University of Cambridge International Examinations International General Certificate of Secondary Education
University of Cambridge International Examinations International General Certificate of Secondary Education
University of Cambridge International Examinations International General Certificate of Secondary Education
PHYSICS 0625/31
Paper 3 Extended October/November 2013
1 hour 15 minutes
Candidates answer on the Question Paper.
No Additional Materials are required.
Write your Centre number, candidate number and name on all the work you hand in.
Write in dark blue or black pen.
You may use a pencil for any diagrams or graphs.
Do not use staples, paper clips, highlighters, glue or correction fluid.
At the end of the examination, fasten all your work securely together.
The number of marks is given in brackets [ ] at the end of each question or part question.
DC (NF/SW) 65162/6
© UCLES 2013 [Turn over
..................................................................................................................................... [1]
(b) Fig. 1.1 shows a graph of the stretching force F acting on a spring against the extension
x of the spring.
F /N
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80
x / mm
Fig. 1.1
(i) State the features of the graph that show that the spring obeys Hooke’s law.
............................................................................................................................. [1]
k = ................................................... [3]
(iii) The limit of proportionality of the spring is reached at an extension of 50 mm. For
Continue the graph in Fig. 1.1 to suggest how the spring behaves when the Use
(iv) Another spring has a smaller value of k. This spring obeys Hooke’s law for
extensions up to 80 mm.
On the grid of Fig. 1.1, draw a possible line of the variation of F with x for this
spring. [1]
[Total: 7]
It reaches a speed of 24 m / s in 60 s.
(b) The train now travels with a constant speed of 24 m / s along a straight, horizontal track.
The total force opposing the motion due to friction and air resistance is 7.2 × 104 N.
(i) By considering the work done by the train’s engine in 1.0 s, calculate its output
speed of 24 m / s.
............................................................................................................................. [3]
[Total: 9]
3 (a) (i) Write down the names of three man-made devices in everyday use that depend, For
for their action, upon the moments of forces. Examiner’s
1. ...............................................................................................................................
2. ...............................................................................................................................
3. ...............................................................................................................................
(ii) Fig. 3.1 shows a uniform rod AB acted upon by three equal forces F.
Fig. 3.1
1. ...............................................................................................................................
2. ...............................................................................................................................
(b) Fig. 3.2 shows a uniform rod PQ, supported at its centre and held in a horizontal position. For
The length of PQ is 1.00 m. Examiner’s
1.00 m
0.30 m
12 N S
Fig. 3.2
A force of 12 N acts at a distance of 0.30 m from the support. A spring S, fixed at its
lower end, is attached to the rod at Q.
............................................................................................................................. [1]
[Total: 7]
4 (a) State the energy changes that take place when For
(i) a cyclist rides down a hill without pedalling, Use
The total mass of the brakes is 4.5 kg. The average specific heat capacity of the
brake material is 520 J / (kg °C).
Calculate the rise in temperature of the brakes. Assume there is no loss of thermal
energy from the brakes.
5 One side of a copper sheet is highly polished and the other side is painted matt black. For
The copper sheet is very hot and placed in a vertical position, as shown as in Fig. 5.1. Use
copper sheet
matt black side polished side
Fig. 5.1
A student places her hands at equal distances from the sheet, as shown in Fig. 5.1.
(a) Explain
............................................................................................................................. [1]
............................................................................................................................. [1]
..................................................................................................................................... [2]
(c) It is suggested that one side of the copper sheet cools to a lower temperature than the
other side.
..................................................................................................................................... [2]
[Total: 6]
© UCLES 2013 0625/31/O/N/13 [Turn over
6 (a) Complete the following statements by writing appropriate words in the spaces. For
The pressure of a gas in a sealed container is caused by the collisions of Use
An increase in the temperature of the gas increases the pressure because the
The force on the wall due to the gas is the pressure multiplied by the ..........................
(b) A mountaineer takes a plastic bottle containing some water to the top of a mountain.
He removes the cap from the bottle, drinks all the water and then replaces the cap, as
shown in Fig. 6.1.
On returning to the base of the mountain, he finds that the bottle has collapsed to a
much smaller volume, as shown in Fig. 6.2.
............................................................................................................................. [2]
(ii) At the top of the mountain the atmospheric pressure was 4.8 × 104 Pa and the For
volume of the bottle was 250 cm3. Examiner’s
Calculate the volume of the bottle at the base of the mountain where the pressure
of the air inside the bottle is 9.2 × 104 Pa. Assume no change of temperature.
[Total: 7]
Fig. 7.1
Straight wavefronts are produced at the left-hand end of the tank and travel towards a
gap in a barrier. Curved wavefronts travel away from the gap.
(i) Name the process that causes the wavefronts to spread out at the gap.
............................................................................................................................. [1]
(ii) Suggest a cause of the reduced spacing of the wavefronts to the right of the barrier.
............................................................................................................................. [1]
(iii) State how the pattern of wavefronts to the right of the barrier changes when the
gap is made narrower.
............................................................................................................................. [1]
(b) Fig. 7.2 shows a wave travelling, in the direction of the arrow, along a rope. For
2.4 m
Fig. 7.2
(i) Explain why the wave shown in Fig. 7.2 is described as a transverse wave.
............................................................................................................................. [1]
[Total: 7]
8 (a) Describe an experiment that shows how a magnet can be used to produce a current in For
a solenoid by electromagnetic induction. Sketch and label the arrangement of apparatus Examiner’s
you would use. Use
..................................................................................................................................... [3]
(b) Fig. 8.1 represents a transformer with primary coil P and secondary coil S, wound on an
iron core.
iron core
Fig. 8.1
(i) State what happens in the iron core as a result of the alternating current in P.
............................................................................................................................. [2]
(ii) Tick the box next to the correct description of the current in S. For
higher frequency a.c. Use
rectified d.c.
(iii) Coil P has 50 turns of wire, an applied voltage of 12 V, and a current of 0.50 A.
Coil S has 200 turns.
[Total: 9]
(ii) the resistance R and the cross-sectional area A of a wire of constant length.
230 V
Fig. 9.1
(c) Lamp Y has a filament made of the same metal as the filament of lamp X in (b). For
This filament has half the length and one-third of the cross-sectional area of the filament Use
of X.
[Total: 7]
10 (a) Fig. 10.1 shows an electron beam travelling, in a vacuum, towards the space between a For
pair of oppositely-charged parallel plates. Examiner’s
+ + + + + + + + + +
– – – – – – – – – –
Fig. 10.1
On Fig. 10.1, draw carefully the path of the beam between the plates and in the space
to the right of the plates. [2]
(b) The screen of a cathode-ray oscilloscope (c.r.o.) has a grid of 1 cm squares. Fig. 10.2
shows the trace of an alternating voltage on this screen.
1 cm
1 cm
Fig. 10.2
(i) A potential difference of 5.0 V across the Y-plates of the oscilloscope moves the
spot on the screen a vertical distance of 1.0 cm.
Use Fig. 10.2 to determine the maximum p.d. across the Y-plates.
(ii) The spot on the screen takes 1.0 ms to move 1.0 cm horizontally. For
From Fig. 10.2, determine the time for 1 cycle of the waveform on the screen, and Use
[Total: 6]
............................................................................................................................. [1]
(ii) a thermistor.
............................................................................................................................. [1]
(b) Fig. 11.1 shows a circuit that switches on a warning lamp when the temperature in an
oven falls below a set value.
Fig. 11.1
(i) why the warning lamp is on when the temperature in the oven is below the set value,
............................................................................................................................. [4]
............................................................................................................................. [1]
[Total: 7]
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