SITHCCC035 Service Planning Template PDF
SITHCCC035 Service Planning Template PDF
SITHCCC035 Service Planning Template PDF
● How many meals are required? Describe how you will ensure that the correct number of meals are
- The number of the required meal is only six. We have decided to prepare polenta. We can confirm that
the recipe is a standard one and it will produce correct number of meals required. It contains all the
necessary nutrients needed for an ideal human body.
● Calculate the number of portions that you need (show your workings).
- Firstly, we must find out total weight of the dish which would be:
Total weight= 400 gm
Number of serving= 4
Per serving weight= 400/4 100
● Calculate the amount of each ingredient that you require. An ingredient list has been provided for you or
you may like to use your organisation’s standard template.
Ingredient list
Recipe: Polenta
Water 4 cups 4 1
● Select the cookery method that you will use. Explain your decision.
- The cookery method for polenta is boiling and baking. All it requires is a little forethought. All it takes
is a little planning ahead of time. The secret is to soak the polenta for several hours in its liquid before
cooking it. This step helps to properly hydrate the cornmeal before you begin cooking it, which
reduces the cooking time significantly
● Select the cooking times and temperatures that you will use. Explain your decision.
● Select the marinades and accompaniments which you will add to your dish. Explain your decision – how
do the accompaniments complement your dish?
- Polenta can be used instead of potatoes or rice for lunch or dinner. Toppings for baked potatoes
can be added to polenta. Combine goat or feta cheese, sundried tomatoes, and fresh basil in
polenta. As an appetizer, serve Mediterranean Polenta Rounds or Truffled Roasted Mushrooms
on Garlic Polenta
● Select the select the sauces and garnishes which you will add to your dish. Explain your decision – how do
the sauces and garnishes complement your dish?
- The sauces and garnishes for the dish is mix maple syrup, garlic, soy sauce and lime juice with
chicken stock. Combine the maple syrup, garlic, soy sauce, and limejuice with the chicken stock and
simmer over low heat until it thickens into a gorgeous, glossy glaze. Once the glaze has been
reduced, massage it all over the chickenbreasts and let it absorb.
● List the food preparation equipment that you will need for this recipe. How will you ensure that it is
clean, well maintained and ready for use?
- The equipment that are used for making this dish are: Commercial Oven
Boning Knife
Gas grill
Chopping board
The following methods can be adapted for ensuring that equipment is cleaned before using:
The first step is to get organized. Remove any dirt or food debris that has come loose during the cleaning
Cleaning the area. Use detergent and hot water (60-degree C) to wash Sanitizing (bacteria killing step)
Let it dry naturally