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1-Which one is the contraindications of cardiac Rehabilitation?

A Uncontrolled inflammatory & infectious pathology✅

B smoking
C muscle strength
D body weight
E Covid-19
2-at what phase is breathing exercise given?
A phase5

B Phase 1 ✅
C phase3
D phase4
E phase6
3-what is recurrent chest pain called?
A headache
B sunburn

C Angina ✅
D cataract
E glaucoma
4-how many stages does cardiac rehabilitation consist of ?

D 3✅
5-which is not a factor that increases coronary heart disease?
A smoking
B high blood pressure
C high blood cholesterol
D having diabetes

E Breathe properly ✅

6- Who were the first physicians to reference healing with water ?

A. Palo
B. Hippocrates
C. Galen

D. A&B✅
E. Plato

7-Wich of the following diseases are not treated with Balneotherapy ?

A. Psoriasis

B. Vitiligo ✅
C. Eczema
D. Back Pain
E. Amoebiasis

8-What is climatology ?

A. Climatology is the study of the atmosphere and weather patterns over time

B. the scientific study of climate.

C. the study of climate and how it changes over time

D. The study of climate change, climate variability, and the effects of climate on the biosphere

E. All of the above ✅

9- --------- is the lowest point on earth and has the highest concertration of minerals of any body of
water on the earth

A. Pacific Ocean
B. Antarctica

C. Dead Sea ✅
D. Elbe river
E. Indian Ocean

10-What diseases are treated with climate therapy?

A. Skin disease ✅
B. deficiency diseases
C. physiological diseases
D. genetic diseases
E. non-genetic hereditary diseases

11-Which people don't work in the ICU?

a) Nurses

b) Operating technicans✅
c) Anesthesiologists
d) Physiotherapists
e) Speciallists

12-ICUAW is caused by:

a) Shortness of breath
b) Hypertension

c) ICU long term stay✅

d) Trauma
e) Hyperglycemia

13-Outcomes improved with rehabilitation in ICU are:

a) Strength
b) Independent walking
c) Delirium
d) Quality of life

e) a,b,d✅

14-Adverse effects of ICU stay are:

a) pressure Ulcers
b) general weakness
c) infections

e)chest pain

15-RICU is:
a) physiotherapy ward in ICU

b) respiratory ICU ward✅

c) manual ventilating ward in ICU
d) rehabilitation in ICU
e) a technique to recovery and assist the patients lungs

16-What is the wavelength range of high power laser?

A.600 to 900 nm
B.350 to 750 nm

C.800 to 1100 nm✅

D.400 to 650 nm
E.150 to 350 nm

17-Name one of conditions that are treated with Low Level laser?
A.meniscuse damage
B.joint sprain
C.sore tendon heels


18-Which of the fallowing is not a type of ultraviolet light?

A) Vaccum UV
B) Short Wave UV
C) Middle Wave UV
D) Long Wave UV

E) Visible UV✅

19-Which of the following is not a benefit of infrared light?

A) Stimulate blood circulation
B) Heal wounds

C) Prevent bruising✅
D) Reduce joint sitffness and pain
E) İmprove eczama anda psoriasis

20-Which of the following is false for heat therapy?

A)relieves muscle spasm
B)increases muscle flexibility
C)decreases joint stiffness
D)reduces pain

E)decreases blood flow✅

21-Who should have Pulmonary Rehabilitation?

A) patients with anemia
B) patients with muscle tumor

C)patients with COPD ✅

D)patients with eczema
E) patients with heart problems

22-What are not include common pulmonary rehabilitation?

A)pulmonary hypertension
B)occupational lung diseases

E)coronary arter diseases ✅

23-Which is not one of the 4 types in pulmonary rehabilition that improve is airway clearence?

A) adopt a heart✅
B) education
C) psychosocial/behavioral intervention
D) outcome assessment
E) exercise training

24-What can we do to improve the quality of Pulmonary Rehabilitation ?

A)go on a diet

B) breathing exercise program ✅

C)take analgesic
D) smoking
E) eat unhealthy food

25-What should be the duration of Pulmonary Rehabilitation?

A) from 3 to 4 weeks
B)from 4 to 6 weeks
C)from 2 to 3 weeks

D)from 8 to 12 weeks ✅
E)from 3 to 6 weeks

26- What's Dysphagia?

