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1tr-Fe Ecm

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Each ECM terminal's standard normal voltage is shown in the table below.
In the table, first check the information under "Condition". Look under "Symbols (Terminal No.)" for
the terminals to be inspected. The standard voltage between the terminals is shown under "Specified
Use the illustration above as a reference for the ECM terminals.

Symbols Terminal Specified

Wiring Color Condition
(Terminal No.) Description Condition
Battery (for measuring
BATT (E9-3) - E1 (E12-3) L - BR battery voltage and for Always 9 to 14 V
ECM memory)
Power source of throttle
+BM (E9-7) - E1 (E12-3) R-W - BR Always 9 to 14 V
IGSW (E9-9) - E1 (E12-3) B-O - BR Ignition switch Ignition switch ON 9 to 14 V
+B (E9-1) - E1 (E12-3) B - BR Power source of ECM Ignition switch ON 9 to 14 V
MREL (E9-8) - E1 (E12-3) W-G - BR EFI relay Ignition switch ON 9 to 14 V
Power source of sensor
VC (E12-18) - E2 (E12-28) LG-B - BR Ignition switch ON 4.5 to 5.5 V
(specific voltage)
Ignition switch ON,
VTA1 (E12-20) - E2 (E12- Throttle position sensor
B-R - BR accelerator pedal fully 0.5 to 1.1 V
28) (for engine control)
Ignition switch ON,
VTA1 (E12-20) - E2 (E12- Throttle position sensor
B-R - BR accelerator pedal fully 3.2 to 4.8
28) (for engine control)
Throttle position sensor Ignition switch ON,
VTA2 (E12-19) - E2 (E12-
LG - BR (for sensor malfunction accelerator pedal fully 2.1 to 3.1
detection) released
Throttle position sensor Ignition switch ON,
VTA2 (E12-19) - E2 (E12-
LG - BR (for sensor malfunction accelerator pedal fully 4.5 to 5.5
detection) depressed
Accelerator pedal Ignition switch ON,
VPA (E9-18) - EPA (E9-
W-L - BR-W position sensor (for accelerator pedal fully 0.5 to 1.1 V
engine control) released
Accelerator pedal Ignition switch ON,
VPA (E9-18) - EPA (E9-
W-L - BR-W position sensor (for accelerator pedal fully 2.5 to 4.6 V
engine control) depressed
Accelerator pedal
Ignition switch ON,
VPA2 (E9-19) - EPA2 (E9- position sensor (for
GR-G - BR-Y accelerator pedal fully 1.5 to 2.9 V
21) sensor malfunction
Accelerator pedal
Ignition switch ON,
VPA2 (E9-19) - EPA2 (E9- position sensor (for
GR-G - BR-Y accelerator pedal fully 3.5 to 5.5 V
21) sensor malfunction
Power source of
VCPA (E9-26) - EPA (E9-
LG-R - BR-W accelerator pedal Ignition switch ON 4.5 to 5.5 V
position sensor (for VPA)
Power source of
VCP2 (E9-27) - EPA2 (E9- accelerator pedal
BR-R - BR-Y Ignition switch ON 4.5 to 5.5 V
21) position sensor (for
VG (E11-28) - E2G (E11- Idling, shift position on P
L-W - L-R MAF meter 0.5 to 3.0 V
30) or N, A/C switch off
THA (E11-29) - E2 (E12- Idling, intake air
L-B - BR IAT sensor 0.5 to 3.4 V
28) temperature 20°C (68°F)
Idling, engine coolant
THW (E12-32) - E2 (E12-
B - BR ECT sensor temperature 80°C 0.2 to 1.0 V
#10 (E11-6) - E01 (E12-7) L - W-B
#20 (E11-5) - E01 (E12-7) G - W-B
Injector Ignition switch ON 9 to 14 V
#30 (E11-2) - E01 (E12-7) R - W-B
#40 (E11-1) - E01 (E12-7) W - W-B
#10 (E11-6) - E01 (E12-7) L - W-B
