About AQD Brochure - 10may17
About AQD Brochure - 10may17
About AQD Brochure - 10may17
Socioeconomics Section
Management Group Laboratory Facilities for Advanced
(Internal Audit Unit) Aquaculture Technologies
including downloadable publications, to the internet where they are Dumangas Brackishwater Station
The Institutional Capacity Development for Sustainable Aquaculture FOR FURTHER INFORMATION
(ICDSA) intends to transfer appropriate technologies and fishery resources THE CHIEF SEAFDEC/AQD Manila Office
management strategies to local government units, people’s cooperatives, SEAFDEC/AQD Room 102 Ground Floor Philippine Social
nongovernment agencies and other stakeholders. It starts with a training Tigbauan 5021, Iloilo, Philippines Science Center Bldg. Commonwealth Ave
for target beneficiaries and the establishment of a techno-demonstration Trunklines connecting all offices: corner Central Ave, Diliman, Quezon City,
farm. (63 33) 330 7001 Philippines
Fax: (63 33) 330 7002 Tel: +63 2 455 0981, 927 5542, 927 5501
The ABOT (Agree-Build-Operate-Transfer) AquaNegosyo presents Email: [email protected] Fax: +63 2 927 7825
aquaculture business packages for entrepreneurs, which include provision Email: [email protected]
of technical assistance from project inception, site assessment, facility
construction until implementation of several production runs.
www.seafdec.org.ph Copyright © SEAFDEC/AQD April 2017
The Southeast Asian Fisheries Development Center (SEAFDEC) is an Established in 1973, The SEAFDEC AQD carries out research, technology generation,
autonomous intergovernmental body established as a regional treaty Aquaculture Department (AQD) training and information dissemination on a wide
organization on 28 December 1967. SEAFDEC is mandated to promote is committed to sustainable range of aquaculture disciplines, including:
sustainable fisheries development in Southeast Asia through research, development and the responsible •management of •disease diagnosis and
training, and information dissemination activities. stewardship of aquaculture resources broodstock control
through research and the promotion •seed quality •feed development
SEAFDEC is comprised of eleven Member Countries: Brunei Darussalam, of appropriate aquaculture improvement •aquaculture for stock
Cambodia, Indonesia, Japan, Lao PDR, Malaysia, Myanmar, the technologies and information •promotion of responsible enhancement of
and environment-friendly threatened species
Philippines, Singapore, Thailand, and Viet Nam. relevant to Southeast Asia.