2311 03503
2311 03503
2311 03503
arXiv:2311.03503v1 [math.AG] 6 Nov 2023
1. Introduction
In this paper we study algebraic statistical models of centered multivariate
Gaussian distributions. These are subsets of the cone of m × m symmetric
positive definite matrices given by polynomial equalities and inequalities.
Each matrix K in the model corresponds to the probability density function
det(K) − x⊺ Kx
fK (x) = e 2 .
The Gaussian maximum likelihood degree of a statistical model M counts
the number of complex critical points of the log-likelihood function
ℓS (K) = (log det(K) − trace(SK) − m log(2π)) (1.1)
when constrained to the complex Zariski closure M. Here S = n1 ni=1 Yi Yi⊤
is the sample covariance matrix obtained from n independent samples Yi of
the underlying distribution and we assume throughout this article that the
vanishing ideal of M is homogeneous. The concept of Gaussian maximum
likelihood degree was introduced in [SU10] for Gaussian statistical models.
In [AGK+ 23] a coordinate-free formulation of the problem is introduced to
emphasize the underlying geometry which we now describe briefly. Given an
arbitrary complex vector space L, a homogeneous polynomial F , a general
linear polynomial u ∈ L∗ and a variety X ⊂ PL one can ask for the number
of critical points of
ℓF,u (x) = log F (x) − u(x)
when restricted to the smooth locus of the affine cone CX over X away
from the vanishing locus of F . The number of complex critical points is
the maximum likelihood degree of X with respect to F which we refer to as
2. Notation
Throughout this article, L and W denote finite-dimensional C-vector
spaces. Let F be a homogeneous rational function of nonzero degree, i.e.,
a quotient of homogeneous polynomials of different degrees. The letter X
refers to an arbitrary closed irreducible projective variety X ⊂ P(L) which is
not contained in the divisor associated with F in PL. Let U (F ) ⊂ X denote
the open set that is the complement of the associated divisor of F . The
projective general linear group of L is PGL(L). We denote the associated
affine cone over X ⊂ PL by CX ⊂ L. With this notation we may define
CX := (CX )reg \ div(F )
where reg denotes the regular/smooth locus of a variety and div(F ) the
divisor associated with a rational function F .
The reader is assumed to be familiar with the notion of dual variety X ∨
and bi-duality for complex projective varieties covered in [GKZ94, Chap-
ter 1]. We will denote the conormal variety of X by
and its closure by Γφ . We denote the multi degrees of the gradient map of
F by µi (F ), i.e.,
[Γ∇F ] = µj (F )H j (H ∨ )dim PL−j ∈ A∗ (PL × PL∗ )
Example 3.2. Consider the curve X = V (g) ⊂ P(C3 ) for g = x0 x1 −x22 −x20
and let F = x0 x1 −x22 . Identify C3 with its dual vector space via the bilinear
form ⟨x, y⟩ = x0 y0 + x1 y1 + x2 y2 . Then
∇x F = (x1 , x0 , −2x2 ) ∇x g = (x1 − 2x0 , x0 , −2x2 )
Tx X = γX (x) = (∇x g)∨ = {a ∈ P2 | (x1 − 2x0 )a0 + x0 a1 − 2x2 a2 = 0}
This means that the image of x under the F -adjoined Gauss map is the
linear space of dimension 0 = dim(X) − 1 obtained by intersecting Tx X
with (∇x F )∨ :
γX,F (x) = Tx X ∩ (∇x F )∨
={a ∈ P2 | (x1 − 2x0 )a0 + x0 a1 − 2x2 a2 = x1 a0 + x0 a1 − 2x2 a2 = 0}
={(0 : 2x2 : x0 )}.
Ψ̃ : Cn × Cc 99K L × L∗
∇Ψ(t) F X
(t, λ) 7→ Ψ(t), + λi ∇Ψ(t) gi
F (Ψ(t))
If the map πL∗ : ξF → L∗ is dominant it is generically finite because the
domain and codomain have the same dimension by Lemma 3.7.
Definition 3.9. The Gaussian ML degree of X ⊂ PL with respect to F ,
denoted by MLDF (X), is the degree of πL∗ : ξF → L∗ if it is dominant and
0 otherwise.
We interpret MLDF (X) as the number of critical points of ℓF,u |CX◦ for
general u.
Remark 3.10. The maximum likelihood degree is a topological invariant
◦ . It is shown in [DRGS22, Theorem 1.3] that for two homogeneous
of CX
polynomials F, G of nonzero degree
U (F ) = U (G) =⇒ MLDF (X) = MLDG (X).