#20 (E11-5) - E01 (E12-7) G - W-B Pulse generation (see
Injector Idling
#30 (E11-2) - E01 (E12-7) R - W-B waveform 6)
#40 (E11-1) - E01 (E12-7) W - W-B
IGT1 (E12-17) - E1 (E12-
IGT2 (E12-16) - E1 (E12- R - BR
3) R-L - BR Ignition coil with igniter Pulse generation (see
IGT3 (E12-15) - E1 (E12- G-B - BR ignition signal waveform 5)
3) G - BR
IGT4 (E12-14) - E1 (E12-
Ignition coil with igniter
IGF (E12-23) - E1 (E12-3) G-R - BR (ignition confirmation Ignition switch ON 4.5 to 5.5 V
Ignition coil with igniter
Pulse generation (see
IGF (E12-23) - E1 (E12-3) G-R - BR (ignition confirmation Idling
waveform 5)
G2+ (E12-26) - NE- (E12- Camshaft position Pulse generation (see
R-G Idling
34) sensor waveform 3)
NE+ (E12-27) - NE- (E12- Crankshaft position Pulse generation (see
L-G Idling
34) sensor waveform 3)
FC (E9-25) - E01 (E12-7) LG-B - W-B Fuel pump control Ignition switch ON 9 to 14 V
M+ (E12-5) - ME01(E11- Pulse generation (see
B - W-B Throttle actuator Idling
3) waveform 1)
M- (E12-4) - ME01(E11- Pulse generation (see
W - W-B Throttle actuator Idling
3) waveform 2)
Maintain engine speed
KNK1 (E12-29) - EKNK Pulse generation (see
B-W Knock sensor at 4,000 rpm after
(E12-30) waveform 8)
warming up engine
OC+ (E12-13) - OC1- Camshaft timing oil Pulse generation (see
P-L - Y Ignition switch ON
(E12-12) control valve waveform 7)
Shift position on P or N,
STA (E9-12) - E1 (E12-3) L-Y - BR Starter signal 6.0 V or more
ignition switch START
Maintain engine speed
OX1A (E12-21) - E2 (E12- at 2,500 rpm for 2 Pulse generation (see
B -BR Heated oxygen sensor
28) minutes after warming waveform 9)
up sensor
HT1A (E12-1) - E1 (E12- Heated oxygen sensor
Y - BR Ignition switch ON 9 to 14 V
3) heater
ALT (E12-10) - E1 (E12-3) G - BR Generator Ignition switch ON 9 to 14 V
STP (E10-4) - E1 (12-3) G-W - BR Stop light switch Brake pedal depressed 9 to 14 V
STP (E10-4) - E1 (12-3) G-W - BR Stop light switch Brake pedal released Below 1.5 V
Ignition switch ON,
ST1- (E9-16) - E1 (E12-3) R-L - BR Stop light switch Below 1.5 V
brake pedal depressed
Ignition switch ON,
ST1- (E9-16) - E1 (E12-3) R-L - BR Stop light switch 7.5 to 14 V
brake pedal released
W (E10-30) - E1 (E12-3) R-B - BR MIL Idling 9 to 14 V
W (E10-30) - E1 (E12-3) R-B - BR MIL Ignition switch ON Below 3.0 V
ELS1 (E9-15) - E1 (E12-3) G - BR Electric load Taillight switch on 7.5 to 14 V
ELS1 (E9-15) - E1 (E12-3) G - BR Electric load Taillight switch off 0 to 1.5 V
TACH (E10-1) - E1 (E12-
B-W - BR Engine speed Idling Pulse generation
Speed signal from Ignition switch ON, Pulse generation (see
SPD (E10-8) - E1 (E12-3) V-R - BR
combination meter slowly turn wheel waveform 4)
TC (E10-17) - E1 (E12-3) P-B - BR Terminal TC of DLC3 Ignition switch ON 9 to 14 V
Connect intelligent
SIL (E10-13) - E1 (E12-3) R-Y - BR Terminal SIL of DLC3 Pulse generation
tester II to DLC3
PSW (E11-32) - E1 (E12- Power steering oil While turning steering
G-Y - BR Below 1.5 V
3) pressure switch wheel
F/PS (E10-32) - E1 (E12- Center airbag sensor
B - BR* Ignition switch ON Pulse generation
3) assembly
: w/ Airbag

