Design and Testing of An Arduino-Based Network Jammer Device
Design and Testing of An Arduino-Based Network Jammer Device
Design and Testing of An Arduino-Based Network Jammer Device
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Abstract—A computer network is described as two or more Especially on mobile phones, incoming calls are blocked
devices connecting and communicating, each known as a until the phone is restarted. All cellular devices will
computer network. These types of networks work on wired and instantly reestablish connectivity and offer full service when
wireless mediums. A sort of transmission medium is wired turned off. Nearness to towers, outdoor and indoor settings,
communications, also referred to as directed media. This form buildings, landscapes, temperatures, and humidity all have a
of communication is more reliable than wireless since it is the role in network jamming. These types of network jammers
most stable. In wired communication, twisted pair cable, are used for a variety of different reasons. Nowadays, both
coaxial cable, and fiber optic cable are used to send data from military and civilian employees deploy jamming devices.
the source to the destination. Wireless communication is also
called "unguided" or "unrestricted" transmission media. In People constantly interact with the internet in the
this mode, no physical medium is required to transmit modern world, and all these people have secure data.
electromagnetic signals. On the other hand, in wireless However, in this case, someone is trying to get that data
communication, a message can transfer through the air, water, illegally (e.g., snooping attempts, location tracking, limiting
or vacuum, i.e., infrared, radio, and microwave waves. the cellphone's activity, cheating). It is a big problem for all
Therefore, this research mainly focuses on wireless civilians and the government. In cases where someone is
communication using radio frequency technology. This trying to eavesdrop on a conversation, a network jammer
technology is also used on TVs, radios, laptops, modems,
can use it to block their efforts. Therefore, it can protect
mobile phones, and pagers. People constantly interact with
private and confidential information, limit mobile phones
this technology in the modern world, and all these people have
secure data and confidential information. However, in this and radios, and more by sending out radio waves and the
case, someone uses this technology and tries to get the data same frequencies that cellular devices use. And the jammer
illegally. It is a big problem for all civilians and the can disable these types of illegal works. The significance of
government. In this situation, a network jammer device can be this research is designing a low-cost network jammer device
used to protect those data from snooping attempts, location and considering adding some new features (e.g., mobility,
tracking, limiting cell phone activity, and cheating. This paper low power, working with a real-time clock).
describes a low-cost network jammer that uses an Arduino and
an RF 433 MHz module to create a frequency between 315 II. LITERATURE REVIEW
MHz and 433 MHz. It uses the denial-of-service technique to This chapter discusses the review of literature on
prevent illegal activities within a 100-meter range. network jammers. It discusses the previous history and the
present work of this research. This paper's literature review
Keywords—Arduino, Denial of service, Jammer, Radiofrequency is based on the Internet, journals, books, and articles. Then,
jamming techniques can be categorized as follows.
A. Denial of Service
A cellular network is a type of communication network. The mobile phone's signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) is
This network is spread over the land, and each area is served reduced below its lowest value using this technique, which
by at least one base station, a fixed site. These base stations involves the device transmitting a noise signal at the same
provide the cells with network coverage to transmit voice, operating frequency as the mobile. Service disruptions can
data, and other types of content. In addition, these cells also result from interfering with phone and cell phone base
offer radio coverage across a large geographic area, station communications [3][4][5][6].
connecting with various portable devices (e.g., mobile
phones, tablets, and laptops) [1]. By 2024, 17.72 billion B. Shielding Attacks
mobile devices will be used [2]. That’s good, but some EMF-shielding, or TEMPEST, is the term used for this.
people are using those cellular networks to cheat (e.g., It is a method to guard against EMF exposure
hackers, government snoopers, and data theft). In this case, (electromagnetic fields). For equipment inside a Faraday
the network jammer device protects against these illegal cage to send or receive RF signals from the outside, a
attacks. The network jammer effectively disables networks section must be sealed off during this sort of shielding. This
for cellular devices. But it works with the defined regulatory space might equal the size of a skyscraper. [3].
zone. The network jammer disables cellular device networks
by emitting radio waves at the same frequencies as cellular C. Spoofing
devices. When turning on the network jammer device, all This method takes advantage of the gadget to make the
cellular devices will indicate a “no service" message. phone switch automatically. It is challenging to practice
because the jamming device must first locate a mobile
phone in a specified location before sending a signal that Fig. 3 shows the circuit diagram of the Arduino-based
disables it. When a nearby phone is detected, certain network jammer device. A power switch and jammer switch
variations of this technology can deliver a message were used to turn on/ off the device and on/off the jammer,
instructing the user to put the phone in silent mode [3]. respectively. An OLED was used to interact with the user,
showing jammer frequency, on-off/ status, and battery
The above techniques are used for jamming, but the voltage. When a user is on the power switch, the device gets
most commonly used one is the denial of service technology a power-up, and when a user is on the jammer, the RF 433
[8][9][10]. In this research, denial of service is selected as a MHz module generates the frequency. In there, a radio
jamming technology. antenna was used to distribute signals. Furthermore, the red
III. METHODS LED shows the ON/OFF status to the user.
The block diagram of the jammer device is shown in
Fig. 3. The components of the device were two Arduino
Nano microcontroller boards, an RF 433 module used to
generate the frequency, control switches used for easy
control of the device, and an OLED display used to interact
with the user. In addition, a 3.7 V battery and a charger
module were used to power up the device.
Name Function
This research aims to develop a low-cost jammer device
with an Arduino. It was tested up to 100 meters and covered
important objectives such as generating 400 MHz to 433
MHz, showing the user the ON/OFF status of the jammer,
showing battery voltage to the user, showing frequency to
the user, 24*7 availability of the system, user-friendly,
portability, best performance, and low power consumption.
Many future improvements include: jamming mobile
Fig. 5. Jammer turns ON/OFF state phone signals and wi-fi, generating the 400 MHz to 1800
MHz frequency, generating signals above the 100-meter
range, extending the gamete signal's wide range, and
Test Conditions Output specification Optimal
controlling frequency wavelength.