A. Brain damage

B. Neurogenic Swallowing Disorders ✅

C. Esophagitis
D. Stomach Cancer

27- Which one of these is symptom of Dysphagia?

A. Headache
B. Increased body Temperature
C. Frequency of Urination

D. Food stuck in Throat ✅

28- How many stages of swallowing?

A. 4 ✅
B. 5
C. 3
D. 2

29-Which one of the following exercise is related to swallowing disorder?

A. Glute bridge

B. Chin Tuck ✅
C. Piriformis stretch
D. Partial Curl

30-How can a Physiotherapist treat Dysphagia?

A. Using Electrotherapy
B. Using Cryotherapy and Heat Therapy

C. Using Speech and Language Therapy ✅

D. Using Therapeutic Ultrasound

31-What conditions can benefit from neurological rehab?

1) Injuries
2) infections
3) degenerative diseases
4) structural defects

5) all the above ✅

32-What is not a symptom of encephalitis from the following?

1) headache
2) vomiting

3) memory loss✅
4) fever
5) muscle weakness

33-What the main reason that causes ischemic strokes ?

1) blood clots ✅
2) acute fever
3) Ulcers
4) Diabetes
5) Respiratory problems

34-Which one is not correct about

neurological rehab programs :

1)it includes Stress, anxiety, and depression management

2)it improves mobility ,muscle control and balance
3) it works on Social and behavioral skills

4) it’s valid for every patients and we use a general program for their improvement ✅
5) it includes activities which improve cognitive impairments

35-What is not included in neurological rehabilitation program for improving cognitive impairments?
1)concentration improvement
2)attention improvement
3)memory improvement
4)poor judgment improvement

5)sleep improvement ✅

36- How many diseases that the rheumatological rehabilitation covered?

1- 30
2- 45

3- above 1✅
4- 1

37- All of the following are the causes of rheumatic disease except?
1- trauma
2- infection
3- genes

4- dizziness✅

38-Which of the following are the symptoms of rheumatic diseases?

1- joint pain✅
2- imbalance
3- headache
4- stomachache

39-Who is more likely to get rheumatic diseases?

1- males

2- females✅
3- pregnants
4- old peoples

40-The rheumatic diseases are grouped under the term of?

1- cancer

2- arthritis ✅
3- aids disease
4- diabetes

41-what is the main reason that causes geriatric?

1. Brain hemorrhage
2. Digestive system
3. high fever

4. High blood pressure and age ✅

42-What are the conditions of geriatric?

1. Eye problems
2. Numbness in feet and legs

3. postural Instability ✅
4. Depression

43- Which one is not correct about geriatric?

1.joints connect bones within your body, bear weight and provide support during movement
2.Generalized weakness are flu, thyroid disease,anemia and depression.
3.postural instability it is the imbalance and loss of righting reflexes that are required to maintain an
upright position
4. Atherosclerosis: This condition causes fatty plaque to build up in your blood vessels, which can

lead to events like heart attack or stroke.✅

44-what is not included in postural instability of geriatric?

1.body stabilization
2.body orientation
3.subjective veritical

4.heart failure ✅

45-what is not included The Type Of problems Faced in geriatric physiotherapy ?

1. Chest pain, chest tightness, chest pressure and chest discomfort (angina) Shortness of breath. ✅

2.patient simply does not use their limbs or does not exercise and this problem can be addressed by
reconditioning through range-of-motion exercises and other exercises.

3. geriatric physiotherapy deals with is cardiovascular disease, like heart disease and stroke. The
physiotherapy professional has an discipline of tools at her disposal to work with these conditions.
Exercise, aqua therapy, electrical stimulation, and more can be used

4. skeletal problems. Geriatric

physiotherapy helps people who have these disorders, such as osteoporosis and osteoarthritis. These
problems require special attention as osteoporosis makes patients frailer, and osteoarthritis is very

46-What are the most prominent problems faced by pregnant women who need physical therapy
A) lower back pain✅
D)knee pain

47-Benefits of physical therapy for pregnant women

A)Improve balance and support

B)Feel less pain
C)Improve your strength
D)increase support on your muscles


48- Which kind of exercises you can do it during pregnancy

A) walking
B) soccer
C) swimming
D) volleyball

E) A&C ✅

49-Who should not practice physical therapy during pregnancy

A)Women suffering from foot pain

B)The woman who suffers from neck pain

C)Women suffering from anemia✅

D)Women suffering from pelvic pain

50-Causes of incontinence during pregnancy

A)because of walking

B) because to the relaxation of the pelvic floor muscles✅

C) because to hormonal changes
D)Because of sciatica

51- Most common orthopedic condition is ?

