B NM App Suit Ref Manual ENG
B NM App Suit Ref Manual ENG
B NM App Suit Ref Manual ENG
Reference Manual
NM Application Suite on
IntelliSpace Portal
Version 5.0
NM Application Suite on
IntelliSpace Portal
Reference Manual
Version 5.0
4598 001 91041 Rev A
P h i l i p s H e a l t h c a re
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Philips Healthcare has taken care to ensure the accuracy of this document. However, Philips Healthcare assumes no liability for errors or
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CE Marking
Philips Healthcare
1 Reconstruction ..................................................................................................... 1
1.1 References for Reconstruction .................................................................................... 1
2 Cardiac ................................................................................................................. 5
2.1 Minimum Requirements for Cardiac ......................................................................... 5
2.1.1 MUGA Processing ....................................................................................... 5
2.1.2 First Pass...................................................................................................... 5
2.1.3 Shunt........................................................................................................... 5
2.2 Acquisition Parameters for Cardiac ............................................................................ 5
2.2.1 First Pass...................................................................................................... 5
2.2.2 Shunt........................................................................................................... 6
2.3 Calculations for Cardiac ............................................................................................ 6
2.3.1 General MUGA Computations ................................................................... 6
2.3.2 General First Pass Computations ................................................................. 7
2.3.3 General Shunt Computations ...................................................................... 7
2.3.4 GBP Multiple Algorithm ............................................................................. 8
2.3.5 MUGA C Algorithm ................................................................................. 12
2.4 References for Cardiac ............................................................................................. 17
4 Lung .................................................................................................................... 21
4.1 Minimum Requirements for Lung ........................................................................... 21
4.1.1 Lung Ventilation and Perfusion ................................................................. 21
4598 001 91041 Rev A
5 Renal ................................................................................................................... 23
5.1 Minimum Requirements for Renal .......................................................................... 23
P h i l i p s H e a l t h c a re
6 Endocrine ............................................................................................................ 35
6.1 Minimum Requirements for Endocrine .................................................................. 35
6.1.1 Thyroid ..................................................................................................... 35
6.1.2 Parathyroid Subtraction............................................................................. 35
6.1.3 Parathyroid Dual-Phase............................................................................. 36
6.2 Calculations for Endocrine ...................................................................................... 36
6.2.1 Calculations for Parathyroid ...................................................................... 36
6.2.2 Calculations for Thyroid Uptake............................................................... 36
6.2.3 Thyroid Size Calculation Details ............................................................... 37
6.2.4 Percent Uptake Calculation Details ........................................................... 37
7 Esophagus ........................................................................................................... 39
7.1 Minimum Requirements for Esophagus .................................................................. 39
7.2 Calculations for Esophagus ..................................................................................... 39
Ph ilips Healthcare
9 Hepatobiliary ...................................................................................................... 45
9.1 Minimum Requirements for Hepatobiliary ............................................................. 45
9.1.1 Gallbladder................................................................................................ 45
10 Astonish .............................................................................................................. 47
11 Filters ................................................................................................................. 49
11.1 Laplacian ................................................................................................................. 49
11.2 Spatial (5x5) ............................................................................................................ 49
11.3 Spacial (3x3) ............................................................................................................ 50
11.4 Spatial Temporal ..................................................................................................... 50
19. Jimenez-Hoyuela JM, McClellan JR, Alavi A, and Araujo LI. Impact
of the correction of the attenuation in myocardial perfusion image
with SPECT. Rev Esp Cardiol 1998; 51(Suppl 1):26.
20. King MA, Tsui BM, and Pan TS. Attenuation compensation for
cardiac single-photon emission computed tomographic imaging: Part
1. Impact of attenuation and methods of estimating attenuation
maps. J Nucl Cardiol 1995; 2:513.
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2.1.3 Shunt
• 1 dynamic dataset
Important: For the ventricular ROI, include only the clearly identifiable
ventricle. Do not include the atrium or any superimposed blood pool area.
