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Business Ethics (BUS 2102)

Credit Hours 3+0 Prerequisites

: None
Course Objectives:
 To sensitize the students to the ethical dimensions of business and to train them to
identify ethical dilemmas, analyze them systematically and resolve them based on
ethical principles and moral theory.
 To examine the ethical dimensions of business from different perspectives
(American/British, European/Japanese, etc) and to introduce tools of ethical analysis of
management decisions involving difficult choices between right and right and wrong
and wrong.
 To convey the importance and functionality of core values, codes of contact and a
culture of ethical behavior as powerful management tools in the workplace and sources
of trust and reputation in the marketplace
 To differentiate between responsive and strategic CSR in terms of shareholder and
social value, competitive advantage and sustainability.
 To help participants evaluate the CSR standards of their own companies, identify CSR
initiatives and convey competencies for their effective implementation and evaluation.
Course Learning Outcomes (CLOs)
On completion of this course student should be able to:
 Show familiarity with current ethical questions, economic, social and environmental policy
frameworks in which CSR takes place.
 Demonstrate mastery of CSR theory and practice in corporate codes of conduct to related
Pakistani policies, frameworks and discussions.
 Appreciate and articulate complex issues in corporate governance under local and global
 Show familiarity with critical issues of CG and CSR, including corporate ownership structures,
transparency, board practices, CSR strategy formulation and implementation, and their impact
on different stakeholders.
 Know how to integrate management control issues with corporate governance as a firm-
specific objective to achieve superior company performance and greater accountability.
 Analyze, communicate and provide recommendations on business cases
Course Outline
As written in weekly breakup

Assessment Methods
The teaching assessment for the assigned course will be as follows:
Class participation: Assignments (20 marks)
Online Mid Term Exam: 20 Marks
Online Terminal Exam: 60 Marks
Total Marks: 100

Reference Material
 Code of Corporate Governance 2013 or Latest, issued by SECP
 Business and Society: Ethics, Sustainability, and Stakeholder Management, Latest Edition
Archie B. Carroll, Ann K. Buchholtz SouthWestern College Publications, Cengage Learning
 Business and Society: Stakeholders, Ethics, Public Policy, Latest Edition Anne T Lawrence
and James Weber McGraw-Hill/Irwin
 Business Ethics and Corporate Social Responsibility, Latest Edition, Paul Griseri and Nina
Seppala CENGAGE Learning Business Press

Weekly Breakup

Week Topic Student Learning Outcome(SLOs)*

Ethics and Business:  Understand what is business ethics and corporate social
1 responsibility
 The Nature of Business
 Understand the concept of ethical relativism
2  Ethical Issues in Business
 Is ethical relativism right?
 Moral Reasoning  How does moral development happen?
 The Foundation of Ethical  What role do emotions have in ethical reasoning?
Decision-Making: Teleological  What are the impediments to moral behavior?
Ethics and Deontological Ethics  When is a person morally responsible for doing wrong?
Ethical Principles in Business  What is the utilitarian approach to moral decision
4  Utilitarianism making?
 Rights and Duties  How do human rights apply to business?
 What is justics?
5  Justice and Fairness
 Why are personal relationships essential to an ethic of
 The Ethics of Care
 Integrating Utility, Rights,  How can we integrate the various approaches to moral
6 Justice and Caring evaluation?
 Virtue Ethics  What role does character play in morality?
Ethics in the Market Place  Why is a perfectly competitive free market said to be a
 Perfect Competition desirable from an ethical point of view?

 What is a monopoly market and why are such markets

9  Monopoly Competition
seen as ethically questionable?
 How do oligopoly markets provide opportunities for
10  Oligopolistic Competition anticompetitive behaviors that are ethically
The Ethics of Consumer Production
and Marketing  How far must manufacturers go to make their products
 Markets and Consumer safe?
Protection  Is the relationship between a business and its customers
 The Contract View of Business merely a contract, or is there more to it than that?
Firm’s Duties to Consumers
 Does the fact that companies know more about their
 The Due Care Theory products than customers impose on them a duty to
protect customers from injury or harm?
 The Social Costs View of the  What responsibility do businesses have for customer
Manufacturer’s Duties injuries no one could reasonably have foreseen or
13  Advertising Ethics  On the whole, does advertising help or harm
 Do companies have a duty to protect their customers’
 Consumer Privacy
 How does the rational model define a business
Ethics and The Employee
 What is a conflict of interest and how can it be
 The Rational Organization
 What factors should be considered when determining a
fair wage?
 How does the political model of the organization differ
from the rational model?
 The Political Organization
 In what ways is a modern corporation like a
 What kinds of political tactics are most often
encountered in business organizations?
 The Caring Organization
 What are the key ethical issues from the perspective of
the caring organization?

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