Iarjel 2021

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International Academic Journal of Education & Literature

ISSN Print : 2708-5112 | ISSN Online : 2708-5120

Frequency : Bi-Monthly
Language : English
Origin : Kenya
Website : https://www.iarconsortium.org/journal-info/IAJEL
Research Article
A Survey on the English Vocabulary Learning Strategies among
Vocational High School Students
Article History Abstract: This study aimed at finding out vocabulary strategies mostly used by
Received: 22.02.2020 students in SMK Negeri 1 Batu. This is a survey research with questionnaire
Revision: 09.03.2020 adapted from Takac (2008) as the instrument. The questionnaire consists of 20
Accepted: 18.03.2020 close-ended statements. There are three categorization of reading strategies in the
questionnaire that are memory strategies (MEM), cognitive strategies (COG),
Published: 20.03.2021
metacognitive strategies (MET), and last determination strategies (DET). The
Author Details questionnaire was administered to 150 all majoring students. Microsoft Excel
Dini Chalista Sari1 and Sugeng Susilo Adi2 2010 was used to calculate the mean obtained from the respondents. The finding
Authors Affiliations of this study reveals that the students are high users of four vocabulary learning
Private English Teacher at Probolinggo, East Java, strategies. The percentage of memory strategies is 24.5%, cognitive strategies
Indonesia 6.5%, metacognitive strategies 17.4% and determination strategies 51.5%. From
Lecturer at the Deapertment of Language the four vocabulary learning strategies, determination strategies earned the highest
Education, Universitas Brawijaya, Indonesia mean among other reading strategy. The Researchers also found that reading
Corresponding Author* strategy mostly used by students that achieve a highest score in English
Dini Chalista Sari examination using determination strategies. The Researchers suggests the English
How to Cite the Article: teacher to keep supporting students to be aware of vocabulary learning strategy
Dini Chalista Sari & Sugeng Susilo Adi. use and help students to improve their vocabulary. Furthermore, teacher can
(2021); A Survey on the English Vocabulary adjust the academic activities with the finding of this study to enhance educational
Learning Strategies among Vocational High School achievement. For further Researchers, they can consider other characteristic
Students. Int Aca J Edu Lte. 2(4); 1-4. background and factor that create different vocabulary learning strategy use.
Copyright @ 2021: This is an open-access article
distributed under the terms of the Creative Keywords: English vocabulary, learning strategies, EFL students, vocational
Commons Attribution license which permits high school.
unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction
in any medium for non commercial use
(NonCommercial, or CC-BY-NC) provided the INTRODUCTION
original author and source are credited. In Indonesia, English is a foreign language which is taught to students
and it becomes a compulsory subject in schools starting from elementary school to university. English has been taught
since the language is very important as an international language. Being a foreign language and an important subject at
schools, English needs a serious handling in order to give the best treatment to the students. In fact, to master the target
language students have to learn all of four basic skills which are listening, reading, speaking, and writing. In mastering
the mentioned four skills, there is another thing that students should consider: namely vocabulary. It absolutely means
that we cannot ignore the knowledge of vocabulary because it is needed to understand the target language. The
importance of English Language continues gaining the attention of all parties - students, parents, teachers, politicians,
educators and academicians in all education institutions. In order to function reasonably well in the second language,
Alan Hunt (2003) diagnoses that learners should at least own 3000 words. Without possessing the minimum thresholds of
vocabulary learners will face difficulties in all four language skills - listening, speaking, reading and writing (Subon,

Vocabulary is mentioned in curriculum 2013 that students should master 3000 words for SMK or SMA levels.
According to Hasan (2006), most of students who graduated from SMA or SMK have studied English for 6 years in the
school cannot use the language for communication.

Since vocabulary is so vital in our life, the issue of vocabulary acquisition is important to English teachers who have
to make various decisions or ways of enriching English language learners‟ vocabulary. Some teachers always think that
vocabulary learning is easy but language learners have a serious problem remembering a large amount of vocabulary
necessary to achieve their language fluency. “Vocabulary is the most sizeable and unmanageable component in the
learning of any language, whether a foreign or one‟s mother tongue” because of “tens of thousands of different
meanings,” according to (Hague, 1987, p. 219).

