This document illustrates the allocation and apportionment of overhead costs across departments A, B, C, and D. It shows the total overhead costs, cost allocation bases, and the overhead costs allocated to each department for various overhead items like indirect materials, indirect labor, rent, repairs to plant, depreciation of plant, lighting expense, supervision, insurance of stock, employees insurance, power costs, and employee personal costs. The total overhead costs allocated come to 19,050,000 and are broken down by department as 7,249,000 for A, 5,133,000 for B, 2,767,000 for C, and 3,901,000 for D.
This document illustrates the allocation and apportionment of overhead costs across departments A, B, C, and D. It shows the total overhead costs, cost allocation bases, and the overhead costs allocated to each department for various overhead items like indirect materials, indirect labor, rent, repairs to plant, depreciation of plant, lighting expense, supervision, insurance of stock, employees insurance, power costs, and employee personal costs. The total overhead costs allocated come to 19,050,000 and are broken down by department as 7,249,000 for A, 5,133,000 for B, 2,767,000 for C, and 3,901,000 for D.
This document illustrates the allocation and apportionment of overhead costs across departments A, B, C, and D. It shows the total overhead costs, cost allocation bases, and the overhead costs allocated to each department for various overhead items like indirect materials, indirect labor, rent, repairs to plant, depreciation of plant, lighting expense, supervision, insurance of stock, employees insurance, power costs, and employee personal costs. The total overhead costs allocated come to 19,050,000 and are broken down by department as 7,249,000 for A, 5,133,000 for B, 2,767,000 for C, and 3,901,000 for D.
This document illustrates the allocation and apportionment of overhead costs across departments A, B, C, and D. It shows the total overhead costs, cost allocation bases, and the overhead costs allocated to each department for various overhead items like indirect materials, indirect labor, rent, repairs to plant, depreciation of plant, lighting expense, supervision, insurance of stock, employees insurance, power costs, and employee personal costs. The total overhead costs allocated come to 19,050,000 and are broken down by department as 7,249,000 for A, 5,133,000 for B, 2,767,000 for C, and 3,901,000 for D.
(ksh.‘000’) Overhead Total Cost Basis A B C D (ksh.’000’) Indirect 3,850 Allocated 950 1,200 200 1,500 Materials Indirect 3,300 Allocated 900 1,100 300 1,000 Labor Rent 2,000 Floor Area 750 550 450 250 Repairs to 1,200 Book value of Plant 768 216 144 72 Plant Depreciation 900 Book value of Plant 576 162 108 54 of Plant Lighting 200 Floor area (heat and 75 55 45 25 Expense lighting costs) Supervision 3,000 Number of 1,200 800 600 400 workers Insurance of 1,000 Book value of Stock 500 300 200 -- Stock Employees 300 Number of workers 120 80 60 40 insurance Power Costs 1,800 Technical estimates: 810 270 360 360 power consumption (kWh – kilowatt-hour) Employee 1,500 Number of workers 600 400 300 200 personal costs 19,050 7,249 5,133 2,767 3,901