The document outlines the split-up syllabus for Informatics Practices for grade 11 at RMG Maheshwari English School. It details the chapters and topics to be covered each month from April 2023 to March 2024. It includes the exam dates for pre-mid term in July, mid-term in October, post-mid term in January, and annual exams in March. The syllabus covers introduction to computer systems, databases, SQL, Python, data handling, flow of control, list manipulation, dictionaries, NumPy, and emerging trends.
The document outlines the split-up syllabus for Informatics Practices for grade 11 at RMG Maheshwari English School. It details the chapters and topics to be covered each month from April 2023 to March 2024. It includes the exam dates for pre-mid term in July, mid-term in October, post-mid term in January, and annual exams in March. The syllabus covers introduction to computer systems, databases, SQL, Python, data handling, flow of control, list manipulation, dictionaries, NumPy, and emerging trends.
The document outlines the split-up syllabus for Informatics Practices for grade 11 at RMG Maheshwari English School. It details the chapters and topics to be covered each month from April 2023 to March 2024. It includes the exam dates for pre-mid term in July, mid-term in October, post-mid term in January, and annual exams in March. The syllabus covers introduction to computer systems, databases, SQL, Python, data handling, flow of control, list manipulation, dictionaries, NumPy, and emerging trends.
The document outlines the split-up syllabus for Informatics Practices for grade 11 at RMG Maheshwari English School. It details the chapters and topics to be covered each month from April 2023 to March 2024. It includes the exam dates for pre-mid term in July, mid-term in October, post-mid term in January, and annual exams in March. The syllabus covers introduction to computer systems, databases, SQL, Python, data handling, flow of control, list manipulation, dictionaries, NumPy, and emerging trends.
SUBJECT: - INFORMATICS PRACTICES (065) GRADE: - XI EDUCATOR’S NAME: - RAVI KUMAR LAL Month Lesson / Chapter/ Topic Exam Date & Syllabus April – 23 (Working Days -20) May – 23 (Working Days -05) June – 23 CH.1 INTRODUCTION TO COMPUTER (Working Days -21) SYSTEM (SOFTWARE) CH.10 DATABASE CONCEPTS CH.11INTRODUCTION TO STRUCTURED QUERY LANGUAGE(SQL) CH.11 INTRODUCTION TO STRUCTURED QUERY LANGUAGE(SQL) July – 23 REVISION PRE MID TERM (Working Days -25) PRE MID TERM EXAMINATION EXAMINATION (10.07.23 CH.2 INTRODUCTION TO PYTHON TO 20.07.23) CH. 1,10,11 August – 23 CH.2 INTRODUCTION TO PYTHON (Working Days -24) CH.4 DATA HANDLING September – 23 CH.4 DATA HANDLING (Working Days -23) Ch.5 FLOW OF CONTROL October – 23 REVISION MID TERM EXAMINATION (Working Days -24) MID TERM EXAMINATION (09.10.23 TO 19.10.23) Ch.5 FLOW OF CONTROL CH. 1,2,4,10,11 November – 23 Ch.5 FLOW OF CONTROL (Working Days -07) December – 23 Ch.6 LIST MANIPULATION (Working Days -25) CH.7 DICTIONARIES REVISION January – 24 POST MID TERM (Working Days -24) POST MID TERM EXAMINATION (02.01.24 CH.8 UNDERSTANDING DATA TO 12.01.24) CH. 5,6,7 February – 24 CH.9 WORKING WITH NumPY (Working Days -25) CH.12 EMERGING TRENDS REVISION March – 24 ANNUAL EXAMINATION ANNUAL EXAMINATION (Working Days -23) (01.03.24 TO 13.03.24) CH. 5,6,7,8,9,12