The Secretary of the Army has determined that the publication of this periodical is
necessary in the transaction of the public business as required by law of the
Unless otherwise stated, whenever the masculine or feminine gender is used, both are
Note: Any publications (other than CALL publications) referenced in this product, such
as Army Regulations (ARs), Field Manuals (FMs), and Technical Manuals (TMs), must
be obtained through your pinpoint distribution system.
Front Cover: U.S. Army Paratroopers assigned to the 173rd Brigade Support Battalion, 173rd Airborne Brigade, and
Slovenian Armed Forces conduct a convoy during vehicle recovery training as part of exercise Lipizzaner V at Pocek Range
in Postonja, Slovenia, Mar. 13, 2019. Lipizzaner is a combined squad-level training exercise in preparation for platoon
evaluation, and to validate battalion-level deployment procedures. The 173rd Airborne Brigade is the U.S. Army
Contingency Response Force in Europe, capable of projecting 2 ready forces anywhere in the U.S. European, Africa or
Central Commands' areas of responsibility. (U.S. Army photo by Paolo Bovo).
Introduction: This news from the front is the result of a CALL study analyzing recent
exercises in Europe that determined common interoperability areas for improvement.
When operating with a European based multinational force, what are the NATO
Standardization Agreements (STANAG) for interoperability? After identifying areas for
improvement, CALL conducted a review of NATO STANAGs and publications to
address those issues. This publication informs the force of NATO STANAGs to consider
enabling success in the next multinational exercise.
Multinational operations is the future of the US Army and a driving force for meeting the
challenges with near peer adversaries on the European continent. The new Field
Manual (FM) 3.0, Operations, provides the doctrine describing the fundamental
principles and overarching guidance for conducting operations as part of a joint force. It
is the U.S. foundation setting the base for tactics, techniques and procedure across
U.S. Army doctrine and supports the Army Campaign plan.
In addition to FM 3.0, the Army Campaign Plan strengthens alliance and partnership
efforts, addresses conditions to win in a multinational theater, and supports efforts to
improve multinational interoperability. Multinational exercises are a means to train, test,
and improve alliance and partnership interoperability. Multinational exercises are not a
new concept for Western Europe.
NATO was established on April 4, 1949 by the signing of the North Atlantic Treaty to
provide security against the Soviet Union with founding member nations of Belgium,
Canada, Denmark, France, Iceland, Italy, Luxembourg, the Netherlands,
Norway, Portugal, the United Kingdom, and the United States. Today there are 29
nations1 with the newest member Montenegro joining in 2017. Return of forces to
Germany (REFORGER) exercises were the capstone NATO exercise to test
multinational interoperability with the first one in 1968 and the last major REFORGER
exercise in 1993 primarily with Germany based units.
In order to facilitate interoperability between U.S. forces and NATO partners, NATO
developed standardization agreements (STANAGs) and doctrinal publications to
provide a common set of guidance for all NATO nations. Currently there are 1,184
STANAGs and doctrinal publications.
Chapter 1: Request NATO restricted access
The NSO is a web-based system that serves as the official source of NATO
standardization documents, non-NATO standards, and repository of standards-related
information. It also provides users with a tool to search for and retrieve ratification
The NSO is accessible through two platforms. The NSO public and protected website
are a means for maximizing the distribution of NATO standardization documents.
The public site is at and will provide a list of STANAGS and
Publications; however, many of the STANAG links when clicked will return a “This
document is not publicly available.”
For segregated data and information that is not publically releasable on the internet,
access must be requested as depicted in the screen shot above. Click the “Request
Access” link and follow the prompts. You must request access to view the NATO
documents which are protected from public view.
Chapter 2: NATO STANAGs
Mission Command
Publication # Title Summary
Allied joint doctrine for non- Recognizes the sensitivity to political considerations,
2180 ED 2 article 5 crisis response and the prominent role of non-military entities, both
operations governmental and non-governmental.
Provides a common basis for understanding
command and control doctrine applicable to NATO
Command and control of
2199 ED 3 land forces including decision-making, targeting
Allied land forces
process, staff structure, duties, and responsibilities,
and liaison duties.
Builds mutual understanding among the Alliance
NATO handbook of land members and other multinational partners for a
2248 ED 2
operations terminology compilation of definitions for an expanded set of
terms that focus on land operations.
Contributes to interoperability by providing a
Allied doctrine for
common basis for the identification of operational
2525 Ed 1 communications and
user needs and for the design and procurement of
information systems
systems, structures and equipment related to CIS.
Provides the NATO forces with a common doctrine
on standard procedures for the employment of air
Allied joint doctrine for air and space capabilities in joint air operations.
