Performance Task 1 in English 6
Performance Task 1 in English 6
Performance Task 1 in English 6
Test I
Directions: Draw a if the image shows a real event or idea, X if it is a make-believe idea or event.
1. 2. 3.
4. 5.
Test II
Directions: Encircle FACT if the statement describes a factual image, and NON-FACT if it describes a non-
factual image.
FACT NON-FACT 6. Raining while the sun is shining brightly means a Tikbalang and a Kapre are being
FACT NON-FACT 8. Extreme inclement weather condition is one of the effects of global warming.
FACT NON-FACT 9. If you blow out all the candles on your birthday cake, your wish will come true.
Test III
Directions: Study the following visual images. What does each symbolize? Unscramble the
letters inside of the box to help you write the word.
e v
11. Heart symbolizes __________.
o l