Dini Chalista Sari & Sugeng Susilo Adi; Int Aca J Edu Lte; Vol-2, Iss-4 (July-Auug, 2021): 1-4.
During the Researchers‟s teaching experience in Thirdly, it is getting the word meaning. In this step,
SMKN 1 Batu, problem was found on English teaching the students ask native speaker what the words means
and learning process. The students faced a problem in and explain it. It means that the students try to find the
mastering vocabulary. The reading and English meaning of the word by asking someone who knows the
examination scores is relatively low because the meaning the word well. Consolidating word form and
students lack of vocabulary. This statement is proofed meaning in memory is the next step. There are many
by the students examination scores that less from the kinds of vocabulary learning drilling, such as flashcard,
kriteria ketuntasan minimal (KKM). Due to the existed crossword, puzzle, etc. It means that the students should
problem, the Researchers conducts a survey on do drills to remember about the word. And the last, it is
vocabulary learning strategy used by first year students using the word. Some people would argue that this step
of Hospitality Program in SMKN 1 Batu. The is not necessary if the learners only know the meaning
Researchers has some reasons to conduct this research of the words. However, the students have to use the
in Hospitality Program. word in a sentence or in a phrase, so it can help the
students know how the word should be placed.
Hospitality Program is one of program that has a
lowest score in English examination so the Researchers Some students argue that one of the factors that they
can inform the teacher about the use of vocabulary faced in learning English is because the lack of
learning strategies, so the teacher can determine vocabularies. Thornbury, (2004: 27) proposes some
effective method to solve the problem in vocabulary factors that make some words more difficult as follows
mastery. Second, for Hospitality students whose mother pronunciation, spelling, length and complexity,
tongue is not English, mastering English is more grammar, and meaning. Pronunciation problem is like
important not only for the students‟ academic life but when we hear some similar sound in two words which
also for their perspective career. Most of students in this have the different meaning. Spelling problem is also
expertise program prefer to continue to work rather than important because it can improve students‟ ability in
go to college. Inevitably, they must have good reading and writing. There are some spelling problems,
communication skills, especially in English to support for the example are misunderstanding between speaker
their career. and interlocutor and students do not know the spelling
of word. When students make mistake in spelling it
In addition, since the students are in the first year means that they tend to write or spell like their
they can improve their vocabulary in the rest of years pronounce it. The next problem is length and
which are in the 2nd and 3rd years. The students use a complexity. Long words seem to be more difficult to
guide book to learn English as a foreign language. The learn than the short ones. But, as a rule of thumb, high
guide book‟s content refers to curriculum 2013 (K13) frequency words tend to be short in English, therefore
which present vocabulary building in every chapter. By the learner is likely to meet them more often, a factor
conducting this survey, it will be useful for students to favoring their “learnability”. Grammar is also the
use effective strategy in learning process by using the problem when a problematic thing is the grammar
guide book. With such existing issues, it is apparent associated with the word, especially if this differs from
that a problem has presented itself to those concerned its L1 equivalent. And lastly, meaning problem. Some
with vocabulary learning strategies and vocabulary of learners are difficult to understand the meaning of
knowledge. The mentioned concern has driven the English word because in a word may has more than one
Researchers to draw on the idea of designing this study. meaning.

