18604-Article Text-64995-74831-10-20230309
18604-Article Text-64995-74831-10-20230309
18604-Article Text-64995-74831-10-20230309
e-ISSN: 2622-5867
p-ISSN: 2685-743x
Volume 7 number 1, March 2023
Page 33-43
The objectives of this research were to find out the types of techniques in teaching
speaking and to describe how the teachers implement the teaching speaking tech-
niques at SMA 6 Kota Bengkulu. This research used a case study qualitative method.
The population of the research was two teachers who taught the first-grade students
of SMA 6 Kota Bengkulu. To collect the data, the researcher used observation, inter-
view, and documentation. Data processing was divided into three stages, those are
data reduction, displaying data, and conclusion. The result of the research showed
that teachers used some techniques in teaching speaking, such as discussion, story-
telling, and brainstorming. In the discussion, the teacher asked students to make a
group consisted of two people because students in the class were just half of the total
of students. In storytelling, the teacher told her stories when she was a student to mo-
tivate students in learning. In brainstorming, the teacher began the lesson by giving a
question to make students think and got ideas. It is concluded that teachers used
techniques adjust with the material and condition of the class. It is recommended for
further researchers in conducting the same topic about speaking technique.
The teachers’ teaching technique usually determines students’ success.
Teaching technique is the way that teachers apply in the teaching and learning pro-
cess to make students succeed or get maximum results of goals of learning. Therefore,
the teacher should find a good technique and provide engaging to get maximal
results (Haqien & Rahman, 2020).
The teaching and learning process normally is face-to-face, the teacher and
students do the teaching and learning process in the class. But, the problem today is
Alfallah, Puspita, Lubis Exploring Teachers Techniques in Teaching Speaking
Alfallah, Puspita, Lubis Exploring Teachers Techniques in Teaching Speaking
Alfallah, Puspita, Lubis Exploring Teachers Techniques in Teaching Speaking
In this research, the researcher employs two English teachers who teach the
first grade students in SMAN 6 Kota Bengkulu. SMAN 6 Kota Bengkulu is a senior high
school located in Bajak Kota Bengkulu. This school is one of coastal schools in Kota
Bengkulu which has some professional and good qualified teachers in teaching. Thus,
from this school the researcher will get more information about the teacher’s tech-
nique in teaching English specially in speaking skill.
This research is different from previous research, because this research analyzes
in detail about the teacher technique in teaching speaking in senior high school stu-
dents. Thus, the researcher focuses to carry out the study entitled “Exploring Teachers
Techniques in Teaching Speaking at SMA 6 Kota Bengkulu”.
Research Methodology
The methodology of this research was qualitative method research, in which
the case study was the design of this research. According to Creswell (2014) Qualita-
tive research is an approach for exploring and understanding the meaning individual
or group describes to a social or human problem. Case study is a qualitative research
approach in which the researcher focuses on a unit of study known as a bounded
system (e.g., individual teachers, a classroom, or a school)(Crowe et al., 2011).
The researcher chose the qualitative method in analyzing the research be-
cause it is an appropriate method that allows the researcher to find out more detailed
information of the tools that teachers use and the application of teaching speaking
online techniques by the teachers in SMA 6 Kota Bengkulu.
The participants of this research were the teachers who taught the first-grade
students in SMA 6 Kota Bengkulu. The samples of this research were two teachers. This
research analyzed their teaching technique in teaching online speaking. The two
teachers who were chosen by researchers were selected by several criteria. The sev-
eral criteria are teachers who have taught more than five years and are certified in
that school. Teacher A had 24 years of teaching experience at SMA 6 Kota Bengkulu.
The second English teacher is teacher B. Teacher B had 8 years of teaching experi-
ence at SMA 6 Kota Bengkulu. Another criterion is the teacher who teaches the first-
grade students of SMAN 6 Kota Bengkulu.
The instruments were Online observation protocol and Interview Protocol. The
data collected by doing observation, interviews, and documentation. To collect the
information during the online observation, the researcher used the field note to write
Alfallah, Puspita, Lubis Exploring Teachers Techniques in Teaching Speaking
the events. The purpose of applying the daily field note is to make the researcher
remember the facts and details that happened during the online observation. To see
the whole activities in the online classroom and the techniques used by the teacher
while teaching the students. The researcher recorded the teaching-learning process
to make sure when the researcher analyzing the data there was no one data left. The
interview was used to get the in-depth information needed.