3700 ED 8
and space operations Enhances the employment and interoperability of
NATO air resources in joint air operations and
enhance effective operational planning.
Defines information exchange requirements for the
interoperability of NATO low-level ground-based air
Interoperability of low-level defense command, control and information
ground based air defense systems before the establishment of an interface. It
4312 Ed 2
surveillance, command, is intended to achieve interfaces between the low-
and control systems level ground-based air defense command centers
of each nation in message requirements and
passage of information.
Participating nations agree to use the standards
specified in this STANAG for interoperability of their
Tactical communications tactical communications systems. TACOMS is
(TACOMS) phase 1 based on transparency of user applications and
4643 Ed 1 does not generally specify these applications.
connection oriented
However, in order to obtain user interoperability on
network protocols
a minimum set of services, TACOMS specifies a
set of common user services for voice, video and
transparent data.
This STANAG is implemented by a nation when the
tactical system in that nation's forces is compliant
Tactical communications
with other NATO systems. The naming strategy will
(TACOMS) Phase 1
4644 ED 1 be based on the hierarchical organization of the
connectionless network
deployment. Four levels have been identified in the
hierarchy: Corps, Divisions, Brigades and Battle
Standardizes the air traffic Safety Management
NATO standard for air Systems (SMS) used in NATO led deployed
4720 ED 1 traffic management safety operations. The principles of SMS shall apply to all
management system safety-focused organizations regulated by NATO,
the air traffic management committee (ATMC) and
its subordinate working groups, panels and teams.
Defines the interface for network interconnections
Standard for based on internet protocol version 4 (IPv4)
interconnection of IPv4 between NATO nations or between NATO and a
5067 ED 1 networks at mission secret nation. Identifies areas that must be mutually
and unclassified security negotiated to achieve network interconnection. The
levels. interconnection is intended for a static non-mobile
Standardizes a set of network agnostic
specifications that assures that the equipment sets
Secure communications
5068 ED 1 up communications in a unified manner, after which
interoperability protocol
a secure communication between the terminals can
be negotiated and established.
Provides guidance and direction for integrating
Allied joint doctrine for
2518 ED 2 information operations into the planning, conduct
information operations
and assessment of operations.
Standardizes and consolidates air reconnaissance
Air reconnaissance report forms for reporting and presenting
3377 ED 6
intelligence report forms intelligence information derived from air
reconnaissance and sensor imagery.
Serves as a reference for the requesting, planning
Air reconnaissance
and reporting of intelligence from air
3596 ED 6 requesting and targeting
reconnaissance. This agreement is appropriate to
reporting guide
all sensor types and platforms.
Lists recommended practices regarding a unified
approach to the protection and hardening of all
NATO implementation of NATO military platforms, systems and equipment
unified protection against (hardware) against electromagnetic environmental
4567 ED 3
electromagnetic effects (E3) caused by the plethora of
environmental effects electromagnetic environments (EMEs) that these
platforms, systems and equipment are subjected
NATO intelligence, Promotes interoperability for the exchange of
surveillance and tracking data among NATO intelligence,
4676 ED 1 surveillance, and reconnaissance (ISR) systems.
reconnaissance tracking
standard Recommends a set of best practices and technical
implementation guidance for managing track data.
NATO intelligence, Recommends a top-level architecture which will
surveillance and provide a context and structure for the STANAGs
4777 ED 1 under the purview of the joint capability group on
architecture intelligence, surveillance, and reconnaissance and
other NATO interoperability initiatives.
Defines the detection, collection, fusion,
Air surveillance and ground identification and dissemination of air surveillance
5535 ED 1 based Sensor information data gathered from (active and passive) military
exchange and civilian ground-based sensors needed to
support a single standard, ensuring interoperability.
Artillery systems cooperation activities (ASCA)
interface definition and to outline the procedures to
Field artillery and fire be used for configuration management. Fire control
2245 ED 1 support data messaging standard which consists of message
interoperability formatting rules, message structure, message
content and handling rules for the data which has
been transmitted.
Describes both the automatic transmission of
Artillery procedure for formatted messages and the use of voice
2432 ED 1 automatic data processing communications between national systems and
system interoperability supports all levels of conflict and operations
although primarily designed for warfighting.
Establishes the common doctrine and instructions
2484 Ed 3 NATO fire support doctrine governing allied fire support in the framework of
joint fire support (JFS).
