A Review of A New Voltammetric Method For Determining Acids
A Review of A New Voltammetric Method For Determining Acids
A Review of A New Voltammetric Method For Determining Acids
Received 22 October 1998; received in revised form 15 January 1999; accepted 22 January 1999
A new method for determining acids based on the voltammetric reduction of quinone was developed with the objective of
providing a sensitive and rapid means for acid assay superior to the conventional titration method. An assessment of this method
was made for determining the free fatty acid content in fats and oils, the total acidity of beverages, and the esterase activity to
demonstrate its usefulness for a wide range of applications. © 1999 Elsevier Science S.A. All rights reserved.
0022-0728/99/$ - see front matter © 1999 Elsevier Science S.A. All rights reserved.
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54 K. Takamura et al. / Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry 468 (1999) 53–63
3. Experimental
Fig. 3. Voltammograms of 3.0 mM VK3 (a) without and (b) 3.2 mM The system of HPLC with electrochemical detection
palmitic acid in an ethanol solution containing 38 mM LiClO4. WE, (HPLC/ECD) is shown in Fig. 6 and consists of a
glassy carbon; RE, SCE; CE, platinum wire. Scan rate: 5 mV s − 1. degasser (Model DG-980-50, JASCO, Tokyo, Japan),
56 K. Takamura et al. / Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry 468 (1999) 53–63
% %
Fig. 7. Retention time (A) and peak height (B) as functions of solvent
ratio of the mobile phase of ethanol +acetonitrile mixture: a, linoleic
acid; b, oleic acid; c, palmitic acid; d, stearic acid. Amount of
acid= 200 pmol. HPLC conditions: Quinone solution, 6 mM VK3 +
76 mM LiClO4 in ethanol +acetonitrile mixture; sample volume, 20
ml; column, LiChrospher 100 RP-18 (250 mm ×4 mm i.d., 5 mm);
column temperature, room temperature; flow rate, 1.1 ml min − 1;
Fig. 5. Flow signals obtained with (a) 5.0 × 10 − 5; (b) 1.0 × 10 − 4; (c) applied potential, − 415 mV versus SCE [13].
1.5× 10 − 4 and (d) 2.0 × 10 − 4 M palmitic acid. Injection volume, 5
ml; Flow rate, 0.6 ml min − 1; Applied potential, −0.33 V versus A 20 ml sample aliquot and standard acid solutions
Ag AgCl; Carrier solution, ethanol solution containing 3 mM VK3 were injected into an ODS column maintained at room
and 38 mM LiClO4 [12].
temperature. The deaerated mobile phase and the
quinone solution were made to flow at 1.1 ml min − 1
with P1 and P2. The detection potential for monitoring
pumps P1 and P2 (Model PU-980, JASCO, Tokyo, free fatty acids was maintained at −415 mV versus
Japan), a sample injector (Model 7125, Rheodyne, Co- SCE. Each fatty acid in the sample solution was deter-
tati, CA, USA), an octadecylsilica (ODS) column mined based on the signal peak height.
(LiChrospher 100 RP-18, 250 mm ×4 mm i.d., 5 mm, For HPLC/ECD, reversed-phase separation of higher
Cica –MERCK, Tokyo, Japan), an electrochemical cell fatty acids was carried out using an ODS column and a
(Model EC-840, JASCO, Tokyo, Japan), a potentiostat mobile phase of an ethanol+ acetonitrile mixture. The
(Model 311B, Huso Electrochemical System, Kawasaki, dissolved oxygen in the mobile phase and the quinone
Japan) and a recorder (Model 807-IT, JASCO, Tokyo, solution was removed by the degasser. A 20 ml aliquot
Japan). The electrochemical cell was made from a of the solution containing fatty acids was injected into
glassy carbon working electrode, an SCE reference the column; the eluate was mixed with the quinone
electrode and a stainless-steel auxiliary electrode. Flow solution and the fatty acids were detected with ECD.
lines were made from stainless-steel tubing (0.5 mm i.d.) The influence of the ratio of acetonitrile to ethanol in
and polytetrafluoroethylene tubing (0.5 mm i.d.) cov- the mobile phase on the separation characteristics and
ered with aluminum foil to shield the sample from the the sensitivity of the acid determination was examined.
light. In Fig. 7, the retention time (A) and the peak height (B)
To prepare a sample solution for injection into the of signals for 200 pmol linoleic, oleic, palmitic and
separation column, the proper amount of the sample oil stearic acids were plotted against the ratio of the two
was mixed with an ethanol+acetonitrile (10:90) mix- solvents. The larger the content of acetonitrile, the
ture. When the oil was not soluble in the ethanol +ace- greater was the separation of the acid peaks. The peak
tonitrile (10:90) mixture, the mixture was centrifuged height was maximum at about 90% acetonitrile for all
after mixing, and the supernatant was used as a sample fatty acids examined. The 10:90 ethanol+ acetonitrile
solution. mixture was concluded to be the most suitable mobile
Based on hydrodynamic voltammograms for free
fatty acids, the potential for fatty acid detection was
determined to be −415 mV versus SCE.