For the whole heart ROI, include only the left and right ventricles. Do not
include the atria or any other structures.
ED = Mean of raw pixel values within ED region
ES = Mean of raw pixel values within ES region
Bkg = Mean of raw pixel values within Bkg region
PFR = Max(d/dc(ROI)) / (Max(ROI) * frameTime / 1000)
ROI = Mean counts within an ROI
d/dc = First derivative of ROI
Max = Maximum value in array
Max(ROI) = ED volume
Ph ilips Healthcare
ROI = Mean counts within an ROI
d/dc = First derivative of ROI
Min = Minimum value in 2/3 part of the array
Max = Maximum value in the array
Max(ROI) = ED volume
Time[x] = Time in seconds of occurrence
Filling at 25%, 33%, 50%, 75% = 100 * (fractionalEDVolume -
ESVolume) / totalEDVolume
The input for the algorithm is a gated sequence of images. The images
have a resolution of either 64x64 or 128x128. Images of other resolutions
are resized.
Spatial and temporal filtering are applied next.
Temporal filtering
A 1-2-1 temporal filter is applied on the smoothed images. Only the first
and last images are filtered using a 3-1/ 1-3 kernel.
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The bounding box is placed with its center coinciding with the center of
the left ventricle. To compute the center of the left ventricle, first the
center of the heart in the image is determined. This is done using a center
of mass algorithm which defines the center of any image to be the
weighted average of all the pixels within the image. The weight in this case
is the location of each pixel. When the center of the heart has been
identified, a search is performed in the near vicinity (limited to a 4x4
square around the center of the heart) for the maximum pixel. The
location of the maximum pixel is assumed to be the center of the left
Only pixels to the right of the heart center (x values vary from Xc to end of
the image and y varies from Yc - 4 to Yc + 4) are considered for
determining the LV center. The RV center is also calculated in a similar
fashion but pixels to the left of the heart center are considered: (Xc ,Yc) :
Heart center.
The size of the bounding box is set with a minor axis length of 80 and a
major axis length of 105. This is assumed to an interpolated display where
the resolution of images is 512x512.
This step is done on the raw data and is not to be confused with the
filtering done in the frequency domain as part of pre-processing.
4598 001 91041 Rev A
• The raw data is filtered temporally using a 1-2-1 kernel. Images are
picked cyclically for applying the kernel.
• A 3x3 averaging kernel is applied spatially to smooth the image
obtained from the previous step. This step could be repeated several
times. However, by default this averaging is performed only once.
P h i l i p s H e a l t h c a re
Second derivative kernels of two sizes (5x5 and 7x7) are available. The 7x7
kernel is the default choice and is used to convolve the filtered image. The
filters used are:
Convolving each image with a second derivative filter
Second derivative kernels of two sizes (5x5 and 7x7) are available. The 7x7
kernel is the default choice and is used to convolve the filtered image. The
filters used are shown below.
• First the end points of each segment in the bounding box are obtained
and the segments are ordered in a trigonometric sense.
Note that the number of segments in the polygon is determined by the
number of control points needed to specify the geometry, and hence
could be less than or greater than the number of radials. This means
that we need to find points on these segments at specified angles to the
The pixel with maximum value on the specified radial is sought for in the
second derivative image. This search is done only in the vicinity of the
corresponding seed point. The initial search range is determined by the
derivative sensitivity parameter. This is set to a value of 7 by default. This
means that a search for the max pixel is made on 7 pixels on either side of
the seed point along the radial.
• If no pixel in this range has a value greater than 0, then the edge point
is set to the seed point.
• If a pixel with value greater than 0 is found, then we traverse back
along the radial from that point on until a zero-crossing is found.
When this is found, this is set as the edge point.
4598 001 91041 Rev A
The edges found at this stage can be staggered and not necessarily smooth.
