Abulog - Book of Genesis
Abulog - Book of Genesis
Abulog - Book of Genesis
Time around 2000-1500 BC. between 1800-1600 BCE
Plot The plot of the book of Genesis The Epic of Gilgamesh follows
is focused on God's relationship the adventures of the king
with humanity. It starts with (Gilgamesh) as he battles
the creation of the world and monsters, seeks wisdom, and
then follows God's interactions ultimately confronts his own
with Adam and Eve, Abraham, mortality. Along the way, he
Isaac, Jacob, and Joseph. It forms a deep bond with
culminates in a story about Enkidu, a wild man created by
how God provides for his the gods to challenge
chosen people even in difficult Gilgamesh's arrogance.
Lesson The book of Genesis teaches us The moral lesson of the Epic
lessons about faith, obedience of Gilgamesh is that life is
to God's commands, and fleeting and that accepting
trusting in his promises. It also one's mortality is essential for
emphasizes the importance of living a fulfilling life. It also
family relationships and how emphasizes the importance of
God will ultimately provide for friendship and loyalty, as well
his chosen people. as the consequences of one's
Irony: The Epic of Gilgamesh makes
use of foreshadowing to build
Irony is another powerful
suspense and tension
literary device used in Genesis throughout the story. For
to create tension and example, when Enkidu has a
complexity in the story. By prophetic dream about his
using irony, the author own death, it creates a sense
highlights the gap between of foreboding that carries
appearance and reality, through to the end of the epic.
challenging our assumptions Through its use of
and expectations. foreshadowing, the epic is able
to keep readers engaged and
For example, the deception of invested in the story, even as
Isaac by Jacob and Rebekah is they anticipate what is to
a classic example of dramatic come.
irony, as the audience knows
what is happening while the
characters do not. Similarly, the
selling of Joseph into slavery by
his own brothers is a tragic During Gilgamesh and
irony, as the very act meant to Enkidu’s journey to slay
harm him ultimately leads to Humbaba, the phrase, “[At
his redemption and success in twenty] leagues they broke
Egypt. bread, / [at] thirty leagues
they pitched camp: / [fifty]
leagues they travelled in the
Parallelism: course of a day,” is repeated
many times. This passage
Finally, Genesis makes describes Gilgamesh’s
extensive use of parallelism, a physical journey by how far
literary device in which similar he’s traveled, which parallels
events or themes are repeated the progress he has made on
with variations throughout the his mental and spiritual
text. By using parallelism, the journey at this point.
author creates a sense of
rhythm and symmetry, and
emphasizes the key themes and
messages of the story.
For example, the creation story
and the story of Noah's ark are
both structured as parallel
narratives, with similar
patterns of chaos, order, and
redemption. Through careful
analysis of these parallel
narratives, we can gain a
deeper appreciation for the
larger themes and messages of
the book.