Provides guidance to tactical and operational staffs
within a joint force command, as well as to the joint
force component commands, on planning and
Allied doctrine for ground conducting ground-based air defense (GBAD) in a
2618 ED 1
based air defense theatre of operations to protect deployed NATO
military forces and assets from hostile air attack,
and to eliminate or minimize incidents, including
Standardizes requirements for the development
Adoption of a standard
and publication of tabular firing tables for artillery
4119 ED 2 cannon artillery firing table
and appropriate mortar cartridges in both complete
and abridged formats.
Procedure to determine the Agreement standardizes a step-by-step procedure
degree of interchangeability for the determination of the degree of
4425 ED 2
of NATO indirect fire interchangeability of NATO indirect fire
ammunition ammunition.
Standardize NATO armed forces procedures
applicable to the request, issue, receipt,
NATO standard for mutual reimbursement and documentation for logistic
2034 ED 7
logistic assistance support in the form of supplies and services
provided in international logistic assistance in
peace, operations, crisis or conflict.
Enhances interoperability and operational
effectiveness in the delivery of medical support to
Allied joint doctrine for
2228 ED 3 Allied operations through reduction of duplication
medical support
of effort among NATO nations and operational
partners in the medical domain.
Describes principles, concepts, and guidelines
that apply to logistical support to military Land
2406 ED 7 Land force logistic doctrine Forces in preparation for deployment to,
sustainment in and redeployment from an area of
Medical information Standardizes the collection and reporting of
2481 ED 2
collection and reporting medical information by NATO nations and forces.
Improves coordination and cooperation among
NATO nations and operational partners in the
Allied joint medical domain of medical support to allied operations by
2542 ED 2
planning doctrine adjusting the introduced medical planning
procedures to the current operational-level
planning publications.
Focuses on role 3 multinational medical units
(MMU). It has become apparent that MMU will
Guideline for a more often than not be the optimal choice in
2552 ED 3
multinational medical unit providing health support to operations, especially
given NATO’s current and near future operational
Describes how medical communications and
information systems can support medical
Medical communications command and control, serve as an interface for
2562 ED 1
and information systems the exchange of health information and allow
clinical health data to be transmitted between
Describes timely and safe aeromedical
evacuation of sick and wounded personnel from
3204 ED 8 Aeromedical evacuation
one member nation by aeromedical personnel
and/or aircraft of another member nation.
Standardizes the quality of the medical materials
required to ensure that aeromedical evacuation
Recommended medical (AE) of casualties can be performed securely,
7112 ED 2 equipment for aeromedical from a medical and an aeronautical standpoint,
evacuation during forward, tactical or strategic AE, in order to
facilitate the exchange of comparable information
between nations.
Describes the fundamental aspects of military
Allied joint doctrine for
2238 ED 3 engineering and provides guidance for planning
military engineering
and conduct in support of joint operations.
Relevant to the alliance and it is intended to
provide insight and guidance concerning Military
Allied joint doctrine for
2296 ED 2 Policing for commanders, staff and planners when
military police
designing and conducting MP operations and
Enables nations to conduct joint operations with
Allied joint doctrine for
2451 ED 5 coordinated chemical, biological, radiological and
CBRN Defense
nuclear defense.
Chapter 3. NATO Publications
NATO Publications
Mission Command
Publication # Title Summary
Introduces new tools, additional clarity and
Directive for the production, flexibility for the production and maintenance of
maintenance and NATO standardization documents. Provides advice
management of NATO and detailed guidance on several aspects which
standardization have been identified as critical to effective and
efficient standardization within the Alliance.
The body of NATO Agreed terminology changes
constantly. All terminological entries are followed
by a date, (year, month, and day), indicating when
NATO glossary of terms they became NATO agreed and inserted in AAP-
and definitions 06. Since this NATO glossary is only published
once a year, the user is advised to consult the
NATO term database for the most up-to-date
Enhances mutual understanding among NATO
members and other multinational partners in areas
such as command and control, logistics,
peacekeeping operations, crisis response
NATO handbook of land
AAP-39 operations, etc., across the entire continuum of
operations terminology
operations, from peacemaking to general war. This
handbook cannot and does not presume to
encompass the totality of terms currently employed
within the NATO land community.
Addresses the elements that make up a
terminological entry for a particular concept, such
as terms, abbreviations and definitions, notes and
AAP-77 NATO terminology manual examples. This manual does not address symbols,
codes, formulas, icons, pictures, diagrams or other
graphic representations, although they may appear
in terminological entries.
Defines the activities, necessary organizational
structures, accountabilities, policies and
procedures by which safety management is
undertaken ensuring that all safety risks have been
NATO standard for air
AATMP-01 identified, assessed and satisfactorily mitigated.
traffic management
Operational necessity may restrict the ability to
totally mitigate a safety issue; however, efforts to
mitigate any risk shall be made to ensure that the
risk held is as low as reasonably practicable.