So some basic corrections are applied. A correction is applied to ensure
that the variation in the distance of the edge from the centre is limited to
P h i l i p s H e a l t h c a re
The operations performed in the last few steps were in the polar
coordinates. So the edges determined are now converted back to Cartesian
coordinates and stored for display/analysis.
The pixels that lie within each of the identified regions are determined and
the total count in each of the regions is computed. The interval with the
maximum pixel count in the left ventricle is said to be the end-diastole
and the one with the minimum counts is assumed to be the end-systole.
The GBP Multiple algorithm identifies the left ventricle following the
identification of the region of the left ventricle by the user. Subsequently a
Ph ilips Healthcare
radial search is performed on the second derivative image starting from the
centre to detect the edges of the ventricle.
The data is smoothed both spatially and temporally.
Spatial Smoothing
Temporal Smoothing
The smoothed data obtained from the previous step is then normalized.
The scale factor is the ratio between the mean pixel value of the raw image
to the mean pixel value of the smoothed image.
Before detection of an ROI for a given frame, the frame is averaged with
the previous frame and subsequent frame. For the first (i.e., 0th) frame,
the previous frame will be N-1 and the next frame will be 1 .This is done
to smooth the image and avoid spurious fluctuations.
With the centre of the bounding box as the origin for the polar coordinate
system, the image is converted to a polar format. With this the radials in
the Cartesian coordinate system now become horizontal lines, making
traversal and indexing much simpler. The conversion between the two
coordinate systems is simple and is obtained by the following:
Polar to Cartesian: x= r * cos (theta), y = r * sin (theta)
P h i l i p s H e a l t h c a re
The polar image is filtered by averaging each column with 15 pixels if the
image matrix is larger than 64x64, else 7 pixels are used.
The maximum pixel along each row (radial) of the 2nd derivative is
determined. Three neighboring points are averaged before finding the
maximum. The positions of the maximum could be as shown in figure
The Contour indices (Note: index here is the column value of the contour
in a given row) are processed as below. Each contour index is compared
with the contour index on the previous row and subsequent row. The
comparison between the three contour indices can lead to any of the below
cases. The principal idea here is to reduce variance among the points that
form the ROI to get a smooth shape.
Case 1: If the current contour index is equal to the previous contour
index and also equal to the next contour index as shown in the figure
below, then compare the current contour index with the smoothed second
derivative at this point, which is the output of the method in the Section
"Second derivative filter applied". If the value of the second derivative is
bigger, the current contour index is moved to the right by one; otherwise it
is moved to the left, as shown in the figure below.
Case 2: If the next contour index and previous contour index are equal,
the current contour index is less than both of them, and the second
derivative is more than the current contour index, then the current
contour index value is increased by one or moved to the right, as shown in
the figure below.
Case 3: If the next contour index and previous contour index are equal,
the current contour index is more than both of them, and the second
derivative is less than the current contour index, then the current contour
4598 001 91041 Rev A
index value is decreased by one or moved to the left as shown in the figure
P h i l i p s H e a l t h c a re
Case 5: If the current contour index and next contour index are equal, the
previous contour index is more than both of them, and the second
derivative is more than the current contour index, then the current
contour index value is increased by one or moved to the right, as shown in
the figure below.
Case 6: If the current contour index and previous contour index are equal,
the next contour index is more than both of them, and the second
derivative is more than the current contour index, then the current
contour index value is increased by one or moved to the right as shown in
the figure below.
Case 7: If the current contour index and next contour index are equal, the
previous contour index is less than both of them, and the second derivative
is less than the current contour index, then the current contour index
Ph ilips Healthcare
The edges obtained in the polar coordinates are converted back to polar
• 1 equilibrium
• 1 posterior static
• 1 left posterior oblique static
• 1 right posterior oblique static
In addition to these results, the total counts under the region for all the
user defined organs are also calculated.