Steps in Learning Vocabulary and its Problems Vocabulary Learning Strategies

In learning vocabulary, there are so many steps that Vocabulary learning strategies have been proved in
used by the students. According to Brown and Payne helping learners develop their vocabulary knowledge.
cited in Hatch and Brown (1995:373). The fisrt is Thus, it is worthwhile to study vocabulary learning
encountering new words which refers to have a source strategies (Nirattisai & Chiramanee, 2014). Vocabulary
for words (e.g. learning new words by reading learning strategies is a stem of language learning
newspaper, listening to radio or TV or by reading strategies. Learning strategies refer to what learners do
novels). Nad the second is getting the word form, which to achieve their learning objectives tasks. These
is a step getting a clear image, visual or auditory form strategies are used by themselves when they learn
of vocabulary item. The importance of getting word grammar, literature, vocabulary and others (Nayan et
form of the words appearing when students are asked to al., 2015). Vocabulary learning strategies (VLS) are
give definition of words. It means that in this step, the intuitively appealing to teachers and learners.
students have to find out the image of a new word that According to Rubin et al., 2007), if vocabulary learning
have been found. By having clear image of the word strategies are effectively done, it can increase students‟
students will understand the word that have been found motivation for learning and it can improve their
easily. performance. There have been numerous attempts to
develop a taxonomy of vocabulary learning strategies
(Oxford, 1990, Gu & Johnson, 1996, Schmitt, 1997).
Dini Chalista Sari & Sugeng Susilo Adi; Int Aca J Edu Lte; Vol-2, Iss-4 (July-Auug, 2021): 1-4.
However, the vocabulary strategy classification systems The role of vocabulary in language use is very
presented by Schmitt, (1997) is the basis for the current obvious as an inseparable aspect of every language.
study. Based on the classification systems, strategies are Students who have insufficient range of lexical
classified as determination, memory, cognitive, and knowledge will not be able to effectively communicate
metacognitive. and negotiate meaning in conversation. In order to be
able negotiating words‟ meaning properly in
Determination strategies help learners to determine interactions, students must understand the sentence
the meaning by using dictionaries, guessing the structure and vocabulary. Lacking vocabulary will
meaning from the context, and identifying the parts of make learners being unable to comprehend any text or
speech and constituent elements (Schmitt, 2000 cited in understand the meanings of the vocabulary. Proficiency
Kafipour 2011:630). In other words, determination in vocabulary holds a key role in language use; the
strategies are individual learning strategies that help more vocabulary a learner has, the more successful the
learners to identify the meaning of new words without learner is in expressing ideas or thoughts. It is
the other‟s help. especially obvious in speaking where learners have to
remember and produce words necessary for successful
Memory strategies help learners to acquire new communication.
words via mental processing by connecting their
background knowledge to the new words (Schmitt, To strengthen arguments of learning vocabulary
2000 cited in Kafipour 2011: 630). As an example, strategies in this study the writer presents some studies
when a learner encounters the word „dog‟, he groups the that were resemble the topic of this study. Shuying
word „dog‟ under the category of a four-legged animal (2015), did a study entitled “Vocabulary Learning
since the learner is aware of the image of these four- Strategies of Taiwanese EFL Senior High School
legged animals from his background knowledge. Students”. She investigated different patterns of
Memory strategies are composed of three groups: a) strategy use in learning vocabulary among Taiwanese
using images to create a strong connection with the EFL students. Thus, teachers have an important role to
word and its meaning. These images can be shaped in decrease the students‟ learning burden by guiding them
the mind or drawn in notebooks, b) using strategies to to use appropriate strategies.
link words together to help retrieval of vocabulary. For
example, using words in the sentences make retrieval However, Liao‟s (2004), did study with title “A
easier, and c) using vocabulary knowledge aspects to Survey Study of Taiwan EFL Freshmen‟s Vocabulary
stabilize the meaning of the words. Specific examples Learning Strategies” that showed a different result;
include giving attention to the word‟s phonological or female students used more strategies than male
orthography form, memorizing affixes and roots, students. The results have shown that metacognitive and
studying the spelling and the sound of a word, making a social strategies are two least used strategy categories
group of words by topic for reviewing, connecting the used by subjects. Female freshmen used more
word to its synonym and antonym, and using the words vocabulary learning strategies that male ones. English-
into a sentence or sentences. majored students use VLS more frequently than non-
English majoring ones. Pedagogical implications for
Cognitive strategies deal with mechanical aspects of English teachers, textbook designers, and learners are
learning vocabulary and are not related to mental provided.
processing. Repetition is one of the most commonly
used cognitive strategies. Other examples are taking Yang‟s (2008), a study of journalistic vocabulary
notes or highlighting new words, making list of the learning strategies by EFL college students. Journal of
words, keeping a vocabulary notebooks, and putting Meiho Institute of Technology investigated the
English labels on physical objects. According to journalistic vocabulary learning strategies among EFL
Schmitt (2000, cited in Kafipour 2011: 630), college students in Taiwan. In this study the participants
metacognitive strategies is mirror learners‟ capability to used electronic, bilingual and web dictionaries in a
find opportunities to learn and then record and review similar way. Repetition and memorization were also the
those experiences. In other words, metacognitive strategies used frequently by the participants. Strategies
strategies include monitoring, decision-making, and for learning vocabulary can be taught. Astika‟s (2016),
assessment of one‟s advance. They can also aid learners did study with titled “Vocabulary Learning Strategies of
to specify suitable vocabulary learning strategies for Secondary School Students” shown that the students
learning new words. Specific examples include using appear to rely more on determination strategies. This
English language media such as songs, internet, reliance on determination strategies is consistent across
television programs, and movies), studying new words gender, ability groups, and school levels. So, the
many times, and translating L1 to L2. differences this research with the mentioned previous
studies is this study only use questionnaire as the
instrument to get the data.