Waveform 1 (Reference)
Throttle actuator positive terminal
Item Content
Symbols (Terminal No.) M+ (E12-5) - ME01 (E11-3)
Tool Setting 5 V/DIV., 1 msec./DIV.
Condition Idle after engine warm-up
The duty ratio varies depending on the throttle opening operation.

Waveform 2 (Reference)

Throttle actuator negative terminal

Item Content
Symbols (Terminal No.) M- (E12-4) - ME01 (E11-3)
Tool Setting 5 V/DIV., 1 msec./DIV.
Condition Idle after engine warm-up
The duty ratio varies depending on the throttle opening operation.

Waveform 3 (Reference)
(a) Camshaft position sensor
Item Content
Symbols (Terminal No.) (a) G2+ (E12-26) - NE- (E12-34)
Tool Setting 5 V/DIV., 20 msec./DIV.
Condition Idle after engine warm-up
(b) Crankshaft position sensor
Item Content
Symbols (Terminal No.) (b) NE+ (E12-27) - NE- (E12-34)
Tool Setting 5 V/DIV., 20 msec./DIV.
Condition Idle after engine warm-up
The wavelength becomes shorter as engine speed increases.

Waveform 4 (Reference)

Vehicle speed signal

Item Content
Symbols (Terminal No.) SPD (E10-8) - E1 (E12-3)
Tool Setting 2 V/DIV., 10 msec./DIV.
Condition Driving at 40 km/h (25 mph)
The wavelength becomes shorter as vehicle speed increases.

Waveform 5 (Reference)
(a) Igniter IGT signal (from ECM to igniter)
Item Content
(a) IGT1 (E12-17) to IGT4 (E12-
Symbols (Terminal No.)
14) - E1 (E12-3)
Tool Setting 2 V/DIV., 20 msec./DIV.
Condition Idling
(b) Igniter IGF signal (from igniter to ECM)
Item Content
Symbols (Terminal No.) (b) IGF1 (E12-23) - E1 (E12-3)
Tool Setting 2 V/DIV., 20 msec./DIV.
Condition Idling
The wavelength becomes shorter as engine speed increases.

Waveform 6 (Reference)

Fuel injector
Item Content
#10 (E11-6) to #40 (E11-1) -
Symbols (Terminal No.)
E01 (E12-7)
Tool Setting 20 V/DIV., 20 msec./DIV.
Condition Idling
The wavelength becomes shorter as engine speed increases.
Waveform 7 (Reference)

Item Content
Symbols (Terminal No.) OC+ (E12-13) - OC- (E12-12)
Tool Setting 5 V/DIV., 1 msec./DIV.
Accelerate slowly after engine
VVT OCV DUTY (%) = A/B x 100

Waveform 8 (Reference)

Knock sensor
Item Content
Symbols (Terminal No.) KNK1 (E12-29) - EKNK (E12-30)
0.01 to 10 V/DIV., 0.01 to 10
Tool Setting
After warming up engine, keep
engine speed at 4,000 rpm
The wavelength becomes shorter as engine speed increases.
The waveform and amplitudes displayed differ slightly depending on the vehicle.

Waveform 9 (Reference)
Heated oxygen (HO2) sensor (sensor 1)
Item Content
Symbols (Terminal No.) OX1A (E12-21) - E2 (E12-28)
Tool Setting 0.2 V/DIV., 200 msec./DIV.
Engine maintained at 2,500
rpm when engine warmed up
In the Data List, item O2S B1 S1 shows the ECM input values from the rear HO2 sensor (sensor 1).

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