1) Tennis Elbow
2) Ankle and Foot Sprains

3) Lower back pain ✅

4) Ligament Injuries to the Knee
5) Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
52- Orthopedic rehabilitation looks __ for everyone based on their ———- .

1) Same-Condition
2) Same-Goals
3) Different-Abilities
4) Different-Goals

5) 3 & 4 ✅

53- In which region do 85% amputation occur in most people?

1) shoulder
2) wrist

3) legs. ✅
4) elbow
5) 3 & 4

54- Although the Alter G would be great for anyone,

it is particularly beneficial for:

1) Anyone suffering a knee

ankle leg or foot injury
2) Injured athletes
3) Runners
4) Seniors

5) all of them✅

55- The effectiveness of the Ultra G device lies in _.

1) Increase the temperature to stimulate and accelerate the patient's movement

2) Lowering the temperature to maintain the patient's vital rates

3) using air pressure to help unweight the patient✅

4) None of the above

56-Hand therapy doesn't focus on witch organs ?

1) feet ✅
2) shoulder

57- Hand therapists aren't trained ... ?

1) physics ✅
2) kinesiology
3) physiology
4) anatomy

58-Witch one is true?

1) hand therapy related to the upper limb . ✅

2) the first clinic of hand therapy opened in world war one
3) hand therapy just can be a component of physical therapy
4) hand therapy has 5 main courses

59-Which one of these devices offers zero- gravity assistance?

1- saeboflex.
2- saebosterch.

3- SaeboMas.✅
4- saeboglove.
5- saebostim pro.
60-What are the consequences of a stroke on our hands?
1- enhance and improve coordination.

2- occur of muscle weakness.✅

3- increase muscle tone.
4- increase physical abilities.
5- improve arm motion.

61- vestibular rehabilitation treats the following conditions except :

1- Traumatic brain injuries
2- Stroke

3- Rheumatism ✅
4- vestibular neuritis
62- The sensory system includes :
1- vestibular labyrinth in the inner ear
2- vision
3- skin , joints and muscles

4- all of the above ✅

63- From the aims of vestibular rehabilitation therapy ………. :
1- increase your risk of falling
2- decreasing of body strength
3- damaging of the balance
4- improve your ability to stabilize your vision
a) 1 and 2
b) 3 and 4

c) only 4 ✅
d) 1 and 3

64- in which cases you have to see a healthcare provider?

1- new or increased ringing in your ear
2- fluid coming from your ear
3- feeling comfortable without any pressure
4- a sudden change or fluctuation in hearing
a) 1 and 4
b) 3 and 4

c) 1,2,4 ✅
d) 1 and 3
65- your sense of balance relies on the relationship between : your central nervous system ( brain )
and your sensory system.

a) true ✅
b) false

66-Who invented lokomat robot?

- Gery colombo✅
- Gabriel Martinelli
- Alexander Arnold
- Bukayo Saka

67- who invented the first electric wheelchair?

-harry maguire
-Thomas Partey

- George klein✅
-Christian Eriksen

68- what are the side effects of biofeedback therapy?

- heart attack, panic

- anxiety, depression, headache ✅

- stomach pain and the flu
- pain in the bones

69- who invented VR therapy?

- Barbara Rothbaum✅
- Phil Fodenl
-John Stones
-Kyle Walker
70- when was the virtual reality invented?
- 1970

-1980 ✅
- 1950
- 2000

71 - which of these conditions would not be treated by a sports physiotherapist?

A- Depression ✅
B- Torn ligaments
C- Muscle strains
D- All of the above

72- Patients with which type of condition may be treated by a sports physiotherapist?
A- Matches injuries
B- Back Pain
C- Arthritis

D- All of the above✅

73- Prevent injury you should always ?