Moreover, the proof of this fact doesn’t rely on the fact that F, G are polyno-
mials, only that they are homogeneous rational functions of nonzero degrees.
Lemma 3.11. For generic u ∈ L∗ , the critical points contributing to MLDF (X)
are reduced.
Proof. If πL∗ is not dominant then MLDF (X) = 0. Otherwise, by inter-
secting the dense open set where πL∗ has finite fibers (see [Mil09, Theo-
rem 10.12]) and the dense open set where it is a smooth morphism (see
[Har77, Corollary 10.7]) we have a dense open set where we have finitely
many smooth points of ξF in the fiber. □
There is a closed subset of L∗ where the fibers of πL∗ are not zero-
dimensional and reduced. One might refer to this set as the ‘Gaussian
ML-discriminant’ in spirit of the Euclidean distance discriminant [DHO+ 16].
of the classification is that for a curve with rational MLE Theorem 1.1
guarantees that the image of γX,F is a line.
Lemma 4.1. Let Y ⊂ PL be the variety that is ruled by Im(γX,F ) and SX ,
SY be the linear span of X and Y respectively, then
dim SX ≤ dim SY + 1.
Proof. If X ⊂ SY the statement is immediate. Assume this is not the
case and thus a generic point of X is outside of SY . We start by studying
Z := join(X, SY ), this is the closure of the union of all lines that meet X
and SY in distinct points [Har92, Lecture 8]. For a generic p ∈ X
Tp X = p + γX,F (p)
where + denotes the linear span. By construction γX,F (p) ⊂ SY . We use
the Terracini Lemma [Ådl87, Lemma 1.11] to conclude that for a generic
point p ∈ X
dim Z = dim(Tp X + SY ) = dim(γX,F (p) + p + SY )
= dim(p + SY ) = dim(SY ) + 1.
Moreover, taking the secant of Z and applying Terracini Lemma we have
that the secant variety, denoted by Z 2 , has dimension equal to
dim Z 2 = dim(Tp X + Tq X + SY ) = dim(γX,F (p) + p + γX,F (q) + q + SY )
= dim(p + q + SY ) ≤ dim SY + 2 = dim(Z) + 1.
and thus by [Ådl87, Proposition 1.4] we have that Z is a linear space that
contains X, thus the linear span of X must have smaller dimension than
Z. □
Corollary 4.2. Let X ⊊ PL with linear span SX = PL and γX,F (x) ⊂ PW
for some a linear subspace W ⊊ L. Then PW is a hyperplane.
Proof. Let Y denote the variety ruled by Im(γX,F ). By assumption we have
that the linear span SY of Y satisfies SY ⊂ PW. By Lemma 4.1 we have
dim PL = dim SX ≤ dim(SY ) + 1 ≤ dim(PW) + 1 ≤ dim PL
and thus dim(PW) = dim PL − 1. □
The next proposition reveals the relation between polynomials F and
hypersurfaces X with rational MLE under the assumption that Im(γX,F ∨ ) is
the collection of lines passing through some fixed point [α] ∈ PL∗ . This will
include all plane curves but also varieties of higher dimension.
Proposition 4.3. Suppose that X ⊂ PL is a non-linear hypersurface,
MLDF (X) = 1 and that Im(γX,F ∨ ) is the family of lines passing through
a point [α], for some α ∈ L . Then MLDα (X) = 1 and
deg(F )
= = constant.
α X (deg(F )ΦX,L,α )deg(F )
Here Φ denotes the corresponding solution to the homaloidal PDE and α can
be chosen such that the constant is 1, in which case F − αdeg(F ) ∈ I(X).
∨ (x) ∋ [α] ⇐⇒ γ ∨
Proof. Note that γX,F X,F (x) ⊂ [α] := H. Since X is a
hypersurface and α = ∇α, because it is linear, the α-adjoined Gauss map is
given by
γX,α = Tp X ∩ H.
By construction γX,F ⊂ γX,α and they are equidimensional. Hence
γX,F = γX,α .