Establishes a NATO networked enabled capability
Secure communications (NNEC) that is robust and secure and composed of
AComP-5068 interconnected individual national networks and a
interoperability protocol
federation of networks such as the future mission
networks (FMN).
Capstone doctrine for allied joint operations. It
explains the strategic context for such operations
and focuses on the underlying philosophy and
fundamentals of joint operations. Provides
AJP-01 Allied joint doctrine commanders and staff with a common framework
for understanding the approach to all NATO
operations. It also provides the principles and
general guidance to plan and conduct campaigns
and operations.
Defines purpose and coordinated actions which are
military and contribute to a broader approach
including non-military actions. Operations are
conducted through the art of directing,
Allied joint doctrine for the
AJP-3 coordinating, controlling and adjusting the actions
conduct of operations
of forces to achieve specific objectives. These
operations normally involve capabilities provided by
maritime, land, air, space, cyber, special operations
forces and other functional forces.
Information operations doctrine is intended for
NATO forces, and provides a useful framework for
operations conducted by a coalition of NATO
partners, non-NATO nations and other
organizations. Interoperability between NATO
Allied joint doctrine for
AJP-3.10 nations is based upon NATO standardization
information operations
agreements and publications. This provides
guidance and direction for integrating info ops into
the planning, conduct and assessment of
operations enhancing interoperability between
NATO nations.
Describes the fundamental principles and various
types of operations initiated outside the mandate of
Article 5 and highlights considerations relevant to
Allied joint doctrine for non-
the successful conduct of these operations. In
AJP-3.4 article 5 crisis response
particular, this publication recognizes the sensitivity
to political considerations, and the prominent role
of non-military entities, both governmental and non-
Principles of a joint C2 structure that is understood
at all levels required to facilitate the clear, timely,
Allied doctrine for and secure distribution of guidance/orders,
AJP-6 communications and situation reports, and coordinating information.
information systems Because the structure of a NATO-led force will
likely be joint and combined in nature, contributing
capabilities to a coalition should be considered.
Reception staging and onward movement is the
stage of a deployment at which deploying forces,
consisting of personnel, equipment and materiel
Reception, staging, and
arrive in the joint operations area. Because arriving
ATP-3.13.1 onward movement
troops are not ready for employment, RSOM and
Integration must take place for the forces to be
capable of meeting the joint force commander’s
operational requirements.
Provides C2 doctrine applicable to NATO land
forces organizations. This publication includes the
Command and control of
ATP-3.2.2 previously agreed decision-making process,
allied land forces
targeting process, and the staff structure, duties,
and responsibilities.
Describes how CAS and AI are conducted in
overall campaign strategy and the specific
circumstances of the conflict. Such factors
Tactics, techniques and
including but not limited to available assets, enemy
ATP- procedures for close air
disposition, phase of the operation, whether
support and air interdiction
surface combat is also occurring, our degree of
control of the air, and the need to support, or be
supported by, surface forces.
Ground-based air defense resources are an
integral part of the NATO integrated air and missile
Allied doctrine for ground defense system and an important deployable
ATP- 82
based air defense option for out-of-area operations. All policy,
conceptual, operational, and tactical aspects are
described in this document,
Describes the NATO intelligence, surveillance, and
NATO intelligence, reconnaissance (ISR) interoperability architecture
surveillance and which defines how NATO and national
reconnaissance reconnaissance and surveillance assets within the
interoperability joint capability group area of responsibility will
achieve interoperability.
Delivers an initial capability to use tracking
information to support situational awareness for
operating in today’s dynamic warfighting
NATO intelligence,
environment. Facilitates gathering the technical
surveillance and
AEDP-12 and management experience necessary to identify
reconnaissance tracking
and integrate additional sensor sources and fusion
techniques, and to move beyond situational
awareness into more advanced mission capabilities
in the future.
Describes unified approach to the protection and
hardening of all NATO military platforms, systems
NATO implementation of
and equipment (hardware) against electromagnetic
unified protection against
AEP-41 environmental effects caused by the plethora of
electromagnetic environments that these platforms,
environmental effects
systems and equipment are subjected to during
their deployment life.
When the automatic interface is used, all operators
will continue to complete data fields in their national
Artillery procedure for languages with the exception of free text entries in
AArtyP-03 automatic data processing messages. The interface can support all languages
system interoperability for free text, but English is normally used. The
supported nation should define a mutually agreed
language for free text messages.