In collecting the data, first, the researcher asked the teachers first and asked
the material that more speaking activity rather than writing, reading, and listening
activity. Before the researcher observed the online class, the researcher did the inter-
view to the teachers about the tools used by the teachers to teach speaking online.
After observation, the researcher met the teachers to do an interview to explore more
about the techniques that teachers use and what are the advantages and disad-
vantages of the techniques in teaching speaking online.
The data were analyzed by using the procedures from Miles & Huberman
(1994) namely data reduction, displaying data and making conclusion. In reducing
data, the researcher gained the data from observation using the field note and video
recording. Then, the researcher transcribed, select and focus on the essential data by
referring to the research problems. After reducing data, the step is displaying data.
Data display was applied to see the whole of the data description. Last, making the
conclusion. The conclusion was the last procedure of analyzing the data of the re-
search. Making a conclusion is the process of drawing the content of data collected
in the form of a statement. The researcher can decide the accuracy of finding results
by using member checking and triangulation. In this research, the researcher used
member checking to check the correctness of finding results.
Alfallah, Puspita, Lubis Exploring Teachers Techniques in Teaching Speaking
techniques for teaching online, especially speaking. They just used some platforms for
teaching online such as, google classroom, WhatsApp group, and zoom.
The Implementation of Teachers’ Techniques
The implementation of teachers’ techniques in discussion technique based on
observation, the researcher saw that the teacher explained the material before she
asked the students to discuss it in the class. Then, she asked the students to make a
group of two students because the class had only half of the students, the other stu-
dents studied online from home “Now, make a group of two to discuss” (Teacher 1),
“Let’s make a group consist of two people, I want you to make like short dialogue”
(Teacher 2). The teacher gave students several times for discussion with their groups.
After that, the student told the result of their discussion in front of the class. At the end
of the discussion, the teacher gave feedback to students. The teachers gave feed-
back such as gave applause and point plus for students.
The brainstorming technique was used by the English teacher at the beginning
of the study in the class. The teacher starts the lesson by giving a question. “What did
you do last night?”, then the students answered in Indonesian language “tidur, mam”.
The teacher helped the student answered the question in English “how to say it in
English? Remember!” The teacher asked the same questions in several time. After
that, she asked the students “so, what is the material today?”, then the class was
In this study, the teachers used storytelling to motivate the students in learning
English. During the process of learning in the class, the teacher gave a story about her
when she was a student. First, the teacher explained the material on that day. Then
the teacher told a story about what she learned when she was a student. It was begun
in the middle of the lesson on that day. “I will give you some tricks in learning, the right
learning ways and a simple way to make a note. After the teacher finished explaining
the material, she certainly gave you time to take a note.” The teacher started to sto-
rytelling for her students. “When I was a student like you, I took notes by my own style.
I listened and focused to the teacher’s explanation, I took notes just the point of the
explanation. After the teacher finished explaining the material or at home I re-took my
notes while learned again the material” she told the students and the students fo-
cused and listened to her stories.
Alfallah, Puspita, Lubis Exploring Teachers Techniques in Teaching Speaking
Alfallah, Puspita, Lubis Exploring Teachers Techniques in Teaching Speaking
Alfallah, Puspita, Lubis Exploring Teachers Techniques in Teaching Speaking
teacher explained and gives the instruction to the students. The teachers were sup-
posed to do that clearly. So, all of the students know what to do. It is line
Thornbury(2005) that often language productivity can be increased by mak-
ing sure that the speaking activity has a clear outcome. Those activities in the class
should maximize the speaking opportunity and increase the chances that learners will
experience autonomous language use.
Therefore, being a teacher has its own challenges. In this pandemic, the chal-
lenge for teachers becomes greater, because teachers not only teach directly at the
school but also teach online. Kristiawan (2014) stated that a teacher is demanded to
be able in managing the class, such as how to manage the room, how to supervises,
how to motivated students in learning, and how to create a good atmosphere. Based
on interviews and observations, English teachers didn’t implementation any tech-
niques in teaching speaking online. The teacher teaches through some platform me-
dia to gives the material and collected their assignments, sometimes the teachers
asked students to collect the assignment at the school.
Alfallah, Puspita, Lubis Exploring Teachers Techniques in Teaching Speaking
techniques based on the new era or adjust to the situation, especially speaking tech-
niques. For the further researcher, It is expected that this research can provide basic
information for other researchers in the future who are interested in the same topic
about speaking techniques.
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Alfallah, Puspita, Lubis Exploring Teachers Techniques in Teaching Speaking