This means that 1 = MLDF (X) = MLDα (X) by Theorem 1.1. We now use
[AGK+ 23, Theorem 3.5]. When MLDF (X) = 1 there exists an inverse to
the F -adjoined Gauss map and it determines the MLE up to scaling. This
means that there exists a rational function λ(u) such that
MLEX,L,F (u) = λ(u) · MLEX,L,α (u) ⇐⇒
−∇u log ΦX,L,F = −λ(u)∇u log ΦX,L,α
We may pair both sides of this equation with u and use Eulers’ homogeneous
function theorem u(∇u Φ) = deg(Φ) (see [AGK+ 23, Theorem 3.1] for details)
to deduce that
deg(F ) = λ(u) · 1
because the solutions to the homaloidal PDE with respect to a polynomial
F have degree equal to − deg(F ). From this, we deduce that
−∇u log deg(F )
which implies that (ΦX,L,α )deg(F )
is a constant function. Lastly, considering
the rationalfunction F/(αdeg(F ) ) we can evaluate this at a generic point p
in the affine cone over X, written on the form
p = −∇u log ΦX,L,F = − deg(F )∇u log ΦX,L,α .
By applying the homaloidal PDE to the numerator and denominator we get
F (p) ΦX,L,F
deg(F )
α(p) (deg F ΦX,L,α )deg(F )
which is constant. □
The following theorem is essential for the classification of curves with
rational MLE.
Theorem 4.4. [AGK+ 23, Theorem 6.2] Let L be a finite-dimensional C-
vector space and α ∈ L∗ . The solutions to the homaloidal PDE with respect
to F = α
Φ = α(−∇ log Φ)
are in bijection with the varieties X ⊂ PL such that the dual variety is
a hypersurface X ∨ = V (g) ⊂ PL∗ and α represents a point [α] ∈ X ∨ of
multiplicity deg(g) − 1. The solution corresponding to X is given by
ΦX,L,α = α(∇ log g).
Remark 4.5. A convenient way of determining if ℓ is a point of multiplicity
deg(g) − 1 on V (g) is to verify that
g(u + tℓ) = 0
This is an important part of the proof of the above theorem. For example
the cuspidal cubic g(u0 , u1 , u2 ) = 4u30 − 54u0 u21 + 27u21 u2 is linear in u2 ,
meaning that (0 : 0 : 1) is point of multpilicty 3 − 1 = 2. In general we can
always perform a linear change of coordinates such that ℓ = (0 : . . . : 0 : 1)
and then we need only check that g is linear in the last variable.
Proof of Theorem 1.2. The implication right-to-left is an immediate conse-
quence of Remark 3.10 because U (F ) = U (α) combined with Theorem 4.4
implies MLDF (X) = MLDα (X) = 1. For the other direction we note that
[u] ∈ γX,F (x) ⇐⇒ γX,F (x) ∈ [u]∨ ,
∨ ) is the degree of the curve Im(γ
thus the order of Im(γX,F X,F ) ⊂ Gr(0, PL) =
PL which is 1, i.e., it is a line. If X ⊂ PL = P then Im(γX,F ) = [α]∨ for
some α ∈ L∗ and the statement follows from applying Proposition 4.3 and
Theorem 4.4. If the ambient projective space has higher dimension we know
from Lemma 4.1 that X has a 2-dimensional projective linear span PW such
that X ⊂ PW ⊊ PL. We may apply Proposition 4.3 and Theorem 4.4 to
X ⊂ PW and F |W because MLDF (X) = MLDF |W (X) by Remark 3.10.
This provides us with α̃ ∈ W ∗ and a solution to the homaloidal PDE on
W ∗,
ΦX,W,F |W = (deg(F ) · ΦX,W,α̃ )deg(F ) .
We now extend the solution ΦX,W,F |W to a solution ΦX,L,F . Consider the
two different embeddings X ⊂ PW ⊂ PL and their corresponding dual
varieties: XW∨ = V (g̃) ⊂ PW ∗ and X ∨ = V (g) ⊂ PL∗ . Let π : L∗ →
W ∗ denote the dual map of the embedding ι : W → L. Notice that we
may choose g = g̃ ◦ π and α such that α̃ = α ◦ ι = α|W . We see that
(F − αdeg(F ) )|X = (F |W − α̃deg(F ) )|X = 0. By an appropriate choice of
basis of L and applying Remark 4.5 we deduce that [α] is a point on XL∨ of
multiplicity deg(XL∨ ) − 1 because [α̃] is for XW∨ . This concludes the proof.
The curious reader can verify that ΦX,L,F has the desired form by [AGK+ 23,
Proposition 2.8],
ΦX,L,F = ΦX,W,F |W ◦ π.
By the chain rule and Theorem 4.4
α(∇u log g) =α(∇u log(g̃ ◦ π)) = α((∇π(u) log g̃) ◦ π) = α(ι(∇π(u) log g̃))
=α̃(∇π(u) log g̃) = (ΦX,W,F |W ◦ π)(u).