Provides the artillery commander and his staff a
conceptual framework and a “common language”
for the planning and execution of fire support within
AArtyP-5 NATO fire support doctrine his concept of operations. It is not the intention to
restrict the authority of the commander. He
organizes the forces assigned to him to execute
operations as he deems appropriate.
Describes counter-air operations to achieve a
desired, or necessary level of control of the air,
through the destruction, degradation or disruption
Allied joint doctrine for
AJP-3.3.1 of enemy aircraft and missiles, in order to allow all
counter air operations
friendly forces greater freedom of action, whilst
minimizing their vulnerability to detection and
Inventory of projectiles continues to grow. Dual-
purpose improved, conventional munitions and
projectiles with both anti-personnel and anti-armor
NATO indirect fire
mines as well as base-burn projectiles are being
AOP-29 Part 1 ammunition
developed and will be added to the existing rocket-
interchangeability 155 mm
assisted projectiles already in their inventories. The
emphasis is increasingly on interoperability with
more range and effectiveness on target.
Mortar systems are the simplest, most efficient way
to put weight of fire on the enemy and as such are
NATO indirect fire used in significant numbers during most
AOP-29 Part 2 ammunition operations. This increases the importance of
interchangeability Mortar interchangeability and the need for comprehensive
interchangeability documentation for these
The 105mm caliber artillery weapon is primarily
used in mountain, air-mobile and airborne
NATO indirect fire
operations. Considerable numbers of 105mm
AOP-29 Part 3 ammunition
caliber artillery weapons remain in NATO
interchangeability 105mm
inventories, though many date back to the early
fifties and are US in origin.
Keystone NATO doctrine for the conduct of joint
operational logistics and medical from preparation
AJP-4 Allied joint logistic doctrine to termination. Builds on the principles described in
NATO joint doctrine and it is the foundation
doctrine for the logistic series.
Focuses on providing logistical support doctrinal
guidance for the land component command and
subordinate formations in preparation for
ALP-4.2 Land force logistic doctrine
deployment to, sustainment in, and redeployment
from, an area of operations regardless of the level
of command across the full spectrum of conflict.
Appropriate medical support makes a major
contribution to both force protection and morale by
Allied joint doctrine for the prevention of disease, rapid evacuation and
medical support treatment of the sick, wounded and injured and the
return to duty of as many individuals as possible.
Health is a key force multiplier of fighting power.
Outlines the military medical procedures and
responsibilities governing the preparation,
approval, implementation and review of operations
plans to enable a common approach to planning
Allied joint medical
AJMedP-1 medical operations during massive article 5 war,
planning doctrine
with huge numbers of casualties including potential
CBRN casualties, to smaller, more localized
operations such as peacekeeping and peace
Standardizes the terminology, procedures, training
and equipment used in the aeromedical evacuation
of sick and wounded personnel, in order to facilitate
AAMedP 1.1 Aeromedical evacuation
safe and timely transport of patients of one NATO
nation by aeromedical services of any other NATO
Establishes qualitative guidelines with respect to
Recommended medical the medical materials required to ensure that
AAMedP 1.20 equipment for aeromedical aeromedical evacuation (AE) of casualties can be
evacuation securely, performed, during forward, tactical or
strategic AE.
Describes the medical information management
system needed at both the strategic and
operational levels identifying emerging
Medical communications
AJMedP-5 requirements. System must be able to address
and information systems
medical information management in an operational
setting and incorporate the approach described
within the NATO defense planning process.
Collection of relevant medical information is the
responsibility of all personnel, but particularly
Medical Information health services personnel. This publication
collection and reporting describes the standardized general MEDINFO
report form and the hospital data sheet documents
guiding medical information’s collection.
Outlines the definitions, command and control,
jurisdiction, medical considerations, logistics and
other support, finance, claims, security and other
Guideline for a
AMedP-9.2 general principles concerning the responsibilities of
multinational medical unit
participants regarding the relevant procedures,
sustainability and multinational manning of the
multinational medical unit.
Plans, procedures and activities in preventing
chemical, biological, radiological and nuclear
AJP 3.8 Allied joint doctrine for CBRN defense incidents, protection of forces, territories and
populations against, and recovering from
CBRN incidents and their effects.
Demands for engineer support are likely to
exceed capacity so the approach to providing
AJP Allied joint doctrine for military
engineer support has always been inherently
3.12 engineering
comprehensive bringing diverse resources to
bear to achieve the mission.
Assists the force generation process by
identifying the MP support capabilities
Allied joint doctrine for military police available among NATO member nations.
Recognizes the varying capabilities that exist
between member nations.
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