Dini Chalista Sari & Sugeng Susilo Adi; Int Aca J Edu Lte; Vol-2, Iss-4 (July-Auug, 2021): 1-4.
obtained the value of r count for each item fulfilling the
METHOD requirements of> 0.396 so that 20 items were valid and
The research design for this study was quantitative could be continued to collect the major data. The results
method and used a questionnaire as the instrument. This of the instrument reliability test with Cronbach Alpha
study obtained the data from first year students in on the question of questionnaire obtained the Cronbach
hospitality program of SMKN 1 Batu in English class. Alpha value fulfilling the requirements, namely> 0.600
The Researchers collected the data for a total time so that the variables used were reliable.
around 10-15 minutes after the class was over. Students
were asked to fill the questionnaire. The data was FINDINGS
collected once the questionnaire had been The questionnaires were distributed to students of
first year at SMK Negeri 1 Batu who enrolled in
The instrument of this study was questionnaire English class. It was done on February 20 th 2019. The
focuses on vocabulary learning strategies of 155 EFL total of respondent involved in this research was 155
students. The questionnaire had been written in students. This study was designed to obtain answers of
Indonesian language. The data was collected from first the mentioned research questions formulated above
grade students of SMKN 1 Batu in English class. In through a questionnaire that administered to the
this study, the data is collected using a closed-ended participants‟ by recalling their vocabulary learning
questionnaire as described in the research instrument. strategies. The results of the study have been reported in
The questionnaire was distributed to the sample with the following order: the first result is talking about the
the help of the English teachers at the school, the overall vocabulary learning strategy that is used by the
questionnaire was administered to the students during participants of the study. Then, the study discusses each
an English lesson. The completion of the questionnaire strategy type such as: cognitive, metacognitive,
took approximately about ten to fifteen minutes. The memory, and determination strategy.
results of the validity test of the instrument with
Pearson Correlation on the question questionnaire

Table 1. Results of vocabulary learning strategy

English Test Score
0-39 40-69 70-100
Count 2 24 12 38
Memory Strategy
% 40.0% 28.2% 18.5% 24.5%
Count 1 7 2 10
Learning Cognitive Strategy
% 20.0% 8.2% 3.1% 6.5%
Strategy Metacognitive Count 1 11 15 27
Strategy % 20.0% 12.9% 23.1% 17.4%
Determination Count 1 43 36 80
Strategy % 20.0% 50.6% 55.4% 51.6%
Count 5 85 65 155
% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0%
Sumber: Data analyzed (2019)

The interesting thing that can be seen in the figure is ability grade scales in English. From the data that is
that students who got a higher score use the four obtained the most by students is determination strategy
learning strategies more frequently than students who (55.4%) and the low frequency is cognitive strategy
got a lower score as indicated by the higher proportions (3.1%).
of students selecting the two options; sometimes and
always. In line with the research problem that are
vocabulary learning strategies used by first year
As seen in the table 1, there is a larger proportion of students of SMK Negeri 1 Batu, the Researchers shows
the use of determination strategy (55.4%) which two important points. The first was overall result
belonged to the high ability scale (grade 70-100). Most learning vocabulary strategies used by students. The
of students who are on the medium ability scale (grade second was the students‟ use of four vocabulary
40-69) also using determination strategy (50.6%) and learning strategies which explained about level of use
the last students who reach low ability scale (grade 0- for each strategy (MEM, MET, COG, DET) which
39) use memory strategies (40.0%). indicated whether it was high, medium, or low usage
that give impact with their English test scores. Those
The higher frequency of strategy use and the variety points were explained in the four sub-chapters
of strategy types may have contributed to the larger respectively.
proportions of the students who achieving the higher

Dini Chalista Sari & Sugeng Susilo Adi; Int Aca J Edu Lte; Vol-2, Iss-4 (July-Auug, 2021): 1-4.