2 s22 −s12
2 00
−∇S log(ΦX,S2 ,det ) = −s12 s11 +2s22 − ( )
s11 s22 − s12 + s222 s22 0 1
2 2
s22 −s12 s22
= 2 2 = MLE(S).
s22 (s11 s22 − s212 + s222 ) −s12 s22 s12 +s22
We verify that
s2 (s2 + s222 ) − s212 s222
det(−∇ log ΦX,S2 ,det ) =4 222 12 =4 .
s22 (s11 s22 − s212 + s222 )2 s11 s22 − s212 + s222
The associated variety of this solution is the image of the MLE : S2 99K S2 ,
s −s s22
MLE = −∇ log(ΦX,S2 ,det ) ∝ −s 22s s2 12 +s 2 .
12 22 12 22
From this we can deduce that the entries of the MLE map satisfy the equa-
κ11 κ22 − κ212 − κ211 = 0
which defines the variety X.
This solution can be verified using the code provided in [AGK+ 23] at
The surface Q is the join of the curve X = V (κ11κ22 −κ212 − κ211 ⊂ PS2 from
Example 4.7 and the point Y = V (0) ⊆ PW = ⟨ 0 0 0 ⟩. The restriction of
the determinant to V factors, det |V = (κ11 κ22 − κ212 )κ33 , where
MLD(κ11 κ22 −κ212 ) (X) = 1
MLDκ33 (Y ) = 1.
Now Lemma 5.1 can be applied to the linear space V and then extended
to all of S3 by projecting to V (as described in [AGK+ 23, Proposition 2.8])
which gives MLDdet (Q) = 1 with
s22 1
ΦS3 ,Q,det = ΦX,S2 ,det · ΦY,CY ,κ33 = 4 2 2 ·
s11 s22 − s12 + s22 s33
We now turn our attention to a larger class of varieties, those whose dual
variety is a nonplanar curve with a special secant line.
Theorem 5.3. Let X ⊂ PL ∼ = P3 be the dual variety of a curve X ∨ that is
not a plane curve. Suppose that there are two smooth points [α], [β] ∈ X ∨
such that the secant line/pencil they span meets X ∨ in deg(X ∨ ) − 1 many
points. Let F = α · β then MLDF (X) = 1, moreover X is ruled by a family
of curves C such that MLDF (C) = 1.
Proof. We prove this by proving that both factors of Theorem 1.1 are 1. By
construction, the map γX,F maps every point of X to a pencil that meets the
curve X and the secant line/pencil spanned by [α], [β], denoted by (PW)∨ .
The family of lines that meet a curve and a special secant line are known
to be of order 1. To see this, a generic u spans a plane u + PW ∨ which by
Bézout’s theorem meets X ∨ in a unique point outside PW ∨ that determines
a unique line in the family. We now turn our attention to the second factor
of the formula in Theorem 1.1. We must show that γX,F is birational onto its
image to conclude the proof. The closure of the fibers of the Gauss map γX
are called contact loci. Bi-duality [GKZ94, Theorem 1.1] and knowing that
W (X) = W (X ∨ ) is a projective bundle over the smooth locus of X ∨ implies
that the generic contact locus C is a line. To ensure that γX,F is birational we
must prove that the restriction of ∇F |C = [β(x)α + α(x)β] : C → (PW)∨ is
birational for a generic C. This is equivalent to F |C having two distinct zeros
and by applying the Euler characteristic formula [DRGS22, Theorem 1.3]
this is equivalent to MLDF (C) = 1 . We do a proof by contradiction and
assume F |C has a double root. This in turn is equivalent to the generic
contact locus C meeting PW = V (α) ∩ V (β) which is equivalent to the
generic tangent line of X ∨ meeting (PW)∨ . This is a contradiction because
then X ∨ would be a plane curve by Terracini lemma [Ådl87, Lemma 1.11]
and contradict our assumption. This concludes the proof. □
Example 5.4. Let us consider the projective space P(C4 ) and identify it
with its dual vector space via the bilinear form ⟨x, y⟩ = i=0 xi yi . Let
n ∨
X ⊂ P be the dual variety of the twisted cubic X ⊂ P , n
R = QQ[x_0..x_3]; S = QQ[u_0..u_3];
X = x_1^2*x_2^2-4*x_0*x_2^3-4*x_1^3*x_3+18*x_0*x_1*x_2*x_3-27*x_0^2*x_3^2
Phi = (u_1*u_2)/(u_1^2*u_2^2-u_0*u_2^3-u_1^3*u_3+u_0*u_1*u_2*u_3)
p = numerator Phi; gradp = diff(vars S, p)
q = denominator Phi; gradq = diff(vars S, q)
nablaPhi = flatten entries (
sub((1/q^2), frac S)*sub((q*gradp - p*gradq), frac S))
MLE = apply(nablaPhi, f -> -f/Phi)
MLE_0*MLE_3 == Phi
ker (map(S,R, apply(q^2*nablaPhi, f -> sub(f,S)))) == ideal(X)
Proposition 6.6. Let X ⊂ PL and F : L 99K C be homogeneous of non-zero
degree. For a generic g ∈ PGL(L), the perturbed variety gX is F -general.