A typical chromatogram for a mixture of standard
linoleic, oleic, palmitic and stearic acids is shown in
Fig. 8. The acids were well separated within 15 min.
The peak height was linear versus the acid amount
injected in the range of 20–1200 pmol. Linoleic, oleic,
Fig. 6. HPLC system: MP, mobile phase, ethanol + acetonitrile mix- palmitic and stearic acid at 200 pmol were determined
ture; Quinone solution, 6 mM VK3 + 76 mM LiClO4 in ethanol+ 10 times with relative standard deviations (R.S.D.) of
acetonitrile mixture; DG, degasser; P1, P2: pumps; S, sample injector
(20 ml); Column (LiChrospher 100 RP-18, 250 mm × 4 mm i.d., 5
1.3, 1.2, 0.96 and 0.79%, respectively. The detection
mm); MC, mixing coil (50 cm); D, electrochemical detector, electro- limit (signal-to-noise ratio=2) of acids per injection
chemical cell and potentiostat; R, recorder [13]. was 20 pmol.
K. Takamura et al. / Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry 468 (1999) 53–63 57
Table 1
Comparison of the data of free fatty acid content in various samples obtained by our methods with those by titration methods [12]
Sample Titration
Camellia oil 4.0 1.9 3.9 1.9 4.1 2.0 4.1 2.3
Cacao butter 4.2 2.0 4.1 2.0 4.1 2.7 4.2 4.7
Glyceryl 1.5 1.0 1.6 1.2 1.6 1.5 1.8 3.7
Mentha oil 0.36 1.3 0.41 2.4 0.36 2.5 0.39 3.4
Corn oil 0.26 0.54 0.23 1.3 0.23 2.4 0.29 4.8
Using phenolphthalein indicator.
n= 5.
58 K. Takamura et al. / Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry 468 (1999) 53–63
Table 3
Cholinesterase activity in serum samples obtained by the present and
4-aminoantipyrine–phenol–peroxidase methods [18]
A 976 638
B 1200 873
C 762 504
D 952 605
E 903 571
F 869 571
G 776 503
H 1055 806
I 693 573
Fig. 12. Effects of pH on the enzyme reaction of pseudo J 1024 738
cholinesterase. Substrate: a () acetylcholine, b () benzoylcholine. K 652 436
Temperature: 37°C, Reaction time: 15 min [18]. L 948 638
M 1052 672
N 790 571
measurement; acetic acid for pseudo and true ChE
activity measurement) and other parameters are as
an indication that pseudo ChE is a constituent in
Fig. 12 shows the effects of pH on the enzyme
reactions of ChE; the pH for monitoring the enzyme The Takahashi–Shibata method [24] is used for
reaction was maintained at 8.3 and 7.5 for acetylcholine pseudo ChE, in which the acetic acid released from
and benzoylcholine as substrate, respectively. The en- acetylcholine is monitored by a phenol red color change
zyme reaction time was determined to be 15 min. When (570 nm), but this method requires a large sample and
acetylcholine and benzoylcholine were used as the sub- much time. The DTNB method [25,26] frequently gives
strates, pseudo ChE showed virtually the same activity, erroneous data due to the presence of sulfhydryl com-
and a linear relation between its concentration and pounds. In the 4 AA method, red quinone produced
activity was found when the amount of ChE was in the from 4-aminoantipyrine, phenol and hydrogen peroxide
range 10–1500 U l − 1 (R = 0.999). On the other hand, by the peroxidase enzyme reaction can be determined
the true ChE activity using only acetylcholine as the by the absorption measurement at 505 nm, in which
substrate was linearly related to a true ChE amount hydrogen peroxide is produced from choline by the
from 10–1500 U l − 1 (R = 0.996, Fig. 13). The ChE choline oxidase enzyme reaction [27]. Choline is re-
activity was determined in the control serum. The val- leased by the pseudo ChE enzyme reaction from ben-
ues were fairly well correlated with those of the usual 4 zoylcholine. Thus redox substances present in serum
AA method using cholinesterase B-testwako (Wako easily affect the reaction, which may give rise to erro-
Pure Chemical Industries, Tokyo, Japan) (Table 3). The neous data. Furthermore, this method is very sensitive
R.S.D. of ChE activity in human serum was 2% (n= 5). and suitable for clinical use but not for hemolysis
The ChE activity values in the control serums obtained samples.