Overall Result Learning Vocabulary Strategies

Based on the objectives of the study, this study was Metacognitive strategies (MET) consisted of 5
conducted to investigate the use of the four vocabulary statements (statements number 4,6,11,17, and 19). The
learning strategies (memory strategy, cognitive strategy, students seem to favor learning new vocabulary through
metacognitive strategy and determination strategy) and non-conventional mode of learning such as learning
vocabulary learning strategies mostly used by the from TV, music, and the internet. Most of students that
students. The Researchers measured the students‟ achieve a higher scores use this strategy to learn
vocabulary learning strategies by using VLS vocabulary, mostly they learn a new words from TV,
questionnaire adopted from Takac (2008). music or internet. It appears that receptive mode of
learning vocabulary such as listening and watching TV
Figure 1 presents the general patterns of VLS by the are more preferable to productive mode such as writing
participants (155 students) under cognitive, or using new words themselves. This finding seems to
metacognitive, memory, and determination strategies. confirm Nation‟s (2000) assertion that producing or
In terms of those strategy types, the most frequently using new words in writing or speaking would put more
used strategy was determination strategy (51.6%), then cognitive effort than listening or watching new words
memory strategy (24.5%), metacognitive strategy used by other speakers. In line with this finding the
(17.4%) and the least frequently used strategy was Researchers expect that the students‟ receptive
cognitive strategy (13.26%). Based on the score ranges vocabulary should gradually increase as the amount of
of students in English test, students that obtain a high learning or instruction at school increases.
score mostly using determination strategies, followed
by metacognitive strategies, then memory strategies and Memory strategies (MEM) consisted of 5 statements
latest cognitive strategies. (statements number 8,9,10,15, and 16) relating new
materials to previous knowledge, it refers how the
Determination Strategies (DET) consisted of 2 students remember the new words (e.g., remember new
statements (statements number 13 and 14) and it refers words by reading loudly or making a connection with
when students faced new words with additional help. words they already know). According to the finding of
Most of students that achieve a high scores use this this study the students that achieve a medium to low
strategies because they always using dictionary or scores also using this strategy the students think that
translate new vocabulary to learn English. In this study, learn vocabulary by making a picture or reading a new
determination strategy sub-categorized two strategies: vocabulary loudly will takes a more time. According to
using a dictionary and translation. Determination Schmitt (2000, p.132), the process of memorizing new
strategies make learners guess from the textual context. words involves finding some pre-existing information
As English is still a foreign language in Indonesia and it in the long-term memory to connect the new
is used in the formal situations, as a result, mostly information to.
participants use more frequently bilingual dictionaries
(English to Indonesian or Indonesian to English) than a The last is cognitive strategies (COG), it consisted
monolingual dictionary (English to English). In of 8 statements (statements number 1,2,3,5,7,12,18,20)
Schmitt‟s (1997) VLS taxonomy, determination these strategies focus on manipulation and
strategy refers to the discovery of word meaning such transformation of the target language by the learner. It
as what students do when they come across new words. appears that the students relied heavily on classroom
activities when the teachers wrote new words on the
board but the students seemed to place little values of
organizing new words they learned in another form
such as small pocket dictionaries. As Loucky (2002)
Dini Chalista Sari & Sugeng Susilo Adi; Int Aca J Edu Lte; Vol-2, Iss-4 (July-Auug, 2021): 1-4.
stated that, the students in his study took more time to This study was supported by several theories discuss
learn words in traditional dictionaries compared to similar topic that was vocabulary learning strategies.
learning words using electronic dictionaries. The Yang‟s (2008) study, the students in this study also
students in this present study have been familiar to revealed that they made use of bilingual dictionaries
electronic dictionaries that are more preferable and which offer an easier way of memorizing word
convenient to traditional bilingual dictionaries. meanings through translation. In fact, according to
O‟Malley et al., (1985), translation is an effective
The researchers compared the finding of this study strategy to use with students at the beginner and
with the previous studies that discussed the same topic intermediate levels of English learning. Astika‟s (2016)
that was vocabulary learning strategies for EFL shown that the students appear to rely more on
learners. The first previous study was conducted by determination strategies.
Yang‟s (2008) study, the students in this study also
revealed that they made use of bilingual dictionaries The finding of this research can be useful for them
which offer an easier way of memorizing word who want to conduct survey study on students‟
meanings through translation. In fact, according to vocabulary learning strategies. The future Researchers
O‟Malley et al., (1985), translation is an effective can consider the wider data to get more various
strategy to use by students at the beginner and analyses by considering other characteristics
intermediate levels of English learning. Astika‟s (2016) background. Moreover, the future Researchers can
shown that the students appear to rely more on provide test to get a complementary data. Since
determination strategies. The strategies that the students vocabulary learning strategies is important in English
believed they used could be based on how they learned learning process, future Researchers can also
vocabulary in the class. investigate the factors that create students employ
different strategies in learning vocabulary.
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