Proof. Let n = dim PL. The first part is to prove that Γ∇F ∩ W (gX) = ∅.
Consider the variety
V (y(x)) := {([x], [y]) : y(x) = 0} ⊂ PL × PL∗ .
This is a smooth 2n − 1 dimensional irreducible variety, as the projection
onto either factor yields a projective bundle of hyperplanes. Notice that
for any projective variety X we have a containment of the conormal variety
W (X) ⊂ V (y(x)). Thus
W (X) ∩ Γ∇F ⊂ V (y(x)).
Consider y(x) as a divisor on Γ∇F , for any x in the graph and outside the
indeterminacy locus of ∇F we have
u(x) = ∇x F (x) = deg(F )F (x)
by Euler’s homogeneous function theorem. This means that
Y = Γ∇F ∩ V (y(x)) ⊊ Γ∇F
so the proof is reduced to proving that
∅ = W (g · X) ∩ Y ⊂ V (y(x)).
Notice that the PGL(L) acts on V (y(x)) by
g · (x, y) = (g · x, y ◦ g −1 )
and g · W (X) = W (gX). This action is transitive on V (y(x)) because a
linear map can send any hyperplane with a marked point to any another
hyperplane with a marked point. Now we observe that
dim V (y(x)) =2n − 1
dim W (X) =n − 1
dim Y < dim Γ∇F = n.
By Kleiman transversality W (gX) is generically transverse to Y inside of
V (y(x)). The dimensions of these varieties do not add up so the intersection
is empty.
For the second part of the proof, let
W̃ (X) = {(x, y, z) : (x, y) ∈ W (X)} ⊂ V (y(x)) × PL∗
Γ̃∇F = {(x, y, z) : (x, z) ∈ Γ∇F } ⊂ V (y(x)) × PL∗ .
Our goal is to show that
ΘgX,F := W̃ (gX) ∩ Γ̃∇F
where πA,∗ (Tx,p A) denotes the projection of Tx,p A to Tp P via the differential
of πA , and similarly for B. By assumption we have that πA,∗ (Tx,p A) = Tp P
which completes the proof. □
Theorem 6.8. Let F : L 99K C homogeneous of nonzero degree and X ⊂
PL ∼
= Pn is F -general. Then
MLDF (X) = δi (X)µi (F )
where Z is the variety of collinear triples (y, z, u) and where we’ve let
−1 (Γ
πx,z X,F ) = {(x, y, z, u) : (x, z) ∈ Γ∇F }. We proceed by showing that
these varieties are generically transverse. First consider the intersection
−1 (Γ
(W (X) × (Pn∗ )2 ) ∩ πx,z n∗ as u can vary freely in
∇F ) denoted by T × P
both factors. The intersecting varieties are both smooth as long as x is a
smooth point of X and ∇x F is defined, which is true for a generic point in T .
Lemma 6.7 ensures that T is generically transverse because the projection
of the graph Γ∇F to the leftmost factor is surjective on the tangent spaces
of Pn .
For a generic point in NX,F = T ×Pn∗ ∩Pn ×Z the two intersecting varieties
are smooth because Z is smooth when y, z, u are pairwise distinct. The
Lemma 6.7 ensures NX,F is generically transverse because the projection of
Z away from u is surjective on the tangent spaces of (Pn∗ )2 whenever y, z, u
are pairwise distinct. We conclude that
where [W (X)], [Γ∇F ], [Z] denote the pull-backs of these varieties by projec-
tion in the Chow ring Z[Hx , Hy , Hz , Hu ]. Now we list the classes of these
varieties, where the multidegrees of [Z] · Hun are 1 (see [DHO+ 16, Theo-
rem 5.4])
[W (X)] = δi Hxn−i Hyi+1
[Γ∇F ] = µj Hxj Hzn−j
[Z] · Hun = Hun · Hyn−k−1 Hzk .