Ph ilips Healthcare
Simple Reno-
gram X1 X1
PrePost Lasix X2 X2 X2
Patlak X1 X1
Hilson Index X2 X2 X2
GFR Gates X2 X2 X X X2
ERPF Schlegel
with Void X1 X X X X X1
ERPF Schlegel X1 X X X1
DMSA Static
rior stat-
X1 X1
4598 001 91041 Rev A
Cortical Analy-
sis X1 X1
1: Function or Multi-phase
Ph ilips Healthcare
5.2.4 Patlak
• 128x128 matrix
• 120 frames at 15 sec/fr
5.2.11 Deconvolution
P h i l i p s H e a l t h c a re
Consider an image with a first phase consisting of 30 frames at 2sec/frame,
and a second phase consisting of 60 frames at 15sec/frame. For the first
phase, we get:
15/2 = 7 (rounding down)
30/7 = 4 Frames + 1 Frame from the remaining 2 = 5
15/15 = 1
60/1 = 60 Frames
* If a syringe image is acquired for less than 60 sec, then a correction factor
is used to extrapolate the counts to 60 sec:
60/frame rate of syringe image Ph ilips Healthcare
Ph ilips Healthcare
5.3.10 DMSA
The following table captures the results generated by the DMSA method:
4598 001 91041 Rev A
P h i l i p s H e a l t h c a re
on the x-axis. Fitting the curve with a straight line. The slope of the line is
Ku and the y-intercept is Vn.
Next we create the linear regression curves. We use the following to find
the marker positions from the left background subtracted renal curve if
available, or the right one if not:
LeftKidneyDepth = 153.1 * W / H + 0.22 * A + 0.77
RightKidneyDepth = 161.7 * W / H + 0.27 * A - 9.4,
where W, H, and A are respectively patient's weight (kg), height (cm) and
age (years).
Next, perform linear regression on the background subtracted renal curves
between the marker positions. Then create the fitted curves.
Use the same marker positions found before to create the linear regression
curve for the cardiac curve.
For the Patlak transformation, create the Patlak curve PatCurve(x[i], y[i])
The Patlak slope is the slope of the rising part of the above curve. The user
is able to adjust the limits for the slope calculation using regression.
Left and right Patlak slope percentages relative to the sum of the slopes are
calculated and presented.
6.1.1 Thyroid
• 1 Uptake (static Thyroid image)
Optionally, you can also load the following:
• a thyroid marker image
• a pair of syringe images: Full and Empty
• Injection site planar images
• Anterior
Important: When obtaining the Syringe Full and Syringe Empty data, use
acquisition times appropriate to avoiding rollover. Tailoring the acquisition
duration to the dose activity avoids pixel overflow in the resulting images;
this is important because the application requires precise counts from
these images to calculate valid thyroid uptake values from the injected
dose. The application normalizes the counts in the syringe images based on
the acquisition time of the thyroid image.
NOTE: If the Full Syringe Image or the Empty Syringe Image is not
selected by the user as one of the bucket data, then the user has to provide
Calibration Factor and the Activities for each of them as input, using
which the counts are calculated as below. Finally, these count values are
used in the calculation of thyroid's percent uptake which is described in
the following section.
Full Syringe Count = (Calibration Factor * Unit Conversion Factor) * Full
Syringe Activity
Empty Syringe Count = (Calibration Factor * Unit Conversion Factor) *
Empty Syringe Activity
When you load static datasets, the application automatically sorts them by
view and then by ascending time of acquisition. The resulting arrays of
static images are used to build dynamic images. The remainder of the
static image processing is therefore the same as for images from dynamic
4598 001 91041 Rev A
datasets. For the sorting to work correctly, the datasets must contain
specific case-sensitive strings: anterior data must contain “ANT”, posterior
data must contain “POST”; additionally, the technetium data must not
contain the substring “In”, and the indium data must not contain the
substring “Tc”.
