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Social Impact of Covid-19

One of the social impacts of COVID-19 is its influence on healthcare. Two

main changes in healthcare include the providers’ experience of patient
care and delivery of care. With the start of COVID-19 pandemic, healthcare
workers struggled to keep up with an increase in demands, a reduced
capacity, increased stress and workload, and to lack of protective
COVID-19 changed the perception of patient care for providers. Research
about patient care during COVID-19 suggested that nurses, for example,
felt more confident in their skills and role in the healthcare team. Nurses
viewed their profession as essential and felt increased pride in their
services, as well as, patients and other healthcare workers gained a better
perspective of the nursing profession. The close contact and extensive care
nurses provided during the pandemic allowed them to appreciate the
nursing profession. Moreover, the research indicates that nurses achieved
professional growth, and uncovered a greater need to provide counseling
services for COVID-19 patients to help cope with their illness. Additional
research suggested a different progression to nurses’ caregiving during
COVID-19. Initially, nurses experienced negative emotions associated with
patient care such as increased fatigue and stressful emotions. Many nurses
found self-coping styles such as teamwork and altruism to combat their
fatigue. As the pandemic progressed, nurses developed a sense of
gratefulness and self-reflection as opposed to the negative emotions during
the initial stages of the pandemic.
Is it beneficial to learn a second language?
One of the most practical ways to make use of your spare time nowadays
is to start learning a new skill. People that always succeed are those that
are keen to learn something new every day - be it learning about other
cultures or learning a second language.
We live in a multilingual world, where connections are now more important
than ever. The world is becoming increasingly globalized and knowing a
second language can always give you an unfair advantage.
There are tangible benefits to being bilingual:

 It can help you in your career;

 It can improve your memory and brain functions;
 It can help increase your understanding of the languages you already

A second language can drastically change your career. Living in an

interconnected world means that more and more jobs are advertising
positions where knowing more than one language is essential.
As more companies trade internationally and create relationships with other
countries, employees are often asked to travel for work, enhance these
relationships, or be relocated abroad.
As more companies trade internationally and create relationships with
other countries, employees are often asked to travel for work, enhance
these relationships, or be relocated abroad.
Music has healing power
Music has the power to touch our souls, lift our spirits and heal. But can
music actually act as medicine?
Whether it’s used in hospitals or hospices, music can provide comfort for
those who are ill and help them cope with their illness. Music helps people
heal on a physical level by providing relaxation techniques that reduce
stress levels and improve cognitive function. It also provides emotional
healing by helping us express feelings of grief, fear or sadness which often
accompany hospital stays or end-of-life situations.
Let’s explore how healing music can be an invaluable tool in times of
need, as well as discuss live musical visits specifically designed to bring
joy into the lives of patients and families during difficult times.
Music has long been used as a source of comfort and solace in times of
distress. It can provide a sense of connection, support, and understanding
during difficult moments. The history of music in healthcare has shown that
music can reduce stress, anxiety, depression, and even chronic physical
pain. Listening to calming music can help people relax and focus on the
present moment.
Studies have also found that listening to music helps release endorphins –
hormones associated with pleasure – which further reduces stress levels
and may even aid in the healing process.
A growing number of people use the internet to stay informed and share millions of
posts, articles, and videos across platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube.
The rapid adoption of social media has led to a rise in information-sharing among users,
with fake news becoming a component of our digital daily routines. The spread of
misinformation is in part attributed to social media failing to verify the authenticity of a
news item. This makes it easy to share seemingly real images and videos which have
been skillfully manipulated. It is now well-known that misinformation has a significant
influence on public opinion and discourse.
The term fake news eludes to reports, images, and videos that are shared to
purposefully spread misinformation i.e. information that is factually incorrect. These
news items may appear authentic at first and attempt to attract attention, shock, or
shape opinions. Fake news can be created by individuals or groups who are acting in
their own interests or those of third parties. The creation of misinformation is usually
motivated by personal, political, or economic agendas.
The sharing of fabricated news to shape public opinion on certain topics is not a
recent phenomenon. Sensational headlines or political articles used to spread lies and
propaganda have been around since the emergence of print media. In times of digital
information exchange, fake news has become more of an online phenomenon that is
difficult to control. Fake news can reach high levels of visibility in a short amount of
time because it’s easy to share via social media and social bots.
Love is more powerful than hate
Hate is a feeling which many people try to avoid. However, it is normal to
feel hate towards someone who has done you harm. Love is an emotion
that we should all seek after. Love is what keeps societies together,
whether it is between people or animals.
In psychology, love is defined as an intense emotional attachment to
another person or thing. It is usually described as a positive feeling which
acts like a magnet to draw others close. Hate is a negative emotion that
drives us to act against others. It can be directed against a single person or
group. The opposite of love is not hate, but indifference. Hate is needed to
survive since it helps us protect ourselves from people who might do us
harm. Without it, humans would lose their sense of community and could
be killed off one by one.
In religion, love is often referred to as the "highest power".
Everyone is capable of hating. It needs a strong determination to
overcome such emotion. Love, on the other hand, is perplexing and, at
times, intricate to the point of appearing ethereal. Love is certainly the
strongest because hate is so easy to grasp while love is so difficult to
explain. Hate will forever remain hate. It's abrasive and damaging.
How can Online learning be fun?
Online learning has revolutionized education, providing learners with flexibility
and accessibility. However, ensuring that online learning is engaging and
enjoyable can significantly enhance the learning experience.
In this article, we will explore the benefits of incorporating fun into online
learning, discuss effective strategies to make it engaging, delve into the tools and
technologies that support fun learning experiences, highlight successful case
studies, and provide tips for implementation. Discover how online learning can be
transformed into an exciting and enjoyable journey.
Engaging students in online learning can be challenging, as they are not
physically present in a classroom setting. However, incorporating fun elements
into online learning can significantly enhance student engagement and motivation.
Students who find the learning process enjoyable are likelier to participate and
invest in their education actively. By capturing students’ attention and sparking
their curiosity, fun activities create a sense of excitement and eagerness to learn.
Moreover, fun in online learning helps combat the feeling of isolation that some
students may experience when studying remotely. The interactive and enjoyable
nature of fun activities fosters a connection between students and their virtual
learning environment. This connection creates a positive learning atmosphere
where students feel connected to their peers and educators, promoting a sense of
belonging and engagement.
Make Public Transport free?
There are a couple of economic arguments for making public
transportation free.

1. Cars impose a lot of costs on society that drivers don't pay for

2. Everyone benefits when people can travel around freely.

The technical term for the first one is "negative externality," and there
are two big ones associated with cars: pollution and congestion. Every
time you start your car and get on the road, you put mono-nitrogen
oxides, VOCs, ozone, and carbon dioxide in the air, and you make the
road more crowded and thus slower. These are real costs, measurable
in environmental damage, health care costs, and wasted time,
that other people have to pay for.

Economists like efficiency, and efficient economic systems are ones in

which people pay for costs directly, because then they can make
choices rationally.That's why economists and planners have been
fantasizing about congestion pricing for so long - in a well-designed
congestion pricing scheme, drivers actually pay more when they choose
a congested road. And if there were an additional tax on gas dedicated
to relieving air pollution and improving respiratory health (the existing
gas tax in the US only pays for roads) that would make drivers pay the
cost of pollution and also be economically efficient.

But in the absence of those, subsidizing public transit (which gets

people to drive less than they otherwise would) is kind of a second best

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