by using acetylcholine and benzoylcholine as the sub- In applying the present method, it is preferable to
remove acid components contained in a sample (such as
strates were virtually the same (R =0.985), this being
phosphoric acid in a biological sample) during test
solution preparation to keep the background current
low. However, they exist in the buffer solution in which
the enzyme reaction is carried out. It should be noted
that relatively large amounts of the acid released from
the substrate is needed to detect currents in a high
signal to noise ratio.
for the free fatty acids was palmitic acid: stearic acid: nonpolar constituent hardly came into contact with the
oleic acid: linoleic acid at 5:1:13:25, this being essen- working electrode, as well as the ODS in the column
tially the same as the constituent ratio reported for used in the present method. The working glassy carbon
fatty acids in corn oil [28]. The content values of each electrode surface remains stable for periods of more
free higher fatty acid in oil determined are of the order than 3 months for analysis of more than 10 samples a
of 10 − 8 to 10 − 5 mol g − 1 of oil. The relative standard day using the HPLC system. The applied potential for
deviation (n=5) was between 0.8 and 2.8% [13]. monitoring fatty acids is considered negative enough
For recovery assessment, a mixture of standard not to cause carbon surface oxidation and the organic
palmitic acid, stearic acid, oleic acid and linoleic acid eluent solvent may prevent the adhesion of hydropho-
was added to each sample oil, olive, camellia, corn, bic contaminants on the electrode surface. These fac-
rapeseed and soy bean oils, and then analyzed by the tors also lead to greater reproducibility. A detection
present method. The recoveries of each fatty acid were limit as low as 20 fmol was possible with HPLC/FL
in the range from 90 to 109%. [29–33]. The detection limit was as low as 20 pmol by
A comparison with HPLC with fluorescent detection the present method. Because of the simple procedure of
(HPLC/FL) using 9-anthryldiazomethane as a fluores- the sample solution preparation without derivatization
cent derivatization reagent indicated that the present using labeling agents, the amount of sample required is
HPLC/ECD method made possible the simple determi- less and the time for determination is reduced. Mea-
nation of higher fatty acids within a short time. The surements can be made only through injection of the
former method required ca. 100 min for sample pre- sample solution directly into the HPLC system. The
treatment and HPLC procedure, while the latter, only present method with ECD is thus shown to be quite
20 min. Detection limits of the former and the latter effective for the determination of higher fatty acids.
methods were 2 and 20 pmol per one injection. How-
ever, the relative standard deviation by fluorescent de-
tection is less than 5%, even though an internal 5. Advantages of the present method
standard is used, while that by the present method for
oil samples is less than 3% (n = 10). Although acid–base titration is commonly used to
The good reproducibility is considered due to the test the acid content in fats and oils and beverages in
simple pretreatment procedure without derivatization their quality assessment, the inability to detect a subtle
of sample fatty acids. When the oil contained a highly change in the indicator color frequently leads to an
nonpolar constituent, it was not soluble in an error, especially in cases of colored samples, such as
ethanol +acetonitrile (10:90) mixture, and thus only plant oil and coffee. For such cases, a potentiometric
the supernatant of the oil+ethanol +acetonitrile mix- measurement is recommended for end-point matching
ture was injected into the column. Thus, the highly [1]. However, in the case of the fats and oils in our
study, the adhesion of insoluble fatty acid salts (soaps)
sometimes occurred during titration on the glass elec-
trode surface along with a consequent lowering of the
response rate.
In the voltammetric method [6], although the sensi-
tivity as well as the reliability of the data were greatly
improved compared to the conventional titration
method, the measurement procedure is not always suffi-
ciently rapid to be suitable for practical use. The
present FIA/ECD method was found not only to be
highly sensitive (detection limit: 25 pmol acid per one
test) with high reproducibility but also quite simple and
rapid. The FIA operating conditions made possible the
processing of 60 samples h − 1. The sample amount was
only several thousandths of that required for titration,
thus making test solution preparation much easier.
Titration requires larger sample amounts and some-
times longer times are required, especially for the sam-
ples insoluble in ethanol. Use of a small sample amount
is also favorable for the test solution preparation of
esterases. In addition, the fact that the sample color
Fig. 14. Typical chromatograms of corn oil. HPLC conditions:
applied potential, −415 mV versus SCE; other HPLC conditions are causes no interference in the detection of the analyte
the same as those in Fig. 7 [13]. permits the present method to be applied to the deter-
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