By default, this application is configured to recognize and automatically
load static datasets with the following names:
Ph ilips Healthcare
• Curves are normalized and possibly decay corrected for Anterior and
• The geometric mean is calculated and the resulting curve is then
4598 001 91041 Rev A
P h i l i p s H e a l t h c a re
9.1.1 Gallbladder
• 1 dynamic dataset
• Up to 12 static images
For dynamic acquisitions, the suggested time per frame is 30–120 seconds.
Make sure the number of frames is large enough to accommodate your
clinical procedure’s total time.
Important: While you can load a mixture of statics and dynamics into the
application, you must process each one individually using a different
preference, as if you were loading two patients into the application.
These maximum and minimum points are used in the calculation of the
GBEF = (100 * (Maximum counts - Minimum counts)) /
Maximum counts
Gallbladder counts = Total pixel sum of the ROI covering the gallbladder
Background counts = Total pixel sum of the ROI covering the background
Counts Post Meal = (Gallbladder counts - BKG counts) *
e[-(0.693/361.2) * diff_time(min)]
Ejection Fraction = ((Counts Pre-Meal - Counts Post
Meal)/Counts Pre-Meal) * 100
Because Astonish uses specific information from your camera to model the
collimator performance, it expects acquisition-specific information in the
DICOM header for each image. Astonish supports only the following
cameras with the latest acquisition software:
• SKYLight version 3.1 or later
• Forte version 2.0 or later
• CardioMD version 2.0 or later
• Precedence (all versions)
If your Forte, SKYLight, or Forte camera does not have the acquisition
version specified, you must call your Field Service Engineer to have your
system upgraded before you can perform Astonish reconstruction.
For Astonish to work properly, make sure that the collimator is correctly
specified in the data. If you need to change the header information, you
can use the EBW Patient Browser to change it.
Astonish is only available as a licensed option within AutoSPECT Pro. To
verify that you have the appropriate license, click Preferences in the EBW
NM Patient Directory and in the Preferences dialog, select Licensing to
check your licensing options.
If you have the correct version of the acquisition and processing software
and the Astonish license, but Astonish is still not enabled on your system,
part of your header information may be corrupt. Call Customer Support
to have them examine your datasets to ensure that the correct information
is present.
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Ph ilips Healthcare
The filtering process is similar for static and dynamic images. Available
filters for static images are Laplacian, Spatial (5x5), and Spatial (3x3).
Additionally, the Spatial Temporal filter is available for dynamic images.
Filtering is accomplished by assigning each pixel in an image, one at a
time, a new count value. The new count value is determined by the
specific filter weighting arrangement applied to the image.
In other words, each pixel is multiplied by a number determined by the
pixel’s position relative to the center pixel. The products of these
multiplications are added together, but only the pixel in the center is
assigned the resulting “weighted average” count value. The filter is then
moved and the process repeated, until every pixel in the image has been
treated as the center and assigned a new, weighted average count value.
Filtering an 8-bit deep image will convert it to a 16-bit deep image.
11.1 Laplacian
The Laplacian filter is available for both static and dynamic images.
Ph ilips Healthcare
Shortcut Description
F5 Next colormap
F9 Triangulation on/off
Shortcut Description
ArrowUp Scroll to the previous image in the vertical (Y) dimension (same as
Right/Left for 2D viewer)
PageDown Scroll to the next page of images, if there is only one image dimenstion;
scroll to the next page of images in the vertical dimension, if there are
more than one image dimensions
Ctrl + PageDown Scroll to the next page of images in the horizontal dimension, if there
are more than one image dimensions
PageUp Scroll to the previous page of images, if there is only one image dimen-
stion; scroll to the previous page of images in the vertical dimension, if
there are more than one image dimensions
Ctrl + PageUp Scroll to the previous page of images in the horizontal dimension, if
there are more than one image dimensions
Ctrl + Tab Move focus cyclically forward through a tab container? tab pages (brings
the newly focused tab page to the front)
Ctrl + Shift + Tab Move focus cyclically backward through a tab container?tab pages
(brings the newly focused tab page to the front)
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