A- Warm up properly
B- Have appropriate fitness levels before playing
C- Wear the appropriate protective equipment

D- All of the above ✅

74- Which of these is not a common rugby injury ?

A- Hamstring strain
B- Ankle sprain

C- Tennis elbow ✅
D- Head injury

75- which of these is a common football injury?

A- Hamstring strain ✅
B- Dislocated shoulder
c- Slipped disc
D- Rotator cuff injury

76-Orthotics are a supportive device that help to “one of them is false”:

a) prevent injury.
b) Reduce pain.
c)Assist in rehabilitation.

d)Breath a pure air. ✅

77- What is conditions we use the orthotics? “one of them is not ture”
a) scoliosis
b) hammer toes
c) plantar fasciitis

d) when sleeping ✅

78- In prosthetics industry Transhumeral prosthetics is also known as

Below elbow
Below leg

Above elbow ✅
Above leg

79- How much energy a person is required to walk after getting a transfer transfemoral amputee?

80% ✅

80-Which of the following phrases is the correct definition for orthosis?

a)A orthopedic appliance✅

b)An artifical replacement
c)An artifical device used in medicine to replace a missing bodily part
d) b & c
81-When is the history of prosthesis related?


82-There are ……… stages of burn rehabilitation.

a) three
b) four
c) five

d) two ✅
83-Burn cause due to strong acids and detergents are called………….
a) thermal burns
b) radiation burns

c) chemical burns ✅
d) Electric burns
84-The burn side is red , painful , slight oedema , dry and has no blisters. This means that the burn
from ………….. - degree burns

a) first ✅
b) second
c) third
d) fourth
85-First - degree burns are called……….

a) superficial burns ✅
b) partial thickness
C) full thickness
d) fourth - degree
86-From the aims of the later stage of burn rehabilitation is …………..
a) respiratory care
b) prevention of oedema
c) prevention of pressure sores

d) scar management ✅

87-What is not the reason that Electrotherapy is mainly used in PTR for?

a) Relaxation
b) To increase local blood circuation
c) Muscle rehabilitation
d) Electrical muscle stimulation

e) Stop bleeding✅

88-What is not a Electrotherapy equipment?

a) electrodes and wraps

b) gels and sprays

c) band aid✅
d) Ultrasound
e) cords,plugs and adapters

89-What is not an therapy type in Electrotherapy?

a) electroacupuncture
b) shockwave therapy
c) interferential

d) massage✅
e) Therapeutic ultrasound

90- For which of the following medical issues should electrical treatments be avoided?

a) Epilepsy
b) pacemakers
c)metal plates in the body

d) all of the above✅

91- How mant electrodes are required for each electroterapy modality?



92- what is the conditions treated by pediatric rehabilitation?

A) cerebral palsy ✅
B) cold and flu
C) amnesia
D) depression

93- what does management of children with physical impairment require?

A) not identifying functional capabilities
B) not continuous care

C) selecting the best rehabilitation strategy ✅

D) not understanding the life course of the disability

94- What is the Botulinum toxin (BOTOX)?

A) injection for children

B) injection for pain relief ✅

C) injection for temperature reduction
D) injection made by a non professional

95- who can apply pediatric rehabilitation?

A) physiotherapist
B) nurse
C) occupational therapist

D) all of the above✅

96- who does pediatric rehabilitation cure?

A) adults

B) infants ✅
C) women
D) teenagers
97-Cancer is a :

C)Genetic malformation
D)blood contamination
E)All of the above
98- What are the symptoms of cancer :
A) Physical
B) Psychological
C) cognitive problems

D) All of the above ✅

E) None of the above
99- The goal of cancer rehabilitation is to:
A) Help you stay as active as possible and participate in work, family, and other life roles
B) Lessen the side effects and symptoms of the cancer and its treatment
C) Help keep you as independent as possible
D) Improve your quality of life

E) All of the above✅

100-which the most common psychiatric disorders are:
A) Depression
B) substance use disorder
C) sleep disorders
D) fatigue syndrome

E) All of the above ✅

101-What is the focus areas in cancer rehabilitation
A) Physical
B) Emotional
C) Social
D) spiritual

E) All of the above✅

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