÎß Ai¨£øh°À Cøh{ø» AÍøÁ PnUQkP.
Wages / vÚT¼ (in Rs. / ¹.) : 1100 1150 1080 1120 1200 1160 1400

19. Find the probability of drawing a queen, a king and a knave (jack) in that order from a pack
of cards in three consecutive draws, the cards drawn not being replaced.
v¸®£ øÁzvÀ»õ •øÓ°À J¸ ^mk Pmi¼¸¢x J¸ μõo, J¸ μõáõ ©ØÖ® J¸ áõU GßÓ
Á›ø\°À ÷uº¢öuk¨£uØPõÚ {PÌuPÄ GßÚ?

20. Define the role of Poisson distribution in statistics.

¦Òί¼À £õ´\õß £μÁ¼ß £[QøÚ ÂÁ›UPÄ®.


117/DM/18 4

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