j≤i i≤k k ≤ j =⇒ i = k = j
meaning that
MLDF (X) = ( δi µi )Hun Hxn Hyn Hzn
for the generic maximum likelihood degree with respect to Q. We may apply
this formula to the space of all 2 × 2 symmetric matrices L = S2 . The 2 × 2
determinant (κ11 κ22 − κ212 ) is non-degenerate. If we use the trace pairing
trace(AB) to identify S2 ∼ = (S2 )∗ we may write
κ22 −κ12
Γ(κ11 κ22 −κ212 ) = {(( κκ11 κ12
)} ⊂ (PS2 ) × (PS2 ).
12 κ22 , ) , −κ12 κ11
Let us verify this formula for a general smooth cubic/elliptic curve C by com-
paring it to the Euler characteristic formula from [DRGS22, Example 4.4].
The genus of C is 1 so the Euler characteristic formula yields
MLD(κ11 κ22 −κ212 ) (X) = −χ(C)+deg(C)+#(Q∩C) = (−2+2·1)+3+6 = 9.
Example 6.10. Theorem 6.8 suggests that the maximum likelihood degree
of a linear space L ⊂ PL is exactly a multidegree of the closed graph Γ∇F
(and Theorem 1.3 confirms this). These have been studied in the litera-
ture [DMS21] and computed in the case where F is the determinant of a
symmetric m × m matrix [MMW21].
Example 6.11. Let us apply Theorem 1.3 to S3 and F = det. Consider a
generic quadric hypersurface Q ⊂ PS3 and a quintic curve C ⊂ PS3 cut out
by two generic quadrics and two linear forms. The conormal varieties have
the multidegrees:
5 4
[W (Q)] =2(HK HS + HK HS2 + HK
HS3 + HK
HS4 + HK HS5 )
5 4
[W (C)] =8HK HS + 4HK HS2
where HK , HS generate A∗ (PS3 × P(S3∗ )). To see this, the polar degrees
of a quadric hypersurface are all δi = 2 because the Gauss map is just the
restriction of a linear map to Q. The degree of the dual hypersurface of C
is 8, this can be computed as if C ⊂ P3 was cut out by two quadrics Q1 , Q2 .
The degree of the dual variety is then the number of points on C satisfying
det ∇Q1 ∇Q2 u v = 0 which is another quadric, which is expected to
intersect C in 8 points by Bézouts theorem. The multidegrees µi (det) of the
closed graph in S3 are [AGK+ 21, Section 5]
Γdet(K) = 1HS5 + 2HK 1
HS4 + 4HK 2
HS3 + 4HK
HS2 + 2HK
4 5
HS + 1HK
Theorem 6.8 predicts the maximum likelihood degree to be
MLDdet (Q) =2(1 + 2 + 4 + 4 + 2) = 26
MLDdet (C) =1 · 8 + 2 · 4 = 16.
Knowing that C is an elliptic curve one can also compute MLDdet (C) =
−2 + 2 + 4 + 12 = 16 via the formula [DRGS22, Example 4.4]. We verify
the value of MLDdet using the following code in Macaulay2 [GS].
m=3;inds = flatten apply(m,i->apply(i+1,j->(j+1,i+1)));n = #inds -1;
R = QQ[join(apply(inds,I->k_I),apply(inds,I->s_I)),
K = matrix{apply(inds,I->k_I)}
Kmat = matrix apply(m,i->apply(m,j-> k_(min(i,j)+1,max(i,j)+1)))
S = matrix{join(apply(inds,I->s_I), apply(inds,I->0))}
F = ideal det(Kmat)
jac = (J) -> ( transpose jacobian J)
genQ = () -> sum flatten apply(inds,I->apply(inds,J->
genL = () -> sum apply(inds,I->(-1)^(random(ZZ))*random(QQ)*k_I)
--Choose X
X = ideal(genQ(),genQ(),genL(),genL())
X = ideal(genQ())
c=codim X
--Compute critical points for general data
E = X+minors(c+2,S||jac(F)||jac(X))+ideal(sum apply(inds,I->k_I*s_I)-m);
Kring = QQ[apply(inds,I->k_I)]
genericcrits = saturate(sub(sub(E,
apply(inds,I->s_I=>random(QQ))),Kring), sub(F,Kring));
MLD = degree genericcrits
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